Secondary Newsletter, Edition 3 / Term 2

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2015 - 2016

Secondary Edition 3 Term 2

This week in the Secondary School

Careers Fair Last Monday, 29th February, Year 10, 11 and 12 took part in Regents annual careers fair. The biggest and the best yet! ...

Diary Dates Friday 11th March

House Debates Week begins

Monday 14th March

Options Fair for Year 9 Students

Tuesday 15th March

KS3 Parent-Teacher Conferences

Secondary School Annual Literature Festival

Wednesday 16th March

This year’s literary festival was a roaring success with our students going from strength to strength. There was a series of events …

Thursday 17th March

KS4 and KS5 Parent-Teacher Conferences


Friday 18th March Year 13 Poetry Retreat

Regents’ 4th Annual MUN Conference The Model United Nations (MUN) Conference has been run at Regents annually since 2012 when it was set up as a Year 12 CAS project ...

“We are one” 50 nationalities, 22 country stalls, 13 food stalls, 19 performances but the same unique aim: to celebrate the diverse international culture ....

Values ‘The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.’ William Pollard

Sarah Travis-Mulford Assistant Head of Secondary

Careers Fair By Kathryn Moffat, Head of Year 10

On behalf of the school, I would like to say a big thank you to the following guests who came in to talk to our students about their careers: Mr Jamie Looker, Mr Brenton Mauriello, Dr Mini Sharma, Mr Bob Green, Mr Graeme Moore, Miss Emily Gumb, Mr Harry Webb, Mr Rudolf Troestler, Mr Paul Strachan, Mr Simon Harrow, Mr Mark Taylor, Mr Scott Lovich, Mrs Teresa Loader, Mr Simon Rooney, Mr Alexander Linne, Mr Dean Barrick, Mr Anthony Johnstone, Miss Hannah Martin, Mr James Baker, Mr Rory Coulander, Miss Rhinanon Hobson and Miss Alyse Loveridge.

Regents Secondary School Annual Literature Festival By Liam Steele, English Teacher

From Great Expectations to Game of Thrones

Regents’ 4th Annual MUN Conference By Chaewan, Year 12 IB Student

Preparing Leaders for the Future

‘Lego Mindstorms’ Afterschool Activity By MinJi, Year 12 IB Student

Building Lego Robots through teamwork

Regents goes cross-country By Tom Hart, Head of Secondary PE Thursday 11th February saw the second ESAC Cross Country competition take place at ISE. Regents Lions were looking to emulate the successful performance from the St Andrews competition 2 weeks before. The ISE course was a tough challenge for our young athletes, incorporating a mixture of up-hill and down-hill sections and it posed a real physical challenge to the students, who worked hard and showed great determination to complete the course. Regents Lions squad boasted over 50 students from Year 4 to Year 11 and the Physical Education Department but like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of our young runners.

GCSE Trekking By Tom Hart, Head of Secondary PE

Reaching new heights in GCSE PE On Friday 26th February five of our Year 11 GCSE PE students, Astu, Ben, Connor, Mirabell, and Seb travelled up to Khao Yai National Park to complete the GCSE trekking assessment accompanied by Miss Clapham, International Award Assistant Instructor and Mr Hart, Head of Secondary PE. The group trekked for a little over 25 kilometres during the course of two days and wild camped by the side of a riverwhich is something that none of the students had every

experienced before. The expedition was a great success and the students performed fantastically. Congratulations to the students involved and a big thank you to Miss Clapham for accompanying the students and to Mr Williams, Head of Outdoor Education and Instructor for the International Award for supporting the students in their assessment preparation and completion.

Interview with Alex, the winner of the Thai National Laser Championships By David Williams, Head of Outdoor Education

Interview with Alex, Year 10 Student

House Competitions By Roslyn McConnell, Director of Sport A quick update on the House Competitions so far this term‌ Theatre Sports led by the Drama Department entertained our students and staff every lunchtime throughout the week. It was very enjoyable with students having to use their drama skills to improvise and create scenarios from props given by Mr Thomas. It was a very close contest between the Houses but Fire (Red) House were the overall winners. Inter-House Basketball pool games were held during PE lessons with the finals for each year group being contested during lunchtimes. Again, each year group and house fought well in each game but like in all sports there has to be an overall winner. The 2016 Basketball House Champions are Earth (Green) House.

Finally, our House Dance competition concluded our International Day celebrations and it was a fantastic afternoon of performance on the main stage. Every one of the dancers excelled in rhythm and timing and it was great to see staff joining in with the occasion. The final decision came down to a dance-off between Water (Blue) House and Earth (Green) House, as it was such a close competition but the winning House was Water (Blue) House. Congratulations to all the winning Houses and thank you to all the students and staff who have participated or organised the House competitions this year so far. Look out for the House Debates, Football and Songkran competitions where you have the chance to get involved this next half term‌

“We are one” By Aina Rakotonirina, Round Square Coordinator

“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire – J.K. Rowling

VDJS Exchange By Rhiannon Hobson, Round Square Assistant

A truly cultural exchange

Regents Annual House Dance Competition, 2016 By Rhiannon Hobson, Round Square Assistant

A dance-off brings victory for Blue House To end a wonderful International Day 2016, students and teachers alike took part in the Regents Annual House Dance Competition. The weeks leading up to the final day of term and International Day, saw Houses using any spare time they had to perfect their dancing numbers! The standard of dance entries was particularly high this year and each House brought something different to the table; from teachers doing the ‘Worm’ (Mr Tom Hart) to cross dressing (by Mr Courlander), all in all, there was serious sass and the dancers brought their ‘A’ game to the competition! It was a victory for Blue House after a nerve wrecking dance off with the Greens but ultimately the afternoon was enjoyed by all!



FRIDAY April 22nd SPORTS HALL 16:00-18:30

Sign up your teams under the clock tower at lunch time by Tuesday 29th March

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