Press Coverage Report for February 2016

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The Savoy Media Highlights February 2016

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Gloucestershire Echo (Final) {Weekend}



UK Saturday 27, February 2016 50,51,5... 2220 sq. cm ABC 13221 Daily page rate £1,904.00, scc rate £7.00 01242 278000

the best of the best




F R O M G R A N D A R T- D E C O B E D R O O M S T O S I L E N T F I L M - I N S P I R E D

C O C K T A I L S , T H E S A V O Y R E A L LY I S I N A N O T H E R W O R L D O F L U X U R Y. J O N AT H A N W H I L E Y C H E C K S I N


HANEL No. 5 – or at least its key notes of jasmine and rose – fill the air of the sultry-lit bar; it’s floral and light in an atmosphere that weighs heavy with history. A vintage glass, cradling a crimson concoction, sits on the sleek jet-black table and a neat little box of chocolate caviar is placed, just so, next to it. It’s the last brushstroke to complete the masterpiece and the theatrics – befitting of a West End play – prove as intoxicating as the cocktail itself. Appropriately we’re nestled deep in the heart of London’s theatreland, tucked away at a corner table within the burnished gold walls of The Beaufort Bar at The Savoy, regarded by many as London’s most decadent bolthole. It’s early evening and a pianist tinkles away amid the convivial chatter. An enviable collection of spirits glisten under the lights of a bar which was once the stage for the likes of George Gershwin to entertain the great and the good. The wealth of history in the labyrinth of corridors and mixture of Edwardian and art-deco rooms that make up this sprawling country manor – think Downton Abbey on acid – is too deep a well to plunder. So much so, in fact, that Susan Scott is employed as Britain’s only hotel archivist and on a whistlestop tour of the elaborate fixtures and fittings we’re given a gloriously detailed account of 127 years of history. It’s fascinating stuff; we’re shown to the very suite where Claude Monet painted his pastel of Waterloo Bridge and Marilyn Monroe is said to

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Gloucestershire Echo (Final) {Weekend}



UK Saturday 27, February 2016 50,51,5... 2220 sq. cm ABC 13221 Daily page rate £1,904.00, scc rate £7.00 01242 278000

have used as a dressing room for various photoshoots (The Savoy was the screen siren’s favourite place to stay while visiting London). Marilyn, who also used to host her London press conferences in this lavish utopia, wasn’t the only shining light who made the trip from Beverly Hills. Past Hollywood legends, including Marlene Dietrich, Katharine Hepburn and Maria Callas, have all waltzed through the marble front hall. In homage to its distinguished guests, the Canadian-based Fairmont Hotels & Resorts who run the slick operation, has also decided to create a set of nine ‘signature suites’ as part of the 268-room occupancy. It’s a novel but characterful touch with the likes of Noel Coward, Charlie Chaplin and Sir Winston Churchill immortalised in all but the brickwork with the latter famously setting up his own dining club (The Other Club in 1911) in The Pinafore, one of six private rooms all named after Gilbert & Sullivan operas. Rather less savoury perhaps but nonetheless intriguing is the threefoot sculpture of a black cat, Kaspar, created in 1926 and now presiding in the hotel’s award-winning seafood bar and grill which shares the same name. British architect Basil Lonides was the man behind the statement piece which was meant to stave off bad luck following the death of South African diamond magnate Woolf Joel. The story goes that Joel held a dinner at The Savoy for 14 guests and one cancelled at the last minute. Dinner went ahead but one guest announced that death would come to the person to leave the supposedly ‘unlucky’ table of 13. Woolf took the gamble and a few months later was shot dead in Johannesburg. Thereafter a member of the Savoy staff would sit among tables of 13 but unable to discuss private matters it proved unpopular and so Kaspar’s place at the table – with a napkin round his neck – was cemented as part of a quaint tradition that continues to this very day. As does eclair-making which is a staple of the hotel’s exquisite afternoon tea with a masterclass offering the chance to create their flagship choux pastry treat alongside pastry chef Loic Moreau. Nibble at them though; you’ll want to leave room or dinner. There’s 1920s-style dining at Gordon Ramsay’s Savoy Grill or transport yourself to a bygone era with classic British fare – with roasted meat served on silver trays and carved at the table – at occasion restaurant Simpson’s in The Strand. Beef Wellington at the latter comes highly recommended – but then

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Gloucestershire Echo (Final) {Weekend}



UK Saturday 27, February 2016 50,51,5... 2220 sq. cm ABC 13221 Daily page rate £1,904.00, scc rate £7.00 01242 278000

again, so does everything else. Aforementioned Kaspar’s meanwhile is a more informal option. A stunning art deco restaurant, it focuses on myriad seafood options with giant platters of rock oysters and freshly-prepared sushi and – on a side note – the best truffle mash you will taste. Anywhere. Ever.

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Gloucestershire Echo (Final) {Weekend}



UK Saturday 27, February 2016 50,51,5... 2220 sq. cm ABC 13221 Daily page rate ÂŁ1,904.00, scc rate ÂŁ7.00 01242 278000


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Gloucestershire Echo (Final) {Weekend}



UK Saturday 27, February 2016 50,51,5... 2220 sq. cm ABC 13221 Daily page rate £1,904.00, scc rate £7.00 01242 278000

Alternatively you can take afternoon tea which is served until 6pm in the effortlessly elegant Thames Foyer with a magnificent glass-domed atrium which cuts an imposing figure We sampled a BAFTA-themed offering (intricate film reels made from fondant icing – wow) as well as a traditional serving with feather-light scones, zingy homemade lemon curd and the lightest, most delicious Victoria sponge you could possibly imagine. Decadence always has a price though and you may well need a lie-down after a double dose of finger sandwiches. If so then make for the third floor spa for a massage or try the pool – which is directly above the theatre – or if you’re feeling especially guilty, the fitness centre. Alternatively you could – some hours later, naturally – enjoy the delights on offer in the suave surroundings of the American Bar which has just launched a new menu, taking guests on a journey around the six boroughs that surround the hotel. Just opening the menu is like tumbling down the rabbit hole with highlights that include Secret Agent – with chocolate that looks like blood splattered on the outside of the glass – or my personal favourite, Green Park. Devised by head bartender Eric Lorincz, it’s the bar’s longest surviving cocktail and quite possibly the best drink I’ve ever tasted; spiked with basil it’s like jumping head first into a giant edible – alcoholic – herb garden. Amazing. Another signature drink is the very rock and roll Pickering Place. A cool £50, it features two different cocktails served on a wooden board that slides apart to reveal an iPad.

A specially-made silent film illustrates the story of two bartenders arguing over whether Savoy regular Frank Sinatra preferred Jack Daniel’s or a dry martini.

It is totally, totally, bonkers – about as mad as the Savoy-branded ice cubes – and yet utterly brilliant all at the same time. The best, however, was yet to come. After dinner we retired, as one does when one is about as stuffed as a suckling pig, to the Thames Foyer. Many moons ago this would have been time for coffee and mints and a political chinwag but now there’s a touch of Heston-esque magic in the form of a Temptation Wheel. A mahogany spinning wheel, it’s divided into a painter’s palette of flavours where you pick a cocktail, a dessert and a hand-made slab of chocolate depending on your mood. I often find myself in an ‘indulgent’ state of mind – don’t you? – and so, with the clock edging towards midnight, we tucked into yet another sublime sweet offering. Then I asked the staff politely if they could roll me – gently – towards my candy floss soft bed but apparently even at The Savoy that’s a bit of an ask. Everything else however is no trouble whatsoever with friendly, personable and very approachable staff that hold true to the oldfashioned values that make this one of our great British institutions. Staying here for any length of time is very, very special; rather like wrapping yourself in your favourite winter scarf that you’ve known and loved for years and has so much history and so many precious memories that you’re reluctant to ever let it go. All of it, naturally, comes at a cost but as

Coco Chanel famously said; the best things in life are free and the second best are very expensive.


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Gloucestershire Echo (Final) {Weekend}



UK Saturday 27, February 2016 50,51,5... 2220 sq. cm ABC 13221 Daily page rate £1,904.00, scc rate £7.00 01242 278000

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drinks with a view YOU know that trend for secret suppers and hidden pop-up restaurants? Well now there’s a secret Champagne bar. There’s just one snag. You have to be skiing in Aspen to find out where it is. Every ski season, Veuve Clicquot and five-star Relais & Chateau hotel The Little Nell come together to celebrate the high life on Aspen’s slopes. Pulled by a snowcat, The Nell’s mobile Champagne bar Oasis roams the slopes before pulling into the perfect spot to socialise. This year, guests can feast on bento boxes of poki, seaweed salad and cucumber as well as California caviar and chips in a smart little patio area filled with trademark gold cushions, entertained by a pop-up DJ and take part in daily raffles for Veuve Cliquot swag, including clothing and blankets. How do you find out about it? Follow cryptic clues on The Nell’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts as you’re tackling those pesky black runs. THELITTLENELL.COM.

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Gloucestershire Echo (Final) {Weekend}



UK Saturday 27, February 2016 50,51,5... 2220 sq. cm ABC 13221 Daily page rate ÂŁ1,904.00, scc rate ÂŁ7.00 01242 278000

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Gloucestershire Echo (Final) {Weekend}



UK Saturday 27, February 2016 50,51,5... 2220 sq. cm ABC 13221 Daily page rate ÂŁ1,904.00, scc rate ÂŁ7.00 01242 278000

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Bar Magazine {Main}



UK Monday 1, February 2016 38 104 sq. cm Pub Stmt 12500 Monthly page rate ÂŁ2,250.00, scc rate ÂŁ0.00 01795 509101

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Bar Magazine {Main}



UK Monday 1, February 2016 74 102 sq. cm Pub Stmt 12500 Monthly page rate ÂŁ2,250.00, scc rate ÂŁ0.00 01795 509101

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Publication Date: February Circulation: 67,000


About Time: You had FUN on Valentine's Day | About Time Magazine

What: Would you prefer a sweet treat (or 6) this Valentine’s Day? The Savoy has launched a temptation wheel, a dining experience featuring our favourite course – desserts, chocolates and cocktails. What more could you actually need? The most perfect thing about this menu is that you can have whatever you want, and so can your partner – so if you want to have a few cocktails, while they load up on cakes, that’s ENCOURAGED! Where: Want an extravagant celebration? Get to The Savoy Hotel, WC2R 0EU. Their Southern Rose cocktail will change your life. When: Spin the wheel of temptation this weekend – the Chocolátl needs to be tried to be believed. Check out the menu and book yourself a table here. 5. Get illuminated: Chinese Lantern Festival

Publication Date: February Circulation: 246,466

Publication Date: February Circulation: 71,000

Best Valentine’s Day cocktail bars for a date SARAH DRUMM

05 February 2016


With Valentine’s Day around the corner, now’s the time to brush up on London’s best venues for date night. Sarah Drumm reveals 11 of the city’s most impressive cocktail bars 3. American Bar American Bar is the 125yearold venue attached to the Savoy Hotel – a nod to the American 2/8/2016 Best Valentine’s Day cocktail bars for a date British travellers who would visit London when it opened in the 1890s. This is also where the Savoy Cocktail Book (still the ultimate bartender’s handbook) was created. Live jazz piano and photographs of famous guests adorn the walls, emphasising the bar’s glamorous history, and while the prices can be steep, the atmosphere and cocktail mastery are worth it. What to drink? The White Lady – created by Harry Craddock, author of the Savoy Cocktail Book, in the 1920s. Where? The Savoy Hotel, 100 Strand, London, WC2R 0EZ (+44 207 836 4343)­valentines­day­cocktail­bars­for­a­date/


Publication Date: February Circulation: 66,260

70 I Lifestyle news

Lifestyle news I 71

Movenpick adds Asian properties


movenpIck Is LaunchIng new hoTeLs in Pattaya, Thailand and Boracay, the Philippines. The five-star Movenpick Siam Hotel Pattaya will open on February 6 in Na Jomtien, a two-hour drive from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi airport. The beachfront new-build has 262 rooms, suites and pool villas. The Swiss-based company is also taking over the Sol Marina Resort Boracay, relaunching it as the Movenpick Resort Boracay in the second quarter of this year. The 333room property (pictured) is located on Punta Bunga beach in the north-west of the island, which can be reached by ferry from Caticlan, an hour’s flight from Manila.

Jaguar unveils all-wheel-drive XF

Jaguar has Launched a new XF option for 2016. For the first time, the executive saloon is being offered as an all-wheel drive with a 2.0-litre, four-cylinder Ingenium diesel engine. Jaguar says this offers “exceptional fuel efficiency” and “enhanced all-weather traction and performance”. It reaches 0-60 mph in 7.9 seconds and has a maximum speed of 138 mph. First deliveries expected in the spring; priced from £36,350.



Corbin and King open Bellanger

Met extension to launch in New York

new York’s meTropoLITan museum oF arT will open a new modern and contemporary outpost on march 18. The met breuer building on madison avenue was formerly home to the whitney museum of american art, which moved to the meatpacking district last year. It will allow the met to display more of its 20thand 21st-century collection. Inaugural exhibitions include Unfinished: Thoughts Left Visible, which will present unfinished works of art from the renaissance to the present day.

The Team behInd London resTauranTs the wolseley and the Delaunay has launched its latest venture, the Bellanger. corbin and King’s new all-day grand café is inspired by the traditional Alsatian brasseries of Paris. The 195-cover venue occupies the former home of Browns restaurant on Islington Green, and has a 24-seat terrace. Dishes include choucroute (salted and smoked meats with sauerkraut), baeckeoffe (beef, pork and lamb stew), schnitzels and a variety of sausages and tartes flambées. The largely French wine list includes a wide selection available by the glass. Open weekdays 11.30am12am, weekends from 9am (Sun until 11pm). FEBRUARY 2016

ALIcE nEEL’S james hunter black draftee; AnDy wArhOL’S do it yourself violin




The Savoy’s American Bar reveals new cocktail list The amerIcan bar aT London’s savoY has unveiled its new cocktail menu. celebrating the history of the capital, the London-themed list takes guests on a journey around the six boroughs surrounding the hotel, with four drinks created for each. They include camden’s “abbey road” (glenfiddich 21-year-old rum cask, caperinfused savoy dry vermouth, grenadine, lemon juice, thyme and coal) and, for westminster, head bartender erik Lorincz’s take on the bar’s classic “green park” (Jensen’s old Tom gin, lemon juice, sugar, celery bitters, egg white and basil).


Time travel: Rolex

duaL-TIme waTches have a tendency to be large, but the beautiful cellini from rolex is only 39mm in diameter, and works both as an everyday or dress watch. It comes in either 18ct white gold or Everose gold cast with refined lugs and a double bezel – one domed, one fluted – with dials either lacquered or embellished with a black or a silver-plated classic “rayon flammé de la gloire” guilloche motif. The small gold-rimmed sub-dial at 6 o’clock shows the minutes and hours in one time zone; daytime hours are distinguished from night by a sun or moon symbol in the aperture. The large centre hands, shaped like two-edged swords, show the present time where you are, with the hour hand set independently by successive “jumps” to adjust to a new time zone without disturbing the functioning of the watch. rolex cellini Dual Time in 18ct Everose gold, £12,900.


Publication Date: February Circulation: 60,000





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Windsor & Ascot Magazine, The {Main}



UK Monday 1, February 2016 1,7,17 1104 sq. cm Pub Stmt 40600 Monthly page rate ÂŁ1,155.00, scc rate ÂŁ20.00 020 8939 5600

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Elmbridge Lifestyle Magazine {Main}



UK Monday 1, February 2016 23 519 sq. cm Pub Stmt 40600 Monthly page rate ÂŁ1,155.00, scc rate ÂŁ20.00 0208 939 5600

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Elmbridge Lifestyle Magazine {Main}



UK Monday 1, February 2016 23 519 sq. cm Pub Stmt 40600 Monthly page rate ÂŁ1,155.00, scc rate ÂŁ20.00 0208 939 5600

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Publication Date: February Circulation: 60,000


The most romantic bars in London for Valentine's Day | Pubs and Bars | Going Out | London Evening Standard




Going Out Publication Date: February

Circulation: 898,407

Going Out › Pubs and Bars

The most romantic bars in London for Valentine's Day If you're dating, you're probably drinking. Here's how to do it with style, says David Ellis DAVID ELLIS | 18 hours ago |  0 comments

 London's most romantic bars

 12 show all­romantic­bars­in­london­a3172181.html#gallery


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Evening Standard (London) {Main}



UK Wednesday 3, February 2016 27,28 867 sq. cm ABC 857108 Daily page rate £57,120.00, scc rate £240.00 020 7938 7161

Chefs get chic People

One female foodie is waging war on baggy trousers with stylish kitchenwear made for women, says Rachael Sigee


HE capital is over shouty machismo in the kitchen (see Bradley Cooper as a hotshot chef in last year’s cinematic flop Burnt) and is discovering that the new culinary trailblazers are not necessarily bullying blokes. In April 2015 Kim Woodward became the first female head chef at the Savoy Grill in its 126-year history and Gordon Ramsay protege Clare Smyth is due to open her own venture later this year. But still only a fifth of professional chefs in the UK are women, and it’s not just maternity leave and unequal pay that rear their ugly heads in this male-dominated environment, but more practical issues. PolkaPants launched last week to

‘I couldn’t for the life of me find a pair of comfortable trousers, so in the end I just made some myself’

solve a problem that most people hungrily tucking into their tasting menu would never even realise existed — trousers for female chefs. Maxine Thompson, 29, has been in the industry for over a decade and was fed up with wearing uncomfortable and unflattering trousers to work. “I couldn’t for the life of me find a pair of comfortable trousers. The seams ripped, they were saggy, they wouldn’t stay up. I have a background in fashion design so in the end I just made some myself.” Working in professional kitchens is notoriously tough, with unsociable hours, sweltering heat and endless chopping and stirring to work up a sweat. Clothes need to be able to survive the environment and take the strain like sportswear. Thompson’s new commercial range is slim-fit with a high waist and

Continued on Page 28

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Furniture News {Main}



UK Monday 1, February 2016 24,25 754 sq. cm ABC 7500 Monthly page rate ÂŁ1,569.00, scc rate ÂŁ20.00 01424 776102

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Furniture News {Main}

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What’s on in London this February 2016 | Global Blue

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What’s on in London this February 2016 Global Blue brings you the ultimate guide to the best things to see and do in London this February 2016. Make the most of the leap year and cram your diary with events from top new restaurant openings and unmissable exhibitions to new shopping opportunities. These are the best events taking place across the capital this month (­scrivener/)


Monday, 1 February, 2016 by Emily Scrivener (­scrivener/)

1 February: The Silver Screen afternoon tea adgate The Savoy has created a brand­new afternoon tea menu for the film awards season. Guests are invited to enjoy the t and Silver Screen afternoon tea in the Savoy’s Thames Foyer, the perfect backdrop for the film­inspired British tea. es of Highlights include Marilyn’s Éclair, Pop Corn Polenta and Roll Film cakes, the last of which is made with dark chocolate, white coffee cream and liquid salted caramel.­on­in­london­this­february­2016/#slide­8

8 February: Chinese New Year London is famous for hosting one of the largest Chinese New Year (­new­ye with plenty of festive events taking place around the capital. Those head over to Hakkasan for its special tasting menu, while those wh souvenirs should make a bee­line for Selfridges who will be handi the festival.


Publication Date: February

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Unique date ideas for Valentine’s Day 2016

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we bring you a guide to some unique date ideas in London. Whether you want to surpr a stunning bouquet or you’re looking for a top cocktail bar, our guide is sure to inspire you (­scrivener/)


Tuesday, 2 February, 2016 by Emily Scrivener (­scrivener/)

Beaufort Bar cocktails Cahoots Valentine’s Day Picnic The theatrical setting of the Beaufort Bar in the Savoy hotel is one of the most romantic locations in London and the Celebrate Valentine’s Day the old­fa perfect place to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Famous for its unique luxury cocktails, the Beaufort Bar pushes the romantic picnic at underground bar boundaries of cocktail making and your imagination with some truly spectacular creations. This Valentine’s Day, enjoy head inside for a Valentine’s Day S ons, and indulge their sweet tooth with one of the bar’s most stunning inventions, the Impressionist, which comes to the table complete with rose­scented fog. filled with British cuisine and cockta from three types of basket, each fille Made with Grey Goose vodka, Miclo violet liqueur, Cherry Marnier liqueur, Ruinart Rosé champagne and rose fog, this is arguably the most romantic cocktail in the UK capital. delicious sweet selection, and listen­date­ideas­for­valentines­day­2016/#slide­5

Publication Date: February Circulation: 415,000

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Hospitality Interiors {Main}



Monday 1, February 2016 60 255 sq. cm 15804 page rate ÂŁ1,795.00, scc rate ÂŁ0.00 01424 774982

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Publication Date: February Circulation: 898,407

Going Out › Pubs and Bars

The Beaufort Bar at the Savoy, Strand, review: Opulent, romantic, unashamedly ridiculous There's glamour, glitz and plenty of gold at romantic bar in one of London's most iconic hotels, says David Ellis DAVID ELLIS | 20 hours ago |  0 comments 1/29/2016

The Beaufort Bar at the Savoy, Strand, review: Opulent, romantic, unashamedly ridiculous | Pubs and Bars | Going Out | London Evening Standard



London population forecast to hit 13m by 2050 3 hours

Palatial glitz: the matt black and gold alcoves

What they say: Named Best International Hotel Bar, the Beaufort is doing its utmost to reign supreme not just for its­beaufort­bar­at­the­savoy­strand­bar­review­opulent­romantic­ridiculous­a3167556.html cocktail making, but for imagination and design too. Following a refurbishment, redesign and general reshuffling, the doorway has moved, making this bar a little harder to stumble across, and all the more special because of that. What we say: The Savoy inspires big expectations, and the Beaufort seems quietly capable of handling them with panache. The room itself, with its palatial lavishings of gold on black, is enough. The bar sits, mirrors glimmering, on the old cabaret stage, where Gershwin once performed. Then comes the menu: a pop-up book to make small children cry with envy, offering cocktails inspired by former patrons of this grand old building, including Frank Sinatra, Marlene Dietrich, Coco Chanel and Ernest Hemingway. When these creations arrive, the theatre is taken further, with­beaufort­bar­at­the­savoy­strand­bar­review­opulent­romantic­ridiculous­a3167556.html




The Beaufort Bar at the Savoy, Strand, review: Opulent, romantic, unashamedly ridiculous | Pubs and Bars | Going Out | London Evening Standard Publication Date: February

liberal sprinklings of gold leaf – you’re pretending to be rich, Circulation: 898,407 remember? – stories about famous guests and your very own bartender mixing seatside. Naturally, there’s live entertainment every evening, too, so you can sit back quietly in your finery and avoid any conversation about who's paying for what.

All in the detail: the limited edition pop-up menu, here listing the Ernest Hemingway cocktail

Good for: Goodness, the Beaufort is so romantic that I gave weighty consideration as to whether my housemate might be my soulmate – and I think we could have made a go of it if he hadn’t reminded me, as I leant in for a kiss, that we were both straight men and his girlfriend would object, and wasn’t I meant to be broken-hearted over someone else anyway? We made it up over a cocktail later, feeling the waiter’s pity as everyone else in the room gave each other bedroom eyes and declared undying love while we mumbled away about politics and other mood-killers. Order: A warning: be very careful with what’s ordered, because it gets expensive here, and quickly. The Blue Angel (gin, extra dry martini, cointreau, botanical cordial, Dom Pérignon, lemon sorbet), a homage Marlene Dietrich, has all of her star wattage and doubles as a pudding, with the sorbet floating in champagne –­beaufort­bar­at­the­savoy­strand­bar­review­opulent­romantic­ridiculous­a3167556.html



Publication Date: February The Beaufort Bar at the Savoy, Strand, review: Opulent, romantic, unashamedly ridiculous | Pubs and Bars | Going Out | London Evening Standard

as the actress was occasionally rumoured to do – but it’s hard to justify the £50 cost, especially given the quality of ingredients: is Bombay Sapphire all they could stretch to? The Sinatra drink, Ol’ Blue Eyes, is fine, but no Jack Daniels drink cuts it at £40.

Circulation: 898,407

Top option: the Pan American Highway, rich, sweet and served with a chocolate­beaufort­bar­at­the­savoy­strand­bar­review­opulent­romantic­ridiculous­a3167556.html



The Beaufort Bar at the Savoy, Strand, review: Opulent, romantic, unashamedly ridiculous | Pubs and Bars | Going Out | London Evening Standard

Publication Date: February Circulation: 898,407


The best traditional afternoon teas in London

Better to scour for options: the Epiphany (Dewar’s 18-year-old, camut 6-year-old, calvados, honeycomb and mead liqueur, sherry blend) is a relative bargain at £16, as is the rich, sweet, wonderfully chocolately Pan American Highway, also £16 (rum, rum blend, Amer Picon, Branca Menta, roasted coffee maple, cocoa nib bitters). Both show the undeniable skill of the bartenders, who mix and prepare everything with talent, skill and flare. By the way: Dress up. You’re here for the experience: add something to it for your fellow patrons. Oh, and to the reshuffle's credit, there doesn't appear to be a bad seat in the house. Find it: The Savoy, Strand, WC2R 0EU,  Latest bar reviews­beaufort­bar­at­the­savoy­strand­bar­review­opulent­romantic­ridiculous­a3167556.html


Publication Date: February Circulation: 898,407

Going Out › Restaurants

The Savoy launches show-stopping Silver Screen Afternoon Tea The iconic hotel has created a new afternoon tea menu just in time for the BAFTAs AMIRA HASHISH | 48 minutes ago |  0 comments




Chelsea spa banned from giving massages­savoy­launches­showstopping­silver­screen­afternoon­tea­a3169621.html


Publication Date: February Circulation: 12,000



A Touch of


Such a fuss we were making! Granted, that day it was Queen Elizabeth II’s first visit to see Princess Charlotte. And true, we were having afternoon tea in the opulent surrounds of Kensington Palace, Princess Diana’s former home, and the very place where Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge were staying. But still, adults like us should have a sense of decorum. At least, that’s what my outer self was telling my inner self to prevent me from also dashing over to witness the arrival of Britain’s longest reigning monarch. It would only be a glimpse of the sovereign’s limousine, I knew, and that could later be seen together with all her other claret-colored cars and coaches inside the Royal Mews near Buckingham Palace. In fact, it was starting to feel as if I couldn’t turn around without encountering some touch by joseph a. lieberman of royal at all kinds of events and venues throughout London.



Publication Date: February Circulation: 12,000


lthough Kensington Palace teas are open to the public, my invitation here had been thoughtfully provided by Milan Thakrar of Historic Royal Palaces, which also looks after Hillsborough Castle, Hampton Court and Kew palace, Banqueting House, and the infamous Tower of London. At the latter, I had earlier visited the Crown Jewels and the spot marked by a glass pillow where Queen Anne Boleyn was beheaded on orders from Henry VIII. All about stood male and female Yeoman Guard Extraordinary, more popularly known as “Beefeaters.” They earned that title around 1700, when they were granted the right to partake of as much beef as they wished from the King’s table. I remembered that fact during evening dinner in The Grill at The Dorchester as our server was adding

bordelaise sauce to a tempting array of Aberdeen angus beef tournedos on gnocchi and onion confit. “I doubt if even the King’s table back then ever offered meat of this quality,” I conjectured to my friend, who was polishing off a ham hock and foie gras terrine with red onion chutney. My own starter had been a creamy green vegetable risotto, topped with crispy Parmesan cheese wafers. Originally established in 1931 and revamped in November 2014 by Alain Ducasse’s protégé Christophe Marleix, The Grill at The Dorchester is everything you’d expect from its prestigious Park Lane address, and more. Several floors above, a canopied four-poster king bed awaited me in a spacious suite filled with luxurious amenities. The Dorchester is a short taxi ride from Paddington Station, where ever-reliable Heathrow Express trains

terminate their convenient twenty one-minute airport transfers, with first and second class seats available. However you arrive, know that The Dorchester, queen of the Mayfair district on the fashionable edge of Hyde Park, is one of only a handful of 5-star hotels in London that have remained iconic landmarks of exquisite indulgence for decades, if not centuries. Another is The Savoy, built by impresario Richard D’Oyly Carte in 1889 at The Strand on the north bank of the river Thames. It’s no coincidence that The Savoy is located near London’s West End theatre district and Covent Garden, presided over by the grand Royal Opera House. Carte hired César Ritz as manager and Auguste Escoffier as chef de cuisine, establishing an unprecedented standard of quality that today is reflected in The Savoy’s

Publication Date: February Circulation: 12,000

lavishly appointed restaurant, Kaspar’s Seafood Bar and Grill. There I found the starter of my oceanic dreams, a platter of smoked and cured fish, which included slivers of wild Scottish, hot peppered, and royal fillet of smoked salmon and sable, gravlax, citrus-cured wild sea bass, and staranise cured salmon. Sushi and sashimi alternatives were aboard as well. Main course options include traditional grilled Dover sole, as well as clever twists on old favorites such as beetroot-cured halibut, or pea and smoked bacon ravioli. There’s a full complement of shellfish, ranging from Isle of Skye lobster to Cornish crab. Land creatures include marinated spicy spatchcock chicken, lamb rack with roasted garlic and rosemary jus, or Hereford filet of beef. Rooms at The Savoy, decorated in Edwardian or Art Deco style, have played host to royalty, world leaders and stage and screen legends for


127 years. The guest list includes King Edward VII after he became Duke of Windsor, Harry Truman, Winston Churchill, Laurence Olivier, Noël Coward, Marilyn Monroe and The Beatles.

A few short blocks from The Savoy are cultural icons like The Courtauld Gallery, home to dozens of the world’s most celebrated paintings, and the family-friendly London Transport Museum. Follow the River


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The Daily Telegraph {Main}



UK Tuesday 9, February 2016 6 168 sq. cm ABC 476434 Daily page rate £46,000.00, scc rate £214.00 020 7931 2000

Tickets to the Cup final, Harry Potter tours and dinner at the Savoy – the world of the Civil Service freebie

By Christopher Hope

CIVIL servants have been criticised by auditors for accepting tens of thousands of pounds worth of freebies including tickets to the FA Cup final and the Harry Potter film studios, iPads and a £300 Mont Blanc pen. The husbands, wives and children of Whitehall’s most powerful mandarins were also given tickets to events such as the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony, the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, music recitals and operas on 35 occasions. PricewaterhouseCoopers and Deloitte, the accountancy firms, and BAE Systems were all in the top five organisations providing hospitality to mandarins, the National Audit Office found. Senior civil servants in 17 departments accepted gifts and hospitality worth £29,000 in 2014-15. The NAO found the officials at three departments – the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, HM Revenue and Customs and the Ministry of Defence – had accepted around perks

The NAO said: “Although the total value of hospitality accepted may not be high, the reputational risks around accepting it can be substantial.” It said gifts such as a Fortnum and Mason hamper “might not be considered appropriate”. Louise Haigh, a Labour

MP, said the report “confirms the lopsided approach of this government – skewed entirely towards big business”. An HMRC spokesman said: “We are scrupulous in ensuring that any gifts and hospitality received by HMRC officials are proportionate, appropriate and within Civil Service guidelines.” An MoD spokesman said: “The MoD is committed to upholding both the Civil Service code and Queen’s regulations on acceptance of gifts and hospitality.”

£29,000 Value of gifts and hospitality accepted by senior staff in 17 departments last year

worth about £150,000. Officials were treated to dinners at central London restaurants such as Quirinale and Savoy Grill as well as the Athenaeum club in Pall Mall. The auditors said acceptance of hospitality had to be in the “interests of departments and government objectives”, and that it had “identified some examples where this might not have happened”. These included “tickets to, or hospitality at, sporting events”.

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Publication Date: February Circulation: 110,000

Clockwise from top left: Gin-infused Edition Punch is a best-seller at the Punch Room. Theatrical lighting make Beaufort Bar appear golden. The man behind the drinks at American Bar, Savoy: mixologist Eric Lorincz. The London Edition is an iconic landmark in the Soho neighborhood. Upmarket Berners Tavern boasts restaurant interior awards. Photo by Nikolas Koenig.

private club—patrons enjoy gininfused punch with jasmine tea and oak moss while listening to up-and-coming singer-songwriters perform their own work—you heard them here first. THE SAVOY The Savoy’s centuries-old allure for the fashion jet set is well documented. Coco Chanel stayed here in 1924; Christian Dior held a fashion show at the hotel during the 1950s, and Paul Smith showed in the ballroom immediately following its £100 million

restoration. At the Savoy Grill, French influences lend Gordon Ramsay’s classic British grill dishes a little Continental flair. The Art Decoinspired Beaufort Bar features Head Bartender Chris Moore’s well worth it concoctions. Their seminal drink “The Impressionist,” served with a smoking rose, and its Character Cocktails, served in era-specific vintage glassware and garnished tableside, earned Beaufort Bar the prestigious “Best International Hotel Bar” award at Tales of the Cocktail in 2015. n



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Publication Date: February Circulation: 180,000

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SILVER SCREEN AFTERNOON TEA Afternoon Tea, Film, Food, Hotels




Awards season is upon us and whilst we can’t tell you who might win, (although we are all hoping it’s Leo), what we can tell you is that there is a new afternoon tea to celebrate and, well, if you’re going to celebrate or commiserate you might as well do it with some cake. In honour of it becoming the Official Hotel Partner for the BAFTAs, the Savoy is launching the Silver Screen Afternoon Tea. Having seen a fair few stars grace its doors: Katharine Hepburn, Charlie


Chaplin and Marilyn Monroe to name but a few, the Savoy will be serving its

Following on from sandwiches and scones served with clotted cream and

St James’ Board Game Afternoon Tea Review – what we thought

Searcys The Gherkin Review – What We Thought

lemon curd, the cakes will include Marilyn’s éclair (rhubarb compote,

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Nadler Victoria Review – What We Thought

Le Pain Quotidien Review – What We Thought

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new tea in the Thames Foyer throughout February. A fitting setting given that it is these guests that provide the inspiration for the McAlpine Miller artwork, A Time of Reflection that hang on the foyer’s walls.

vanilla custard cream and white chocolate); Pop Corn (made from polenta cake, homemade praline and Bergamot Chantilly); Cinema Ticket (roasted pineapples, cheesecake mousse and Britanny shortbread) and a cake that uses dark chocolate and liquid salted caramel to create a roll of film. You might not get an award (well, you won’t unless you’re a nominee and reading this, in which case good luck) but at least you can show your support by keeping your fingers crossed and indulging in some cake.­screen­afternoon­tea/?goal=0_db8fe8087f­35f5c9934c­309778257


Publication Date: February Circulation: 120,000

100 LONDON DATE IDEAS ENTERTAINMENT 100 London Date Ideas Chances are fairly high that you're either in a relationship, or single. Whichever it is, you need date ideas. And that's where we come in, because while yes our entire website is filled with amazing London date ideas we've also created this: a humble collection of 100 date ideas which will help you to not only uncover the very best of London, but also secure the lifelong devotion of whomever it is you're trying to impress.



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UK Monday 1, February 2016 74 449 sq. cm Pub Stmt 75119 Monthly page rate ÂŁ4,115.00, scc rate ÂŁ0.00 020 7242 5222

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Publication Date: February Circulation: 80,008

THE A-LIST by Vanity Fair UK

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The New Tea February 9, 2016


By Anna Blomefield Afternoon tea at a grand hotel is one of life’s great pleasures. This much is not in dispute. The Savoy has taken that pleasure, added an extra dimension of indulgence and shifted the whole thing a little further down the road to midnight with its new Temptation Wheel, which is a sort of grown­ups’ evening tea, minus scones and plus decadent puddings and cocktails. Nowadays it’s all about the experience, and with this one, The Savoy is keen to show off its new roster of desserts, created by resident pastry maestro Ludwig Hely. You spin a roulette wheel with an array of dishes—say, a Chocolátl: different textures of chocolate served in a painstakingly rendered­new­tea­6890/


Publication Date: February Circulation: 80,008

Publication Date: February Circulation: 60,000







10 BEST AFTERNOON TEAS WITH A TWIST 1 day ago • Writer ( •

SEAR to s



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Eastern Daily Press {Whats on}



UK Thursday 11, February 2016 1 558 sq. cm ABC 39821 Daily page rate £3,569.28, scc rate £13.52 01603 628 311

Hard work that goes on behind Bafta awards It’s one of the most glittering nights of the year, when the great and good of the silver screen don their finest and prepare to fix their grins as the winners are revealed. SUSAN GRIFFIN takes a closer look at the stats and facts behind the Baftas


ritain has its own glittering night of the stars of the silver screen on Sunday, with the return of the British Academy Film Awards. The film awards were first held in 1949, and from 1968 until 1997, the Film and Television Awards were presented together. The Film Awards have been held at the stunning Royal Opera House since 2007, and this year will be the fifth time Stephen Fry has hosted the ceremony since taking over from Jonathan Ross in 2012. He’d previously done the job from 2001-2006, before leaving and making way for Ross, making Fry the longest-serving Bafta host overall. In total, 25 Awards will be handed out, including the Fellowship Lifetime Achievement Award, Outstanding British Contribution To

Cinema and the EE Rising Star Award. The first Fellowship was presented to Alfred Hitchcock by Bafta President Princess Anne in 1971. This year’s recipient will be Sir Sidney Poitier. Bafta’s Film Awards are presented annually to recognise, honour and reward individuals for outstanding achievement in feature films released theatrically in the UK within the Awards year. Bafta also honours individuals in recognition of their contribution to the film industry. Around 6,500 Bafta members vote – and only online since 2003-4. Films from all countries are eligible in all categories, with the exception of Outstanding British Film, Outstanding Debut, British Short Film and British Short A i ti

Animation. The EE Rising Star Award is doesn’t technically fit the bill as ‘a Bafta’, as it’s voted for by the public, not Bafta members. The Bafta cinema trailer is shown in 1,800 cinemas across the UK for the two weeks running up to the Awards ceremony, while posters can be seen on 200 London buses and 300 London tube sites. The evening itself calls for a huge amount of planning. Most of the set you see erected outside the Royal Opera House has been built in Bristol, and then shipped up to London for the event. The red carpet measures 120m by 8m, while the structure outside the Royal Opera House takes five days to build. On the night, 350 media personnel will converge, including 50 TV

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Eastern Daily Press {Whats on}



UK Thursday 11, February 2016 1 558 sq. cm ABC 39821 Daily page rate £3,569.28, scc rate £13.52 01603 628 311

camera positions capturing red carpet arrivals, plus 15 more for BBC programmes and more than 200 photographers. In the winners’ photography area backstage, there are approximately 40 photographers and 70 journalists. Given the time of year and potential for rain (remember the foaming carpet of 2002?), 250 umbrellas are on standby at the Royal Opera House, 50 at Grosvenor House for the dinner and party, and 25 at the Savoy, where the nominees’ style suites are. Guests will be transported from the Royal Opera House to Grosvenor House in 32 buses and 140 other vehicles. The official Nominees’ Party will take place the night before the Awards at Kensington Palace, the official residence of Bafta President, the Duke of Cambridge At the pre-awards champagne reception, 1,300 glasses of champagne will be sipped and 8,500 canapes will be nibbled on. The menu will include beetroot marinated salmon, loin of lamb ‘en croute’, and dark chocolate brownies with mousse, lavender cremeux and berry compote. The details to make the awards evening a smooth-runing success is incredible: Someone is even tasked with sticking the little rubber feet onto the bottom of each award. A Bafta is a weighty prize in all senses of the word, as each Bafta gong (including the bronze mask and marble base) weighs 3.7kg and stands at 27cm tall – and every envelope containing the winners’ names is hand-marked and guilded by Bafta.

■ Julianne Moore with the Award for Leading Actress for Still Alice at the 2015 ceremony. Behind the awards night is a host of planning and hard work.

■ The EE British Academy Film Awards will air on BBC One on Sunday

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Publication Date: February Circulation: 342,240

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Evening Standard (London) {Main}



UK Thursday 11, February 2016 46,47 879 sq. cm ABC 857108 Daily page rate £57,120.00, scc rate £240.00 020 7938 7161

Give the kids a taste of stardom From clubbing to acting, children can live a little of the high life this spring says Sarah Marshall LEARN THE ROPES

Out there, in the real world, life as a jobbing actor can be tough: aspiring stars should be prepared for criticism, knock backs and months of poor pay. Even if they make it, there’s the loss of privacy and persistent stream of paparazzi to look forward to. Fortunately, the world of KidZania (including Renault’s Pit Lane Experience, right) at Westfield Shopping Centre is very far from reality, meaning young hopefuls can enjoy being a star for the afternoon without any of the nasty bits. As part of the Acting Academy, kids aged 4-14 years can participate in a dance, theatre or puppet show, either starring on stage or helping with backstage production. Proud parents can watch the resulting 45-55 minute show in the KidZania Theatre, and can even have a go themselves by attending an ‘adults only’ evening on 25 February, from 7pm-11pm. Make a weekend of it by staying at the nearby Dorsett Shepherds Bush hotel, who offer a one-night family stay including entry to the attraction for £249.

O Tickets during half term (online): £16.50, children (4-14) £32, 1-3 years £10. Adult KidZania event costs £29 with cocktail. Visit London.kidzania. com and TAME A WILD CHILD

Young celebrities typically go off the rails at the first sniff of fame, so let eager wannabees release excess h f d

energy at the Ministry of Sound’s Rave-A-Roo (above) on 19 February. Fortunately the family-friendly mash- up promises only squeakyclean fun, with Disco Ball Games, a Big Fish Little Fish takeover, DJs and live stage performances. Once mini clubbers have sweated hard on the dance floor, it’s time to relax in a Glow Chill Room with neon toys. Parents can rest assured the important stuff has been taken care of: there’ll be professional security, monitored sound levels and a fullylicensed bar for mum and dad.

O Tickets (online): £11, Babes in Arms free. Sessions at 1pm-3pm and 4pm6pm. Visit LOOK THE PART

As one of the capital’s grand dame hotels, The Savoy has hosted some of the world’s biggest stars, and the guest book reads like the Hollywood walk of fame. Add your name to that list by visiting the glamorous spa (below), where a series of mother and daughter treatments have been designed in honour of A-listers who once stayed at the hotel. Inspired by Marlene Dietrich, the Dietrich Rose facial (£100 for 50 minutes) uses naturally-perfumed essential oils from the Aromatherapy Associates range to soothe and hydrate young skins, while a Maria Callas Age Repair Facial (£140 minutes for 80 minutes) is suitable for more mature skins. Treatments l d h d d l d

are tailored to the individual and feature a dreamy facial massage, likely to send you into A-list heaven

O Suitable for ages 16 plus. To book, call 020 7836 4343 or email savoy@ LUCKY BREAK

There was a time when performers dreamed of treading the boards or being splashed across cinema screens, but in an increasingly internet-savvy world, YouTube is providing a platform for rising stars. The Spirit Young Performers Company (left) aims to train children to sing, dance and act in front of the camera, with shows streamed through their popular channel. Founded by ex-Channel 4 scriptwriter Sophie Boyce, the company uses a professional multicamera crew to film shows, which attract around 900,000 views on YouTube every month. From 15-19 February, Spirit will be holding a special five-day intensive course at St Marylebone School, focusing on High School Musical which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. Aside from having fun belting out a collection of West End classics, many students have gone on to become professional performers.

O £180 for a five-day course. Suitable for ages 9-18 years. Visit CONSUME FASHION

If you can’t afford to kit your kids out in designer clothes, do the next best hi db h bi i d

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Evening Standard (London) {Main}



UK Thursday 11, February 2016 46,47 879 sq. cm ABC 857108 Daily page rate £57,120.00, scc rate £240.00 020 7938 7161

Give the kids a taste of stardom From clubbing to acting, children can live a little of the high life this spring says Sarah Marshall LEARN THE ROPES

Out there, in the real world, life as a jobbing actor can be tough: aspiring stars should be prepared for criticism, knock backs and months of poor pay. Even if they make it, there’s the loss of privacy and persistent stream of paparazzi to look forward to. Fortunately, the world of KidZania (including Renault’s Pit Lane Experience, right) at Westfield Shopping Centre is very far from reality, meaning young hopefuls can enjoy being a star for the afternoon without any of the nasty bits. As part of the Acting Academy, kids aged 4-14 years can participate in a dance, theatre or puppet show, either starring on stage or helping with backstage production. Proud parents can watch the resulting 45-55 minute show in the KidZania Theatre, and can even have a go themselves by attending an ‘adults only’ evening on 25 February, from 7pm-11pm. Make a weekend of it by staying at the nearby Dorsett Shepherds Bush hotel, who offer a one-night family stay including entry to the attraction for £249.

O Tickets during half term (online): £16.50, children (4-14) £32, 1-3 years £10. Adult KidZania event costs £29 with cocktail. Visit London.kidzania. com and TAME A WILD CHILD

Young celebrities typically go off the rails at the first sniff of fame, so let eager wannabees release excess h f d

energy at the Ministry of Sound’s Rave-A-Roo (above) on 19 February. Fortunately the family-friendly mash- up promises only squeakyclean fun, with Disco Ball Games, a Big Fish Little Fish takeover, DJs and live stage performances. Once mini clubbers have sweated hard on the dance floor, it’s time to relax in a Glow Chill Room with neon toys. Parents can rest assured the important stuff has been taken care of: there’ll be professional security, monitored sound levels and a fullylicensed bar for mum and dad.

O Tickets (online): £11, Babes in Arms free. Sessions at 1pm-3pm and 4pm6pm. Visit LOOK THE PART

As one of the capital’s grand dame hotels, The Savoy has hosted some of the world’s biggest stars, and the guest book reads like the Hollywood walk of fame. Add your name to that list by visiting the glamorous spa (below), where a series of mother and daughter treatments have been designed in honour of A-listers who once stayed at the hotel. Inspired by Marlene Dietrich, the Dietrich Rose facial (£100 for 50 minutes) uses naturally-perfumed essential oils from the Aromatherapy Associates range to soothe and hydrate young skins, while a Maria Callas Age Repair Facial (£140 minutes for 80 minutes) is suitable for more mature skins. Treatments l d h d d l d

are tailored to the individual and feature a dreamy facial massage, likely to send you into A-list heaven

O Suitable for ages 16 plus. To book, call 020 7836 4343 or email savoy@ LUCKY BREAK

There was a time when performers dreamed of treading the boards or being splashed across cinema screens, but in an increasingly internet-savvy world, YouTube is providing a platform for rising stars. The Spirit Young Performers Company (left) aims to train children to sing, dance and act in front of the camera, with shows streamed through their popular channel. Founded by ex-Channel 4 scriptwriter Sophie Boyce, the company uses a professional multicamera crew to film shows, which attract around 900,000 views on YouTube every month. From 15-19 February, Spirit will be holding a special five-day intensive course at St Marylebone School, focusing on High School Musical which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. Aside from having fun belting out a collection of West End classics, many students have gone on to become professional performers.

O £180 for a five-day course. Suitable for ages 9-18 years. Visit CONSUME FASHION

If you can’t afford to kit your kids out in designer clothes, do the next best hi db h bi i d

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Straight Up: The American Bar at the Savoy ­ Telegraph Circulation:

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The American Bar at The Savoy



Straight Up: The American Bar at the Savoy With a new menu dedicated to London’s hidden quirks, the Savoy’s renowned American Bar is the ideal spot for an glamorously oldfashioned Valentine’s date BY S ARAH RO Y CE ­G RE E NS I LL FE B RUA RY 1 2 , 2 0 1 6 0 9 : 0 0

London’s best hotel bars

The Brits and Americans may battle it out over who invented the cocktail, but there’s no doubt that The Savoy’s American Bar cemented its place in the British public’s hearts. Since opening in the late 19th century, the Strand­ based hotel has written bartending history thanks to the characters both behind and in front of its glossy bar – from Ada Coleman, who invented the Hanky Panky cocktail, to Harry Craddock, the famous bartender who distilled his concoctions into The Savoy Cocktail Book (first published in 1930 and still in production today), to Frank Sinatra – whose favoured tipple is the subject of theatrical debate in a silent film made to celebrate the bar’s new London menu. For despite its name, the American Bar’s latest offering celebrates the idiosyncrasies

Another round at the Savoy

Publication Date: February Circulation: 472,033 2/12/2016

Policeman's Hook cocktail Enlarge

Straight Up: The American Bar at the Savoy ­ Telegraph

of London, via an intoxicating tour of the hotel’s six surrounding boroughs. The idea, says bar manager Declan McGurk, began when he noticed an intriguing hook in nearby Great Newport Street. It was used, he tells us, for policemen to hang their heavy overcoats while directing traffic in the 1930s. This titbit led the team on a search for London’s other little­known quirks, revealed in the new menu which is as much a book of historical trivia as it is a drinks list.

Take the Pickering Place – a cocktail for two which invites you to choose a side: Elegant or Bold. We went for one of each, which arrived on either side of a tiny TV screen playing the aforementioned black­and­white film starring several of the staff (seen below). Incensed by a row over whether Sinatra preferred Jack Daniel’s or dry martini, two bartenders challenge each other to a duel at the St James’s square. It’s an entertaining and novel addition, while the drinks are by no means overshadowed by their presentation. Of the two, the minty kick of the coffee­and­Jack­Daniel’s­laced Bold cinched a win over the Elegant (a frothy gin, campari, egg white, saffron syrup and champagne concoction).

Pickering Place cocktail for two Enlarge

There’s an anecdote behind each of the 24 new cocktails, meaning it’s easy to get lost in the menu. Luckily the bar’s tie­and­jacketed waiters are on hand to offer their expert advice. My jetlagged friend, who’d flown in from Hong Kong, was craving coffee, so a Black Eagle from the Tower Hamlets section was duly produced: a long serve of Dewar’s 12­year­old whisky with Barolo Chinato, Campari and cold brew coffee with tonic. My preferred tipple is an Amaretto Sour, so McGurk recommended Hackney’s City Lights: a tangy, mouth­watering mixture of Grey Goose vodka flower shop tincture, lemon juice, sugar and Moët & Chandon Rosé that quickly became my new favourite cocktail.

That is, until I tried the Sam Collins (Belvedere vodka, lemon juice, caramel vanilla, almond milk, smoked salt and yoghurt), which is named after a long­ closed music hall in Islington Green and tastes like the liquid equivalent of a white Toblerone. Every drink we ordered demonstrated head bartender Erik Lorincz’s world­class mixology expertise at combining the familiar with the exotic; not unlike London itself. At £16 and up a pop (two drinks on the new menu come in at £50 each), these cocktails deserve to be savoured, and the elegantly glamorous American Bar is the ideal spot. There’s none of the stuffiness sometimes associated with five­star hotel bars: polished staff offer a warm welcome, a jazz musician tinkles away at the baby grand piano and there’s a sophisticated buzz as couples in their glad rags drop by for pre­dinner aperitifs and well­heeled hotel residents settle in for the evening. Visits to the bathroom require a trip across the Savoy’s grand lobby with its chequered floor and glossy mahogany panelling, passing cabinets of diamond Boodles jewellery – a reminder of everything that is great about this 126­ year­old London landmark.

The surprising history of the cocktail

Straight Up: Winter Garden at Le Pont de la Tour

Straight Up: Seymour’s Parlour

Publication Date: February Circulation: 472,033


Straight Up: The American Bar at the Savoy ­ Telegraph

In fact, if you’ve become tired of London – the dirt, the crowds, the frenetic pace – I’d recommend an evening at the Savoy’s American Bar. Amid the gentle jazz, the retro glamour, the heady cocktails and the nostalgia, you’d be hard pushed not to fall in love with the city again.

Bronze Guardian cocktail Enlarge

The Savoy, London - Silent Movie







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Publication Date: February Circulation: 550,000

Love is in the air, everywhere we look around… Nightmare, isn’t it? That’s why we’ve put together a guide to an altogether cooler Valentine’s, with not a heart-shaped balloon in sight

FOR COCKTAIL CONNOISSEURS: London Menu at The Savoy It may be served at the American Bar, but The Savoy’s new cocktail list is as British as Stephen Fry in a Beefeater costume. Not only is it called the London Menu, but it’s inspired by the six boroughs that surround the hotel – with each represented by four truly inventive cocktails. Trust us when we tell you they are GOOD. We started in Hackney with a City Lights (vodka, cocca rosi, Moët), headed to Camden for an Unfinished Art (cognac, becherovka, root beer), and finished at Westminster with real showstopper: The Pickering Place. A two-cocktail platter served with a short film to watch (really), one involves gin, Campari and champagne; the other Jack Daniel’s and coffee. Share with a significant other, sip both to yourself – either way, Valentine’s just got special. Available now American Bar, The Savoy, Strand, WC2R 0EU

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the power to shift an industry”. David Bowie was honoured in the evening’s In Memoriam segment.

No bling please – we’re British THE GIFT bags given to the stars on such occasions are invariably extravagant – but last night’s were a little more modest than some. Rather than designer watches, the guests received a discount voucher for timepieces from 88 Rue du Rhone. Among the other treats on offer were an engraved Atelier Swarovski crystal paperweight, a bottle of Taittinger champagne, Lancome make-up and Hotel Chocolat chocolates. A classic cotton white pocket square from Hackett, the Savoy’s own-recipe English Breakfast Marmalade, cordials from Bottlegreen and Fortnum and Mason loose-leaf tea were also included in a very British selection.

I have been so influenced by so many British actors throughout the years Leonardo Di Caprio in his acceptance speech for the best actor Bafta award.

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EVEN models eat sometimes. But when they do it is unlikely to be anything as extravagant as the five-course tasting menu at Claridge’s. Be thankful you have this advantage over them as you tuck in at Fera, where Michelin star-winning chef Simon Rogan does his take on seasonal modern British dining. The tasting menu costs £75 and comes with a glass of champagne. Book it with


STYLE never goes out of fashion and so it goes with the The Savoy. A makeover by new owners Fairmont kept the best of the old dame in check, while updating the plumbing and bringing the wifi out of the Edwardian era. Coco Chanel stayed here in 1924 and Christian Dior held shows here in the 1950s – as did Paul Smith just last season. You can get a room with next weekend from £351.

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2 4 American Bar

Dukes Hotel, 35 St James’s Place, SW1A 1NY

The Savoy Hotel, 100 Strand, WC2R 0EZ

This magazine isn’t the first to tout the virtues of the notorious Dukes Bar dry martini – it’s been praised and enjoyed by everyone from The New York Times to Ian Fleming. Put simply, slipping inside the hotel’s inimitable bar and sipping a contender for the world’s best martini is an experience many try to emulate, but no one can quite match.

There’s something about the simplicity, elegance and history of the martini that suits the Savoy, in particular the American Bar, down to the ground. It’s a favourite serve of bartender Erik Lorincz, whose own take on the drink features Cocchi dry vermouth and his own specially created bitters.

020 7491 4840;

3 Salvatore’s Bar

020 7836 4343;

5 OXO Tower Restaurant Oxo Tower Wharf, Barge House Street, SE1 9PH

Old-school it may be, but this decadent destination serves up an absolutely cracking martini. Its founder, Salvatore ‘the Maestro’ Calabrese, even made the oldest ever last year, featuring gins from the early 1900s.

We couldn’t talk martinis without mentioning trolleys, and OXO Tower’s recently renovated restaurant (try saying that three times fast) brought back the classic martini trolley last year, as well as a menu dedicated to variants of the classic cocktail from different eras.

020 7514 9000;

020 7803 3888;

The Playboy Club, 14 Old Park Lane, W1K 1ND






However you like your martini served, here’s where to go 1 Dry Martini Meliá White House Hotel, Albany Street, NW1 3UP

020 7391 3000;


Photograph by ###

To the untrained palate, the martini may be just a cocktail; but to those in the know, it’s a whole lot more. Javier de las Muelas knows this, which is why Dirty Martini in Barcelona – an ever-present in the World’s 50 Best Bars list – received worldwide acclaim. The arrival of a London outpost, at the Meliá White House Hotel in Fitzrovia, piqued our interest and tastebuds – its menu is based around the drink, and the bar team get inventive with the ‘Excentric’ menu, which features The Carnivore, built around pisco, with Szechuan pepper and passionfruit, served on a frozen flower with dry ice. Don’t try this at home, kids.

Have a glass of wine in the American bar at The Savoy Hotel | 5 Things To Do Today Publication

Date: February Circulation: 1,348,033


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This is a perfect Sunday afternoon thing to do. Choose from an excellent wine list and then sit back and relax in this iconic London bar. Drinks are served with olives and nuts which are replenished as if by sleight of hand. The cocktails are impressive with many of which are unique to this bar.







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station turned fabulous art museum? In June, the413,744 Tate Circulation: Modern, which traces its roots to the 1897 home of industrialist Henry Tate’s art collection, is scheduled to open its first expansion since the museum opened


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 in 2000. Expect 60 percent more display space, including the reimagined industrial tanks as galleries.

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Sips to savor

TheThank city of royal goodness for tea, andweddings to the English for insisting on tradition no matter how remote the beckons to lovers idea of a civilized afternoon break may seem. We love the Brown’s Hotel English Tea Room, with its Facebook Twitter Email clubby, wood-paneled atmosphere, choice of 17 teas


and all-you-can-eat delectables. a late DUFNER Comments Print By CONNIEBook

afternoon or early evening service to tide you over Special Contributor until a post-theater dinner, or better yet, add a glass

Published: of 12 February 2016 06:17 PM champagne and

every day feels like Valentine’s Day ( For a nightcap, the

Updated: 12 February 2016 06:17 PM

LONDON — Think a romantic trip to Europe is all about the Eiffel Tower and Venetian gondola rides? Not so fast — London, the city of Shakespearean sonnets and royal weddings, earns plenty of love chops on its own. Whether you’re considering a Valentine’s Day long weekend splurge, or a visit during the city’s storied springtime, the fires of love­the­city­of­royal­weddings­beckons­to­lovers.ece­the­city­of­royal­weddings­beckons­to­lovers.ece



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the star of the Best Foreign Language category and features mescal, agave, aromatics, liquorice and star anise – you may need subtitles after a couple of those. ( The Punch Bar at Edition (just say Schrager) is electrifying. For a start, it is reservations-only, and staffed by supermodels. It has a Don Draper-style oak panelling thing going on and a list of punches that the staff will take you through, at £14 a swing. If you like your mac beige and flick through copies of Monocle sipping on double espressos, this is the joint for you. (

1 0 want G RaEbit AT L O Nhistory D O Nthen H Othe TE L BAR S at the Savoy hotel is the place to go. A glamorous and If you of booze American Bar HOTJOINT (HTTP://WWW.HOTJOINT.CO.UK/AUTHOR/HOTJOINT/)  FEBRUARY 22, 2016 showbizzy bar with an art deco look, legendary bartender and mixologist Harry Craddock made the American bar

synonymous with cocktails in the 20s and 30s and the venue ever since has hired the best cocktail talent to maintain A R ( H T T P : / / W WIt’s W . H Opricey, T J O I N T . Cand O . U K / classy, C A T E G O R Ywith / B A R / )besuited 0 C O M Mwaiters E N T S ( H T Tand P : / / W evening WW.HOTJOIN T . C O .on UK/1 0 - G Rbaby E A T - L Ogrand. NDON-HOTEL-BARS/#RESPOND) jazz the this Breputation. ( TheWhat Northallis at the Corinthia ishotel an impact bar. As There’s the hotel says: “A grand hotel requires a grand bar.” And they it about bars? something otherworldly about certainly got and that, with a monumental lightingwe centrepiece and a sweeping top, the Northall caters forOriental everything them, here in London are spoiled by bar cinematic, 1920s, a hotel want, in other local beers, cocktails, charcuterie a well-regarded menu with the andguest allcould sorts of themes. Here’sand 10barofsnacks theand best … focus across the board on British.


he Megaro bar in the Megaro hotel has a cinematic theme and if you are in King’s Cross is somewhere you have to go. It has avoided cliche and is hip with a fun take on film: you enter through a red velvet curtain ( and the cocktail menu is divided into Best Actor, Best Director, Best Visual Effects etc. The El Fantasma! is

Publication Date: February Circulation: 250,000 Bars

989 FANS


Food & Drink

Bar Review – American Bar at The Savoy Hotel  Jon Hatchman

 25 Feb 2016

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    

Watch: Marcus Rashford Debut


Double 


By Jonathan Hatchman, Food Editor, @TLE_Food Widely renowned as the oldest surviving cocktail bar in England

 Jack Peat  26 Feb 2016

Win Tickets to Brentford FC v Charlton FC

– as well as being one of the finest – The American Bar at The

 Jack Peat

Savoy is particularly steeped in British history. First opened in

 26 Feb 2016

1893, four years after the initial opening of it’s iconic location – Britain’s first luxury hotel – The American Bar was originally

Pep will go for

located in the riverside part of the hotel, before an extension


made space for the wing on The Strand in 1904, the bar’s current home, from where the accomplished team continue to serve a range of drinks. The key focus here, however, is on the­drink/bar­review­american­bar­at­the­savoy­hotel/25/02/

 David de Winter

 26 1/5

Publication Date: February Circulation: 250,000


Bar Review – American Bar at The Savoy Hotel – The London Economic


Feb 201

If we’d managed to visit The American Bar a number of decades


ago, we may have expected to join the likes of Oscar Wilde


supping on a chalice of absinthe, or indeed Frank Sinatra

style s

nursing a tumbler of Jack Daniels after performing within the


city. Instead, we’re joined by a different eclectic crowd. Whether

 Joe

it’s a number of dressed up pre-theatre goers enjoying a drink

 25 F

in the World famous surroundings, heavily suited businessmen having escaped work early, and young men (not rappers or Premiership footballers) dressed in trainers and oversized tracksuit bottoms. You may also spy massively acclaimed head bartender Erik Lorincz alongside the rest of the staff, looking as

The Unbel...

though having been plucked from the set of a 1920s period drama. Tying in with the understated glamour of the décor, with a baby grand piano almost as much of an internal feature as the bar. Seated at a corner table it does feel as though an insurmountable amount of unnecessary seating has been sourced in order to ensure that the capacity is high enough to meet severe demand, and that guests are practically forced to


invade each other’s personal space.

RT @TLE_Spor

Honouring the history that surrounds the hotel, the new bar

Marcus Rashfo

menu is inspired by seven of London’s boroughs, with four


carefully compiled drinks for each. During our visit we managed

to sample one from each, except for ‘Tower Hamlets’ and the


vintage ‘Greenwich’ cocktails that range from £100-5000.

Unsurprisingly, one of Lorincz’s signature pours, a take on the

32 minutes ag

bar’s classic ‘Green Park’ is available from the ‘Westminster’ page, comprising Jensen’s Old Tom gin, lemon juice, sugar syrup, celery bitters, egg white and basil. Also from the

RT @TLE_Spor

‘Westminster’ section is the ‘Policeman’s Hook’ (£25) served in a

have 10 tickets

Tiki-like cup atop an artificial lawn. Fusing Haig Club grain

away for Charl

whisky with Amontillado sherry, roasted fortified kombu (a type

Brentford nex

of edible kelp), barley syrup, and Angostura bitters – the blend

weekend. Here

of flavours works in perfect harmony, although the Haig Club


whisky is underwhelming in terms of taste. That’s no fault of the

bar, but given the price of the drink, would one of the hundreds

about 1 hour a

of more exciting whiskies on the market be too much to ask?

RT @HouseOf_

Publication Date: February Circulation: 250,000 2/26/2016

Bar Review – American Bar at The Savoy Hotel – The London Economic

of my style -

via @Londo

11 hours ag

RT @AVF_S lol

The American Bar’s ‘Policeman’s Hook’

15 hours ag

‘Hackney Carriage’’s (£18) use of spirit was far more exciting, favouring Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva rum that’s served with Umeshu (a Japanese liqueur), dry vermouth, Laphroaig whisky,

RT @Justine

Corbyn mo

sugar syrup and Peychaud’s bitters for a perfect after-dinner

than bruise

drink with a warming alcoholic kick. ‘Pharmacist’ (£18) from the


‘City of London’ section was also impressive, with all of the

maternal a

ingredients (Barolo Chinato, suze, grenadine, absinthe,

dehydrated raspberries) apart from the Bulleit rye whisky –

16 hours ag

strictly speaking – having been used medicinally at some point in time. ‘Camden’’s ‘Abbey Road’ (£18) comes with no prizes for guessing the inspiration, combining Star of Bombay gin with sharp, refreshing yuzu, and lemon juice, served in a couple adorned in citrus dust that’s as sticky as it is attractive. Although drinks at The American Bar are certainly not cheap, the prices are as expected, if not slightly more reasonable than


of my style

16 hours ag

most five-star hotel bars, and for the experience and prestige alone, the bar is a must-visit for anybody in search of some yesteryear elegance. While booking is impossible, be sure to aim for one of the few stools at the bar and arrive in the


evening when the piano will most likely be accompanied by a pianist, the pre-theatre rush would have passed, and the


atmosphere is just as typical as expected from this type of

 25


i follo

The American Bar can be found at The Savoy Hotel, Strand, London, WC2R 0EU.


on Yo

an in

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Country: UK Publication: BRIDES Venues 2016 Fairmont Hotel: The Savoy

Date: March 2016 Circulation: 45,483 AVE (ÂŁ): 22,742

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