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IsOTunes free aWare
ISOtunes create a bridge between work safe hearing protection and enjoyable audio, allowing you to stay safe whilst on the job and hear your favourite songs or podcasts to keep you motivated. The FREE Aware claims to be ISOtunes’ most versatile and innovative to date, letting you communicate clearly and work freely, they are completely waterproof and cord-free thanks to the Bluetooth 5.2 connection providing a range of up to 30 feet. They come with three pairs of Tall TRILOGY eartips (S, M, L), three pairs of Short TRILOGY eartips (S, M, L) one pair of triple silicone eartips, USB-C charging cable, charging case, and charging case lanyard. It is best to try on each eartip size to ensure you get the perfect fit for the best hearing protection, they have a memory foam style consistency, so you squeeze them down a little, pop them in and as they expand, they create a seal to hold them in place. The earbuds are a little on the large size, I do have small ears and found they stuck out a bit, not the most comfortable but they did hold in place, they have an IP67 rating to protect against dust, sweat, and water. The level-dependent Aware Technology means you can continue to communicate with colleagues and listen out for important information, warning signals and safety alarms for example, all while receiving non-stop certified protection. The FREE Aware have a 32 SNR for noise reduction, are OSHA-compliant for hearing protection and limits the volume output to 85dB. They last a whopping 13hours from one charge which increases to 25hours when used with the charging case, they will automatically power off after 2 hours without Bluetooth connection for battery conservation. The background noise-reducing microphone offers clear communication in loud environments and lets you activate Siri/ Google Voice when needed. These headphones provide clear, detailed and enjoyable tunes at safe volumes, protecting your hearing from both exterior noise and the music volume itself.
enJOy THe BesT Of BOTH WOrlDs WITH Clear auDIO aT safe leVels WHIlsT remaInIng COnneCTeD TO THe WOrlD arOunD yOu.
PrOs aWare TeCHnOlOgy fOr COmPleTe sITuaTIOnal aWareness CerTIfIeD PrOTeCTIOn frOm Harmful nOIses 32 snr fOr nOIse reDuCTIOn Dual-COnneCTIOn uP TO 13 HOurs Of BaTTery lIfe (25 eXTra HOurs WITH CHargIng Case) BaCkgrOunD nOIse-reDuCIng mICrOPHOne fOr Clear COmmunICaTIOn In lOuD enVIrOnmenTs sIrI/gOOgle VOICe COmPaTIBle COns large earBuDs PrICey