Mount Shasta Spiritual Journeys 2015

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MOUNT SHASTA ATTUNEMENTS Spiritual Wisdom Journeys


THANK YOU for joining the 2015 Mount Shasta Attunement Journeys! Your Mount Shasta experience will be very personal and profound. Between the energies in the vortex sites and the guardian spirits that you’ll meet, you’ll move into a higher level vibrationally and spiritually. The highly trained Wisdom Team takes great care to make sure your spiritual experience is exceptional, fun and more than you intend it to be. We have the expertise and skill to welcome all traditions and support you in your experiences based upon your beliefs. The Wisdom Team is carefully chosen personally by Joyce so that all individuals and traditions are supported. We have visited, experienced, and assembled the Mt. Shasta Journeys personally, before ever packaging it up for you. You will be carefully and gently guided into the next level of your life by experiencing the significant energies of one of the most sacred places on the planet. We will provide powerful guidance, fun, historical and mystical information, and of course, entertainment for a thrilling and significant life changing experience for you. We’re honored to have you join us. Your Wisdom Team Leader, Joyce M. Jackson





Three Days That Will Change Your Life

Four Days That Electrify Your Spirit

Five Days That Alter Your Soul

Feeling stuck? Keep repeating the same patterns? Searching for your “aha” moment? The three day BREAKTHROUGH JOURNEY is just for you!

Need a challenge? Looking for a significant answer? Searching for a moment of personal, emotional and spiritual brilliance? The four day ASCENSION JOURNEY is just for you!

Want to alter reality? Desire to revamp your spirit? Searching to shift your vibration upward?

This journey is carefully designed to clear, cleanse and drop the rust you call, “blocks” and prepare you to step into your authentic spiritual self. Eight energy sites are sequenced in such a way to create the breakthrough you are searching for. The trip is scheduled twice a year in group form in late July and September. It occurs over a Friday, Saturday and Sunday sequence, departing for Mount Shasta early Friday morning, returning early Sunday evening. While the sites are remote, there is no hiking or intense physical exertion. Accommodation is in a private house as a group.

This rugged journey is custom crafted to bring you face-toface with Source for your answers and heighten your awareness. The trip is scheduled in July, while Summer bathes the summit of Mount Shasta. It occurs over a Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday sequence, departing for Mount Shasta early Thursday morning. This very unique experience includes a two-day, one night camp at the top of the mountain itself. There is a one-day hike up the mountain, an overnight camping experience at the top and oneday hike down. PARTICIPANTS ARE REQUIRED TO BE IN EXCELLENT HEALTH TO EMBARK UPON THIS JOURNEY.

The five day TRANSFORMATION JOURNEY is just for you! This luxurious custom journey is crafted to clear, cleanse, and transform you in a short period of time as you to step into your authentic spiritual nature in a more significant way. Being pampered while doing so adds to your experience. A private luxury home for five days includes a gourmet chef, meals, and beverages, along with transportation to all sites. Ten energy sites are sequenced in such a way to create the transformation you are searching for. The trip is scheduled once a year in August over a Monday through Friday sequence.







As some stories have it, the ancient second city of Lemuria, Telos, is buried within Mt. Shasta. Encased in a volcanic eruption, the city, it’s inhabitants and some of it’s energies, fuel Mt. Shasta. It is said the well spring of Telos bubbles to the surface and emerges as the Headwaters of the Sacramento River. The fresh water is cold, clear, medicinal, and healing. The water percolates to the surface and comes out of the ground at this point just before it rushes to feed the Sacramento River. It’s healing nature is akin to that of Lourdes. The Mount Shasta City Park is the site for the Headwaters of California’s Sacramento River. Even in the driest years, waters from this plentiful spring gush endlessly from a mossy rock face. The water is pure and safe to drink right out of the spring. With focus and intent, this site begins a clearing process for all visitors.




Panther Meadow is a sacred Native American site towards the top of the mountain. It is inhabited by many spirits, and with the proper blessings, can unite you with a special spirit guide for your entire Journey to Shasta. Friday twilight ceremonies in the Meadow provide significant spiritual experience for those on the Wisdom Journeys.




The Forest of Fear is a pine stand growing fearlessly in the alkaline soil of an ancient volcanic pumice flow. The light-colored soil is like a poultice and in sitting in the area, your blocks are pulled out of you by the soil and the trees. It assists you in releasing your fears and limitations. This clearing and cleansing site in the Modoc Lava Beds is remote and quiet so you can tap into your soul in the true silence of nature.




Glass Mountain covers 4,210 acres with black volcanic glass called obsidian. The obsidian is energetically grounding and cleansing, since it pulls from you issues and negative aspects you wish to release, into its calming energy. It’s powerful significance on the planet to the Native American culture and their traditions, bring life altering energies to you when you’re here.




The area that Medicine Lake is on, is one of the most unique geological areas in North America, let alone the Mt. Shasta locale. The water in Medicine Lake is a powerful healing force. Generations of Native American tribes have used the waters for healing and medicinal purposes. In sitting in it, you can actually feel the heavy residue of your fears and blocks being pulled out of your energy field, healing your body, mind, and spirit.




Jot Dean Cave is an ancient vortex energy site. It’s a very special, sacred place that has been used for ancient Native American rituals and spiritual practices for centuries. It’s also an ice cave. It is the first of the energetic charging sites that this Wisdom Journey visits. Many people have significant messages and breakthroughs at this locale after one and a half days of the cleansing sites around the mountain.




Lower Falls is a calming, gentle and soft energy that bathes you in its sweet caress. One of three falls fed by the McCloud River, the happy, joyful, positive energies, and spirits of this vortex site welcome you with their open arms. After a long day, this is the perfect site to soak up energy, meditate and receive messages from the spirits you seek to offer you calming and soothing messages of support and love.




(Note: This Site is on the 5 Day Transformation Journey Only) Petroglyph Rock is accessed through Tule Lake, a natural wildlife preserve where any time of the year you see a variety of abundant wildlife. This is an extremely powerful site with its energy and history. It’s guarded by a pair of falcons and you may see an owl, too. The area thousands of years ago was surrounded by a lake, where ancient Native Americans would paddle out to the rock and record their stories. The Glyphs are emotionally and spiritually moving.




(Note: This Site is on the 5 Day Transformation Journey Only) Captains Jack’s Stronghold is a site where the Modoc Indians held off the cavalry for nearly a year. When you enter the stronghold you can feel the presence of the spirit of Captain Jack and also feel the presence of the ghost dancers. Kintupash, also known as “Captain Jack”, was a chief of the Native American Modoc tribe of California and Oregon, and was their leader during the Modoc War. He and 50 men, along with their wives and children, defended themselves against the U.S. Army 20 times their strength. They brilliantly hid out for almost a year in the lava fields of what is now the Lava Beds National Monument. Their spirits are reverently honored as we visit the significant energy at the Stronghold.




This is why you come here. It is the crown jewel of the journey. On the morning of the third day, you travel to the top of the mountain and experience it’s energy. You go home changed forever. We drive to the top most parking area, 17 miles along the Everett Highway. For those who wish to walk a trail, we head up towards the caldera to sit in the main vortex energy. For those that wish to stay on level ground, we hold a ceremony near the parking area that is flat. It doesn’t matter what your choice is, you will absorb the electric energy of the top of the mountain.


3 DAY BREAKTHROUGH JOURNEY ITINERARY Friday: Depart Walnut Creek, Ca 8:00 a.m. Arrive & Check-In Home Site 1-3 p.m. • Headwaters of the Sacramento River (Lemuria Well Spring) 4 p.m. • Dinner 6 p.m. • Twilight Meditation Panther Meadow 8 p.m. • Fireside Ceremony & Fire Scrying 9:30 p.m. (optional) Saturday: • Forest of Fear • Glass Mountain • Medicine Lake • Jot Dean Cave

Lower Falls

Sunday: • Mt. Shasta • Travel back to Walnut Creek


5 DAY TRANFORMATION ITINERARY Monday: • Arrive & Check-In Luxury Home Site 1-3 p.m. • Headwaters of the Sacramento River (Lemuria Well Spring) 4 p.m. • Dinner 6 p.m. • Twilight Mediation Panther Meadow 8 p.m. • Fireside Ceremony & Fire Scrying 9:30 p.m. (optional) Tuesday: • Forest of Fear • Glass Mountain • Medicine Lake • Jot Dean Cave • Lower Falls Wednesday: • Personal Day • (Shopping in town, Mineral Hot Springs, Lakeside relaxing) Thursday: • Petroglyph Rock • Captain Jack’s Hideout Friday: • Mt. Shasta • Travel Depature





Three Days That Will Change Your Life PRICING: 1 Person 2 - 4 People 5 - 8 People 8 people or more

USD $ 1,895.00 per person USD $895.00 per person USD $695.00 per person USD $595.00 per person

SITES: Day 1: The Headwaters of the Sacramento River/ Panther Meadow Day 2: The Forest of Fear/ Glass Mountain/ Medicine Lake/ Jot Dean Cave/ Lower Falls Day 3: Mount Shasta


Four Days That Will Electrify Your Spirit PRICING: 1 Person 2 - 4 People 5 - 8 People 8 people or more

USD $ 2,295.00 per person USD $995.00 per person USD $895.00 per person USD $795.00 per person


Five Days That Will AlterYour Soul PRICING: 1 Person USD $ 1,995.00 per person *Must have at least 12 people on this trip.*

SITES: The Headwaters of the Sacramento River Panther Meadow Bunny Flat Trail to Mount Shasta Summit Lower Falls

SITES: Day 1: The Headwaters of the Sacramento River/ Panther Meadows Day 2: The Forest of Fear/ Glass Mountain/ Medicine Lake/ Jot Dean Cave/ Lower Falls Day 3: Personal Day: Shopping, Massage and a visit to the Hot Springs. Day 4: Petroglyph Rock/ Captain Jack’s Stronghold Day 5: Mount Shasta




TRIP NOTES NOTES: - Groups are small to insure your personal attention. - Maximum group size is 12 adults. - Transportation is by car and provided from Walnut Creek to Mount Shasta and back to Walnut Creek. If you make your own travel arrangements, we will coordinate rendezvous points with you. - Housing for the group is in a private home sized to house the entire group. The Transformation Journey is luxury accommodations and perks. - Mount Shasta is a California State Park. There are emergency services, medical and forestry professionals throughout the area. -We depart 8:00 a.m. on the first day of your Journey, and expect an approximate return time of 5:00 pm PT, of the last day evening. WEATHER: - The weather in Mount Shasta in July can be 90º – 100º degrees, and in September from 50º- 80º degrees, can vary greatly from warm temperatures to cold at night interspersed with rain or snow. Pack for layering clothes and make sure you bring rain gear. We will not be doing exhausting hiking, but the sites are remote and hiking boots are required. We will also be doing some attunements at several water areas, so pack extra towels and a suit if you want to swim.


ESSENTIAL ITEMS FOR THIS TRIP Gear: Sturdy hiking boots Flashlight Rain jacket Hat Sunglasses Sunscreen Warm layers (can get cold at night) Fleece Top Day Pack Recommended: Day Pack Protein Bars, Snacks Water (small bottles provided) Sunscreen Mosquito repellant Shoes or sandals for relaxing at camp Journal Camera Empty water containers for sacred waters (Bring home) Spiritual: Crystals to charge Blanket or pillow to sit on Divination Tools Extra Towels for water attunements if you wish


- Bring a JOURNAL. - Bring your special CRYSTALS or TOOLS to cleanse and charge them in the energies and waters. - Bring EMPTY WATER CONTAINERS. Some of the sites have sacred and medicinal waters that you can take home with you. - Bring a few PENNIES. We do a ritual where we ask permission of the spirits to enter their forest an in doing so, we leave pennies as a request. Typically, two pennies per site will do. - Bring OFFERINGS. We ALWAYS thank the spirits for generously allowing us to visit their sacred areas. Fruit, nuts or granola are typically used as offerings. - Bring your HIKING BOOTS. There is moderate hiking for those that wish to hike the mountain on Sunday morning. The altitude is 12,000 feet. For those that do not wish to head up the mountain, there will be an attunement energy circle at the base of the trail head that will require no hiking. - Bring FOOD AND BEVERAGES. Food and drink expenses are on an individual basis. Choose and / or bring your own food, snacks and beverages. There are several grocery stores in Shasta City and within walking distance of the camp. - Bring your MOBILE PHONES. Cell phone coverage works in camp and is spotty around the mountain and the sites.




The Wisdom Team is a hand selected group of wonderful individuals that are both spiritually attuned and travel savvy. Joyce chooses each person with care, and you, the Journeyer in mind. Not only have each person been to Mt. Shasta, they’ve also been on these particular Wisdom Journeys. They are here to support you spiritually and physically, too. Each person is Red Cross certified in First Aid and CPR, minimally. You will be assigned a personal Wisdom Team member for the Journey itself and have unlimited one-on-one access to Joyce as the leader of the Journey. Your experienced is guided and you are carefully supported by the insights, intuition and skills of The Wisdom Team.



Joyce M. Jackson, the Sane Psychic, is Your Guide on the SANE Side. She is a renowned San Francisco Bay Area based Psychic Medium, Huna and Toltec trained Shamanic Practitioner, Usui and Toltec Nagual Reiki Master, and the founder of Inner Strength Illuminations, her private label classes. She uniquely brings a calm, reassuring message, in easy, simple terms, for clarity to your life questions. She delivers guidance with compassion and warmth through her ability to inspire real understanding and transformation to those confused by unclear emotions and experiences. She is a certified hypnotherapist and Past Life Regression expert and member of the International Hypnosis Federation and Centre for Past Life Regression. She is also a certified NLP Trainer, Founder of the American Society of Advisors, architect, structural engineer and #1 bestselling author. Joyce also uniquely uses Andara Crystals when working within the healing arena. Her gifts literally showed up overnight following a traumatic event. Shocking as they were to discover, it was even more unsettling at the time because she was an architect and recognized business coach for senior level professionals and executives. Her book about her experiences and how-to coping skills for waking up, called “Waking Up Sane” is due out in 2015. Joyce provides individuals the basic message that life can have a sense of sanity to it. While focusing on highly educated and accomplished professionals, she reveals to any individual, razor-sharp clarity in the situations they have been experiencing in life. In her calm, positive, and inspiring way, she brings a sense of normality to your world. Her accessible and personal teaching style, down-to-earth tips, and centered-living tools, are highly sought after. She’s a regular radio talk show host, blogger, author, and columnist for national magazines. Joyce lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her two sons and enjoys running, marathons, triathlons and other outdoor activities.


Joyce is an expert guide, advisor, and mentor that leads groups or individuals on life altering spiritual journeys. She combines her decades of outdoor camping, trekking, and world travel skills, with her abilities, to provide you a warm, safe environment in which to discover and expand your connection with your Higher Self. o The International Metaphysical Practitioners Association (IMPA) ~ Professional Member o International Hypnosis Federation ~ Certified Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Expert o Alaka’i Minister Candidate Aloha International ~ Huna Trained Shamanic Practitioner o Church of Spiritual Humanism Ordained Minister o Best American Psychics o Best American Healers o Certified Psychic Society o Famous Psychic Mediums o Bob Olson’s Best Psychic Directory o Centre for the Study of Past Life Regression ~ Professional Member o International Metaphysical University ~ PhD Candidate in Metaphysics • NPL Trainer • Founder, American Society of Advisors • iHeart Radio and Women 4 Women Network Radio Talk Show Host: Sane Talk • Huna Shamanic Practitioner • Toltec Shamanic Practitioner • Toltec Nagual Reiki Master • Usui Reiki Master • Architect • Engineer • #1 International Bestselling Author • Speaker • Teacher • Consultant • Mentor



• Clinical Psychologist • Peruvian Trained Shamanic Practitioner • Wisdom Team Guide • Social Services Clinician • Medical School Trained • Bilingual • Certified in American Red Cross First Aid and CPR Born in Peru, since 2006 she has been trained on shamanic facilitation by Armand Bytton. She received her clinical training at the Institute of Rational-Emotive Therapy, New York, under the supervision of Dr. Albert Ellis. She was assistant professor at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia and research assistant at the Hospital Psiquiátrico Noguchi de Lima (Peru). In the United States, she worked as Mental Health Counselor at John Muir Health Hospital’s Inpatient Psychiatric Adolescent Unit, California. Currently she is completing her doctoral degree at California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), San Francisco, where she is carrying out research on the healing and transformative benefits of voacanga africana.



• Wisdom Team Guide • Journey Concierge • Intuitive • Certified in American Red Cross First Aid and CPR Leslie Stross was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. With the ocean, mountains, and Napa Valley in her backyard, she couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. Happily married for over 30 years, she is a mother to one beautiful daughter, as well as a Bernese Mountain dog named Dug. Her background has been in the medical field as a laboratory assistant and Cytology Tech for over 30 years. Leslie has always had a strong sense of intuition and it was sparked by the passing of her mother in 2013. Due to her adventurous soul, she enjoys travelling and experiencing new cultures. Determined to live life to the fullest on a more spiritual level, she enjoys meeting new people, long walks on the beach for soul searching, and meditation. You can find her up at the lake wakeboarding and swimming on most summer weekends, but most of all, she looks forward to all the spiritual journeys ahead.



• Wisdom Team Guide • Certified in American Red Cross First Aid and CPR • Usui Reiki Master • Intuitive • Bilingual • Shamanic Practitioner • Ordained Minister for the Universal Life Church Alexis is a native Californian raised in Santa Clara, California and currently lives nestled in the San Ramon hills. She has successfully raised 2 boys that are now in college. After a near death experience while pregnant with her second child in 1994, she had an awakening but, a trip to Mt. Shasta put it all in perspective. She took a leap of faith to follow her path and help others with theirs. She is a certified Usui Reiki Master with a specialization in ART, crystal grids, stones, and aura cleansing. She is certified in CPR/AED/First Aid. In her free time she enjoys being outdoors, hiking, travelling, reading, cooking, and spending time with friends and family. Her thirst for knowledge keeps her busy with learning about spirituality as well as studying to become a shaman to ultimately help other heal and transform their lives. 39


JOYCE M. JACKSON Inner Strength Illumination Series The Sane Psychic 510.719.1463


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