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hOrI splIt pad prO pOkemON (pIkaChu BlaCk & gOld)

I love how practically everything is customisable these days! With the Nintendo Switch being designed to have controllers that detach, we have an abundance of styles and designs out there with which to make our handheld console our very own. Personally, I never really got in to the whole Pokemon thing but, I have to admit, this design does look pretty cool. The black marries perfectly with the Switch itself and the design works well with the gold, being surprisingly non-garish. But of course, looks aren’t everything! This Split Pad Pro from Hori features full-size analogue sticks, a D-pad and large shoulder buttons as well as additional rear triggers and Turbo functionality. None of this is new really – it’s what you expect with most pads for the Switch. But what I like about this one is the size of all the above features. It feels like you’re using a regular controller that you would use with any full-size console. It’s all comfortably within reach and fits snugly in to your palms. I didn’t feel like I had to over-stretch while playing or perform some mind-bending, ninjastyle hand acrobatics just to achieve a simple move in the game! I certainly prefer this to the designs which are just flat, straight lines or ones that are angled – they always feel like a chore. Hori have stuck with a design that has been proven to work and I for one, am happy they have. The comfort is definitely the major plus. However, there are some features missing that could have made this an essential. There’s no rumble function or motion controls for instance and there is no wireless feature or IR camera function that could affect some games you want to play. Despite this, it’s still worth a purchase, especially for the Pokemon fans out there!



tWO Of Our faVOurIte thINgs COmBINed NINteNdO aNd pOkemON

prOs COmfOrtaBle CaN leaVe attaChed tO the sWItCh WhIle It ’ s dOCked addItIONal trIggers CaN Be assIgNed fuNCtIONs a famIlIar feel fOr CONsOle gamers CONs mIssINg sOme features that WOuld haVe BeeN WelCOme

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