1 minute read
4–5 Exhibition Focus: Deco Japan
Learn how the art and culture in Japan shaped this popular design movement.
6–7 Art Around the World
Discover how art is reunited at the Ringling and the pieces from our collection touring the world.
Summer Circus Spectacular
Beat the summer heat in the Historic Asolo Theater and Circus Museum for the annual Summer Circus.
R1–16 Calendar-at-a-Glance
Save the dates. Highlights of estate offerings, exhibitions and programs are featured in this at-a-glance calendar insert.
9–11 Special Event Highlight: Ringling International Arts Festival
Plan your RIAF experience. Tickets are on sale now.
12–13 Art of Our Time: Codex
Journey with Sanford Biggers as he honors the Underground Railroad in his new installation.

14–15 Membership

Be part of art; explore your passion; share your experience; expand your knowledge.

Related programs
ViewPoint: Delirious Japan: Japanese Deco in War and Peace
Thursday, July 12, 7:00 pm
The Historic Asolo Theater
Kendall Brown, Professor of Asian Art History, California State University at Long Beach, Exhibition Organizer. (see page R11 for details)
Art & Movie
Join us for a self-directed gallery tour followed by a film and discussion of themes shared by the art and Deco Japan the film. Pick up your movie ticket and gallery guide beginning at 5:00pm. Film begins at 7:00 pm. (see page R12–13 for details)
August 9, Fallen Women
The tension between old and new, film Sisters of the Gion.
August 23, Modern Life
The modern moment is reflected in films, Kodakara Sodo (Kid Commotion) and Koshiben Gambare (Flunky, Work Hard!).
Gallery Walk & Talk:
July 26, 6:00 pm
A Global Phenomena: Art Deco East and West (see page R10 for details)
September 20, 6:00 pm
Meet Moga, The Modern Girl (see page R15 for details)
ViewPoint: The Culture of Objects: DecoJapan
Thursday, October, 25, 7:00 pm