2 minute read
MICrOplaNe dual blade graTer-
COarse & FINe
This Dual Blade Grater provides you with two grating sides in one device, the fine blade and the coarse blade, made with a ultra-sharp, photo-etched, stainless-steel blade which cuts through foods effortlessly without ripping or tearing. As a two in one grater, you are already saving space without losing surface area and means it takes up minimal room in your kitchen drawer. £24
M IC rOpla N e zesT er lIMIT ed edITION
p rOs ulT ra- sharp T eeT h elega NT M aTT e blaC k FINIsh dIsh Washer sa Fe s C raTCh resIs Ta NT COaTINg
Kitchen tools don’t have to look serious and boring, the Limited Edition zester comes with a variety of bright and colourful ergonomic soft touch handles, think of it as representing the flavour and zest you are adding to your dish. It is loved by professional and home chefs alike, it comes with its own reusable protective cover to ensure the blades stay sharp, it is dishwasher safe which is also an added bonus.
£19 gOdOx MOVelINk MINI lT WIreless
Very CONV eNI eNT a N d relaTIV ely dIsC reeT MIC rOphON e sysT eM WIT h a g OOd ra Nge . a g OOd purChase
FOr T hOse T haT T raV el a lOT W heN V lOgg INg .
For those of you that are in to vlogging or producing online content a good microphone is essential. Now, there are plenty of good ones out there that you can place on a table with all sorts of funky features that allow you to capture the best sound but these are obviously a little static and keep all participants locked in place. What if you’re somewhere without a solid surface or need to be constantly on the move like a festival or something?
Well, a wireless microphone is the obvious solution right? No need for a lumpy awkward battery pack on your belt or wires that you need to wrestle with and hide, just a simple microphone that attaches to your top. Hardly anything new there of course so what does this kit offer to make you want it? Firstly there’s the compactness of the kit. It all comes in a very portable charging box about the size of a Gameboy and is very easy to take where you need it. You get a receiver and two microphones along with foam windscreens to help cut out wind and noise from clothing friction. To get it working you simply plug the receiver in to your recording device (an iPhone for example) and hit the ‘Pair’ button. Easy! The microphones have a maximum range of 100 metres which should be plenty for any situation you find yourself in.
The kit also comes in 4 different colours (pink, green, white or black) and the battery life of the microphones is about 6 hours and 8 hours for the receiver after a full charge is done which should be plenty of time to get what you need done. This version is specifically for Lightning devices (Apple products) and has great compatibility with all of them.

Very easy TO use