Whats On The Menu Appetizers Recipe Book

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What’s On The Menu

with Young Living Essential Oils:



Bruschetta with Basil and Lemon Vitality Essential Oils Get your dinner party off to a great start with this tasty Bruschetta infused with Basil and Lemon Oil! This is a light and easy appetizer or snack to make when you are craving something fresh and healthy! I love making it when the tomatoes are ripe and in season. The Young Living Basil and Lemon Vitality Oils really elevate the flavors in this simple yet delicious dish. NOTE: I like using different color tomatoes in this recipe to make the colors pop!!

Hummus with Lemon, Black Pepper and Cumin Vitality Oils Hummus makes a wonderful healthy dip that’s great served with pita bread, crackers and/or veggie sticks and fruit slices. It’s my go-to recipe for snacks and appetizers for my peeps. It is extremely versatile and a great source of protein, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. You can make the hummus up to 3 days ahead. The Lemon Vitality Oil adds an amazing citrus burst that your guests will love, the Black Pepper Vitality Oil will give it a little bit of heat to keep it interesting and the Cumin will add just the right touch of smokey flavor – the perfect entertainer’s platter! NOTE: I suggest using a food processor to make the hummus because it makes it creamier, but you can also use a blender. When using a blender, use a little more liquid and blend in 2 – 3 batches depending on the strength of your blender.

Greek Yogurt with Dill and Lemon Vitality Oils Hummus makes a wonderful healthy dip that’s great served with pita bread, crackers and/or veggie sticks and fruit slices. It’s my go-to recipe for snacks and appetizers for my peeps. It is extremely versatile and a great source of protein, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. You can make the hummus up to 3 days ahead. The Lemon Vitality Oil adds an amazing citrus burst that your guests will love, the Black Pepper Vitality Oil will give it a little bit of heat to keep it interesting and the Cumin will add just the right touch of smokey flavor – the perfect entertainer’s platter! NOTE: I suggest using a food processor to make the hummus because it makes it creamier, but you can also use a blender. When using a blender, use a little more liquid and blend in 2 – 3 batches depending on the strength of your blender.

Guacamole with Lemon and Lime Vitality Oils Make sure you have PLENTY of chips on hand when you serve this guac! And please, don’t judge them if they lick the bowl...they just can’t help it. Take it a step further and make your own pita chips for dippin’... 3 pitas, cut into 8 wedges 4 tablespoons olive oil 1 clove garlic, smashed Salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 drop of Basil Vitality Oil

Preheat heat oven to 375 degrees. Cut pitas into 8 wedges. Pour olive oil into a bowl and add garlic, salt and pepper and Basil Vitality. Stir. Add pita bread to bowl and gently stir. Arrange pita chips on baking sheet and bake for 10 to 12 minutes.

Mango Salsa with Lime and Cilantro Vitality Oils I'm always a huge fan of fresh salsas. Ever since I started using Young Living, I love to use the oils in my salsas and other fresh recipes. It adds the perfect touch of flavor! Lime goes perfectly with the flavors in this recipe, but you can also use lemon. And don’t forget the Cilantro essential oil that will take the WOW factor over-the-top! NOTE: To make sure you only get 1 drop of Cilantro essential oil (because it is potent), add a drop to a small spoon and then add to your salsa. That way, if 2 drop on the spoon, you can add one drop with the spoon. Enjoy! Ingredients:  2 mangoes, diced  1 large tomato, diced  1/2 cucumber, diced  1 tablespoon red onion, diced  1/2 avocado, diced  OPTIONAL: 1/2 cup of black beans  1 teaspoon cilantro, finely chopped  1-2 drops of Lime Vitality Essential Oil  1 drop Jade Lemon Vitality  1 drop of Cilantro Vitality Essential Oil  Salt, to taste (Add more tomatoes, cucumbers, onions or avocado to our liking.) Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Serve immediately or refrigerate until serving.

Add salsa over blackened salmon or chicken tacos.

Easy Blender Salsa with Lime and Black Pepper Vitality There is nothing better than going to a good Mexican restaurant and eating all of the chips and salsa in sight. Fresh homemade salsa is theeeee best and I especially like making a big batch at home. What is it about chips and salsa that is so good and addicting? If you have loads of tomatoes in your garden this year, substitute 2 ripe tomatoes for the can of diced tomatoes. If you feel you want more tomato flavor, add more tomatoes...but go slow, you can always add but you can’t take away. NOTE: I’m not responsible for you filling up on chips and salsa and not eating your dinner.

Add a drop of Cumin Vitality too!  Supports healthy liver function and provides cleansing and detoxifying properties.  Supports a healthy immune system.  Gives recipes a rich, spicy flavor  Supports a healthy digestive system

Black Pepper Vitality Cheese Ball Cheese...you almost can’t have appetizers without it. And here is an amazing recipe that will have your guests asking for more. Crackers, veggies, pretzels...this cheese ball goes with it all! But wait...turn the page for another version of the cheese ball. Like we said, you just can’t have enough cheese.

Herb Cheeseball with Marjoram/Sage, Thyme and Back Pepper Vitality Oils Need a little extra herb flavor in your cheeseball? This recipe will make sure your herby guests will be well satisfied. NOTE: Try this with Trader Joe’s Gluten Free Pumpkin Soup Crackers in the fall. You’re welcome!

Easy Yogurt Dip Don’t wait to have a dinner party to enjoy this dip‌make your own party of ONE! You can add any Citrus Vitality oil to your favorite vanilla yogurt to make many different dips. Cinnamon graham cracker sticks, Nilla Wafers, sliced bananas or just a spoon will make this yogurt dip extra special. NOTE: Scoop out yogurt into a glass bowl and then add essential oil.

Getting It Just Right Using essential oils can enhance your recipes! But be careful, these little drops are POTENT! Always taste your recipes (don’t rely on smell) before adding anymore drops of oils. If an oil has a strong scent, like Oregano, you may want to use the “toothpick” method. Instead of a whole drop, stick a toothpick in the middle of the plastic orifice on the bottle then swirl the toothpick in your recipe.

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