Spring Reveille - April 2015

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SET Hosts E R r e ein r h nd It” Week E c “ l a nu n A



April 2015 Volume 3.5

Recall Week:

Schreiner Radio

Traditions, Novelties, Fun For All Story by: Sarah Morales Reveille Staff, Writer Story Photo by: Katie Bishop Reveille Editor-in-Chief

Schreiner’s annual Recall, when former students return to campus to reminisce about their time at Schreiner, is to be held this year on April 1719. . This year, the Order will host a week of events to anticipate Friday’s celebration. Some available Recall activities include a welcome reception and meet alumni from years past, a bonfire, an opportunity to run for a Recall King/ Queen, create a display board to show off your SU spirit, participate in more than a dozen activities and attend a dance that will make Recall a blast. This year, the Or-

der will offer official RECALL T-shirts. Student will be able to acquire these shirts one of two ways. Students may trade another university shirt for the Recall shirt and/ or they will be for sale in the assistant dean of students office for $7. Recall’s theme this year is: “The Golden Years, Bridging the Past, Present, and Future” and has been developed as a celebration to unite past, present, and future Mountaineers. The theme is reflective of Schreiner’s readiness to celebrate all of the many projects coming to light here on and off campus. Alumni, students and

2 e g a P n o e l c i t r A

family are invited to come to campus to see the great things going on here and celebrate the golden years of the past, the golden years of the present, and the golden years yet to come. The Order recognizes and rewards student organizations that show a tremendous amount of school spirit and drive. Organizations are awarded points based on their participation in the various events held throughout the week leading up to Recall. Candidates running for Recall king and queen receive the points their organization earns from each event, which will be added to their total Continued on Page 7

Story by: Tori Flores Reveille Staff, Writer

A student proposition for a Schreiner radio station was brought to the Student Senate in late March and was met with excitement, but a number of questions. What music would it play? Who would run it and who would fund it? How would we get students interested? Several other small liberal arts colleges have radio stations that are staffed, funded, and operated by students. They are run almost like clubs or RSOs, with general managers, directors, event coordinators, and a treasurer. Because there are so many aspects that would go into running a radio station

genre.” If the radio station received enough support then the music choice could be up to the radio crew and students. There could be a poll, or a system where students could go and request songs they would like to hear. In the future, there could even be guests and live interviews, or poetry readings, similar to the Continued on Page 6

Silence! in the Library Story by Anne-Marie Bullock Reveille Staff, Writer

Congratulations to Freshman Mackenzie Wade for her winning design in the Student Government Association’s annual Desktop Design Competition! Mackenzie won a $200 gift card to Amazon.com and her design is now featured on every campus computer! The names wrapping around the iconic oak tree represent Schreiner’s first graduates.

here on campus, it would be a great way for people to get involved with something different and fun. When asked what he thought of the idea, freshman Kase Crockett said “It could be interesting.” His classmate, freshman Austin Crain, said “I think it would be cool, if it played good music.” But what is “good music?” Because everyone has different styles and preferences one student suggested that “a variety of music should be played, not just one

Everyone needs a nice quiet place to study for finals, away from distractions and constant chatter. Thanks to Schreiner’s Student Government Association, the ScarlePhilips room in the William Logan Library is now a noise free zone during finals week. This is a perfect way to get all of your studying done in a stress free envi-

ronment. The idea to execute the quiet room was brought to SGA before midterms. They sponsored it and the feedback was extremely positive. Student Government would love to make this a tradition practiced every midterms, and finals week in the future. With the many traditions Schreiner already holds, such as the midnight

breakfast, this could be a great addition to the list. Other universities hold similar quiet study rooms that have been beneficial to students seen as successful. “I think it is a great idea. I get easily distracted when I study so having a specific place to go that is distraction free is perfect for Continued on Page 5

INSIDE Features 2-3 Campus Life 4-5 News 6 Entertainment 7 Monty’s Montage 8



The Reveille - April 2015

The End-It Movement In 1863, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation into law, which ended slavery in the United States, or did it? Today, there are more than 27 million people in the world who are enslaved, 60,000 of which reside in the United States alone. Most people have never seen 27 million of anything in their lives, so, to put it in perspective: it’s enough to fill every professional football stadium in America twelve times. It’s also the population of Texas.

To help organizations like the Exodus Road and IJM (International Justice Mission) bring awareness and aid to this pandemic, a youth group on campus called RESET is hosting a five day conference to raise money and bring the Schreiner students and staff ’s attention to this issue. Starting on Tuesday

April 21, there will be a Fellowship Day at the pool where food will be provided and T-shirts will be sold. April 22 will be Impact Day where a documentary is shown in the CCAC at 9pm. April 23 is Black Out day. Students and faculty will be asked to change their social media profile pictures to a black screen with an X on

it while wearing black and being silent in recognition of the victims. April 24-25 will be the 27 Hour Stand that will be begin at 7pm Friday night in the Commons and end at 10pm Saturday night at the Edington gym. During those 27 hours, everyone will be asked to remain standing for as long as they desire in protest of this glob-

al issue. Food, drinks, movies, and games will be provided for anyone participating. Modern day slavery consists of forced labor, human trafficking, and bonded labor which is the most common and happens when someone is forced to repay a debt that a family member owes or they are born into it. It’s the

second largest globalized crime in the world with 167 countries involved (85% of the world). Victims range from women (55%), children (20%), and men (25%) with children as young as twelve being forced into sex slavery.

For more information, go to End itMov eme nt.c om


Story by: Jennifer Bussey Student Contributor Graphics by: Katie Bishop Reveille Editor-in-Chief

Schreiner English Major Studies Abroad in Greece Story by: Elliot Patterson Reveille Staff, Writer

Following this summer, Freshman Jennifer Bussey will scratch one very special item off of her bucket list. Bussey has long wanted to visit and absorb the culture of Greece and now, with Dr. Sonja Lind’s help, she will make her dream a reality this summer. “It all started with Dr. Sonja,” Bussey said. “I told her I wanted to go and she made it happen.”

Jennifer’s journey will take her through Rome and eventually land her at the American college of Greece for a month of immersion in Grecian culture. While in Greece, Bussey will take two full credit classes at the American college of Greece and will be provided two meals a day and unlimited time to sightsee and explore Greece thoroughly inside and out. Unlike other study-

abroad programs, which place students in host homes, this opportunity allows Bussey to have an apartment in Greece with two other people and truly explore Greece uninhibited. Bussey said she looking forward to saying a prayer in the middle of Colliseium while in Rome. Jennifer’s dream has finally become a reality here at Schreiner and she seems eternally

grateful for all who helped her achieve it. Lastly, Jennifer wanted to make sure that everyone knew that when she started off to making this happen she was financially unstable however, she didn’t let this stand in the way accomplishing such a significant goal in her life, “It’s possible” says Jennifer and she is living proof of that statement.

Ad Provided by: Schreiner Changing Global Society

Taking French at a New Speed Story by: Ashley Finley Student Contributor

Marathon training and speaking French, which of these is not like the other? The French department has presented at every Student Academic Achievement Showcase since the class’s foundation. This year will be no exception. On Tuesday April 21, junior history major Benjamin Jean will present perhaps the most unusual project of the Showcase. Jean is the son of Haitian immigrants. Naturally, he has some history with the French language. Jean was struggling to come up with a final project for his French 3 class last semester, while also trying to train for a marathon. Madame Lori Mayles-Wells, the Instructor of French, found a way he could do both at the same time. Although the track doesn’t seem like the

ideal French class setting, Jean learned both skills rapidly and increasingly. Leaning upon his love of running, he took to his training while conversing in French more easily. Dr. David Whitsett, a professional trainer as well as a fluent speaker of French, was the perfect adviser to aid in Jean’s marathon training. Throughout his training, Jean and Whitsett only spoke French to each other. According to Mayles-Wells, other participants of the race and other Schreiner staff members were interested in Jean’s project. The Dean of Student Success, Dr. Candice Scott, referred to the project as “high impact experiential learning.” Jean kept a journal of his experience, which will be presented in the Showcase.


The Reveille - April 2015

Election Season Story by: Jacob McCanlies Student Contributor

During the week of April 20th-24th, Schreiner students will have an opportunity for vote for members of the 2015-2016 Student Government Association (SGA). The Spring Election will include Senate seats for sophomore, junior, and senior classes, as well as representatives from each of the academic colleges and Executive Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer). Elections for freshmen and atlarge senators will take place during the Fall semester. Voting will occur primarily during lunch hours outside

of the diner. SGA represents a re-branding of student government at Schreiner University, leaving the old Student Senate model for a three-branched model government consisting of the Student Senate, Executive Board, and Judicial Board. This re-branding—including the new name and new Constitution—was officially recognized by the Board of Trustees during the October 2014 meeting, formally establishing SGA as the primary governing body for the students of Schreiner University. While much could be said about SGA,

the organization’s mission statement accurately and succinctly describes its purpose, stakeholders, and vision: “The Schreiner University Student Government Association exists as a community of critical thinkers invested in the welfare of the student body by utilizing self-government to address and improve upon student concerns. Through doing this, the Student Government Association seeks to become the premier student leadership organization on campus, effectively garnering respect from the Continued on Page 5

Mustang Memories


HELP WANTED The Reveille is always seeking new student contributers and staff members! Currently availible are positions in photography, writing, and layout crews.

Photographers -Earn $25 per photo published Montage Contributers -Earn $75 for compliation of Montage information and photos Writers -Earn $10 for articles under 300 words -Earn $25 for articles 300 words and over New Point System! All work, submitted and/or published, will earn points towards goodies, special polos, or even a gift card! No prior experience needed, training provded! Contact Editor Katie Bishop, KLBishop@schreiner.edu or Co-Editor Marty Garcia, martygarcia@schreiner.edu for more info!

Story by: Marty Garcia Reveille Co-Editor Photo by: Alvin Solis Student Contributor

in its technology. It was the best selling coupe in the Ford lineup, outselling the convertible and fastback editions in a five-to-one ratio. The little pony car itself was not very expensive, but was offered alongside many options and packages. It was rightfully dubbed, “the car designed to be designed by you.” It was a hit on the market, and continues to

be popular among American classic collectors today. “I originally saw this car in ‘A Cinderella Story,’ and I fell in love with it after that,” said Lehman. She dreamed of having this car one day, and says she would only replace it for its Fastback counterpart. Her father went on to look for the car, and found the In-Line in

Wimbledon White with aftermarket added light blue stripes in Austin,

Ad Provided by: Jennifer Ruby

Freshman Michaela Lehman from Kyle, Texas, poses with her 1965 In-Line 6 Ford Mustang, an early graduation gift from her father. Lehman can be seen cruising around campus in her “Baby Blue,” as she tenderly calls it. This model is part of the first generation Mustang coupes, while the engine is actually second-generation

Freshman Michaela Lehman poses with her 1965 In-Line 6 Ford Mustang, an early graduation gift from her father. Lehman can be seen crusing aroun campus in this classic ‘Stang.

Texas. The previous owner was a University of Texas football player, and he sold the car to Lehman’s father. The summer of her junior year, her father presented her with the car. Now, she enjoys rolling the windows down and going for a cruise with friends.

“I don’t take it to car shows now, but maybe in the future I will start to do so,” said Lehman. She is now majoring in Communications Design, and plans on keeping her “Baby Blue” for a while now.

Follow us on Social Media! Facebook: www.facebook.com/Schreiner Newspaper Issuu: www.issuu.com/thereveille Twitter: @SUReveille1923



#Schreiner Says “The Schreiner University sign is not as prominent as it should be. I mean, we’re a small school, but if we want to show our school spirit we should have a more noticable sign!” “We should have two available entrees during lunch and dinner should not consist of the lunch leftovers.” “Faulkner is perfect. But they should add another toilet in the restrooms.” “I am so glad the tech department made all of our login passwords the same for email and Schreiner One. It just makes everything much easier!” What do you think?

Stop by the anonymous comment box in the CCAC or email the editors and your opinion could appear in the next publication!

The Reveille - April 2015

Bye-bye Bats: High-level Learning Atop Weir Story by: Michael Woods Co-enrolled Student Contributor

The historic Weir Academic Building has evolved through the years yet remains at the heart of Schreiner. Weir has been through many renovations with perhaps the oddest problem occurring in the years before a 1989 renovation: bats. In the years prior to the 1989 renovation, the Weir Academic Building’s top floor was closed off and bats moved in. Kathleen Walker, director of Instructional Technology, has fond memories of the bats. “When I started back here in 1986… we used to come over here in the evenings and stand out on the side of the building that faces the quad and

watch Schreiner’s very own bat colony come out of the building,” Walker said. “It was kind of interesting.” The Schreiner administration did not share these sentiments and had the bats removed. Around the same time, the Weir Building had a more serious problem. Walker said in 1989, the entire building was cleared out due to asbestos on the third floor. She recalls that Schreiner “had to have HAZMAT people come, to take care of the asbestos.” The Weir Academic Building long has stood at the heart of the campus and has been featured in count-

less brochures, advertisements and graduation class pictures. Yet most students know little of the history that the oldest building on campus could tell. For example, most students don’t know that the building in which they attend English, Psychology or Nursing classes once held the administration building. It also contained the dining hall, several classrooms, and a library. It even held an armory, due to Schreiner being a military academy during the years before it became a four-year university. They also likely know little of the building’s namesake, W.C. (Heine) Weir.

Weir was the “Academic Dean of Schreiner Institute for almost 20 years, [a] math teacher, and [a] legendary football coach,” according to the Schreiner website. Weir, much like most of the administration that Schreiner employs, had a variety of roles during his career. A quote by Sam M. Junkin, a former Schreiner president, said about Weir, “…A stern man, one who did not rest easy with what he considered ‘nonsense.’ But, he was respected and served Schreiner admirably.” This led to the college naming the central building the Weir Academic Building in the 1960s. With previous is-

sues addressed, planners remain concerned with staying current in regards to technology in Weir. For instance, one of the new renovations has repurposed several of the nursing classrooms on the bottom floor into the Center of Digital Learning. Additionally, there are now mounted screens throughout the building. With these steps, Schreiner University plans to have the Weir Academic Building remain a symbol of the past as the campus moves forward to meet the needs of future students.

Green Society sponsers Earth-day Fashion Show Story by: Shelby Spenrath Student Contributor

Join the fun by contacting Shelby Spenrath at saspenrath@schreiner.edu

Earth Day is more than just a day to celebrate our planet; it’s a day to have fun. On April 22nd, Schreiner’s Green Society will be hosting an upcycling fashion show in the commons at 6pm. It is open to all students.

To enter, one person will need to volunteer as the model. After that, an outfit must be created out of only recycled material and a written description of the materials used must be submitted prior to the event.

Along with the fashion show there will also be a watermelon-eating contest. Prizes will be awarded to the winners. To support Earth Day and raise awareness be sure and wear green.

In the spirit of this celebration, the diner will also participate in a lights out power down DID YOU KNOW? day in order to conserve energy. The diner’s estimated average monthly




cost of following Electricity: $1600 Water $800 Gas $1500 It pays to be green!

freshman housing Below: Delaney Staff Freshman Mitchell Schneider, Freshman Reanna Garces (Alternate), Sophomore Alexis Morales, Freshman Jose Otero (Alternate), Junior Kira Phillips (Senior RA) Not Featured: Kim Woods (RD)

Above: Trull Staff

Above: Faulkner Staff

Angie Bauman (RD), Junior Sofia Guerra (Senior RA), Sophomore Robert Dinkis, Freshman Jacqueline Osuna, Sophomore Codi Simmons

Sophomore Austin Crain, Sophomore August “Montana” Hammock, Junior Charley Curd, Sophomore Egla Garcia

Photo Story by: Katie Bishop Reveille Editor-in-Chief

Not Featured: Junior Shayla George (Senior RA)


The Reveille - April 2015


Silence! cont. Continued from Front Page

me”, said freshman Jacob Johnston. Although the Scarle-Phillips room is for silent individual study, the rest of the library will remain the same. Students can work in groups anywhere in the rest of the library. Many students can also take advantage of the tutoring center, in Dicky Hall, which can help considerably in the stressful time finals pro-

vides. With the ScarlePhilips room a silent room for individual study, it is important to be respectful of other’s

study needs by silencing cell phones and using headphone if you are listening to music.

Hoonie the Rooster here!

Student Government cont. Continued from Page 3

entire Schreiner community and continuously improving the Schreiner campus and student life experience for generations to come.” This year’s SGA has done much to establish itself as the premier student leadership organization on campus, with an emphasis on initiatives that will be visible to students. SGA has restored the SU flag to the commons, created a quite study zone in the ScarlePhilips room of the library during

It is recommended that you take conversations outside of the room, and respectfully let others know if they are making noise that disturbs your studies.

the weeks of midterms and finals, passed a Lights Off Power Down program as an official initiative through the Planning and Stewardship Committee, and sponsored a competition to create the new desktop background that can be seen on campus computers.

Junior Leanna Haynes, Sophomore Brittney Garza, and Sophomore Kelsey Buczkowski gather for silent study after a weekend of tennis matches against Trinity University.

Also, SGA has contributed to the cost of the musician for the Recall Festival, and has purchased the food that is to be provided. Next year’s SGA will have the responsibility of carrying the torch and ensuring that the legacy of hard work, visible change for students, and

passionate student advocacy does not falter. There have been great strides made this year, and a strong organization has been built with a defined mission and a lasting set of governing documents. Next year’s SGA must ensure that this mission is relentlessly pursued.

Student Government Asccociation Elections

Vote During April 20th - 24th @ CCAC “Elect the Voices of Schreiner”

You Schreiner students think you’re so clever, running to class when you clearly spent too much time sleeping. Think coffee will help? Think again. I guess I’ll have to crow louder in the mornings. Wasn’t Schreiner a military academy once? Well, consider me your residential Reveille call! I’ll sing especially for you, ritualistic morning runner! Sleep is for the weak. Follow the rooster’s call and you’ll be as good as gold.

- Hoonie

upperclassman housing Below: Flato Staff

Below: Pecan Grove Staff

Junior Samar Dadashazar, Junior Katie Bishop (Senior RA), Sophomore Nathan Johnston, Sophomore Alliona Fay

Sophomore Luis Mancillas, Sophomore Alexandra Gill, Sophomore Stephanie Schumaker (Alternate), Amanda Thomson (RD), Junior Erik Cunningham (Senior RA), Sophomore Tatyana Carnes

Not Featured: Coach Ryan Brisbin (RD), Junior Jordan “JoJo” George (Alternate)

Above: Oaks Staff Sophomore Christonna Jones, Junior Andrew Arnold, , Freshman Desiree Escobedo, Junior Kaitlyn Goertz, Sophomore Audrey Oswalt (Senior RA) Not Featured: Ariel Leary (RD), Junior Courtlynd Miller (Alternate), Sophomore Samantha Scudder (Alternate)



The Reveille - April 2015


Designed by: Marty Garcia Reveille Co-Editor

April 9. 2015 The Sidney Baker Street bridge over the Guadalupe River was closed for almost five hours when a Kerrville citizen threatened to jump off the bridge. Officers and counselors were able to successfully convince the man to walk off the bridge safe and sound. Photo from dailytimes.com


April 12, 2015 Presidential Candidate Hilary Clinton announced over the weekend that she would throw her hat into the race for the Democratic Party. An official video of her kick-start campaign can be found online. If elected, Clinton would be the first female president of the United States. Photo from cnn.com


April 3, 2015 In only 10 days, the final film in the series, Furious 7, became the highest-grossing ‘Fast & Furious’ sequel. The highly-anticipated movie raised over $800M worldwide. Paul Walker, the protagonist, passed away before the film was completed, causing many fans to see the film with excitement but heartache. Photo from comingsoon.com

April 11, 2015 President Barack Obama met with Cuban President Raul Castro for about an hour on Saturday. This meeting ended an over 50 yearlong standstill between the nation’s leaders. Although both leaders claimed to have made progress, Cuba continues to be on the U.S. list of countries that sponsor terror. Photo from nytimes.com

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Facebook: www.facebook.com/Schreiner Newspaper Issuu: www.issuu.com/thereveille Twitter: @SUReveille1923

Brand New!

The Reveille - April 2015

“Recall” cont. Continued from Front Page




A formula is used to select the Recall court. Each organization may earn points for their candidate and may only run one candidate per position available. For instance, let’s say the XYZ decides to compete in the following events and earn the following points (Chart 1-A):

– Don’t be left out –

Be a part of the tradition! vote count. Points are tabulated per event. Thursday, April 16th Participants must report to the points table for each event and identify themselves as a mem11am – 1pm Recall Elections (Commons) ber or supporter of the organization they are 5pm SU Pride Boards Deadline representing. (Turn in at Commons) Participants may only represent one organiThe team will receive 200 points for each candization per event, and may not change organiFriday, April 17th zations once an event has started. Competition date they have running both the queen and king 10am – 4 pm Display Boards candidates will get 200 points. That total is then and event points will be added to the Recall 4:30pm Judging (Commons) added to the votes each individual earns throughCandidate’s vote total to determine the king and queen. Competition and event points will out the elections. So if Johnny and Suzie repreSaturday, April 18th be added to the Recall student groups to deter- sent XYZ here’s how the votes work (Chart 1-B): mine the student group winner. All decisions 10am Ring Ceremony regarding the awarding of points are deterThe individual candidate with the highest total (Dietert Auditorium) mined by the assistant dean of students and will be crowned King/Queen. Because votes are 11:30am – 1pm Recall Lunch (Cafeteria) are final. calculated individually a queen candidate and king 1pm – 6pm Recall Festival (Robbins Lewis) The events are as follows: candidate could be selected from different teams. 4pm Announce king and Queen, College Bowl The points can make a huge difference. Elections 5pm – 7pm Recall Dinner (Robbins Lewis) Up to 50 points count toward 40 % of the points and competi8pm – 12am Recall Festival Live Music Spirit Competition tions count toward 60% of the points. and Dancing (Robbins Lewis) Up to 50 points Chart 1-A Canned Food Drive Chart 1-B Points Event Place 1 point per can up to 100 points XYZ College Bowl 2nd place 30 points Can Castle Building Points Votes Total Competitor Up to 50 points 85 points Canned Food Drive 85 cans Johnny 545 200 345 Display Board Bridge Building 3rd place 20 points Up to 50 points Suzie 611 200 411 50 points Knock-out Challenge 1st place Election Display Board Participant 10 points Dr. Bret Anthony Johnston (left), a professor of Cre1 point per vote – No limit ative Writing at Harvard University and native Texas Total: 200 points Knock Out author, was inducted with ten other students and Schreiner profesUp to 50 points

sors into Schreiner’s Alpha Gamma Xi chapter of the Sigma Tau Delta English Honor’s society by Vice President Katie Bishop (center) and President Justin Rogers (right) on Monday, April 13 before presenting at the Texas Writers Conference.

Interview with Texas Author, Bret Anthony Johnston

Interview by: Courtney Reopelle Student Contributor Photo by: Crystal Whetstone Student Photographer

Does Texas have any influence in your writing?

My memories of Texas form and inform my writing, and my fascination with the state, its cultures, its landscapes and people fuel my imagination. I’m interested in stories that could happen in Texas and nowhere else. If a reader can understand Texas, she can understand every other place on the planet.

What advice would you give a writer trying to publish their own book?

Be patient and stubborn and disciplined. Follow the characters and the stories, rather than forcing them to follow you. Write the book you want to read that isn’t on the shelf yet.

Do you have any pet peeves? That’s a long list, my friend.

Who is your favorite author?

That’s also a long list, but for starters Chekhov, Cormac McCarthy, Alice Munro, and Haruki Murakami.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I realized I wanted to be a writer when I was very young, a kid really. I just didn’t know I could be a writer, didn’t know anyone could be a writer, until much later in my life. Once I understood that it was an option, I put everything I had into the pursuit.

On the Air: “Radio” cont. Continued from Front Page

Coffee House in the Lion’s Den. This could be one possibility for a work study or a volunteer opportunity. Communication majors, music majors, and theater majors could also benefit from the experience of working with the radio station. The process would be slow, but 3

I don’t think anything about my writing life is interesting. I hope the books and stories are interesting, but not how they’re made.

6 8

How long did it take you to publish your first book? Each book takes me about five or six years to write. I’m slow.

Teachers and other writers that I loved to read. These teachers and writers led me to believe that it was possible to be a writer and that it would be a worthwhile and dignified way to spend our time on the planet.

Do you believe writing books in regions familiar to you creates a better story than in regions unfamiliar to you? I think familiarity can breed complacence or curiosity. The former is deadly for a writer, the latter is the lifeblood of writing. I want to become familiar with landscapes, internal and external, through writing, even if I’ve never known them except on the page.






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8 3

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What do you say is your interesting writing quirk?

Who, or what, influenced you to become a writer?

the pay off would be gratifying. Although a plan hasn’t yet been set to create a Schreiner radio station, if enough students came together in support of it, then the Schreiner Student Government Association would make efforts to make it happen.




The Reveille - April2015

Most Inspirational Cheyenne Walker Class Clown Steve Guerrero

Most Athletic, Most Involved Charlie Nunez


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Most Artistic Holly Light and Jennifer Ruby

Out of over 25 nominees, 10 winners were voted as top of their class in these categories. Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Most Likely to Be Famous Carleigh Hammond

Most Studious Annie Reast

Sayonara, Class of 2015! The Reveille Staff wishes to join the campus as we say goodbye and farewell to all our graduating seniors!

Most Fashionable Adriana Mercado

Cutest Couple Blake Brougher and Sarah Carlyle

Questions or Comments About The REVEILLE? Editor-in-Chief • KATIE BISHOP   KLBishop@schreiner.edu Co-editor • MARTY GARCIA MartyGarcia@schreiner.edu Editing Apprentice • DELANEY McKee DGMcKee@schreiner.edu

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