Service Design Doing Designing services that people fall in love with
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Empowered buyers demand new level of customer obsession
Age of the customer
Products are becoming services
Products are becoming services
20 different available products are fulfilling same purpose Basic Function & Quality is taken for granted
Product market is satisfied
Service relationship can’t be copied
Good product design is not the only ingredient to success
Traditional organisation silos are breaking
Emotions are becoming a decisive factor
Emotions bigger impact on loyalty
Employee engagement as priority
Holistic service experience is new standards
Service Design Benefits
Service Design is a holistic approach that considers the end-to-end service experience across all channels and touch points from a customer and organisation perspective.
What is Service Design ?
Service Design Principles
Service Design Process
Service Design Process
Workshops & Tools
Business Model Canvas
Purpose: This tool is used to map and detail out the essential components of a business and understand their relationship to each other. Outcome: This leads to consideration of a business’s full scope and describes how the elements fit together to provide a clear picture of the business and how the internal components affect the customer experience.
Business Model Canvas
Stakeholder Mapping
Purpose: This tool helps visualise and map out the various stakeholders in the organisation’s ecosystem. Outcome: This provides us with a clear picture of the direct, less direct and indirect stakeholders that are part of the ecosystem in order to further evaluate their relationship and value.
Stakeholder Mapping
Stakeholder Mapping
Value Exchange Mapping
Value Exchange Mapping
Purpose: This tool helps identify the value that is created and exchanged between the organisation and its stakeholders. Outcome: This provides a clear understanding of the value network in the ecosystem of stakeholders in order to generate a systematic view of the service and its context.
Value Exchange Mapping
Empathy Mapping
Empathy Mapping
This tool is used to identify and describe what the customer/stakeholder personas are thinking, feeling, doing, seeing, and hearing as they engaged with the service. It helps us to zoom out from focusing on behaviours to consider the users’ emotions and experience as well.
This activity reveals the underlying “why” behind users’ actions, choices and decisions so as to proactively design for their real needs - those that are difficult for users’ to perceive and articulate.
Empathy Mapping
Visualising drivers of change
Purpose: This tools helps identify the drivers of change that are considered to be shaping the issues one plan to address. Outcome: It provides clear knowledge and shared view of the drivers of change shaping the context of a service which help in identifying the major issues or opportunities.
Visualising drivers of change
Customer Journey Mapping
Purpose: This tool is used to describe the journey of a user by identifying and representing the different touch points that characterise his interaction with the service. Outcome: This provides a step by step visualisation of the interaction that a user has with the given service which helps identify the usually ignored problems that affect the user’s experience.
Customer Journey Mapping
Service Blueprint
Purpose: This tool describes the nature and the characteristics of the service interaction including the all the touch points and the backstage processes aligned to the user experience. Outcome: A detailed visual picture of the front end and backstage activities and interactions that affect the service.
Service Blueprint
Purpose: This group activity is used to generate fresh ideas or alternatives to the status quo. Outcome: It provides a bunch of ideas that can result in something new for value addition or innovation.
By Claudio Perrone
World without Service Design Thinking
By Claudio Perrone
World without Service Design Thinking
Thank You !
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