Primary Newsletter, Edition 5 / Term 1

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2015 - 2016

Primary Edition 5 Term 1

This week in the Primary School

Parent Learning Opportunities Over 200 parents so far have attended two workshops on Phonics and Maths whereby they participated in learning ...

Diary Dates Tuesday November 17thThursday 19th

Secondary production of ‘Alice in Wonderland’, from 6.30 pm in The Globe Theatre

Friday November 20th

Loy Krathong celebrations in school

ISTA Stars Shine Brightly ‘What is ISTA?’ I hear you ask. It is the International Schools’ Theatre Association and it is run from the UK ...

Sunday November 22nd

Year 6 depart on their Chiang Mai residential trip

Sunday November 22nd

PILC Christmas Bazaar at the Holiday Inn

Thursday December 3rd Term 1 ELPs finish

Year 3 Learning Look I loved it when my mum came into school and I showed her what we had been learning, Harinitha 3R ....

Magical Maths! During our Magic Maths Week in Primary last week, children learnt magic tricks that all included magic with numbers. ...

Friday December 4th

Term 1 Reports emailed to parents

Monday December 7th

Substitution Day for HM King’s Birthday – school closed

Time for reflection

Sara Berenguer Assistant Head of Primary (EAL)

Parent Learning Opportunities By Karyn Walton and Sara Berenguer, Assistant Heads of Primary “Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching. “ Unknown or

World Education Games By April Warren, Year 5 Class Teacher

How did we do in the World Education Games?

Year 3 Learning Look By Joanne Smith, Head of Year 3

“I loved it when my mum came into school and I showed her what we had been learning” Harinitha 3R

Golden Responsibilities By Hannah Naowasuk, Assistant Head of Primary, Year 2 - 6

Mashing it up at the Abundant Life Home By Jon Crew Head of Year 4

“We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for I don’t know.” W. H. Auden

ISTA Stars Shine Brightly By Tricia Gray, Head of Learning Support

Juilliard – NAE Performing Arts Programme Visitor By Kristen Callaway, Head of Primary Music

Interview with Kathryn Andersen By Zia 6T, Young Seo 6S, Maria 6I and Karylle 6P

ANZAC biscuits By Kazimierz Michalak, Head of Primary EAL

Year 6 EAL Intensive Plus students save the day!

Magical Maths! By Masha, Etienne, Leon and EJ, Students in Year 6

Slow Loris Campaign By Helen Ball, Year 1 Classroom Teacher


The Festival of Loy Krathong – What is it All About? By Khun Anyanist, Head of Thai

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