FOR FRAMEWORK AND DEVELOPMENT FAST DEVELOPMENT CakePHP is quite easy to understand and the developer does not need to be a master in web development to code on it. Also, it requires zero configuration since it mostly has auto detected settings and features hence, allows fast development.
MVC PATTERN CakePHP is based on MVC model which helps developers to segregate the data presentation from business logic and give the site a more professional look. It helps to showcase content in an attractive way to the users. The information is processed by the controllers before it approaches the database.
OPEN SOURCE CakePHP is an open source platform for web development. It’s freely available for use without any licensing fees or any other recurring charges for use or customization. It supports PHP, which provides PHP developers the opportunity to create brilliant websites.
REUSABLE CODES CakePHP makes use of pre-written codes which saves a lot of time that goes in development and can be used by them for the website’s creative and logical aspects. They can simply pick the tested and verified code and add it to the program when needed.
IN-BUILT VALIDATION It is a very flexible PHP framework. CakePHP offers built-in features for validation. The features are extremely simple yet quite efficient all at the same time. Developers working in PHP can build different validation rules and acquire advanced validation functionality.
SECURE DATABASE CakePHP makes way for easy and secure database. CakePHP has CRUD functionality which allows effortless management of data in a much more smoother, more comprehensive and and better way. Various components can be created, read, updated and even deleted easily.
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