3 minute read

seNNheIser TV Clear

You know when you’re trying to watch a show on TV and you reach a crucial moment? The sound goes low, the lighting changes and the lead character whispers the crucial reveal in an atmosphere-drenched moment that leaves you absolutely knocked for 6? Only you missed it because that’s also the exact moment an inconvenient train hurtles past the window or your pet decides now is a good time to loudly complain that it wants a fuss or your partner (who gives no jot’s whatsoever about whatever you’re engrossed in) picks that moment to start talking about what next door have done with their patio… Yeah, kinda gutting isn’t it?

Well, these earbuds and accompanying transmitter have been designed specifically to allow you to have an uninterrupted listening experience so you don’t miss any of those crucial moments. The focus is on enhancing the actors’ voices in whatever you’re watching and is, it’s fair to say, more aimed at those of us that are hard of hearing as opposed to providing a cinema-style auditory experience, not that that’s a bad thing! They perform admirably in this respect with 5 speech clarity levels easily cycled through using the earbuds and further customisation available via the App.


They’re easy to set up too - the transmitter plugs in to your TV either via a 3.5mm audio jack or in to the digital optical output and then it’s a simple matter of changing the audio settings on your TV before opening the charging case with the buds in. I love that there’s a little warning sign on a piece of paper for this next bit! Leave them for 10 seconds before taking them out to connect and they should work straight away, simple! With 15 hours of battery life, that’s plenty of uninterrupted, crystal clear TV viewing.

leadJOy m1B

Gaming on an i-Phone can be awkward. With the screen encompassing the entire fascia, you have to rely on either onscreen buttons to get your desired result (and so reduce the amount of screen you can actually see the game in – not to mention the screen getting grubby quite quickly) or awkward-to-reach-comfortably buttons on the side of your phone that require you to perform finger gymnastics every time you want to relax! The solution is a device like this from Leadjoy. There’s plenty of them out there so what’s so great about this one in particular?

Well, for starters, they have my new favourite thing on gaming pads –Hall Effect Magnetic Sensors on the analogue sticks! These basically mean quicker, more accurate response times and a far longer shelf-life than your traditional analogue stick – it’s great to see this feature gaining wider use and hopefully, the larger console games company’s will start to follow suit in the near future! As far as this product goes, it makes for a very responsive gaming experience and gives you the reassurance that your controller is likely to last a while. The rest of the controller has the standard D-pad and 4 button lay-out you should expect as well as 2 shoulder buttons on either side and very much follows what has become standard controller lay-out.

The pad can be used with any i-Phone that has iOS13 or sooner with the i-Phone 6 being the lowest on the list of compatible devices so pretty far-reaching to be fair, great for those that haven’t been able to keep up with the latest devices. It also supports Bluetooth headphones (but not 3.5mm ones) and has a pass-through charger so you can charge while playing. Finally, it supports EGG 3DS and most of the popular streaming services such as Xbox Remote Play and NVIDIA GeForce as well as others.

p rOs desIGN ed speCIFICally FOr I- p hON es w IT h l IG hTNING us B h all eFFeCT!!

Fam Il I ar G am ING lay- Ou T – FOr ONC e a prOduCT desIGN ed

FOr a pple prOduCTs T haT IsN ’ T T ry ING TO Be dIFFereNT

FOr T he sake OF IT

NO N eed TO C harG e separaT ely – wOrks OFF T he phON e BaTT ery.


Bu TTONs Ca N ’ T Be C usTOm Ised yOu haV e TO Take a N y prOT eCTIV e Case OFF Or yOur phON e wON ’ T FIT


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