Secondary Newsletter, Edition 4 / Term 1

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2015 - 2016

Secondary Edition 4 Term 1

This week in the Secondary School

Cambridge High Achievement Award ‘Chaewan, Year 12 IB Student, achieves the highest Cambridge IGCSE accolade’ ...

Diary Dates Monday 9th November

Year 10 Outdoor Education Week continues

Monday 9th November Living History Week begins

Wednesday 11th November Vietnam Trip

Secondary Remembrance Assemblies

Thursday 12th November If you don’t go to see the beauty of Vietnam then ‘You are missing out, big time!’

U15 Fobisia Tournament begins

Tuesday 17th November Drama Production: Alice in Wonderland

Friday 20th November

Loy Krathong celebrations in school

‘A Smarter Way to Learn Science?’ “I like this way of learning – it is more practical than a normal science lesson” - Nadine

7.4 Running Blind “The blindfold run was very fun and scary, and when closing my eyes it was like falling into a pit ..

Being Ambitious

Sarah Travis-Mulford, Assistant Head of Secondary

Student Leadership in Secondary By Sarah Travis-Mulford, Assistant Head of Secondary

All new post holders are now in situ

Challenge Based Learning in Science Paddy McKenna - KS3 Science Coordinator

‘A Smarter Way to Learn Science?’

IB Visual Arts and RISE students visit MOCA in Bangkok By Lee Simpson, Art Teacher

‘MOCA is one of Bangkok’s premier art establishments’

Hospitality Workshop in Bangkok By Yooey, Year 12 IB Student

‘Learning about hotel management, event planning, luxury brand management and how to start a business...’

Public Speaking Competition Final 2015 By Tamara McKenna, Head of English and EAL

Cambridge High Achievement Award Ceremony, 2015 By Chaewan, Year 12 Student

Vietnam Trip By Samantha Jones, Head of History

Lions on Tour By Tom Hart, Head of Secondary PE

Sailing success for Regents’ Secondary Students David Williams, Head of Outdoor Education

‘Sailing has become an integral aspect of the Outdoor Education and Sport Programme at Regents’

The Russell Cup: England V World XI Tom Hart, Head of Secondary PE

7.4 Running Blind By Anna Weller, Head of Year 7

World Food Day 2015 By Rhiannon Hobson, Round Square Assistant and Alysha, Service Pillar Leader

Daytrip to Namtok Khao Chamao National Park Shogun and Charlie , KS3 boarders

Boarders’ trip to Bangkok Temples – a day of culture By Harry, Year 11 Boarder

Ahoy, Me

Historical Dress-Up


Day: Why not dress as a pirate?!

Regents’ History

Friday 13th November 2015


House Points for everyone who dresses up!

Needs YOU!




Monday 9th

Red Vs Green History Quiz

1.20pm – Room 206

Tuesday 10th

Yellow Vs Blue History Quiz

1.20pm – Room 206

Bake Sale -­‐ funds to the British Legion Poppy Appeal th

Wednesday 11

Remembrance Assembly

KS3 = 8.50am – Globe KS4/5 = 10.30am -­‐ Globe

Wednesday 11th

Winner of Monday Vs Winner of Tuesday’s

1.20pm – Room 206

History Quiz th

Thursday 12 th

Friday 13

Sale of Poppies continues

Around school…


A prize for the best dressed! House Points for all who dress-­‐up

Friday 13th

History Quiz Finale! Winner of Wednesday’s

1.20pm – Room 206

quiz Vs Secondary Teachers…

Don’t forget to buy your Poppy from the Student Guild - on sale around school from 2nd November to 13th November…

Indian Classical Concert in Pattaya Rising Star of Indian Instrumental Music,

Abir Hussain, sarod,

"A force to reckon with" - Times of India

with Sandip Ghosh, tabla Performed in the acoustically superb venue, Eelswamp

One performance only: Friday 20th November, 7pm, at Eelswamp, Nongplalai (near Regents School and Wat Nong Ket Yai) Call: 038 069681 (office hours) Sms: 0818 205 202 Email: Visit:

Connect: /RegentsInternationalSchoolPattaya /RegentsSchool /RegentsPattaya /TheRegentsSchool

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