2 minute read
Dwight Currie, Curator of Performance

As the Ringling International Arts Festival (RIAF) continues to emerge as a dynamic platform for the art of performance, defining moments from the festival’s history continue to inform its future. Who can forget Meow Meow body-surfing her way into our hearts, or Tim Fain stepping into the spotlight to transport us with his virtuosity, or Doug Elkins and Friends celebrating the joys of Fräulein Maria, or most significantly, Mikhail Baryshnikov in a pas de deux with our memories? It is, of course, to Mr. Baryshnikov that we owe a debt of gratitude for so many memorable moments on the RIAF stages.
Equally as memorable are the moments created offstage by festival goers who have embraced an environment that is uniquely RIAF’s own. With multiple venues within walking-distance, patrons emerging from one performance are likely to meet friends who are about to enter another. In those moments of passing, a conversation begins. “What did you just see?” “What did you think?” “Should we try to get tickets for tomorrow?” “What are you seeing this evening?” “We saw that yesterday afternoon.” “Why don’t we get together for dinner and talk about it all then?”
It is this conversation – The RIAF Conversation, if you will – that gives our festival its most distinctive characteristic. It was with an ear to past conversations and the intent to encourage more that we developed our plans for 2014. Thirty performances of seven productions will be staged in four venues during a three and one-half day period. It is a diverse and inclusive roster of artists and productions who were selected for their broad appeal and contagious energy. Each affords the viewer a generous point of entry wherein engagement is immediate and compelling. Collectively, the productions speak to one another in ways that will encourage The RIAF Conversation to begin.

During RIAF 2014, we will speak of the power of art to cross borders and reconcile differences, be it between one pianist from Israel and another from Palestine (Duo

Amal) or a ballet dancer and a juggler in Tangram. Tangram will lead to discussions of puppetry, and we will talk about which stage is larger – the confines of The Table or the imaginative reaches of the universe in The Intergalactic Nemesis. And thoughts on imagination will evoke insights into the richly layered and complex jazz compositions of the Vijay Iyer Trio, and we will compare and contrast that music to the intricate Rumbas of The Pedrito Martinez Group – and from there we will wonder at the phenomenon of seeing the music in the witty, stylish, and sensuous dancing of Keigwin + Company. We might even be brave enough to talk about our own impromptu performances in Bolero Sarasota
Whatever the content, there will be a conversation. And as long as that conversation continues, so will RIAF.
Welcome New Senior Development Officer Susan Sigman

Susan K. Sigman joined The Ringling as Senior Development Officer in February 2014. In this capacity, her principal responsibilities include oversight of The Ringling Annual Fund program, corporate sponsorships, and major gift fundraising. This includes a focused effort on creating sponsorship opportunities to support RIAF, New Stages and the overall Art of Performance programming at The Ringling.”
“I am thrilled to be joining The Ringling. The strong community of support for visual and performing arts in Sarasota is inspiring. I look forward to working with our members and donors to expand our creative programming:
Prior to joining The Ringling, Susan served as Senior Director of Communications for the Florida State University Foundation. In that role, she directed the Foundation’s marketing and communications efforts, developing strategy and overseeing a team of communications professionals in design, print and web communications, branding, and social media. Previously, she spent more than eight years as an Account Director servicing a variety of clients at advertising agencies in Atlanta and Kansas City, Mo.
Susan earned a bachelor’s degree in communications with an emphasis on public relations from the University of Kentucky.
For more information on RIAF sponsorship opportunities and other ways to support The Ringling, contact susan.sigman@ringling.fsu.edu 941-374-0214 (cell) 941-359-5700 +1-5806 (office)