Spring 2013

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REVEILLE Schreiner University’s Student Newspaper

Spring 2013 Issue



Campus Life 4 Opinion 7 Features 2 Sports 5 Monty's Cave 8 Features 3 Entertainment 6




Conference The Bugle Call Champions Story By IAN DAVIS Photo contributed By RON MACOSKO




Schreiner University Athletics will be leaving the American Southwest Conference this year, and the men’s golf team is going out on top. At the ASC Conference Championships held at Crown Colony CC in Lufkin, TX, the team shot scores of 312-303-306 to claim the title over UT-Tyler by a convincing 22 shots. Sophomore Cheyne Kendall fired rounds of 74-74-73 to defeat the entire field of individuals by 7 shots. Sophomore Zach Oliver shot rounds of 80-73-77, Sophomore Jimmy keener shot 84-79-76, Freshman Phillip Stewart brought in 77-77-81, and senior Kelby Ruiz finished the tournament at 81-84-80.

If you haven't already noticed by reading this issue, Schreiner University's student newspaper has officially changed its name from The Mountaineer to The Schreiner Reveille. We, the newspaper staff, believe this will bring a fresh look and feel, and this brand new title also helps bring The men’s team won the the newspaper to the roots of Schreiner University. A special thanks to Angie Bauman for assisting us in this endeavour. conference championship If you have any questions and/or comments please contact for the first time in school Eloy Rico (Editor-in-Chief) or Shelby Smith (Co-Editor). history to pull even with the women’s team (who won the title in 2010), and finally step out of the women’s shadow that they felt they have been in the past couple of years. With success now spread evenly amongst the program, both teams are moving forward as one. The Schreiner Golf Program plays a different style of golf than most teams, and they’re not afraid to admit it. It is a Cheyne Kendall lines up a putt. process known as “Team Golf”. It is a game where “sticking with the process much success for the you play for each other and staying committed” is Mountaineers throughout rather than for yourselves, what allowed not only him, his two years in the as it is easy to do so in an but the whole team come program, but there was no overall individual sport. out with a victory. lack of motivation. Cheyne Kendall said that Kendall has had Continued on Page 2



The Reveille - Spring 2013

Person To Know: Dr. Grillo Story By KEISHA BEDWELL

Who: Introducing Dr. Mike Grillo, a new assistant professor of Political Science acting as part of the effort to revamp the International Relations program that disappeared with Dr. Ron Hatchett’s departure. Fun Facts

Favorite class to teach: Research Methods

system, Aphex Twin, Killing Joke, Peter Gabriel

Favorite color: Black

Best concert he’s been to: A Place to Bury Strangers.

Favorite animal: Dogs Favorite superhero: Wolverine Movie he can watch over and over again: The Big Lebowski

Hails From: Fort Lauderdale, Things he does in his spare time: Listen to music, buy Florida records, read music biograAlma Maters: Florida Atphies, and exercise. lantic University, University Favorite musician(s): Rush, of Delaware Joy Division, LCD Sound-

Q: Speaking of music, could you tell me more about the events focused on underground music you’re planning for this semester? A: Basically, I intend it to meet once a month. Each meeting will focus on a particular artist, scene, or genre and how it was influential on the mainstream. It will include a documentary,

Quad Renovation Story By JENNIFER DAUGHTRY Photo By JENNIFER RUBY Front Page Photo By ADAM BOYD

For the past few weeks if you look outside across what used to be a quiet route to and from Weir Academic Building and the Diner, you will now hear hammering and drilling, you will see huge wooden pillars protruding from the ground and big construction trucks pouring cement. There is a plan in motion to renovate the Quad. This project is set to be completed by august 2013. What is this project? Instead of a straight walkway from the Diner and CCAC to Weir we will soon have a beautiful, scenic pathway to and from our classes. The

plans are to re-landscape the Quad area with small plants and Oak trees. Benches will be placed inside the new pavilion to serve as a place to mingle, sit and read, or just to admire the scene. As a student I am excited to see the final product. President Summerlin has expressed some enthusiasm at our opportunity to see the construction from the first day to the final product. While passing by in the future and looking out to see all the men who are working all day to do this for us take a second to smile and wave or say a simple thank you. Hopefully this is just a step in the direction of a more spacious area to sit and

study for those of us who enjoy the outdoors. This project is scheduled to be completed in early August of 2013. As we return next semester we will see the outcome of a movement to beautify Schreiner University campus.

Part of the Quad, under construction!

listening to some tracks, and talk about the scene and its political context. Q: What will your first meeting discuss?

A: The first one will focus on the Sheffield scene of the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. Sheffield is very interesting because it was traditionally the heart of Britain’s steel industry and strong labor movement. In the late 1970’s, when punk took off and spread through England, Sheffield was the exception; it took the electronic route.

Q: Is there anything else in particular you would like the student body to know about? A: My research deals a lot with political psychology. Right now I’m working on the role memory plays in how people respond to political messages and the interesting thing that I’ve found there is that people are persuaded by strong nationalist rhetoric….but memory tests often reveal that they can’t go back and explain its content after the fact.

women’s shadow that they felt they have been in the “I struggled really badly past couple of years. over a couple of months, With the Championship and I hit a new level behind them, the team where I worked even now has another task in harder” said Kendall. front of them. They will Not only did that hard be traveling to Destin, work pay off for Cheyne, FL to compete in the but it set an example to 2013 NCAA Division III the rest of the program in National Championship the eyes of Head Coach Tournament which will Ron Macosko. “He’s be held May 14-17 at the an eye-opener to the Sandestin Golf and Beach rest of the program. A Resort. perfect example of what “We want to see can happen if you buy them win national in and stay committed” championships” said Macosko said. Macosko. The team has The men’s team won propelled themselves their first conference into a position to do so championship to pull and know now that when even with the women’s playing for each other, team (who won the title they can compete with in 2010), and finally anybody. stepped out of the Continued from Page 1


The Reveille - Spring 2013


Eliminating Stress During Finals Week Story & Photo By LANDRY NEWPORT

Finals Week. Those simple words strike fear into the hearts of most college students, and with that fear follows incredibly crushing stress. Knowing this, Zach Taylor and I have made some “tips” that we use to reduce stress that we thought would help out our fellow student. One would think that we college students do enough reading during finals week, especially with Textbooks. But Zach had a different opinion: “In just two to five minutes, your stress levels would be reduced by 66%... and that is reading any text. It doesn’t matter if the reader finds it stimulating or not.” I then asked if even math textbooks could help, to which he said “EXCEPT that.

No math!” The next tip is a seemingly obvious stress reliever: Chocolate. Chocolate gives off the

chocolate” because it has a great amount of antioxidants, which are essential to bodily health. In fact, it has more antioxidants than most fruits!

All of these reasons could be why chocolates are one of the things that people eat to calm themselves down after a “break up”. If chocolate can help with the stress of “heartbreak”, it should be able to help with the stress of Finals Week. Something else that might help is to lie around

Students playing video games to get rid of stress

same endorphins that one could get by kissing another person. Chocolate melts at a little over 85 degrees, which close to a human’s body temperature, which is why it seemingly melts in one’s mouth. Dark chocolate is considered “healthy

Have Trouble Writing? in, not because they are having trouble in a class, but because Most students know that they want to get the most out of there is a Writing Center on their Liberal education. campus and most also know She readily suggests that it is there for academic help. that “students think there However, there is a common is negativity in going to the misconception that the tutors Writing Center or the Teaching in the Writing Center are just and Learning Center.” This is there to help students who are the opposite of how she wants struggling academically. This is students to think about the not the case. Writing Center, or Academic According to the Writing Support in general. It should Center Director, Dr. Kirsten be a positive way for any kind Komara, the Writing Center is of student to improve their “about having a good intellectual education. According to Laura discussion or conversation.” She Hooge, a student who recently encourages students to come completed an interview for the Story and Photo By ASHLEY FIRASEK

and enjoy some electronics. Zach talked with me about these very things. When you watch television, he said you could “…immerse yourself in a vibrant world to distract from your problem. Enjoy time by yourself laying out on the bed and not having to think too hard.” Video games also help. “If (you’re) stressed, it can take out any aggression.” I noted that Zach, as well as many of my other male acquaintances, relieved this “stress” through first person shooting games. And finally, Zach talked about music. “It is soothing, as long as you enjoy the music you’re listening to.” Some people like or hate a music genre. As long as you like what you’re listening to, it should be calming. Some people may not be able to sit around, though.

Athletes may prefer walking or jogging. Sometimes just getting up out of that desk and running away from the stressors that come with Finals can make one feel much better. If friends are invited, one could “talk it out” on the stroll. The release of all that pent up energy by the mild exercise and the emotional support that comes with a good friend could make one feel much more relaxed about the situation and more willing to “tackle” studying again. Zach and I may not have a massive amount of tips, but we tried to help. There are many more ways to relieve stress depending on the person. If you have your own way to relieve stress during finals, please spread the word across campus. Who knows who you might help out?

three main ways for students to become Writing Center convention, involved in the Writing Center is “students their own helping students.” education. Dr. Komara points out The most that using the resources of common is a the Writing Center and the one-on-one TLC is actually the best way session with Writing Center tutors in Corpus Christi at a writing center to study. Students should use a tutor which these resources to bounce ideas allows students conference. Pictured are, left to right, Ashley Firasek, Laura Bower, Maria Diosadado and Rebecca Jones. off of their peers so that they to work on can talk about what they are evenings between 9 and 10 p.m. individual writing skills. learning. The Writing Center through the online feature. They also offer online isn’t just a place to have papers sessions where students can stay Most recently, the Writing edited or corrected, but rather a in the comfort of their room Center has implemented Group place where students can go to Sessions which consist of one and work with a tutor through become better writers and better chat sessions or a Skype-like tutor and up to seven other students over all. program. Students can also talk students talking about a certain The Writing Center offers topic about writing. to an on-call tutor on certain



The Reveille - Spring 2013

Res Life Takes New Approach the residence teams are working together to bring When was the last time students bigger, better you went to a program in programs. This has worked… your residence hall? If you in the dorms; especially are like most students at freshman dorms. Programs Schreiner, it was probably in freshman dorms are a long time ago. For as more interactive because long as most Schreiner “freshmen are hungry for upperclassman have been at involvement,” says Lori SU, RA programs have never Smith, Associate Director of exactly been a must-attend Residence Life and Judicial event. Board. ResLife wants to change This is not the case this. In an effort to raise however on the other side of attendance, the ResLife Team campus in the apartments. has been working together “I just don’t think about it,” to find the best way to bring said Samantha Sepe, Oaks quality programs to the most resident. This seems to be students. universal throughout the Instead of each RA putting apartments. When you live on a program individually, with your friends and have Story & Photo By CAROLINE PAUL

Cow Gone Missing all over his body. While he does have an udder, the tutors of Academic Our Mascot has gone Support still think of him missing! No, not Monty. as a masculine figure. He Gandalf the Pink is the mascot for the campus has a long beard and he was wearing a tall pointy Writing Center. Many of you might be familiar with hat when he was abducted. him if you visit the Writing As Dr. Komara mentioned, the person Center on a regular basis. who returns Gandalf He is a very dear friend to his rightful place in to the tutors and students the Writing Center will involved with Academic be compensated for Support. time and effort with a Dr. Kirsten Komara monetary reward, yet to be is devastated by the loss determined. of the cow and begs, “Please return Gandalf the If anyone would like to help us with the Pink happy and healthy. search, please inform Your best efforts will be Dr. Komara or a tutor rewarded.” of any information that Gandalf the Pink is you might have about the a bright pink cow who whereabouts of Gandalf. has white flower tattoos Story By ASHLEY FIRASEK

a kitchen, “there’s no reason to leave,” Smith states, “we haven’t found the right marketing niche or tapped in to the best kind of event.” It seems both students and ResLife staff unanimously agree that having programs outside would boost attendance. Reslife is aiming at 40-50 people as an ideal number but would like to stress both to students and RAs that they are looking for quality over quantity. If there is something specific you are wanting to see in a program or have any tips, talk to your local RA or send an email at cepaul@ schreiner.edu.

Resident Nick Newland checking the barbeque pit

Living On Your Own or have a child. Many students complain about Among Schreiner’s these strict policies because many unique qualities, it is it places too much extra also considered a residential cost on those with a tighter campus, meaning the budget. majority of students live A few extra bucks is on campus. Students also certainly the most direct brag about their spacious benefit, but what other dorms and apartments. But benefits can you get from with these awesome living living off campus? You quarters come astronomical gain real world experience housing costs. Great quality like money management housing isn’t the reason from paying bills. Many students live on campus. students will graduate Schreiner has very strict from Schreiner without policies for allowing its ever knowing what it’s like students to live off campus. to worry about how much To be eligible to live off water and electricity you campus, without your use, or how to cook because parents, a student must: they’ve been eating in the have at least 90 hours, be diner for the past four years. over the age of 23, married, When senior commuter, Story By CAROLINE PAUL

Laura Nentrup moved off campus, she stopped having to take out student loans. “You can also gain a better sense of independency through paying bills and you gain better credit before graduation,” Nentrup said. Credit can be a problem for graduates trying to buy a new car, or renting their own apartment. There are benefits of living on campus, convenience being the major one - but is it worth the convenience to graduate and not only have an extra $10,000 in loans to pay off but also fall on your face because you’ve never lived on your own?


The Reveille - Spring 2013

One Swing Closer

selfless mindset just makes us that much more special.” Coach Macosko praised the Story By CHARLIE NUNEZ Of the last three tournaments, Photo contrubuted By RON MACOSKO golfing scene on campus. Schreiner’s women’s golf has “Schreiner University is finished no lower than third and Schreiner Women’s Golf home to one of the best small team is on a great start to their has finished first in the last two college golf programs in the conference championship hopes. tournaments and this special nation. Few probably know Schreiner has won the that. This team will past two tournaments, definitely compete with three girls finishing for a national in the top five. championship in Schreiner has another the near future,” golf tournament coming said Coach Ron up soon. They are Macosko. preparing to repeat the With conference team seems eager to win. success of the last two. play starting soon, Schreiner’s “We have the ability to “It starts with having the right women’s golf team is starting overcome every obstacle that people. We are very fortunate off great to accomplish their is thrown at us,” said Mariah to have a great group of ladies conference championship. They Silvas, one of the three girls representing SU. They have have the work ethic, skill, and who finished in the top five. tremendous chemistry, work unity to not only accomplish “Adversity is something that our this goal but, like Coach very hard and are committed coach makes us work on every Macosko said, compete for a to excelling in everything they do,” said Golf Coach Ron day and the fact that we have national championship. the teamwork capability and the Macosko.

Great Hoops, Great Hopes

season is over this year, he will be interning at a CPA It has been a long four firm in Kerrville, working years for senior point guard with tax returns. Manny Longoria. He played Basketball isn’t the only his last home game against thing Longoria succeeds in. Hardin Simmons Feb. 16, He made the dean’s list six scoring 17 points for the semesters while attending Mountaineers. Not only is Schreiner. He received one of Schreiner University losing the most prestigious awards a player, but a player who the academic community is honest, industrious, and can bestow, the “Who’s kindhearted. Who” among colleges and Longoria is an accounting universities. major. After graduation, “Manny Longoria is he is going back to El easily one of the finest Paso, Texas, to acquire his human beings that I have master’s degree at University ever known,” accounting of Texas El Paso. In the near Professor Peter Huey says. future, he hopes to work His knowledge, interest and for KPMG, the audit, tax work ethic for accounting are and advisory firm in San what Huey liked about him. Antonio. After basketball Longoria is the only Story & Photo By ADRIANA MERCADO

senior on the men’s basketball team graduating in May. “He’s been the backbone of the team,” Head Coach Jimmy Smith said. His work ethic in basketball is astonishing. “He has the ability to make every situation a bright one, no matter what the outcome or circumstances were,” said fellow teammate Stevan Guerrero. As he leaves Schreiner University, he has learned to never give up, no matter what the circumstance is, and to stay grateful and humble, knowing there is still a lot of work to be done in the near future.


Playing for Fun Competition is a big part of intramurals. “It is competitive, When you arrive on a college but safe and impartial,” Dobbins campus everything is new and stated. exciting. Meeting new people and However, when Dobbins finding your way around can be observes the games, in his eyes, he nerve- wracking; however here sees different ethnicities coming at Schreiner University there’s a together working as one. Joining variety of competitive intramural an intramural team gives you sports such as flag football, indoor the opportunity to enjoy friendly soccer, dodge ball, basketball, etc. competition while at the same time “We want students to get engaged providing healthy, fun contact with on campus,” says Director a diverse group of individuals. of Campus Recreation Drew Not only are you having fun, Dobbins. but you’re having fun exercising. Intramurals are a great way Everybody wants to keep the to expand your base of friends “freshman 15” off the body. To on campus and to divert your do that, all you have to do is: get attention from the pressures of the a team together, show up on the classroom. proper date, come with a positive “It’s a time for me to relax the attitude, and be ready to have mind, and have fun,” Randy Jones fun. If you want to get involved says. Competing also gives you on campus, keep a look out for the opportunity to develop lasting e-mails for next year’s fall and friendships, and memories. spring semesters. Story By ADRIANA MERCADO

Manny Longoria, second from the left, with his team mates and coach. The Edington Gym is Manny’s favorite place to be on campus.



The Reveille - Spring 2013

Game-Day Guide: Where to Watch Story By IAN DAVIS Photos By CHEYNE KENDALL

on getting his sports fix. As a fan of televised basketball and With half of an NBA golf, he is quite busy this time season under our belts, and Schreiner football celebrating a year. If he were to watch a another undefeated season, the Spurs game or the third round of the current golf tournament, sports fan on campus is at a he prefers to watch in his crossroads. The NFL is in its eternity apartment in Pecan Grove. “It’s just convenient,” says of an off season and baseball Keener. “I can watch the game is still a month away. Fans on campus can’t wait to be glued and still be only feet away to that TV screen cheering on from anything else I need to their team, but are they making do.” But for those of you “peoplethe most of their experience? If rooting for a localized team persons” who love the such as the San Antonio Spurs camaraderie of cheering beside your fellow fans, there or the Dallas Cowboys, they are many other places on can catch the games on basic campus that provide sports cable, basically anywhere. What about those devoted coverage. All of the residence halls fans who live far away from have a common area with one their teams? Can they also find a sanctuary to be loud and or more TVs that are hooked proud? Well the answer is yes! up to cable. The rooms provide the space and furniture to suit a Can I get a touchdown highgame day fiesta. Just bring the five? chips and dip and your game Jimmy Keener, a face. sophomore at Schreiner The best thing to do would University, shared his ways

Schreiner students enjoying a basketball game at Wing King be to clear your intentions with whoever is in charge of the residence hall beforehand, and make sure they have given you permission. Also, if you’re that one guy who cheers every time the ball is airborne, remember to be respectful to those who may be down the hall cheering on their calculators and textbooks. Quiet hours may not be the best time to scream after the game-tying three goes in, but all we ask is that you do your best. We can coexist. Now to those fans who are throwing up support from long distance, can you also have a great game day experience? After all, your team is thousands of miles away and does not draw local coverage; aren’t we all doomed to be painfully uninvolved? The answer is no! Kerrville may not be the

town of your team, but it does provide you with a few places that will bring you coverage. One place in particular jumps out in front of the rest. “We’re going to Wing King,” said Keener on where he and his buddies would go to watch a game off campus. “Wings is just what you do when you’re a guy who watches sports. There’s no other way to do it. What are you going to eat, cupcakes and lollipops? No.” The guy does have a strong argument. Wing King is the only place in Kerrville where you can watch any game being played. If your favorite NFL team is playing across the country, they have NFL Sunday ticket, which allows you to watch those games live. They also carry NBA League Pass and NHL Center Ice. And while you’re

taking in the action on the many screens they provide, you can dive face first into a basket of the many types of wings they offer. Because what’s a great game without a little sauce in that sports beard of yours? “We’re the only place in town that has it all,” says Wing King Manager Lee Howard. “We have 10 TVs, so if there’s anything you want to watch, let us know and we can put it up somewhere.” So no matter what type or color of jersey you’ll be wearing, know that there is a place for you. Whether it’s in your living room, in the apartment pool room, or at a table behind a disappearing mountain of hot wings, you have the right to be loud and the right to be proud. So when your season rolls around, be ready Schreiner, its game on.


The Reveille - Spring 2013

A Day In The Life of work for those classes, and not one but two bands on the side to practice with, It’s Monday morning at I’m lucky to get to sleep by 8 in the morning and my 1 am, leaving me sleep dealarm clock is wailing at me prived along with a whopin an attempt to make me ping 68% of fellow college jump out of my bed. But without even creaking my “..my alarm clock tired eyes open my hands is wailing at me in go through the normal routine of putting 15 more min- an attempt to make utes on my clock to sleep at me jump out of my least a little bit longer. Story By KRISTA YARBROUGH

After a little over four weeks of alternating waking up at 7 am and 8 am four days a week, one would think that this would be normal, that it would be easy to get enough sleep, but with 16 hours on my plate as is, plus the long list


students across the U.S. This sleep deprivation leads to a daily 2-3+ cups of coffee in order to not fall dead asleep in classes (is that even possible to do here without a professor

noticing?) and taking naps whenever possible during the day and sleeping until 1 in the afternoon on weekends. Though sleep even on the weekends isn’t always possible due to massive to do lists of things that have to be done immediately. Even with due dates looming over head life is still about balance because with just work life becomes boring and terrible to the point that it is impossible to enjoy life when there is no relaxation. So no matter how stressful and filled with work life gets, always remember to just take a break and just take time to enjoy time with friends.


End It: Schreiner Story By KATIE BISHOP

END IT. We know you took notice of the words – the Freshman Assembly would like for you to take notice of their meaning. For the Assembly’s Philanthropist project this year, they decided to work with the Shine program to help Schreiner take a stand against human trafficking and modern day slavery that is taking place all across the nation. This spring, as part of a nation-wide philanthropy project, Shine and the Freshman Assembly joined forces with the END IT Movement (A Non-profit organization dedicated to bringing attention to modern day slavery) and the International Justice Mission (A human rights agency that brings rescue to

the victims) to give Schreiner University students the opportunity to take part in something that branched out to the rest of the nation. For more information, you can check out the following sources: The END IT Movement – Website: http://enditmovement.com Facebook: www.facebook. com/ENDITMovement International Justice Mission Website: www.ijm.org

There’s Always Next Year the night displaying her vocal and guitar talents, but due to onstage technical Let’s just say every difficulties, her guitar experience can be a lesson playing was hard to hear. A well learned. Schreiner University held its first Talent table I joined began to share Show on March 27th and you their input and comments. can’t tell that it was just that- They asked to be anonymous to avoid conflict with fellow its first. student classmates. Students, faculty, and Student 1 said: “If we some family fan base all are going to have a talent piled into the Lion’s Den show, at least make sure all approaching the 8 o’clock start of the show. The delayed equipment works for the performances.” And another start wouldn’t be the last of student shares, “I wish it the problems for the night. would have started on time, Shana Martin opened Story By RANDALL JONES

now I have to leave the show instead three contenders. early and miss most of it.” There was to be another vote Well the show carried on and this one determined by and now it was drawing close the screaming audience. to an end. It “A popularity "..talent didn’t was time for the contest? This matter as long voting, perhaps was rigged,” one the biggest as your friends observer said. controversy showed up to I understood of the night. the student’s scream louder for Observers complaints, even you.." picked up paper as a student just and pen, cast watching the their votes and turned them in show instead of reporting it. to the show hosts. Votes were If you are going to tallied and to my surprise, a have one way of voting, winner wasn’t called up, but you shouldn’t change it up.

Some people felt as if talent didn’t matter as long as your friends showed up to scream louder for you. This is not to take away from the winner’s performance, they did what they did, and they couldn’t control an outcome. Next year Schreiner, just be more organized for a more smooth, and enjoyable show. Good job to all performers and appreciation to all those who played a part in bringing an eventful fun night to the Lion’s Den.

MONTY’S CAVE Dead Fish This is Jonny.

The Reveille - Spring 2013

By: Audrey Thornell Jonny, why are you digging a hole in the yard?

That's a big hole for a goldfish.

Dirt hole

It's in your cat.

My goldfish died.


By: Victoria Waugh

Questions or Comments About The REVEILLE? Editor-in-Chief • ELOY RICO      EERico@schreiner.edu Co-editor • SHELBY SMITH  SLSmith@schreiner.edu

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