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Protecting the Planet with Fari Foundations
Built to preserve and protect nature, Fari Foundations attracts thinkers, artists, filmmakers and researchers, bringing in a rich and diverse profile of changemakers together to the Indian Ocean with a shared mission and passion. The organisation actively promotes scientific engagements, researches new materials and practices to preserve the environment and protects vulnerable communities.
Global warming has caused waves of Elnino in the Maldives, bleaching the fragile coral reefs and threatening the whole eco-system. We are on a mission to revive the surrounding reefs, and guests can contribute to rehabilitating the coral reefs through our coral propagation project. Visitors can make coral frames with our marine biologists and transplant these coral fragments on the reef, leaving behind light holiday footprints.
Often we see entangled ghost nets and floating plastic bags in our seas. An estimated 8 million metric tons of plastic trash enters our oceans every year, killing thousands of birds, turtles and fishes, while micro plastic has entered into our diets, posing severe concerns. Thus, the Fari Foundations has partnered with Parley, a conservation group built to tackle plastic pollution. With a holistic and ecological model in preventing and reinventing single-use plastic, Parley has formed alliances with global organisations such as Adidas, American Express, the Republic of the Maldives, the World Bank and many more influential brands. Whether massive cleanups, creative use of single-use plastic or creating awareness throughout the world, the company promises to build a better future for the oceans.
Another bold step taken by the Fari Foundations to tackle global warming is through sustainable energy. With the vision to create 50% renewable energy by 2030, Fari Foundations has partnered with Swimsol, a company that launched the world’s first floating solar solution for the sea.
Built to deliver a sustainable travel experience and strive to tackle global warming, Fari Foundations is a research and awareness hub designed to inspire travellers worldwide and a place for researchers to collaborate. We believe that together, we can change the world.