2 minute read

rok grINDergC

ThIs maNual grINDer helPs sTarT The Day by makINg a DelICIous CuP oF Java.

The team behind ROK are passionate about the right tools to allow everyone from a barista to an instant coffee novice to make the perfect cup of joe. The aim is to create attractive coffee instruments constructed with sustainable materials and built to be intuitive to use. The GrinderGC has an enhanced design to produce a consistent grind size, it comes fully constructed, all you need to do is attach the hand wind and it’s ready to go. The majority of the grinder is made from a robust metal, although the base is plastic and there is a plastic case exposing the gears, these are also made from a hardened steel and can be adjusted via the wheel, just tweak the grind for courser or finer results. The burrs are the preferred method to grind beans amongst coffee fans, this is due to a more consistent grind over blades and doesn’t cause friction that heats up the bean prematurely which can impair the flavour. When adjusting the grind, it might take a little trial and error to find the right setting for your coffee maker, but it will remain consistent once in place.



The last thing you want first thing in the morning is to blast your ears with a noisy electric grinder, that’s another benefit of the GrinderGC, it’s so quiet, yes you have to put a little manual effort in but that helps you wake up and counts towards your daily exercise. There is something just so satisfying about doing it yourself too, you can feel the beans being ground and can control the speed comfortably. The grinder remains stable throughout the grinding process and the coffee drops out cleanly and can be collected in the little jug that’s included. The top of the grinder where you pop the beans in is quite small and takes a little care, making it best for grinding enough for 2-3 cups at a time. The benefit of it being manual means you can even take it away with you (why resort to instant when camping). The proof is in the pull and the coffee this grinder produces is delicious, rich and full of flavour, it truly gets the best out of your beans.

Pros quIeT robusT buIlT PreCIse aND aDJusTable grIND geTs The mosT ouT

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