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What He Signed Up For
er human being? This simply didn’t make sense. How could someone who’s main objective is military strength not manage every aspect of the military even slightly efficiently?
The second outcome was that Donald Trump wasn’t denying claims that’d get him into trouble, and he was in fact telling the truth. In this scenario, I was still slightly annoyed. If fake circumstances are taken seriously, the credibility of the media plummets, and the phrase “Fake news” isn’t wrong…“Golden-Showers gate” anyone?
Another woman left widowed by the recent tragedy in Niger released a video in which President Trump spoke to her over the phone, sounding empathetic and understanding. The Congresswoman who made the claims said, “The White House is full of white supremacists” in response to the denial of her claims.
It is hard for me in today’s political climate to take things at face value- simply reading a headline isn’t enough (as if it ever was enough). Time ages stories like these into unrecognizable beasts when compared to the originals.
freedom, which means that they cannot be forced to do anything that would harm their personal morals, however does it mean that those who do not have these same beliefs have to suffer?
On the other hand, those who are against these conservative religious groups believe that it is up to the woman if they want to reproduce and that no-one, including employers, should interfere with that process.
As many may know, not everyone recognizes themselves as religious. There are atheists and agnostics out there too. Since the early 1960s, courts have ruled that it’s unconstitutional for states to declare purchasing birth control illegal. This is because many people strongly believed that women should have the right to separate whether they want to have sex for childbearing or for pleasure.
The administration first tries to take down abortion, and now birth control. In an era where teen pregnancy is at its highest, you would think that the government would want these teens to be safe if they made this decision. I guess not. They have this deluded idea that if these methods did not exist, then suddenly everyone would just get married or remain abstinent. Who knows if the fight for women having control of their own bodies and sexual decisions will ever end. Only time will tell.