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NauTIlus lIfelINe marINe resCue gPs

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fITbIT seNse 2

you hoPe you wIll Never NeeD ThIs buT IT ’ s goT your baCk If The worsT shoulD haPPeN.



The Nautilus Lifeline Marine Rescue GPS is up there with fire extinguishers and air bags, you hope you will never need it but if a situation arises when you do use it, it could be the difference between life and death. The lifesaving devices has been designed to be less than half the size of the original radio, it is a GPS locator accurate to 1.5 meters in the event of becoming thrown overboard. What we love about the Marine Rescue GPS is its simplicity - the last thing you need after being thrown into cold water is any complicated actions to perform because your brain won’t be working at full capacity. All you need to do is undo the latch, turn on, remove the antenna retainer and press the red button and it is activated, this process also protects against accidental activation. Your GPS position will then be available, and a ‘man overboard’ distress message will be broadcast to all AIS equipped ships up to a radius of 34 miles. A special DSC message will also be sent to the marine radio on your own vessel and if permitted, it will alert the rest of your crew to your situation. The Nautilus GPS floats and is fully waterproof in all sea conditions. There is no need for MMSI, licences and registration needed to get set up, the dive depth goes all the way up to 425 feet (with cap closed) and the whole unit requires minimal maintenance - just keep the o-ring clean and replace the batteries every five years (batteries not included). The Nautilus works in temperatures from -25°C to +55°C, it is lightweight at only 131g with batteries inserted and has a compact size at just 2.9 x 3.8 x 1.5 inch (75 x 97 x 39 mm). To ensure the device is always ready for action, there is an idiot proof colour coded light system that lets you know if its activated or on test mode. I would be great if the batteries, a carry-case or wearable attachment system were included in the price, but it isn’t a deal breaker considering that this product has the potential to save your life.

Pros solID CoNsTruCTIoN sImPle To use aIs/DsC TeChNology No mmsI, lICeNCes &

regIsTraTIoN lIghTweIghT aND ComPaCT 5 year baTTery lIfe DIver DePTh raTeD To 425 feeT (wITh CaP CloseD) TraNsmITs gPs PosITIoN To boaTs uP To 34 mIles CoNs baTTerIes NoT INCluDeD No Case or aTTaChmeNTs


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