April Coverage Report 2017

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The Savoy Media Highlights April 2017

The Savoy Rooms and Suites Media Highlights

Published: April Circulation: 11,000

Published: April Circulation: 11,000

Published: April Circulation: 11,000

Published: April Circulation: 11,000

Published: April Circulation: 11,000


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The quintessential London hotel Often called “London’s most famous hotel,” Forbes Travel Guide Five­Star, The Savoy, holds a special place in the heart of this great European city. Opened in 1889 as the first truly high­end hotel in Britain, The Savoy has been at the forefront of decadence ever since, having introduced a series of mod cons ranging from electric lighting to hot running water, en suite bathrooms to air­conditioning. Today, the hotel retains its ability to keep pace with modern luxury while retaining the old­fashioned prestige and opulence that has seen figures such as Sir Winston Churchill, Frank Sinatra, Katharine Hepburn and Christian Dior pass through its famous revolving doors. Situated in the center of one of the world’s most energetic cities and on the banks of the River Thames, the Five­Star hotel offers 268 rooms and suites along with all­day dining at restaurants such as Kaspar’s Seafood Bar and Grill (try the beef bourguignon with mashed potatoes or the Hereford rib­eye). For other fare options, savor great British fixtures such as Savoy Grill for its king crab and prawn cocktail or Simpson’s­In­The­ Strand for its braised ox cheek and beef Wellington. During your stay at The Savoy, be sure to head to Beaufort Bar for champagne and enjoy a cabaret performance or turn to American Bar, which harks back to the Golden Age of Cocktails in the 1920s. Without a doubt, The Savoy has been one of the world’s finest hotels for more than 120 years, and it’s a position it will maintain for many more years to come.




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Published: April Circulation: 70,000


Glamour og grandeur på ikoniske Savoy The Savoy blev et instant ikon i verdenseliten, da det åbnede i 1889. I 2017 fortjener luksushotellet stadig sin position som Londons mest klassiske. Børsen tog på date med den velholdte dame og opdagede en anden verden, fra før den gamle gik af lave TeksT Christian Mohr Boisen FoTo Pr

herlighedernes forgård. the savoys forhal giver en forsmag på hotellets stilblanding af art déco og edwardiansk.


Published: April Circulation: 70,000

en nat i himmelseng. De edwardianske suiter har udsigt til themsen.

Resultatet er ganske enkelt imponerende ned til mindste håndpolerede mahognipanel. Det stærke førstehåndsindtryk begynder allerede, når man går ned ad hotellets egen, udendørs gade (i øvrigt den eneste i Storbritannien med højrekørsel) og ser signaturindgangen, den store art déco-facade i stål med den flere meter høje statue af Grev Peter af Savoy, der byggede sit palads her i 1246 i fuld ridderrustning som en påmindelse om, at det ikke er for sjov, hotellet regnes for en absolut klassiker blandt hoteller.

Som en kulisse af verden fra i går Det fortsætter i forhallen, som er det, englænderne kalder breathtaking, fordi man må hive efter vejret af benovelse (godt, det ikke er en date). For selvfølgelig har The Savoy en forhal, hvor andre har en lobby. Hotellet har også sit eget museum (har alle hoteller ikke deres eget museum?) The Savoy er sagt med en utilgivelig, men nødvendig, kliche et sted, som skal ses i virkeligheden. Det føles i hvert fald ikke som det 21. århundrede, man er landet i, snarere et parallelt univers, som kunne være både 1889, 1927 og 1953. Bare helt opdateret og sprødt, som de unge sagde engang. Good times og god stil. Klasse. Forhallen ligner en filmkulisse. Ild i pejsen, dybe lænestole, mørkt træ, referencer til Englands stolte fortid som kolonimagt, malerier af uidentificerede medlemmer af den engelske landadel og generelt højt til loftet som i “Downton Abbey” og “Gensyn med Brideshead”. Naturligvis er heritage-interiøret autentisk og antikt. Sådan bliver det ved. Receptionen er heller ikke som andre steder, den ligger gemt i en enorm, højloftet stue på den anden side af forhallen, ovre i et hjørne bag glasdørene. Her bliver man placeret i en lænestol dyb som Filippinergraven, og så sidder receptionisten i skræddersyet jakke og vest bag et antikt skrivebord i massiv eg og byder velkommen på en måde, som ikke findes mere i den virkelige verden. Forinden har de høflige dørvogtere i høj hat for længst taget bagagen og vist vej gennem de i sig selv eventyrlige svingdøre, der leder ind i magien.

Stilen er halv art déco 1925, halv den edwardianske stil 1900, fra perioden, som englænderne holder af med en uopslidelig nostalgisk kærlighed. Var der noget den edwardianske periode havde, var det stil og humør i tykke stråler under kong Edward den Syvende, deraf navnet. En periode, som svarer til den franske belle epoque, og hvor den ikke fik for lidt på tangenterne. En guldalder med lange, solrige eftermiddage og garden parties i hvidt tøj og måske en tropehjelm. Anyone for tennis? Cricket? Gin and tonic? Splendid, old sport. (Selvfølgelig er her pool og spa og fitness på The Savoys øverste etage, men lidt skuffende ingen cricket.) Edward VII, som selv holdt meget af at bo – og feste - på The Savoy, regerede efter sin mor, den noget mere stramtandede Dronning Victorias død i 1901, til han selv modstræbende måtte forlade denne verden i 1910, men når man taler om den edwardianske æra som begreb, mener man ofte helt fra 1880 til Verden gik af lave med Første Verdenskrigs tragiske indtog i 1914. Den edwardianske æra var det britiske imperiums sidste fede dage, hvor de rige og privilegerede bestemt ikke var bange for at vise, at de var rige og privilegerede. Den gode stemning satte sit kraftige præg på design, mode og arkitektur. Det er denne stemning, man nærmer sig på The Savoy.

Stilen er halv art déco 1925, halv den edwardianske stil 1900, fra perioden, som englænderne holder af med en uopslidelig nostalgisk kærlighed

Morgen-, middags og eftermiddagsmad

Finere madlavning har også altid været en vigtig ingrediens på The Savoy, fra Auguste Escoffier satte en standard uden præcedens i 1889. I dag kan man spise i Gordon Ramsays michelinstjerne-dekorerede Savoy Grill, men man bør ikke snyde sig selv for Kaspar’s Seafood Bar and Grill, som overbeviser, selv når man ikke er fan af alt godt fra havet. Mens den art déco-indrettede fiskerestaurant med direkte udsigt til Themsen minder om 1920’erne, så er hotellets hjerte – Thames Foyer – som at sidde i Wien, 1890. Her spiller flygelet under en glaskuppel, og så er der breakfast eller Afternoon Tea, mens livet og gæsterne passerer forbi i adstadigt tempo. Nogle af dem, gæsterne, går i den legendariske American Bar, som stadig betragtes som en af verdens bedste hotelbarer, og er den ældste overlevende cocktailbar


er er et øjeblik, når man åbner døren og træder ind i et hotelThe Savoy, Fred Astaire dansede i 1923. Bob Dylan boede her, da han i hotellens værelse for første gang, som måske kan sammenlignes med øjebaggyde optog Subterranean Homesick Blues i 1960’erne. Marilyn Monroe som blikket, man for første gang står ansigt til ansigt med en date, påstod, at gentlemen foretrækker blondiner, foretrak selv The Savoy, når hun var man har mødt på nettet, eller er blevet sat sammen med af veli London. Frank Sinatra, Coco Chanel, Humphrey Bogart, Marlon Brando, Sarah menende venner. Det er et afgørende sekund, et sandhedens øjeBernhardt, The Beatles checkede jævnligt ind. Winston Churchill spiste frokost blik. (Nådesløst. Hudløst ærligt. Brutalt. Fuldstændigt. Som Jørher flere gange om ugen under Anden Verdenskrig, og det var ikke kun fordi, gen Leth måske ville sige, nasalt, hvis han skulle kommentere dette rendezvous). beskyttelsesrummene under The Savoy hørte til de sikreste og mest komfortable På The Savoy i London bliver man slået omkuld på stedet. Det er kærlighed ved i London. Churchill fortsatte med at spise mindst en gang ugentligt på hotellet første blik, det er overvældende og lige i mellemgulvet. I modsætning til en date frem til sin død i 1965. behøver man ikke bekymre sig om, hvorvidt modparten, i dette tilfælde hotelsuiGeorge Clooney har en stamsuite. Den afgørende scene i Notting Hill melten, gengælder de varme følelser. Men det føles, som om den elsker dig tilbage. lem Julia Roberts og Hugh Grant er indspillet i The Savoys Lancaster Room i The Savoy, bredt anerkendt som Londons mest ikoniske, har altid været først 1999. Ni såkaldte Personality Suites er opkaldt efter berømte gæster, som Charblandt de første. Det var det første britiske hotel, der havde elektrisk elevator, da lie Chaplin, der fik hele London til at gå i stå, da han boede her i 1921, og gik det åbnede i 1889. Elevatoren, The en tur på taget. I suiten opkaldt Red Lift, fordi den var rød, dengang efter Marlene Dietrich står altid american Bar introducerede cocktails i europa. ironisk nok var den første barchef en også kaldet et “ascending room” 12 friske, lyserøde roser og en flaenglænder, der var vendt hjem fra new York, på flugt fra spiritusforbudet i 1920’ernes Usa. (et opadstigende værelse), kører ske Dom Perignon, for det var, stadig i døgndrift. Med César Ritz hvad den tysk-amerikanske Holsom hotelchef og stjernekokken lywood-stjerne ønskede, når hun Auguste Escoffier i restauranten var her. Personalet på The Savoy er var Savoy fra starten et must for kendt for at huske præcis, hvordan verdenseliten inden for alle felter, gæsterne vil have det. fra business til kunst. Det var såleThe Savoy var også først med des her på The Savoy, med udsigt elektricitet, rindende koldt og til Themsen, at Claude “Åkander” varmt vand, indlagt varme og airMonet malede sine mere end 100 condition på værelserne. Kort sagt forskellige indtryk af Waterloo har Savoy altid været state of the Bridge i al slags vejr og lys fra sine art. For ti år siden var den gamle værelser på femte og sjette etage i dame dog blevet så slidt af tidens begyndelsen af 1900-tallet. tand, at hun måtte igennem en ekstrem, men historisk respektfuld og Fra Chaplin til Clooney korrekt makeover, der varede tre Hotellet er loadet med traditiår og kostede 2,2 mia. kr. (1,2 mia. on og historie. Det var på taget af over budget).



Published: April Circulation: 70,000

afternoon tea nydes nu en gang bedst under en art déco-glaskuppel.

i London. Det var selvfølgelig også den første cocktailbar. På en eller anden måde minder den bare om baren på et krydstogtskib eller Oslobåden, selv om man ikke har fået mange drinks. Men sådan skal den vist se ud. Til gengæld er der ikke noget Oslobåd over værelserne, der er opdelt i to stilarter. Den edwardianske sektion ligger ud

Jeg har fået en art déco-suite, som Robert De Niro plejer at bo i, når han er her. Den er stor som et dansk parcelhus

Welcome, sir.


til Themsen, og til landsiden har vi rendyrket art déco. Jeg har fået en art décosuite, som Robert De Niro plejer at bo i, når han er her. Den er stor som et dansk parcelhus, med to rummelige soveværelser, et kontor med alt for gode sofaer, antikt skrivebord og hotellets eget brevpapir på tykt papir med guldtryk. Her er naturligvis walk-in-klædeskabe, to af slagsen. The Savoy var det første

hotel i verden, der udstyrede de fleste af sine værelser med private badeværelser. “The Savoy Bathroom” blev verdensberømt for dets bruser, hvor vandet plaskede ned over den badende gæst i hidtil usete kaskader, og for det hastige tempo, hvori badekarret lod sig fylde med vand fra hanerne. Så selvfølgelig er her i suiten ikke bare ét, men to velvoksne badeværelser med marmor og fritstående porcelænsbadekar, kabiner med markedets største monsunbrusehoveder, to toiletter, samt et tredje, ekstra toilet.

Tag sengen med hjem Man sover så godt, at man håber, man aldrig vågner igen. Sengene er specialbyggede, absurd komfortable, og prisen er også forholdsvis komfortabel. Hotellet laver selv Savoir, som denne drøm af en seng hedder. Prisen er 100.000 kroner pr. stk. Det er mange penge. Jeg kommer til at tænke på, hvad man kan få af fornuftige ting for 100.000 kroner. Man kan for eksempel få en overnatning i The Royal Suite på The Savoy med et særligt ventileret skab udelukkende til ens sko. Så følger der også 24 timers butlerservice og brug af hotellets Rolls-Royce Phantom inklusive chauffør med. Børsen var inviteret af Savoy


Published: April Circulation: 25,000

Published: April Circulation: 25,000


Savoy London – Modernes Design für neue Suiten


Published: April Circulation: 240,000

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Savoy London – Modernes Design für neue Suiten


Savoy London – Modernes Design für neue Suiten  Geschrieben von Frank Sistenich (/index.php/k2/itemlist/user/829­franksistenich)  05/04/2017  Kategorie Hotels (/index.php/news/itemlist/category/127­hotels­ffcc00) Schriftgröße  

Seit seiner Wiedereröffnung nach langjähriger und grundlegender Renovierung im Jahr 2010, hat das Savoy in seiner Entwicklung erfolgreich an seine lange und berühmte Historie angeknüpft. Wer bisher auf den Spuren berühmter Gäste wie Charlie Chaplin, Marlene Dietrich oder Coco Chanel wandelte, hatte in den beiden Flügeln des Hotels zwei unterscheidliche Einrichtungsstile der Zimmer und Suiten zur Wahl. Während etwa 60 Prozent der insgesamt 200 Zimmer und 67 Suiten im Stil König Edwards VII eingerichtet sind, konzentriert sich der in den 1920er Jahren hinzugekommene Erweiterungsbau in seinem Mobiliar auf das Art Deco Erbe. Mit der Etablierung zweier neuer Suiten im letzten Sommer geht das Haus nun einen neuen Weg, um bewusst auch Kunden anzusprechen, deren Vorlieben eher einem zeitgenössischen und modernen Stil entsprechen. Neue ROYAL Suite in zeitgemässem Design Die neue Royal Suite erstreckt sich im fünften Stockwerk über die gesamte Längstseite des Hotels zum Flussufer der Themse hin. Unter der Leitung von Pierre Yves Rochon als Interior Designer und den Architekten Reardon Smith wurde bewusst eine gosszügigere und weniger formelle Atmosphäre geschaffen, die Einrichtung erinnert an die Wohnräume von Architekten oder Künstlern und wirkt kaum mehr wie die Zimmer eines Hotels. Moderne Kunst, ob als Skulpuren oder Bilder, bestimmen die Atmospähre. Saulen in den Zimmern sind mit dezent grauem Leder bespannt, eine neue, private Bar wurde eingebaut und im Servicebereich steht ein eigenes Team den Gästen der Royal Suite zur Verfügung. Ein Koch für die Küchenzeile, Bartender, Stylisten oder Shoppingberater stehen exklusiv parat. Da versteht es sich beinahe von selbst, dass der Gast im Rolls Royc e vom Airport seiner Wahl abgeholt wird und der Chauffeur für die Tage des Aufenthalts auch zur weiteren Disposition steht. Als zusätzlichen Anreiz können die Gäste den Royal Circle der American Bar des Savoys exklusiv für sich in Anspruch nehmen.

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Published: April Circulation: 240,000


Savoy London – Modernes Design für neue Suiten

Der Blick aus der Savoy Suite. Auch die SAVOY Suite wurde neu gestaltet Ein Stockwerk höher, in der sechsten Etage des historischen Flügels und ebefalls mit Blick auf den Fluss, wurde zudem die neue Savoy Suite eröffnet, die als ein oder zwei Schlafzimmer Suite konfiguriert werden kann. Die Suite fokussiert ebenfalls auf eine jüngere, kunstbegeisterte Kundschaft und wurde von den gleichen Ausstattern wie die Royal Suite konzipiert. Zu ihrer Eröffnung hat das Savoy ein Künstler Programm gestartet, dass die Suite bewusst als Ausstellungsrahmen lancierte und mit Werken von Ralph Heimans austattete, jenem Maler, als als einziger autorisiert wurde, zum diamantenen Kronjubiläum der Königin ein Portrait von ihr anzufertigen. Die Sicht aus der Suite auf den Fluss ist genau jene, die auch Claude Monet hatte (der exakt die gleichen Räumlichkeiten bewohnte), als er in den Jahren 1899 bis 1901 zu drei längeren Aufenthalten im Savoy weilte und seine Serie mit Bildern zu Londons Brücken malte. Mit einem modernen, zeitgenössischen touch eröffnet sich das Savoy London also eine dritte Einrichtungsvariante, um bewusst jüngere Zielgruppen für sich zu gewinnen. Auch künftig anstehende Renovierungen der Zimmer und Suiten werden diesem moderneren Leitbild der Inneneinrichtung folgen, um dem Gast mehr Optionen bei der Wahl seines Aufenthaltes zu offerieren. Weitere Informationen: http://www.fairmont.com/savoy­london (http://www.fairmont.com/savoy­london) Lage des Hotels:


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The spa at The Savoy, London — Spa Gazing

Published: April Circulation: n/a





I took the tube from Euston station to Embankment and walked alongside the Thames towards one of the most celebrated London Landmarks, The Savoy. This world renowned 5 star hotel is a pioneer of elegance that has attracted stars since its opening in 1889. Famous names from Marilyn Monroe to Winston Churchill and The Beatles have signed the hotel’s guestbook so it was nothing short of an honour to have been invited to review the hotel’s spa and spend the night there.




The spa at The Savoy, London — Spa Gazing

The entrance to The Savoy

Published: April Circulation: n/a

Arrival I walked to the main entrance where a top-hatted doorman took my suitcase and led me through the lobby to reception for check in. The lobby ោoor was black and white tiled, like a giant chess board, and the vases of pale pink and fuchsia hydrangea looked especially bold against the dark oak tables on which they were displayed. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling over large rugs and crushed velvet armchairs and on the walls oil paintings hung over an open, burning ៉re.

The front hall next to the lobby at The Savoy




The spa at The Savoy, London — Spa Gazing

Afternoon Tea room on the ground ॄoor at The Savoy

Published: April Circulation: n/a

Check in was quick and easy and I was given a gratuitous upgrade to the King Deluxe suite where my suitcase was already waiting. The suite was a combination of classic elegance with modern luxuries; thick curtains draped over the windows and a chandelier hung over the king sized bed. At the end of the bed was a dressing table with a ោat screen TV, co៩ee machine and a mini fridge ៉lled with Moet champagne. The cupboard next to the fridge was packed with old fashioned tins of sweets, chocolate tru៙es and crisps, and across the room leaning against a plate of fresh fruit were two handwritten, personal notes welcoming me to The Savoy.

Bedroom river view suite

The Thames and London Bridge can be seen from the King Deluxe Suite



Published: April Circulation: n/a 4/4/2017

The spa at The Savoy, London — Spa Gazing

The bathroom was immaculate with a white marble bath, sink and shower. Savoy robes and ោu៩y white towels were laid out along with every type of necessary toiletry – bath salts, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, Q-tips, mouthwash and dental ោoss.

White marble bathrooms in The Savoy bedroom suites

After unpacking I took the lift downstairs to explore the rest of the hotel. In between the lobby and the afternoon tea room were gift shops selling memorabilia to guests waiting for their afternoon tea booking. I wandered around The Savoy museum next to the world famous American Bar and took photos of the celebrities displayed on the Savoy’s walk of fame.

Guests can buy confectionery and memorabilia from the shops next to the afternoon tea room while they wait for their booking


The spa at The Savoy, London — Spa Gazing

Published: April Circulation: n/a

Products from the Natura Bissé Diamond collection used at The Savoy spa

I laid down on the heated bed and two warm, lavender scented pillows were placed on my stomach and back. The therapist electronically adjusted the position of the bed until I was comfortable and the facial began. · Firstly, my skin was cleansed using Natura Bissé’s Diamond White Rich Luxury Cleanser which contains pomegranate extract to smooth and brighten skin tone, as well as vitamins E and F to keep my skin at optimal hydration and protect it from damage against free radicals. · Next, the Diamond White Clarity Toning Lotion was sprayed onto my face to luminate the skin and prevent water loss. This toner contains betaine, a beet extract, which has been proven to keep skin from dehydrating. · The third step was exfoliation. This was done with Natura Bissé’s Glycol Extreme Peel which was awarded the 2014 elite skincare beauty award. This non-aggressive but highly e៝cient exfoliator contains a beta-lipoic acid to act on the deepest layers of the skin to stimulate the enzymes responsible for the natural exfoliation process. It also incorporates Exfolyactil Mimetic, the latest-generation peptide that removes dead cells, promoting renewal of the skin's surface. · An intensive serum called Rich Nectar, which has properties of actual diamonds, was then massaged into my face and neck. This is the product in the facial that has the anti-ageing e៩ect and the results of which are not visible for a few days after the facial. · Natura Bissé’s Diamond Cream with its rich, silky texture was then massaged into my face, neck and décolleté until completely absorbed. The Diamond Cream contains grapeseed extract to ៉ght the damaging e៩ects of free radicals, ursolic acid and pea extract to prevent the loss of elasticity and a cocktail of minerals combined with hydrolyzed collagen to ៉rm the facial contour. http://www.spa­gazing.com/review­the­spa­at­the­savoy­london/



The spa at The Savoy, London — Spa Gazing

Published: April Circulation: n/a

· Stimul-eye Active Gel by Natura Bissé was then applied underneath my eyes. This gel is based on a rich concentrate of marine algae that drains, puri៉es and decongests, eliminating toxins from the skin around the eyes to diminish the appearance of dark circles. It also has remarkable draining properties that ៉ght water retention which results in less pu៩y looking eyes. · Finally, as a means of protection, Natura Bissé’s Diamond White Oil Free Sun Protection was applied (SPF 50) to protect my newly ោawless skin against UVA rays. I was given a hand-held mirror for a close-up look at the results; my complexion was glowing and my eyes looked energised despite the terrible sleep I'd had the night before. Evening at the Savoy

After thanking the spa sta៩ for their services I went back to my room to get changed for the evening. While I was at the spa one of the butlers had pulled back the corner of the bed covers, drawn the curtains and put a bottle of water either side of my bed. I applied my makeup and headed out to meet friends for dinner. After dinner we returned to The Savoy for a cocktail in the world famous American bar. The cocktail menu was divided into the di៩erent areas of London with a variety of drinks listed under each post code. My friends and I all opted for a reasonably priced ‘Sam Collins’ but some of the more extortionate drinks of o៩er included a £600 Daiquiri and a £300 Manhattan.

The world famous American Bar at The Savoy where drinks can cost up to £5,000 each

Before bed I ៉lled out the breakfast form, ticking o៩ almost every item on the menu and hung it on the door to my room. At 9.30am sharp, as requested, the butler wheeled in breakfast on a round table with a newspaper. I had wa៙es with maple 4/4/2017 syrup, croissants, toast with jam, The spa at The Savoy, London — Spa Gazing tea, a cream cheese bagel and a plate of fresh fruit. I showered and changed then went down to reception to check out from this http://www.spa­gazing.com/review­the­spa­at­the­savoy­london/ once in a lifetime experience.


The Savoy Food and Beverage Media Highlights

Published: April Circulation: 2,728,055

Published: April Circulation: 78,131

    14 Best Bars in London by CNT Editors March 17, 2017

Fact: The Brits can absolutely drink. And nowhere is that more evident than in London, where, yes, you can toss back a pint on every block, but also find legit craft cocktails served in aesthetically on­point spaces that may make you blow o� any preconceived plans you had for the night (or afternoon—again, this is the U.K.). Obviously, we love that hotel bars here are a thing here, or rather, a tradition (to skip Claridge's, The Connaught, or the American Bar come cocktail hour is near sacrilegious) and that new icons are certainly in the making (see Mondrian’s Dandelyan and then foam at the mouth over that impossibly long green marble bar). Of course there’s also the emerging, of­the­moment spots that even those who travel to London more than twice a year probably don’t know. Lucky for you, we do.





Savoy’s American Bar captures Britain in cocktails

Published: April Circulation: 656,949

Savoy’s American Bar captures Britain in cocktails 13th April, 2017 by Annie Hayes ­ This article is over multiple pages: 1 2 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­american­bar­captures­britain­with­cocktails/2/) 3 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­american­bar­captures­britain­with­cocktails/3/) 4 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­american­bar­captures­ britain­with­cocktails/4/) 5 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­american­bar­captures­britain­with­cocktails/5/) 6 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­ american­bar­captures­britain­with­cocktails/6/) 7 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­american­bar­captures­britain­with­cocktails/7/) 8 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­american­bar­captures­britain­with­cocktails/8/) 9 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­american­bar­captures­ britain­with­cocktails/9/) 10 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­american­bar­captures­britain­with­cocktails/10/) 11 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­ american­bar­captures­britain­with­cocktails/11/)

The Savoy hotel’s American Bar in London has launched the Coast To Coast cocktail menu, designed to represent “a journey across Britain from south to north”.

Oast House Fizz, Garden of England Created in collaboration by American Bar manager Declan McGurk and head bartender Erik Lorincz, the menu aims to “capture the spirit of a nation” by honing in on Britain’s folklore, history and landscape. The journey begins in Kent – the Garden of England – with a “light and fresh” selection of long drinks featuring local ingredients such as cobnuts, hops and apples served in bespoke plate glass terrariums. It continues through London, touching on the birth of Britain’s cocktail culture at Art Deco American Bar with a “classic, heady” selection of drinks served in an elongated coupe on a silver Art Deco tray. The menu journeys into Sherwood Forest, featuring woodland ingredients served in a silver goblet with a wooden base, before continuing on to The Pennines, where it takes inspiration from the “burgeoning empire” that followed the industrial revolution with the use of teas and exotic ingredients. Drinks are served on a cog design holding garnishes and intricately cut glass. The journey ends at Castle Rock in Scotland, on the peak of which Edinburgh Castle sits. With a focus on whiskies, Scottish legends and “wild” flavours, this rocks glass serve is perched on shards of slate. Each section in the new menu is accompanied by an ingredients key to navigate guests through each recipe. McGurk said: “The penny dropped whilst Erik and I were reviewing what we wanted to achieve with the new menu. We decided that the focus should be on the table, to see how we can enhance the guest experience; and from this a journey of character and content was born.” Click through the following pages to discover a selection of cocktails from the American Bar’s new menu. This article is over multiple pages: 1 2 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­american­bar­captures­britain­with­cocktails/2/) 3 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­american­bar­captures­britain­with­cocktails/3/) 4 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­ american­bar­captures­britain­with­cocktails/4/) 5 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­american­bar­captures­britain­with­cocktails/5/) 6 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­american­bar­captures­britain­with­cocktails/6/) 7 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­ american­bar­captures­britain­with­cocktails/7/) 8 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­american­bar­captures­britain­with­cocktails/8/) 9 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­american­bar­captures­britain­with­cocktails/9/) 10 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­ american­bar­captures­britain­with­cocktails/10/) 11 (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­american­bar­captures­britain­with­cocktails/11/) Next Page → (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­savoys­american­bar­captures­britain­with­cocktails/2/)

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Published: April Circulation: 656,949

SB Voices: Bringing kitchen tech behind the bar

SB Voices: Bringing kitchen tech behind the bar 13th April, 2017 by Annie Hayes

In this week’s opinion piece, Annie Hayes admires how some of the world’s most influential bars are harnessing cutting­edge techniques to create flavourful cocktail ingredients.

Unless you’ve actively avoided the cocktail menu in every bar you’ve ever visited, it’s likely that at some point you will

have sampled house­made tinctures, infusions, concentrations, bitters, distillations and spirited flavour modifiers in one form or another. Increasingly bartenders are taking the cocktail experience up a notch by using kitchen equipment to create all manner of textures and flavours that can’t be bought in a bottle. Take the Coast to Coast menu at The Savoy’s American Bar, which launched just today. A quick scan through the menu reveals the likes of birch liqueur, fermented plantain syrup, hop & herb tincture and salted cacao liqueur. Earlier this week, Scarfes Bar at Rosewood London unveiled a new caricature­themed menu containing roasted pineapple shrub, spiced Malbec reduction and galangal tincture. One of the most coveted gadgets used to create these bespoke liquids is the rotary evaporator, or rotovap. With a price tag upwards of US$5,000, this chemical laboratory­grade equipment is found in only a handful of bars, and is able to capture the fragile flavour compounds of otherwise inedible ingredients, such as soil and leather. Another firm favourite is the sous vide – another heat­based technique borrowed from chefs – which sees ingredients vacuum­sealed into a bag and immersed into a temperature­controlled water bath that gently cooks the contents. The results are quick, and the flavours very strong, according to David Muñoz, chef and owner of experimental Madrid­based restaurant Street XO. Some are using both. Food and drink innovation company Bompas & Parr has just created ‘Hopped Up Shot’; a rabbit salami vodka served in a carnivorous plant. “My normal approach is to infuse the ingredient in vodka using a vacuum­sealed bag and sous vide, then strain the infused vodka and distill it using a rotary evaporator,” bar development manager Adam Lock told me in a recent interview. So, bartending visionaries, where to next? If we can drink rabbits and leather and birch, it’s anyone’s guess what will be in our glasses come 2117.

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Evening Standard (London) {Main}

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Bite me New The vegetarian veggie treats capital THE meat-free lobby has been rebranding quietly for a while. Certainly, all but the most entrenched dinosaurs have forsworn the prejudice that all vegans and vegetarians are a feeble cohort of joyless neurotics, trussed up in hemp. Today, vegetarians especially are a mainstream minority: they’ve smartened up their menus and their look. Indeed, perhaps you would even consider going out with one. So while their star has been in the ascendant for a while, this spring marks a turning point: the meat-free movement is no longer simply accepted, it is celebrated. It is having a cultural moment thanks to Simon Amstell’s film Carnage, which has dragged concern over eating meat into the spotlight — the film is set in 2067, in a vegan United Kingdom, wrestling with the guilt of its ancestral omnivorism — and a series of new restaurant openings and zesty menus.

The high street is in hot pursuit, meaning it is easy to be meat-free even when you are hurtling down Oxford Street at lunchtime. Pret has opened its second vegetarian premises in Shoreditch — the first is in Soho — and Crussh has added high-protein vegan items to its menu. Options include “croats” — carrot and sultana oats soaked overnight, served with almond milk and almond butter, cinammon and coconut shavings — and a Persian cauliflower couscous health pot, served with sumac, pistachios, pomegranate and red pepper dip. If you need further pursuasion, seek instruction at VeggieWorld London, a meat-free “lifestyle event” at Kensington Town Hall this weekend, featuring stands from vegetarian and vegan caterers. Walk into the light. Phoebe Luckhurst


The revolution is about offering more than a token stuffed mushroom or the pasta bake. For example, the OXO Tower restaurant has launched its first vegetarian stand-alone menu, centred on “hero vegetables” including parsnips, broad beans, courgette flowers and sweet potatoes. Dishes include a herb risotto ball served with plump garlicky peas and rich almond cream, and a rich walnut, tofu and Spenwood cheese crumble served with tart radish and spring onion. The Jam Tree in Clapham has relaunched its evening menu, which now includes vegan options: the Earth Bowl layers broccoli, avocado, quinoa, kidney beans and crumbly spiced walnuts. The Hive of Vyner Street in Bethnal Green has a new vegetarian aperitivo menu, pictured left, with artichoke hearts, activated almonds and chickpea pancakes, and Kaspar’s Seafood Bar and Grill at the Savoy is serving vegan sushi — look away now, purists — which centres on avocado, asparagus and tofu. The Alice House, which has premises in Queen’s Park and West Hampstead, launched a new vegan menu last month: the avocado and sweet potato salad will be like manna to the well-heeled mothers who populate NW.

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SB Voices: The cocktail ‘journey’

Published: April Circulation: 656,949

SB Voices: The cocktail ‘journey’ 21st April, 2017 by Nicola Carruthers

A number of bars are turning the concept of the written cocktail list on its head, relying instead on illustrations or narrative. Nicola Carruthers dissects the cocktail ‘journey’.

Nicola Carruthers takes a look at the recent wave of narrative menus When I was working at a swish hotel bar several years ago, the idea of the Guest Journey stuck in my mind. And it still does to this day, whenever I visit a new bar – and especially hotel bars. The journey is the sum of all the experiences before, during, and after a guest’s visit, adding personalised touches here and there. Bars seem to be taking cues and using a similar narrative, or ‘journey’, to take their guests on through their cocktail menus. I recently headed to The Savoy Hotel to try the new Coast to Coast menu at the hotel’s America Bar, which takes its guests on an adventure across Britain by honing in on it’s folklore, history and landscape. Each menu is divided in sections, accompanied by a helpful ingredients key, from the Garden of England in Kent to Sherwood Forrest and ending at Castle Rock in Scotland. In creating the menu, American Bar manager Declan McGurk, said: “We decided that the focus should be on the table, to see how we can enhance the guest experience; and from this a journey of character and content was born.” Alongside the drink offering, the friendly host takes you through each cocktail and its inspiration, placing it upon unusual drinks stands. Taking a similar narrative approach, the caricature­inspired cocktail menu at The Rosewood London’s Scarfes Bar takes the guest on an illustrative journey exploring icons of Britain’s past, such as the Rolling Stones, Harry Potter and James Bond. The cocktails have been created to embody each icon with a caricature alongside each one on the menu. The drinking experience becomes a journey from the moment we open the menu and bars should certainly pay attention to the way consumers are reading their lists. Our values, our memories and our cultural background all come in to play when reading through a menu, whether we’re conscious of it or not. Similiar Stories

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The week in pictures UK Tequila sales soar Savoy’s American Bar (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/the­ as cocktails usurp captures Britain in week­in­pictures­165/) shots cocktails (https://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/04/uk­ (https://www.thespiritsbusines tequila­sales­soar­as­ savoys­american­bar­ cocktails­usurp­shots/) captures­britain­with­ cocktails/)

 April 21st, 2017

 April 20th, 2017

 April 13th, 2017

Published: April Circulation: 23,381

The American Bar at The Savoy launches ‘coast to coast’ cocktail menu April 21, 2017

The world-renowned American Bar at The Savoy announced the launch of its brand new cocktail menu, ‘Coast To Coast’. Launched on Thursday 13th April 2017, the new menu is a journey across Britain from 0 0 0 0  Share  Share  Tweet  Pin0  Share  Share 4/24/2017 and a vivid re�ection The American Bar at The Savoy launches ‘coast to coast’ cocktail menu ­ Hospitality & Catering News South to North, of the island’s verdant landscapes, timeless folklore, illustrious Cob –characters. The Garden OfBeginning England history andKentish distinctive in the Garden of England and nishing at Castle Rock, the LATEST NEWS




cocktail menu will use visually-striking serves, explorative ingredients and nuanced �avours to Bacardi 8-year-old rum, Potash Farm roasted hazelnut soda, berry syrup and falernum

imaginatively capture the spirit of a nation. CONTRACT CATERING NEWS



Basil Ionides – The Art Deco American Bar

The journey begins in the Garden of England, Kent, where drinks representative of the blooming and Ron Zacapa rum, smoky whisky, mastiha, salted cacao liqueur, cocoa infused Cocchi Vermouth Di Torino

abundant growth of this lush pocket of the South East draw from Kentish ingredients such as cobnuts, hops and Peychaud’s Bitters

and apples. Light and fresh, this section will feature long drinks served in beautiful bespoke plate glass terrariums. A Frosty Reception – Sherwood Forest Mezcal, birch liqueur, pink peppercorn honey, egg white, fresh lime, eucalyptus and an acorn

From here the route travels through London, taking its guests back to the elegant sophistication and uid lines of the Spinning Art Deco era–and birth–of cocktail culture at the American Bar. Classic and heady, each Jenny The the Pennines The Backbone Of England cocktail will be served in an elongated coupe on a silver Art Deco tray. Enchantment then touches the path Bombay Sapphire gin, Cocchi Americano aperitif wine, pear eau de vie, yerba mate soda, citric acid and berry syrup http://www.hospitalityandcateringnews.com/2017/04/american­bar­savoy­launches­coast­coast­cocktail­menu/

The Pennines are often described as the backbone of England, with Yorkshire and Lancashire inhabitants


on either side verySeat much key drivers in an industrial revolution that caught the attention of the world. This – Castle Rock Arthur’s section of the menu will use avours from a burgeoning empire, such as teas and exotic ingredients, and Brackla 16-year-old malt whisky, wild honeysuckle Cocchi Rosa aperitif wine, honey water, raspberry will feature Royal drinks served on a cog design holding garnishes and intricately cut glass. vinegar and blossom bitters

Created in collaboration by American Bar manager Declan McGurk and head bartender Erik Lorincz, Coast To Coast takes inspiration from each location and its people, so that through sensory experience these http://www.hospitalityandcateringnews.com/2017/04/american­bar­savoy­launches­coast­coast­cocktail­menu/ tales may be retold.




McGurk says of the new menu;

“The penny dropped whilst Erik and I were reviewing what we wanted to achieve with the new menu. We decided that the focus should be on the table, to see how we can enhance the guest experience; and from this a journey of character and content was born.” For more information click here 0  Share

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EMAIL NEWSLETTER http://www.hospitalityandcateringnews.com/2017/04/american­bar­savoy­launches­coast­coast­cocktail­menu/


Published: April Circulation: 23,381 To end the Coast To Coast journey, the drinks take a deep and thoughtful move onwards and upwards to


The American Bar at The Savoy launches ‘coast to coast’ cocktail menu ­ Hospitality & Catering News

LATEST NEWS RESTAURANT NEWS HOTEL NEWS PUB & BAR NEWS Castle Rock, on the peak of which Scotland’s Fortress, Edinburgh Castle, sits. With a focus on whiskies,

Scottish legends and wild avours, this rocks glass serve is perched high on shards of slate. CONTRACT CATERING NEWS



Related Article: Holger Jackisch returns to The Savoy as Executive Chef At the American Bar, the cocktail experience is always centred around the guest, from the moment they arrive, to their very last sip. In this vein, each section in the new American Bar menu is accompanied by a key to the ingredients to help navigate through each recipe. This demystifying cocktail glossary will explain the recipes and allow guests to enter fully into the tasting process.

Examples from the menu include:



Mile 23 – Tower Hill: Hung, Drawn and Quartered 26-27 Great Tower St, EC3R 5AQ, hung-drawn-andquartered.co.uk

Published: April Circulation: 15,341,048

Fuller's have kitted out this pub near the finish nicely and it's a good spot to watch the worn-out joggers dig deep into their very final energy reserves. There's plenty of space here but it's still worth getting down a little early to grab a seat. By the way, Fuller's have made an effort to up their food game lately, so get a bite to eat, too.

Mile 24: The Savoy


This is what it's like to drink in 'the best bar in Europe'

Strand, WC2R 0EU, fairmont.com TOPgoSTORY After spending a little time on the Embankment and watching the runners by, change the pace dramatically Cyclist, 17, 'hacked to and head to the Savoy to spend an afternoon bathed in utter luxury. Their afternoon tea is possibly finest in death bythe masked After spending a littleBar time the Embankment and watching machete gang' in the capital, while the American and on Beaufort Bar both serve sterling drinks. the runners go by, change the pace dramatically and head to the Savoy to spend an afternoon bathed in utter luxury. Their afternoon tea is

south London 5 hours



Published: April Circulation: 18,000,000


12 London Cocktail Bars That Will Make You Feel Posh AF

Courtesy of the Beaufort Bar at the Savoy Hotel, Lewis Wilkinson / Courtesy of the Beaufort Bar at the Savoy Hotel

If Sinatra were alive today he would be knocking back a gin martini in this club. The black and gold art deco interior of the Beaufort Bar can only be described as glamorous. This bar was formerly a cabaret stage, and that history is alive today with nightly performances, cabaret, and burlesque. While the cocktails are fantastic, the cocktail menu might actually steal the show. The Sinatra reference is not without reason — when visiting London he always stayed at this hotel.

6. Sexy Fish — Mayfair

The Savoy Holborn (0.3 miles)

549,233 Monthly Unique Visitors

What: A Cocktail Journey Through the UK Why: Embrace our great nation in alcohol form this weekend – the team at The Savoy’s American Bar have created a drinks menu to celebrate Britain, from down South all the way up to Scotland. From the lush Garden of England down in Kent, up through the Pennines to Scotland’s Castle Rock, the drinks utilise local ingredients to create a sophisticated sensory drinking experience. We like the sound of Arthur’s Seat; Royal Brackla 16-year-old malt whiskey, wild honeysuckle aperitif wine, honey water, raspberry vinegar and blossom bitters. Available from Thursday 13th April Where: The Savoy, Strand, London Website: www.fairmont.com/savoy-london

Cocktail Lovers, The {Main}

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UK Saturday 1, April 2017 21 616 sq. cm Pub Stmt 15000 Quarterly page rate , scc rate 07801932941



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Cocktail Lovers, The {Main}

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UK Saturday 1, April 2017 48,49 902 sq. cm Pub Stmt 15000 Quarterly page rate , scc rate 07801932941



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Cocktail Lovers, The {Main}

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UK Saturday 1, April 2017 38,39 1246 sq. cm Pub Stmt 15000 Quarterly page rate , scc rate 07801932941



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Cocktail Lovers, The {Main}

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Published: April Circulation: 109,367

Published: April Circulation: 109,367

Published: April Circulation: 109,367

Published: April Circulation: 109,367

33. The Savoy — £52 ($67)

Circulation: 36,683,285 Traditional Afternoon Tea with all the fixings will set you back £52, or £65 with Champagne. You can also opt for High Tea, £58, or the new Salon Couture High-Tea, £58, a collaboration with British couturier Suzie Turner which will feature bespoke éclairs decorated with sketches of Suzie Turner designs, held on the first Wednesday of every month. When: Daily from 1 p.m. to 5.45 p.m.

Published: April Circulation:n/a



BEST FOR: OLD SCHOOL ELEGANCE Stay: The Savoy, London Opened in 1889 on the banks of the River Thames, the Savoy is one of London’s legendary grand hotels, welcoming fashion’s finest from Christian Dior, who showed his collection there in the 1950’s, to Coco Chanel. Now having undergone a $400 million facelift it maintains its traditional character, but with a modern twist; boasting a Gordon Ramsey restaurant, two cocktail bars and once again hosting catwalk shows for fashion’s big names. fairmont.com/savoylondon




This season give your London capsule wardrobe an eclectic undertone mixing classic period detailing with punk anarchic elements and a sense of humour. For women, think ruffles and statement sleeves a la Mary Kratantzou, statement sunglasses, and oversized earrings. For men, the Prince of Wales check at Paul Smith mixes with sportswear from current British star J.W. Anderson and skinny ties to give a retro edge.




1. Outfit MARY KRATANTZOU Greek inspired prints blend with 1960’s & 1970’s PSYCHEDELIA for an eye-popping collection. 2. Shoe NICHOLAS KIRKWOOD The MASCULINE BROGUE is given a feminine twist with pearl detailing. 3. Sunglasses CHRISTOPHER KANE at matchesfashion.com HEADTURNING SUNGLASSES in acetate from the designer who celebrates his 10th year showing at London Fashion Week. 4. Bag BURBERRY Eclectic detailing from the British powerhouse making waves with its new SEE NOW BUY NOW approach to its runway shows. 5. Earring MULBERRY The classic brand reinvents this season with PUNKY STATEMENT JEWELLERY.

50 World Travel

Sphere {Main}

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Saturday 1, April 2017 52,53,54,5 2783 sq. cm ABC 63853 Quarterly page rate ÂŁ6,150.00, scc rate ÂŁ0.00 020 7426 1010



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infused cognac and clementine for a taste of the 1920s while the Sexy Kung Fu Fighter is all tropical 80s nostalgia, think gin fused with fresh bergamot and kaffir lime leaves. The Beaufort Bar at The Savoy (http://www.fairmont.com/savoy­london/dining/beaufortbar/) londonscocktails The Savoy Hotel

Published: April Circulation: 10,000,000




By Invitation Only - from the new cocktail menu @thesavoylondon 's Beaufort Bar. Jack Daniels single barrel rye, cranberry cordial, Campari, Cherry Wormwood citrus chocolate perfume lipstick đ&#x;’„đ&#x;’„ The menu is inspired by famous guests - this one is a homage to Duran Duran Photo via/ @spiritsbusiness @alexander_james_walker #valentinesday #beaufortbar #londonscocktails #spiritsbusiness #beaufortbar #kiss #duranduran #cocktailmenu #londonbar #glassware #serves #barlife FEBRUARY 14



With its glamorous 1920s art deco setting this is one for when you're feeling fancy (and its prices are definitely for pay­day) With the bar itself standing on what was once the hotel’s cabaret stage and the luxury menu inspired by the Savoy's former iconic guests, such as Marilyn Monroe and Fred Astaire, you'll definitely feel like you could be starring in a Hollywood movie. With its latest menu incorporating the hotel's captivating history into its cocktails each drink comes Best Bars In London with a prop making it very Instagrammable. Think The

Showgirl featuring champange, vodka and rose extract, http://www.instyle.co.uk/lifestyle/food­drink/best­bars­in­london

served with a tiny vanity mirror and Under The Stars, and the By Invitation Only featuring rye, campari and a cherry wormwood citrus chocolate perfume lipstick in homage to Duran Duran. Bad Sports, 184 Hackney Road, E2 (http://www.badsports.co.uk/)




Published: April Circulation: 403,876

Page : 1/5

Media type : Airline Board Magazine

Topic : London at a glance

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Published: April Circulation: 1,300,000


Summary : The article tells where to go when visiting London. First hotspot mentioned in the category “Bars & Clubs” is the legendary “The American Bar” at The Savoy Hotel, which is officially acknowledged as first cocktail bar in Europe.


London's best and most creative new cocktails

Published: April Circulation: 403,876




Tagged Central London Marylebone Soho

The advent of spring has inspired a urry of creative new cocktails. The Resident picks out the most impressive at some of London’s top bars…


Artesian at The Langham The team at Artesian at The Langham has launched an innovative new cocktail menu based on the theme of ‘perception’. They have been working on creating a brand new menu of 20 drinks, which now launched will build on Artesian’s reputation for imagination. 1C Portland Place, Marylebone W1B 1JA; 020 7636 1000; artesian-bar.co.uk


The Blind Pig, Soho Jason Atherton’s �agship bar, The Blind Pig, has launched a new cocktail list inspired by classic children’s literature. The selection of ten playfully titled ‘Long and Short Great British Tails’ will be joined by a further nine cocktails new to the speakeasy bar. 58 Poland Street, Soho W1F 7NR; 020 7993 3251; socialeatinghouse.com


The Hyde at The Royal Park Hotel The Hyde is an exciting new bar that has launched at The Royal Park Hotel. The bar will o�er some of the world’s �nest wine and spirits, and the cocktail list is a crossover of traditional classics interspersed with creations o� the beaten track. This is sure to be a hot ticket. 3 Westbourne Terrace, Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park W2 3UL; 020 7479 6600; theroyalpark.com


Beaufort Bar, The Savoy Known for its theatrical drinks and dramatic décor, The Savoy’s Beaufort Bar has launched a new cocktail menu that will take the form of a beautifully illustrated tunnel book. Twisting strands from The Savoy’s illustrious history into a fascinating cocktail narrative, the menu takes guests on a tour of the hotel through its legendary tales and extraordinary guests. Strand WC2R 0EU; fairmont.com/savoy-london

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Published: April Circulation: n/a

Bartenders on the One Bottle of Booze They Can’t Live Without ­ Supercall


Abbott’s Bitters Bartenders Reveal the One Bottle of Booze They Can’t Live     “The one bottle I can’t do without behind the bar is a bottle of Abbott’s bitters. I usually make Without

my own , and it lifts any classic Manhattan or dark, stirred drink to new heights when using in place of regular Angostura bitters. Simple, yet very e玛ective.” —Luke Whearty, Operation by KEVIN SCHLITTENHARDT @ KEVINSCHLITZ Dagger , Outram, Singapore Asking bartender to pick theirde favorite ClearaCreek Pear Eau Vie bottle of liquor is like asking a parent to pick their

favorite kid—but that didn’t stop us from that. Whether it’s a certain spirit that "In almost any bar situation, if there’s onedoing bottleexactly I’m unwilling to move forward without, it’s mixes well with everything, a liquor that does double duty as a cocktail ingredient and Clear Creek Pear Eau de Vie. It’s delicious, clean, 녜oral, 녜avorful, and again, delicious. I love

straight shot, or a bottle gets out ofstar a jam, here are the bottles bartenders can’t, live using it as a modier, or that letting it them soar as the in cocktails.” —Dave Fernie, Los Honeycut without having behind the bar. Angeles, CA

Espolón Blanco Tequila Grey Goose Vodka “A bottle Tequila —Espolón toactually be specic—is absolute must behind bar. “It nice mixes well of with everything, but Blanco does not requirean said ‘everything’ to taste the good. Margarita Not only is it great for classic lime it’sWine the perfect spirit to infuse and create Ayza & Chocolate Bar Less is always more inamy book.” —Yulia Phifer,, but , Manhattan, NY 녜avors with; for example, our jalapeño infusion makes a delicious spicy Margarita. You can

Aged American also enjoy tequila with Whiskey a mixer of your choice or simply as a shot with a beer.” —Elizabeth “If you had asked me question 10 years I would have DiCarlo, Gypsy Bar at this , Atlantic City, NJ said unequivocally vodka . Borgata Hoteleven Casino & Spaago, It was impossible to think of any other bottle that could be the one everyone grabs for. Now, https://www.supercall.com/culture/bartender­favorite­liquor­bottle American rye and bourbon seems to be

on its way to conquering the world. I would say the

darling of the bar today is that special bottle of aged American straight whiskey. Choose your favorite brand and insert.” —Dale DeGro玛, author The Craft of the Cocktail and The Essential

Cocktail , Holland American Line , Seattle, WA

Ocho Tequila “It’s an amazing, complex product that is easy to enjoy on his own, or you can create delicious drinks with it. The tall and thin bottle makes it very comfortable to work with it behind the bar.” —Balazs Molnar, Island Shangri-La , Hong Kong

Pierre Ferrand Dry Curaçao “As a modier, it is the gift that keeps on giving. It works to elevate the complex nature of classics like Manhattans and Mai Tais and allows for the exploration of a broader scope of 녜avour proles. It’s also pretty delicious neat.” —Jake O’Brien Murphy, Callooh Callay , London, UK

Suze “Aside from being delicious, it is the perfect balance between bitter and sweet. It is a brilliant ingredient for drinks, as well as the best shot you can have.” —Rémy Savage, Little Red Door , Paris, France

Dry Vermouth “Its addition to a Martini is like the addition of salt to steak.” —Declan McGurk, The Savoy , London, UK


Published: April Circulation: 26,000

Published: April Circulation: 26,000

Published: April Circulation:37,380


5 London cocktail bars for the luxury traveller ­ A Luxury Travel Blog

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5 London cocktail bars for the luxury traveller By Rob Stross on Apr 20, 2017 in Bars, Europe, Food and Drink, Going Out, Regions, Travel Miscellany, United Kingdom, Western Europe ­ Read 4307 times

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World­famous hotel bars, chic cocktail bars and quirky pop­ups: London boasts every type of bar imaginable. Naturally then, knowing where to start can be tricky. So we’ve whittled tens of thousands down to five must­visit venues. Sure the drinks are great, the service exemplary and the decor tasteful but then, that’s not unusual. These five venues boast something intangible that propels them into the upper echelons. They have history, they have stories. They’re the best of the best. Tweet

The American Bar, The Savoy The American Bar at the Savoy is not only the most famous hotel bar in London, it’s the most famous hotel bar in the world. From late­night shenanigans with Richard Burton and Oliver Reed to morning gin with the Queen Mother (she came every day, apparently) this London institution is teeming with interesting history. Even the name has a great story as it was opened by an American cocktail waiter escaping Prohibition in his homeland. His cocktails soon became recognised as London’s best: “Wanna find the best cocktail in London?” “Go to the American Bar”.

Gong at Shangri­La Hotel, the Shard The fact is, no bar in London can compete with the views from the mighty Shard. When it comes to great vantage points – and this is a shrewd tip to remember wherever you are – then aim for sunrise or sunset as it’s when the skyline (and of course, the sky) are at their most spectacular. Obviously as we are talking cocktails, sunset might be a better option here! Drinks­wise, the Gong staff mix up a beautiful, complex range of Asian­influenced cocktails. And despite all the talk of sun – there’s no tequila sunrise on this menu.

Published: April Circulation: 321,017 Every week we round up the newest openings, menus and exciting news from the food world. This week it’s National Tea Day, St George’s Day and the relaunch of The Garage. National Tea Day This Friday is National Tea Day, a glorious excuse to celebrate the classic beverage beyond the traditional cuppa. Try using tea as an ingredient in savoury cooking, like this succulent tea­brined chicken, flavoured with Lapsang Suchong. The Savoy is famous for its afternoon teas, once enjoyed by Marilyn Monroe, and now you can also enjoy an Earl Grey­infused tipple at the hotel’s Beaufort Bar. The World Stage is a deliciously delicate mix of Bacardi, apricot, lime, cardamom and Earl Grey tea.

Published: April Circulation: 961,050

American Bar At the Savoy’s American Bar, pair the White Lady—a 1920s hotel original made with gin, Cointreau and lemon juice—with views of the River Thames. fairmont.com.

The Savoy Other Media Highlights

Published: April Circulation: n/a CENTRE


S ecret s of Ser v ice

L ondon’s t op c oncierge s reve a l t r ick s of t he f ive - st a r hot el t r a de.

B y Jen n i fer Pa rker MATT STOCK PHOTOGRAPHY




Published: April Circulation: n/a CENTRE




Optas cupienimus a doluptus si officit liquias con et qui doluptur accatem faccum fugitium quiamet omnis alique eum fugitatem quaepe pro et audaeribus.

To fully understand the upper echelons of hospitality, one must revisit 19th-century Britain. The aristocracy was in its heyday, and England’s greatest estates were attended by a stratified hierarchy of servants: valets and butlers, footmen and ladies maids, all dressed in proper livery and practiced in the art of service. Famed hotelier César Ritz was paying close attention. In 1889, as general manager of the Savoy hotel, he took these tenets of domestic service and put them on public display. High society came to see, be seen, and dine on haute cuisine. Unwittingly, the concept of the luxury hotel was born. London’s historic grande dame properties are still famous for impeccable service, thanks to an elite cast of concierges. In this cosseted world of white gloves and polished silver, it is de rigueur for concierges to be able to secure coveted dinner reservations or sold-out theater tickets for their guests. But what do concierges do for the ultrawealthy? Are their services needed in the digital age, when smartphones can act as virtual tour guides? These days, for every old-school hotel with a traditional concierge desk, one can find a hip, modern boutique operating without one. Underneath all the froufrou and frippery, the real answer was revealed by hours spent with the staff who helm the Savoy, the Lanesborough, and Claridge’s—each a historic landmark boasting a five-star rating. They are members of Les Clefs D’Or, the international association for classically trained hotel concierges, signified by sets of crossed gold keys worn on their uniforms’ lapels. In Great Britain, they’re known as “The Society of the Golden Keys,” which sounds a bit like a group of grown adults who cloak themselves and gather secretly around candlelit mahogany tables to engage in elaborate masonic ceremonies. Maybe that’s a stretch, but even members poke fun at the strict and serious tone of the organization, which requires five years of experience, the written support of two longstanding members, the successful passing of several interviews, and a difficult entrance exam for an aspiring member to become initiated. But once you’re in, you have access to a global network of well-connected peers who are tacitly bound to pull favors for one another. This isn’t just a glorified club. It’s a trade network.

(OPPOSITE) The lobby at Claridge’s. (PREVIOUS SPREAD) Inside a suite at the Lanesborough.



Published: April Circulation: n/a


The Savoy Hotel: Toru Machida , Head Concierge clubs in Mayfair that play host to England’s ruling class. Perhaps I’ve pushed too far, I think, feeling more than a bit cheeky. Private clubs are the cornerstones of this stratified society, after all. “Not at all,” he assures me. “It is my pleasure.” By the time I return to my room, two reservations are there waiting, printed on ivory paper and hand-signed by Machida. At this hotel, now managed by Fairmont, a concierge’s ability to book popular reservations, personal shoppers, supercar hire, and sold-out theater tickets is considered standard. Machida’s stories go well beyond that. He’s helped couples stage marriage proposals in the private capsules of the London Eye ferris wheel. He’s reconnected estranged friends after years of separation. He’s guided complete strangers through London, because other Golden Key members asked him to. At the moment, there isn’t an app for that. Even top-rated travel apps (TripIt, Lola, GateGuru) are limited to logistics. “No matter what tech guests use, a hotel concierge provides empathy. That’s the most important thing—understanding their feelings,” he says. “Tech cannot do that.” It’s all a far cry from cleaning toilets, which is how Machida began life in London, arriving from Tokyo at the age of 19. After studying hotel management at Middlesex University, he got his first job at Four Seasons, working as a bellhop. A year later, in 2001, he became a concierge. It took eight more years for Machida to earn his Golden Keys, and five more than that to secure his post at the Savoy. “I wanted to work in the best hotel in London,” he says, looking back on his journey. “I said to myself, ‘You know what? This might actually be quite fun.’” Today, practically every top hotelier in London knows his name.

Italian cuisine served in an elegant don’s new culinary playboys Paulo de n. 45 Great Queen St., Covent Garden

DRINK: American Bar An award-winning piano bar serving a dazzling array of vintage cocktails from the 19th and 20th centuries. Savoy Court, Strand fairmont.com/savoy-london

CAROUSE: Mark’s Club A handsome townhouse with strict dress codes and even stricter membership terms. Save time for cigars on the terrace. 46 Charles St., Mayfair marksclub.co.uk

Toru Machida. (OPPOSITE) The American Bar inside the Savoy Hotel. The Savoy Court entrance.




Machida whisks across the -and-white marble floor of ront hall to greet me with rm smile and a firm hande. It’s already clear from his anguage that he is busy, but ent—a modern-day hustler, ng in a 1920s art deco warp. n a few moments, with a nod s front-of-house staff, he’s ed us a table in the private g room of the Savoy Grill. It here, within these gold-leaf , that César Ritz and chef ste Escoffier conceived of estaurant as a social space, brought it to life, cultivating nvironment where aristocrats and wealthy American trialists would mingle with Oscar Wilde and boho s. At the time, the comingling of these groups was ng short of revolutionary—shattering class barriers onnecting worlds. oday, it’s the kind of place where classic beef ngton is wheeled out on silver trolleys and carved side, before gentlemen in dinner jackets start swirlognac in crystal snifters, conversing comfortably ath Swarovski chandeliers. Machida orders a coffee. “This type of clientele— know exactly what they want, when they want it, how want it,” he says. “I feel our job is to find a way to de exactly what they’re looking for.” t press time, “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” on West End was the toughest ticket in town, selling at rd of $6,400 per ticket on the secondary market. A at Margot, London’s most glamorous new Italian y, was virtually impossible. Even as a hotel guest, ng a spot at the Savoy’s legendary cocktail bars ed yogic levels of patience. Unless, of course, Machida is repping you. To prove oint, he asks where I might like to go. “LouLous or rts Club,” I say, choosing two private membership

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John Legend talks to Roisin O’Connor about his new album, shaking up the academy voting system and the sense of victimhood among privileged people in the world On the day Article 50 was triggered, John Legend turned up at King’s Cross St Pancras to provide what felt like some much-needed fun on a depressing day, performing his massive hit “All Of Me” to delighted commuters. The musician and actor is in London preparing for a huge tour in support of his latest album Darkness and Light – released in 2016 to considerable acclaim – which will bring a full band and live production to venues including the 20,000 capacity O2 Arena in London. It sees Legend push himself out of his comfort zone into something altogether more ambitious, singing about navigating his celebrity status and the conflicted world we live in today. Hearing what Blake Mills had done on Alabama Shakes’ breakthrough LP Sound & Color, Legend approached the producer for his own record and the pair created what is arguably his best work to date. “It’s a really interesting blend on this album, all very soulful, and it feels like really honest, truthful music for me,” he says, perched on a sofa in a room at the Savoy. Despite the “in and out” process of this kind of interview he’s relaxed, a wonderful soothing presence to be around – it’s actually hard to imagine him raising his voice.

After appearing in the Oscar-winning film La La Land he admits he may have caught the acting bug but has yet to find something that can fully tempt him away from the piano. “I’m kind of spoiled,” he admits grinning, “after working with Damien Chazelle. Yeah, I’ll do it again. It’s just waiting for the right project and the right filmmaker.” Contemplating this year’s awards season, Legend says that the voting system for events such as the Grammys – where he won Best Song Written for a Motion Picture alongside rapper Common for their track “Glory” (used in Selma) – could do with a shake-up. “Those things are hard because the voters are the voters and they make their own decisions,” he says. “Sometimes it’s based on what’s sold the most, sometimes you have to ask ‘who are the voters?’ – what the composition of the academy is… but one thing I think they should do is make the voting electronic. “At the moment they do it by mail which is crazy because of all the academies in the world musicians are probably the most transient. And you send us a paper ballot and expect us to return it in a few weeks, and we might be on tour. So sometimes a voting body might not reflect those musicians who are at the height of their careers, out touring… instead it could be artists who are retired, more conservative.”

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