Tampa Marketing Magazine - February - 2021

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- Steps to Creating the Perfect Social Media Marketing Plan - What’s the Difference Between Organic SEO and Social Media Marketing?

Tips to Make Remote Work a Reality in


Remote work has become the ‘new normal’ and businesses need to adapt in order to function properly.

February 2021

The Room Marketing is a Digital Marketing Company dedicated to the establishment of a strong online presence for emerging, new and existing companies. We achieve this through the stellar customer service tailored to the needs of our clients as well as an extensive roster of services guaranteed to establish your presence on the Digital Scene.

The Room Marketing’s services are comprised of a suite of tools necessary for standing out on the online spectrum. Our services include Video Production, Digital Marketing, Web Design, Corporate Photography, Branding and Social Media Marketing. We offer all you’ll ever need in one place and can be considered your one-stop shop for guaranteed grown-driven results.

Our clients are our priority and we encourage you to contact us to see how best we can help you establish a strong digital presence. For more information, visit our website at www.theroommarketing.com, or send an e-mail to info@theroommarketing.com

The Team Alex Montalvo CEO, Project Manager

EJ Torres Brocco Business Photographer

José Pagán Web Developer - SEO Expert

Juan Santiago Success Mindset Expert

Charles Quiñones Digital Marketing

Neyssa Garcia Content Manager

Tips to Make Remote Work a Reality in


This past year has been difficult for most businesses – cities faced lock downs, markets were disrupted, economies took hits and employees have been laid off, all due to the global pandemic. Maintaining a smooth work flow and a healthy environment for employees is crucial for every business owner and has quickly become a priority all around the world. Remote work has become the ‘new normal’ and businesses need to adapt in order to function properly. What Is Remote Work? Remote work is the concept that work does not need to be limited to any specific space to be done successfully. It is a way of working that allows employees to work away from the traditional office environment. The flexibility of remote work for your business provides employees with a happier and healthier work experience.

So how can you make remote work a reality for your business?

Tips to Make Remote Work a Reality for Your Business 1. Use Reliable Tech Remote work requires uninterrupted and strong Wi-Fi access, functioning computers and other relevant technologies needed by your employees to do their work in a productive and efficient manner. They will need these things to communicate and conduct day-today tasks for your business. You want to invest in reliable tech that has low maintenance in order to avoid any downtime during remote work. Having technical issues that affect communications and productivity is the last thing you want. 2. Regular Communications You may have heard that “communication is the key to success”, this is even more true for remote work than anything else. In fact, we encourage you to over-communicate because, since your employees are no longer down the hall, you need to make your presence known through timely communications. Regular communication will help them remain focused on targets and keep them engaged. Set a time for communication with your team and encourage them to stay connected with each other as well. This will help them overcome any feelings of isolation from other team members. 3. Set a Schedule Remote work can become difficult for employees to manage initially, setting a regular work schedule instead of random hours of work will allow for a smooth functioning team. Clocking in on time, finishing work on time and clocking out on time is important as it will give employees a routine work schedule even if they are not at the office. It is important that work hours should only be for work and you need to make that clear with your employees and make sure they respect those hours. 4. Replicate Your Office Environment Celebrating success and motivating your team as you would in your regular office environment is important for remote work as it creates a feeling of camaraderie and closeness between your team. This helps them stay focused and reminds them that they are not alone in their pursuit of your business’s goals. Replicating your office culture will result in the right attitudes and promote drive in your employees. Remote work should feel professional and comfortable at the same time allowing for a boost in productivity.


Steps to Creating the Perfect

Social Media Marketing Plan by Alex Montalvo

Social media marketing is always evolving and has become one of the best ways to grow a business. We’re ever seeing new social media platforms coming up and gaining massive popularity across the globe. Today, we have TikTok, which has been embraced around the world. TikTok is growing much faster than many other social platforms that are available online. Many businesses today have realized the importance of using social media to achieve the desired growth and attention. Social media marketing has become a vital tool that all companies in virtually almost all industries need to attain their expected growth. Many businesses fail to succeed online because they lack a proper social media marketing plan that will guide them in their social media marketing efforts. You need a social media marketing strategy that’s perfect for your business to reach new heights in your industry. In this article, you’re going to discover the right steps to creating the ideal social media marketing plan. Knowing your target audience is the first step in creating the perfect social media marketing plan. You must identify your ideal customer, understand their demographics, and identify which social media platforms they are most active on. Once you have clearly defined your ideal customer, it will become easier to promote your business to them. Set up your profiles and make them seamless Now you know where your target audience spends most of their time. The next thing is to set up your profiles on those social media platforms and make sure your branding is seamless across those platforms. Set up a profile that will give instant information about your brand and include relevant visuals and a compelling story. The information you have on all your platforms plays a critical role in your marketing efforts’ success. Define your social media marketing goals An excellent social media marketing plan must include goals that are aligned with your business objectives. Your goals must have metrics that are measurable to help you improve and attain better results. Focus on social media marketing goals to help you achieve your overall business goals, such as gaining more sales and revenue. Some of the best social media marketing goals include increasing your web traffic, creating more brand awareness, generating new leads, boosting engagement, establishing brand authority in your industry, and so on.

Know your competition Your competitors are online, so it’s crucial to conduct a competition analysis to know your competition and, most importantly, learn from what they are doing. Competition analysis will make it easier for you to get some sense of what’s expected in your industry. This enables you to create an effective social media marketing strategy to reach your specific targets. Identify your brand voice. When it comes to social media marketing, you want to stand from the rest of the pack. The best way to do that is by determining your brand voice and tone. A unique brand voice makes it easier to make your marketing efforts focused. You will also create content that your audience wants and adds value to them while at the same time, ensuring your brand voice is consistent across all your social media platforms. Audit your current social media strategy If you’re currently on social media, you need to do an audit to identify where your efforts have taken you so far. A social media audit will show you where you stand currently, working, and what’s not working for you. Your audit should not only focus on your social media profiles but also your SEO, content, website, and so much more. Create a social media calendar While you focus on creating great content, you need to have a plan that will guide you through posting content at the best times to get the optimal impact. A social media calendar will keep you on track with your social media marketing strategy. Conclusion Having a social media marketing plan is vital to the success of your business online. To create the perfect one, you must start by understanding your target audience. You need to know what your competition is doing, establish a consistent brand voice and tone, and define your social media marketing goals. Also, you need to evaluate and adjust your social media marketing strategy and monitor it to see how your efforts are performing.

What’s the Difference Between Organic SEO and Social Media Marketing? by Jose Pagån SEO Expert

SEO vs. social media: Which is more effective? There is an ongoing debate as to which marketing technique (search engine optimization or social marketing) marketers should invest the most time in to create the highest return for their money. To answer this particular question, we will look at what makes both marketing techniques unique and what makes them more effective than the other. For those who have used search engines to find websites and services for themselves in the past, it can be a bit confusing. It seems that there are too many variables involved to be able to properly measure the results of one approach over another. Search engines have become the dominant way for consumers to find information online, so it only makes sense that they are also the primary tool for website owners to promote themselves and their offerings. Many website owners still view their search engine optimization campaign as an expense because it does take some time. However, if the goal is to increase your website ranking from the search engines, you may be better off putting more effort and time into your SEO campaign rather than a cheaper, short-term approach. Social marketing, on the other hand, is becoming one of the more popular marketing approaches today. Social networking has become so popular that millions of people use Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and a host of other similar networks to share information and communicate with friends. The goal of social marketing is to bring in new customers by using social interaction to increase awareness among potential customers. It is also beneficial to a business because it allows a company to reach out to the general public through various platforms while at the same time allowing businesses to get feedback directly from customers. Social networks offer a great way to reach out to potential customers without the worry of the traditional cost involved in advertising campaigns.

As mentioned earlier, the problem with search engines is that they can be very time-consuming. It is not uncommon for someone looking for a new restaurant or a local business to spend hours on end searching for relevant information. If you don’t have time to dedicate to this, you could easily miss out on a lot of opportunities and be disappointed when you do. On the other hand, SEO works by targeting the specific keywords or key phrases that are most relevant to a website or business and optimizing the text for the major search engines. That uses them. The problem with search engines is that they are notorious for finding websites with the same content as itself, regardless of how relevant the keywords are. Search engines can sometimes find your website by using the wrong keywords, and that is why you need a professional service that understands the intricacies of how they work. SEO vs. social media marketing is not just about the quality of your website or business, though. Social networking has become so popular that it has led to a whole cottage industry of websites dedicated solely to teaching people the best ways to advertise on social networks. With thousands of people on social networks every day, a business owner has a chance to reach thousands of people within minutes. It is impossible to ignore the popularity of these sites, even if you don’t have any experience doing so. Another benefit of social marketing is that it is highly targeted and can be used to reach customers in a variety of different ways. Because most social networking sites have built-in features that allow a person to search for certain categories and searches, a company can find a group of customers that are similar to their market. Without spending money on pay per click advertising campaigns, a business can use social marketing strategies to reach a wide audience without much effort on their part. Social networking also allows a business to reach out to potential customers in a more personalized way than traditional advertising, making it easier for customers to relate to and trust your business. The success of an organic SEO campaign will depend on the quality of the website that the company uses. SEO does not only target the keywords that are used but the general design of the site as well. While some people may prefer the way that a page looks, others prefer the functionality of the site itself.

“Let’s Talk About Me” Why being the hero is killing your business by Juan Santiago

Have you ever met someone who couldn’t stop talking about themselves? Frustrating, isn’t it? Now imagine the same scenario in an important sales meeting, presentation, or a negotiation. Would you buy from this person? I thought so. Sadly, many professionals suffer from this need to be the protagonist in every conversation. And in this article, you’ll understand that to succeed you’ve got to be the guide, not the hero. Being the “HERO” in the Business World. As a surgical sales rep I’ve been in hundreds of medical conventions. During one of them, someone told me that my main competitor was just about to talk about their new product, so I sneaked inside the conference to find out what it was. As soon as he opened his mouth it was like seeing a car wreck in slow motion.

Out of the hour that he had, he spent the first fifteen looooong minutes talking about his degrees, his awards, he talked about the company, and by the time he got to the product, the doctors (clients) had either left, fell asleep or mentally blocked him by playing with their cellphones. I felt bad for him. The moral of this story is that the hero is always the client. Your job as the professional is to make them look good by helping them solve their problems and fill their needs. And that’s should’ve started talking about the problem that his product promised to solve. Then he could’ve brought out the baby pictures.

Be the Guide, Not the Hero The author, Donald Miller, author of the awesomeness book, Building a Story Brand, explained it perfectly. He said to think of the movie Star Wars (the trilogy that didn’t suck) . Luke is the hero who starts out lost. That’s the client. You are Obi-Wan Kenobi, and your job is to give him the tools to succeed.

2- Bring Solutions.

So if you wanna reach the success that many never have, consider these three strategies:

Also, use the information they gave you to demonstrate how your offering eliminates their fear or pain.

1- Be curious.

3- Make a Plan.

Instead of hitting your clients over the head with details and features, take a deep breath and ask questions relevant to what you’re offering. This way you seem more as a concerned friend, and that creates massive rapport.

Great managers become leaders because they help their employees become better ay what they do. On the other hand, bosses make it all about them (except when they screw something up).

Let them do the talking and understand their situation. Remember that the more information you have, the easier it is to close a deal or gain influence. Plus, we all love it when someone really listens to us. But be genuine or you’ll lose their trust fast.

Now that you’re clear about your clients needs, paint them a picture of how your product or service may solve their issue. Use REAL examples of past personal or client experience. Mention more benefits and less features.

Unless your employee or client is psychic, don’t assume that they know the way. Help them make the best out of their investment. Show them the ropes and help them become the heroes that they are.

About the Author Juan Santiago is a Certified Professional Coach and Master level in Neuro Linguistic Programing. He’s a professional speaker, radio personality and author of the book, ¡Lanzate! Libérate de los Miedos que te Mantienen Estancado. Visit his website juantemotiva.com

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