2015 - 2016
Primary Edition 2 Term 3
This week in the Primary School
Meeting Mr Gillies Although it is sad to know Ms Nonie is leaving, it was a pleasure to meet the new Head of Primary; Mr Gillies. ...
Diary Dates Saturday 14th May Picnic in the Park
Monday 16th May Juilliard alumni visitor
Wednesday 18th May The Tempest
Science Week
Friday 20th May
Visakha Bucha day (school open) Science Week started with a science themed dress up day. We were overwhelmed with scientists, some of whom looked a little worse for wear! ...
Monday 23rd May Speech Week begins
Saturday 28th May
Football tournament at Regents
Monday 30th May Year 6 visit to Kanchanaburi
Year 6 visited the site of the infamous Death Railway to learn more about the horrific experience of prisoners forced to work on building the Thai-Burma railway. ...
Adventures In Boarding Our Adventures in Boarding continue in Term 3 and we are very happy to invite day students from Years 3 to 6 to ...
Staff Appreciation Day
Reflections of a Deputy Head
Recently I have found myself reflecting on the learning I finally (and this may be the trump card) make them laugh. have experienced this year. At home I have greatly enjoyed If children are challenged, inspired and happy, then the reading the rather thick volume – Bill Bryson’s ‘A Brief battle is won. This is obviously easy to write; not always History of Nearly Everythng’. It’s been a fascinating read and so straightforward to achieve. When I think of things like: has taught me a little bit about – the expansive and varied well, everything! I have also been range of opportunities we (rather uncharacteristically) offer our students; the fun learning about the American activities we build into our political system, largely because teaching and the numerous of the unique political story that times I have seen the whole is unfolding over there. There Globe Theatre full of children has also been plenty of learning shrieking with laughter, then opportunities here at school. it certainly reminds me of why I have been thinking about I came to teach at this school what educational philosophies in the first place, and is also I personally hold dear to my the reason I enjoy playing my heart. What three tips would I ‘Educational cards’ here. give a newly qualified teacher? It’s a tricky question because James Baker schooling and education are such large and complex subjects. If I had to put my three ‘Educational cards’ on the table they would be: have high expectations of your pupils; instil in them a desire to take a pride in the content and James Baker Deputy Head of Primary presentation of their work, and
Mother Tongue as a resource, not a barrier By Kazimierz Michalak, Head of Primary English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Sara in Year 6 teaches us a lesson
Meeting the new Head of Primary By Chloe, Swarit and Vianca, Students in Year 5
Early Years Foundation Job-Alike Workshop (JAWS) By Vicki Pearmain, Early Primary Teacher
A Positive Learning Environment, Inside and Out
New ways to find out information open up to Regents’ students By Debora Clapham, Year 3 EAL Teacher
Britannica is online!
Explosive Science Week in Primary Curriculum Events Coordinator By Gemma Mickle and April Warren, Year 5 Teachers
Keep the science alive!
Year 6 visit to Kanchanaburi By Rob Taylor, Class 6T Teacher
Year 6 visited the site of the infamous Death Railway to learn more about the horrific experience of prisoners forced to work on building the Thai-Burma railway.
‘Swimming Looks’ Week Friday 10th June – Friday 17th June By Nicola Parkin, Swimming Coordinator
Exciting times ahead with the development of a bigger and better swimming programme
Click Here for Moodle
Lastly, I would like to introduce the newest member to our team of swimming teachers, Susan Peinsipp. Susan joined the Regents PE Team in May and is already fully involved with the swimming programme.
Making Time to Read and Learn By Nonie Adams, Head of Primary
Book Review
A Day in a Life of a PREFECT!! By Mehar, Year 6 Prefect
Any plans for this summer?
Adventures in Boarding By Steve Rand, Head of Boarding
Grab some fun at Kidzania! Our Adventures in Boarding continue in Term 3 and we are very happy to invite day students from Years 3 to 6 to join our next Primary weekend activity on 20/21 May. On offer is an overnight stay in boarding on the Friday with activities and a movie, followed by a trip to Kidzania in Bangkok on the Saturday. All meals, transport, entry fees and 24 hour care are included in the price of 4000 baht. If you’d like to know a little more about Kidzania and the
fantastic learning and role play opportunities that it offers, please take a look at their website at http://bangkok. Parents should have already received an e mail with further details, but if they have missed this and would like their child to participate please just e mail We look forward to welcoming your child to our adventure!
May and June 2016
Important details: • • •
Our Parent Workshops are always held on a Thursday
Programme details:
May 5 Relevant to parents of children in Years 1 - 6 Ø
May 12 Relevant to parents of children for whom English is an additional language Ø This workshop will highlight the importance and benefits of all children hearing and telling stories in their first language and how parents can encourage this to happen at home.
M o n d a y 1 6 th -
1 9 th M a y
Primary School Library .
Everyone Welcome New imported quality books from the annual London Book Fair
Summer Disco Thursday 9th June
In the Roundhouse
3:10- 4:10 - Y3 & Y4 4:30-5:45 - Y5 & Y6 Admission B20 (All proceeds to our Community Partners)
Party Food & Drink available Dress to impress! Overnight Boarding option available for students in Years 5 and 6. Please contact Mr Rand, Head of Boarding, for further information: steven.rand@regents-‐
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