3 minute read
Our featured members:
Pamela Beck
Member for 3 years
Carole Crosby and Larry Kellogg
Members for 4 years and circle members since 2012
Leon and Marge Ellin
Members for 9 years and new circle members in 2014
Edna and Richard Hausman
Long time members
Blair and Joy McMillan
Members for 12 years and circle members since 2012
Gregory Overcashier
Member for 5 years along with his extended family members
Glenn and Kathleen Weatherly
New family members in 2014

“As a member, I’m frequently at the museum, so I always know what’s going on and what’s coming up; and this buzz stays with me all year. It translates to 12 months filled with the excitement, exposure and education that these diverse exhibitions, performances and programs offer... and minutes from my home!
“I like to be part of life’s contemporary dialogue and being introduced to minds and talents with stimulating perspectives, whether it’s in the visual or performing arts. It’s a new century with creative ideas expressed in original and often, multidisciplinary ways we’ve not seen before; and The Ringling’s on top of that on every front. On a lighter note, who doesn’t want to bring friends to dine on Treviso’s terrace? Have you tried their bread?”
– Pamela
“Having access to the entire Museum with its contrasts: an extraordinary Fine Arts Museum, performing arts in the Historic Asolo Theater, gourmet Treviso restaurant, Tibbals Learning Center and the magnificent grounds”
– Carole and Larry
“An insider’s look at the workings of the institution and exposure to the people who make things happen at our favorite spot in town. Meeting and talking to other members who share our interests is a special bonus”
– Leon and Marge
“Access to the Galleries, Ca’ d’Zan, the gardens and the performing arts”
– Edna and Richard
“Having the opportunity to meet other members at events and hear from staff about the exciting new adventures at The Ringling”
– Joy and Blair
“Supporting the Museum”
– Gregory
“We think the miniature circus display is amazing”
– Glenn and Kathleen

“How can anyone who likes to participate in stimulating, top-notch visual and performing arts opportunities not become a member and support The Ringling? We’re so fortunate to have this creative think tank right here in Sarasota. If I didn’t live here, I’d fly just to visit this museum, particularly during RIAF.”
“We joined when we moved to Sarasota and would never ever consider discontinuing our membership with The Ringling. When we initially joined in 2010, we tried to find a membership level similar to the circle program, but none existed at that time. As soon as the circle program became available, we grabbed it!”

– Carole and Larry
“Renewing the membership is a no-brainer given how often we go to the campus. Upgrading to the circle program is a result of our taking a good look at how we spend our time and where our interests lie and investing accordingly. We have always supported any cultural activity in which we participate. After that, it’s a matter of degree and how involved we feel or want to become”
– Leon and Marge
“We are motivated to renew our membership by the pleasure we experience at each visit to the Estate. It enriches our lives”
– Edna and Richard
“We renew because each year offers new and interesting events and venues. And, each year, there are more opportunities to learn about the art, architecture, circus and grounds envisioned by the Ringling’s. Music and performing arts events as well as the new multimedia art exhibits have been engaging and fun. We want to help sustain these efforts and encourage others to join in. We became Circle members because we wanted a more committed and deeper relationship with The Ringling”
Joy and Blair
“Membership encourages me to visit more often. The more I visit my knowledge of art grows and inspires me. It just always feels good to be at the museum”
– Gregory
“We have lived in Florida for seven years and the Ringling has always been on our list of things to see. The thing that finally motivated us to join was the reciprocal agreement with other Museums in North America. We will be able to use this during a trip we are planning “

– Glenn and Kathleen