March 9, 2016

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WEDNESDAY March 9, 2016

Volume 5.2

A Band Without a Name:

The Performing Arts LLC’s Newest Crown Jewel By Katie Bishop, Staff Writer

Schreiner has long offered opportunities for the fine arts, from music and theatre to communication design, but as of this year our University can is now also home to the Performing Arts Living and Learning Community (affectionately called “PALLC” by the members). Founded on the principles of comradery and creation, PALLC is a breeding ground for imagination, and three of its freshmen class are living the experience to its fullest. Bob Bryant (music education major), Jacob Collazo (education major, music minor), and Arnold Alaniz (finance major with plans for an English or music minor) can be observed rehearsing their unique acoustic sound

around campus at random times throughout the week. On sunny days, they lounge at the shaded stone table in the quad as Collazo invents new rhythmic patterns on his Cajon (pronounced “ka-hone” and named Tina) under Bryant’s stylistic guitar strumming, while Alaniz studies lyrics and occasionally picks up his own acoustic six-string to add harmony to the ensemble. A band without a name, the trio has been more than happy to perform at various university events, such as Delta Phi Epsilon’s hoedown last semester, the Texas Heritage Music Festival and Coffeehouse Wednesdays, Schreiner Saturday; and Alta Foster’s 104th birthday (where our

BAND page 7

Feeling the Bern vs. Making America Great Again By Elliot Patterson, Staff Writer So far in the 2016 presidential race we’ve seen republican candidates refuse to honor the Republican Party, verbally insult each other, and openly refuse to acknowledge global warming. One primary concern among republican voters is whether or

not the party is united. Most candidates stuck together, however, Donald Trump stated that he was willing to run as a third party member if not selected as the republican candidate.

AMERICA page 7

After voting on Super Tuesday last week, sophomores Emily Williams and Michaela Lehman along with freshman Michael Woods snap their moment of pride. Photo courtesy of Emily Williams.

O pinion 2-3

The PALLC ensemble’s most recent Schreiner Saturday performance on Febraury 27, 2016. The group showcased their best performances as well as a new song to prospective students and their families, and also performs at other school functions. From left to right: Bob Bryant, Arnold Alaniz, and Jacob Collazo. Photo by Katie Bishop

Staff Spotlight: Matt Goodwyn By Edward Miranda, Co-Editor

Dr. Matt Goodwyn has been working at Schreiner for more than 10 years now and he is currently the assistant dean of students. Goodwyn is a local guy who graduated from both Tivy High School and is also a Schreiner University alum (class of 2002.) He oversees the Mountaineer Leadership Academy, and is the advisor for the National Society of Leadership and Success. To make a long story short, he does a lot! Dr. Goodwyn works for both students and staff alike. Goodwyn has this fire and drive in him that pushes him. When asked if there was any advice or


a quote for a student here that may be lacking encouragement or needs a pick me up he took a deep breath and said, “If you put the time, effort, and dedication, good things will happen.” Here are 3 fun facts about Matt Goodwyn you may not know: #1 Goodwyn is a huge karoke junky- who says thathis “go to” karaoke jam is Darius Rucker, Wagon-Wheel (would never have guessed that.) #2 He enjoys attending comiccons and dressing up like real-life comic book characters such as the Green Arrow.


M ont y ’ s M ontage 4-5 C ampus L ife 6 F eatures 7 N ews 8



The Reveille - March 9, 2016

Come Fly With Me By Emily Williams, Staff Writer I have fortunately had many opportunities to travel throughout my life. My grandparents thought it was important for individuals to not only learn about different cultures, historical sites, and natural wonders, but to experience them in person as well. So as I come upon my 20th birthday, I’ve been to 49 states (the one that’s missing is Hawaii for those of you that might be wondering) and 10 countries.

As one might imagine, I’m very pro-travel. I agree with my grandparents that nothing compares to experiencing places in person. I imagine many of you would agree with me. But I could a guess a lot of you have one thing holding you back from pursuing these goals…money.

Don’t get me wrong; I understand this is a very real concern. I know travel is imperative when it comes to developing into a wellrounded student, but I also know it’s not cheap. Now, if only there were some office that could make this whole process easier…or maybe a fee built into tuition to help with the cost or maybe even a staff member on campus whose job it is to give Schreiner students a global edge. Oh wait. We have all of those things. There are also scholarships specifically available to students that choose to study abroad, and those can be found by contacting Dr. Sonja Lind, as well as the office of financial aid. It’s honestly shocking to me that 100 percent of Schreiner students don’t choose to spend a summer, semester, or even year abroad. I personally will be spending the spring 2017 semester studying Scottish history at the U of Edinburgh in Edinburgh, Scotland and I could not be more excited. But for those of you that might not want to commit quite that much time, planning, and money saving, we have faculty-led trips as well. I’ll be kicking back in Havana, Cuba in one short week.

However, if you want to enjoy the pleasures of another culture without even leaving campus, our multicultural events are an incredible opportunity to do that. These events are usually held in the Commons, and are announced on the weekly campus activities email as well as on social media in advance. So take advantage of as many of these opportunities as you can. If you were loo king for a sign that you should get out of Texas for a while, here it is. Go schedule an appointment with Sonja Lind

right now. Right now. And for all of the people that have asked me (and probably will ask me after this article is published) if I’m scared about spending a whole six months in another country, of course I am! I’m terrified. But I’m also extremely excited. And what’s the point of college if it’s not to push you out of your comfort zone?

“Stressed” Spelled Backwards is “Desserts” By Daisy DelBosquez, Staff Writer

Spring break is just around the corner, along with Midterms. With exams coming closer, it’s easier to fall under tremendous amount of stress while studying. When it comes to feeling stressed, each person feels them in different ways. While some may lose their appetite, others will have a larger one. Tension in your back is formed and you can become disorganized and overwhelmed. Despite these things, there is a way to deal with the stress of midterms. While studying, make sure you

give yourself enough time to go over everything you need to study for your upcoming exam. Look over what you have to study and designate a time out of your day to study that specific material. If you start feeling overwhelmed with your work load, take some time to yourself to just breathe and calm yourself down. Take a break. Breaks can help keep your brain power flowing. During these breaks do something that you enjoy doing. If you like to draw, make a small doodle. If you like to run, go for a short run. Just give yourself enough time to calm down and clear your head. If you aren’t sure what to do, physical activity will help keep you on task such as going for a simple walk. Don’t freak yourself out too much during midterms and take one test at a time. Make a schedule and organize yourself beforehand. Give yourself room to breathe and to think. Remember: Stressed spelled backwards is Desserts.


The Reveille - March 9, 2016


Carpe Diem... From the Sunrise! By Marty Garcia, Editor-In-Chief Baa. Baaaa. BAA! When we first got sheep at my house, their rooster-like trait of screaming at 6 a.m. was annoying and irritable, especially when I had stayed up until 1 a.m. working the night before. But between them and an 8 a.m. class, I have started to feel that morning person I knew so well in high school regenerate in me. I found an article that talked about how successful business owners were morning people. So before you press that snooze button, consider these reasons why you should spend the extra 30 minutes getting started on your daily routine rather than in bed. The way you start the day can have a significant impact on how productive the rest of it is, which I can attest to personally. Waking Your Brain During sleep, your brain goes into a state of organization, archiving information it needs to keep and discarding what is not important. When the brain is done, it is now ready to process more information. Getting up later can cause the brain to lose that readiness. When it does count to rise ear-

ly for that 8 a.m. test, you might just not be ready for it no matter how many hours of study you crammed the week before. This is also a good reason why you should sleep for at least 7 consecutive hours a day, as The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute recommends. In a 2008 Texas University study, students who habitually rose early in the day had one grade point higher on their GPA compared to the students who identified as night owls and rose later in the day. Moving the Muscles During the night, gravity naturally stretches your bones out and relieves the pressure accumulated during the daily routine. But oversleeping can cause muscles to become uneasy and sore from extended lack of circulation. Rising to find that you are running late may cause an adrenaline rush to stimulate movement and focus, but when this rush calms down, the soreness may return. Unlike the soreness after an exercise routine, late risers feel tired from literally doing nothing, and may go to bed more exhausted than people who rise early and

We Asked, You Answered! Results from an online poll of our readers I need to study abroad!


I will be fine studying close to home.


work out for a couple of hours. Quiet Time Morning people have an advantage in that while the rest of the world wakes up, they have some quiet time to focus on the day ahead and set goals on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Instead of rushing to meet forgotten deadlines, it is easier to work on them first thing in the morning, and come back to them until completed. I have personally found that when I rise earlier, there is more time in the day not just literally, but mentally I feel less pressured and more able to complete tasks. Working on projects in the morning, I am so much more focused, even to the point where I look at the clock and say, “It is barely 11 a.m.?” Don’t Worry, Be Happy Studies have also found that people who rose early after a good night’s sleep were more optimistic, happy, and fared better in stressful situations than those who were night owls. Lack of sleep and habitually rising after noon was linked to depression and pessimism. I know that seeing the sunrise

as I drive to school or work does make me happy inside. Although sleeping in occasionally does feel great, having this routine of getting up earlier has made me feel more productive and ready for what life throws at me. I owe it partially to my sheep, but after doing this research, I am happy to know that it is all better in the long run. So keep this in mind when we “spring” forward an hour, and take advantage of this change to start on your own sleep routine overhaul. The National Sleep Foundation offers a free online personal journal where you can record your sleep schedule, incorporate a morning routine such as exercise or reading the newspaper, and see the progress over time.

Katie Bishop and Kris McElhaney’s Senior Recitals

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I am a morning person.


Give me five more minutes!

A new poll every issue!


I miss Hoonie!


The chicken can stay in the coop.

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April 23rd 3:00 pm First Christian Church 1900 Goat Creek Rd.



The Reveille - February 10, 2016

Spring Break 2016 The Reveille collected responses from students about Spring Break plans and expectations. Here are the responses:

Best Places to Visit Disney World South Padre Island New York Colorado

Netflix Shows You Need to Watch: Breaking Bad Gossip Girls Grey’s Anatomy Making A Murderer Dexter

The Reveille - March 9, 2016


Where The Mountaineers go for Spring Break hman s e r F , t g i as, Paige Vo c u L n a S Cabo o t g n i ep o e d G “ e b o s l will a d n a , o ys c i a x d e l Me p u o or a c f g n i h s fi sea e.” r e h t m ’ I while


ton G lover “I pla n to s , Freshm volun pend tim an teeri e the z n g oo, a nd vi at si my fa mily.” ting

nior u J , s e r a v i Martin Ol ading e r o t n r u ret get “I plan to y l l u f e p o dh for fun an if my g n i n n u r back to ls!” a e h e e n k

Don’t Forget to Spring Forward One Hour on Sunday, March 13! 50% of students are just waiting to fall back again




The Reveille - March 9, 2016

Dominican Republic Travelers Ready for Take-Off

Texas Music Coffeehouse March 2nd, 2016 Right: John Zamudio, one of our own students, playing for open mic and impressing the audience.

By Angie Santos, Contributor

Below: Two of the Patricia Vonne trio battling it out between violin and guitar. Photos by Alyssa Cole.

Thanks to organization, ideas, and effort by dedicated members of our campus, I am able to witness and participate in how Schreiner is truly committed to providing students with meaningful, enriching experiences through service. This year, the office of Purposeful Lives and Campus Ministry are hosting an alternative spring break service and mission trip to the Dominican Republic. There, a select group of Schriener students will be traveling abroad and staying in a mission house with a group called ROW. The group traveling will be working with El Buen Samaritano Hospital building a school for the children in the community, (many of them Haitian or-

phans and immigrants), and be doing a public health project where public health and nursing students can work in the local hospitals or in the communities., where the Haitian immigrants work with sugar cane fields. The students going, myself included, are super excited for this magnificent opportunity. Bria, a student attending the trip says, “Every person has a duty to society, this will just be the beginning of mine.” I cannot express how excited I am to be a part of such a great movement. When will you begin your journey?

affiliation with the Presbyterian church), its expandable cast, and the “fun, pop-like music” that the audience could relate to. “Not to mention,” Cunningham added, “this part of the Hill Country hasn’t seen Godspell on stage in about 13 years, since Playhouse 2000 put it on in 2003!” Needless to say, this production proves that Schreiner’s Fine Arts Departments are well on their way to a strong future of interdisciplinary collaboration. “We have people who have never acted, who have never danced on

stage, and we have such a combination of talents, so I love how many people from the campus that this show has brought together,” Cunningham said. With the addition of the Performing Arts Living and Learning Community this year and next semester’s construction of a new music facility, Cunningham was more than eager to confirm that next year’s season has big plans for another musical, especially because of this year’s strong turnout.

Students Take the Stage in Godspell, Performing for School and Locals By Katie Bishop, Staff Writer It’s been four years since Schreiner has seen its students put on a musical, but as of March 5th weekend, the University’s wait was over. Godspell featured sixteen talented Schreiner students representing a myriad of majors, from Theatre and Music to Finance and Biology, and had an energetic three-night run at the Callioux Theatre in Downtown Kerrville. Attendance averaged nearly 200 audience members every night, warmly welcoming the

cast to the stage after an unexpectedly short month of rehearsals. Heather Cunningham, adjunct theatre professor and Godspell director, noted that, for several years, the fine arts programs at Schreiner have “wanted to do something that made theatre and music more accessible to students.” She and Professor Michael Kahl, the show’s director of music, selected Godspell for its Christian-based theme (appropriate for the University’s

Campus Events Calendar Wednesday, March 9th Concert Band and Jazz Band Performance 7 PM @ CCAC Ballrooms

Friday, March 25th Easter Holiday

Thursday, March 10th Mid-Term Grades Due

Monday, March 28th Monday Night Fiction 7-8 PM @ Center for Digital Learning

March 14-18 Spring Break

Thursday, March 31st Cesar Chavez Day

Monday, March 22nd Bid Idea Chatauqua Lecture Series: NFL Player Ronald Leary 7 PM @ CCAC River Room

Just In Time: Job Search Skills 12-12:50 PM @ Center For Digital Learning

Thursday, March 24th Last day to drop a course 1 PM

Find more events online: > Campus Recreation > Calendar


The Reveille - March 9, 2016


America continued from front page

Traditionally in the United States’ two party system, third party candidates do not win presidential elections. What third party candidates do is take some of the votes away from one of the two parties though, which ultimately hurts whichever traditional party the third party’s beliefs are more closely aligned to. Naturally, the Republican Party was upset by Trump’s refusal to pledge himself early on to the GOP. However, with Trump remaining the front runner for the Republicans after Super Tuesday, it seems likely that he will be the Republican’s nominee for presidency. His nearest competition is Senator Ted Cruz, who is trailing behind. However, since Saturday Cruz gained a huge lead on Senator Marco Rubio. As for the Democrats, early on the clear competitors were Senator Bernie Sanders and Former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton.


very own Dr. Summerlin joined in and sang with them). Regular performance and musical interaction are some of the main goals of PALLC, and the band owes much of their success to Professor Michael Kahl’s excellent organizational skills. “We were inspired to start this band because we had fun making music together,” Bryant said. “Mr. Kahl was always offering to line up gigs for us, so we were motivated to perform and get better.” In their first week living in PALLC, Alaniz recalled their first jam session: “We thought, yeah, maybe we’ll jam a couple of times, and the first song we played was “Hotel California” by the Eagles.” From there, it appears the trio was a match made in Schreiner paradise. “What’s really nice about our group,” Bryant said, “is that independently we offer different sounds, but when put together it’s a unique sound. Very raw and real.” Collazo agreed, adding, “We all love music enough to devote our lives to it.” When asked if the group had any plans of sticking together and taking the show on the road after graduation, the members

Bernie Sanders is a self-proclaimed socialist who champions socialized medicine, “affordable college”, and redistribution of wealth. Since the start of his campaign, Sanders has found overwhelming support from youth especially on Twitter and other social media. However, his massive Twitter following apparently couldn’t be bothered to vote come Super Tuesday. This resulted in Hilary Clinton pulling ahead, but not for long since Super Saturday gave Sanders two more states. Clinton only won one. Many older democrats favor Clinton because they believe Sanders is too extremist in his ideals. Others prefer Sanders due to ongoing indictment charges on Clinton regarding government sensitive information being on her personal email. Want to vote and make a difference? You can register at the Kerrville Courthouse at, Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main Street, Suite 124, Kerrville, Texas.

continued from front page

were equally interested and weary about the future. Alaniz was especially eager, calling it his dream to be part of an amazing sound like theirs, but he noted that asking such a commitment “is like proposing.” They all agreed that they had a long four years to go before declaring their absolute future as a band together. Collazo explained that, although his dream is to join the Peace Corps, he would “put it all on hold” if the band really took off and he could “make a difference through music instead.” Bryant agreed and mentioned his dreams of becoming a solo artist, but is very interested in continuing to work with Alaniz and Collazo. Even in the short time they have known each other, they have together grown as musicians and scholars. They are proud to be members of PALLC and feel fortunate to have the opportunity to “pursue [their] own thing” and put their stamp on the Schreiner music community. It is clear that with the continued support and encouragement from the University, these three young men will go far with their talent and endless musical energy.

Spotlight #3 Goodwyn says if he could have one celebrity student for the day it would be without a doubt, 100% be the actor Ryan Reynolds. Goodwyn is straight-up great guy with has a big heart and a drive not just only for himself but also the students and staff here at Schreiner University.

continued from front page

Well, that’s it for the staff spotlight on campus for this month. Do you have a teacher, staff or student you want to consider for next month’s column? Send me an e-mail and nominate your favorites at


The Reveille - March 9, 2016

Ready for Recall 2016

By Lisa Lopez, Contributor

This year the Ancient & Honorable Order of the Campus (AHOC) has teamed up with both the Student Government Association and the Alumni Office to put together the most successful Recall Week we will have had yet. Recall T-shirts will be sold at all the events for $5 or by “trade-in” with a shirt from another university. Events happening that week on the Schreiner campus include: a sand volleyball tournament, a Schreiner trivia game night, a “Pie-a-Professor” in the face fundraiser, a picnic where incoming and current students get the opportunity to mingle with Schreiner alumni and a talent show with prizes for 1st through 3rd place. The events hosted during the week are a competition between the different resident halls on campus, as well as for commuters that attend the university. This year will also be the first year Schreiner incorporates a

“Recall Photo,” similar to the annual Weir class photo, into the mix, in hopes to make this a new tradition on campus that students have to look back on many years from now. For Recall weekend, there will be an off-campus golf tournament Friday afternoon for the returning alumni followed by a picnic Saturday afternoon. On campus, AHOC will be hosting the 2nd Annual Spring Ring Ceremony for students and guests. Saturday night there are events happening in the CCAC, including: dinner, a silent auction put on by the university’s Bachelors of Science in Nursing Program, and a casino night. There will be a raffle with multiple prizes, and many fun valuable items to bid on at the auction. Sunday brunch will take place on campus, and there will be a birding trip around the field station put on by Dr. Chris Distel. We hope to see many new and returning alumni at Recall Week 2016 and also invite all students to attend.

You M.A.D. Bruh?

By Elysia Leos, Staff Writer

Watch out: there is a new dance group on campus! The Motivating and Aspiring Dancers (M.A.D.) group is here for all students and staff to join, regardless of talent, skill or experience. M.A.D.’s mission is to provide a safe, stable, and inclusive environment to dancers. This coming week the start to the new RSO that is open to everyone, even faculty! M.A.D. is an organization were anyone can express themselves freely through the art of dance. There is no try-out process. Our practices are only mandatory if you sign up to be a M.A.D. performer, but you can just be a M.A.D. in-studio dancer if you’re not keen on performing. Either way your talent will not go unnoticed! How? M.A.D. is on every social media site. At the moment we have a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube that we will be used during every prac-

tice, performance, and event. M.A.D. does not only promote self-expression through dance, but community involvement and global awareness. If apart of M.A.D. you will be among students, faculty, and staff that have an array of different interest. We want to help our members grow by providing them with volunteer opportunities, and exploring different styles of dance from around the globe. We are currently looking into volunteer opportunities with the Salvation Army, and local animal shelters. M.A.D. will be exploring dance styles such as polyswagg, belly dancing, hip-hop, jazz, lyrical, and whatever members want to look into. If you’re interested, please come out to our first meeting this Thursday March 10 at 9 in the Delaney Global Studies Room, or email M.A.D.’s President Elysia Leos at for more information. We’re not only here to make better dancers, but better people.

Dallas Meadows March 31st

Emily Williams March 25th

Jen Ngo March 12th

Sulema Garcia March 22nd

For a regular update on Schreiner Sports news, watch the SSN team on Youtube! Logon to, then search for Schreiner Sports Network.

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