San Joaquin Lifestyles Jun 2012

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The Magazine For San Joaquin County



June/July 2012 ■

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roger Coover

PUBLiCaTiOn DireCTOr Deitra r. Kenoly

The Magazine For San Joaquin County


Carrie sass


GraPHiC DesiGners

chool is out. vacations are planned.

the weather is beautiful.


professional golfers select (page 18); and fun family summer programs at local golf clubs. and summer just isn’t summer without baseball. Check out lori gilbert’s column about what’s happening at billy hebert Field (page 48). and then there’s our Delta – whether you have a gorgeous multimilliondollar private yacht (page 36), or you gather

From movie nights with family and friends

a group of friends for a cocktail cruise and

in your very own backyard (page 9), to a quick

dinner with stockton yacht Charters, our Delta

day trip to santa Cruz (page 42), to great

is a summertime favorite.

community theatre nestled in the vineyards at

and for all of us – as we are enjoying the

Jessie’s grove in lodi (page 15), our weather

backyard pool, the beach, hiking, camping

beckons us outdoors.

and other outdoor activities – be thoughtful

Father’s Day is just a few weeks away, so we’re highlighting one of dad’s favorites – golf:

Jason ente Dan loeffelbein

COnTriBUTinG wriTers barbara Daly Matt Davies laurie eager Charleen earley Jennifer torres

Joan heffernan lori gilbert Coleen root James alwine


Cesar larios Janda M. Palmer amy Phipps

helen ripken arturo vera Michael eager

of protecting your skin. hats, sunscreen and cover-ups are essential choices!

famous tournaments such as the Us Open at

however you choose to spend your

the Olympic Club (page 54); great golf clubs

summer vacation, i hope you have a blast with

right here in stockton (page 59); wines the

those you love most. enjoy! — Carrie xOxO

Please continue to forward story ideas to: SASS! Public Relations 2972 W. Swain Road #228, Stockton 95219; or call: 209-957-7277; or email: lifestyles is published six times a year by the record, 530 e. Market steet, stockton, Ca 95202. all information written for publication in lifestyles is believed to be accurate. readers must assume all responsibility for their own actions based on this information. Occasionally a product or company may be named in an article, but does not constitute an endorsement of said product. lifestyles assumes no responsibility for claims made by advertisers. Photos and content become the sole property of lifestyles and may be used, published or edited without limit or obligation to the author. Copyright 2012. all rights reserved. reproduction is prohibited without the permission of the publisher. For more information, go to


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On the cover: David McDonald and Chelsey Milirides on Casino royale, stockton Marina PHOTO BY arTUrO Vera




House of shaw


WinE sPiriTs

15 Jessie’s grove WinE CriTiC

18 golf & wine

Living WiTh sTyLE



Backyard BBQs

20 nakashima golf



iT's A grEEn Thing reDo, new & Used PHOTO BY CESAR LARIOS




36 Casino royale 57 stockton

yacht Charters

COmmuniTy sPOTLighT

40 Cancer society EsCAPEs

42 santa Cruz



47 Dexter sPOrTing LiFE

Our CuLTurE

48 billy hebert Field 54 Olympic Club 59 golf Courses

The Korean Community


sCEnE And BE sEEn

stockton Chapter Links PHOTO BY AMY PHIPPS

sCEnE & BE sEEn


WeDDinG Venues

24 UOP hall of Fame

52 lady bugs

44 Pops & Picnic

56 spring boutique luncheon

gO reD event

46 Child abuse high school 58 st. Mary’s high school latina luncheon


women’s Center luncheon

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introducing the people behind this issue of lifestyles

Jennifer Torres

Jennifer Torres moved to san Joaquin County from her southern California hometown in 2004. since then, she’s gotten married, bought a home and had a baby. she loves that through writing about the many cultures that make up our Valley community, she has the opportunity to hear – and share – so many amazing family stories.

Lori Gilbert i’ve written for The record since 1985, spending the first 22 years as a sportswriter before venturing out of the ballparks and into the features section, which we call Lens. Because i had written a column for so many years, my editors wanted me to continue writing a column. The topic was wide open. i could write about anything i wanted and over the past three years i’ve been able to unearth stories about the people, the places and the past that make this community special. i look forward to writing similar stories for Lifestyles.

Barbara Daly “i love being able to write about people and places in san Joaquin County. Through my video production company, Daly Video services (, i have had the privilege of meeting and writing about some of the area’s finest citizens and organizations. My articles with Lifestyles have been a wonderful extension of that. i feel blessed to know so many terrific and caring people in this community. My husband is a reporter at news10 and our daughters went to st. Mary’s High school. nearly a day goes by that we don’t have a ‘six degrees of separation’ experience!”

Charleen Earley i love writing about a county that is so rich in culture, talent and beauty; it makes my job as a writer that much easier. i was a stocktonian for almost six years, and have been writing for The record for over 10 years. My favorite subjects to cover are people, places and things, of which my son says, “nouns, mom, nouns!”

Laurie Eager i love writing and thoroughly enjoy being a part of Lifestyles magazine. each assignment is an opportunity for me to make a new friend in our community, and to share all that is great in san Joaquin County with others. There is a rich diversity here in the heart of California that offers unequaled opportunities to explore destinations from mountains to sea, a myriad of cultural events, fabulous foods from every corner of the world, and a deep-rooted connection to our agricultural heritage. i feel lucky to live here!

COrreCtiOns the address and phone number for bamas biscookies was incorrect in the april 2012 issue. bamas biscookies 209-607-0836 186 Adams Street • Stockton


an international affair, February 2012 issue written by Jennifer torres was an introduction about the various sister Cities connected to the City of stockton. Photos used in the story were taken at “the international Faire – a Kaleidoscope of Cultures,” an event organized and sponsored by the asaba sister City group. the evening provided a conduit for cultural interactions through customs, foods, music, dance, exhibits and film. For further information about asaba contact

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stOry by laUrie eager PhOtOs by MiChael eager anD JanDa PalMer


arm summer nights under a starlit sky… Our amazing san Joaquin Delta weather beckons us to

invent reasons to stay outside longer. how about inviting a group of neighbors and friends to relive the nostalgic days of the drive-in movie theatre right in your own backyard? it’s easier than you think. the basic necessities are a DvD player (or your laptop computer), speakers, an lCD projector and a screen. you can rent the equipment (see box), but you may also find it possible to borrow a projector from your workplace. Play up the charm factor by creating your own screen with an old white sheet or painter’s canvas strung between a couple of trees or hanging on a fence. stir up excitement with a clever invitation, or simply post an announcement on your favorite social media site.



l i v i n g

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Try a new twist on everyone’s favorite movie snack: • Salted butter with dark chocolate drizzle • Freshly grated Parmesan cheese • Sea salt and minced rosemary • Fresh lime juice, coarse salt and chili powder • Mini caramel and chocolate chips with chopped peanuts

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What movie night would be complete without popcorn and snacks? Set up a snack bar with jars of movie candy and funPHOTO BY janda palmer

flavored popcorn. Fill an old tub, a child’s wagon, or a planter box with ice to hold sodas, waters and beer. You can ask your guests to bring a beach chair or towel to sit on. Or pull out old quilts and blankets to spread on the grass or wrap up in if the Delta breeze turns chilly. Pick a classic, crowd-pleasing flick, invite your friends, relax and let the magic happen.

The enticing aromas of a wood-fire, melting cheese, torn basil leaves and savory meats set the stage for a backyard pizza party that guests of all ages will love. Let Nick and Shelly Guantone, owners of Guantonio’s Wood Fired Cuisine provide the perfect atmosphere with their authentic wood-burning clay pizza oven from


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italy brought directly to your home. their pizzas are the real thing. nick, who holds a certificate as an authentically trained italian pizza chef, uses old family recipes for homemade sauces, pesto and hand-kneaded dough. toppings are the freshest available – locally farmed produce in season, meats, and homemade mozzarella. the guantones can suggest several delicious combinations to tempt your friends, or you can come up with your own unique pizzas. Once the oven is hot, crisp pizzas are ready in minutes. the guantones work within your budget to create an experience to remember for your guests. besides pizza, they can roast just about anything in their portable oven. recent party menus include beef shank, a selection of hearty hors d’oeuvres, and a whole pig. a pizza party is a fun way to commemorate a birthday, graduation, or other special occasion, but you don’t need a reason to invite a taste of authentic italy into your backyard. beginning June 7, you can sample the guantones’ pizzas at the lodi Farmer’s Market every thursday evening. ❑

PHOTO BY janda Palmer

MOVie niGHT essenTiaLs FrienDs


PHOTO BY janda Palmer



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s a v O r

House of Shaw

Legacy Continues E

by Charleen earley PhOtOs by aMy PhiPPs

stablished in the ’70s, house of shaw espresso Café is not

only one of the oldest establishment off Miracle Mile, it’s also one of the best places in stockton for a cup of java and creamy bagel. nestled behind Cocoro, the café was opened and named after Frieda shaw. it offers over 35 flavors of fresh coffee beans and specialty teas (fresh leaves only), bagels, croissants, gourmet sandwiches, homemade pastries, lebanese cuisine, and for the health-conscious palates – vegetarian specialties.



s a v o r

Current owners since 1990, Marzouka

café. She’s been happy ever since.

sometimes they’ll bring in their Tupperware containers to take home when they have a

and husband Sam Sulaiman have done

“I love the people and the regulars who

exceptionally well to not only keep true to the

have been coming here since the ’70s. I can

coffee shop’s history and integrity, but also to

talk and joke with them,” said Marzouka,

Open six days a week, closed on Sundays,

the menu and its loyal customers.

mother of four boys, one of whom works at

House of Shaw also serves beer and wine,

the café. “Some customers who came here as

along with falafel on Fridays and Saturdays.

kids are now bringing their own children!”

Prices are more than affordable, but the kicker

“We still carry the same amazing coffee from when the café opened by Frieda, along with Turkish coffee you can’t hardly find

Using only fresh ingredients, farmer’s

anywhere,” said Marzouka, who came to

market produce, everything made from scratch,

Stockton at age 11 from her hometown of

nothing canned and no creams, Marzouka

Sherhel, north Lebanon.

takes pride in knowing her customers deserve

As a House of Shaw customer when she


is, once you taste their coffee and carrot cake, you’ll become a lifelong customer. ❑ House of Shaw Espresso Café 227 Dorris Place

only the best.

was a teen attending Franklin High School,

“Our customers are number one,” she

Marzouka had no idea she’d one day own the

said. “They love my chicken soup so much that

209-948-4300 Monday-Saturday: 8 am to 5 pm

Owners Marzouka and Sam Sulaiman


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g r a p e v i n e

Jessie’s Grove Winery “The older the vine, the more complex the flavor becomes.”

Story by Michelle Machado PHOTOS BY AMY PHIPPS



g r a p e v i n e


he history of Jessie’s Grove Winery is as rich

as the fertile soil in which its vineyards are planted. In 1868, German immigrant Joseph Spenker arrived in Stockton fresh from the gold fields, where his claim never panned out. He had 27 cents in his pocket. A decade later, Spenker owned 1,500 acres of San Joaquin Valley farmland. His holdings included a Lodi ranch with a 32-acre oak grove, later named in honor of his daughter, Jessie. That oak grove, which became the community center for Lodi and Stockton, continues to be a gathering place – now for winery-hosted events. “We’re keeping that history alive,” said Spenker’s great-granddaughter, Wanda Bechthold. Changing Faces Theater Company productions


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g r a p e v i n e

have become a mainstay of the winery’s

addition to entertainment: Its museum –

summer line-up.

housed in a mid-1800s barn overshadowed

“The outdoor setting is perfect for summer

by the old oaks – features historic farming

theater,” said company artistic director Mike

equipment used on the ranch, along with


photos of the machinery in action.

In July, Bartram and Sabrina Willis will co-

Theater- and concert-goers can also enjoy

direct an adaptation of Treasure Island that

a selection of Jessie’s Grove wines that are

adds historically accurate female pirates to the

served in its circa 1870s tasting room daily from

traditionally male-dominated cast.

noon to 5 pm. The winery produces varietals theater

that include cabernet sauvignon, carignane,

company has 75 to100 members, mostly youth

chardonnay, petite syrah and zinfandel – some

whose ages range from seven to twenty-

from vineyards planted more than 120 years

something. “It a huge endeavor, but it all





works,” Bartram said.

“Our emphasis is on our heritage vines,”

This summer, the winery also will host its

said owner and winemaker Greg Burns, who is

annual “Groovin in the Grove” concert series.

Bechthold’s son. “The older the vine, the more

Artists include American roots musician Shane

complex the flavor becomes.”

Dwight, country band Whiskey Dawn, classic rock group Renegade, electronic guitarist Tom

Bechthold shares his pride in a viticultural history that runs five generations deep.

Rigney and Flambeau, and the Black Irish Band,

As she surveyed the ancient vines planted

celebrating the music of Ireland, Scotland, Italy

beyond the oak grove, she said, “When I come

and America.

out here, I feel my ancestors are still alive.” ❑

The winery offers a bit of education in

Changing Faces Theater Company’s Treasure Island July 11-13 and 19-21 Jessie’s Grove Winery 1973 W. Turner Road, Lodi $40 includes dinner, dessert, pre-show (featuring younger performers, age 7-12) and main show (Treasure Island) Box office: 209-327-2754 open beginning June 25 Show information: Mike Bartram 209-747-8043 Winery information: 209-368-0880

Golf& Wine E

very Dad has his day and it is coming up soon. as Father’s

Day approaches, many of us will be searching for that perfect gift. Dad

it is no wonder that some professional golfers have entered the

already has a closet full of ties and a drawer full of socks. aftershave is

wine business. winemaking, like golf, requires patience and discipline.

downright boring. two pursuits that do inspire passion in many a father

wine is a beverage that is not rushed. it is sipped slowly. like reading

are golf and wine. these seem unrelated, but are they that different?

the contours of a golf course, the more you pay attention to the wine

golf has incredible allure. even for beginners, the smell of the grass, the fresh air and camaraderie delivers a pleasurable experience.


sharing a bottle invites conversation and sometimes discussion.

you are tasting, the more rewarded you will be. today you can find some excellent wines directly connected to top golfers.

every game is different. every shot is different. through all the game’s

greg norman has 91 career victories, and has won the british

frustrations golfers are given hope with that one great shot. Maybe it is

Open twice. he became interested in wine while playing in europe,

the perfect chip out of the sand. Maybe it is the sinking of the 25-foot

but drew true passion from the wines of australia and California.

putt. For some it is breaking 100.

surprisingly, norman brought his australian zeal for syrah to California.

wine, too, has an elusive 100-point score. winemakers strive for

greg norman reserve syrah is from Camatta hills in Paso robles. if

that perfect rating from the wine world’s top pundits. wine enthusiasts

you haven’t heard of Camatta hills, don’t worry. south of Monterey,

often get lured into collecting by tasting these high-scoring wines

new wine regions are emerging every year. syrah and Pinot noir have

and then seek out the same pleasures with other wines. every wine is

found a home from santa lucia down to santa barbara. we will most

different, and infinite potential food matches make the treasure hunt

certainly see more world-class examples coming from these Central

all that more exciting. More than other beverages, wine is very social.

Coast vineyards. greg norman’s syrah is deep cherry red in color, with

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aromas of black fruits, blackberry and hints of chocolate. This Syrah is not over-the-top, and has a firm backbone with a great fruit balance. The wine sells for about $45.00. From the other side of the globe, Ernie Els has a similar passion for wine in his native South Africa. They have been making wine in South Africa since the 1640s, which is about 100 years before the first rules of golf were scribed. In 1999 Els embarked on his South African wine venture. Ernie is quoted as saying that “wine is like golf – in both endeavors, nature has the last ruling.” Even though South Africa is known for Chenin Blanc and the obscure Pinotage grape, the nation’s true treasures are its Bordeaux blends. Consequently, the top wine from the winery is Ernie Els Signature, a red blend. The composition of the wine is 57% Cabernet Sauvignon, 28% Merlot, 5% Petit Verdot, 5% Cabernet Franc, 5% Malbec. This will probably cost you about $100.00, but isn’t Dad worth it? The wine itself is sensational. It has rich black fruits and rich, full-bodied texture. David Grieve is not a professional golfer but you can often find him playing like one at Sonoma Golf Club, Olympic Club, or Santa Rosa’s Mayacama Golf Club. Grieve’s other passion is wine. He makes one of the most complex Sauvignon Blancs in California from the coolest part of the Napa Valley. Lovell Valley is nestled above Carneros on the backside of Mount Veeder. You can only get to Grieve’s property from Sonoma, yet it is considered part of Napa Valley. It is hard to get anything in the area to properly ripen. Grieve grows mostly Sauvignon Blanc, but he also makes a very unique Merlot-based Meritage Blend. Double Eagle, named after the rarest shot in golf, is 58% Merlot and 42% Cabernet Franc. The wine is layered, silky with a bit of spice on the mid-palate. It drinks like a world-class Saint Emilion. Double Eagle is truly a rare find, as there are only 240 cases produced. You will probably need to special-order this from the winery or your local wine shop, and expect to pay about $65.00. Whatever you do for Dad this Father’s Day, make it memorable! ❑

Sommelier Matt Davies is the owner of Le Bistro Restaurant in Stockton.

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maximizing your game stOry by barbara Daly


olf is known to be an oft-times

frustrating sport. there are just so many things that can go wrong when attempting to make contact with that tiny dimpled ball.


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as an avid golfer, stockton native John nakashima recognized the importance of custom-fit golf clubs in improving one’s game. in 2004 he invented the first adjustable Driver with removable head and shaft technology to be placed on the Usga Conforming Driver list. after meticulously diagnosing a golfer’s swing, this technology enables a club fitter to assemble the ideal driver to suit an individual’s various needs. “there isn’t anything about our equipment that we cannot adjust, and there isn’t any limit on the amount of time we are willing to spend with a customer to make sure they are 100% satisfied,” said John. John and co-owner Jim nesbitt are so confident of their top-of-the-line service and cutting-edge technology that they offer a +15 yard guarantee with all nakashima drivers. word has spread ,and golfers come in to stockton’s nakashima golf studios from all over the world to get custom-fit clubs. recently, 2 businessmen from Japan were getting fitted. by the time they left, they had


clubs that would make them the envy of their country club. later in the day, a roseville woman arrived. as a recent retiree, she felt she had perfected her game to the best of her ability, but she just needed to get the perfect clubs. this was not an unusual day at nakashima studios because as John says, a typical client is, “any golfer who wants to play their best.” as demand for nakashima clubs has grown so has the business. nakashima golf studios can be found in san Jose, Palm Desert, and two locations in China. “all too often golfers blame themselves for their bad shots. if you are using golf equipment that doesn’t fit you, a good swing will most likely produce a bad result,” said John. Perhaps that tiny dimpled ball has finally found its match! ❑

PICK YOURS UP TODAY! STOCKTON LOCATIONS • CVS Pharmacy • Safeway • S-Mart Foods • Smart & Final • Podesto’s Market & Deli MANTECA LOCATIONS • CVS Pharmacy • Rite Aid • Savemart LATHROP LOCATION • Savemart

TRACY LOCATIONS • CVS Pharmacy • Safeway • Savemart • S-Mart Foods LODI LOCATIONS • CVS Pharmacy • Savemart RIPON LOCATION • Savemart

Angie Guzman Age: 46 Occupation: Sales & Catering Manager How long I’ve lived in San Joaquin County: Stockton, all my life What I like most about San Joaquin County: The diversity of its residents The people who mean the most to me: My husband, my children, and my wonderful friends. Favorite SJ County place to take friends when they come to visit: I love showcasing the Haggin Museum and hosting friends at the shows put on by the Bob Hope Theatre. A key event in my life and the impact it had on me: beginning my career in hospitality, since it brought a great stream of clients that became wonderful friends One thing I want to accomplish while I am able: to help Stockton continue to become a wonderful place to raise a family, by bringing in conventions and visitors that will in turn bring in much-needed money to the city. Favorite sports team: 49ers! Even during the re-building years! Favorite vacation destination: Hawaii, since that is where my grandchildren live. Pet: I have none to call my own, but both my daughters are in college, so their pets live with us. Lola is a beautiful Yorkie, and “Benny the Cat” belongs to our youngest daughter, so they are our “furry” grandchildren. Favorite food/dessert: Prime rib when prepared correctly. I “give back” by volunteering: I have served on the boards of the San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber, Stockton Downtown Rotary, and am a member of the Latin American Lead Association. Other information you would like to share: I am happily married to Mariano Guzman and have 3 adult “children”: Martin, age 33, Jennifer, age 27, and Silvia Christina, age 21, as well as 3 grandchildren.


i am

san Joaquin PhOtO by aMy PhiPPs

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s C e n e

a n D

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Ha  Fame & Hono Dinner

s e e n


PhOtOs by helen riPKen

University of the Pacific held their 2011-12 hall of Fame & honors Dinner on april 21 at the alex g. spanos Center. the evening celebrated the accomplishments of prominent members in the UOP family. a delicious dinner was catered by angelinas, and all honorees and attendees enjoyed the evening.

Mary, brittany and Chris lloyd

A steve spiro, sally DeMoss, Joe Dietrich

and Dennis nugent



Jeff ellis, luci lagrimas and suzi sutton


tod and yvette Davis


D tom stubbs and Doris Meyer




GO RED PhOtOs by helen riPKen

Danelle gallo, Doreen bestolarides and Delores Fiori

the american heart association held its 7th annual go red event on april 27 at the hilton in stockton. a silent auction, beauty, wine and health expo was held in the morning, and a delicious hearthealthy luncheon was served. Margo Murphy was the keynote speaker.

A Casey Frederick, Cricket santos, A

Maria Cook, antoinette backus and eva lime


Debbie armstrong, lisa richmond and Julie whitehouse


Janelle nelson and erica west

D Julie thomas, amy Pijl

and barbara thomas C




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Kathy Morrissey and Margo Murphy

O U r

C U l t U r e

small but Powerful

Members of San Joaquin County’s Korean community strive to share their culture and beliefs stOry by JenniFer tOrres


n a sunday afternoon at bansuk

while small in size, the local Korean

show that Koreans were living here even

Presbyterian Church, a predominantly Korean

community has been large in influence, and

in the early 1900s – many worked as sugar

congregation in north stockton, andy Jun

many of its leaders hope their culture and

beet farmers. in 1918, a group of Korean

stood to pray.

values will be shared even more widely in the

immigrants dedicated a church in Manteca.

“as… the year is drawing to an end, let us continue this passion,” said Jun, a University

stOCKtOn bansUK Presbyterian ChUrCh MissiOn teaM tO MexiCO 2011.

today, bansuk and churches like it remain

years ahead. according





hubs of Korean-american cultural life. although





of the Pacific pharmacy student who is

estimates, there are 1,300 Koreans in san

originally from los angeles. For many young

Joaquin County, representing less than 1

dominant religion in south Korea, Christianity

adults, the mid-spring service would be their

percent of the total population. while the

grew explosively there in the 1970s and ‘80s.

last together until a new academic year starts

most significant wave of Korean immigration

now, south Korea is a leader in the number of

in the fall. “lord, we thank you for providing

to California came in the years following the

Christian missionaries it dispatches each year,

such a great place for worship. sometimes we

Korean war, records compiled by members

and the city of seoul boasts one of the world’s

take it for granted.”

of the san Joaquin County historical society

largest Christian churches, yoido Full gospel





Church, which seats as many as 25,000 at a

community. Every year around Christmas,


Bansuk hosts a public open house called

At Bansuk, Sunday services disperse into

“Peace and Glory Night,” and throughout the

large community meals, featuring Korean food

year, church members volunteer at homeless

and conversation. Pastor Paul Shim, who leads

shelters and other service agencies. During the

Bansuk’s English-language ministry, says he is

summer, dozens participate in a mission trip

grateful the church can provide a warm “home

to Mexico.

away from home,” especially for out-of-town

“We have become stable as a church,” Shim says. “Now, what do we do to serve?”

students. “A lot of our kids grew up in the Korean

In addition to sharing their faith, many

church,” Shim says. “They feel comfortable

local Koreans also hope to spread their

here. You gravitate toward your language,

culture, says Young Pak, who alongside her

your culture, your people.”

husband, Kenneth Pak, owns Seoul Soon

But with that comfort comes risk, he says. “It’s hard to branch out.”

Dubu restaurant on Stockton’s Miracle Mile. Born in South Korea, Pak and her husband

Shim hopes to see the church (its head

moved to California more than 20 years ago,

pastor is the Rev. Jason Hong) become

initially settling in the Bay Area. About nine

more actively engaged in the surrounding

years ago, they came to Stockton and opened

Pastor jason hong and church members serve the health and spiritual needs of people in ox kutzcab, mexico


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Local koreans wearing historial royal costumes and traditional fan dance attire.

Sorabol restaurant in the Sherwood Mall. Two

says, “I don’t have many Korean customers.”

“After they eat my food, they become

“A lot of my customers don’t know

more interested,” Pak says. One customer

anything about Korean food, Korean culture

even taught himself to make kimchi, a Korean

Moving from a community with a very large

until they come to my restaurant,” she says.

condiment made of fermented cabbage mixed

Korean population, to one where Koreans are

She takes seriously her role as ambassador,

with vinegar, chili peppers and other spices.

a decided minority has been challenging at


He returned to give her a sample.

times, Pak says. As the restaurant’s chef, she

decorating the restaurant’s dining room with

still has to travel to San Jose or Sacramento

Korean art and posters featuring Korean pop

to buy ingredients for some dishes. Also, she

music groups.

years ago, they opened Seoul Soon Dubu, which specializes in traditional Korean food.




“He did a good job,” Pak says. “I so enjoyed that.”

a korean language and culture school meet on saturdays at the bansuk church





FOREIGN RELATIONS In March, a new free-trade agreement between the United States and South Korea took effect. Under the agreement, nearly 80 percent of U.S. consumer and industrial exports became duty-free as of March 15. The freetrade is especially significant for local farmers – tariffs on agricultural exports such as raisins, almonds and wine have been eliminated. Consul General Jeong Gwan Lee represents the government of the Republic of South Korea from his office in San Francisco. Among other responsibilities, the Consul General meets with local government officials and business leaders to promote trade with South Korea.

FIRST TASTE New to Korean food? Young Pak, chef and co-owner of Seoul Soon Dubu at 2041 Pacific Avenue on Stockton’s Miracle Mile, has some suggestions: Clay pot bibimbap: rice topped with sautéed vegetables, beef and an egg Barbecue short rib: Short ribs marinated in a sweet and savory sauce Beef bulgogi: Thin strips of sirloin, consUl general jeong gwan lee and his wife mrs. jong ran park.

marinated in a mix of soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic, ginger and other spices before grilling. a traditional meal of soup, rice and side dishes of vegetables

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s P O t l i g h t

Wedding Venues


hatever your style, whatever your budget -

there are lovely wedding venues throughout san Joaquin County to say your "i Do's". here we've featured a few beautiful backdrops that range from casual, beach ambiance - where bermuda shorts and sandals would be the appropriate attire - to the most elegant, traditional


exquisite, traditional stained glass windows, dark woodwork, and large stone columns make Morris Chapel one of the most desirable places in stockton to get married. the University of the Pacific, with brick climbing ivy and rose-lined walkways, creates the perfect, picturesque setting for a wedding.

Morris Chapel 209-946-2011

ceremony. walk down the aisle with us.....



Loc a l

Spo t l i g h t

A Tuscan Ambiance RIVER MILL

The River Mill is a hidden gem that was built in 1873, and is a longstanding part of the community. Located in French Camp, The River Mill has many options for indoor and outdoor weddings surrounded by lush landscape, followed by a reception in one of several unique Tuscanstyle rooms. Working directly with the River Mill wedding coordinator adds a personal touch, handling each and every detail from catering to floral arrangements.

The River Mill 209 983-9114



The moonlight on the river. The sand at your feet. Eagal Lake is a perfect setting for a beach wedding – without having to leave the Valley. Options are plentiful to create the setting you have always dreamed of. With the beautiful white sand beach overlooking the river and a sprawling lawn area for seating guests, Eagal Lake is designed for the casual, fun, beach atmosphere with a sexy touch of elegance. Located just east of Tracy, this special wedding venue is located on the San Joaquin River.

Eagal Lakes 209-477-4543 PHOTO COURTESY OF EAGAL LAKES


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Nestled in the country just outside of Lodi is Oak Farm Vineyards, the perfect setting for a country wedding. A classic white barn, tasting room, gorgeous oak tree, lake, and phenomenal historic setting on 33 gorgeous acres of land, – it’s ideal for the couple that loves to be outside surrounded by vineyards and a picture perfect sunset.



The beautiful landscape and historic buildings at Wine & Roses in Lodi offer a variety of quaint venues for both the ceremony and reception. The wedding garden provides plenty of room for seating surrounded by botanical gardens and deodar trees, while the Garden Ballroom is a beautiful indoor setting. An award-winning facility, Wine & Roses will make your day extraordinary.

Wine & Roses Contact 209-371-6117 PHOTO COURTESY BRIGGS PHOTOGRAPHY



i t ’ s


g r e e n

t h i n g


eenagers are all about it. tv shows such as Pawn

stars, american Pickers and storage wars are the season’s

most popular. and it’s not uncommon to hear the chic-est fashionista bragging about that sassy little beaded purse she found in grandma’s attic.



I t ’ s

Old is new again.

Just my type 34


g r e e n

t h i n g

Is it the downturn in the economy that is driving this new trend? Is it the earth-friendly ‘go-green’ sustainable attitudes? Who knows? Whatever it is, re-doing, re-newing and re-using is popular! AND it can save you a lot of money.

Old typewriters and cameras make great display pieces, especially if you can display quaint accessories and books with them. On the previous page, the camera is stacked on vintage advertising, etiquette and homemaking books.

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I T ’ S




Wornout wood

Grab bag Beaded. Leather. Interesting little details. These tag-sale treasures are a perfect accent piece to that great new outfit. Regular visits to secondhand stores in Stockton, such as Superior Thrift or the Discovery Shop, are the key to finding good quality items.

Let’s play dress up. Costume jewelry, especially anything from the ’40s and ’50s, is just plain cool. When you’re not wearing it, simply keep in a vintage bowl on your coffee table. Vintage clip-on earrings also make great tablecloth weights for those breezy backyard parties. Wherever you use them, they make for an interesting conversation piece.

When the balcony railing was replaced on the beautiful Magnolia Mansion (doctor’s house) at University Park where the State Hospital used to reside, I was thrilled to gather up a few of the old, weathered spindles. Now resting on a mantle with a faux candle, they make a nice grouping with other architectural pieces.

Vintage and highly collectible enamelware pieces are still functional and add such an eclectic flair to any room. The big washtub is perfect for laundry detergent. The soup pot with lid for dog biscuits. And quaint little pitchers? Find one at a garage sale, another at the flea market and yet another at the thrift store… Pretty soon you’ll have enough different styles and textures to display on that little shelf or hutch.

Grandma’s cupboards lifestyles



On The

Owner David McDonald


James Bond


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t’s sleek, stylish, suave and oh so stunning

to see on Stockton’s waterfront. Just in from vacationing in Genoa, Italy the Casino Royale is calling downtown Stockton’s marina home for the next year. The James Bond themed super yacht is decked out with all the accouterments of one who’s used to having it all, whether on land or sea. From the marble flooring and countertops to the Mahogany cabinetry and coffered ceilings there is no detail on this yacht that has not been infused with opulence and James Bond style. In fact, the elegant winding staircase with its frosted glass panels are etched with silhouettes of Bond girls. Is it coincidence (or just a cool fact) that the yacht is owned by retired Fresno area CEO and business owner David McDonald who made his fortune in the surveillance camera industry. The builder of such incredible luxury yachts, John Staluppi names and crafts each of his yachts after a Bond movie. Moonraker, Thunderball and The World is Not Enough are some of the fastest super yachts in the world. The Casino Royale is his largest and most


ornate. Arriving in Stockton in late March, McDonald, his girlfriend Chelsea, and the

d Style lifestyles

yacht’s permanent 10-person crew were given a warm welcome. “I am thrilled to now have the Casino Royale so close to home. I really enjoy the California Delta. The outstanding hospitality extended to us by the Stockton Marina and the city of Stockton is greatly appreciated,” said McDonald.


e l i t e

f l e e t

Since retiring 3 years ago McDonald’s made

onyx and marble, bronze and gold fixtures and

a couple trips to the Mediterranean aboard the

etched glass. The master suite includes a spa tub

Casino Royale; definitely one of his favorite

and double sized steam shower.

locales. But when it comes to marinas he rates

Overstuffed couches under an ornate

Stockton at the top. “I’ve been to a lot of docks

chandelier in the main saloon take luxury on

around the world that were not as well designed.

the high seas to a new level. Plush conversation

This is a state of the art marina, very nice. The only

areas abound on every deck whether surrounding

thing missing was shore power for super yachts.”

a jacuzzi, a bar or black jack tables. The Casino

But McDonald took care of that for Stockton

Royale is poised for extravagant fun.

and future super yachts that may want to visit

High on the top deck, a glossy fully stocked

our shores. In a complicated feat of engineering

bar now faces the Hotel Stockton. The sun’s

and considerable expense McDonald put in the

setting rays toss hues of orange and purple

needed shore power for his 163 foot luxury yacht.

against the rippling waters, and if you listen

The 4 level floating palace has 6 sumptuous

closely you may just hear, “Vodka martini;

staterooms each with decadent bathrooms of


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shaken, not stirred.” ❑


Spo t l i g h t

of Gift Hope



merican Cancer Society is the

This year marks a year of celebrations

support the fight against cancer through the

official sponsor of birthdays. As a global

and milestones for the American Cancer

sale of high-quality, gently-used, donated

grassroots force of more than three million

Society Stockton Office and Discovery Shop.

merchandise. This year they will be honoring

volunteers, we fight for every birthday

The organization will be hosting the 25th

three local volunteers for 25 years of volunteer

threatened by every cancer in every community.

anniversary of the Moonlight Gala being

service with the Discovery Shop in Stockton.

The American Cancer Society save lives by

held on July 14 at the Ford Estate. This

These volunteers include Tommy Mendoza, Vicky Gribaudo and Lorraine Butcher. The Discovery Shop is currently in need of gentlyused clothing, jewelry, collectibles, furniture, and antiques. All donations made to the Discovery Shop are tax-deductible, and funds raised go back directly to the American Cancer Society. Last year, the American Cancer Society Stockton Field Office provided information and services to over 1,800 patients and caregivers in San Joaquin and Calaveras Counties. The American Cancer Society provides information, day-to-day help, and emotional support to people with cancer and their families. All of the information and services provided by the American Cancer Society are free of charge. ❑

Items displayed at the Discovery Shop


helping people stay well by preventing cancer

event has raised over $1.5 million for the

or detecting it early; by helping people get

Society over the past 24 years. Other local

well by being there for them during and after

events include Relay For Life, Making Strides

a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through

Against Breast Cancer and Daffodil Days, in

25th Anniversary

investment in groundbreaking discovery; and

which all of the funds help support efforts in

Moonlight Gala • July 14, 2012

by fighting back, by rallying lawmakers to

research, advocacy, education and services.

Ford Estate • Lodi

pass laws to defeat cancer, and by rallying

The American Cancer Society Discovery

communities worldwide to join the fight.

Shop, located on Alpine Avenue, also helps

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el eg a n t l i f e s t y l e s


e s C a P e s



stOry by JOan heFFernan


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colorful wings.

f you grew up in a family that vacationed

really sparkles. So much is going on in Santa

at the beach, chances are you went to Santa

Cruz besides b and b (beach and boardwalk).

For foodies, the cuisine has vastly

Cruz. There were Tahoe vacationers and Santa

Between the Municipal Wharf and Natural

improved. Cellar Door, located in the Bonny

Cruz vacationers. Santa Cruz has grown up in

Bridges State Park are 2.5 miles of paved

Doon Winery complex on Ingalls, offers the

the last 25 years, but it still holds the allure

pathway following the ever-twisting coastline.

freshest produce and inspired preparations,

of the beach and boardwalk. Few amusement

Waves pound, there’s a surfer’s museum in

as does Oswald’s, downtown on Front Street.

parks offer free admission, a view of the rolling

the historic Mark Abbot Memorial Lighthouse,

These fine dining restaurants were unavailable

surf and rides with prices that are affordable.

every degree of surfing prowess on display,

years ago. La Posta on Seabright Avenue

That clack, clack, clack of the vintage roller

and finally, Natural Bridges State Park, offering

boasts rustic Italian fare, and on Sunday nights

coaster and the carousel music of the merry-

tide pool exploration and Monarch butterflies

the kitchen highlights one of Italy’s numerous

go-round are classical sounds to grown-ups

hanging in seemingly tattered bunches from

regional cuisines. Soif, downtown, is a sister

who waited breathlessly as children for their

park trees. A boardwalk leads the observer

restaurant worth a visit as well.

parents to finally say, “It’s boardwalk night.”

to an observation spot to see these beautiful

Santa Cruz has come into the 21st

Both attractions are not only still there

creatures peel off from their “bunches,” and

century in every way. Give it another try

and running, but they’ve been maintained and

open their wings to the sunlight dazzling the

when temperatures here rise and the salt air

upgraded as time has required; the boardwalk

onlooker with their numbers and spectacularly

beckons. ❑



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Concert Oh, î Żaî?Ś a Night! POPS & PICNIC

PhOtOs by helen riPKen

the stockton symphony held its annual Pops and Picnic Concert on april 28. the evening was a collection of billboard hits of the 1960s, and included broadway vocalists along with the stockton symphony. attendees enjoyed the fundraiser, delicious dinner and night at the alex g. spanos Center.

harvey williams and gary Putnam

A richard and Mikey Kamienski A



reed and Donna roberts, rick wohle, glenn whipple and Frank tomek


Phil Kolodziej, Patti hawkins and Paul walker

D nancy erwin, Dr earl tayloe, Joan salter

and etoile holmes E C



Karen volkert, lisa hill, Jackie geweke and theresa taimalelagi

Sc e n e

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Pvention Council Auxiliary

PhOtOs by helen riPKen

Julie ebenhack, nina and samuel gonzalez

Child abuse Prevention Council auxiliary held their annual Founder’s Day Dinner, and honored the recipient of the 2011 sandra butler smith Memorial award on april 20. the award was given to Julie ebenhack to honor her dedication and commitment to the children of san Joaquin County. A ryan neal, greg ebenhack, Maliyah neal,

Julie ebenhack, alissa and Chris Price



Peggy Massey, wendy and thom Foulks, lydia beget and greg smith


nancy bojko, bJ stewart and nan Chavez


D Deone Jacobo, roxanne Cimarrustti

and Kim Denevi C




PhOtOs by helen riPKen

rocio beltran, Julia amante,guillermina valencia and Maria valencia

the latina luncheon was held Friday, May 4 at the stockton golf and Country Club. the luncheon was held by el Concilio, and proceeds from the event support scholarship programs for students in san Joaquin valley. A alejandra rocha and Kiya hazewood




alex Drollenger, sheryl lewis and tom Mchugh


arili baltazar, Maricela Diaz, griselda gonzalez and gabby santillan

D back row: stephanie torres

and Jose Desantiago. Front row: gregrio rios, Carmen torres and leticia Desantiago C




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E heather lea Fogle, rich McDonald

and Cecilia salcedo

Wag Tales Joaquin dogs

Dexter I am a: Doberman Pinscher Where I’m from: Woodbridge Favorite place to hang out: On mom’s lap! I also like to lie in front of the oven when it’s on. Most amazing trick: Acting like a person Most recent accomplishment: Getting trapped in the shower Favorite dogpark or place to play/ roam/walk: Anywhere birds fly… I like to chase them! Guilty pleasure: Sleeping in bed with my parents Naughtiest deed: I’m so tall it’s easy for me to steal food from the kitchen counter. Mom has caught me a couple times. Whoops! Favorite treat: Pig ears from Carter’s Pet Mart Obsession: Playing and cuddling Where I stay while Mom & Dad are away: K-9 Country Club in Lodi Human parents: Stephen & Janelle Nelson




stOry by lOri gilbert PhOtOs COUrtesy OF the reCOrD

he scoreboard still reads “stockton Ports,” the

banner flying on the left-field foul pole advertises sbC yellow pages, which no longer exist, and one of the advertisements on the back of the grandstand that faces the concourse is for star 99.3, “the valley’s best lite rock,” which has reverted to its better-known name of KJOy. stockton’s billy hebert Field, on the northern edge of Oak Park, may show signs of having been jilted by the Class a minor-league baseball team, and for that matter, the city, in 2005, when stockton ballpark opened on the waterfront, but there are also new signs of life. J.D. and Danielle hardcastle, who won a bid from the city last august to lease the stadium for 10 years, are bent on returning the field to a role of prominence. “a lot of people wanted to see this come back to life,” Danielle shinn said. “there’s a lot of history here.” longtime residents have memories of stockton Ports games, or of playing there in the sac Joaquin section playoffs. J.D. hardcastle pitched there with J.D. and Danielle Hardcastle


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University of the Pacific in 1997 and 1998.

s P O r t i n g

“i love it,” he said. “i think it’s a beautiful place, a great field, a great setup. i have a lot of great memories. i see endless possibilities here.”

l i F e

under their control. the Division iv sac Joaquin baseball playoffs will return this year.

the owner of all star sports, which operates public batting cages,

the two, who have two children, 4-year-old son Dax and 3-year-old

fields nine travel baseball teams and offers individual coaching, J.D.

daughter shea, hope other community groups return. they envision one

and his wife, Danielle, saw billy hebert’s availability as an opportunity

non-profit group a month finding use for it, as well as companies and

to grow their business. they could hold practices on the field, or have

other groups. the field space is already used for flag football, soccer, softball and

games there. the city, though, always wanted the 65-year-old field to be available to the community. it’s just that with its budget cuts, it couldn’t keep it

other practices, and Danielle would like to see it used for grass volleyball tournaments.

in playing condition, and was spending money every year just to keep

Parties and concerts are in the long-term vision, or “dreams.”

the lawn mowed.

For now, they’re content to see those months of upgrading the fields,

the hardcastles, who met at Pacific, where Danielle also was an athlete, playing volleyball from 1997-2000, devised a plan to make it

pouring new dirt and grading the base paths and pitcher’s mound to make them playable, are paying off. billy hebert Field is once again open for business and creating new

profitable and help the community. they got a commitment from the United states sports specialty

memories for a new generation. ❑

association’s northern California baseball program to run 30 to 40 weekend tournaments a year there. high school baseball teams are using it this season, along with the adjacent softball fields that also fall


For further information 209-957-8462


The Magazine For San Joaquin County

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LADY BUGS PhOtOs by helen riPKen

the lady bugs’ annual easter basket sale and luncheon was held on March 21 at thelma stewart’s home in stockton. nearly 900 easter baskets were made to benefit san Joaquin County school programs for people with special needs. the lady bugs and guests had a wonderful afternoon at the stewart home.

Kathy hendrickson, Debra Morris and Kathy williams

A Jane Klein and Mimi eberhardt B

Judy smith, gina and guiliana brais


Debbie stemler, Missy grunsky and lisa Conway



D Debbie estrada and terry Paoletti




WOMEN’S CENTER PhOtOs by helen riPKen

the 32nd annual women’s Center luncheon was held on March 28 at the Civic auditorium. laura van Dernoot lipsky spoke at this year’s event, which was attended by more than 700 guests. the luncheon was a great success and the funds raised helped support free, confidential services and shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in san Joaquin County.

Krista Jackson, Carol Clemons and Debbie Dimas

A Mary Pennini, ruby Pexeira,

april gemmill, Jackie sahargun, Kathy wills and Carol burke A



barbara greene, Judy green, Marlene hnath, Pam emerick and Francesca vera


tammy Kelley, tanja berolzheimer and becky Moffitt

D sharon ruiz and Kim williams C




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nancy schwartzman and Joelle gomez

i am

san Joaquin Joe Atler Age: 55

PhOPhOtO by aMy PhiPPs

Occupation: Owner of Joe Atler Painting Inc.

One thing I want to accomplish while I am able: Mastering the speed bag – its speed and rhythm are quite addicting.

Town in which I currently live: For the past 18 years I have been living in Lodi.

Favorite sports team: Oakland Raiders and Morgan’s Martial Arts Fight Team in Lodi.

My hometown: I was born and raised in Stockton.

Favorite vacation destination: Santa Cruz is where we go every year and have a blast. San Francisco and Tahoe are a close second and third.

How long I’ve lived in San Joaquin County: I have lived in San Joaquin County my whole life, and love it here. What I like most about San Joaquin County: I love that it is central to the mountains and the coast. Anything you want is under two hours away. The people who mean the most to me: That would be my family. The stress of the day is taken away when we are together laughing. Favorite SJ County place to take friends when they come to visit: Asparagus Festival during the day. Papapavlo’s at night, then shopping at Lincoln Center makes for a great weekend. A key event in my life and the impact it had on me: A divorce ten years ago – it was tough but created a closeness and bond between my children and myself that I am so grateful for.

Hobbies: Watching and analyzing fight tapes, and researching the latest finishes and experimenting with them. Sports I enjoy: I love MMA; the offensive and defensive strategies are incredible and gets you in great shape. I have the utmost respect for all fighters in the ring. Pet: Jordan, our cat; Tucker and Max, our Yorkies; and Shellie, our snake. Favorite food/dessert: I love seafood of any kind, but lobster is what makes my mouth water. Something else you would like to share: We were just voted “Best Painting Contractor – Lodi’s 2012 Readers Choice Award.” I “give back” by volunteering with: I’m a firm believer in random acts of kindness on a daily basis, and remaining anonymous is critical, or it’s just self-serving.

s P O r t i n g

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The US Open at the Olympic Club



stOry by JaMes alwine

ne of the greatest tests in golf, the Us Open returns to the

historic Olympic Club this coming June. the last time the Usga tournament was hosted by this unique athletic club was back in 1998, when nearly 200,000 spectators watched lee Janzen capture his second Us Open with a narrow victory over Payne stewart. the event is well on track to a sellout, so visit the website for ticket information and everything you


want to know about this year’s Open. Course preparations began the day that the Olympic Club was awarded the tournament back in 2007. since the announcement, greens have been


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s po r t i n g

l i f e

rebuilt, new tees added, different grass types

victory, and nearly 6 times that will be on hand

incorporated into the fairways, and many

from June 11 through June 17.

yards tacked onto holes to challenge the

When the tournament wraps up, the

length of today’s players. This includes the

work is just beginning for one of the most

5 par #16, which will be the longest hole in

talented maintenance crews in the country.

US Open history at 670 yards. Compared to

Construction has already started to renovate

the 1998 Lake Course setup, the yardage has

the Ocean Course’s greens, but half of that

increased 373 yards, a reasonable par 4 for

course will be covered with asphalt to provide

the average golfer.

roads, parking, tents, and concessions for

This tournament, of course, is not built for

the tournament. Take a good look at where

your average golfer, and the Olympic Club is not

you’re walking and try to guess which hole of

your average golf course. With a membership

the Ocean Course you are standing on. In the

of more than 9,000 competing in 19 sports,

merchandise tent, you will be directly over the

the Olympic Club is a true athletic club. The

third green, and four months later it will be

members have embraced this tournament and

back open for play.

head up committees and armies of volunteers

The US Open only ventures out to the

for every aspect of the event. Total volunteers

west coast every few years, so don’t miss

expected exceeds 6,000, all of whom will go

your chance to see the action right in your

through an FBI background check, which was

backyard. If the excitement of the Masters is

probably not the case in 1955 when John Fleck

any indication, this will be a tournament to

defeated Ben Hogan at the Olympic Club’s first

remember. ❑

Use of photograph with the permission of the Olympic Club

Location 524 Post Street • San Francisco, CA 94102 415-345-5100

Use of photograph with the permission of the Olympic Club

US Open. Only 38,000 people enjoyed that


s C e n e

Bî‹Žutique Luncheon

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PhOtOs by helen riPKen

the hospice of san Joaquin butterfly auxiliary held the 5th annual spring bouquet luncheon on april 21. zin City Kitchen & Catering catered the delicious lunch, and a raffle was held. Checks were presented to lodi eagles auxiliary and the annual lodi garage sale. all who attended had a great time!

lynn evans, Mandy gerlack and vivian Jones

A Jane Klein and Mimi eberhardt B Judy smith, gina and guiliana brais C



Maria Kelly and Kathleen Kresser

D Debbie stemler,Missy grunsky

and lisa Conway


The Magazine For San Joaquin County



Take A Cruise Of The Delta


o yacht? no problem. the luxurious

Featuring gourmet meals, sunday brunches

miles of waterways. a cruise with stockton

and surprisingly affordable stockton yacht

and an elegant full bar, a voyage with stockton

yacht Charters is a wonderful way for people

Charters will take care of everything. and by

yacht Charters is a unique and memorable way

of all ages to enjoy this renowned setting, no

everything, they mean everything: food, drinks,

to entertain, celebrate or just to do something

umbrella required.

décor, music, comfort and convenience.

out of the ordinary.

From delicious dinner cruises to custom

live music is often part of the ambiance at

weddings, stockton yacht Charters is known

this company’s wide variety of events. Jazz was

for their attention to detail, ensuring that

the focus during stockton’s recent asparagus

guests can relax and enjoy the company of

Festival, and the gourmet cruises sold out

their group while appreciating the beautiful


scenery all around.

the California Delta is home to some 1000


For more information, pictures and a calendar of events: 209-639-4808 all cruises are wheelchair accessible.


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3d Annual Olive Oil Festival

PhOtOs by helen riPKen

st. Mary’s high school hosted their 3rd annual Olive Oil Festival on May 6. thelma stewart was honored with the golden Olive branch award at the event. Olive oil companies, wineries, merchants and food vendors filled st. Mary’s. the Olive Oil Festival also featured music, demonstrations from chefs and fun for the whole family!

anissa, brenda Ming and terri struthers

A Matthew rishwain, Keegan Flaherty,

Michael garcia, Jack Kirby and Joey salazar B

rod and bob gravelle


art Carrasco, Marianne McCarroll and anne Obradovich



D lewis, Candice and lewie gale



5th Annual Hats Off Luncheon

Stockton Chapter Links PhOtOs by aMy PhiPPs

links President Marsha Carter and actress Jackee harry

the 5th annual hats Off luncheon, sponsored by the stockton Chapter of links, was held on april 29. the annual event benefits community service programs, including scholarships and services to youth. the mistress of ceremonies was emmy award-winning actress Jackee harry. A Marsha Carter, Constance smith,


Dr. Patricia hatton (Clemmie award recipient) and Jackee harry



Members of the stockton Chapter of links


Dr. Melanie Parker-Fong

D Candidate for Congress ricky gill

and Jackee harry C




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Mateenah Floyd-Okanlawon and linda Patrick

s P O r t i n g

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Getting Away From It All In Stockton


stOry by barbara Daly PhOtOs COUrtesy OF stOCKtOn gOlF anD COUntry ClUb anD brOOKsiDe gOlF anD COUntry ClUb

ou don’t have to go far to feel like you’re

vacationing at a place of luxury and style. stockton has two unique country clubs that offer incredible views and

a fitness center and steam room provide a luxurious alternative to the links. the 18-hole course is beautifully situated among lush pine trees, and is the home course of stockton native

extraordinary experiences. the stockton golf and Country Club is steeped in tradition, with a golf course that was one of the first three in California, and is approaching its centennial in 2014.

ricky barnes, 2002 Us amateur Champion. Just across the Calaveras river, the brookside Country Club clubhouse is perched atop a hill that provides just

the new clubhouse and dining room overlook the san

enough loft to offer magnificent views of the championship

Joaquin river, and provide stunning views of container

golf course, designed by robert trent Jones Jr. From the

ships coming into the Port of stockton from around the

patio, watch sunsets of pink and orange splash across


rolling hills and lakes from the course below.



s P O r t i n g

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Family-oriented, brookside caters to children as well as their parents. tennis, swim and golf clinics are offered nearly year-round, and tee times are equal-opportunity. Foodies can participate in culinary academies offered by brookside’s chef. local country clubs are wonderful oases providing so much more than golf. scan the codes to learn more about each facility. �

Stockton Golf and Country Club 3800 w. Country Club boulevard 209-466-4313

Brookside Golf and Country Club 3603 st. andrews Drive 209-956-6200


april 2 0 1 2

Mark the date

June Events

Concerts in the Park


The First Tee Summer Tour

The First Tee of San Joaquin will begin its Summer Tour for boys and girls ages 7-17 on June 9. The nine-week course is held at Swenson Park Golf Course and The Reserve at Spanos Park. The cost is $60 and includes a logo golf cap. Visit or call 209-915-8300 for more information.



16 62


Bike or Hike TO Feed the Hungry

Don’t miss the 4th Annual Bike (or Hike) to Feed the Hungry, June 16 at 8:30 am. Presented by the Emergency Food Bank, it will take place at the DeRosa University Center, UOP. The entrance fee for the Bike (or Hike) to Feed the Hungry is $25, which includes a barbeque lunch and t-shirt. For more information visit or call 209-464-7369.


The Lincoln Center LIVE!’s YMCA Wine Stroll will take place on June 15 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. Cost for wine tasting is $20 per person, with proceeds benefiting the YMCA of San Joaquin County. There’s plenty to do and see with in-store promotions and trunk shows, music, fabulous food and tasty wine, cheese, and olive oil! For more information visit or call 209-477-4868.



Every Wednesday from June 6 through August 22, Concerts in the Park will take place at Victory Park. The concerts begin at 6:00 pm and finish at 8:00 pm; lawn chairs and picnics are welcome! For questions call 209-478-9388.

Sesame Street Live

Sesame Street will be coming to Stockton June 19-20 at the Stockton Arena. Experience the Play Zone before the show and enjoy as “Elmo Makes Music!” Tickets are available at For more information call 209-373-1400.

Semper Fi Fund and the California Peace Officers Association will benefit from the Recon Mud Run being held on June 16 at Eagal Lakes in Tracy. Mixing militarystyle obstacles with boot camp-style fun, the 5K Mud Run treks through natural riparian trails and terrain along the scenic San Joaquin River. For more information visit


Glen Campbell

Glen Campbell will be performing his Goodbye Tour on Thursday, June 21 at the Bob Hope Theatre. He will be joined by Instant People. Tickets are available at the Stockton Arena Box Office, at or 800-745-3000.

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Mark the date

Wine Tasting at Pixie Woods


Great American Backyard Campout


REI Stockton is hosting the Great American Backyard Campout at Oak Grove Regional Park on June 23 beginning at 12:00 pm. Activities include classes, games activities, smore’s, night sky viewing and much more! Dinner and snacks will be provided. For more information please visit

July Events


Independence Day Celebration

An exquisite wine tasting benefit will be taking place at Pixie Woods on June 22 from 5:00-8:00 pm. Hors d’oeuvres, entertainment and a silent auction will take place, and wines will be featured from throughout northern California. For tickets visit Fine Wines, Wine Wizards,, or call 209-951-0486.

Brookside Country Club will host their Independence Day Celebration on June 24 beginning at 4:30 pm. Enjoy fireworks, live music, BBQ tent, beer, wine & cocktails for the adults. Bounce houses, waterslides and face painting for the kids! Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for children and 3 and under are free! For more information call 209-956-6200.


Classic Car Show & Craft Fair

Mark your calendars for the Classic Car Show & Craft Fair at the San Joaquin County Historical Museum on June 30. The event is from 10:00 am-3:00 pm, and a poker walk will be held from 11:30-12:30. The car show is a fundraiser to “Raise the Barn” by constructing a building for youth education programs. For more information call 209-331-2055.


“Down by the Bay”

Visit the Knowlton Gallery in Lodi from July 3 through August 25 and celebrate the beauty of the San Francisco Bay through artwork showcasing the city by the bay. The opening reception will take place July 7 from 1:00-4:00 pm. For more information call 209-368-5123.

Alan Jackson


Alan Jackson will be performing at the Stockton Arena on July 27 beginning at 8:00 pm. Don’t miss the award winning country singer perform his greatest hits! Tickets are available by calling 209-373-1400, or at or


Randy Sparks & New Christy Minstrels Concert & Dinner

Randy Sparks and New Christy Minstrels will perform a concert at the San Joaquin County Historical Society on Friday, July 27. The concert benefits the Historical Society and the Micke Grove Zoological Society. A social hour will begin at 6:00 pm. Dinner and concert tickets are $75 per person. For more information call 209-331-2055 or 209-953-3460.




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