Balboa Park Trust

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Since 1985, the Balboa Park Trust, a family of endowment funds managed by The San Diego Foundation, has provided more than $1.7 million for the preservation, maintenance and beautification of Balboa Park.

Balboa Park Alcazar Garden

To All Who Cherish

Balboa Park


alboa Park is one of the most visited and treasured urban parks in the world. For almost a century now, millions of people have visited our Park each and

every year and hopefully you were among them. Do you enjoy hearing the chimes from the California Tower? Do you look forward to the yearly poinsettia display in the Botanical Building? Have you enjoyed the restored fountains adjacent to the repaired lily ponds? If you love the extraordinary collection of plants growing throughout the Park, have you had a chance to read the information kiosks in Palm Canyon or Zoro Garden to learn more about them or wandered the grounds with a map of the gardens? When was the last time you sat on the benches and basked in the sights and sounds of the Park? Have you stopped to smell the roses at the Rose Garden?

These are just a few examples of the projects made possible by the Balboa Park Trust, a family of endowment funds at The San Diego Foundation. Our funds are expertly managed and distributed by The San Diego Foundation, which is advised by the Balboa Park Trust committee. Our committee members have a great deal of knowledge and experience regarding the Park, and are passionate and devoted to its present and future well-being. They serve as stalwart stewards of the donors’ intentions. This report has been prepared to let you know about the work in which we have been proudly engaged. With so many visitors annually, preservation of the Park’s grounds, buildings and infrastructure are extremely challenging to maintain. The City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department does a commendable job, however city budgets and staff have been shrinking while Park attendance has skyrocketed. As the Park’s financial need exceeds what current city budgets can provide, the Balboa Park Trust is able to meet some of the challenges. Many of our grant requests come directly from city staff for needs that might not otherwise receive funding. In this report you will read about a variety of projects our collection of endowment funds has made possible, along with the categories of projects funded since 1989. Imagine how much more we could do with endowments five or even 50 times larger. Every donation counts! The future of Balboa Park rests in all of our hands. Join us in this gallant effort to preserve and protect this San Diego treasure, now and forever. With warmest regards,

Alan Spector Alyssa Wolven Chair, Balboa Park Trust Incoming Chair, Balboa Park Trust

Heather Back Associate Vice President, Marketing and Media Relations

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“Balboa Park is the greatest asset we have in our community. We have a responsibility to take care of it. Government can’t do it alone…” — Gene Trepte Thearle - Trepte Balboa Park Organ Fund

The History of Balboa Park


alboa Park was set aside as parkland in 1868. Not

much happened to the sagebrush-covered vacant land in its first 20 years, until a young woman named Kate Sessions moved to San Diego in the late 1800s. Kate Sessions was instrumental in landscaping the Park, introducing exotic trees and flowering shrubs from countries with climates similar to ours.

In 1915, the Panama-California Exposition was organized to celebrate the completion of the Panama Canal. Civic leaders wanted to showcase San Diego as the first large commercial port in the United States north of Panama. An ambitious undertaking for a city of fewer than 40,000 residents, it was the genesis of the landmark architecture and cultural offerings along El Prado, as well as the San Diego Zoo.

After the fair closed, San Diegans loved the beautiful Spanish Colonial architecture in Balboa Park and lobbied to keep the buildings, the majority of which were intended to be only temporary structures. Most of the buildings were still standing in July 1934 when, once again, benevolent citizens decided to host a world’s fair. Eight months later, in May 1935, the California Pacific International Exposition opened in Balboa Park. The Old Globe Theatre, Spanish Village, the International Cottages and the well-used facilities in the Palisades area were all added at that time. During World War II, many of the Park buildings served as hospital wards and dormitories for staff of the Naval Hospital. After the war, these buildings were returned to the city and many became home to major cultural institutions.

Kate Sessions statue in Balboa Park 2 | Balboa Park Trust

Today, Balboa Park serves a metropolitan region of nearly three million people. San Diego is a major tourist destination situated near the busiest border crossing in the United States. Last year, an estimated 14 million people visited Balboa Park, and that number continues to grow. Six million of those visits were to cultural institutions and the zoo, with another eight million enjoying the passive and recreational outdoor facilities.

Rose Garden

Balboa Park Trust

The San Diego Foundation


alboa Park is much beloved by the residents of our region. The Balboa Park Trust is a

collection of funds established in 1978 with a generous donation from Florence Christman. Mrs. Christman’s service with the San Diego Historical Society inspired in her a great interest in Balboa Park. She wrote “The Romance of Balboa Park,” a popular 143-page souvenir book published in 1988. Wanting to preserve the Park’s charm and splendor, she donated her house to the city, specifying that the proceeds go to a fund for the beautification of Balboa Park.

It is the goal of the Balboa Park Trust to embrace the legacy, foresight and wisdom of our founders, as we partner with new donors who share this same passion.The San Diego Foundation was the first to contribute financially and will continue to ensure that Balboa Park remains the “Jewel” of San Diego. We invite you to enjoy the sights and sounds of the park from one of the memorial benches along 6th Avenue, or take a stroll through the Trees of Health Garden. This special garden is filled with medicinal and commercial specimens from around the world.

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The Balboa Park Trust has grown to include many special funds created in enduring memory of a loved one or in thanks for memorable times spent at the Park. The legacy of these donors will live forever because the principal of the endowment will never be spent. The earnings from the Balboa Park Trust will provide endless support to ensure our Park’s beauty and vitality for every generation.

Funds of the Balboa Park Trust

The San Diego Foundation Balboa Park Fund of The San Diego Foundation

*Gayle and Enrico Grosso Fund

Nate’s Point Dog Park Fund

Balboa Park Holiday Fund

Al Gabbs San Diego Community Christmas Center Committee Fund

National Electrical Contractors Association Fund

J. Clark Chamberlain Memorial Fund

Gladys Hakel Fund

Pauline des Granges Balboa Park Fund

Hibben Balboa Park Fund

*C.J. “Pat” Paderewski Balboa Park Fund

*Lilyan B. Frank Memorial Rose Garden Endowment Fund

Klauber Balboa Park Fund

Freitas Family Balboa Park Fund Albert A. and Anna Belle C. Gabbs Balboa Park Fund *V. Susan Gephardt Endowment Fund

Claude and Dianna Hudnall Fund Rodger & Mary Lindsay Poinsettia Fund

Romance of Balboa Park Fund San Diego County Associated General Contractors–Carpenters Union Health & Welfare Fund

Marston House Endowment Fund

Kate Sessions Sculpture Maintenance Fund

Ida Louise McCalvin Botanical Gardens Easter Fund

*Thearle – Trepte Organ Fund The Weekes Balboa Park Fund

*We also appreciate those who maintain donor advised funds at The Foundation to benefit Balboa Park.

Read on to see how you too can ensure the rich history of Balboa Park...

“The buildings in Balboa Park were originally built

for the 1915 Panama-California Exposition, a very challenging undertaking whose success left San Diegans with an enthusiastic, can-do spirit that lasted for decades. Today, when I walk through the Park, the thought of that great achievement back in 1915 – the year I was born – gives me a boost. I’d like to see that same spirit help build endowments for Balboa Park. We can do it.” - Philip M. Klauber Klauber Balboa Park Fund

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Balboa Park Trust Grantmaking Highlights Balboa Park’s Botanical Building

Additional grantmaking highlights: Capital (Landscaping/Bricks and Mortar) • • • • •

Tree planting and replacement • Misting system for the interior of the Botanical Building Landscape improvements • Restoration of plaques Replaced Canary Island Date Palms Playground equipment and restoration • Major improvements in the Rose Garden Park benches • Chandeliers and wall sconces

• • • • • •

Historic lighting Improved signage Updated irrigation systems Replaced fountain pumps Memorialization of park benches 6th Avenue benches

Park Events • Annual holiday displays of poinsettias • Annual Easter lily display • Publicity and transportation for December Nights

• Support for Buds ‘n Blooms, Exposition 2000 and Millennium Celebration

Park Promotion • Funding of quarterly “e-newsletter,” videos and books about Balboa Park • Public relations support

• Spanish translation of Park Website • Maps of Balboa Park Gardens • Book on Trees of Balboa Park

Research/Education • Printing free interpretive guides to the eight popular gardens in the heart of the Park • Horticultural Survey

• California Tower Seismic Study • Funded a children’s audio tour of Balboa Park • Starlight Bowl Feasibility Study

Join us in the long-term preservation and maintenance of Balboa Park: Donate online at Send a check for the Balboa Park Trust to The San Diego Foundation. Set up a permanent endowment fund in your name to benefit Balboa Park. Contribute to the Balboa Park Future Fund and help protect the Park for generations.

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More than $1.7 Million Granted since 1985

$32,000 Restoration and enhancement of the carillon in the California Tower

$69,000 Horticultural and tree survey leading to publication of illustrated guide “Trees & Gardens� of the Park

$32,000 Restoration of historic structures at the Marston House

$51,000 Replacement of old playground equipment at several sites throughout the Park

$35,000 Replacement of exterior neon lighting of the Ford Building

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

$12,000 Carillon for the California Tower and Park Ranger Training

$28,000 Canyon and Trail enhancement with GPS units

$52,400 Restoration of the Lily Pond

$64,440 Marston House and Panama-California Court Repair

$50,966 Playground Equipment Restoration

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 6 | Balboa Park Trust

$62,000 Marketing and public relations program funding for the Park

$30,000 Replacement of old seating in Casa del Prado Theater

$70,000 Replacement and upgrade of trash cans throughout the Park

$25,000 Capital improvements at Nate’s Point D og Park

$56,000 Removal of old shuffleboard courts at Redwood Bridge Club

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

$40,000 Balboa Park Conservancy Operations

$100,000 2015 Centennial Celebration

$69,500 Botanical Fountain, Rose Garden Irrigation and Lily Pond renovations

$10,000 Commissioned Starlight Bowl Feasibility Study

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Balboa Park Trust | 7

Grants: FY 1985-2013

Growth of Balboa Park Funds

Actual Allocations



59% 11%



23% 2,000,000



Landscaping/ Bricks and Mortar

Park Promotions

Parks Events







How the Balboa ParkTrust

Allocates its Grants


he San Diego Foundation made a commitment several years ago to allocate funds for Balboa Park by type of project. The goal is to devote approximtely 50% for capital

improvements: half of that (25%) for bricks and mortar projects such as restoration of historic structures at the Marston House and adding interpretive kiosks to the public gardens, with the other half (25%) spent on landscaping needs such as the replacement of trees recently lost to infestation and repairs to the irrigation system for the Rose Garden. Approximately 30% of our funding is dedicated to Park events. Over $300,000 has been given in support of community events such as Balboa Park December Nights (formerly Christmas on the Prado), Exposition 2000 (turn of the millennium celebration) and Buds ‘n Blooms floral festivals. An additional $25,000 was given for Easter lilies and poinsettias. Projects that promote Balboa Park through public relations efforts, advertising, signage and banners make up 10% of our grants. Another 10% is allocated for research and public education projects such as the tree surveys conducted between 1989 and 1996, a feasibility study to reopen the Starlight Bowl, printing of free brochures about “The Gardens of Balboa Park,” and production of the popular children’s audio tour.

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The Future of Balboa Park The beauty of Balboa Park continues...and so does its need for support. Consider making a “forever” gift to ensure perpetual support of what you cherish most about Balboa Park. By establishing a permanent endowment fund, your legacy and passion will be honored forever. Support Balboa Park by creating something that lives beyond your lifetime.

Your Balboa Park Endowment in 4 Easy Steps: Decide When to Give

Open an endowment with a current gift, set up a deferred gift (such as a charitable gift annuity), or provide for a lasting legacy through your will or estate plan.

Decide What to Give

Start your fund with cash, securities, life insurance, real estate or private foundation assets.

Name Your Endowment Fund

Funds are named for the donor or the donor’s family, or as a memorial to someone special. You may even choose a specific area of the Park to support.

Give to the Balboa Park Forever Fund

Donate to the fund that will pool contributions for maximum impact. Help protect the Park’s beauty.

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When the first donors established the Balboa Park Trust, they wanted to ensure it would always be wisely stewarded. They entrusted their funds to The San Diego Foundation and under its management and guidance the funds have grown, are secure and will continue to benefit our beloved Park for generations to come. We offer a sincere thank you to The Foundation’s many volunteers and staff, past and present, who have helped us make Balboa Park a better place, now and forever.

Present Committee Members: Alan Spector, Chair

Elaine Balok

Alyssa Arianna Wolven, Jon Bailey Incoming Chair Jack Berkman

Derek Danziger

Conny Jamison

Bill Gabrielson

Paul Meyer

Past Committee Members: Dianne Annala

Pauline des Granges*

Betty Hubbard

C.J. Paderewski*

Philip Blair

Susan Favrot

Philip Klauber

Ken Rearwin*

Anthony Block

Preston Fleet*

Tim Larrick*

Martha Remmell

Deni Carpenter

Willis Fletcher*

George Loveland

Nina Smart

Jacqueline Carr

Anna Belle Gabbs*

David Lynn

Mardi Snow

J. Dallas Clark*

William Gordon*

Susan Maddox

Chick Smith*

Lesley Cohn

Charles Guthrie*

Janet McDonough

Eugene Trepte

David Contois

Albert Harutunian III

Marcia McLatchy

Donald Van Ness*

Pamela Crooks

Joseph Hibben*

Kevin Munnelly

James Waters

Patricia DeMarce*

Sandra Fleet Honnen

Josiah Neeper*

Betty Jo Williams

The San Diego Foundation Balboa Park Staff: Bob Kelly, President & CEO

As of July 2013

Heather Back, Associate Vice President, Marketing & Media Relations * In Memoriam

The San Diego Foundation has helped thousands of people plan their giving, maximize their tax advantages, and support their favorite causes, such as keeping Balboa Park beautiful during their lifetimes and beyond. You can donate online at or mail your contribution to the Balboa Park Trust. All donations are tax deductible.

Photos courtesy of: Joanne DiBona, Allyson Krasny, Richard Benton and the Balboa Park Collaborative.

2508 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92106 (619) 235-2300 | | 10 | Balboa Park Trust

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