2 minute read
PetrOmAx Dutch OveN ft18 WIth A PlANe BOttOm surfAce
Is there anything cosier than all being huddled around a camp fire with something delicious cooking away on it, even as the nights get colder its still one of my favourite places to be. For serious outdoor cooking you need a serious cooking pot and Petromax has got this well and truly covered with the biggest Dutch Oven they have with a plane bottom surface. The original Petromax Dutch Oven was perfectly suited to cooking and baking in the open air but will equally provide results in the oven at home. These cast-iron pots date back to the 18th century and have changed very little over time, why mess with perfection, however Petromax has refined some of the details to make it even better. Just like its predecessors this mumma is made from cast iron which is exceptionally good at holding and evenly distributing the heat, the pre-treated surface (seasoned finish) means there is no need to perform a first seasoning, it can be used right away. When used outside it can be used on an open fire or with charcoal and briquettes, the raised edge of the lid makes it possible to place embers or charcoal directly on to the Dutch oven allowing it to be quickly heated from all directions. This pot is HEAVY and that’s before you even put anything in it, at 16.9kg its like moving a kettle bell about which can make things a little tricky when placing it onto an open fire. If you really struggle and there are high flames a pole can be threaded through the handle for easier manoeuvring and there are also various stands available from Petromax to help you out. It measures up at 22 x 45 x 41 cm and unsurprisingly for a pot this size it delivers a whopping 16.1l capacity, that’s enough for about 20 people. There is a handy thermometer hole so the temperature can be monitored without removing the lid and speaking of the lid it can also be flipped upside down and used as a pan with 2.7l capacity. This Dutch Oven produces delicious food from soups, meat dishes, stews and casseroles as well as cakes and bread, all in the great outdoors allowing you to get back to basics and enjoy a warm meal.
PrOs suItABle fOr OPeN fIre Or ON cOAls OutDOOr AND INDOOr use lIP ON lID hOlDs cOAls thermOmeter hOle cAN Be useD fOr fryINg, rOAstINg, DeeP fryINg, BOIlINg Or steWINg lID cAN Be useD As A fryINg PAN Or As A DIsh 16.1 l cAPAcIty AND 2.7 l IN the lID cONs heAvy
gAther yOur fAmIly AND frIeNDs ArOuND A fIre AND shAre sOme DelIcIOus fOOD, WhAt cOulD Be Better.