Discover Hamblen County 2018

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Hamblen County TENNESSEE

VOLUME 2 — 2018

Berkshire’s Old Fashion Frozen Custard

Trinkets & Treasures Formal Wear Old Town Variety Mall Baseball at its Finest Davy Crockett’s 232nd Birthday Celebration

2 Discover Hamblen County • 2018

Discover Hamblen County • 2018 3

4 Discover Hamblen County • 2018


Hamblen County

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Discover Hamblen County • 2018 5

7 Berkshire’s Old Fashioned Frozen Custard

16 Trinkets & Treasures Formal Wear

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24 Old Town Variety Mall 30 Baseball at its Finest 38 Davy Crockett’s 232nd

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ON THE COVER: Freddy Browning, owner of Berkshire’s Old Fashion Frozen Custard in Morristown, is featured along with photographs of two of the shop’s delicious treats. — Photos by Randy Ball






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Discover Hamblen County is published by Hawkins County Publishers, Inc. P.O. Box 100 | Rogersville, TN 37857 423-272-7422

MANAGEMENT Tommy Campbell


160 Old Hwy 160

Marketing Consultant

Brenda Weems

Marketing Consultant

Christy Alvis

Marketing Consultant

Freda Turbyfill

Editor & Publisher

Creative Services/Production


Advertising rates and information available upon request.

Randy Ball

Story suggestions, inquiries should be made to

f Rd


ADVERTISING Abby Swearingen

Discover Hamblen County Contributor Discover Hamblen County Contributor

Additional copies may be picked up in person at the Review office and are available at no cost. We will gladly mail at a cost of $2 per copy to cover the cost of postage and handling. Copyright: 2018 Discover Hawkins County, Hawkins County Publishers, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the newspaper’s management. Reproduction of advertising and design work is strictly prohibited due to the use of licensed art services and agency agreements.

6 Discover Hamblen County • 2018

Discover Hamblen County • 2018 7




erkshire’s Old Fashioned Frozen Custard, at 3346 West Andrew Johnson Highway, isn’t just another ice-cream shop. Freddy Browning and staff serve up unique products and an equally unique story. Freddy and his wife, Karen, opened the shop in 2016. A third-generation coal miner from West Virginia, after working in the mines for 30 years, Freddy decided it was time to retire. The family had vacationed in east Tennessee since he was a boy, and moving here seemed like a good move for Freddy and Karen, so they settled on a spot between White Pine and Dandridge. The story of their involvement in the ice-cream shop is a little more complicated. Merle Berkshire was a salesman who lived in Pipestem, West Virginia. Growing up in Harrisburg, Virginia, he had a newspaper route. At the end of his route was an ice-cream shop where he would always get a frozen custard. After growing up and traveling the world for his sales career, Berkshire dreamed of creating a world-class old fashioned frozen custard. He started out simply, trying different mixtures and using family and friends — such as Freddy — as guinea pigs. He started selling the product from the front porch of his house between Memorial Day and Labor Day each summer. After perfecting the formula for about seven years, he found Amish dairy farms in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania area who could provide the highest quality ingredients for his mix. Continued on page 10

8 Discover Hamblen County • 2018

The Banana Split in a Homemade Waffle

The Apple Dumpling

The Turtle Custard Sundae

The Brownie Delight

Discover Hamblen County • 2018 9

Berkshire’s isn’t just another ice cream shop!

Hot Dogs

Berkshire’s offers many unique and special flavors such as pumpkin and key lime, plus a favorite menu item, the Hot Apple Dumpling, a whole apple wrapped in pastry with cinnamon sauce and vanilla ice cream. Another specialty is “Berkshire’s Turtle Custard Sundae” which comes in a homemade waffle-bowl.

10 Discover Hamblen County • 2018

Employee Rebecca Eubanks with ice cream cone.

Employee Sadie Pedigo serving hot dogs.

Employee Trinity Fox

Freddie Browning filling an order.

From page 7

After the product passed all the government standards, Berkshire went commercial with his dream, eventually opening three shops in West Virginia and one in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. After his retirement and the family’s moving to Tennessee, Freddy and Karen visited the Berkshire shop in Gatlinburg only to find it closed. Berkshire had sold his West Virginia shops to Bill Hopkins and kept the Gatlinburg shop, but subsequently closed it due to rising overhead costs.

Freddy contacted Hopkins and they struck a deal for Freddy to open a shop in Tennessee. Freddy didn’t want to try Gatlinburg, so he opened the shop in Morristown. The Brownings opened their doors two years ago with “quality” being their highest priority. In addition to the special custard formula for the ice cream, other products are special ordered or custom-made in-house. Even the waffle cones are prepared at the shop. One of the house specialties is the hotdog. The chili and

Discover Hamblen County • 2018 11

Freddy Browning, owner.

the buns are shipped in from West Virginia. Berkshire began selling hotdogs when he first started the shops for 99 cents. The product was a hit and actually won customers away from chain restaurants. In the Morristown location, Freddy has a special hot dog promotion on the last Wednesday of the month: “Wacky Wednesday”, with hotdogs on sale for two bucks. Since the move to east Tennessee there have been some ups and downs. The “war on coal” cost Freddy some of his pension and healthcare. Karen has returned to her banking career and now

works in Greensboro, North Carolina. Freddy continues to work hard at his dream of owning an ice cream shop. Berkshire’s Old Fashioned Frozen Custard has built a strong group of regular customers since opening. Among the favorite creations are “Berkshire’s Old Fashioned Banana Split” which includes chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice cream and weighs 22-24 ounces. While Freddy is a “vanilla traditionalist” he still offers up Continued on page 12

12 Discover Hamblen County • 2018

The Berksh From page 11

many unique and special flavors such as pumpkin and key lime. He says his favorite menu item is the Hot Apple Dumpling, a whole apple wrapped in pastry with cinnamon sauce and vanilla ice cream. Another specialty is “Berkshire’s Turtle Custard Sundae” which comes in a homemade waffle-bowl. Freddy continues to follow the principles Merle Berkshire held dear. “Mr. Berkshire put a lot of emphasis on quality,” Freddy says. “He wouldn’t sell you a bunch of man-made chemicals. Our ice cream is whole milk, fresh cream, eggs and sugar.” The quality is found not only in the taste of the ice cream, but also in the appearance, according to Freddy. All ice cream contains “overrun”, or air that is pumped into the product. Overrun percentages of over 60% are common in commercial soft-serve ice cream. Berkshires contains 8-20% overrun and the difference is obvious in the weight and color when compared to competitors’ products. At the shop, customers can eat inside or outside at several tables and benches, order at the convenient drive-through, or take

Discover Hamblen County • 2018 13

hire’s smile! packaged ice cream home to enjoy later. When you visit the shop, Freddy and the staff will treat you like old friends and if you have trouble selecting a flavor, they will offer you a free taste to help you decide!

Twitter: @thecustardguy Instagram: Berkshiresfrozencustard Facebook: Berkshires Old Fashion Frozen Custard of Morristown Drop in for a special treat at 3346 W Andrew Johnson Highway Morristown, Tennessee 37814 423-616-0202 By Randy Ball

Discover Hamblen County Contributor

14 Discover Hamblen County • 2018

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Discover Hamblen County • 2018 15

Berkshire’s Old Fashion Frozen Custard

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An old fashion frozen custard parlor serving traditional frozen custard ice cream desserts while integrating new concepts. We offer Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry Frozen Custard and Flavor of the Week. Let us create your favorite ice cream dessert! 3346 West Andrew Johnson Highway • Morristown, TN 37814 423-616-0202

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16 Discover Hamblen County • 2018


Trinkets Treasures

Formal Wear

From weddings to proms, local vendor offers beautiful designer fashions at prices to fit every budget At the age of 33, Gwen Costner began her venture into the clothing and accessory industry in 1983 when she opened Trinkets & Treasures. Gwen began by selling vintage clothing, antiques, and her very own custom-made jewelry. In just two short years, she expanded to add formal wear and costumes. The store has been so successful that Gwen decided to semi-retire after 32 years. In 2015, Jackie Ramsey became partners with Gwen in the ownership of the long-standing business. Jackie took over the management of the store, now called Trinkets & Treasures Formal Wear. After Jackie began running the operations in 2015, she changed its primary focus to formal wear. The staff of three stays extremely busy with up to six weddings in just one week. They also have several local seamstresses that they utilize and recommend to clients. When Jackie came on board, she had no experience with the formal wear retail business, but she did have more than 20 years in the furniture and interior design business to help prepare her for her current career. From her many years in the public sector, she developed various skills to provide the public with quality service and has gained the trust of many clients. “She was very kind, accommodating, and honest. She seems to know her stuff,” customer, Casey Owens says about her experience with Jackie. Casey thought she would have to spend days traveling to find her perfect wedding dress, but she found it right in her own backyard at Trinkets & Treasures Continued on page 18

Jackie Ramsey • Co-Owner and Manager

Tuxedo Rentals • Bridal • Prom • Formal Dresses

Photos by Jackie Ramsey

18 Discover Hamblen County • 2018

Photo by Jackie Ramsey

From page 16

Formal Wear. “I never felt more beautiful as I did on my wedding day, and I have Jackie and this store to thank for all of it,” Casey said. Weddings are just one aspect in the sales and rental of formal wear. There are also proms and other formal events that intertwine with the hectic wedding seasons. Tuxedo rental is also available with budget tuxes starting at $89.95, but it doesn’t stop there. The store is also partnered with Tuxedo Central in Atlanta, GA to offer slim-fit styles in every color imaginable. Jessi Wyatt recalls purchasing dress for her high school proms at Trinkets & Treasures Formal Wear, so she naturally chose this store for her own son’s prom tuxedo rental. “We live an hour away, but it is always well worth the drive,” she said. “You can tell that the ladies really enjoy their jobs. They not only offer amazing customer service; they have a great selection of sizes, styles, and colors. We will most certainly be back.” Jackie and Gwen travel all over the US from New York to Los Angeles to purchase dresses directly from the designers. The store only carries closeout gowns in order to keep pricing budgetfriendly. In keeping with this philosophy, their long-term goal is to continue to provide beautiful, affordable formal wear to as many people as possible. “I want to give people a memorable experience and a day to remember,” Jackie says.

Low costs and personal, friendly service were just what Jennifer Flockhart recalls of her experience with Trinkets & Treasures Formal Wear. Jennifer was on a mission to find her daughter a budget-friendly prom dress. Being a single mother, funds were tight, and when her daughter found the perfect dress, it was still above budget. Knowing that her daughter loved the dress, Jennifer took her back to try it on again. “It was beautiful!” she said. “My daughter said that it was the most beautiful that she has ever felt. I cringed. I so wanted to get her the dress she loved and deserved but … the budget.” Jennifer and her daughter were discussing trying to find a less expensive dress even though Jennifer knew she was going to have to find a way increase her budget. That’s when Jackie stepped up and helped with the cost of the dress. “Jackie blessed my family beyond measure because my child cried she was so happy,” Jennifer said. “I will never shop anywhere else for a formal type item. Not anywhere else ever!” Jennifer’s daughter was given that memorable experience that Jackie has so thoughtfully sought while doing business at her establishment.

By Rita Dykes

Discover Hamblen County Contributor

Discover Hamblen County • 2018 19

Photo by Jackie Ramsey

Visit their website at or on Facebook. For an appointment, call Jackie or her friendly staff at 423-587-1831. ~ The store is located at 166 West Main Street in beautiful downtown Morristown.


We’re your special occasion headquarters! 166 West Main St. Morristown, Tennessee


Jackie Ramsey • Co-Owner and Manager

20 Discover Hamblen County • 2018

Shots By Sonja Sonja Wiseman

Southern Grace Studios

Venue: Farm at Bentley Fields Weddings & Events

22 Discover Hamblen County • 2018


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Discover Hamblen County • 2018 23

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24 Discover Hamblen County • 2018

The Old Town Variety Mall The Old Town Variety Mall is housed in a beautiful 1914 historical building in downtown Morristown that was originally home to The Novelty Store, so what better way to showcase a vast variety of antiques and collectables? Jim McGhee reclaimed the building’s charm and turned it into an auction house in 2009. In later years, he decided to transform the vast location into the Old Town Variety Mall. The mall has 68 booth spaces that are filled with antiques and collectables every day, not just on auction days. “We sell antiques, uniques, repeats, and collectables.,” Jim said. After nearly ten years in business at the 181 West Main Street location, Jim and his granddaughters welcome guests from all over to bask in the beauty of great finds for their homes. Vendors adorn their booths to appeal to customers of all ages who seize the opportunity to add unique holiday finds to their spaces. Many rental spaces are decorated to replicate a room in a home. Some are living areas while others are bedroom spaces or kitchen areas. There are also spaces that take you back to the Victorian era and some that might even bring back memories of visiting your grandparents’ home on the farm. You can almost smell your Grandmother’s cookies baking in the oven from the aroma of candles and other fragrant items throughout the store. If you are looking for a special furniture piece to add to your home, you just might find it here. If glassware is your forte, look no further. The mall is filled with many vintage pieces or sets of glassware ranging in shapes, sizes, and colors. Wall décor also lines the walls and spaces in the form of paintings, canvases, sconces, shelves, shadow boxes, and much more. Clothing, hats, and jewelry are also showcased among the booths while vintage toys, dolls, and trinkets enthrall the children and collectors. If that wasn’t enough, collectable tins, newspapers, and magazines are more great finds

one might stumble upon with spending an afternoon strolling through the mall. Items are always changing, and vendors are adding to their booths constantly. So, if you go once and don’t find what you are looking for, you can return later to a whole new experience. One customer said that she would highly recommend visiting the mall and that merchandise goes so quickly that there is something new to see everyday. Another customer said, “If you’re looking for something special, this is the place!” Many say that this is their favorite store and will drive a great distance just to visit and shop. Jim, the owner of Old Town Variety Mall, is also much involved in the community. He promotes other businesses and provides historic knowledge and entertainment to the residents and visitors of Morristown. Jim co-hosts a live Facebook feed with Kim Bivens called Wake-UP Wednesdays with Jim and Kim. The pair showcases a different store in the downtown area of Morristown each week. Jim also shares his knowledge by participating in the Tennessee Ghost Walks where he does the Historical Ghost Walks in Downtown Morristown. You can find more information on Wake-Up Wednesdays and the ghost walks on Facebook. Store hours are Monday – Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. In the meantime, you can check out their Facebook page to get a sneak peak of what you can expect when you step into the Old Town Variety Mall. For more information feel free to call 423-438-1023. By Rita Dykes

Discover Hamblen County Contributor

Discover Hamblen County • 2018 25

Housed in 104-year old building, The Old Town Variety Mall offers a step back into the days of long ago.

26 Discover Hamblen County • 2018

... a variety

Discover Hamblen County • 2018 27

y of beautiful antiques and collectables

Photos by Jim McGhee

28 Discover Hamblen County • 2018

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Discover Hamblen County • 2018 29

Working 24/7 to provide safe, dependable electric service to your family at home and the entire community. Holston Electric Cooperative is a customer-owned distributor of TVA power, providing service to more than 30,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in upper East Tennessee. Serving you — serving our community.

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30 Discover Hamblen County • 2018


Senators take traditional team photo on the Grand Junction Colorado sign.


at its finest!

32 Discover Hamblen County • 2018

The Senators celebrate World Series Game One victory over Chipola of Florida.

Photos courtesy of Walters State Athletics Coach Shelton congratulates Austin Henry after World Series home run.

Discover Hamblen County • 2018 33

In world of JUCO sports, Walters State program enjoys phenomenal success The Walters State Community College baseball program has “The town of Grand Junction, Colorado, treats you as well established itself as one of the best junior college baseball programs as you can be treated, and playing in front of between 6,000 and in the nation. 12,000 people per game is unreal,” he said. “I have been fortunate Five-year veteran Coach David Shelton leads the program enough to go six times now, and each time presents new memories with the help of assistant coach, Jeff Birkofer, pitching coach, Sean and experience that I will cherish forever. It is something I want Robinson, and the team’s recruiting coordinator, Skyler Barnett. every player who plays in our program to experience as well.” The Senators have advanced When a team goes that deep to the Junior College World Series into the tournament, it is in multiple times with a win in 2006, a Colorado for almost two weeks, 3rd place 2015, and 2018’s runnerand players and coaches alike get to up position. enjoy the experience. Since the turn of the century, “I feel every team we bring in the team has compiled 900 wins out here has the potential ...i t’s just if of 1128 games played with eighteen they choose to work hard enough to 40-win seasons. 2006 was the single develop into that potential,” he said. best record of 61 – 8 that lead to a Pitcher Gage Gillian Walters State victory in the National recounted his participation in the Championship. championship game. They averaged 8.9 runs scored “The entire JUCO World Series per game with a batting average of was amazing, Gillian said. “For 342. The Senators have averaged the first time, I got to experience a 84 home runs per season with the crowd of thousands of people who record of 161 held in 2008. Earned were legitimate fans, and I was runs averaged throughout the last 18 able to see some amazing sights. I years are 3.40. pitched in four games in the World However, the “Great American Series in which I acquired a win, a Passtime” isn’t just about runs loss, a save, and came in to close scored; a team cannot win without the last inning of the championship an outstanding defense. The game. They were some of the highest Senators’ defense has only allowed pressure and most emotionally an average of 3.3 runs to be scored rewarding outings I’ve ever had.” by their opponents per game. Gillian and his teammates will All of these achievements add return to the field in 2019 with their COACH DAVID SHELTON up to the team being ranked in the eyes firmly fixed on a championship Top 20 in the nation in 128 polls title. out of 150 since 2002 and Top 10 in the polls every year since 2006. The Rogersville Review asked Coach Shelton what makes Numbers like these are what took them to the World Series in years Walters State’s baseball program excel. 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2013, 2015, and 2018. “I feel the thing that separates us here is not only do we Coach Shelton will never forget last season’s participation in have talented kids, but we work as any team in the country,” he the JUC0 World Series. Continued on page 34

34 Discover Hamblen County • 2018

Former Science Hill standout and ETSU signee Landon Knack throws a pitch in the 2018 JUCO World Series.

Former Dobyns-Bennett standout and Texas Christian University signee Hunter Wolfe collects a base hit during the World Series. Wolfe was also drafted by the Kansas City Royals, but elected to attend TCU. Photos courtesy of Walters State Athletics From page 33

TCU signee Austin Henry is congratulated after a World Series Home Run by fellow TCU signee Hunter Wolfe and Tennessee signee Duncan Pence.

For the 2019 schedule and more information on Walters State baseball, visit

said. “They learn that by working hard, they earn the right to be successful, and that gives them the confidence to perform when pressure situations arise in games. We are very proud of the tradition we have been able to establish here and want our program to be something that both our Alumni and the community can be very proud of for many years to come. That tradition is something we take very seriously, and we are going to do everything we can to maintain those standards.” The program has led 180 players to accept 4-year school scholarships, and 47 players have signed with Power 5 Conference Schools. In years 2006 and 2008, six players were drafted into the MLB each year. A total of 51 players have signed Major League contracts, totaling more than $4.39 million in signing bonuses. That a Junior College with an enrollment of approximately 6,500 students makes these stats is, by anyone’s standards, simply phenomenal. This fall, as the Senators prepare for the 2019 season, they played against several Division 1 schools such as, University of North Carolina, ETSU, MTSU, Belmont, and Kennesaw State University. Fall games are just one way that the players get into shape for the upcoming season; lots of practices paired with rigorous workouts are ongoing throughout the school year. By Rita Dykes

Discover Hamblen County Contributor

Meet some of the

Discover Hamblen County • 2018 35


Gage Gilliam

Sophomore Business Major and Pitcher #5 Gage Gillian joined the baseball team last year after his high school career at Spring Hill High School in Columbia, TN. Gage said that he is honored to be a part of a dominant team with teammates of great character and amazing talent. When asked about his goals for the 2019 season and his future, he replied, “I want to win a JUCO World Series title, be a valuable pitcher in a Power 5 Conference, get a great education, and successfully carry my career as far as I can.”

Gage Gilliam

Alex Haynes

Pitcher # 9 Alex Haynes is a Redshirt Sophomore from Knox Central High School in Knoxville, TN. Alex is pursuing a career in Physical Therapy as well as baseball. He said that Walters State has been a great place to develop his knowledge of the game and has helped him become a better pitcher. He said, “ I couldn’t think of another place to play college baseball.” Alex’s most memorable experience on the team was pitching in the JUCO World Series in front of 9,000 fans while helping his team get a step closer to the National Championship. His goal for the upcoming season is to keep winning until the team gets to Colorado. He said, “We got some unfinished business that we need to take care of this year.” Alex is currently committed to play baseball at the University of Tennessee, but his ultimate goal is to get drafted into the MLB.

Alex Haynes

Jacob Jennings

Morristown native and 3rd baseman, #8 Jacob Jennings, also played in the JUCO World Series last season. Jacob said, “There is no other feeling that compares to playing in front of 10,000 fans trying to win a National title.” The Criminal Justice major described his experience with Walters State as both challenging and rewarding. He said, “Walters State has a very prestigious baseball program that I am proud to be a part of. My experience with WS baseball is one that I will always remember.” His goal for the upcoming season follows the direction of Alex and Gage in that he wants to perform at his best with hopes of a National championship. Jacob’s future goals are to continuing playing baseball at the next level including MLB.

Jacob Jennings

Logan Hullette

Catcher Redshirt Freshman, #18 Logan Hullette, was a standout player from Dobyns-Bennett High School in Kingsport, TN. Logan is majoring in Business with a concentration in Accounting. He said, “ My experience with Walters State baseball has been amazing. It is a traditionbased program with high-class coaches and players. Playing for Walters State is playing for one of the best junior college baseball programs in the nation. Our goal every year is to win a National Championship. Winning conference and region goes along with that, but ultimately, we set our eyes on being national champions. I plan to further my education and baseball career at a Division 1 school and see where baseball and my education takes me whether that is pro ball or not.”

Logan Hullette

36 Discover Hamblen County • 2018

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Discover Hamblen County • 2018 37

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38 Discover Hamblen County • 2018

Tim Massey, Randy Curde, Ivan Daniels

Photos by Randy Ball

Discover Hamblen County • 2018 39

Davy Crockett’s

Henneth Cillo in costume.

232nd Birthday Celebration History came alive earlier this year at

Crockett Tavern in Morristown as Davy Crockett’s 232nd birthday was celebrated. The community has celebrated its Crockett connection since 1955. John Crockett and his wife, Rebecca, operated a tavern in Morristown, moving here when Davy was about eight years old. The current tavern museum opened in 1958, and is located near the site of the original tavern. This year’s birthday celebration featured people in period costumes, music, demonstrations and games. By Randy Ball

Discover Hamblen County Contributor

40 Discover Hamblen County • 2018


Donna Horowitz ran the “Kingpin” game — Photos by Randy Ball

Gideon Daniels

Mitchell Bradley played the banjo and sang.

42 Discover Hamblen County • 2018

Blacksmiths Isaac Hendershot and Katherine Shook at the forge. — Photos by Randy Ball

John Welton in character as Billy Finley

Discover Hamblen County • 2018 43

Products of the blacksmith’s trade

Happy Birthday, Davy!

Jim Claborn

Tim Massey, President of the Descendants of Davy Crockett

44 Discover Hamblen County • 2018

Discover Hamblen County • 2018 45

Interior of the Crockett Tavern — Photo by Randy Ball

46 Discover Hamblen County • 2018

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Discover Hamblen County • 2018 47

Interior of the Crockett Tavern — Photo by Randy Ball

48 Discover Hamblen County • 2018

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Discover Hamblen County • 2018 49 Interior of the Crockett Tavern — Photo by Randy Ball


50 Discover Hamblen County • 2018


All Saints’ Episcopal School....................................................................................... 15 Barter Theatre................................................................................................................... 3 Berkshire’s Old Fashion Frozen Custard................................................................ 15 Clinch River Hardwoods, Inc..................................................................................... 22 Cocke-Hamblen Farmers Co-op............................................................................... 29 Consumer Credit Union.............................................................................................. 36 Daily Bread Thrift Store............................................................................................... 46 Davy Crockett Restaurant........................................................................................... 36 East Tennessee Pest Control..................................................................................... 14 Farmers Insurance, Jake Stokely.............................................................................. 15 Grayson Subaru.............................................................................................................. 51 Greene’s Tractor Company, LLC............................................................................... 46 Hancock County Home Health and Hospice Agency....................................... 28 Hancock Manor Nursing Home................................................................................ 28 Hancock Medical Equipment.................................................................................... 28 Holston Electric Cooperative.................................................................................... 29 Jefferson City Health and Rehabilitation Center.................................................. 2 Justice Stoneworks, LLC.............................................................................................. 46 LaFollette’s Greenhouses & Farms, Inc...................................................................22 Mark Albert Skelton, Amy Kathleen Skelton: Attorneys at Law.................... 29 Mauk’s of Jonesborough............................................................................................ 46 NPAC: Niswonger Performing Arts Center........................................................... 23 Pediatric Dental Associates....................................................................................... 28 Physicians Hearing Care.............................................................................................. 29 Regency Retirement Village...................................................................................... 15 River Place on the Clinch............................................................................................ 15 Rowena’s on Main / Gigi’s.......................................................................................... 23 Skelton Law Racing....................................................................................................... 37 Tennessee Institute of Cosmetology..................................................................... 28 Trinkets & Treasures Formal Wear........................................................................... 19 United Country Real Estate: Clinch Mountain Realty & Auction.................. 52 Walters State................................................................................................................... 48 Wholesale Liquidation................................................................................................. 48

Discover Hamblen County • 2018 51


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