Sanctified - A Lifestyle

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sanctified a Lifestyle Introduction Sanctified – a Lifestyle is inspired by a short series of studies on the book of

Philippians (written by Lieut-Colonel Karen Shakespeare in 2010) with the desire to create a resource written by young adult Salvationists for young adult Salvationists. The nine contributors to this study come from all over the world and are passionate about living holy lives in every circumstance. This is evident as they share their thoughts using expressions from the life of Paul and the book of Philippians. Salvationist Lindsey Fleeman (USA Southern Territory) has generously created the layout, which contributes to the international character of the studies. Each Bible study follows a simple pattern beginning with a biblical exploration of the text (biblical perspective) with questions; a more personal approach relating the passage to daily life, with further questions for discussion (lifestyle perspective) and concludes with some very practical points that can be carried out (act!). It is hoped and prayed that this material will teach, encourage and inspire young adults as they study this letter and put it into practice. As Paul himself wrote: ‘continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfil his good purpose…so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation”. Then you will shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life…’ (Philippians 2:12, 13; 15, 16 NIV 2011).

Centre for Spiritual Life Development International Headquarters

Access Sanctified A Lifestyle’s website for further information related to the studies




the lifeActsof22:1-21 paul Ashlee Sheppard

biblical perspective


“Saul, who was also called Paul” (Acts 13:9) was the leading persecutor of Christians before his conversion. He wrote 13 letters in the New Testament, including Philippians and he went on to do more to shape Christianity than any other individual except Jesus himself.

1. When you were a child, what was the one thing that was the most valuable to you? 2. Can you relate to Philippians 3:7? What is something that you used to consider of value but has now become worthless because of what Christ has done?

In Acts 22:1-21 we read about Paul’s testimony before and after his conversion, where he testified 3. What can we learn from Paul? How does his to the crowd that the transforming work of Jesus testimony encourage or challenge you in your was alive in him. This happened right after he was faith walk? arrested for proclaiming Jesus as Saviour and Lord when he said “May I have a word with you” and he went on to share his freedom story.

lifestyle perspective

Paul went from being the persecutor of Christians and of the church to being persecuted and put in prison for his faith. As Paul was being arrested he testified that when the blood of the martyr Stephen was shed, he stood there giving his approval and was guarding the clothes of those who were killing him (Acts 22:20). After his conversion Paul came to the realisation that everything is worthless compared to the value of what Christ has done for us (Phil 3:7). He developed such an immense love and devotion to serving Jesus that he desired to suffer as Christ suffered and also to die as Christ died (Phil 3:10).

As I read stories in the Bible I often find it very hard to believe that transformations and the miracles of Jesus and his followers can still happen today. I sometimes find myself thinking of the miraculous things Jesus did on earth as something that happened during his ministry on earth and forget that we as his church are called to continue his mission.

Throughout the New Testament we see the absolute transformation in the life of Paul. The change in him was so great that he had become a new person in almost every way except his physical form. How could he have had such a dramatic change in It’s easy to look at something like this and think his life? During his word to the crowd as he was be- that such extreme transformation could not ocing arrested he retold his moment of transforma- cur today. We may have seen lives transformed in tion. He said “About noon as I came near Damas- some way but maybe not to this extent. cus, suddenly a bright light from heaven flashed around me. I fell to the ground and heard a voice The exciting thing is that although Jesus may not say to me, ‘Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?” physically be walking on the earth with us now, (v 6-7). From this moment on he was completely that same power is living within us today. Paul said “The Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the sold out for Christ, he was a new person. dead lives in you” (Romans 8:11).


The transforming and miraculous work of Jesus is available for us all today just as it was thousands of years ago.

1. Think about people in your life who are not yet Christians. Write their names on a butterfly. Commit to praying for these people regularly and use the paper butterfly as a reminder to do this.

One of the most effective forms of power evangelism is allowing people to witness a transformed life. In Ezekiel 36:23 God says to the Israelites “When I reveal my holiness through you before their very eyes… then the nations will know that I am the Lord.” For those who witnessed Paul’s transformation, how could they not believe? It’s the same for us today; those we come in contact with can know that Jesus has transforming power in our lives today.

2. Ask God to reveal to you areas in your life that he wants to transform. Write a personal prayer on a butterfly asking for the transforming power of Jesus to shape your life.

questions 1. Share about either yourself or someone you know that has experienced transformation in their life? What changed within? 2. Do you ever find yourself doubting that the incredible power of God that raised Jesus from the dead is alive in you today? In what ways? 3. Are you doubting the powerful work of God in any area of your life instead of faithfully believing? In what areas do you need to trust and believe?

act! “To get a man soundly saved is not enough to put on him a pair of new breeches, to give him regular work, or even to give him a University education. These things are all outside a man, and if the inside remains unchanged you have wasted your labour. You must in some way or other graft upon the man’s nature a new nature, which has in it the element of the Divine” (William Booth). Just like caterpillars are transformed into butterflies, so we are transformed into Holy people by the power of God’s spirit within us. “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” 2 Corinthians 3:18

Ashlee Sheppard (Australia Eastern Territory) I’m currently working as a registered nurse. I’m passionate about seeing every member of the Church pursuing spiritual growth and experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit in all its fullness


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the thelife Philippians of paul Acts 16:6-40 22:1-21 StephanieAshlee Parker Sheppard Chagas

biblical perspective


On arrival “Saul, whoinwas Philippi also called Paul and Paul” his companions (Acts 13:9) was ‘… the down sat leading andpersecutor began to speak of Christians to the women beforewho his conversion. had gatheredHe there’ wrote (Acts 13 letters 16:13). in This thesimple New Testaact of ment, including Philippians communication sets the toneand of Paul’s he went future on toletdo more ter to the to shape Philippians, Christianity giving athan goodany picture otherofindihow vidual the church except inJesus Philippi himself. began – based on friendship. In Acts 22:1-21 we read about Paul’s testimony before It was aand vision afterofhis a man conversion, from Macedonia where he testified begging to thetocrowd Paul comethat overthe and transforming help them (v work 12) of that Jesus led was alive Paul and his in him. companions This happened to travel right to Philippi, after he was inarrested for troducing theproclaiming gospel to what Jesus is now asknown Saviour as Euand Lord when he said “May I have a word with you” rope. and he went on to share his freedom story. Arriving there Luke tells us that Paul’s initial enPaul wentwas counter from with being women. the persecutor One whose of Christians name is and of the is mentioned church Lydia,toa Gentile being persecuted and a clothand dealer. put in prisonshe Though forfeared his faith. God,Asdown Paulby was thebeing river,arrestin the ed he testified place of prayer,that shewhen met the Paulblood and of herthe heart martyr reStephen was sponded to hisshed, message he stood (v 14).there Her household giving his was approval and baptised and was she guarding openedthe up clothes her home of those to thewho bewere killing him (Acts 22:20). After his converlievers. sion Paul came to the realisation that everything is was It worthless not long compared before Paul to the faced value hisof first what difficulty Christ hasPhilippi in done for and ushe (Phil and3:7). SilasHe were developed unjustlysuch thrown an immense into prison love (v and 23).devotion At midnight, to serving however, Jesuswhile that he desired praying andtosinging suffer as to Christ God ansuffered earthquake and also shook to die as the foundations, Christ diedthe (Phil doors 3:10). opened and the chains fell off! (v 26). The jailer’s consequent fear for his How life own could turned he have to belief had such anda he dramatic was saved change along in his life? with theDuring rest of his word family to(v the 34). crowd as he was being arrested he retold his moment of transformation. revealed God He said “About in thenoon life of as IPaul camethrough near Damasword, cus, suddenly prayer and praise a bright made light these from initial heaven life-transflashed around me. forming encounters I fell to the withground the Philippians and heard possible. a voice say to me, ‘Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?” (v 6-7). From this moment on he was completely sold out for Christ, he was a new person.

1. Through When youthe were vision a child, received, what Paul was the wasone certain thing that was God wanted the him mosttovaluable go to Philippi. to you?How can we seek God’s guidance for our lives? 2. Can you relate to Philippians 3:7? What is something 2. Read Acts that 16:13-15 you used identifying to consider the process of value of but has conversion. Lydia’s now becomeAre worthless there similarities because ofto what your Christ own conversion has done?experience?

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3. Think What can about wewhat learncould from happen Paul? How if ‘we does sathis down testimony and began encourage to speak’ with or challenge people more you often. in yourHow faith walk? could this become a reality in our daily lives? 4. Describe significant moments in your life that God has acted through word, prayer and praise.

lifestyle perspective

As I read stories in the Bible I often find it very hard to believe that transformations and the mirlifestyle perspective acles of Jesus and his followers can still happen Following Paul’s first visit to Philippi the today. I sometimes find myself thinking ofcongrethe migation grew. Some years later Paul was imprisoned raculous things Jesus did on earth as something again and the church one of their that happened duringsent his ministry on members, earth and Epaphroditus, to visit him with a gift (Philippians forget that we as his church are called to continue 4:18). Consequently, the book of Philippians is a his mission. beautiful letter of friendship Paul sent back to the saints expressing hisTestament gratitude we forsee thethe present, Throughout the New absobut frequently encouraging rejoice in lutealso transformation in the life of them Paul. to The change what God had done for them in Christ. in him was so great that he had become a new person in almost every way except his physical form. In letter Paul at praises God and It’shis easy to look something liketells thisthe andPhilipthink pians how much he loves them and how special that such extreme transformation could not octhey are toWe him (1:7), them to grow cur today. may haveencouraging seen lives transformed in in spiritual knowledge and insight (1:9). He calls some way but maybe not to this extent. the saints to unity and encourages them to have a Christlike attitude towards each other (2:5), The exciting thing is that although Jesus mayprenot ferring each other’s interests in love, obeying God physically be walking on the earth with us now, and and (2:15), in that living same pure power is holy livinglives within us rejoicing today. Paul the Lord always! (4:4). said “The Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you” (Romans 8:11).

He tells The transforming them how and hismiraculous struggles in work prison of Jesus have is available made him more for uscourageous all today justinassharing it was thouthe good sands and news of years that ago. he counts everything loss for the sake of knowing Christ and the ‘power of his resOne of theand urrection most theeffective fellowship forms of sharing of power hisevangesufferlism is(3:10), ings’ allowing as he people presses to witness on towards a transformed the goal to life. the win In Ezekiel prize which 36:23isGod eternal says life. to the Israelites “When I reveal my holiness through you before theirto Due very hiseyes… situation then it would the nations be expected will know thatthat Paul I am the would feel Lord.” grumpy For those and hopeless. who witnessed But his Paul’s joyful transformation, and positive attitude how could towards they his not circumstancbelieve? It’s the his es, same confidence for us today; in Christ those we andcome a continued in contact life with of holiness can know certainly that Jesus makes hasme transforming examine my powown er in our lives personal outlook today. on life. I am challenged as to how this moulds my relationship with God and consequently how this affects those around me.

1. Think about people in your life who are not act!

yet Christians. Write their names on a butterfly. Commit to apraying forsaying, these people regularly and 1. There is Chinese ‘A journey of a 1,000 use thebegins paperwith butterfly as astep’. reminder to docase this.his miles a single In Paul’s first step was his obedience to the vision he had 2. Ask God tothe reveal to you in began. your life received and church in areas Philippi Inthat light he wants to transform. Write a personal prayer of the events described in Acts 16:6-40 what sinon adaily butterfly asking for the transforming gle step can we take that could lead topower someof Jesus to shape your life. thing significant? 2. Remember handwritten letters?! Write a letter to someone who is going through a difficult time. Deliver it in person or post it to them. Include one or more verses from Philippians.

3. Access the website and find out more about Christians who, like Paul, are I recently read a book called One Thousand Gifts still persecuted because of their faith. Commit to 1. aboutauthor either Ann yourself or someone youher- praying for them daily for a chosen period of time. byShare Canadian Voskamp who sets know thattask has of experienced transformation in of self the writing down, over a period their changed within? time, life? 1,000What things that she sees as daily blessings (Scan QR code for link:) in her life. Inspired by this initiative and eager to 2. you ever find yourself that the way, inliveDoout Philippians 4:4-7 indoubting a very practical credible power of God that raised Jesus from the my family and I have recently started exchanging dead alive in you today? what ways? daily is emails writing downIn the things that we are grateful for. 3. Are you doubting the powerful work of God in of your instead faithfully Weany all area live far awaylife from eachofother so it’sbebeen lieving? In what areas do you need to trust and great to read what has blessed us each day – our believe? bed, food, a good night’s sleep, someone who has made us laugh – are just some examples of things that have helped us see above and beyond the ciract! cumstances of our daily lives, acknowledging in everything God’s goodness, has given to “To get a man soundly savedwhat is notheenough to put us and what he has done for us. on him a pair of new breeches, to give him regu-


lar work, or even to give him a University education. These things are all outside a man, and if the questions inside remains unchanged you have wasted your labour. You must in some way or other graft upon 1. How do nature we tendato react in challenging the man’s new nature, which has in it the situations? element of the Divine” (William Booth). Just like caterpillars are transformed into butterflies, so 2. What does Paul’s attitude teach us about we are transformed into Holy people by thethe powway we should approach difficult situations in er of God’s spirit within us. “And we all, who with our own lives? unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” 2 Corinthians 3:18

Stephanie Parker Chagas (Centre for Spiritual Life Development) I was born in Brazil and have been working for The Salvation Army in London since 2011. I love spending time with God, family and close friends, travelling and exercising. desire to Ashlee Sheppard (Australia Eastern ITerritory) be more like Jesus, helping others along the way. I’m currently working as a registered nurse. I’m passionate about seeing every member of the Church pursuing spiritual growth and experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit in all its fullness

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the the called life Philippians Acts 16:6-40 22:1-21 1:1

to be Saint Philippians of apaul Stephanie Deva Sukanya Ashlee Parker Parthipati Sheppard Chagas

biblical perspective


In his initial greetings Pauland addresses Philip“Saul, On arrival whoinwas Philippi also called Paul Paul” his companions (Actsthe 13:9) was ‘… pians as saints. The Greek saints, hagios, the down sat leading andpersecutor began to speak ofword Christians tofor the women before who his can also be He translated pure,in righteous, holy, conversion. had gathered there’ wrote (Acts 13as letters 16:13). This thesimple New Testaact of clean, moral purity. Individuals are cleansed of ment, including Philippians communication sets the toneand of Paul’s he went future on toletdo sin and pure, holy, righteous and setofapart more ter to the tomade shape Philippians, Christianity giving athan goodany picture other indihow for God’s purposes as they obey–his Word. idea vidual the church except inJesus Philippi himself. began based onThe friendof one being ‘in Christ Jesus’ is a recurring theme ship. in of Philippians. The saints any givIn the Actsbook 22:1-21 we read about Paul’s in testimony en locality are the saved (i.e. the members of the before It was aand vision afterofhis a man conversion, from Macedonia where he testified begging Body of Christthat including the preacher, elders, and to theto Paul crowd come over the and transforming help them (v work 12) of that Jesus led deacons). We are This all called totravel be saints, God’s was alive Paul and his in him. companions happened to right to Philippi, after heholy was inpeople (1 Peter 1:15, 16) the that arrested troducing for theproclaiming gospel to in what Jesus isconfidence now asknown Saviour as God Euand has make us Iholy. Lordpromised rope. when he to said “May have a word with you” and he went on to share his freedom story. Arriving there Luke tells us that Paul’s initial enPaul wentwas counter being women. the persecutor One whose of Christians name is questionsfromwith and of the is mentioned church Lydia,toa Gentile being persecuted and a clothand dealer. put in Though prison she for feared his faith. God,Asdown Paulby was thebeing river, arrestinwho the 1. Did you have a different perspective about ed place he testified of prayer, that she when met the Paul blood and of herthe heart martyr saints are? What qualities do you associate withrea Stephen sponded was to his shed, message he stood (v 14). there Her household giving his was apperson who is called a saint? proval and baptised and was she guarding openedthe up clothes her home of those to thewho bewere lievers. killing him (Acts 22:20). After his conver2. If you are called a saint, does it change the way sion Paulatcame to the realisation that everything you look yourself? is was It worthless not long compared before Paul to the faced value hisof first what difficulty Christ hasPhilippi in done for and ushe (Phil and3:7). SilasHe were developed unjustlysuch thrown an immense into prison love (v and 23).devotion At midnight, to serving however, Jesuswhile that he desired praying andtosinging suffer as to Christ God ansuffered earthquake and also shook to die as the foundations, Christ diedthe (Phil doors 3:10). opened and the chains lifestyle perspective fell off! (v 26). The jailer’s consequent fear for his How life own could turned he have to belief had such anda he dramatic was saved change along in God’s Word was written primarily for his people. his life? with theDuring rest of his word family to(v the 34). crowd as he was beThis means that the Bible was intended for all being arrested he retold his moment of transformalievers. All of God’s saints are therefore empowtion. revealed God He said “About in thenoon life of as IPaul camethrough near Damasword, ered with the Holy Spirit, who enables them to cus, suddenly prayer and praise a bright made light these from initial heaven life-transflashed read and understand the Bible and live out a life around me. forming encounters I fell to the withground the Philippians and heard possible. a voice that is ‘clean in thought, word and deed’ as we read say to me, ‘Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?” in the Salvation Army’s Junior Soldier’s Promise. (v 6-7). From this moment on he was completely sold out for Christ, he was a new person.

As Christians in aarelationship withthe other people 1. Through When youthe were vision child, received, what Paul was was one certain thing and, most importantly, is very that was God wanted the him mosttovaluable go towith Philippi. toGod, you?itHow canimporwe tant live guidance holy lives.for God seek to God’s ournever lives?intended for us not to befriend non-believers liveWhat life inisisola2. Can you relate to Philippiansor3:7? tion so that we are affected by worldly orof unsomething 2. Read Acts that 16:13-15 younot used identifying to consider the process of value holy situations. Rather, we have a more responbut has conversion. Lydia’s now becomeAre worthless there similarities because ofto what your sible role play,experience? not only for others but also for Christ own conversion hasto done? ourselves; we need to keep a check on whether we are putting our Christian into practice in 3. Think What can about wewhat learn could from beliefs happen Paul? How if ‘we does sathis down our daily testimony and beganlives. encourage to speak’ with or challenge people more you often. in yourHow faith walk? could this become a reality in our daily lives? And even when it is not easy to live a righteous life amongst non-righteous people (though 4. Describe significant moments in yourwe lifeshould that never judge anyone), we are strengthened by God God has acted through word, prayer and praise. in every step of our life. Being holy, pure, righlifestyle perspective teous and clean may not be such a superhuman task after stories all when in constant fellowship As I read inwe theare Bible I often find it very with hard him. to believe that transformations and the mirlifestyle perspective acles of Jesus and his followers can still happen Following Paul’s first visit to Philippi the today. I sometimes find myself thinking ofcongrethe miquestions gation grew. Some years later Paul was imprisoned raculous things Jesus did on earth as something again and the church sent one of their members, that happened during his ministry earth and 1. Have you been in situations whereon peer presEpaphroditus, to visit him with a gift (Philippians forget that we as his church are called to continue sure has hindered you in leading a saintly life? 4:18). Consequently, the book of Philippians is a his mission. beautiful letter of friendship Paul sent back to the 2. Do you trust God to carry you through all saints expressing hisTestament gratitude we for thethe present, Throughout the New absosituations where being morally puresee and holy is but also frequently encouraging them to rejoice in lute transformation in the life of Paul. The change something you thought was never possible? what God had done for them in Christ. in him was so great that he had become a new person in there almost every way except his physical form. 3. Are situations which you can now hanIn his letter Paul at praises God and tells the PhilipIt’s easy to look something like this and dle better, knowing that it is possible and thatthink pians howextreme much hetransformation loves them andcould how not special that such the choices you make are as important to God ocas they are toWe him (1:7), them to grow cur today. may haveencouraging seen lives transformed in those of anyone else? in spiritual knowledge and insight (1:9). He calls some way but maybe not to this extent. the saints to unity and encourages them to have a Christlike attitude towards each other (2:5), The exciting thing is that although Jesus mayprenot ferring each other’s interests in love, obeying God physically be walking on the earth with us now, and and (2:15), in that living same pure power is holy livinglives within us rejoicing today. Paul the Lord always! (4:4). said “The Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you” (Romans 8:11).

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He The transforming them how and hismiraculous struggles in work prison of Jesus have act!tells is available made him more for uscourageous all today justinassharing it was thouthe good 1. Takeand few moments to analyse yourloss dailyfor lifethe sands news ofa years that ago. he counts everything and your reactionChrist to situations unconsake of knowing and thedone ‘power of his ressciously. Try to identify places where you feel you One of theand urrection most theeffective fellowship forms of sharing of power hisevangesuffercouldis(3:10), have been more pure in towards youra approach. lism ings’ allowing as he people presses to witness on transformed the goal to life. the win In Ezekiel prize which 36:23isGod eternal says life. to the Israelites 2. Try toI reveal read about differentthrough biblicalyou characters “When my holiness before where the most insignificant people according to theirto Due very hiseyes… situation then it would the nations be expected will know thatthat Paul others could do righteous and significant things I am the would feel Lord.” grumpy For those and hopeless. who witnessed But his Paul’s joyful in the eyes of God, e.g. David, Samuel, Daniel, transformation, and positive attitude how could towards they his not circumstancbelieve? It’s Jeremiah, Joseph etc. the es, his same confidence for us today; in Christ those we andcome a continued in contact life with of holiness can know certainly that Jesus makes hasme transforming examine my powown 3. Make a diary where you can jot down how you er in our lives personal outlook today. on life. I am challenged as to how approached some situations with differently because this moulds my relationship God and conseyou thought more about living like a saint! How quently how this affects those around me. questions hard was this change for you? I recently read a book called One Thousand Gifts 1. aboutauthor either Ann yourself or someone youherbyShare Canadian Voskamp who sets know thattask has of experienced transformation in of self the writing down, over a period their changed within? time, life? 1,000What things that she sees as daily blessings in her life. Inspired by this initiative and eager to 2. you ever find yourself that the way, inliveDoout Philippians 4:4-7 indoubting a very practical credible power of God that raised Jesus from the my family and I have recently started exchanging dead alive in you today? what ways? daily is emails writing downIn the things that we are grateful for. 3. Are you doubting the powerful work of God in of your instead faithfully Weany all area live far awaylife from eachofother so it’sbebeen lieving? In what areas do you need to trust and great to read what has blessed us each day – our believe? bed, food, a good night’s sleep, someone who has made us laugh – are just some examples of things that have helped us see above and beyond the ciract! cumstances of our daily lives, acknowledging in everything God’s goodness, has given to “To get a man soundly savedwhat is notheenough to put us and what he has done for us. on him a pair of new breeches, to give him regular work, or even to give him a University education. These things are all outside a man, and if the questions inside remains unchanged you have wasted your labour. You must in some way or other graft upon 1. How do nature we tendato react in challenging the man’s new nature, which has in it the situations? element of the Divine” (William Booth). Just like caterpillars are transformed into butterflies, so 2. What does Paul’s attitude teach us about we are transformed into Holy people by thethe powway we should approach difficult situations in er of God’s spirit within us. “And we all, who with our own lives? unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” 2 Corinthians 3:18

1. Think about people in your life who are not act!

yet Christians. Write their names on a butterfly. Commit to apraying forsaying, these people regularly and 1. There is Chinese ‘A journey of a 1,000 use thebegins paperwith butterfly as astep’. reminder to docase this.his miles a single In Paul’s first step was his obedience to the vision he had 2. Ask God tothe reveal to you in began. your life received and church in areas Philippi Inthat light he wants to transform. Write a personal prayer of the events described in Acts 16:6-40 what sinon adaily butterfly asking for the transforming gle step can we take that could lead topower someof Jesus to shape your life. thing significant? 2. Remember handwritten letters?! Write a letter to someone who is going through a difficult time. Sukanyaor Parthipati Northern Territory) Deliver itDeva in person post it (India to them. Include one orI more verses from Philippians. met Jesus at a very young age and he has been my constant companion ever since. I love to participate in my corps

3. Access the as website and activities such the choir, band, choreography and dance groups. I enjoy travelling and making new friends. find out more about Christians who, like Paul, are still persecuted because of their faith. Commit to praying for them daily for a chosen period of time. (Scan QR code for link:)

Stephanie Parker Chagas (Centre for Spiritual Life Development) I was born in Brazil and have been working for The Salvation Army in London since 2011. I love spending time with God, family and close friends, travelling and exercising. desire to Ashlee Sheppard (Australia Eastern ITerritory) be more like Jesus, helping others along the way. I’m currently working as a registered nurse. I’m passionate about seeing every member of the Church pursuing spiritual growth and experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit in all its fullness

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1. 2. 3. 4.

the the saints called life Philippians Acts 16:6-40 22:1-21 1:1 Exodus 19:3-8

be intothe apaul Saint Philippians ofBible

Lieutenants Vanessa Xander Coleman Stephanie Devaand Sukanya Ashlee Parker Parthipati Sheppard Chagas

biblical perspective


‘Dear Lord, so far today, I’ve done all right, I was haIn his initial greetings Paul addresses the Philip“Saul, On arrival whoinwas Philippi also called Paul and Paul” his companions (Acts 13:9) ‘… ven’t gossiped, haven’t mytofor temper, I haven’t pians as saints. The Greek saints, hagios, the down sat leading andpersecutor began to lost speak ofword Christians the women before who his been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish or overindulcan also be He translated as pure, righteous, holy, conversion. had gathered there’ wrote (Acts 13 letters 16:13). in This the simple New Testaact of gent. I’m very thankful for that. But in a few minclean, moral purity. Individuals are cleansed of ment, including Philippians communication sets the toneand of Paul’s he went future on toletdo utes, Lord, I’mpure, going to get ofany bed, and from sin and holy, righteous and setofapart more ter to the tomade shape Philippians, Christianity giving aout than good picture other indihow then on I’m going to need aonlot more for God’s purposes as they obey Word. The idea vidual the church except inprobably Jesus Philippi himself. began –his based friendhelp. of oneAmen.’ being ‘in Christ Jesus’ is a recurring theme ship. in of Philippians. The saints any givIn the Actsbook 22:1-21 we read about Paul’s in testimony Does life ever feel like that for you? You might en locality are the saved (i.e. the members of the before It was aand vision afterofhis a man conversion, from Macedonia where he testified begging just get on okay with the callpreacher, to be like Jesus, ifled it Body of Christ including the elders, and to the Paul to crowd come that over the and transforming help them (v work 12) of that Jesus weren’t for all those other people walking around, deacons). We are This all called totravel be saints, God’s was alive Paul and his in him. companions happened to right to Philippi, after heholy was ingetting inPeter the way. Do you ever feel the temptation people (1 1:15, 16) in the that arrested troducing for theproclaiming gospel to what Jesus isconfidence now as known Saviour as God Euand to become hermit, run from it allwith and work has promised to make usaway Lord rope. whenahe said “May Iholy. have a word you” out this God thing just you and him? and he went on to share his freedom story. Arriving there Luke tells us that Paul’s initial enHave youwas ever heard someone say,whose ‘you need Paul went counter from with being women. the persecutor One of don’t Christians name is questions to goof to the church to betoa Christian’, to Mcand mentioned is church Lydia, Gentile being persecuted andora‘going clothand dealer. put Donald’s doesn’t make you a hamburger’? True, in Though prison she for feared his faith. God,As down Paul by was thebeing river, arrestin the 1. Did you have a different perspective about who the act of going into a particular building once a ed place he testified of prayer, that she when met the Paul blood and of herthe heart martyr saints are? What qualities do you associate withrea week willwas not make or keep you a Christian. HowStephen sponded to his message he stood (v 14). there Her household giving his was apperson who isshed, called a saint? ever, there is something deeply, necessarily, inproval and baptised and was she guarding openedthe up clothes her home of those to thewho betrinsically vital about being partAfter of a his community were lievers. killing him (Acts 22:20). conver2. If you are called a saint, does it change the way of faith. It is theretothat find support, sion Paul thewe realisation that friendship, everything you look atcame yourself? accountability, correction, opportunity for laughis was It worthless not long compared before Paul to the faced value hisof first what difficulty Christ ter and tears, service, food, security and honesty. hasPhilippi in done for and us he (Phil and3:7). SilasHe were developed unjustly such thrown an We journey together in working out what it looks immense into prison love (v and 23).devotion At midnight, to serving however, Jesuswhile that like to beand followers When we and lookalso at Jehe desired praying tosinging sufferof as toJesus. Christ God an suffered earthquake shook to sus’ disciples, and their accounts of his the die as the foundations, Christ died the (Phil doors 3:10). opened and thelife, chains lifestyle perspective only lone wolf we see is Judas – not the best exfell off! (v 26). The jailer’s consequent fear for his ample ofturned how to to please Jesus grow inchange holiness. How life own could he have belief had such andaor he dramatic was saved along in God’s Word was written primarily forholiness his people. John Wesley once said, ‘there is no but his life? with theDuring rest of his word family to(v the 34). crowd as he was beThis means that the Biblewords, was intended for all besocial holiness’; in other it’sofimpossible to ing arrested he retold his moment transformalievers. All of God’s saints are therefore empowlive please Jesus on yourof tion.torevealed God He said “About in the noon life asown. IPaul camethrough near Damasword, ered with the Holy Spirit, who enables them to cus, suddenly prayer and praise a bright made light these from initial heaven life-transflashed read and understand the Bible and live out a life Paul, writing the in Philippians Philippi, encourages around forming me. encounters Ito fell tochurch the withground the and heard possible. a voice that iscommunity ‘clean in thought, word and deed’ as we read their life together, but also challengsay to me, ‘Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?” in the Salvation Army’s Junior Soldier’s Promise. es them to keep it up. His first to the (v 6-7). From this moment on words he wasspeak completely saints, people, those who are in Christ – sold outthe forholy Christ, he was a new person. people trying to follow Jesus (Philippians 1:1) and he talks to them as a community – this is not

the world (see Proverbs 24:13).

something that can be done alone. This underAs Christians in aarelationship with other people standing ofthe awere community of faith starts way back 1. Through When you vision child, received, what Paul was the was one certain thing and, most importantly, God, is very in the Oldthe Testament. Exodus 19:3-8. that God was wanted him mosttovaluable go Read towith Philippi. to you?itHow canimporwe tant live guidance holy lives.for God seek to God’s ournever lives?intended for us not to befriend non-believers liveWhat life inisisola2. Can you relate to Philippiansor3:7? questions (based on Exodus 19:3-8) tion so that we are affected by worldly orof unsomething 2. Read Acts that 16:13-15 younot used identifying to consider the process of value holy situations. Rather, we have a more responbut has conversion. Lydia’s now becomeAre worthless there similarities because ofto what your 1. Whom God callonly to a for life others of holiness? sible role to play, not but also for Christ own conversion hasdoes done? experience? ourselves; we need to keep a check on whether we 2. is the to God? are putting our Christian beliefs into practice in 3. What What Think can about weresponse what learn could from happen Paul? How if ‘we does sathis down our daily testimony and beganlives. encourage to speak’ with or challenge people more you often. in yourHow 3. How would you respond to the challenge to faith walk? could this become a reality in our daily lives? obey God when fully and keep (v 5)? life And even it isto not easyhis to covenant live a righteous What does that look like in your life today? amongst non-righteous people (though 4. Describe significant moments in yourwe lifeshould that never judge anyone), we are strengthened by God God has acted through word, prayer and praise. 4. What would it look like for your community to in every step of our life. Being holy, pure, righlifestyle perspective obey God fully and keep his covenant? teous and clean may not be such a superhuman task after stories all when in constant fellowship As I read inwe theare Bible I often find it very 5. What does it mean for us today to be a with hard him. to believe that transformations and the mirlifestyle perspective ‘kingdom of priests’ (v 6)? acles of Jesus and his followers can still happen Following Paul’s first visit to Philippi the today. I sometimes find myself thinking ofcongrethe miquestions gation grew. Some years later Paul was imprisoned raculous things Jesus did on earth as something lifestyle again andperspective the church sent one of their members, that happened during his ministry earth and 1. Have you been in situations whereon peer presEpaphroditus, to visit him with a gift (Philippians forget that we astext his church called to continue Notice that this refers toare the oflife? Israel. sure has hindered you in leading anation saintly 4:18). Consequently, the book of Philippians is a his mission. They are a community of saints and the people, beautiful letter of friendship Paul sent back to the as a community, aretocalled bethrough holy. Inall the New 2. Do you trust God carry to you saints expressing hisTestament gratitude we forsee thethe present, Throughout the New absoTestament the new Israel consists of and those people situations where being morally pure holy is but also frequently encouraging them to rejoice in lute transformation in the life of Paul. The change who are ‘in you Christ Jesus’. something thought was never possible? what God had done for them in Christ. in him was so great that he had become a new person in almost every way except his physical form. The difference between the you Old Testament and 3. Are there situations which can now hanIn his letter Paul at praises God and tells the PhilipIt’s easy to look something like this and think New Testament is that Jesus. areand called dle better, knowing it isSaints possible that and pians howextreme much hetransformation loves them andcould how not special that such occhosen by Jesus to liveare forasJesus. In thetoNew the choices you make important GodTesas they are toWe him (1:7), encouraging them to grow cur today. may have seen lives transformed in tament never talks of one saint, but always those ofPaul anyone else? in spiritual knowledge and insight (1:9). He calls some way but maybe notistosomething this extent.that we do ‘saints’. Becoming holy the saints to unity and encourages them to have a in the Christian community. We are saints togethChristlike attitude towards each other (2:5), preThe exciting thingnoticed is that although Jesus may er. Have you ever how Christians are anot bit ferring each other’s interests inearth love,with obeying God physically be walking on the us now, like bees? Bees cannot survive independently of and living and lives (2:15), in that same pure power is holy living within us rejoicing today. one another, they need the community of the Paul hive the Lord always! (4:4). said “The Spirit God who raisedChristians Jesus from the to function andofcreate. When work dead livesininpursuing you” (Romans 8:11). together holiness the result sweetens

10 6 8 4

Iact! The He (Vanessa) tells transforming them used how to and live hismiraculous struggles with a girl; in work we’ll prison ofcall Jesus have her is available made Becki, him whomore for previously uscourageous all today had just lived inassharing itin was a thoubeautiful the good 1. Take a years few moments analyse your daily lifethe sands news flat byand of the that sea. ago. he Shecounts wastopassionate everything about loss followfor and Jesus, your reaction to situations unconsake ing of knowing and wanted Christ and to live thedone ‘power alone, of forhisquiet, ressciously. Try to identify places where you feel you One of the urrection space, contemplation, and most theeffective fellowship and forms opportunity of sharing of power hisevangetosuffergrow could have been more in towards your approach. lism ings’ in Christ-likeness. is(3:10), allowing as he people presses Butpure to during witness on thea four transformed the years goalshe to life. the win lived Inthere, Ezekiel prizeGod which 36:23 ledisGod Becki eternal says to life. to move the Israelites to inner-city 2. Try toI reveal read different biblical characters “When London, to a about shared my holiness flat where through teenagers you before conwhere the most insignificant people according to theirto Due stantly very his drop eyes… situation in, then homeless it would the nations people be expected will knock know that on that Paul the others could do righteous and significant things I am the would door atfeel all Lord.” hours, grumpy Forfriends those and hopeless. who of friends witnessed But sleep his Paul’s on joyful the in the eyes of God, e.g. David, Samuel, Daniel, transformation, and couch, positive and ‘service-users’ attitude how could towards they become his not circumstancbelieve? friends It’s who Jeremiah, Joseph etc. the es, share his same the confidence for journey us today; of inworking Christ those we and outcome what a continued in it looks contact like life with of to be holiness can likeknow Jesus. certainly that Undoubtedly, Jesus makes hasme transforming Becki examine was trying my powown to 3. Make a diary where you can jot down how you er inout personal live ourGod’s lives outlook today. calling on life. to Iaam holy challenged life in herasseaside to how approached some situations differently because this flat, moulds but nowmy Godrelationship has supercharged with God her and efforts conseby you thought more about living like a saint! How quently her putting howin this a context, affects those a community around me. where she questions hardtowas thisface change for with you?her weakness, other had come to face I recentlyneed, peoples’ read and a book God’s called power OnetoThousand bridge theGifts gap 1. Share about either yourself or someone you by Canadian between the two. author Ann Voskamp who sets herknow thattask has of experienced transformation in of self the writing down, over a period their life? changed within? time,Needham Phil 1,000What things writes that ‘… she holiness sees as daily mustblessings be seen in her as a personal life. Inspired journey byonly this as initiative part of and a journey eager in to 2. you ever yourself that“citizens the way, inliveDoout fellowship Philippians withfind other 4:4-7 believers. indoubting a very Wepractical are credible power of God that raised Jesus from the my family with the saints… and I have and recently members started of theexchanging household dead is alive in you today? what ways? daily of God”’ emails (Ephesians writing 2:19). downIn The the New things Testament that we are algrateful lows us afor. holiness which is both singular and 3. Are you doubting the powerful work of God plural. in of your instead faithfully Weany all area live far awaylife from eachofother so it’sbebeen lieving? In what areas do you need to trust and great to read what has blessed us each day – our believe? bed, food, a good night’s sleep, someone who has questions made us laugh – are just some examples of things 1. Dohave you helped experience growing holiness part that us see above in and beyondas the ciract! of a community, or do youlives, find itacknowledging easier to en- in cumstances of our daily counter God on your own? everything God’s goodness, has given to “To get a man soundly savedwhat is notheenough to put us and what he has done for us. on him a pair of new breeches, to give him regu2. How are you intentionally engaging with lar work, or even to give him a University educacommunity? tion. These things are all outside a man, and if the questions inside remains unchanged you have wasted your 3. What people do you spend most of your time labour. You must in some way or other graft upon with? 1. How do nature we tendato react in challenging the man’s new nature, which has in it the situations? element of the Divine” (William Booth). Just like 4. Are you an influencer or influenced? caterpillars are transformed into butterflies, so 2. What does Paul’s attitude teach us about we are transformed into Holy people by thethe pow5. Do you find the people you spend most time way we should approach difficult situations in er of God’s spirit within us. “And we all, who with with helplives? you look more, or less like Jesus? our own unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-in6. When community gets tough, when broken creasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is people break people, when it’s easier to let peothe Spirit” 2 Corinthians 3:18 ple go than to work through your issues, when moving forward requires vulnerability, what then?

1. Think about people in your life who are not act!

yet Christians. Write their names on a butterfly. 1. Commit findingfor and joining an accountabilCommit to to these people regularly and 1. There is apraying Chinese saying, ‘A journey of a 1,000 ity group, where you can pray together, be honest use thebegins paperwith butterfly as astep’. reminder to docase this.his miles a single In Paul’s about yourwas joyshis and struggles,toand share first step obedience thereally vision he had life together. 2. Ask God tothe reveal to you in began. your life received and church in areas Philippi Inthat light he wants to transform. Write a personal prayer of the events described in Acts 16:6-40 what sin2. astep checklist thethe places in your that onMake adaily butterfly asking for transforming gle can weoftake that could lead life topower someare ‘private’, that your you would of Jesus to shape life. never consider letthing significant? ting someone else in. Are these healthy and holy? Think about your possessions, friendship 2. Remember handwritten letters?! Write groups, a letter struggles, vulnerabilities and personal space. Try to someone who is going through a difficult time. Deva Sukanya Parthipati (India Northern Territory) looking at what it’s like to let people in to some of Deliver it in person or post it to them. Include one those places. Think intentionally engaging orI more verses fromabout Philippians. met Jesus at a very young age and he has been my constant with community as a discipline, and see where companion ever since. I love to participate in my corps that could lead you. 3. Access the as website and activities such the choir, band, choreography and dance groups. I enjoyChristians travelling and making friends. find out more about who, likenew Paul, are still persecuted because of their faith. Commit to praying for them daily for a chosen period of time.

(Scan QR code for link:)

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Stephanie Parker Chagas (Centre for Spiritual Life Development) I was born in Brazil and have been working for The Salvation Army in London since 2011. I love spending time with God, family and close friends, travelling and exercising. desire to Ashlee Sheppard (Australia Eastern ITerritory) be more like Jesus, helping others along the way. I’m currently working registered nurse. Lieutenants Vanessa as anda Xander Coleman I’m passionate about seeing every member of the Church (United Kingdom with the Republic of Ireland Territory) pursuing spiritual growth and experiencing the power of the Spirit in all its fullness We are currently corps officers Holy at Banbury Salvation Army Prayer Beacon. We’re passionate about prayer and community, and seeing transformation take place in people’s lives as they come closer to Jesus.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

modelling the the saints called life Philippians Acts 16:6-40 22:1-21 1:1 Exodus 19:3-8

be intothe Christ apaul Saint Philippians ofBible

Philippians 3:7-8, 15-17

Lieutenants Vanessa Xander Coleman Stephanie Devaand Sukanya Ashlee Parker Parthipati Sheppard Chagas Junjie Pablo

biblical perspective

questions lifestyle perspective

‘Dear Lord, so far today, I’ve done all right, I was haIn The his apostle initial Paul greetings feels Paul strongly addresses the establishPhilip“Saul, On arrival whoinwas Philippi also called Paul and Paul” hisabout companions (Acts 13:9) ‘… ven’t gossiped, haven’t mytofor temper, I haven’t pians ing aleading life as saints. that will The be Greek word for saints, others. hagios, He the down sat and persecutor began toanlost speak ofexample Christians the women before who his been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish or overindulcan makes also this beclear translated in the letter as pure, to the righteous, Philippians holy, by conversion. had gathered He there’ wrote (Acts 13 letters 16:13). in This the simple New Testaact of gent. I’m very thankful for that. But in a few minclean, recounting moral the purity. irony Individuals of his personal are principle cleansed of ment, including Philippians communication sets the toneand of Paul’s he went future on toletdo utes, Lord, I’mpure, going to get ofany bed, and from sin losing and and made gaining – holy, losing righteous all things and for set the sake more ter to the to shape Philippians, Christianity giving aout than good picture other ofapart indihow then on I’m going to need aon more for of Christ God’s purposes leads to as gaining they obey everything Word. inlot The Christ. idea vidual the church except inprobably Jesus Philippi himself. began –his based friendhelp. of ‘Garbage’ oneAmen.’ being (v ‘in 8) is Christ the term Jesus’used is a recurring to describe theme how ship. in immaterial of and Philippians. irrelevant The are saints all he in previously any givIn the Actsbook 22:1-21 we read about Paul’s testimony Does life ever feel like that for you? You might en considered locality are ‘gains’, the saved compared (i.e. the with members the worthiness of the before It was aand vision afterofhis a man conversion, from Macedonia where he testified begging just get on okay with the callpreacher, to be like Jesus, ifled it Body of of Christ Jesus. including the elders, and to knowing Paul the to crowd come that over the and transforming help them (v work 12) of that Jesus weren’t for all those other people walking around, deacons). We are This all called totravel be saints, God’s was alive Paul and his in him. companions happened to right to Philippi, after heholy was ingetting inPaul the way. Do you ever feel the temptation people Further, (1 Peter is 1:15, a man 16) who in the thirsts toknown see that the God arrested troducing for theproclaiming gospel to what Jesus isconfidence now as Saviour asPhiEuand to become ahe hermit, run it allwith and NET) work has lippians promised becoming to make mature usaway (or from even ‘perfect’ Lord rope. when said “May Iholy. have a word you” out this God thing just you and him? and viewing things magnified in the light of he went on to share his freedom story. God and relying onLuke the Lord’s timesenof Arriving there tells usrevelation that Paul’sininitial Have you ever heard someone say, ‘you don’t need confusion. Lastly, he encouraged them to follow Paul wentwas counter from with being women. the persecutor One whose of Christians name is questions to goexample to the church to betoa Christian’, to Mchis ofLydia, knowing Christ byorbeing model and mentioned of is church Gentile being persecuted and a‘going clothaand dealer. put Donald’s doesn’t make you a hamburger’? True, to others. in Though prison she for feared his faith. God,As down Paul by was thebeing river, arrestin the 1. Did you have a different perspective about who the act of going into a particular building once a ed place he testified of prayer, that she when met the Paul blood and of herthe heart martyr saints are? What qualities do you associate withrea week willwas not make or keep you a Christian. HowStephen sponded to his message he stood (v 14). there Her household giving his was apperson who isshed, called a saint? ever, there is something deeply, necessarily, inquestions proval and baptised and was she guarding openedthe up clothes her home of those to thewho betrinsically vital about being partAfter of a his community were lievers. killing him (Acts 22:20). conver2. If you are called a saint, does it change the way of faith. It is there support, friendship, 1. How has Paul become afind ‘model’ of Christ to the sion Paul tothat thewe realisation that everything you look atcame yourself? accountability, correction, opportunity for laughPhilippians or to us today? is was It worthless not long compared before Paul to the faced value hisof first what difficulty Christ ter and tears, service, food, security and honesty. hasPhilippi in done for and us he (Phil and3:7). SilasHe were developed unjustly such thrown an We journey together in working out what it looks 2. How is knowing Christ Jesus considered a immense into prison love (v and 23).devotion At midnight, to serving however, Jesuswhile that like toin beand followers of When wedo look at Je‘gain’ your life? Which other things you he desired praying tosinging suffer as toJesus. Christ God an suffered earthquake and also shook to sus’ disciples, and their accounts of his the consider as ‘loss’? die as the foundations, Christ died the (Phil doors 3:10). opened and thelife, chains lifestyle perspective only lone wolf we see is Judas – not the best exfell off! (v 26). The jailer’s consequent fear for his ample of how to to please Jesus grow inon holiness. 3. Why isturned it he important keep our eyessaved those How own life could have belief hadtosuch andaor he dramatic was change along in God’s Word was written primarily for his people. John Wesley once said, ‘there is no holiness but who ‘live as we do’ (v 17) in relation to following his life? with theDuring rest of his word family to(v the 34). crowd as he was beThis means that the Biblewords, was intended for all besocial holiness’; in other it’sofimpossible to Paul’s example? ing arrested he retold his moment transformalievers. All of God’s saints are therefore empowlive please Jesus on yourof tion.torevealed God He said “About in the noon life asown. IPaul camethrough near Damasword, ered with the Holy Spirit, who enables them to cus, suddenly prayer and praise a bright made light these from initial heaven life-transflashed read and understand the Bible and live out a life Paul, writing the in Philippians Philippi, encourages around forming me. encounters Ito fell tochurch the withground the and heard possible. a voice that iscommunity ‘clean in thought, word and deed’ as we read their life together, but also challengsay to me, ‘Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?” in the Salvation Army’s Junior Soldier’s Promise. es them to keep it up. His first to the (v 6-7). From this moment on words he wasspeak completely saints, people, those who are in Christ – sold outthe forholy Christ, he was a new person. people trying to follow Jesus (Philippians 1:1) and he talks to them as a community – this is not

the world (see Proverbs 24:13).

something that can be done alone. This underAs Christians in aarelationship with other people Sundays in Baguio Corps (Philippines) start with standing ofthe awere community of faith starts way backa 1. Through When you vision child, received, what Paul was the was one certain thing and, most importantly, God, itHow is very imporprayer meeting attovaluable 8.30 inPhilippi. the morning. Mornings in the Old Testament. Exodus 19:3-8. that God was wanted the him most go Read towith to you? can we tant to live guidance holy lives. God intended for us are to me not only because scripturally, seekspecial God’s for ournever lives? not to befriend non-believers or live life in joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5), but also I 2. Can you relate to Philippians 3:7? What isisolaquestions (based on Exodus 19:3-8) tion that we are affected by worldly orof unget tosowake up earlier and stories the something 2. Read Acts that 16:13-15 younot used identifying tohear consider the process of during value holy situations. Rather, we have a more responmeeting. Thisbecome one isAre my favourite. but has conversion. Lydia’s now worthless there similarities because ofto what your 1. Whom God callonly to a for life others of holiness? sible role to play, not but also for Christ own conversion hasdoes done? experience? ourselves; need to keep check onawhether ‘There waswe once a blind mana carrying lamp as we he 2. What is the response to God? are putting our Christian beliefs into practice in crossed the dark road. A driver who was rushing 3. Think What can about wewhat learncould from happen Paul? How if ‘we does sathis down our daily got agitated seeing thechallenge man, for he was walking testimony and beganlives. encourage toon speak’ with or people more you often. in your How 3. How would you respond to the challenge to slowly. On become the second nightin heour sawdaily the blind faith walk? could this a reality lives?man obey God fully and keep (vignored 5)? life And even it late isto not easy to covenant live a so righteous again, butwhen he was for hishis meeting he What does that look like in your life today? amongst non-righteous people we him. However, on the third night,(though the driver got out 4. Describe significant moments in your lifeshould that never judge anyone), we are strengthened by God of his car and talked to him. “I want to know why God has acted through word, prayer and praise. 4. What would it look like your for your community to in every step of our life. Being holy, pure, righyou carry a lamp despite condition. I mean, lifestyle perspective obey God fully and keep his covenant? teous and clean may not be such superhuman it won’t help at all.” The poor blind aman replied in after all when constant fellowship atask voice, “This lamp isinnot for mefind to see the Asmeek I read stories inwe theare Bible I often it very 5. What does it mean for us today to be a with road, but for you to see me as I walk.”’ hard him. to believe that transformations and the mirlifestyle perspective ‘kingdom of priests’ (v 6)? acles of Jesus and his followers can still happen Following Paul’s first visit to Philippi the Like the blind man, we have tothinking be someone today. I sometimes find myself ofcongrethewho miquestions gation grew. Some years later Paul was imprisoned carries the torchJesus for others. There who raculous things did on earthare aspeople something lifestyle again andperspective thewhat church sent oneinoflife their members, lose sight of is essential because they that happened during his ministry on earth and 1. Have you been in situations where peer presEpaphroditus, to visit him with a gift (Philippians drown themselves inchurch an ofanation selfish forget that we astext his called to continue Notice that this refers toare the ofdesires. Israel. sure has hindered you in ocean leading saintly life? 4:18). Consequently, the book of Philippians is a They believe that they are gaining a lot from too his mission. They are a community of saints and the people, beautiful letter of friendship Paul sent back to the much work, technology, money talking. as a community, aretocalled to beand holy. Inall theThey New 2. Do you trust God carry you through saints expressing his gratitude for the present, participate less in prayer, fellowship and church Throughout the New Testament we see the absoTestament the new Israel consists of and those people situations where being morally pure holy is but also frequently encouraging to rejoice involvement, not realising that knowing God in is lute transformation in the of them Paul. The change who are ‘in you Christ Jesus’. something thought waslife never possible? what God had done for them in Christ. considered gain. in him was so great that he had become a new person in almost every way except his physical form. The difference between the you Old Testament and 3. Are there situations which can now hanIn his letter Paul praises God and tells the PhilipAs Christian young people we have a responsibiliIt’s easy to look at something like this and think New Testament is that Jesus. areand called dle better, knowing it isSaints possible that and pians howextreme muchsouls hetransformation loves them andcould how special ty to bring these under the grace of God. We that such not occhosen by Jesus to liveare forasJesus. In thetoNew Testhe choices you make important God as they arejust toWe him (1:7), encouraging them to grow cannot tell them to go to church, confess their cur today. may have seen lives transformed in tament never talks of one saint, but always those ofPaul anyone else? in spiritual knowledge and insight (1:9). He calls sins and accept Jesus as is Saviour if we are some way but maybe not tosomething this extent. ‘saints’. Becoming holy thatnot welivdo the asaints to unity and encourages them to have a ing life submissive to his love. Keep in mind that in the Christian community. We are saints togethChristlike attitude towards each other (2:5), prethere areyou eyesever looking at us – allChristians around us.may ThereThe exciting thing is that although Jesus er. Have noticed how are anot bit ferring each other’s interests in love, obeying God fore, we have to model Christ. physically be walking on the earth with us now, like bees? Bees cannot survive independently of and living and lives (2:15), in that same pure power is holy living within us rejoicing today. one another, they need the community of the Paul hive the Lord always! (4:4). said “The Spirit God who raisedChristians Jesus from the to function andofcreate. When work dead livesininpursuing you” (Romans 8:11). together holiness the result sweetens

10 6 12 8 4

People The IHe (Vanessa) tells transforming might them used say how that to and live his we miraculous struggles with are young a girl; in work in we’ll prison age ofcall and Jesus have her exact! is available made Becki, perience. him who But more for previously these uscourageous allare today not had just issues lived inassharing it for in was God, a thoubeautiful the as good seen 1. Take a years few moments analyse your daily lifethe sands news flat in the byand of Bible the that sea. through ago. he Shecounts was thetopassionate life everything of Jeremiah. about loss Also, followfor in and your reaction to situations done unconsake 1ing Timothy Jesus, of knowing 4:12 andwe wanted Christ read,and ‘Let to live the no one ‘power alone, lookof for down hisquiet, reson sciously. Try to identify places where you feel you One urrection space, you because of the contemplation, and most you the effective fellowship are young, and forms opportunity ofbut sharing ofset power anhis example evangetosuffergrow could have been more pure in towards your approach. lism ings’ in for Christ-likeness. the is(3:10), allowing believers as he people inpresses But speech, to during witness on in conduct, thea four transformed the in years love, goalshe in to life. the win lived faith In and there, Ezekiel prize in purity.’ God which 36:23 ledisGod Becki eternal says to life. to move the Israelites to inner-city 2. Try toI reveal read different biblical characters “When London, to a about shared my holiness flat where through teenagers you before conwhere the most insignificant people according to theirto Due stantly Empowered very his drop eyes… situation by in,God then homeless itand would theignited nations people be expected by will knock the know fire that on that ofPaul the others could do righteous and significant things I am the would door Holy Spirit, atfeel all Lord.” hours, grumpy young Forpeople friends those and hopeless. who can of friends be witnessed mighty But sleep examples his Paul’s on joyful the in the eyes of God, e.g. David, Samuel, Daniel, transformation, and couch, by the positive way andthey ‘service-users’ attitude live howtheir could towards lives. they become Gone his not circumstancbelieve? friends are the It’s days who Jeremiah, Joseph etc. the es, share of passivity. his same the confidence for journey Today’s us today; of inworking young Christ thosepeople we and outcome what acan continued in itbelooks contact the ‘dolike life with of to ers’ be holiness and can like‘mirrors’ know Jesus. certainly that Undoubtedly, ofJesus Christ makes has everywhere. me transforming Becki examine was trying my powown to 3. Make a diary where you can jot down how you er inout personal live ourGod’s lives outlook today. calling on life. to Iaam holy challenged life in herasseaside to how approached some situations differently because this flat, moulds but nowmy Godrelationship has supercharged with God her and efforts conseby you thought more about living like a saint! How quently her putting howin this a context, affects those a community around me. where she questions hardtowas thisface change for with you?her weakness, other had come to face questions I recentlyneed, peoples’ read and a book God’s called power OnetoThousand bridge theGifts gap 1. Share about either yourself or someone you by Canadian between the two. author Ann Voskamp who sets her1. Who have been your personal role know that has experienced transformation in of self the task of writing down, overmodels? a period What traits do they have worth emulating? How their life? changed within? time,Needham Phil 1,000What things writes that ‘… she holiness sees as daily mustblessings be seen did impact yourby life? in her as athey personal life. Inspired journey only this as initiative part of and a journey eager in to 2. you ever yourself that“citizens the way, inliveDoout fellowship Philippians withfind other 4:4-7 believers. indoubting a very Wepractical are 2. Are you willing to commit yourself to credible power of God that raised Jesus from the my family with the saints… and I have and recently members started of theexchanging household becoming a torchbearer, a In reflection ofthat Christ dead is alive in you today? what ways? daily of God”’ emails (Ephesians writing 2:19). down The the New things Testament we for are alothers? grateful lows us afor. holiness which is both singular and 3. Are you doubting the powerful work of God plural. in of your instead faithfully Weany all area live far awaylife from eachofother so it’sbebeen lieving? In what areas do you need to trust and great to read what has blessed us each day – our believe? bed, food, a good night’s sleep, someone who has questions made us laugh – are just some examples of things act! you 1. Dohave experience growing holiness part that helped us see above in and beyondas the ciract! ofRead a community, or do youlives, find itacknowledging easier to en- in cumstances of our daily 1. this verse prayerfully: counter God on your own? everything goodness, has given to ‘…but anGod’s example for the what believers in speech, “To getset a man soundly saved is notheenough to put us and what he has done for us. in conduct, in of love, inbreeches, faith and in (1 Timon him a pair new topurity’ give him regu2. How are you intentionally engaging with othy 4:12). lar work, or even to give him a University educacommunity? tion. These things are all outside a man, and if the questions Contemplate how you can be a model in the your inside remains unchanged you have wasted 3. What people doyour you spend most of your time different areas of life: labour. You must in some way or other graft upon with? 1. How do nature we tendato react in challenging the man’s new nature, which has in it the situations? element a.ofHome the Divine” (William Booth). Just like 4. Are you an influencer or influenced? caterpillars b. Place education are of transformed into butterflies, so does Paul’s attitude teach us about 2. What Workplace we are c. transformed into Holy people by thethe pow5. Do you find the people you spend most time way we should approach difficult situations in er d. Corps of God’s spirit within us. “And we all, who with help you look more, or less like Jesus? our own with e. lives? Community unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-in6. When community gets tough, when broken creasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is people break people, when it’s easier to let peothe Spirit” 2 Corinthians 3:18 ple go than to work through your issues, when moving forward requires vulnerability, what then?

2. 1. Think Spendabout time reading people in books youron lifeleadership, who are not act! holiness yet Christians. and prayer Writesuch theiras: names on a butterfly. 1. Commit findingfor and joining an accountabilCommit to to these people regularly and 1. There is apraying Chinese saying, ‘A journey of a 1,000 ity group, where you can pray together, be honest Army use the on paper its Knees butterfly as astep’. reminder to docase this.his miles begins with a single In Paul’s about yourwas joyshis and struggles, really share by Colonel Janet Munn and Major Court first step obedience toand theStephen vision he had life together. 2. Ask God tothe reveal to you in began. your life received and church in areas Philippi Inthat light Helps he wants to Holiness to transform. Write a personal prayer of the events described in Acts 16:6-40 what sin2. astep checklist oftake thethe places in your that by onMake Commissioner adaily butterfly asking Samuel for Logan transforming Brengle gle can we that could lead life topower someare ‘private’, that your you would of Jesus to shape life. never consider letthing significant? ting someone else in. Are these healthy and holy? New Love – Think about your possessions, friendship Thinking Aloud about Practical Holiness 2. Remember handwritten letters?! Write groups, a letter struggles, vulnerabilities and personal space. Try by General Shaw Clifton to someone who is going through a difficult time. Deva Sukanya Parthipati (India Northern Territory) looking at what it’s like to let people in to some of Deliver it in person or post it to them. Include one those places. Think intentionally engaging Prayer – Does it from makeabout any Difference orI more verses Philippians. met Jesus at a very young age and he has been my constant with community as a discipline, and see where by Philip Yanceyever since. I love to participate companion in my corps that could lead you. 3. Access the as website and activities such the choir, band, choreography and dance groups. I enjoy travelling and making new friends. The Jesus I Never Knew find out more about Christians who, like Paul, are by Yanceybecause of their faith. Commit to stillPhilip persecuted praying for them daily for a chosen period of time. Check the available resources on (scan QR code): (Scan QR code for link:)

3. Develop a personal plan to build a Christlike character through, for example, daily morning and evening devotions or creating a prayer room at your corps and spending time there.

Stephanie Parker Chagas (Centre for Spiritual Life Development) I was born in Brazil and have been working for The Salvation Army in London since 2011. I love spending time with God, family and close friends, travelling and exercising. desire to Ashlee Sheppard (Australia Eastern ITerritory) be more like Jesus, helping others alongTerritory) the way. Junjie Pablo (The Philippines I’m currently working registered nurse. Lieutenants Vanessa as anda Xander Coleman I’m passionate seeing every member of the I am currently theabout Young People’s Sergeant-Major in Church Baguio (United Kingdom with the Republic of Ireland Territory) pursuing spiritual growth and the power the Corps. I teach English. I lead theexperiencing prayer meeting in our of corps Spirit in all fullness the corpscorps sergeant-major) that aims to its strengthen We(with are currently officers Holy at Banbury Salvation Army people’s prayer life. I was a volunteer at prayer the International ColPrayer Beacon. We’re passionate about and communilege for Officers and Centre for Spiritual Development in ty, and seeing transformation take placeLife in people’s lives as London and a delegate to the World Youth Convention in Jesus. 2010. they come closer to

13 5 7 11 9

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

modelling the the saints lifestyle called life Philippians Acts 16:6-40 22:1-21 1:1 Exodus 19:3-8

be intothe of a Christ Saint apaul Saint Philippians ofBible

Philippians 3:7-8, 15-17

Philippians 2:5-18

Lieutenants Vanessa Xander Coleman Stephanie Devaand Sukanya Ashlee Parker Parthipati Sheppard Chagas Junjie Pablo Rachel Vasquez

biblical perspective

questions lifestyle perspective

‘Dear Lord, so far today, I’ve done all right, I was haIn The his apostle initial Paul greetings feels Paul strongly addresses the establishPhilip“Saul, On arrival whoinwas Philippi also called Paul and Paul” hisabout companions (Acts 13:9) ‘… biblical perspective ven’t gossiped, haven’t mytofor temper, I haven’t pians ing aleading life as saints. that will The be Greek word for saints, others. hagios, He the down sat and persecutor began toanlost speak ofexample Christians the women before who his been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish or overindulcan makes also this beclear translated in the letter as pure, to the righteous, Philippians holy, by conversion. had gathered He there’ (Acts 13 letters 16:13). This the simple New act of In this portion ofwrote Scripture Paul in is making itTestaclear gent. I’m very thankful for that. But in a few minclean, recounting moral the purity. irony Individuals of his personal are principle cleansed of ment, communication sets theimitators toneand of Paul’s he future onintoaletdo that weincluding are calledPhilippians to be of went Christ ‘… utes, Lord, I’mpure, going to get out ofany bed, and from sin losing and and made gaining – holy, losing righteous all things and for set the apart sake more ter to the to shape Philippians, Christianity giving a than good picture other of indihow warped and crooked generation’ (v 15). As Christ’s then on I’m probably going to need aon more for of Christ God’s purposes leads to as gaining they obey everything Word. inlot The Christ. idea vidual the church except Jesus Philippi himself. began –his based friendfollowers it isinimportant for us to stand out, to look help. of ‘Garbage’ oneAmen.’ being (v ‘in 8) is Christ the term Jesus’used is a recurring to describe theme how ship. different from the world around us. So, how do in immaterial the book of and Philippians. irrelevant The are saints all he in previously any givIn we read about Paul’s we Acts look 22:1-21 different? We look different bytestimony following Does life ever feel like that for you? You might en considered locality are ‘gains’, the saved compared (i.e. the with members the worthiness of the before It was aand vision afterofhis aChrist man conversion, fromthe Macedonia where testified begging Christ’s example. took role ofhe a servant, just get on okay with the callpreacher, to be like Jesus, if it Body of knowing of Christ Jesus. including the elders, and to Paul the to crowd come that over the and transforming help them (v work of that Jesus humbled himself, and was obedient to12) death (v led 8). weren’t for all those other people walking around, deacons). We are This all called totravel be saints, God’s holy was Paul alive and his in him. companions happened to right to Philippi, after he was inTherefore, as followers of Christ, we are called to getting inPaul the way. Do you ever feel the temptation people Further, (1 Peter is 1:15, a man 16) who in the thirsts toknown see that the God arrested troducing for theproclaiming gospel to what Jesus isconfidence now as Saviour asPhiEuand do the same. to become ahe hermit, run it allwith and NET) work has lippians promised becoming to make mature usaway (or from even ‘perfect’ Lord rope. when said “May Iholy. have a word you” out this God thing just you and him? and viewing things magnified in the light of God went on toout share story. Paulhe also points thathisit freedom is God who works in and relying onLuke the Lord’s timesenof Arriving there usrevelation that Paul’sininitial us, so that we may dotells his will. Meaning, since God Have you ever heard someone say, ‘you don’t need confusion. Lastly, he encouraged them to follow Paul counter was from with being women. One whose of Christians name is is in went us, we should notthe actpersecutor like everyone else, but questions to goexample to the church to betoa Christian’, ‘going to Mchis ofLydia, knowing Christ byorbeing aand model and mentioned of is church Gentile being persecuted and a cloth dealer. put rather we should shine out like stars in this dark Donald’s doesn’t make you a hamburger’? True, to others. in Though prison she for feared his faith. God,something As down Paul by was the river, arrestin the world. Moreover, when is being being poured 1. Did you have a different perspective about who the act of going into a particular building once a ed place he testified of prayer, that she when met the Paul blood and of herthe heart martyr reout it means that something was inside that cup saints are? What qualities do you associate with a week willwas not make or keep you a Christian. HowStephen sponded to his message he stood 14). there Her household giving was apto beginwho with. For Paul it(vwas Christ, it washis God’s person isshed, called a saint? ever, there is something deeply, necessarily, inquestions proval baptised and and was she guarding opened the upwas clothes herpouring home of those toout thefrom who belove, grace and power that trinsically vital about being partAfter of a his community were lievers. killing him (Acts 22:20). converhim. 2. If you are called a saint, does it change the way of faith. It is there support, friendship, 1. How has Paul become afind ‘model’ of Christ to the sion Paul tothat thewe realisation that everything you look atcame yourself? accountability, correction, opportunity for laughPhilippians or to us today? is was It worthless not long compared before Paul to the faced value hisof first what difficulty Christ ter and tears, service, food, security and honesty. hasPhilippi in done for and us he (Phil and3:7). SilasHe were developed unjustly such thrown an questions We journey together in working out what it looks 2. How is knowing Christ Jesus considered a immense into prison love (v and 23).devotion At midnight, to serving however, Jesuswhile that like toin beand followers of When wedo look at Je‘gain’ your life? Which other things you he desired praying tosinging suffer as toJesus. Christ God an suffered earthquake and also shook to 1. Why was it so important for Jesus to be sus’ disciples, and their accounts of his the consider as ‘loss’? die as the foundations, Christ died the (Phil doors 3:10). opened and thelife, chains obedient even to death onJudas this earth? lifestyle perspective only lone wolf we see is – not the best exfell off! (v 26). The jailer’s consequent fear for his ample of how to to please Jesus grow inon holiness. 3. Why isturned it he important keep our eyessaved those How own life could have belief hadtosuch andaor he dramatic was change along in 2. Why is as it so hard to17) be ‘there a humble servant? God’s Word was written primarily for his people. John Wesley once said, is no holiness but who ‘live we do’ (v in relation to following his life? with theDuring rest of his word family to(v the 34). crowd as he was beIn church? At school? In your Atfor work? This means that the Bible was family? intended all besocial holiness’; in other it’sofimpossible to Paul’s example? ing arrested he retold his words, moment transformalievers. All of God’s saints are therefore empowlive please Jesus on yourof tion.torevealed God He said “About in the noon life asown. IPaul camethrough near Damasword, 3. What is being poured out who fromenables you – Christ’s ered with the Holy Spirit, them to cus, suddenly prayer and praise a bright made light these from initial heaven life-transflashed love or theunderstand world’s standards? read and the Bible and live out a life Paul, writing the in Philippians Philippi, encourages around forming me. encounters Ito fell tochurch the withground the and heard possible. a voice that iscommunity ‘clean in thought, word and deed’ as we read their life together, but also challengsay to me, ‘Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?” in the Salvation Army’s Junior Soldier’s Promise. es them to keep it up. His first to the (v 6-7). From this moment on words he wasspeak completely saints, people, those who are in Christ – sold outthe forholy Christ, he was a new person. people trying to follow Jesus (Philippians 1:1) and he talks to them as a community – this is not

the world (see Proverbs 24:13).

something that can be done alone. This underAs Christians in aarelationship with other people Sundays in Baguio Corps (Philippines) start with standing ofthe awere community of faith starts way backa 1. Through When you vision child, received, what Paul was the was one certain thing lifestyle perspective and, most importantly, God, itHow is very imporprayer meeting attovaluable 8.30 inPhilippi. the morning. Mornings in the Old Testament. Exodus 19:3-8. that God was wanted the him most go Read towith to you? can we tant to live guidance holy lives. God intended for us are special to not only because scripturally, seek God’s for ouranever lives? Think about theme lifestyle of saint. When I think of not to befriend non-believers or live life in isolajoy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5), but also 2. Can you relate to Philippians 3:7? What is aquestions saint, I think of Mother Theresa. She is a wom-I (based on Exodus 19:3-8) tion that we are affected by worldly orof unget tosowake up earlier and stories the something 2. Acts that 16:13-15 younot used identifying tohear consider the process of during value anRead who was selfless, she put others before herself holy situations. Rather, we have a more responmeeting. Thisbecome one isAre my favourite. but Lydia’s has now worthless there similarities because ofto what your and sheconversion. literally took role a servant. She 1. Whom does God callon tothe a for life ofof holiness? sible role to play, not only others but also for Christ own conversion has done? experience? really took Paul’s words about imitating Christ ourselves; need to keep a carrying check ‘There wasIwe once a blind man lamp as we he seriously. think we are called toon doawhether the same. 2. What is the response to God? are putting our Christian beliefs into practice in crossed the dark road. A driver who was rushing 3. What can about we what learnto could from Paul? How if ‘we does sathis down WeThink are truly called thinkhappen of others before ourour daily lives. got agitated seeing the man, for he walking testimony and began encourage toon speak’ with or challenge people more you often. in How selves, to work without grumbling andwas toyour love the 3. How would you respond to the challenge to slowly. On the second night he saw the blind man faith could walk? this become a reality in our daily lives? people of this crooked generation. I decided do obey God fully and to keep his covenant (vignored 5)?tolife And even when it is not easy to live a righteous again, but he was late for his meeting so he this very thing by giving a year of my life in comWhat does that look like in your(though life today? amongst non-righteous people we him. However, on the night, the driver got out 4. Describe significant moments in your life that plete servanthood andthird full on dedication toshould Christ never judge anyone), we are strengthened by God of his car and talked to him. “I want to know why God has acted through word, prayer and praise. by participating in a programme called ‘Revolu4. What would it look like your for your community to in every step of our life. Being holy, pure, righyou carry a lamp despite condition. I mean, lifestyle perspective tion Hawaii’. obey God fully and keep his covenant? teous and clean may not be such superhuman it won’t help at all.” The poor blind aman replied in after all when we are in constant fellowship atask meek voice, “This lamp is not for me to see the As I read stories in the Bible I often find it very Throughout that yearfor I learned what itameant to 5. What does it mean us today to be with him. road, but for you tolove see me as I walk.”’ hard to believe that transformations andtothe mirlifestyle perspective serve the poor, to my teammates, search ‘kingdom of priests’ (v 6)? acles of wholeheartedly Jesus and his followers caneverything, still happen for God and, above to Following Paul’s first visit to Philippi the Like the blind man, we have to be someone who today. I sometimes find myself thinking ofcongrethe miremain humble. Have you ever tried being humquestions gation grew. Some years later Paul was carries the torch for others. There are people who raculous things did on earth asimprisoned something ble? Trust me, it Jesus is extremely difficult. lifestyle perspective again and of thewhat church sent oneinoflife their members, lose sight is essential because they that happened during his ministry on earth and 1. Have you been in situations where peer presEpaphroditus, to visit him with a gift (Philippians drown themselves inchurch an ofanation selfish desires. forget that we his called to continue Notice that this text refers toare the of Israel. sureexample, has hindered you in leading saintly life? For aascouple ofocean months before the year 4:18). Consequently, the book of Philippians is a They believe that they are gaining a lot from too his mission. They are a community of saints and the people, was up, I had hurt my knee (it turns out I had beautiful letter of friendship Paul sent back to the much work, technology, money talking. as a community, aretopretty called to beand holy. Inall theIThey New 2. Do you God carry you through sprained atrust ligament badly). Because was saints expressing his gratitude for the present, participate less in prayer, fellowship and church Throughout the New Testament we see the absoTestament the new Israel consists of advised those people situations of where being and holy incapable working asmorally usual, Ipure was toisdo but also frequently encouraging them to rejoice in involvement, not realising that knowing God is lute transformation in the life of Paul. The change who are ‘in Christ Jesus’. something you thought was never possible? smaller tasks. I was simply infuriated at myself for what God had done for them in Christ. considered gain. in him was so great that he had become a new pergetting injured so easily and thus I started grumson in almost every way his physical form. The difference between the you Old Testament and 3. Are there situations which can now bling. From this injury I except learned that I hadhangrown In his letter Paul praises God and tells the PhilipAs Christian young people we have a responsibiliIt’s easy to look at something like this and think New Testament is that Jesus. are called dle better, it isSaints possible and prideful, I knowing had grown complacent, and I that had and this pians howextreme muchsouls hetransformation loves them andcould how special ty to bring these under the grace of God. We that such not occhosen by my Jesus to live forasJesus. In the the choices younew make are important toNew GodTesas idea that duties were now considered they arejust toWe him (1:7), encouraging them to grow cannot tell them to go to church, confess their cur today. may have seen lives transformed in tament never talks of one saint,pointed but always those ofPaul anyone else? pointless. Thankfully, a staff worker out in spiritual knowledge and insight (1:9). He calls sins and accept Jesus as what Saviour if we are not livsome way but maybe not tosomething this extent. ‘saints’. Becoming is that wealso do and encouraged meholy that I was doing was the asaints to unity and encourages them to have a ing life submissive to his love. Keep in mind that in the Christian community. We are saints togethvery important and that I needed to do my best. Christlike attitude towards each other (2:5), prethere areyou eyes looking at us – allsing around ThereThe exciting thing is pray that although Jesus may er. Have ever noticed how Christians are anot bit After this I started to and and Ius. gradually ferring each other’s interests in love, obeying God fore, we have to model Christ. physically be walking on the earth with us now, likebetter. bees? Bees cannot survive independently of felt and living and lives (2:15), in that same pure power is holy living within us rejoicing today. one another, they need the community of the Paul hive the Lord always! (4:4). said “The Spirit God who raisedChristians Jesus from the to function andofcreate. When work dead livesininpursuing you” (Romans 8:11). together holiness the result sweetens

6 12 10 8 14 4

From The IHe People (Vanessa) tells transforming this might them experience used say how that to and live his we miraculous I have struggles with are young learned a girl; in work in we’ll prison that age ofcall and Jesus when have her ex-I act! is available made Becki, perience. do things him who out But more for previously of these us my courageous allare own today not had power just issues lived inas and sharing it for in will was God, a then thoubeautiful the as good what seen 1. Take a years few moments analyse your daily life sands news flat in pours the byand of out Bible the of that sea. through my ago. he She cup counts was the is to momentary passionate life everything of Jeremiah. love about loss and Also, followfor pasthe in and your reaction to situations done unconsake 1ing sion, Timothy Jesus, of with knowing a4:12 and mixwe of wanted Christ selfishness read,and ‘Let to live the no and one ‘power alone, pride. lookof for But down hisquiet, when reson sciously. Try to identify places where feel you One urrection space, Iyou have because of more the contemplation, and most of you the God effective fellowship areinyoung, my and forms life, opportunity ofbut sharing ifofIset power amyou anconstantly his example evangetosuffergrow could have been more pure in your approach. lism ings’ in for seeking Christ-likeness. the is(3:10), allowing believers after ashim he people inthen presses But speech, what to during witness on in comes towards conduct, thea four transformed outthe of in years my love, goalcup she in to life. win lived faith is eternal the In and there, Ezekiel prize in love purity.’ God which and 36:23 led passion, isGod Becki eternal says to mixed life. to move the with Israelites to God’s inner-city will. 2. Try toI reveal read different biblical characters “When London, to a about shared my holiness flat where through teenagers you before conwhere the most insignificant people according to theirto Due stantly Empowered very his drop eyes… situation by in,God then homeless itand would theignited nations people be expected by will knock the know fire that on that ofPaul the others could do righteous and significant things I am the would door Holy Spirit, atfeel all Lord.” hours, grumpy young Forpeople friends those and hopeless. who can of friends be witnessed mighty But sleep examples his Paul’s on joyful the questions in the eyes of God, e.g. David, Samuel, Daniel, transformation, and couch, by the positive way andthey ‘service-users’ attitude live howtheir could towards lives. they become Gone his not circumstancbelieve? friends are the It’s days who Jeremiah, Joseph etc. the es, share of passivity. his same the confidence for journey Today’s us today; of inworking young Christ thosepeople we and outcome what acan continued in itbelooks contact the ‘dolike life 1. How can I be more mindful that God works in with of to ers’ be holiness and can like‘mirrors’ know Jesus. certainly that Undoubtedly, ofJesus Christ makes has everywhere. me transforming Becki examine was trying my powown to me? 3. Make a diary where you can jot down how you er inout personal live ourGod’s lives outlook today. calling on life. to Iaam holy challenged life in herasseaside to how approached some situations differently because this flat, moulds but nowmy Godrelationship has supercharged with God her and efforts conseby 2. Why is it so important to value others above you thought more about living like a saint! How quently her putting howin this a context, affects those a community around me. where she questions yourself? hard thisface change for with you?her weakness, other had towas come to face questions I recentlyneed, peoples’ read and a book God’s called power OnetoThousand bridge theGifts gap 3. What does a holy life look like? Is there any 1. Share about either yourself or someone you by Canadian between the two. author Ann Voskamp who sets her1. Who have been your personal justice that you are fighting for? role know that has experienced transformation in of self the task of writing down, overmodels? a period What traits do they have worth emulating? How their life? changed within? time,Needham Phil 1,000What things writes that ‘… she holiness sees as daily mustblessings be seen did impact yourby life? in her as athey personal life. Inspired journey only this as initiative part of and a journey eager in to 2. you ever yourself that“citizens the way, inliveDoout fellowship Philippians withfind other 4:4-7 believers. indoubting a very Wepractical are 2. Are you willing to commit yourself to credible power of God that raised Jesus from the my family with the saints… and I have and recently members started of theexchanging household act! becoming a torchbearer, a In reflection ofthat Christ dead is alive in you today? what ways? daily of God”’ emails (Ephesians writing 2:19). down The the New things Testament we for are alothers? 1. Demonstrate random acts of kindness either grateful lows us afor. holiness which is both singular and for a stranger or family 3. Are you doubting the member: powerful work of God plural. in of your instead faithfully Weany all area live far awaylife from eachofother so it’sbebeen • Pay for someone’s food or coffee drink lieving? In what areas do you need to trust and great to read what has blessed us each day – our believe? bed, food, a good night’s sleep, someone who has questions • Give out–candy or some buy pizza for theof things made us laugh are just examples act! homeless 1. Dohave you helped experience growing holiness part that us see above in and beyondas the ciract! ofRead a community, or do youlives, find itacknowledging easier to en- in cumstances of our daily 1. this verse prayerfully: • Tutor a kid that is having a hard time at to counter God on your own? everything goodness, has given ‘…but anGod’s example for the what believers in speech, “To getset a man soundly saved is notheenough to put us school free) and he(for has done forand us. in in conduct, in love, inbreeches, faith (1 Timon himwhat a pair of new topurity’ give him regu2. How are you intentionally engaging with othy 4:12). lar work, or even to give him a University educa2. Keep a prayer journal to record three blessings community? tion. These things are all outside a man, and if the for each day (at least a month) andin tothe talk to questions Contemplate how youfor can be a model inside remains unchanged you have wasted your God. 3. What people doyour you spend most of your time different areas of life: labour. You must in some way or other graft upon with? 1. How do nature we tendato react in challenging the man’s new nature, which has in it the situations? element a.ofHome the Divine” (William Booth). Just like 4. Are you an influencer or influenced? caterpillars b. Place education are of transformed into butterflies, so does Paul’s attitude teach us about 2. What Workplace we are c. transformed into Holy people by thethe pow5. Do you find the people you spend most time way we should approach difficult situations in er d. Corps of God’s spirit within us. “And we all, who with help you look more, or less like Jesus? our own with e. lives? Community unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-in6. When community gets tough, when broken creasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is people break people, when it’s easier to let peothe Spirit” 2 Corinthians 3:18 ple go than to work through your issues, when moving forward requires vulnerability, what then?

2. 1. Think Spendabout time reading people in books youron lifeleadership, who are not act! holiness yet Christians. and prayer Writesuch theiras: names on a butterfly. 1. Commit findingfor and joining an accountabilCommit to to these people regularly and 1. There is apraying Chinese saying, ‘A journey of a 1,000 ity group, where you can pray together, be honest Army use the on paper its Knees butterfly as astep’. reminder to docase this.his miles begins with a single In Paul’s about yourwas joyshis and struggles, really share by Colonel Janet Munn and Major Court first step obedience toand theStephen vision he had life together. 2. Ask God tothe reveal to you in began. your life received and church in areas Philippi Inthat light Helps he wants to Holiness to transform. Write a personal prayer of the events described in Acts 16:6-40 what sin2. astep checklist oftake thethe places in your that by onMake Commissioner adaily butterfly asking Samuel for Logan transforming Brengle gle can we that could lead life topower someare ‘private’, that your you would of Jesus to shape life. never consider letthing significant? ting someone else in. Are these healthy and holy? New Love – Think about your possessions, friendship Thinking Aloud about Practical Holiness 2. Remember handwritten letters?! Write groups, a letter struggles, vulnerabilities and personal space. Try by General Shaw Clifton to someone who is going through a difficult time. Deva Sukanya Parthipati (India Northern Territory) looking at what it’s like to let people in to some of Deliver it in person or post it to them. Include one those places. Think intentionally engaging Prayer – Does it from makeabout any Difference orI more verses Philippians. met Jesus at a very young age and he has been my constant with community as a discipline, and see where by Philip Yanceyever since. I love to participate companion in my corps that could lead you. 3. Access the as website and activities such the choir, band, choreography and dance groups. I enjoy travelling and making new friends. The Jesus I Never Knew find out more about Christians who, like Paul, are by Yanceybecause of their faith. Commit to stillPhilip persecuted praying for them daily for a chosen period of time. Check the available resources on (scan QR code): (Scan QR code for link:)

3. Develop a personal plan to build a Christlike character through, for example, daily morning and evening devotions or creating a prayer room at your corps and spending time there. Rachel Vasquez (USA Western Territory) I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from California State University Northridge. I recently dedicated a year of my life of servant hood to a programme called Revolution Hawaii. My next step is to continue working with the homeless people in Hawaii and following God’s path for my life. Stephanie Parker Chagas (Centre for Spiritual Life Development) I was born in Brazil and have been working for The Salvation Army in London since 2011. I love spending time with God, family and close friends, travelling and exercising. desire to Ashlee Sheppard (Australia Eastern ITerritory) be more like Jesus, helping others alongTerritory) the way. Junjie Pablo (The Philippines I’m currently working registered nurse. Lieutenants Vanessa as anda Xander Coleman I’m passionate seeing every member of the I am currently theabout Young People’s Sergeant-Major in Church Baguio (United Kingdom with the Republic of Ireland Territory) pursuing spiritual growth and the power the Corps. I teach English. I lead theexperiencing prayer meeting in our of corps Spirit in all fullness the corpscorps sergeant-major) that aims to its strengthen We(with are currently officers Holy at Banbury Salvation Army people’s prayer life. I was a volunteer at prayer the International ColPrayer Beacon. We’re passionate about and communilege for Officers and Centre for Spiritual Development in ty, and seeing transformation take placeLife in people’s lives as London and a delegate to the World Youth Convention in Jesus. 2010. they come closer to

13 15 5 7 11 9

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

modelling the the lifestyle saints called life Philippians of paul

tothe be of a inin Christ Saint a Saint Bible community Philippians -19:3-8 8,4:1-7 15-17 Philippians Philippians Acts3:716:6-40 22:1-21 1:1 Exodus

Philippians 2:5-18

Lieutenants Vanessa and Xander Coleman Stephanie DevaKristoffer Sukanya Ashlee Parker Parthipati Sheppard Paulsson Chagas Junjie Pablo Rachel Vasquez

biblical perspective

questions perspective lifestyle

‘Dear Lord, so far today, I’ve done all right, haIn The This his apostle passage initial Paul greetings shows feels us Paul the strongly whole addresses spectrum the establishPhilipofI was be“Saul, On arrival whoinwas Philippi also called Paul and Paul” hisabout companions (Acts 13:9) ‘… biblical perspective ven’t gossiped, haven’t mytofor temper, I haven’t pians ing apart life as saints. ofand that apersecutor Christian will The be Greek community. word for saints, It others. shows hagios, us, He the down sat leading began toanlost speak ofexample Christians the women before who his been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish or overindulcan makes first also of this all,beclear that translated Paul’s in the letter love as pure, for to the the righteous, Philippians church is holy, exby conversion. had gathered He there’ (Acts 13 letters 16:13). This the simple New act of In this portion ofwrote Scripture Paul in is making itTestaclear gent. I’m very thankful for that. But in a few minclean, recounting traordinary. moral the This purity. irony is a Individuals church of his personal that are really principle cleansed loves and of ment, communication sets theimitators toneand of Paul’s he future onintoaletdo that weincluding are calledPhilippians to be of went Christ ‘… utes, Lord, I’mbut going toalso get out ofus bed, and from sin losing respects and and made God gaining pure, Paul – holy, losing righteous all tells things and that for set the living apart sake in more ter to the to shape Philippians, Christianity giving a than good any picture other of indihow warped and crooked generation’ (v 15). As Christ’s then on I’m probably going to need a lot more for of unity Christ God’s isn’t purposes leads as Jesus easy to as gaining as they itbegan sounds. obey everything Paul Word. is inThe encourChrist. idea vidual the church except Philippi himself. –his based on friendfollowers it isinimportant for us to stand out, to look help. of ‘Garbage’ aging oneAmen.’ us being to(vgive ‘in 8) is Christ upthe ourterm Jesus’ ownused personal is a recurring to describe agendas theme how so ship. different from the world around us. So, how do in immaterial that thewebook can of and stand Philippians. irrelevant firm asabout aThe are church saints all heand in previously any live givout In we read Paul’s we Acts look 22:1-21 different? We look different bytestimony following Does life ever feel like that for you? You might en considered our locality mission are ‘gains’, to the save saved compared people (i.e. in the with our members larger the worthiness commuof the before It was aand vision afterofhis aChrist man conversion, fromthe Macedonia where testified begging Christ’s example. took role ofhe a servant, just get on okay with call to betolike Jesus, ifto it Body of nities. knowing of He Christ also Jesus. gives including usthe the the advice preacher, beelders, devoted and to Paul the to crowd come that over the and transforming help them (v work of that Jesus humbled himself, and was obedient to12) death (v led 8). weren’t for all those other people walking around, deacons). each other We and are help all called each other totravel bewhen saints, we God’s don’t get was Paul alive and his in him. companions This happened right to are Philippi, after heholy was inTherefore, as followers of to Christ, we called to getting inPaul the way. Do you ever feel the temptation people Further, along. (1 Peter is 1:15, a man 16) who in the thirsts confidence toknown see that the PhiGod arrested troducing for the proclaiming gospel to what Jesus is now as Saviour as Euand do the same. to become ahe hermit, run it allwith and NET) work has lippians promised becoming to make mature usaway (or from even ‘perfect’ Lord rope. when said “May Iholy. have a word you” out this God thing just you and him? and And last viewing of all, things to rejoice! magnified Rejoice in in the the light Lord. of When God went on toout share story. Paulhe also points thathisit freedom is God who works in and we do relying that, we onLuke will the Lord’s be able to show his ininitial amazing timesenof Arriving there usrevelation that Paul’s us, so that we may dotells his will. Meaning, since God Have you ever heard someone say, ‘you don’t need confusion. love through Lastly, the things he encouraged we do. When them we rejoice to follow we Paul counter was from with being women. One whose of Christians name is is in went us, we should notthe actpersecutor like everyone else, but questions to go tohave church to betoa Christian’, ‘going to Mchis do not example toofLydia, be knowing anxious Christ about what byorbeing other aand people model and mentioned of the is church Gentile being persecuted and a cloth dealer. put rather we should shine out like stars in this dark Donald’s doesn’t make you a hamburger’? True, to think others. of she us or if the tasks that we’re facing seem in Though prison for feared his faith. God, As down Paul by was the river, arrestin the world. Moreover, when something is being being poured 1. Did you have a different perspective about who the act of going into a particular building once a impossible, because the peace of God will guard ed place he testified of prayer, that she when met the Paul blood and of herthe heart martyr reout it means that something was inside that cup saints are? What qualities do you associate with a week willwas not make or keep you a Christian. Howour hearts and minds in Jesus. Stephen sponded to his message he stood 14). there Her household giving was apto beginwho with. For Paul it(vwas Christ, it washis God’s person isshed, called a saint? ever, there is something deeply, necessarily, inquestions proval baptised and and was she guarding opened the upwas clothes herpouring home of those toout thefrom who belove, grace and power that trinsically vital about being partAfter of a his community were lievers. killing him (Acts 22:20). converhim. 2. If you are called a saint, does it change the way of faith. It is there support, friendship, 1. How has Paul become afind ‘model’ of Christ to the sion Paul tothat thewe realisation that everything questions you look atcame yourself? accountability, correction, opportunity for laughPhilippians or to us today? is was It worthless not long compared before Paul to the faced value hisof first what difficulty Christ ter and tears, service, food, security and honesty. has in Philippi done for and us he (Phil and 3:7). Silas He were developed unjustly such thrown an 1. How do we stand firm as a Christian questions We journey together in working out what it looks 2. How is knowing Christ Jesus considered a immense into prison love (v and 23).devotion At midnight, to serving however, Jesuswhile that community? like toin beand followers of When wedo look at Je‘gain’ your life? Which other things you he desired praying tosinging suffer as toJesus. Christ God an suffered earthquake and also shook to 1. Why was it so important for Jesus to be sus’ disciples, and accounts ofwhen his consider as ‘loss’? dieWhat the as foundations, Christ died (Phil doors 3:10). opened and thelife, chains 2. can we dothe totheir help each other we the obedient even to death onJudas this earth? lifestyle perspective only lone wolf we see is – not the best fell off! (valong 26). The consequent fear for exhis don’t get withjailer’s someone in our Christian ample of how to please Jesus or grow in holiness. 3. Why is it important to keep our eyes on those How own life could turned he have to belief had such and a he dramatic was saved change along in community? 2. Why is as it so hard to17) be ‘there a humble servant? God’s Word was written primarily for his people. John Wesley once said, is no holiness but who ‘live we do’ (v in relation to following his life? with theDuring rest of his word family to(v the 34). crowd as he was beIn church? At school? In your Atfor work? This means that the Bible was family? intended all besocial holiness’; in other words, Paul’s example? ing arrested he retold his moment ofimpossible transforma3. Be honest with yourself – haveit’s you rejoiced to lievers. All of God’s saints are therefore empowlive torevealed please Jesus on your tion. God He said “About in the noon life as–own. IPaul came through near Damasword, in the Lord recently? If notof why do you think 3. What is being poured out who fromenables you – Christ’s ered with the Holy Spirit, them to cus, haven’t prayer suddenly and done praise a bright light these from initial heaven life-transflashed you it?made If yes – what has made you love or theunderstand world’s standards? read and the Bible and live out a life Paul, writing to the church in Philippi, encourages around forming me. encounters I fell to the with ground the Philippians and heard possible. a voice rejoice? that iscommunity ‘clean in thought, word and deed’ as we read their life together, but also challengsay to me, ‘Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?” in the Salvation Army’s Junior Soldier’s Promise. es them to keep it up. His first to the (v 6-7). From this moment on words he wasspeak completely saints, people, those who are in Christ – sold outthe forholy Christ, he was a new person. people trying to follow Jesus (Philippians 1:1) and he talks to them as a community – this is not

the world (see Proverbs 24:13).

something that can be done alone. This underI’ve heard many times that our Christian minAs Christians in aarelationship with other people Sundays in Baguio Corps (Philippines) start with standing ofso awere community of faith starts way backa 1. Through When you the vision child, received, what Paul was the was one certain thing lifestyle perspective istry isOld all about relationships with the people and, most importantly, God, itHow is very imporprayer meeting attovaluable 8.30 inPhilippi. the morning. Mornings in the Testament. Exodus 19:3-8. that God was wanted the him most go Read towith to you? can we outside ourguidance churches. But how dointended we scripturally, do that? tant to live holy lives. God forMy us are special to not only because seek God’s for our lives? Think about theme lifestyle of anever saint. When I think of smartphone had the answer. I was going to write not to befriend non-believers or live life in isolajoy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5), but also 2. Can you relate to Philippians 3:7? What is aquestions saint, I think of Mother Theresa. She is a wom-I (based on Exodus 19:3-8) the word ‘community’ intomy phone (as a or memo tion sowake that we are affected by worldly unget to up earlier and hear stories during the something 2. Acts that 16:13-15 younot used identifying consider the process of value of anRead who was selfless, she put others before herself note for this Bible study) when it autocorrected it holy situations. Rather, we have a more responmeeting. Thisbecome one isAre my favourite. but Lydia’s has now worthless there similarities because ofto what your and sheconversion. literally took onto the role of a servant. She 1. Whom does God call a life of holiness? to ‘communicate’. sible role play,experience? not onlyabout for others but also for Christ own has done? reallyconversion tookto Paul’s words imitating Christ ourselves; need to keep a carrying check ‘There wasIwe once a blind man lamp as we he seriously. think we are called toon doawhether the same. 2. What is the response to God? The first verse of chapter four tells us to commuare putting our Christian beliefs into practice in crossed the dark road. A driver who was rushing 3. What can about we what learnto could from Paul? How if ‘we does sathis down WeThink are truly called thinkhappen of others before ournicate/pray with Godwith because the only way our daily lives. got agitated seeing the man,that’s for he walking testimony and began encourage toon speak’ or challenge people more you often. in How selves, to work without grumbling andwas toyour love the 3. How would you respond to the challenge to to stand firm in the Lord. The second and third slowly. On the second night he saw the blind man faith could walk? this become a reality in our daily lives? people of this crooked generation. I decided do obey God fully to keep his covenant (vother 5)?tolife verses tellwhen uswas toand communicate witha each in And even it is not easy to live righteous again, but he late for his meeting so he ignored this very thing by giving a year of my life in comWhat does that look like in your life today? our church so on wethe can moments stand together aswe one and amongst non-righteous people (though him. However, night, the driver got out 4. Describe significant in your life that plete servanthood andthird full on dedication toshould Christ work together. The fifth verse is telling us to comnever judge anyone), we are strengthened by God of his car and talked to him. “I want to know why God has acted through word, prayer and praise. by participating in a programme called ‘Revolu4. What would it look like for your community to municate with people outside the church through in every step of our life. Being holy, pure, righyou carry a lamp despite your condition. I mean, lifestyle perspective tion Hawaii’. obey God fully and keep his covenant? our actions, come love to the teous and clean may not befrom such aman superhuman it won’t help atwhich all.” The poor blindour replied in Lord. And thewhen sixth and seventh verses encourafter all we are in constant fellowship atask meek voice, “This lamp is not for me to see the As I read stories in the Bible I often find it very Throughout that yearfor I learned what itameant to 5. What does it communicate mean usas today to be age us again to with God, which will with him. road, but for you tolove see me I walk.”’ hard to believe that transformations and mirlifestyle perspective serve the poor, to my teammates, tothe search ‘kingdom of priests’ (v 6)? help to ‘guard our hearts and mind in Jesus’ (v 7). acles of wholeheartedly Jesus and his followers caneverything, still happen for God and, above to Following Paul’s first visit to Philippi the congreLike the blind man, weyou have tothinking be someone who today. I sometimes find myself of the miremain humble. Have ever tried being humquestions gation grew. Some years later Paul was imprisoned Communicate with God, each other, outcarries the torch for others. There are people who raculous things did on earth aspeople something ble? Trust me, it Jesus is extremely difficult. lifestyle perspective again and thewhat church sent onein oflife their members, side the church and with God again – that’s a cirlose sight of is essential because they that happened during his ministry on earth and 1. Have you been in situations where peer presEpaphroditus, to visit him with a gift (Philippians cle communication that Iare think is useful in our drown themselves inchurch an ofanation selfish desires. forget that we his called to continue Notice that this text refers to the of Israel. sureof has hindered you in leading saintly life? For example, aascouple ofocean months before the year 4:18). Consequently, the book of Philippians is a daily lives. We need to be part of a society where They believe that they are gaining a lot from too his mission. They are a community of saints and the people, was up, I had hurt my knee (it turns out I had beautiful letter of friendship Paul sent back to the we’re taking care of to others. Jesus gave up all powmuch work, technology, money talking. as a community, are called to beand holy. Inall the New 2. Do you God carry you through sprained atrust ligament pretty badly). Because IThey was saints expressing his gratitude for the present, er and human prestige by surrendering and beparticipate less in prayer, fellowship and church Throughout the New Testament we see the absoTestament the new Israel consists of advised those people situations of where being and holy incapable working asmorally usual, Ipure was toisdo but also frequently encouraging to rejoice in ing obedient tonot death a life cross. We are called to involvement, realising that knowing Godfor is lute transformation inon the of them Paul. change who are tasks. ‘in you Christ something was never possible? smaller I thought wasJesus’. simply infuriated atThe myself what God had done for them in Christ. be God’s servants and work for God’s purposconsidered gain. in him was so great thatto he had become a new pergetting injured so easily and thus I started grumes in our community – for and not against others son in almost every way his physical form. The difference between the you Old Testament and 3. Are there situations which can now bling. From this injury I except learned that I hadhangrown In his letter Paul praises God and tells the Philip(Philippians 2:6-11). The Salvation Army is called As Christian young people we have a responsibiliIt’s easy to look at something like this and think New Testament is that Jesus. are called dle better, it isSaints possible and prideful, I knowing had grown complacent, and I that had and this pians how much hetransformation loves them andcould how special to save souls, grow saints and serve suffering huty to bring these souls under the grace of God. We that such extreme not occhosen by my Jesus to live forasJesus. In the the choices younew make are important toNew GodTesas idea that duties were now considered they arejust toWe him (1:7), encouraging them to grow manity. If we read the letter to the Romans we cannot tell them to go to church, confess their cur today. may have seen lives transformed in tament never talks of one saint,pointed but always those ofPaul anyone else? pointless. Thankfully, a staff worker out in spiritual knowledge and insight (1:9). He calls can see that being a saint insomething a community, being a sins and accept Jesus as what Saviour if we are not livsome way but maybe not to this extent. ‘saints’. Becoming is that wealso do and encouraged meholy that I was doing was the asaints to unity and encourages them toand have a part of serving others in a lower position doing life submissive to his love. Keep in mind that in theimportant Christian community. We aretosaints togethvery and that I needed do my best. Christlike attitude towards each other (2:5), preing that joyfully (without looking at ourselves as there areyou eyes looking at us – allsing around ThereThe exciting thing is pray that although Jesus may er. Have ever noticed how Christians are anot bit After this I started to and and Ius. gradually ferring each other’s interests in love, obeying God superior or better than the ones we serve), goes fore, we have model Christ. physically be to walking the earth with us now, likebetter. bees? Bees cannoton survive independently of felt and living pure and holy lives (2:15), rejoicing in hand in hand (Romans 12:16). that same power is living within us one another, they need the communitytoday. of the Paul hive the Lord always! (4:4). said “The Spirit God who raisedChristians Jesus from the to function andofcreate. When work dead livesininpursuing you” (Romans 8:11). together holiness the result sweetens

6 12 10 8 16 14 4

The IHe People From can (Vanessa) tells transforming honestly this might them experience used say admit how that to and live his that we miraculous I have struggles with are I thought young learned a girl; in work in we’ll serving prison that age ofcall and Jesus when peohave her ex-I act! is available made Becki, perience. do ple things who’ve him who out But more for had previously of these us my acourageous allmentally are own today not had power just issues lived or inas and sharing physically it for in will was God, a then thoubeautiful the astough good what seen 1. Take a years few moments analyse your daily life sands news flat in pours and the by rough and of out Bible the of that sea. life through my ago. he She wasn’t cup counts was the is to my momentary passionate life everything responsibility of Jeremiah. love about loss and (mostly Also, followfor pasthe in and your reaction to situations done unconsake 1ing sion, because Timothy Jesus, of with knowing I adidn’t 4:12 and mixwe of wanted Christ see selfishness read, it as and ‘Let tomy live the no and gift) one ‘power alone, pride. until lookof for IBut down realised hisquiet, when reson sciously. Try to identify places where you feel One urrection space, Iyou that have that because of more the contemplation, was and most of part you the God effective fellowship of arein giving young, my and forms my life, opportunity ofbut all sharing ifofIto set power am Jesus. anconstantly his example evangetosufferIt grow isyou all could have been more pure in your approach. lism ings’ in for seeking about Christ-likeness. the is(3:10), Jesus allowing believers after(Philippians ashim he people inthen presses But speech, what to during 3:8-10, witness on incomes towards conduct, the 2:3, a four transformed out 4) the and of in years my love, goal loving cup she in to life. win lived faith is actions eternal the In and there, Ezekiel prize can in love purity.’ only God which and 36:23 be led passion, is born God Becki eternal says when to mixed life. to move ignorance the with Israelites to God’s inner-city andwill. in2. Try toI reveal read different biblical characters “When London, difference todies. a about shared my Support, holiness flatlove where through and encourage teenagers you before coneach where the most insignificant people according to theirto Due stantly Empowered other very and his drop eyes… rejoice situation by in,God then homeless together. itand would theignited nations Itpeople be is expected byby will rejoicing knock the know fire that on that of inPaul the others could do righteous and significant things I am the would door Holy Lord Spirit, at that feel all Lord.” we hours, grumpy young can Forpeople friends give those andup hopeless. who can of our friends be witnessed own mighty But prestige sleep examples his Paul’s on joyful and the questions in the eyes of God, e.g. David, Samuel, Daniel, transformation, and couch, by surrender the positive way andtime they ‘service-users’ attitude and live howtheir time could towards lives. again they become Gone his to notserve circumstancbelieve? friends aresuffering the It’s days who Jeremiah, Joseph etc. the es, share of humanity. passivity. his same the confidence for journey Today’s us today; of inworking young Christ thosepeople we and outcome what acan continued in itbelooks contact the ‘dolike life 1. How can I be more mindful that God works in with of to ers’ be holiness and can like‘mirrors’ know Jesus. certainly that Undoubtedly, ofJesus Christ makes has everywhere. me transforming Becki examine was trying my powown to me? 3. Make a diary where you can jot down how you er inout personal live ourGod’s lives outlook today. calling on life. to Iaam holy challenged life in herasseaside to how approached some situations differently because this flat, moulds but now my God relationship has supercharged with God her and efforts conseby questions 2. Why is it so important to value others above you thought more about living like a saint! How quently her putting howin this a context, affects those a community around me. where she questions yourself? hard was thisface change for with you?her weakness, other had to come to face 1. Do you feel that you are encouraged and questions Ichallenged peoples’ recentlyneed, read and a book God’s called power One toThousand bridge theGifts gap byayour church tolike? serve suffering 3. What does holy life look Is there any 1. Share about either yourself or someone you by between Canadian the two. author Ann Voskamp who sets herhumanity? 1. Who have been your personal justice that you are fighting for? role know that has experienced transformation in of self the task of writing down, overmodels? a period What traits do they have worth emulating? How their life? What changed within? time, Phil Needham 1,000 things thatcan ‘… she holiness sees must be love seen 2. What kind of writes things we doas todaily showblessings the did they impact yourby life? in as her a personal life. Inspired journey only this as initiative part of and a journey eager in to of God in our daily lives? 2. you ever yourself that“citizens the way, inliveDoout fellowship Philippians withfind other 4:4-7 believers. indoubting a very Wepractical are 2. Are you willing to commit yourself to credible power of God that raised Jesus from the my family with the saints… and I have and recently members started of theexchanging household act! becoming a torchbearer, a In reflection ofthat Christ dead is alive in you today? what ways? daily of God”’ emails (Ephesians writing 2:19). down The the New things Testament we for are alact! others? 1. Demonstrate random acts of kindness either grateful lows us afor. holiness which is both singular and for a stranger or family 3. Are you doubting the member: powerful work of God plural. 1. Rejoice in the Lord! in of your instead faithfully Weany all area live far awaylife from eachofother so it’sbebeen • Pay for someone’s food or coffee drink lieving? In what areas do you need to trust and great readallwhat has blessed us has eachblessed day – our Write to down the things that God believe? bed, food, a good night’s sleep, someone who has questions you with and give thanks for them. • Give out candy or buy pizza for the made us laugh – are just some examples of things act! you homeless 1. Dohave experience growing in holiness part that helped us see above and beyondas the cir2. Communicate with God, others around you act! ofRead a community, or do youlives, find itacknowledging easier to encumstances ofyour our daily 1. thisin verse prayerfully: and people community (different from in • Tutor a kid that is having a hard time at to counter God on your own? everything God’s goodness, has given ‘…but an example the believers in speech, “Toaction getset a man soundly saved isasnot enough to put the in Study 6 –for do thiswhat a he group). us school free) and he(for has done forand us. in in conduct, in love, inbreeches, faith (1 Timon himwhat a pair of new topurity’ give him regu2. How are you intentionally engaging with • Pray. If you can think about something othy 4:12). lar work, or even to give him a University educa2. Keepthat a prayer journal to record three blessings community? you’ve been ashamed to say tion. These things are alltoo outside a man, andto if the for each day (at least for a month) and to talk to questions God, pray about it now. Contemplate how you can be a model in the inside remains unchanged you have wasted your God. 3. What people doyour you spend most of your time different areas of life: labour. You must in some way or other graft upon with? • Give or support 1. How do nature weencouragement, tendato react in love challenging the man’s new nature, which has in ittothe someone through Facebook, emailJust or like situations? a. element ofHome the Divine” (William Booth). 4. Are you an influencer or influenced? caterpillars spoken words. b. Place education into butterflies, so are of transformed 2. What does Paul’s teach us about are c. Workplaceattitude we transformed into Holy people by thethe pow5. Do you find the people you spend most time • Take a homeless person to get some food, way we should approach difficult situations in er d. Corps of God’s spirit within us. “And we all, who with help youyour lookneighbour more, or less like Jesus? own invite (that you’ve neverare our lives? with e. Community unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, spoken to) for a cup coffee,with ask ever-inyour being transformed into hisofimage 6. When community gets tough, when broken creasing classmate if you can help them with theiris glory, which comes from the Lord, who break people, it’sto easier to let peo people homework, or when feel3:18 free find other ways the Spirit” 2 Corinthians ple go than to work through your issues, when to communicate with your community. moving forward requires vulnerability, what then?

2. 1. Think Spendabout time reading people in books youron lifeleadership, who are not act! holiness yet Christians. and prayer Writesuch theiras: names on a butterfly. 1. Commit findingfor and joining an accountabilCommit to to these people regularly and 1. There is apraying Chinese saying, ‘A journey of a 1,000 ity group, where you can pray together, be honest Army use the on paper its Knees butterfly as astep’. reminder to docase this.his miles begins with a single In Paul’s about yourwas joyshis and struggles, really share by Colonel Janet Munn and Major Court first step obedience toand theStephen vision he had life together. 2. Ask God tothe reveal to you in began. your life received and church in areas Philippi Inthat light Helps he wants to Holiness to transform. Write a personal prayer of the events described in Acts 16:6-40 what sin2. astep checklist oftake thethe places in your that by onMake Commissioner adaily butterfly asking Samuel for Logan transforming Brengle gle can we that could lead life topower someare ‘private’, that your you would of Jesus to shape life. never consider letthing significant? ting someone else in. Are these healthy and holy? New Love – Think about your possessions, friendship Thinking Aloud about Practical Holiness 2. Remember handwritten letters?! Write groups, a letter struggles, vulnerabilities and personal space. Try by General Shaw Clifton to someone who is going through a difficult time. Deva Sukanya Parthipati (India Northern Territory) looking at what it’s like to let people in to some of Deliver it in person or post it to them. Include one those places. Think intentionally engaging Prayer – Does it from makeabout any Difference orI more verses Philippians. met Jesus at a very young age and he has been my constant with community as a discipline, and see where by Philip Yanceyever since. I love to participate companion in my corps that could lead you. 3. Access the as website and activities such the choir, band, choreography and dance groups. I enjoy travelling and making new friends. The Jesus I Never Knew find out more about Christians who, like Paul, are by Yanceybecause of their faith. Commit to stillPhilip persecuted praying for them daily for a chosen period of time. Check the available resources on (scan QR code): (Scan QR code for link:)

3. Develop a personal plan to build a Christlike character through, for example, daily morning and evening devotions or creating a prayer room at your corps and spending time there. Rachel Vasquez (USA Western Territory) I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from California State University Northridge. I recently dedicated a year of my life of servant hood to a programme called Revolution Hawaii. My next step is to continue working with the homeless people in Hawaii and following God’s path for my life. Stephanie Parker Chagas (Centre for Spiritual Life Development) I was born in Brazil and have been working for The Salvation Army in London since 2011. I love spending time with God, Paulsson (Sweden Latvia ITerritory) Territory) family andKristoffer close friends, travelling and and exercising. desire to Ashlee Sheppard (Australia Eastern be more like Jesus, helping others alongTerritory) the way. Junjie Pablo (The Philippines That not-so-typical-Swedish who recently worked at the I’m currentlyguy working as registered nurse. Lieutenants Vanessa anda Xander Coleman Centre for Spiritual Life Development. I like to hang out with I’m passionate seeing every member of the I am currently theabout Young People’s Sergeant-Major in Church Baguio (United Kingdom with the Republic of Ireland Territory) God and support the most beautiful football club in the world, pursuing spiritual growth and the power the Corps. I teach English. I lead theexperiencing prayer meeting in our of corps Arsenal. I also spend aofficers lot of time creating ear candy and Holy Spirit in all fullness (with the corps sergeant-major) that aims to its strengthen We are currently corps at Banbury Salvation Army painting pictures words. people’s prayer life. I was a volunteer at prayer the International ColPrayer Beacon. We’re passionate about andwith communilege for Officers and Centre for Spiritual Development in ty, and seeing transformation take placeLife in people’s lives as London and a delegate to the World Youth Convention in Jesus. 2010. they come closer to

13 15 17 5 7 11 9

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

modelling the the lifestyle saints shine called life Philippians of paul

tothe be of amidst thea inin Christ Saint a Saint Challenges Bible community Philippians -19:3-8 8,4:1-7 15-17 Philippians Philippians 2:12-18 Philippians Acts3:716:6-40 22:1-21 1:1 Exodus

Philippians 2:5-18

Lieutenants Vanessa and Xander Coleman Gugulethu Stephanie DevaKristoffer Sukanya Ashlee Parker Promise Parthipati Sheppard Paulsson Chagas Khoza Junjie Pablo Rachel Vasquez

biblical perspective

questions perspective lifestyle

‘Dear Lord, so today, I’ve done allwe right, haIn The This his apostle passage initial Paul greetings shows is far aalso word feels us Paul of the strongly advice whole addresses about spectrum the establishasPhilipChrisofI was be“Saul, On arrival whoinwas Philippi called Paul and Paul” histhat companions (Acts 13:9) ‘… biblical perspective ven’t gossiped, haven’t mytofor temper, I haven’t pians ing tians apart life as should saints. ofand that apersecutor Christian continue will The be Greek community. to word live as for saints, God’s It others. shows hagios, obedius, He the down sat leading began toanlost speak ofexample Christians the women before who his been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish or overindulcan makes first ent children, also of this all,beclear that translated even Paul’s in ifthe we letter love as may pure, for to think the the righteous, Philippians that church no Testaone isholy, exby is conversion. had gathered He there’ (Acts 13 letters 16:13). This the simple New of In this portion ofwrote Scripture Paul in is making itact clear gent. I’m very thankful for that. But in a few minclean, recounting traordinary. watching. moral We the This purity. should irony is a Individuals church of obey his God’s personal that are really law, principle cleansed continuing loves and of ment, communication sets theimitators toneand of Paul’s he future onintoaletdo that weincluding are calledPhilippians to be of went Christ ‘… utes, Lord, I’mbut going toalso get out ofus bed, and from sin losing respects to fear and and him made God gaining and pure, ‘work Paul – holy, losing out our righteous all tells salvation.’ things and that for set the living apart sake in more ter to the to shape Philippians, Christianity giving a than good any picture other of indihow warped and crooked generation’ (v 15). As Christ’s then on I’m probably going to need a lot more for of unity Christ God’s isn’t purposes leads as Jesus easy to as gaining as they itbegan sounds. obey everything Paul Word. is inThe encourChrist. idea vidual the church except Philippi himself. –his based on friendfollowers it isinimportant for us to stand out, to look help. Amen.’ of ‘Garbage’ aging The one verses us being to(valso give ‘in 8) is Christ say upthe our that term Jesus’ own weused can personal is a recurring shine to describe agendas above theme how any so ship. different from the world around us. So, how do in immaterial that challenge, thewebook canfor of and stand we Philippians. irrelevant have firm the asabout aThe living are church saints all God heand in within previously any live givour out In we read Paul’s we Acts look 22:1-21 different? We look different bytestimony following Does life ever feel like that for you? You might en considered our hearts. locality mission Through are ‘gains’, to the save our saved compared people purity (i.e. we in the with our will members be larger the able worthiness commuto of shine the before It was aand vision afterofhis aChrist man conversion, fromthe Macedonia where testified begging Christ’s example. took role ofhe a servant, just get on okay with the call to beto like Jesus, ifto it Body of nities. and knowing show of He Christ others also Jesus. gives including the us wonders the the advice preacher, that God bedoes elders, devoted in and our to Paul the to crowd come that over the and transforming help them (v work of that Jesus humbled himself, and was obedient to12) death (v led 8). weren’t for all those other people walking around, deacons). each lives. other We and are help all called each other totravel bewhen saints, we God’s don’t get was Paul alive and his in him. companions This happened right to are Philippi, after heholy was inTherefore, as followers of to Christ, we called to getting inPaul the way. Do you ever feel the temptation people Further, along. (1 Peter is 1:15, a man 16) who in the thirsts confidence toknown see that the PhiGod arrested troducing for the proclaiming gospel to what Jesus is now as Saviour as Euand do the same. to become ahe hermit, run it allwith and NET) work has lippians promised becoming to make mature usaway (or from even ‘perfect’ Lord rope. when said “May Iholy. have a word you” out this God thing just you and him? and And last viewing of all, things to rejoice! magnified Rejoice in in the the light Lord. of When God went on toout share story. Paulhe also points thathisit freedom is God who works in questions and we do relying that, we onLuke will the Lord’s be able to show his ininitial amazing timesenof Arriving there usrevelation that Paul’s us, so that we may dotells his will. Meaning, since God Have you ever heard someone say, ‘you don’t need confusion. love through Lastly, the things he encouraged wepersecutor do. When them we Christians rejoice to follow we Paul counter was from with being women. One whose name is is How in went us,well we should notthe act like everyone else, but 1. do you think your ‘light isofshining’? questions to go tohave church to betoa Christian’, ‘going to Mchis do not example toofLydia, be knowing anxious Christ about what byorbeing other aand people model and mentioned of the is church Gentile being persecuted and a cloth dealer. put rather we should shine out like stars in this dark Donald’s doesn’t make you a hamburger’? True, to think others. of she us or if the tasks that we’re facing seem in Though prison for feared his faith. God, As down Paul by was the being river, arrestin the world. Moreover, when something isthat being poured 2. What are the you face could 1. Did you have achallenges different perspective about who the act of going into a particular building once a impossible, because the peace of God will guard ed place he testified of prayer, that she when met the Paul blood and of herthe heart martyr reout it means that something was inside that cup possibly dim this light? saints are? What qualities do you associate with a week willwas not make or keep you a Christian. Howour hearts and minds in Jesus. Stephen sponded to his message he stood 14). there Her household giving was apto beginwho with. For Paul it(vwas Christ, it washis God’s person isshed, called a saint? ever, there is something deeply, necessarily, inquestions proval baptised and and was she guarding opened the upwas clothes herpouring home of those toout thefrom who belove, grace and power that trinsically vital about being partAfter of a his community were lievers. killing him (Acts 22:20). converhim. 2. If you are called a saint, does it change the way of faith. It is there support, friendship, 1. How has Paul become afind ‘model’ of Christ to the sion Paul tothat thewe realisation that everything questions you look atcame yourself? accountability, correction, opportunity for laughPhilippians or to us today? is was It worthless not long compared before Paul to the faced value hisof first what difficulty Christ ter and tears, service, food, security and honesty. has in Philippi done for and us he (Phil and 3:7). Silas He were developed unjustly such thrown an 1. How do we stand firm as a Christian questions lifestyle perspective We journey together in working out what it looks 2. How is knowing Christ Jesus considered a immense into prison love (v and 23).devotion At midnight, to serving however, Jesuswhile that community? like toin beand followers of When wedo look at Je‘gain’ your life? Which other things you he desired praying tosinging suffer as toJesus. Christ God an suffered earthquake and also shook to 1. Why was it so important for Jesus to be This passage serves as a warning to us young peosus’ disciples, and accounts ofwhen his consider as ‘loss’? dieWhat the as foundations, Christ died (Phil doors 3:10). opened and thelife, chains 2. can we dothe totheir help each other we the obedient even to death on this earth? ple that we should obey God at all times. As young lifestyle perspective only lone wolf we see is Judas – not the best exfell off! (valong 26). The consequent fear for his don’t get withjailer’s someone in our Christian people we can relate to the writer of this chapter, ample of how to please Jesus or grow in holiness. 3. Why is it important to keep our eyes on those How own life could turned he have to belief had such and a he dramatic was saved change along in community? 2. Why iswere it so hard to17) be a humble servant? God’s Word was written primarily for his how people. as if he a parent advising us about we John Wesley once said, ‘there is no holiness but who ‘live as we do’ (v in relation to following his life? with theDuring rest of his word family to(v the 34). crowd as he was beIn church? At school? In your Atfor work? This means that the Bible was family? intended all beshould live our lives. social holiness’; in other words, Paul’s example? ing arrested he retold his moment ofimpossible transforma3. Be honest with yourself – haveit’s you rejoiced to lievers. All of God’s saints are therefore empowlive torevealed please Jesus on your tion. God He said “About in the noon life as–own. IPaul came through near Damasword, in the Lord recently? If notof why do you think 3. What is being poured out fromenables you – Christ’s ered with the Holy Spirit, who them to It also tells us that there is great reward in listencus, haven’t prayer suddenly and done praise a bright light these from initial heaven life-transflashed you it?made If yes – what has made you love or the world’s standards? read and understand the Bible and live out a life ing, but there are also consequences should we Paul, writing the in Philippians Philippi, encourages around forming me. encounters Ito fell tochurch the withground the and heard possible. a voice rejoice? that is ‘clean in thought, word and deed’ as we read not obey. As Ephesians 6:1 says, ‘Children, obey their life together, butpersecute also challengsay tocommunity me, ‘Saul! Saul! Why do you me?” in the Salvation Army’s Junior Soldier’s Promise. your parents in the Lord, for this is right’. es themFrom to keep it up. His first speak to the (v 6-7). this moment on words he was completely saints, people, those who are in Christ – sold outthe forholy Christ, he was a new person. ‘Respect yourto father and your(Philippians mother’ is the people trying follow Jesus 1:1) first and commandment that has a promise added – ‘so he talks to them as a community – this is not

the world (see Proverbs 24:13).

something that can be done alone. This underI’ve heard many times that Christian minthat you you may live long time inour thestarts land that I ama As Christians in aaarelationship with other people Sundays in Baguio Corps (Philippines) start with standing ofso awere community of faith way back 1. Through When the vision child, received, what Paul was the was one certain thing lifestyle perspective istry isOld all about relationships with the people giving you’ (Exodus 20:12 Good News). and, most importantly, God, itHow is very imporprayer meeting attovaluable 8.30 inPhilippi. the morning. Mornings in the Testament. Read Exodus 19:3-8. that God was wanted the him most go towith to you? can we outside ourguidance churches. But how dointended we scripturally, do that? tant to live holy lives. God forMy us are special to not only because seek God’s for our lives? Think about theme lifestyle of anever saint. When I think of smartphone had the answer. I was going to write Life and society can make us neglect these innot to befriend non-believers or live life in isolajoy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5), but also 2. Can you relate to Philippians 3:7? What is aquestions saint, I think of Mother Theresa. She is a wom-I (based on Exodus 19:3-8) the word ‘community’ in phone (as memo structions, because the world has made itaokay to tion sowake that we are affected by worldly or unget to up earlier and hear stories during the something 2. Acts that 16:13-15 younot used identifying tomy consider the process of value of anRead who was selfless, she put others before herself note for this Bible study) when it autocorrected it do things that are against Christianity, things that holy situations. Rather, we have a more responmeeting. Thisbecome one isAre my favourite. but Lydia’s has now worthless there similarities because ofto what your and sheconversion. literally took onto the role of a servant. She 1. Whom does God call a life of holiness? to ‘communicate’. have bad consequences in about our sible role to play,experience? not only for Christian others butlives. also for Christ own has done? reallyconversion took Paul’s words imitating Christ ourselves; need to keep a carrying check ‘There wasIwe once a blind man lamp as we he seriously. think we are called toon doawhether the same. 2. What is the response to God? The first verse of chapter four tells us to commuA good example of this is the parable of the lost are putting our Christian beliefs into practice in crossed the dark road. A driver who was rushing 3. What can about we what learnto could from Paul? How if ‘we does sathis down WeThink are truly called thinkhappen of others before ournicate/pray with God because that’s the only way son, which ison found in Luke 15:11-32. This young our daily lives. got agitated seeing the man, for he was walking testimony and began encourage to speak’ with or challenge people more you often. in How selves, to work without grumbling and toyour love the 3. How would you respond to the challenge to to stand firm in the Lord. The second and third man was fooled by friends, who made him go slowly. On the second night he saw the blind man faith could walk? this become a reality in our daily lives? people of this crooked generation. I decided do obey God fully to keep his covenant (vother 5)?to verses tell us toand communicate witha each in against his father. We also as Christians may find And even when it is not easy to live righteous life again, but he was late for his meeting so he ignored this very thing by giving a year of my life in comWhat does that look like in your life today? our church so on we can by stand together aswe one and ourselves being fooled worldly things and then amongst non-righteous people (though him. However, the night, the driver got out 4. Describe significant moments in your life that plete servanthood andthird full on dedication toshould Christ work together. The fifth verse is telling us to comwe go astray. Yet when we realise our failings and never judge anyone), we are strengthened by God of his car and talked to him. “I want to know why God has acted through word, prayer and praise. by participating in a programme called ‘Revolu4. What would it look like for your community to municate with people outside the church through return to God, he is happy to welcome us back, in every step of our life. Being holy, pure, righyou carry a lamp despite your condition. I mean, lifestyle perspective tion Hawaii’. obey God fully and keep his covenant? our actions, come our love the just as the father welcomed his prodigal sontoand teous and clean may not befrom such aman superhuman it won’t help atwhich all.” The poor blind replied in Lord. And thewhen sixth and seventh verses encourrejoiced at his return. after all we are in constant fellowship atask meek voice, “This lamp is not for me to see the As I read stories in the Bible I often find it very Throughout that yearfor I learned what itameant to 5. What does it communicate mean usas today to be age us again to with God, which will with him. road, but for you tolove see me I walk.”’ hard to believe that transformations and mirlifestyle perspective serve the poor, to my teammates, tothe search ‘kingdom of priests’ (v 6)? help to ‘guard our hearts and mind in Jesus’ (v 7). acles of wholeheartedly Jesus and his followers caneverything, still happen for God and, above to Following Paul’s first visit to Philippi the congreLike the blind man, weyou have tothinking be someone who today. I sometimes find myself of the miremain humble. Have ever tried being humquestions gation grew. Some years later Paul was imprisoned Communicate with God, each other, outcarries the torch for others. There are people who raculous things did on earth aspeople something ble? Trust me, it Jesus is extremely difficult. lifestyle perspective again and thewhat church sent onein oflife their members, side the church and with God again – that’s a cirlose sight of is essential because they that happened during his ministry on earth and 1. Have you been in situations where peer pres1. Why do you think it was important for Paul to Epaphroditus, to visit him with a gift (Philippians cle ofhas communication that Iare think is useful in our drown themselves inchurch an ofanation selfish desires. forget that we his called to continue Notice that this text refers to the of Israel. sure hindered you in leading saintly life? For example, aascouple ofocean months before the year tell us to continue to obey? 4:18). Consequently, the book of Philippians is a daily lives. We need to be part of a society where They believe that they are gaining a lot from too his mission. They are a community of saints and the people, was up, I had hurt my knee (it turns out I had beautiful letter of friendship Paul sent back to the we’re taking care of to others. Jesus gave up all powmuch work, technology, money and talking. as a community, are called to be holy. Inall the New 2. Do you God carry you through sprained atrust ligament pretty badly). Because IThey was 2. What reward may we receive from Christ if we saints expressing his gratitude for the present, er and human prestige by surrendering and beparticipate less in prayer, fellowship and church Throughout the New Testament we see the absoTestament the new Israel consists of advised those people situations where being morally and holy incapable of working as usual, Ipure was toisdo do everything without grumbling? but also frequently encouraging to rejoice in ing obedient tonot death a life cross. We are called to involvement, realising that knowing Godfor is lute transformation inon the of them Paul. change who are tasks. ‘in you Christ something was never possible? smaller I thought wasJesus’. simply infuriated atThe myself what God had done for them in Christ. be God’s servants and work for God’s purposconsidered gain. in him was so great thatto he had become a new pergetting injured so easily and thus I started grum3. How hard do you find it to not grumble or es in our community – for and not against others son in almost every way his physical form. The difference between the you Old Testament and 3. Are there situations which can now bling. From this injury I except learned that I hadhangrown complain about things? In his letter Paul praises God and tells the Philip(Philippians 2:6-11). The Salvation Army is called As Christian young people we have a responsibiliIt’s easy to look at something like this and think New Testament is that Jesus. are called dle better, it isSaints possible and prideful, I knowing had grown complacent, and I that had and this pians how much hetransformation loves them andcould how special to save souls, grow saints and serve suffering huty to bring these souls under the grace of God. We that such extreme not occhosen by my Jesus to live forasJesus. In the the choices younew make are important toNew GodTesas idea that duties were now considered they arejust toWe him (1:7), encouraging them to grow manity. If we read the letter to the Romans we cannot tell them to go to church, confess their cur today. may have seen lives transformed in tament never talks of one saint,pointed but always those ofPaul anyone else? pointless. Thankfully, a staff worker out in spiritual knowledge and insight (1:9). He calls can see that being a saint insomething a community, being a sins and accept Jesus as what Saviour if we are not livsome way but maybe not to this extent. ‘saints’. Becoming is that wealso do and encouraged meholy that I was doing was the asaints to unity and encourages them toand have a part of serving others in a lower position doing life submissive to his love. Keep in mind that in theimportant Christian community. We aretosaints togethvery and that I needed do my best. Christlike attitude towards each other (2:5), preing that joyfully (without looking at ourselves as there areyou eyes looking at us – allsing around ThereThe exciting thing is pray that although Jesus may er. Have ever noticed how Christians are anot bit After this I started to and and Ius. gradually ferring each other’s interests in love, obeying God superior or better than the ones we serve), goes fore, we have model Christ. physically be to walking the earth with us now, likebetter. bees? Bees cannoton survive independently of felt and living pure and holy lives (2:15), rejoicing in hand in hand (Romans 12:16). that same power is living within us one another, they need the communitytoday. of the Paul hive the Lord always! (4:4). said “The Spirit God who raisedChristians Jesus from the to function andofcreate. When work dead livesininpursuing you” (Romans 8:11). together holiness the result sweetens

6 12 10 8 18 14 16 4

The IHe People From can (Vanessa) tells transforming honestly this might them experience used say admit how that to and live his that we miraculous I have struggles with are I thought young learned a girl; in work in we’ll serving prison that age ofcall and Jesus when peohave her ex-I act! is available made Becki, perience. do ple things who’ve him who out But more for had previously of these us my acourageous allmentally are own today not had power just issues lived or inas and sharing physically it for in will was God, a then thoubeautiful the astough good what seen 1. Take Read aPhilippians few moments 2:12-18 analyse slowly your aslove your daily own life sands news flat in pours and the by rough and of out Bible the years of that sea. life through my ago. he She wasn’t cup counts was the is to my momentary passionate life everything responsibility of Jeremiah. about loss and (mostly Also, followfor pasthe in and prayer. your Pray reaction it for others to situations too whom done God unconmay sake 1ing sion, because Timothy Jesus, of with knowing I adidn’t 4:12 and mixwe of wanted Christ see selfishness read, it as and ‘Let tomy live the no and gift) one ‘power alone, pride. until lookof for IBut down realised hisquiet, when reson sciously. bring your Try to mind. identify places where you feel One urrection space, Iyou that have that because oftomore the contemplation, was and most of part you the God effective fellowship of arein giving young, my and forms my life, opportunity ofbut all sharing ifofIto set power am Jesus. anconstantly his example evangetosufferIt grow isyou all could have been more pure in your approach. lism ings’ in for seeking about Christ-likeness. the is(3:10), Jesus allowing believers after(Philippians ashim he people inthen presses But speech, what to during 3:8-10, witness on incomes towards conduct, the 2:3, a four transformed out 4) the and of in years my love, goal loving cup she in to 2. eternal Commit topurity.’ memorising verses 14-16a asand anwill. life. win lived faith is actions the In and there, Ezekiel prize can in love only God which and 36:23 be led passion, is born God Becki eternal says when to mixed life. to move ignorance the with Israelites to God’s inner-city in2. important Try toI reveal read reminder different offlat how tobiblical live.encourage characters “When London, difference todies. a about shared my Support, holiness love where through and teenagers you before coneach where the most insignificant people according to theirto Due stantly Empowered other very and his drop eyes… rejoice situation by in,God then homeless together. itand would theignited nations Itpeople be is expected byby will rejoicing knock the know fire that on that of inPaul the others could do righteous and significant things I am the would door Holy Lord Spirit, at that feel all Lord.” we hours, grumpy young can Forpeople friends give those andup hopeless. who can of our friends be witnessed own mighty But prestige sleep examples his Paul’s on joyful and the questions in the eyes of God, e.g. David, Samuel, Daniel, transformation, and couch, by surrender the positive way andtime they ‘service-users’ attitude and live howtheir time could towards lives. again they become Gone his to notserve circumstancbelieve? friends aresuffering the It’s days who Jeremiah, Joseph etc. the es, share of humanity. passivity. his same the confidence for journey Today’s us today; of inworking young Christ thosepeople we and outcome what acan continued in itbelooks contact the ‘dolike life 1. How can I be more mindful that God works in with of to ers’ be holiness and can like‘mirrors’ know Jesus. certainly that Undoubtedly, ofJesus Christ makes has everywhere. me transforming Becki examine was trying my powown to me? 3. Make a diary where you can jot down how you er inout personal live ourGod’s lives outlook today. calling on life. to Iaam holy challenged life in herasseaside to how approached some situations differently because this flat, moulds but now my God relationship has supercharged with God her and efforts conseby questions 2. Why is it so important to value others above you thought more about living like a saint! How quently her putting howin this a context, affects those a community around me. where she questions yourself? hard was thisface change for with you?her weakness, other had to come to face 1. Do you feel that you are encouraged and questions Ichallenged peoples’ recentlyneed, read and a book God’s called power One toThousand bridge theGifts gap byayour church tolike? serve suffering 3. What does holy life look Is there any 1. Share about either yourself or someone you by between Canadian the two. author Ann Voskamp who sets herhumanity? 1. Who have been your personal justice that you are fighting for? role know that has experienced transformation in of self the task of writing down, overmodels? a period What traits do they have worth emulating? How their life? What changed within? time, Phil Needham 1,000 things thatcan ‘… she holiness sees must be love seen 2. What kind of writes things we doas todaily showblessings the did they impact yourby life? in as her a personal life. Inspired journey only this as initiative part of and a journey eager in to of God in our daily lives? 2. you ever yourself that“citizens the way, inliveDoout fellowship Philippians withfind other 4:4-7 believers. indoubting a very Wepractical are 2. Are you willing to commit yourself to credible power of God that raised Jesus from the my family with the saints… and I have and recently members started of theexchanging household act! becoming a torchbearer, a In reflection ofthat Christ dead is alive in you today? what ways? daily of God”’ emails (Ephesians writing 2:19). down The the New things Testament we for are alact! others? 1. Demonstrate random acts of kindness either grateful lows us afor. holiness which is both singular and for a stranger or family 3. Are you doubting the member: powerful work of God plural. 1. Rejoice in the Lord! in of your instead faithfully Weany all area live far awaylife from eachofother so it’sbebeen • Pay for someone’s food or coffee drink lieving? In what areas do you need to trust and great readallwhat has blessed us has eachblessed day – our Write to down the things that God believe? bed, food, a good night’s sleep, someone who has questions you with and give thanks for them. • Give out candy or buy pizza for the made us laugh – are just some examples of things act! you homeless 1. Dohave experience growing in holiness part that helped us see above and beyondas the cir2. Communicate with God, others around you act! ofRead a community, or do youlives, find itacknowledging easier to encumstances ofyour our daily 1. thisin verse prayerfully: and people community (different from in • Tutor a kid that is having a hard time at to counter God on your own? everything God’s goodness, has given ‘…but an example the believers in speech, “Toaction getset a man soundly saved isasnot enough to put the in Study 6 –for do thiswhat a he group). us school free) and he(for has done forand us. in in conduct, in love, inbreeches, faith (1 Timon himwhat a pair of new topurity’ give him regu2. How are you intentionally engaging with • Pray. If you can think about something othy 4:12). lar work, or even to give him a University educa2. Keepthat a prayer journal to record three blessings community? you’ve been ashamed to say tion. These things are alltoo outside a man, andto if the for each day (at least for a month) and to talk to questions God, pray about it now. Contemplate how you can be a model in the inside remains unchanged you have wasted your God. 3. What people doyour you spend most of your time different areas of life: labour. You must in some way or other graft upon with? • Give or support 1. How do nature weencouragement, tendato react in love challenging the man’s new nature, which has in ittothe someone through Facebook, emailJust or like situations? a. element ofHome the Divine” (William Booth). 4. Are you an influencer or influenced? caterpillars spoken words. b. Place education into butterflies, so are of transformed 2. What does Paul’s teach us about are c. Workplaceattitude we transformed into Holy people by thethe pow5. Do you find the people you spend most time • Take a homeless person to get some food, way we should approach difficult situations in er d. Corps of God’s spirit within us. “And we all, who with help youyour lookneighbour more, or less like Jesus? own invite (that you’ve neverare our lives? with e. Community unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, spoken to) for a cup coffee,with ask ever-inyour being transformed into hisofimage 6. When community gets tough, when broken creasing classmate if you can help them with theiris glory, which comes from the Lord, who break people, it’sto easier to let peo people homework, or when feel3:18 free find other ways the Spirit” 2 Corinthians ple go than to work through your issues, when to communicate with your community. moving forward requires vulnerability, what then?

2. 1. Think Spendabout time reading people in books youron lifeleadership, who are not act! holiness yet Christians. and prayer Writesuch theiras: names on a butterfly. 1. Commit findingfor and joining an accountabilCommit to to these people regularly and 1. There is apraying Chinese saying, ‘A journey of a 1,000 ity group, where you can pray together, be honest Army use the on paper its Knees butterfly as astep’. reminder to docase this.his miles begins with a single In Paul’s about yourwas joyshis and struggles, really share by Colonel Janet Munn and Major Court first step obedience toand theStephen vision he had life together. 2. Ask God tothe reveal to you in began. your life received and church in areas Philippi Inthat light Helps he wants to Holiness to transform. Write a personal prayer of the events described in Acts 16:6-40 what sin2. astep checklist oftake thethe places in your that by onMake Commissioner adaily butterfly asking Samuel for Logan transforming Brengle gle can we that could lead life topower someare ‘private’, that your you would never consider letof Jesus to shape thing significant? Gugulethu Promise life. Khoza (Southern Africa Territory) ting someone else in. Are these healthy and holy? New Love – Think about your friendship groups, People call mepossessions, Promise! I love and fear God very much Thinking Aloud about Practical Holiness 2. Remember handwritten letters?! Write a letter and I’m really passionate about working for Christ. struggles, vulnerabilities and personal space. Try by General Shaw Clifton to someone who is going through a difficult time. I live with my parents who are officersof of Deva Sukanya Parthipati (India Northern Territory) looking at what it’s like to let people in to some Deliver it in person or post it to them. Include one The Salvation Army and my younger brother. those places. Think intentionally engaging Prayer – I’m Does it from makeabout any Difference orI more verses Philippians. a quiet friendly person and a straight talker. met Jesus at a veryand young age and he has constant with community as a discipline, andbeen seemy where by Philip Yanceyever since. I love to participate companion in my corps that could lead you. 3. Access the as website and activities such the choir, band, choreography and dance groups. I enjoy travelling and making new friends. The Jesus I Never Knew find out more about Christians who, like Paul, are by Yanceybecause of their faith. Commit to stillPhilip persecuted praying for them daily for a chosen period of time. Check the available resources on (scan QR code): (Scan QR code for link:)

3. Develop a personal plan to build a Christlike character through, for example, daily morning and evening devotions or creating a prayer room at your corps and spending time there. Rachel Vasquez (USA Western Territory) I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from California State University Northridge. I recently dedicated a year of my life of servant hood to a programme called Revolution Hawaii. My next step is to continue working with the homeless people in Hawaii and following God’s path for my life. Stephanie Parker Chagas (Centre for Spiritual Life Development) I was born in Brazil and have been working for The Salvation Army in London since 2011. I love spending time with God, Paulsson (Sweden Latvia ITerritory) Territory) family andKristoffer close friends, travelling and and exercising. desire to Ashlee Sheppard (Australia Eastern be more like Jesus, helping others alongTerritory) the way. Junjie Pablo (The Philippines That not-so-typical-Swedish who recently worked at the I’m currentlyguy working as registered nurse. Lieutenants Vanessa anda Xander Coleman Centre for Spiritual Life Development. I like to hang out with I’m passionate seeing every member of the I am currently theabout Young People’s Sergeant-Major in Church Baguio (United Kingdom with the Republic of Ireland Territory) God and support the most beautiful football club in the world, pursuing spiritual growth and the power the Corps. I teach English. I lead theexperiencing prayer meeting in our of corps Arsenal. I also spend aofficers lot of time creating ear candy and Holy Spirit in all fullness (with the corps sergeant-major) that aims to its strengthen We are currently corps at Banbury Salvation Army painting pictures words. people’s prayer life. I was a volunteer at prayer the International ColPrayer Beacon. We’re passionate about andwith communilege for Officers and Centre for Spiritual Development in ty, and seeing transformation take placeLife in people’s lives as London and a delegate to the World Youth Convention in Jesus. 2010. they come closer to

19 15 13 17 5 7 11 9

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

modelling the working the lifestyle saints shine called life Philippians of paul

tothe be of amidst thea inin Christ Saint a Saint for it Challenges Bible community Philippians 3:716:6-40 -19:3-8 8,4:1-7 15-17 Philippians Philippians 2:12-18 Philippians Acts 22:1-21 1:1 Exodus Philippians 2:12 13; 4:8 -9 Philippians 2:5-18 Lieutenants Vanessa and Xander Coleman Gugulethu Stephanie DevaKristoffer Sukanya Ashlee Parker Promise Parthipati Sheppard Paulsson Chagas Khoza Junjie Pablo Louise Wahl Rachel Vasquez

biblical perspective

questions lifestyle perspective

‘Dear Lord, so far today, I’ve done all right, haIn The This Paul his apostle passage explains initial Paul greetings shows is that aalso word feels even us Paul of the though strongly advice whole addresses hethat about spectrum is not we the establishin asPhilipChrisofI was be“Saul, On arrival whoinwas Philippi called Paul and Paul” his companions (Acts 13:9) ‘… biblical perspective ven’t gossiped, haven’t mytofor temper, I haven’t pians ing tians pi apart guide life as should saints. ofand that the apersecutor Christian continue will Philippians, The be Greek community. to word live they as should for saints, God’s It others. shows still hagios, obedikeep us, He thetodown sat leading began toanlost speak ofexample Christians the women before who his been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish or overindulcan makes first ent up their children, also of this all, good beclear that translated even efforts Paul’s in ifthe we and letter love as may not pure, for to lose think the the righteous, the Philippians that church energy no Testaone isholy, they exby is conversion. had gathered He there’ (Acts 13 letters 16:13). This the simple New of In this portion ofwrote Scripture Paul in is making itact clear gent. I’m very thankful for that. But in a few minclean, recounting traordinary. watching. need to moral work We the This purity. on should irony is their a Individuals church of obey salvation. his God’s personal that He are really law, teaches principle cleansed continuing loves that and of ment, communication sets theimitators toneand of Paul’s he future onintoaletdo that weincluding are calledPhilippians to be of went Christ ‘… utes, I’mbut going toalso get out ofus bed, and from sin losing respects to it isfear and a Lord, two-part and him made God gaining and pure, effort; ‘work Paul – holy, losing theirs out our righteous all –atells salvation.’ ‘good things work and that hard for set the living toofapart show sake in more ter to the to shape Philippians, Christianity giving than any picture other indihow warped and crooked generation’ (v 15). As Christ’s then on I’m probably going to need a lot more for of unity the Christ God’s results isn’t purposes leads of asyour easy tosalvation’ as gaining as they itbegan sounds. obey everything and God’s Paul Word. is –in‘working The encourChrist. idea vidual church except Jesus Philippi himself. –his based on friendfollowers it isinimportant for us to stand out, to look help. Amen.’ of ‘Garbage’ aging The in one you, verses us being giving to(valso give ‘in 8) you’. is Christ say upthe our that term Jesus’ own weused can personal is a recurring shine to describe agendas above theme how any so ship. different from the world around us. So, how do in immaterial that challenge, thewebook canfor of and stand we Philippians. irrelevant have firm the asabout aThe living are church saints all God heand in within previously any live givour out In we read Paul’s we Acts look 22:1-21 different? We look different bytestimony following Does life ever feel like that for you? You might en considered our hearts. By locality ‘work mission Through hard are ‘gains’, to the to save our show saved compared people purity the (i.e. we in results the with our will members be larger the of able your worthiness commuto salvaof shine the before It was aand vision afterofhis aChrist man conversion, fromthe Macedonia where testified begging Christ’s example. took role ofhe a servant, just get on okay with call to beto like Jesus, ifto it Body of nities. and tion’ knowing show (2:12 of He Christ others also NLT) Jesus. gives including Paul the us wonders isthe instructing the the advice preacher, that God the bePhilippians does elders, devoted in and our to Paul the to crowd come that over the and transforming help them (v work of that Jesus humbled himself, and was obedient to12) death (v led 8). weren’t for all those other people walking around, deacons). each lives. not to other lethis go We and and are help all think called each that other toliving bewhen saints, a life we God’s of don’t salvaholy get was Paul alive and in him. companions This happened travel right to Philippi, after he was inTherefore, as followers of to Christ, we are called to getting inPaul the way. Do you ever feel the temptation people Further, along. tion is without (1 Peter is work. 1:15, a man 16) But who in Paul the thirsts confidence also encourages toknown see that the PhiGod the arrested troducing for the proclaiming gospel to what Jesus is now as Saviour as Euand do the same. to become ahe hermit, run from it all and work has lippians Philippians promised becoming by to letting make mature them usaway (or know even ‘perfect’ they are NET) not Lord rope. when said “May Iholy. have athat word with you” out this God thing just you and him? and And alone last viewing in of the all, hard things to rejoice! work magnified ahead Rejoice of in them. in the the light Lord. God is of When right God went on toout share story. Paulhe also points thathisit freedom is God who works in questions and we there do relying with that, them, we onLuke will the doing Lord’s be able his revelation part to show –Paul’s giving his in them amazing timesenthe of Arriving there tells us that us, so that we may do his will. Meaning, initial since God Have you ever heard someone say, ‘you don’t need confusion. love desire through and power Lastly, the things tohe work. encouraged wepersecutor do. When them we Christians rejoice to follow we Paul counter was from with being women. One whose name is is How in went us,well we should notthe act like everyone else, but 1. do you think your ‘light isofshining’? questions to go tohave church to betoa Christian’, ‘going to Mchis do not example toofLydia, be knowing anxious Christ about what byorbeing other aand people model and mentioned of the is church Gentile being persecuted and a cloth dealer. put rather we should shine out like stars in this dark Donald’s doesn’t make you aqualities hamburger’? True, to think He others. writes of she us a or list ifofthe wonderful tasks that we’re facing (4:8, arrest9) seem that in Though prison for feared his faith. God, As down Paul by was the being river, in the world. Moreover, when something isthat being poured 2. What are the you face could 1. Did you have achallenges different perspective about who the act of going into a particular building once a impossible, he calls the Philippians because the to peace strive of for, God encouraging will guard ed place he testified of prayer, that she when met the Paul blood and of herthe heart martyr reout it means that something was inside that cup possibly dim this light? saints are? What qualities do you associate with a week will not or keep you apractice. Christian. Howour them hearts to put and allmake his minds teaching in Jesus. into Stephen sponded was to his message he stood 14). there Her household giving was apto beginwho with. For Paul it(vwas Christ, it washis God’s person isshed, called a saint? ever, there is something deeply, necessarily, inquestions proval baptised and and was she guarding opened the upwas clothes herpouring home of those toout thefrom who belove, grace and power that trinsically vital about being partAfter of a his community were lievers. killing him (Acts 22:20). converhim. 2. If you are called a saint, does it change the way of faith. It is there support, friendship, 1. How has Paul become afind ‘model’ of Christ to the sion Paul tothat thewe realisation that everything questions you look atcame yourself? accountability, correction, opportunity for laughPhilippians or to us today? is was It worthless not long compared before Paul to the faced value hisof first what difficulty Christ ter and tears, service, food, security and honesty. has in Philippi done for and us he (Phil and 3:7). Silas He were developed unjustly such thrown an 1. What How do kind weof stand workfirm do you as athink Christian Paul is questions lifestyle perspective We journey together in working out what it looks 2. How is knowing Christ Jesus considered a immense into prison love (v and 23).devotion At midnight, serving however, Jesuswhile that community? instructing the Philippians totodo? like toin beand followers of When wedo look at Je‘gain’ your life? Which other things you he desired praying tosinging suffer as toJesus. Christ God an suffered earthquake and also shook to 1. Why was it so important for Jesus to be This passage serves as a warning to us young peosus’ disciples, and accounts ofwhen his life, the consider as ‘loss’? dieWhich the as foundations, Christ died the (Phil doors 3:10). opened and the chains 2. What can things we do please totheir help God? each And other why do we we need obedient even to death on this earth? ple that we should obey God at all times. As young lifestyle perspective only lone wolf we see is Judas – not the best exfell off! (valong 26). The jailer’s fear for his don’t desire get and power with from someone Godconsequent toin doour them? Christian people we can relate totosuch the writer of this chapter, ample of how to please Jesus or grow in holiness. 3. Why is it important keep our eyes on those How own life could turned he have to belief had and a he dramatic was saved change along in community? 2. Why is it so hard to be a humble servant? God’s Word was written primarily for his people. as if he were a parent advising us about how we John Wesley once said, ‘there is no holiness but who ‘live as we do’ (v 17) in relation to following hisAre with life? the During restany of his word family to(v the 34). crowd as heyou was be3. there other Scripture passages In church? At school? In your Atfor work? This means that the Bible was family? intended all beshould live our lives. social holiness’; in other words, it’s impossible Paul’s example? ing arrested he retold his moment of transforma3. Be honest know that can with describe yourself God’s – have partyou in our rejoiced to lievers. All of God’s saints are therefore empowlive torevealed please Jesus on your tion. God He said “About in noon life as–own. IPaul came through near Damasword, in salvation? the Lord And recently? ourthe part? If notof why do you think 3. What is being poured out fromenables you – Christ’s ered with the Holy Spirit, who them to It also tells us that there is great reward in listencus, haven’t prayer suddenly and done praise a bright light these from initial heaven life-transflashed you it?made If yes – what has made you love or the world’s standards? read and understand the Bible and live out a life ing, but there are also consequences should we Paul, writing the in Philippians Philippi, encourages around forming me. encounters Ito fell tochurch the withground the and heard possible. a voice rejoice? that is ‘clean in thought, word and deed’ as we read not obey. As Ephesians 6:1 says, ‘Children, obey their life together, butpersecute also challengsay tocommunity me, ‘Saul! Saul! Why do you me?” in the Salvation Army’s Junior Soldier’s Promise. your parents in the Lord, for this is right’. es themFrom to keep it up. His first speak to the (v 6-7). this moment on words he was completely saints, people, those who are in Christ – sold outthe forholy Christ, he was a new person. ‘Respect yourto father and your(Philippians mother’ is the people trying follow Jesus 1:1) first and commandment that has a promise added – ‘so he talks to them as a community – this is not

the world (see Proverbs 24:13).

something that can be done alone. This underI’ve ‘Life heard is what you many times it’ that orfaith ‘Everyone our Christian is the minarthat you may live aarelationship long time in thestarts land that I am As Christians in amake with other people Sundays in Baguio Corps (Philippines) start with a standing ofso awere community of way back 1. Through When you the vision child, received, what Paul was the was one certain thing lifestyle perspective istry chitect isOld of all his about own relationships fortune’. Iyou? don’t with know the people about giving you’ (Exodus 20:12 Good News). and, most importantly, God, itHow is very imporprayer meeting attovaluable 8.30 inPhilippi. the morning. Mornings in the Testament. Read Exodus 19:3-8. that God was wanted the him most go towith to can we outside you, but our to me churches. those quotes But how are do typical we scripturally, do mottoes that? of tant to live holy lives. God intended forMy us are special to not only because seek God’s guidance for our lives? Think about theme lifestyle of anever saint. When I think of smartphone the world we live had in. the They answer. symbolise I was going a world to where write Life and society can make us neglect these innot to befriend non-believers or live life in isolajoy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5), but also 2. Can you relate Philippians 3:7?She What aquestions saint, I think ofto Mother Theresa. is aiswom-I (based on Exodus 19:3-8) the no one word cares ‘community’ about each in other, my phone where (as everyone memo is structions, because the world has made itaokay to tion sowake that we are affected by worldly or unget to up earlier and hear stories during the something 2. Acts that 16:13-15 younot used identifying to consider the process of value of anRead who was selfless, she put others before herself note just going for this around Bible doing study) their when own it autocorrected business. They it do things that are against Christianity, things that holy situations. Rather, we have a more responmeeting. Thisbecome one isAre my favourite. but Lydia’s has now worthless there similarities because ofto what your and sheconversion. literally took onto the role of a servant. She 1. Whom does God call a life of holiness? to represent ‘communicate’. adone? ‘Me, Myself and I’ worldview. have bad consequences in about our Christian sible role to play,experience? not only for others butlives. also for Christ own has reallyconversion took Paul’s words imitating Christ ourselves; need to keep a carrying check ‘There wasIwe once a blind man lamp as we he seriously. think we are called toon doawhether the same. 2. What is the response to God? The As a first Christian, verse of who chapter is in four relationship tells us to with commuother A good example of this is the parable of the lost are putting our Christian beliefs into practice in crossed the dark road. A driver who was rushing 3. What can about we what learnto could from Paul? How if ‘we does sathis down WeThink are truly called thinkhappen of others before ournicate/pray people and, with more God importantly, because that’s with the God, only I can’t way son, which ison found in Luke 15:11-32. This young our daily lives. got agitated seeing the man, for he was walking testimony and began encourage to speak’ with or challenge people more you often. in How selves, to work without grumbling and toyour love the 3. How would you respond to the challenge to to have stand a worldview firm in the that Lord. only The revolves second around and me. third I man was fooled by friends, who made him go slowly. On the second night he saw the blind man faith could walk? this become a reality in our daily lives? people of this crooked generation. I decided to do obey God fully and to keep his covenant (v 5)? verses seek guidance tell us to both from God and with from other other peoin against his father. We also Christians may find And even when itcommunicate isgiving not easy to live a each righteous life again, but he was late for his meeting so he ignored this very thing by a as year of my life in comWhat does that look like in your life today? our ple –church and people so on we seek canguidance stand together from me. aswe We one come and ourselves being fooled by worldly things and then amongst non-righteous people (though him. However, the night, the driver got out 4. Describe significant moments in your life that plete servanthood andthird full on dedication toshould Christ work alongside together. each The other fifth on verse our life’s is telling journey us and to comGod we go astray. Yet when we realise our failings and never judge anyone), we are strengthened by of his car and talked to him. “I want to know why God has acted through word, prayer and praise. by participating in a programme called ‘Revolu4. What would it look like for your community to municate is always there with people in a constant outside relationship the church with through us. return to God, he is happy to welcome us back, in every step of our life. Being holy, pure, righyou carry a lamp despite your condition. I mean, lifestyle perspective tion Hawaii’. obey God fully and keep his covenant? our actions, come our love the just as the father welcomed his prodigal sontoand teous and clean may not befrom such aman superhuman it won’t help atwhich all.” The poor blind replied in Lord. Irejoiced had always And thewanted sixth and toare play seventh the piano verses and encourwhen at his return. after all when we in constant fellowship atask meek voice, “This lamp is not for me to see the As I read stories in the Bible I often find it very Throughout that yearfor I learned what itameant to 5. What does ityears mean us today to be Iage was us about again 11 to communicate old,me I started with piano God, which classes. willI with him. road, but for you tolove see as I walk.”’ hard to believe that transformations and mirlifestyle perspective serve the poor, to my teammates, tothe search ‘kingdom of priests’ (v 6)? help had a to great ‘guard teacher our hearts and I and rehearsed mind in at Jesus’ home (v (al7). acles of wholeheartedly Jesus and his followers caneverything, still happen for God and, above to Following Paul’s first visit to Philippi the congremost) I we loved playing. Butofthen we Like the blindweek. man, have tothinking be someone who today. Ievery sometimes find myself miremain humble. Have you ever tried beingthe humquestions gation grew. years later Paul was imprisoned Communicate moved and ISome did with not God, like my each new other, teacher at all. outcarries the torch for others. There are people whoI raculous things did on earth aspeople something ble? Trust me, it Jesus is extremely difficult. lifestyle perspective again and thewhat church sent oneweek. oflife their members, side barely the rehearsed church and during with the again So –on that’s Iearth stopped. athey cirlose sight of issituations essential in because that happened during hisGod ministry and 1. Have you been in where peer pres1. Why do you think it was important for Paul to Epaphroditus, to visit him with a gift (Philippians cle Today ofhas communication my piano playing that isleading not Iare think good is and useful certainly in our drown themselves inchurch an ofanation selfish desires. forget that we his called toI continue Notice that this text refers to the of Israel. sure hindered you in saintly life? For example, aascouple ofocean months before the year tell us to continue to obey? 4:18). Consequently, the book of Philippians is a daily do not lives. like thinking We need about to be how part it of could a society have develwhere They believe that they are gaining a lot from too his mission. They are a community of saints and the people, was up, I had hurt my knee (it turns out I had beautiful letter of friendship Paul sent back to the we’re oped if taking I had care kept of onto others. practising. Jesus gave up all powmuch work, technology, money and talking. as a community, are called to be holy. Inall the New 2. Do you God carry you through sprained atrust ligament pretty badly). Because IThey was 2. What reward may we receive from Christ if we saints expressing his gratitude for the present, er and human prestige by surrendering and beparticipate less in prayer, fellowship and church Throughout the New Testament we see the absoTestament the new Israel consists of advised those people situations where being morally and holy incapable of working as usual, Ipure was toisdo do everything without grumbling? but also encouraging them to rejoice in ing In my obedient lifefrequently asyou ato Christian death Iwas need a life cross. God We to show are called me to involvement, not realising that knowing Godthe is lute transformation inon the of Paul. change who are ‘in Christ something never possible? smaller tasks. I thought wasJesus’. simply infuriated atThe myself for what God had done for them in Christ. be things God’s that servants Igain. need to and work to work on, skills for God’s I can develop. purposconsidered in him was so great that he had become a new pergetting injured so easily and thus I started grum3. How hard do you find it to not grumble or es This in is our God community doing his – part for and and not he will against always others do son in almost every way his physical form. The difference between the you Old Testament and 3. Are there situations which can now bling. From this injury I except learned that I hadhangrown complain about things? In his letter Paul praises God and tells the Philip(Philippians it. I have 2:6-11). to at listen The to him andare I responsibilialso isneed called to As Christian young we have aArmy It’s easy to look something like this and New Testament is people Jesus. Saints called and dleBut better, that itSalvation is possible and prideful, I knowing had grown complacent, and I that hadthink this pians how much he loves them and how special to try, save to practise, souls, grow to work saints hard and on serve the suffering things God huis ty bring these souls under the grace of God. We that such notTesocchosen by extreme Jesus to transformation live forasJesus. Incould the thetochoices younew make are important toNew God as idea that my duties were now considered they arejust toWe him (1:7), encouraging them grow manity. instructing If we me read to do. the letter my tosaint, the part. Romans If Itoalways stop, we cannot tell them toThis church, confess their cur today. may have seen lives transformed inI tament never talks oftois one but those ofPaul anyone else? pointless. Thankfully, ago staff worker pointed out in spiritual knowledge and insight (1:9). He calls can won’t see develop. that being a saint insomething a community, being a sins and accept Jesus as what Saviour if we are not livsome way but maybe not to this extent. ‘saints’. Becoming is that wealso do and encouraged meholy that I was doing was the asaints to unity and encourages them toand have a part of serving others in a lower position doing life submissive to his love. Keep in mind that in theimportant Christian community. We aretosaints togethvery and that I needed do my best. Christlike attitude towards each other (2:5), preing that joyfully (without looking at ourselves as there areyou eyes looking at us – allsing around ThereThe exciting thing is pray that although Jesus may er. Have ever noticed how Christians are anot bit After this I started to and and Ius. gradually ferring each other’s interests in love, obeying God superior or better than the ones we serve), goes fore, we have model Christ. physically be to walking the earth with us now, likebetter. bees? Bees cannoton survive independently of felt and living pure and holy lives (2:15), rejoicing in hand in hand (Romans 12:16). that same power is living within us one another, they need the communitytoday. of the Paul hive the Lord always! (4:4). said “The Spirit God who raisedChristians Jesus from the to function andofcreate. When work dead livesininpursuing you” (Romans 8:11). together holiness the result sweetens

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The IHe People From can (Vanessa) tells transforming honestly this might them experience used say admit how that to and live his that we miraculous I have struggles with are I thought young learned a girl; in work in we’ll serving prison that age ofcall and Jesus when peohave her ex-I act! questions is available made Becki, perience. do ple things who’ve him who out But more for had previously of these us my acourageous allmentally are own today not had power just issues lived or inas and sharing physically it for in will was God, a then thoubeautiful the astough good what seen 1. Take Read aPhilippians few moments 2:12-18 analyse slowly your aslove your daily own life sands news flat in pours and the by rough and of out Bible the years of that sea. life through my ago. he She wasn’t cup counts was the is to my momentary passionate life everything responsibility of Jeremiah. about loss and (mostly Also, followfor pasthe in 1. Mottoes: and prayer. your Pray reaction it for others to situations too whom done God unconmay sake 1ing sion, because Timothy Jesus, of with Iyou adidn’t 4:12 and mix we of wanted Christ see selfishness read, it as and ‘Let to my live the no and gift) one ‘power alone, pride. until look of for IBut down realised his when reson What doknowing think about the mottoes: ‘Life isquiet, sciously. bring to your Try to mind. identify places where you feel you One urrection space, Iyou that have that because of more the contemplation, was and most of part you the God effective fellowship of are in giving young, my and forms my life, opportunity of but all sharing if of I to set power am Jesus. an constantly his example evangeto sufferIt grow is what you make it’more and ‘Everyone is the architectall could have been pure in your approach. lism ings’ in for seeking about Christ-likeness. the is(3:10), Jesus allowing believers after (Philippians ashim he people inthen presses But speech, to during 3:8-10, witness on in comes towards conduct, the 2:3, awith four transformed out 4) the and of in years my love, goal loving cup she in to of Commit his own fortune’? Dowhat you agree the reflec2. topurity.’ memorising verses 14-16a asand anwill. life. win lived faith is actions eternal the In and there, Ezekiel prize can in love only God which and 36:23 be led passion, is born God Becki eternal says when to mixed life. to move ignorance the with Israelites to God’s inner-city intions Why? Why not?tobiblical 2. important Tryabove? toI reveal read reminder different offlat how live.encourage characters “When London, difference todies. a about shared my Support, holiness love where through and teenagers you before coneach where the most insignificant people according to their Due stantly Empowered other to very and his drop eyes… rejoice situation in,God then homeless together. itand would theignited nations Itpeople be is expected byby will rejoicing knock the know fire that on that of inPaul the 2. Our part – by skills: others could do righteous and significant things IHow would door Holy Lord am the Spirit, at that feel all Lord.” we hours, grumpy young can For people friends give those and up hopeless. who can of our friends be witnessed own mighty But prestige sleep examples his Paul’s on joyful and the can you do your part; how will you work questions in the eyes of God, e.g. David, Samuel, Daniel, transformation, and couch, by surrender the positive and time they ‘service-users’ attitude and live how their time could towards again they become Gone his to not serve circumstancbelieve? friends aresuffering the It’s days who hard toway show the results oflives. your salvation? What Jeremiah, Joseph etc. the es, share of humanity. passivity. his same the confidence for journey Today’s us today; of in working young Christ those people we and out come what a can continued in it be looks contact the ‘dolike life skills docan youI be want to develop? Can God they works help you 1. How more mindful that in with of to ers’ be holiness and can like‘mirrors’ know Jesus. certainly that Undoubtedly, ofJesus Christ makes has everywhere. me transforming Becki examine was trying my powown to grow closer to God? me? 3. Make a diary where you can jot down how you er inout personal live ourGod’s lives outlook today. calling on life. to Iaam holy challenged life in herasseaside to how approached some situations differently because this flat, moulds but now my God relationship has supercharged with God her and efforts conseby questions 2. Why is it so important to value others above you thought more about living like a saint! How quently her putting howin this a context, affects those a community around me. where she questions yourself? hard was thisface change for with you?her weakness, other act! had to come to face 1. Do you feel that you are encouraged and questions Ichallenged peoples’ recentlyneed, read and a book God’s called power One toThousand bridge theGifts gap byayour church to serve suffering 1. Think about how you can make spiritual 3. What does holy life look like? Is there any 1. Share about either yourself or someone you by between Canadian the two. author Ann Voskamp who sets herhumanity? disciplines ayou part of your everyday life – and then 1. Who have been your personal justice that are fighting for? role know that has experienced transformation in of self the task of writing down, overmodels? a period do it! traits do they have worth emulating? How What their life? What changed within? time, Phil Needham 1,000 things thatcan ‘… she holiness sees must be love seen 2. What kind of writes things we doas todaily showblessings the did they impact yourby life? in as her a personal life. Inspired journey only this as initiative part of and a journey eager in to of God in ourdisciplines, daily lives? scan this QR code: For spiritual 2. you ever yourself that“citizens the way, inliveDoout fellowship Philippians withfind other 4:4-7 believers. indoubting a very Wepractical are 2. Are you willing to commit yourself to credible power of God that raised Jesus from the my family with the saints… and I have and recently members started of theexchanging household act! a torchbearer, a In reflection ofthat Christ dead is alive in you today? what ways? daily of God”’ emails (Ephesians writing 2:19). down The the New things Testament we for are almation act! others? 1. Demonstrate random acts of kindness either grateful lows us afor. holiness which is both singular and for a stranger or family 3. Are you doubting the member: powerful work of God plural. 1. Rejoice in the Lord! in of your instead faithfully Weany all area live far awaylife from eachofother so it’sbebeen • Pay for someone’s food or coffee drink lieving? In what areas do you need to trust and great readallwhat has blessed us has eachblessed day – our Write to down the things that God believe? bed, food, a good night’s sleep, someone who has questions you with and give thanks for them. • Give out candy or buy pizza for the made us laugh – are just some examples of things act! you homeless 1. Dohave experience growing in holiness part that helped us see above and beyondas the cir2. Communicate with God, others around you act! ofRead a community, or do youlives, find itacknowledging easier to en- in cumstances ofyour our daily 1. this verse prayerfully: and people in community from 2. Follow a Bible reading plan: (different • Tutor a kid that is having a hard time at to counter God on your own? everything God’s goodness, what he has given ‘…but set an example for the believers in speech, “Toaction get a man soundly saved enough to put the in Study 6 – do thisisasnot a group). us school free) and he(for has done forand us. in in conduct, in love, in faith (1 Timon himwhat aNo pair of new breeches, topurity’ give him reguNo Bible! Bed! No Bible! No Breakfast! 2. How are you intentionally engaging with • Pray. If you can think about something othy 4:12). lar work, or even to giveresource) him a University educa(USA Eastern Territory 2. Keep a prayer journal to record three blessings community? tion. that you’ve been too ashamed to say These things are all outside a man, andto if the for each day (at least for a month) and to talk to questions God, pray about it now. Contemplate how you can be a model in the inside remains unchanged you have wasted your God. 3. What people doyour you spend most of your time different areas of life: labour. You must in some way or other graft upon with? • Give or support 1. How do nature weencouragement, tendato react in love challenging the man’s new nature, which has in ittothe someone through Facebook, emailJust or like situations? a. element ofHome the Divine” (William Booth). 4. Are you an influencer or influenced? caterpillars spoken words. b. Place education into butterflies, so are of transformed 2. What does Paul’s teach us about are c. Workplaceattitude we transformed into Holy people by thethe pow5. Do you find the people you spend most time • Take a homeless person to get some food, way we should approach difficult situations in er d. Corps of God’s spirit within us. “And we all, who with help youyour lookneighbour more, or less like Jesus? own invite (that you’ve neverare our lives? with e. Community unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, spoken to) for a cup coffee,with ask ever-inyour being transformed into hisofimage 6. When community gets tough, when broken creasing classmate if you can help them with theiris glory, which comes from the Lord, who break people, it’sto easier to let peo people homework, or when feel3:18 free find other ways the Spirit” 2 Corinthians ple go than to work through your issues, when to communicate with your community. moving forward requires vulnerability, what then?

Rations 2. 1. Think SpendGuide about time reading people in books youron lifeleadership, who are not act! (Includes a one-year Bibleas: plan) on a butterfly. holiness yet Christians. and prayer Writesuch their names 1. Commit to finding and joining an accountabilDownload here (scan the QR Commit toit for these people regularly and 1. There is apraying Chinese saying, ‘Acode): journey of a 1,000 ity group, where you can pray together, be honest Army use the on paper its Knees butterfly as astep’. reminder to docase this.his miles begins with a single In Paul’s about yourwas joyshis and struggles, really share by Colonel Janet Munn and Major Court first step obedience toand theStephen vision he had life together. 2. Ask God tothe reveal to you in began. your life received and church in areas Philippi Inthat light Helps he wants to Holiness to transform. Write a personal prayer of the events described in Acts 16:6-40 what sin2. astep checklist oftake thethe places in your that by onMake Commissioner adaily butterfly asking Samuel for Logan transforming Brengle gle can we that could lead life topower someare ‘private’, that your you would never consider letof Jesus to shape thing significant? Gugulethu Promise life. Khoza (Southern Africa Territory) ting someone else in. Are these healthy and holy? New Love – Think about your friendship groups, People call mepossessions, Promise! I love and fear God very much Thinking Aloud about Practical Holiness 2. Remember handwritten letters?! Write a letter and I’m really passionate about working for Christ. struggles, vulnerabilities and personal space. Try by General Shaw Clifton to someone who is going through a difficult time. I live with my parents who are officersof of Deva Sukanya Parthipati (India Northern Territory) looking at what it’s like to let people in to some Deliver it in person or post it to them. Include one The Salvation Army and my younger brother. those places. Think intentionally engaging Prayer – I’m Does it from makeabout any Difference orI more verses Philippians. a quiet friendly person and a straight talker. met Jesus at a veryand young age and he has constant with community as a discipline, andbeen seemy where by Philip Yanceyever since. I love to participate companion in my corps that could lead you. 3. Access the as website and activities such the choir, band, choreography and dance groups. I enjoy travelling and making new friends. The Jesus I Never Knew find out more about Christians who, like Paul, are by Yanceybecause of their faith. Commit to stillPhilip persecuted praying for them daily for a chosen period of time. Check the available resources on (scan QR code): (Scan QR code for link:)

3. Develop a personal plan to build a Christlike character through, for example, daily morning and evening devotions or creating a prayer room at your corps and spending time there. Rachel Vasquez (USA Western Territory) I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from California State University Northridge. I recently dedicated a year of my life of servant hood to a programme called Revolution Hawaii. My next step is to continue working with the homeless people in Hawaii and following God’s path for Louise Wahl (Denmark Territory) my life. Stephanie Parker Chagas (Centre Spiritualabout Life Development) I became a soldier in 2007. I’mfor passionate discipleship, anti-trafficking, fair trade, music and living a life that reflects I was born in IBrazil have been working Salvation Jesus. was aand volunteer at the Centrefor forThe Spiritual Life Army in London since 2011.Development I love spending time with2013. God, throughout Paulsson (Sweden Latvia ITerritory) Territory) family andKristoffer close friends, travelling and and exercising. desire to Ashlee Sheppard (Australia Eastern be more like Jesus, helping others alongTerritory) the way. Junjie Pablo (The Philippines That not-so-typical-Swedish who recently worked at the I’m currentlyguy working as registered nurse. Lieutenants Vanessa anda Xander Coleman Centre for Spiritual Life Development. I like to hang out with I’m passionate seeing every member of the I am currently theabout Young People’s Sergeant-Major in Church Baguio (United Kingdom with the Republic of Ireland Territory) God and support the most beautiful football club in the world, pursuing spiritual growth and the power the Corps. I teach English. I lead theexperiencing prayer meeting in our of corps Arsenal. I also spend aofficers lot of time creating ear candy and Holy Spirit in all fullness (with the corps sergeant-major) that aims to its strengthen We are currently corps at Banbury Salvation Army painting pictures words. people’s prayer life. I was a volunteer at prayer the International ColPrayer Beacon. We’re passionate about andwith communilege for Officers and Centre for Spiritual Development in ty, and seeing transformation take placeLife in people’s lives as London and a delegate to the World Youth Convention in Jesus. 2010. they come closer to

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