February Press Coverage Report 2017

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The Savoy Media Highlights February 2017

The Savoy Rooms and Suites Media Highlights

Published: December Circulation: 195,083

Published: December Circulation: 195,083

Published: February Circulation: 887,253

Old World Opulence The Savoy Located just off the Strand, The Savoy is irrefutably one of London’s grandest hotels. Merging Art Deco and Edwardian styles, this legendary hotel is still gleaming from its £220 million revamp in 2010. Gordon Ramsay’s Savoy Grill adds deliciously to the 1920s glamour. Rooms from £390, book here

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Published: February Circulation: n/a


L’elegante e ampio salone della Savoy Suite. The a large and elegant lounge of the Savoy Suite.


Published: February Circulation: n/a

ReardonSmith Architects ha creato due spettacolari suite per il Savoy Hotel di Londra Dopo essere stato responsabile dei lavori di ristrutturazione nel quadriennio 20072010, lo studio di architettura ReardonSmith Architects è tornato al Savoy nella veste di responsabile della creazione ex novo della Savoy Suite e della ristrutturazione della Royal Suite. Ben preparati per affrontare la complessa struttura dell’hotel, caratterizzata da una serie di stratificazioni storiche, dagli inizi in epoca edoardiana fino agli interventi novecenteschi di ammodernamento, passando per l’ampliamento in stile Art Déco, gli architetti avevano tutte le carte in regola per progettare e coordinare quest’ultima, e particolarmente prestigiosa, ristrutturazione del Savoy. Lo studio ha ottenuto tutti i permessi edilizi necessari per gli interventi interni ed è stato incaricato della progettazione delle suite e del coordinamento in loco con il cliente, l’interior designer Pierre-Yves Rochon e Mo78

bil Project, la ditta che si è aggiudicata l’appalto dell’allestimento delle suite. Una volta sul posto, agli architetti è stata affidata la resa del progetto per garantire che la visione di Monsieur Rochon venisse realizzata in modo impeccabile. Una simile scelta ha comportato la supervisione di tutti gli elementi dell’allestimento, con pannelli di accesso, nuovi impianti antincendio a pioggia e altre attrezzature tecniche sapientemente celate, dedicando inoltre particolare attenzione al dettaglio, alla qualità, alla manifattura dei mobili e alla perfetta integrazione della tecnologia nell’ambiente. Completate a luglio 2016, le due suite sono state concepite per offrire agli ospiti più illustri dell’hotel un livello di lusso ed eleganza ancora più elevato. La Savoy Suite Per realizzare la nuova Savoy Suite al sesto piano sono state unite due suite da una camera da letto e una stanza ospiti standard. Sono stati scelti i materiali migliori, impiegati con raffinato equilibrio per

Il cocktail bar della Savoy Suite con top laccato nero, parte anteriore in lacca cinese e sfondo con specchio eglomizzato. The Savoy Suite’s cocktail bar with a black lacquered top, Chinese lacquer façade and an églomisé mirror backdrop.

Published: February Circulation: n/a

Finiture in bronzo e pannellature di pelle impunturata rivestono le pareti delle camere da letto nella Savoy Suite. Stitched leather panels cladding the walls and bronze finishes in the Savoy Suite’s bedrooms.

La sala da bagno della Savoy Suite, regno di raffinatezza ed eleganza. Glistening with stylish refinement, the bathroom of the Savoy Suite.

infondere in questi spazi un’atmosfera di lusso ed eleganza totali. Le imponenti porte doppie di accesso si aprono su un ingresso creato ex novo, il salone che segue è uno spazio ampio ed elegante, perfetto per l’intrattenimento. Fulcro di quest’area è il cocktail bar con top laccato nero, parte anteriore in lacca cinese e sfondo con specchio eglomizzato. Pavimenti in noce, ripiani in marmo nero, porte con pannellature in pelle meticolosamente impunturata e mobili di cuoio color crema sono addolciti da delicati tappeti con decorazioni a spirale, mentre l’imponente caminetto e gli elementi in bronzo e rame scaldano l’ambiente. Nuove cornici in stile tradizionale e Art Déco completano infine l’arredo con un tocco speciale. La camera padronale e la seconda camera sono entrambe caratterizzate da finiture in bronzo e pannellature di pelle impunturata che rivestono le pareti. Regno di raffinatezza ed eleganza, la sala da bagno è pervasa da un’atmosfera scintillante, accentuata dalla decorazione in specchio eglomizzato sulla parte anteriore del mobile lavabo. Le piastrelle in 79

Published: February Circulation: n/a

mosaico bianco e oro sono state applicate nella doccia tessera per tessera, e dalla vasca, grazie a una parete vetrata, è possibile ammirare il panorama che si gode dalla finestra della camera da letto e che incornicia dall’alto la vista del Tamigi e dei tetti di Londra. La Royal Suite Con la sua sequenza di stanze che si estende per quasi tutto il quinto piano, la Royal Suite si presenta rinnovata in tutto il suo splendore. Il cuore dell’appartamento reale, infatti, risulta ancora più valorizzato e la comunicazione tra le stanze più fluida e aperta. Quelli che nella precedente configurazione erano lo studio e il salotto sono stati aperti per creare uno spazio ampio e opulento, al centro del quale campeggia un nuovo bar rivestito di smalto nero sfaccettato e rifinito in oro. L’aspetto tecnologico è stato applicato in maniera intelligente, compresi pannelli scorrevoli che nascondono la televisione con la semplice pressione di un pulsante. Foto: Niall Clutton ► www.reardonsmith.com 80

ReardonSmith Architects creates two spectacular suites for The Savoy in London ReardonSmith Architects has returned to The Savoy as Lead Architect for the creation of an entirely new Savoy Suite and a renovated Royal Suite. Overseeing this transformation were members from the ReardonSmith team responsible for the hotel’s four-year restoration and rebuilding programme from 200710. Well-versed in the complexities of the hotel’s infrastructure from its Edwardian era beginnings, through Art Deco period expansion and 20th Century upgrades, the architects were uniquely qualified to design and coordinate this latest, and especially prestigious, refurbishment at The Savoy. ReardonSmith obtained all necessary building consents for the listed interiors and was responsible for the architectural design of the suites as well as onsite coordination with the client, the interior designer Pierre-Yves Rochon, and fitout contractor Mobil Project. Onsite, the architects were entrusted with the design delivery to ensure that Monsieur Rochon’s vision was impeccably realised. This entailed super-

La Royal Suite è stata rinnovata valorizzandone gli spazi. The Royal Suite has been refreshed to enhance the heart of the space.

Published: February Circulation: n/a

Il nuovo bar rivestito di smalto nero sfaccettato e rifinito in oro della Royal Suite. The new bar of the Royal Suite, clad with faceted black glazing in gold trim.

vision of all fit-out elements, with access panels, new sprinklers and other technical equipment skilfully concealed, and a discerning eye for detail, quality, furnishing craftsmanship and the seamless integration of technology. Completed in July 2016, the two suites have been conceived to introduce an even greater degree of luxurious sophistication for the hotel’s most distinguished guests. The Savoy Suite Two one-bedroom suites and a standard guestroom on the sixth floor have been combined to form the new Savoy Suite. The finest of materials have been introduced with tasteful restraint to imbue its spaces with complete luxury. Grand double doors at the entrance open onto a newly created lobby, the lounge beyond is a large and elegant space perfectly suited to entertaining. Its centerpiece is a cocktail bar with a black lacquered top, Chinese lacquer façade and an églomisé mirror backdrop. Walnut floors, black marble shelves, meticulously stitched leather paneled doors and creamy leather furnishings are softened by delicately scrolled rugs, while a stately fireplace and shades of bronze and copper bring warmth. New cornicing in both Art Deco and traditional styles adds a finishing touch. The master

and secondary bedrooms are equally as glamorous with stitched leather panels cladding the walls and bronze finishes. Glistening with stylish refinement, the bathroom is accentuated by an églomisé mirror frieze that adorns the façade of the vanity counter. Gold and white mosaic tiles have been hand-applied in the shower one by one, and from the bathtub, a glazed wall panel offers views through to the bedroom window which frames a vista of the Thames and London rooftops from above the treeline. The Royal Suite With its procession of rooms spanning nearly all the fifth floor, the Royal Suite has been refreshed to enhance the heart of the space and encourage greater flow between the rooms. The office and living room in the previous configuration were opened up to create a large, opulent space, at the heart of which is an exquisite new bar clad with faceted black glazing in gold trim. All technology has been cleverly implemented, including sliding panels that conceal the television at the flick of a switch. Photo: Niall Clutton ► www.reardonsmith.com 81

Published: February Circulation: 75,000


작가가 머문 방 예술가를 위해 기꺼이 공간을 내어준 호텔들. EDITOR PARK SO HYUN






1 오랜 기간 가브리엘 샤넬의 집이 되어준 리츠 호텔 내 객실. 현재는 코코 샤넬 스위트룸이 되었다. 2 부드러운 톤의 컬러를 사용해 편안한 분위기를 자아내는 로비. 3 최근 새롭게 재단장한 외관.


안개 낀 풍경을 바라보며, 사보이 호텔 런던

완전한 자유를 위한 고독, 호텔 리츠 파리

이른 아침, 커튼을 젖히자 희뿌연 풍경이 창밖에 펼쳐

때이른 사상과 주장으로 외면받는 철학자, 사회적 통

져 있다. 다시 한번 눈을 비비고 문을 활짝 열어보지만

념을 피하려 신분을 숨기고 필명을 사용하는 작가. 머

보일 듯 말 듯 워털루 다리는 여전히 희미하다. 화가 클

릿속 혹은 펜촉 끝에서 비로소 실재한 선구자들은 자

로드 모네를 매료시켰던 런던의 아침은 틀림없이 이

유를 위해 기꺼이 고립을 택했다. 가명으로 더욱 친숙

장면이었을 테다. 장엄한 궁전에서 문화유산에 비견된

한 디자이너 가브리엘 샤넬 또한 마찬가지. 고아였던

극장으로, 최초로 엘리베이터를 설치한 근대화 호텔이

어릴 적, 거리를 방황하며 부르던 노래에서 따온 이름

자 사교계 명사들의 모임 장소로 오랜 역사를 거쳐 완

‘코코 샤넬’을 통해 그녀는 어두운 과거에서 해방되고

성된 사보이 호텔 The Savoy Hotel London. 무엇보다

자 했다. 여성의 곡선미를 강조하는 기존 의상들과 다

그의 대표 연작 ‘런던의 채링 크로스 다리’(1901), ‘런던

른 넉넉한 실루엣의 디자인, 부를 상징하는 수단으로

의 워털루 다리’(1901)가 탄생한 배경으로 잘 알려진

서의 액세서리를 부정하는 모조 보석 등 누구보다 과

곳이다. 동일한 대상에 투영되는 미묘한 빛의 차이를

감한 탈피를 시도하며 시대를 역행한 인물일지라도,

구현하고자 했던 인상주의 화가는 물안개가 짙게 낀

완전치 못한 자유에는 환멸을 느낀 모양이다. 일상의

도시의 모습을 바라보며 무광((無光)이 지닌 아름다움

모든 것으로부터 벗어나 철저한 고독이 필요했던 샤넬

을 깨닫는다. 그 후 몇 년 동안 같은 객실만을 고집하며

은 불현듯 고국 프랑스로 돌아간다. 그리고 무려 37여

이 호텔을 찾았고, 특유의 정교한 붓질과 세밀한 색채 로 마침내 자신이 포착한 순간을 캔버스에 그대로 담 아낸다. “날마다 런던은 내게 아름다운 모습으로 다가 오는구나.” 지금은 모네의 방 Monet Personality Suite

년간 바로 이곳, 파리 리츠 호텔 Hotel Ritz Paris에 머


무르며 집이자 도피처, 휴양지로서의 공간을 만끽한 다. 군중 속의 고독을 느끼며 화려한 삶 속 그녀가 바랐

1 벽에 모네의 작품이 걸려 있는 모네의 방. 2 런던 연작에 등장하는

던 고요함, 평온함을 지닌 어느 방. 순백색의 단아한 모

안개 낀 풍경을 포함해 호텔 객실 내 모든 창은 도시의 다양한 모습을 담고 있다.

이라 불리는 아늑한 공간에서 워털루 다리를 바라보며

습으로 재단장한 리츠는 완전한 자유를 꿈꾸던 한 여

딸에게 편지를 썼을 그. 창문 너머 안개 낀 도시 런던은 여전히 아름답다.


성에 이어 치열한 시대를 살아가는 자유롭지 못한 우 Ⓒ VINCENT LEROUX

리를 보듬어준다.


Monthly Unique Browsers: 180, 000

The Savoy Holborn (0.3 miles)

What: Iconic London Hotel Why: From the English Edwardian design and Art Deco touches to the legendary American Bar, which just so happens to be London’s oldest surviving cocktail bar, when it comes to luxury you don’t get much more iconic than The Savoy which is now in its 128th year. As well as a spa, fine dining, the dramatic Beaufort Bar and a private pool, if you choose to stay in a suite then you’ll also get a butler service. Where: The Savoy, Strand, London Website: www.fairmont.com

Monthly Unique Browsers: 1, 500, 000

5. The Savoy

It’s the one you’ve all heard of, and for bloody good reason. Enjoy a room with a view, book a romantic meal for two at Kaspar’s Seafood Bar and Grill (your phone will be deposited into a little pouch until you’re done, so no distractions from staring into each others eyes), or head to The American Bar and soak up the atmosphere. (Or you could sip on one of London’s most expensive cocktails).

The Savoy Food and Beverage Media Highlights

Monthly Unique Browsers: 1,916,342

The Beaufort Bar at The Savoy, Covent Garden If its glitz and glamour you’re after, bypass The Savoy’s traditional American Bar and head to its newer Beaufort Bar. The opulent Art Deco setting is reminiscent of the roaring Twenties – there’s plenty of champagne to go around, and cabaret acts are a regular occurrence (the bar itself stands on the hotel’s former cabaret stage). The first-rate cocktails don’t come cheap though – this is a place for spoiling. Visit Fairmont.com/Savoy-London

Monthly Unique Browsers: 75, 291, 141

One of London’s most beautiful cocktail bars, the Beaufort Bar at The Savoy on The Strand this month launches its new cocktail menu. Drawing inspiration from significant moments in the historic hotel’s past, it offers 20 different concoctions and some unexpected ingredients such as leather and paper. Prices might take some visitors by surprise too: though many drinks are priced at £16 or thereabouts, others come in at a prohibitive £30 a pop.

Published: February Circulation: 792,324

Published: February Circulation: 472,258

Published: February Circulation: 16,200,000


London's best new restaurant and bar openings




Sport Circus and Green Park, it follows the concept of the St. Paul’s Finance Celebrity Style Weather Answers Flickr



original: the menu focuses on slow­cooked, dry­aged meats, Search Search cocktails and unrepentantly heavy desserts. The new city­centre

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eatery will also offer an extensive selection of seafood dishes and Style Home


Beauty Life Travel Video Fashion Week is open for breakfast and afternoon tea.

Straddling Victoria and Pimlico, Wilton Road this month welcomes

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Lorne Restaurant. The first restaurant from sommelier Katie Exton

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(previously of the River Café and The Square) and chef Peter Hall

Yahoo Style

(of Brawn), it will focus equally on food and wine, though diners will choose from a modern British menu while drinkers will have the run of a fully international drinks list. Dishes on offer will include the likes of quail with butternut squash, barley and mountain yam, and Yorkshire curd tart with builder’s tea ice­cream. One of London’s most beautiful cocktail bars, the Beaufort Bar at The Savoy on The Strand this month launches its new cocktail menu. Drawing inspiration from significant moments in the historic hotel’s past, it offers 20 different concoctions and some unexpected ingredients such as leather and paper. Prices might take some

Winfrey Speechless: Employe Days TheViralBuzzing Sponsored

visitors by surprise too: though many drinks are priced at £16 or thereabouts, others come in at a prohibitive £30 a pop.

Ad Astra: Is this Florence's lo garden? Yahoo Style


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Valentine's Day in London: th deals Yahoo Style


Beaufort Bar cocktails memorialise Savoy’s history

Published: February Circulation: 50,000

Beaufort Bar cocktails memorialise Savoy’s history 9th February, 2017 by Annie Hayes ­ This article is over multiple pages: 1 2 (http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/02/beaufort­bar­celebrates­savoys­history­with­cocktail­list/2/) 3 (http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/02/beaufort­bar­celebrates­savoys­history­with­cocktail­list/3/) 4 (http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/02/beaufort­bar­celebrates­savoys­history­with­ cocktail­list/4/) 5 (http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/02/beaufort­bar­celebrates­savoys­history­with­cocktail­list/5/) 6 (http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/02/beaufort­bar­celebrates­ savoys­history­with­cocktail­list/6/) 7 (http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/02/beaufort­bar­celebrates­savoys­history­with­cocktail­list/7/) 8 (http://www.thespiritsbusiness.co m/2017/02/beaufort­bar­celebrates­savoys­history­with­cocktail­list/8/) 9 (http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/02/beaufort­bar­celebrates­savoys­history­with­ cocktail­list/9/) 10 (http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/02/beaufort­bar­celebrates­savoys­history­with­cocktail­list/10/)

The Savoy’s Beaufort Bar in London has unveiled a tunnel cocktail menu that guides guests through some of the hotel’s most memorable events, from rooftop tap­ dancing to secret wartime speakeasies.

The Ceremony celebrates BAFTA’s long standing partnership with The Savoy Described as a “celebration of some of The Savoy’s most captivating stories”, the illustrated menu takes guests on a journey of the hotel’s history, touching upon both well­documented and lesser known tales. Created by head bartender Kyle Wilkinson, bar manager Anna Sebastian and the Beaufort Bar team, the new menu comprises 20 cocktails, each depicting a particular story through illustrations, flavours and smells: leather, spices, paper, walnut and chocolate perfume, for example.

“The Savoy is a majestic place and when writing the menu, we came across so many stories that were too good not to share,” said Wilkinson. “The team has created what I like to think of as a journey through some of the most exciting and historic events in the hotel’s history from past to the present and next chapter of the Beaufort Bar.” The menu opens with Under The Stars, inspired by Fred Astaire, who famously danced upon the roof of The Savoy in the 1920s. Other tales include a bellboy’s infamous first day, a cocktail shaker buried inside the American Bar, and the relaunch of the hotel in 2010. ‘Garden of Memories’, comprising Don Julio Blanco, passion fruit, agave, St Germain, and lime, remembers when the hotel’s courtyard flooded – so a “lavish” sit­ down dinner for 24 guests was served on a large gondola. Combining Johnnie Walker Blue and Black, coffee, banana, and paper, ‘Read All About It!’ is dedicated to Tich’s bar, which was hidden deep within the hotel in WWII. The speakeasy was a regular for wartime journalists, who sipped whisky until the early hours. The signature spirits and favourite flavours of famous residents such as Duran Duran, Bon Jovi, actor Richard Harris and aviator Amy Johnson will be used in the cocktails they have inspired. “As The Savoy has such a distinguished history for shaking up an evening with the finest cocktails in town, I am very touched to hear that By Invitation Only will be joining the ranks alongside the luscious White Lady and the deadly Corpse Reviver,” said Nick Rhodes, founding member of Duran Duran. Illustrated by visual studio Shottopop, the limited edition tunnel book menu took 10 months to create, and reads the opposite way to regular tunnel books – with cutouts growing in size as guests turn the pages of the menu. Inspired by the eras most associated with the Savoy, the illustrations combine Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles with a “modern” finish. As just 1,500 were made, guests are invited to take theirs home as a keepsake. Alternatively the menu can be bought as a gift for £50. Click through the following pages to discover a selection of cocktails on Beaufort Bar’s new menu, and their accompanying synopsis. This article is over multiple pages: 1 2 (http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/02/beaufort­bar­celebrates­savoys­history­with­cocktail­list/2/) 3 (http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/02/beaufort­bar­celebrates­savoys­history­with­cocktail­list/3/) 4 (http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/02/beaufort­bar­ celebrates­savoys­history­with­cocktail­list/4/) 5 (http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/02/beaufort­bar­celebrates­savoys­history­with­cocktail­list/5/) 6 (http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/02/beaufort­bar­celebrates­savoys­history­with­cocktail­list/6/) 7 (http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/02/beaufort­bar­ celebrates­savoys­history­with­cocktail­list/7/) 8 (http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/02/beaufort­bar­celebrates­savoys­history­with­cocktail­list/8/) 9 (http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/02/beaufort­bar­celebrates­savoys­history­with­cocktail­list/9/) 10 (http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/02/beaufort­bar­ celebrates­savoys­history­with­cocktail­list/10/) Next Page → (http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/02/beaufort­bar­celebrates­savoys­history­with­cocktail­list/2/)

Published: February Circulation: n/a

After a post-work tipple, perhaps a place to hang? Or somewhere to cut loose, throw some shapes on the D-floor, generally let your hair down? Maybe you want to impress the object of your affection or woo your current boo. We’ve got ’em all in this shortlist of the best bars in London. There’s more affordable watering holes, mid-range, cool going out venues, and blow-your-paycheck bars for special occasions. But regardless of budget, average boozers, these are not.

Circulation: Monthly Unique Browsers: 1, 000, 000

“We love it when guests photograph our signature dishes, cocktails or afternoon tea, as it shows they are thoroughly enjoying their time here,” he tells stylist.co.uk. “Phones are a fantastic marketing and communicative tool; people are no longer embarrassed to use them at the table but want to document and share their dining experience.” “We have noticed the circulation reach via organic content posted by individuals is incredible. Nowadays, photography is universal and I believe the culinary world is responding to this by checking the quality of dish presentation is perfect.” “However, as a one-off it is nice to go against the norm and hand over your phones for one night only. What better night than Valentine's, when we should be paying our dining partner as much attention as possible?” Inspired by The Savoy’s temporary ban, we asked senior staff from top eateries what they really think of phone use in restaurants and of social media’s impact on the food industry.


London Covent Garden Guide | British Vogue

6/9 Published: February Circulation: 1,916,342 LONDON

The Vogue Guide To Covent Garden  OLI VI A PE T TE R 5 days ago


idel hailed  tourit a one of the cit’ mot virant area, Covent Garden i the Wet nd’ leading lad. From decadent runche and vintage treaure to otanical facial and cloitered courtard, there’ more than meet the ee to thi captivating hot-pot than it famou Apple Market. A London Fahion Week ettle in it new home near, ee Vogue’ guide to Covent Garden.


London Covent Garden Guide | British Vogue


᠖e avo ating and drinking ha never felt more umptuou than at 焛e avo, where the continue to puh the oundarie of the traditional ritih hotel dining experience. You’ll 눝nd drink inpired  London potcode (the Camden Roe Garden i ever gin connoieur’ dream) at 焛e American ar and the frehet oter in London at Kapar’ eafood ar & Grill, where ou mut order the liquid alted caramel for deert – ou’ll e fantaiing aout it for da later. http://www.vogue.co.uk/gallery/london­covent­garden­guide trand


3 | For Cocktails With Flair: The Beaufort Bar Monthly Unique Browsers: 190, 000

The Savoy's Beaufort Bar has spent more than a year coming up with its new cocktail menu which, in true Savoy style, is a work of art on the page before you even get to the drinks. Based on the tales of the hotel's past, each drink has a corresponding work of art within a bespoke storybook and many get served at your table with a dose of theatre. Just have a go at Under The Stars (a nod to the time Fred Astaire danced on the roof with his sister Adele), which is a take on an Old Fashioned containing Woodford Reserve bourbon and rye, champagne syrup, chestnut, a sherry blend and bitters. There's an Impressionist ode to Monet featuring Grey Goose vodka and Ruinart rosĂŠ champagne, a celebration of Thirties aviator Amy Johnson with Hendricks gin, coconut, lemon and ginger, and nods to Marilyn Monroe, Alfred Hitchcock and Duran Duran among others. Awardwinning head bartender Kyle Wilkinson has gone at his first Savoy project with all guns blazing so make the most of it for a treat come date night.

The one with the history: The Savoy Monthly Unique Browsers: 190, 000

The name alone conjures the height of British glamour, as it has more or less since the doors first opened in 1889 when it was London's first and only luxury hotel. Today, the rich history of The Savoy sits comfortably alongside first class modern service and facilities – the art deco of the famous American Bar is joined by the contemporary luxury of the Beaufort Bar, and a traditional roast – still one of the best in town – is available, besides the best in modern seafood at Kaspars. Decades on, The Savoy is still among the very best places to stay in town, and no where else can match it for basking in the sense of historic splendour, and thinking of the innumerable famous faces who have passed through it before you.

Published: February Circulation: 653,723

If all you want is peace and quiet, after popping in for a cocktail at The Savoy’s effortlessly romantic Beaufort Bar (we think it’s better than the more famous American Bar), head to Kaspar’s Seafood Bar and Grill, where diners are requested to hand over their mobiles at the start of the evening.

Monthly Unique Browsers: 653,723

The Beaufort Bar at the Savoy


The Beaufort Bar at the Savoy, review: Opulent, romantic, ridiculous

Not one if you're hoping to keep things relaxed: the Beaufort is overwhelmingly (but brilliantly) romantic. The room itself, with its palatial lavishings of gold on black, sets the tone. The bar sits, mirrors glimmering, on the old cabaret stage where Gershwin once performed. Naturally, there’s live entertainment every evening now, too, so you can sit back quietly in your finery and avoid any conversation about who's paying for what. Drinks are as pricey as you'd expect, but if you're looking for something special, it's hard to beat. Info: The Savoy, Strand, WC2R 0EU, fairmont.com


16:02:17: 5 Amazing Events Happening in London This Weekend | About Time Magazine

Published: February Circulation: 70,000 LO N DON /



1 6 : 02 : 17 : 5 A MA Z ING E V ENT S HA P P E N I N G I N LOND ON T HIS WE EK EN D 16:02:17: 5 Amazing Events Happening in London This Weekend | About Time Magazine






Bored of watching Friends reruns on Comedy Central? Don’t worry pals, we’ve discovered 5 fantastic events happening in London this weekend. We’re all about free yoga:

Weekend Guide: Friday 17th February 1. For Cocktails: Beaufort Bar at The Savoy

What: Not quite an event, but The Savoy has just launched a new cocktail menu. If there was ever a time to don your sparkliest shoes and your sassiest cocktail attire, it’s for these new tipples. From secret wartime bars, rooftop tap-dancing and extravagant gondola parties to luminaries such as Alfred Hitchcock, Katherine Hepburn and Tom Jones, the menu is a celebration of some of The Savoy’s most captivating stories.





The Beaufort Bar launches new cocktail menu ­ Hospitality & Catering News





Published: February Circulation: 23,381



Known for its theatrical drinks and dramatic décor, The Savoy’s Beaufort Bar is launching a new cocktail menu on Thursday 9th February 2017 that will take the form of a beautifully illustrated tunnel book. Twisting strands from the Savoy’s illustrious history into a fascinating cocktail narrative, the menu takes guests on a tour of the hotel through its legendary tales and extraordinary guests. From secret wartime bars, rooftop tap-dancing and extravagant gondola parties to luminaries such as Alfred Hitchcock, Katherine Hepburn and Tom Jones, the menu will be a celebration of some of The Savoy’s most captivating stories. Created by Head Bartender Kyle Wilkinson along with Bar Manager Anna Sebastian and the whole Beaufort Bar team, the new menu is set to surpass even the ingenuity of the bar’s previous award-winning pop-up book in terms of innovative design, thematic style, ¹avour combinations and signature serves. Made up of twenty cocktails, each one tells a story about a different part of the hotel through illustrations, ¹avours and smells. “The Savoy is a majestic place and when writing the menu, we came across so many stories that were too good not to share. The team has created what I like to think of as a journey through some of the most exciting and historic events in the hotel’s history from past to the present- next chapter of the Beaufort Bar.”

Kyle Wilkinson http://www.hospitalityandcateringnews.com/2017/02/beaufort­bar­launches­new­cocktail­menu/


Published: February Circulation: 101, 075

Published: February Circulation: 101, 075

Monthly Unique Browsers: 4, 830 The Beaufort Bar at The Savoy

Known for its theatrical drinks and dramatic dÊcor, The Savoy's Beaufort Bar has launched a cocktail menu that takes the form of a beautifully illustrated tunnel book. Twisting strands from the Savoy’s illustrious history into a fascinating cocktail narrative, the menu takes guests on a tour of the hotel through its legendary tales and extraordinary guests. Made up of twenty cocktails, each one tells a story about a different part of the hotel through illustrations, flavours and smells. Matching distinctive tastes with unique ingredients and bespoke essences, the menu uses the likes of leather, spices, paper, walnut and chocolate perfume to recreate a sense of actually being there to witness each story unfold. Examples from the new menu include: Garden of Memories with Don Julio Blanco, passion fruit, agave, St Germain & lime and Read All About It! made with Johnnie Walker Blue and Black, coffee, banana and paper.


Weekend Guide: Top 5 Sunday Roasts | World’s Best Pizza | London Gin Festival | Gilles Peterson at Phonox

2. Smokehouse Islington, for a roast with a BBQ twist 3. Highgate’s Bull & Last for a post­Hampstead Heath refuel 4. The Marksman in Hackney for roast chicken and local ale Published: February 5. The Jugged Hare in Clerkenwell for moreish rotisserie gravyCirculation: 120,000




Kick off your Friday at the Savoy Hotel’s Beaufort Bar – one of UJ’s faves. Their new cocktail menu, launching from today, explores the hotel’s history through a range of 20 inventive drinks. From the 1920s through to the present day, drink your way through the hotel’s stories with essences of leather, spices, paper, walnut and chocolate.

It’s finally here. Napoli’s famous L’Antica Pizzeria Da Michele – actually dubbed by some as the best pizzeria in the world (yes, the whole world) – has arrived in Stoke Newington. Be prepared to spend your Friday night queueing, as it’s understandably busy, or skip the lines by ordering a takeaway for a Napoli night in.

Mon­Sat 5pm­1am Strand, WC2R 0EU

Pizzas from £6.90­9 125 Stoke Newington Church St, N16 0UH





The Beaufort bar | Inspiring cocktail menu in an illustrated tunnel book ­ horecatrends.com Published:

February Circulation: n/a


The Beaufort bar | Inspiring cocktail menu in an illustrated tunnel book 9­2­2017

Known for its theatrical drinks and dramatic décor, The Beaufort Bar at the Savoy in London is launching a new cocktail menu today in the form of a beautifully illustrated tunnel book. Twisting strands from the Savoy’s illustrious history into a fascinating cocktail narrative, the menu takes guests on a tour of the hotel through its legendary tales and extraordinary guests. From secret wartime bars, rooftop tap­ dancing and extravagant gondola parties to luminaries such as Alfred Hitchcock, Katherine Hepburn and Tom Jones, the menu will be a celebration of some of The Savoy’s most captivating stories.

The Beaufort bar at the Savoy in London Created by Head Bartender Kyle Wilkinson along with Bar Manager Anna Sebastian and the whole Beaufort Bar (http://www.fairmont.com/savoy­london/dining/beaufortbar/) team, the new menu is set to surpass even the ingenuity of the bar’s previous award­winning pop­up (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKA4P564SJE) book in terms of innovative design, thematic style, flavour combinations and signature serves. The tunnel book is made up of twenty cocktails, each one tells a story about a different part of the hotel through illustrations, flavours and smells. We had to check what a tunnel book is exactly and if you don’t know it either, check this page full of imagery (https://www.google.nl/search? q=tunnelboek&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=970&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjV4bTQ2YLSAhWJthoKHe0kA8AQsAQIGQ).

The inspiring cocktail menu tunnel book The tunnel book menu opens with Under The Stars, a cocktail inspired by Fred Astaire, who famously danced upon the roof of The Savoy in the 1920s and goes on to document a number of well­documented and lesser known tales: a bellboy’s infamous first day, a cocktail shaker buried inside the American Bar, the wartime ‘Tich’s Bar’ frequented by journalists, and the relaunch of the hotel in 2010. Matching distinctive tastes with unique ingredients and bespoke essences, the menu will use the likes of leather, spices, paper, walnut and chocolate perfume to recreate a sense of actually being there to witness each story unfold. The limited edition tunnel book menu has been illustrated by Shottopop. Designed in the opposite way to regular tunnel books, the cutouts get larger as guests traverse the menu, with every page­ turn revealing a new design. Guests can buy the limited edition menu.

Cocktail examples They will serve a cocktail called ‘The Savoy Delivers’ with a great narrative: “On one occasion, when a Maharajah left behind an important package, The Savoy sent a young page boy all the way to India to return it by hand.” Ingredients: Bacardi Carta Ocho, Martini Bianco, lime, honey, Indian spices. Or how about a ‘Read All About It!’ cocktail, with this story: “Tich’s bar was hidden in the depths of the hotel during WWII and regularly saw dozens of wartime journalists consuming plenty of whisky until the early hours of the morning.” Ingredients: Johnnie Walker Blue and Black, coffee, banana, paper. Bezoek horecatrends op (https://www.facebook.com/Horecatrends)




Published: February Circulation: 1, 590, 809


Afternoon Tea at The Savoy London ­ High Tea Society

Published: February Circulation: n/a

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Afternoon Tea at The Savoy London Review by Julie Cramer (https://highteasociety.com/author/julie-cramer/) on December 27, 2016

     

Afternoon Tea at The Savoy London Share this:






Afternoon Tea at The Savoy London ­ High Tea Society

The sandwich �llings included roast beef sirloin with wholegrain mustard and tarragon cream on brown bread; coronation chicken on olive bread; smoked salmon with lemon crème fraiche, watercress on malted brown bread; egg salad with mustard cress on white bread; and mozzarella, beef tomato, with pesto and balsamic glaze on herb and spinach bread. They were all perfectly tasty, but as I often say, there’s only so many ways you can make a �nger sandwich exciting, and I usually �nd myself looking forward to the far superior creativity of the cakes and patisserie. However, on this occasion, as the High Tea-taker, I did also have the anticipation of the savoury plate, which turned out to be a picture-perfect plate of food. Delicious al dente green asparagus, a faultless poached egg, �shy sprinkles of cray�sh and a thick and tangy hollandaise sauce. Simply amazing! It was the �rst time I’d had a hot course in the middle of afternoon tea and I can’t help but think that this has been the missing element of the afternoon tea experience I’ve secretly craved. Other London afternoon tea establishments, please take note.

For my companion, the sweet pastry goodies were delivered – although as a reviewer I was naturally obliged to taste her course too! The delicate selection included dark chocolate and co�ee layer cake, strawberry and vanilla tartlets, lavender éclairs, a lemon and Italian meringue white chocolate swirl cake, and a cherry and pistachio slice. Visually they were all very beautiful, and taste-wise we both struggled to pick an outright winner, as they were all so good. https://highteasociety.com/reviews/afternoon­tea­savoy­london/



Afternoon Tea at The Savoy London ­ High Tea Society

As if this wasn’t enough, there was still the ‘cake course’ to come, where we were both served a rich slice of �ourless chocolate cake and a classic Victoria sponge with the Savoy’s strawberry jam. The atmosphere in the room was relaxed and convivial – mostly a mix of couples and female gatherings – and the service was unrushed and really top notch. The Savoy states its dress code as smart-casual and there were both attires around the room – although I did feel the gentleman arriving in his shorts and trainers was taking it a little too far! There was a heartwarming moment when the pianist – who’d been softly tickling the ivories in the background – broke into a rousing rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ while �ve servers were rapidly dispatched to various parts of the salon with a piece of chocolate cake and a candle for unsuspecting birthday guests. A nice little touch.

On leaving The Savoy, it’s really worth taking a mini tour of the public areas and breathing in its rich history (there’s even a little museum tucked away on the �rst �oor that you shouldn’t miss – ooh and a secret red lift on the ground �oor – just ask!). The hotel closed in 2007 and didn’t re-open until 2010 after a lavish £220m refurbishment under the guidance of French designer, Pierre Yves Rochon. Some feared that the essence of The Savoy might be lost in such a major overhaul, but instead it emerged like an exquisite butter�y, with elements of each of its eras not only preserved, but many feel enhanced. From the outset The Savoy was a pioneering hotel – said to be the �rst in the country to have electricity, the �rst to install electric elevators (imported from the US), and even the �rst to have what we now call a ‘celebrity chef’, in the form of Auguste Esco�er. Today, it’s nice to see The Savoy, and in particular the Thames Foyer, still giving a stylish nod to the past. A once-a-month special event is the Salon Couture High Tea with designer Suzie Turner, where guests can enjoy afternoon tea while enjoying a 1950s style fashion show – https://highteasociety.com/reviews/afternoon­tea­savoy­london/



Afternoon Tea at The Savoy London ­ High Tea Society



With menus delivered, I chose the Traditional High Tea (£55pp), which was a little lighter on the cake selection but included a welcome savoury course of asparagus and poached egg. My dining companion chose the Traditional Afternoon Tea (£52pp), which o�ered even more fancy patisserie to nibble on. Our delightful waitress – who hailed from Portugal – started by giving us a very knowledgeable run-down of The Savoy’s dazzling array of teas. The menu had some enticingly entitled blends, such as Organic Bohea Lapsang, Lychee Red, Organic & Fair Trade Dragon Well green tea, and (the Queen’s favourite, we’re told) ‘Oriental Beauty’ Oolong tea. If our waitress was perhaps a little disappointed that we then decided to start conservatively with The Savoy’s own Breakfast and Afternoon blends, she certainly didn’t show it. The menu’s �avourful description of the Afternoon blend reads: ‘Light, crisp and refreshing with a graceful citrus lift, a fresh, faintly minty aftertaste and a soft but ample mouth feel’. Her description and story telling went even further, skillfully bringing the aromatic liquid to life before we’d even tasted a drop.




Afternoon Tea at The Savoy London ­ High Tea Society

(https://highteasociety.com/rev tea-savoylondon/savoysweet21200/)

Next to be delivered was a classic three-tiered platter laden with scones (plain, and sultana) kept warm and snug in a linen serviette, a �nger-sandwich selection (I’m more of a triangle girl, but never mind) and The Savoy’s special recipe strawberry jam and lemon curd, alongside thick Devonshire clotted cream. The supply was ample, and we were invited to order more when we’d �nished.



If you’re looking for a world-famous afternoon tea at a landmark London hotel with a fascinating past, then The Savoy London really delivers all this with real style – and a gourmet cherry on top! Style and substance Situated in Covent Garden, the hotel o�ers uninterrupted views of the Thames to the south, while its north side borders the hustle and bustle of The Strand, just a short stroll from Trafalgar Square. Afternoon tea is served in the Thames Foyer – a light and bright Edwardian salon with a winter garden gazebo at its centre, and an ornate glass cupola overhead. The foyer was added to the original hotel (built in 1889 by theatre impresario Richard D’Oyly Carte) in the early 1900s and has since played host to fashionable dinner dances, ‘Tango teas’, live band debuts and classical pianists through the decades. The famed list of former guests and residents is as endless as it is impressive – Charlie Chaplin, Claude Monet, Oscar Wilde, Judy Garland, Fred Astaire, Humphrey Bogart, Kathryn Hepburn, Ava Gardner, Vivien Leigh, Lawrence Olivier, Alfred Hitchcock, Marlene Dietrich, Maria Callas, Coco Chanel and Marilyn Monroe give just a �avour of the wonderful stories and encounters that must be hidden within the hotel’s historic walls. On arrival, we were �rst seated at a low table with comfy armchairs in the centre of the room. While this might have been perfect for a post-meal co�ee, it didn’t seem a comfortable place to take afternoon tea as the seat to table height ratio felt all wrong. On our request we were moved without a fuss to one of the more regular dining tables on the outside perimeter – a much better place for people watching, while an imposing portrait of Hitchcock also watched solemnly over us.


Afternoon Tea at The Savoy London ­ High Tea Society

reminiscent of the iconic couture shows held at the hotel in that era, where the likes of Christian Dior debuted their collections. The foyer is also a space for ‘Art-Deco’ dinner dances throughout the year, o�ering a live orchestra modelled on the legendary Savoy Orpheans – the hotel’s resident musicians from https://highteasociety.com/reviews/afternoon­tea­savoy­london/ the roaring 1920s.


So for an afternoon tea with oodles of style and surroundings that are steeped in history, it’s well worth making a special trip to The Savoy – the fashionable ‘grand-dame’ of London hotels.

Published: February Circulation: 961,050 2/19/2017

12 of the World’s Most Iconic Hotel Bars | Food & Wine

Courtesy of The American Bar at The Savoy

The American ar, The avo Open since the 19th century in one of London's most iconic hotels, The American Bar at The Savoy has long been synonymous with craft cocktails. Legendary bartender Ada Coleman invented the Hanky Panky, while Harry Craddock's The Savoy Bartender Book is still considered the gold standard. Today, head bartender Eric Lorincz is considered one of the world's best—and has the awards to prove it. fairmont.com/savoy-london


Published: February Circulation: 12,500 (http://www.luxuriousmagazine.com)

The Savoy Introduces Brand New Silver Screen Afternoon Tea Menu Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http://www.luxuriousmagazine.com/2017/02/savoy-silver-screen-afternoon-teamenu/&t=The+Savoy+Introduces+Brand+New+Silver+Screen+Afternoon+Tea+Menu) Twitter

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To celebrate being the Of瞭cial Hotel Partner for the EE British Academy Film Awards, The Savoy, a Fairmont Managed Hotel, has created a brand new Afternoon Tea menu just in time for awards season. Of瞭cially launching on Monday 6th February 2017, the Silver Screen Afternoon Tea will boast delicious new pastries and celluloid-inspired creations that shine with ⣁ashbulb popping star quality. The Silver Screen Afternoon Tea will be served in The Savoy’s Thames Foyer, an enchanting space that radiates natural light and sociable warmth. Since opening in 1889, The Savoy has played host to a galaxy of stars from stage and screen including Katherine Hepburn, Charlie Chaplin and Marilyn Monroe. These guestsWe form the inspiration for A Re⣁ection, a collection McAlphine Miller artwork the permanently of Thames use cookies to ensure that weTime give you the best experience on ourofwebsite. If you continue to use this site we will assumeadorns that youthe are walls happy with it. OK Foyer and

which provides the perfect backdrop to the Silver Screen Afternoon Tea.

Published: February Circulation: 12,500

Created by The Savoy’s Executive Pastry Chef, Ludwig Hely, and this team the Silver Screen Afternoon Tea menu, priced from £52.50, featured a range of cakes, sandwiches and pastries inspired movies that have been nominated this year.

The Silver Screen Afternoon Tea Menu Sandwiches Scottish smoked salmon | lemon infused crème fraîche | watercress | Norfolk crunch Roast beef Sirlon| tarragon crème| brown bread Coronation chicken | olive bread Classic egg salad | mustard cress| white bread Mozzerella| Tomato | basil | balsamic glaze | herb & spinach bread

Scones Freshly baked raisin & plain scones Cornish clotted cream | homemade lemon curd | strawberry preserve Delicate Afternoon Tea Pastries Fantastic Beasts: A dark chocolate sponge with soft caramel and salted caramel mousse, hiding bowtruckle Captain Fantastic: Sweet tart shell 瞭lled with wild berry compote and Chantilly, topped with honey drizzled fresh raspberries Moonlight: Take on the traditional opera with a blackcurrant mousse and milk chocolate ganache, between layers of ⣁ourless sponge Jackie: Pink macaroons shells encrusted with almond dragées and garnished with vanilla cream Another Day of Sun: Éclair 瞭lled with tropical fruit crémeux, dipped in icing and decorated with a coconut marshmallow

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Published: February Circulation: n/a


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Top Valentine’s Day 2017 events in London From the best Valentine’s Day menus to alternative date night ideas and romantic screenings, here are the best things to do on Valentine’s Day in London 2017 (http://www.globalblue.com/discover/contributors/emily­scrivener/)


Monday, 6 February, 2017 by Emily Scrivener (http://www.globalblue.com/discover/contributors/emily­scrivener/)

The Savoy The Savoy is one of the most famous and prestigious hotels in London, so where better to take a date this Valentine’s Day? This year The Savoy is opting for old­school roomance by asking guests to relinquish their phones while dining in Kaspar’s Seafood Bar and Grill, so diners can enjoy each other’s company without distraction. The seafood restaurant’s beautiful art­deco setting is the perfect place to enjoy a romantic evening for two. The Savoy (http://www.fairmont.com/savoy­london/), Strand, London WC2R 0EU, +44 (0)20 7420 2111



As always, 14 February will see a host of special events for couples pop up over the British capital. Those looking for London’s most romantic restaurants will be pleased to see many offer special Valentine’s Day menus, including cocktails with a twist. Why not upgrade your usual cinema for one of the best independent cinemas in London? Both the Book Club and the Backyard cinema (http://www.globalblue.com/destinations/uk/london/unusual­things­to­do­in­london/) are offering screenings which are sure to impress even the most cynical of dates. Some of London’s best afternoon teas (http://www.globalblue.com/destinations/uk/london/7­unusual­afternoon­teas­in­london/) are also getting a romantic makeover, with Valentine­themed pastries at Fortnum & Mason and the Sanderson.



Published: February Circulation: 309,262

Traditional afternoon tea at Thames Foyer at The Savoy What’s the vibe? Under a lofty glass dome, the sumptuously traditional Thames Foyer, built in 1904, sees Instagramming Japanese girls, sedate celebrating couples and excited groups having a grand day out in an unstuffy but top-drawer setting and to the backdrop of piano crowd pleasers by Adele, U2 and the Eagles. Our traditional tea began with a perfect (and limitless) selection of finger sandwiches that were so deliciously moreish we promptly asked for more before hoovering up scones with homemade lemon curd, jam and clotted cream. Pace yourself: takeaways, we were delicately informed, are not available at the Savoy. Price? £52 per person, £65 with a glass of Louis Roederer champagne, £70 with a glass of Moet & Chandon rosé. Dietary needs? All dietary requests can be accommodated. 24 hours’ notice preferred, but not mandatory. Times? Daily, 1.30pm–5.45pm. YZ


Published: February Circulation: n/a

Phone­Free Valentines



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Phone-Free Valentines at The Savoy, London 07 February 2017 Recent Posts The EVOLVE Brand Launches As CytoSport, Inc's FirstEver Plant-Based Protein Line Men's Health Fuel Beef Jerky Launches New Flavour Chickapea Pasta Lands in the US, Made with ONLY Two Ingredients - Chickpeas & In this era of smart phones, thumb­calloused couples on romantic dates are more


likely to check Facebook than check each other out and look up Instagram rather

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than lock eyes. And no matter how atmospheric the restaurant is, no amount of

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flickering candlelight can soften the blue glare of a phone screen.


This Valentine's Day, Kaspar's Seafood Bar and Grill at The Savoy is asking its

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guests to relinquish their phones in a bid to encourage couples to enjoy each other's

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company without interruption. Upon arrival at the restaurant, diners will be asked to

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hand in their mobile phones at the reception desk, where they will be placed in individual pouches and kept safely out of reach and temptation for the rest of the evening.


Located in the heart of The Savoy, with views of the River Thames, Kaspar's is one of the Capital's finest seafood restaurants and offers an informal yet luxury dining experience in a beautiful art deco setting ­ the perfect place to spend a romantic

thefoodpeople 1,701 likes

evening. Diners will enjoy a set menu from Executive Chef Holger Jackisch, featuring fresh fish and succulent meats from the grill, all perfectly matched by The Savoy's impressive selection of Champagnes and wines. The dessert menu features clever twists on classic desserts alongside an extraordinary cheese selection.

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Following a delicious dinner, full of fascinating conversation, lingering looks and tender moments, guests will then be reunited with their phones. Couples will also be invited to take the Savoy embroidered pouch home with them as a keepsake far more enduring than a status update. And for those who can't get through a meal without taking a selfie, there will be a photographer on hand to take the perfect loved­up shot. Visit the Savoy website here.

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Published: February Circulation:15,000

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Raise your glasses to awards season  February 10, 2017

Above: Blindfold by Xavier Landais

It’s time to dust down your red carpet garb and polish up those acceptance speeches, awards season is here again folks. And even if you’re not up for a gong, you can still drink like a star at the Fifth Floor Bar at Harvey Nichols. On the menu: a scene-stealing collection of cocktails from a star-studded line-up of London bartenders – we’re talking Erik Lorincz at the American Bar at the Savoy, Andy Shannon from the London Edition Hotel, Tony Pescatori at Nightjar, Tom Kerr from Cafe Monico, Soho House & Co., and Xavier Landais at Sexy Fish.

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Published: February Circulation: 15,000

Not to be outdone, Erik Lorincz of The American Bar at The Savoy, has also created its own La La Land­inspired tipple. Called City of Stars after one of the songs in the film, it features Grey Goose vodka, mastiha, lemon juice, roasted sunflower honey, egg white and a matcha tea topping.

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Published: February Circulation: 450,000

Published: February Circulation: 1,464,705

"I had another former-Bond once walk into The American Bar and ask for a martini," added Erik Lorincz, one of the mixologists working on the collaboration. "Some roles don't leave actors, I think."

Published: February Circulation: 5,900,000


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Published: February Circulation: 101, 075

City of Stars at The American Bar, Covent Garden A creamy and sour cocktail mixing Grey Goose vodka, mastic liqueur, lemon juice, honey, egg whites and matcha, the smoky 籈nish on this one should leave you feeling starry-eyed. Five London bars in total are taking part by serving up a different cocktail each, and all 籈ve tipples are available in one place, The Grey Goose Fifth Floor Bar at Harvey Nichols, starting at £13 each. If you fancy a bar crawl? Here’s the full 籈ve: The American Bar at The Savoy, Covent Garden: City of Stars, blending vodka, mastic liqueur, lemon juice, matcha, egg whites, lemon juice and roasted sun뀢ower honey Cafe Monico, Soho: Mezzo e Mezzo, blending vodka, Mezzo e Mezzo, lemon, syrup and sparkling water Berners Tavern Bar, Fitzrovia: Bear Necessities, blending vodka, ginger syrup, lime juice, yellow Chartreuse and pine needle tea Nightjar, City: A Dream Has a Price, blending green Sichuan 뀢ower-infused vodka, berry juice, blood orange liqueur, squeezed mandarin and tonic water Sexy Fish, Mayfair: The Blindfold, blending vodka, stout, chocolate bitters and tobacco liqueur

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The Times {Main}



UK Friday 17, February 2017 49 183 sq. cm ABC 443108 Daily page rate ÂŁ16,645.00, scc rate ÂŁ75.00 020 7782 5000

New twist on menu at Simpson’s


ne of London’s oldest and grandest dining rooms is to close for refurbishment, putting the future of its 27 staff in doubt (Dominic Walsh writes). Simpson’s-in-theStrand, which is owned

by the adjoining Savoy Hotel, will close on April 17 for a restoration lasting up to ten weeks. The restaurant, famous for its large silver-domed carving trolleys, opened as a chess club and coffee house in 1828 and its patrons have included Charles Dickens, George Bernard Shaw, Benjamin Disraeli, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and William Gladstone.

Its ceilings, chandeliers and soft furnishings will be restored, although there will be “an entirely new menu of traditional British fare with a contemporary twist�. The investment in the project follows the decision by the Savoy to retain ownership after an abortive attempt to sell the restaurant two years ago.

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The Times Scotland {Main}



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Dave has bear for his dinner There is an old superstition at the Savoy hotel about having 13 people at dinner. If someone is needed to fill a fourteenth chair the hotel cat, or a sculpture of it, is drafted in. This dates from 1898, when a diamond magnate scoffed at the idea that it would be bad luck to dine at the Savoy with 12 others and was shot dead soon after. A TMS elf spoke to someone who met David Cameron recently, where this story came up. “I often do the same,” the former PM told him. “If I have 13 to dinner, I place Paddington Bear in the spare seat.” You might have assumed that Paddington (furry face, duffle coat, keen on South America) was an old leftie, but he is part of the Chipping Norton set: the teddy based on the Michael Bond character was designed by the mother of one of Cameron’s good friends, Jeremy Clarkson. Hugh Bonneville is filming Paddington 2, sequel to the 2014 film. He is used to being deflated by animals. The actor tells Total Film magazine that when he bought a Tibetan terrier, he drew up a list of worthy Tibetan names meaning things like “Breath of the Moon” or “Silent River”. His eight-year-old son was given the choice. The boy considered for a while, then said: “I’ve decided to name it Teddy.”

no sense of direction A misdirected text from the leader of Surrey county council gave Jeremy Corbyn a rare win at PMQs yesterday. These mistakes happen easily. In 2007 a staffer at Tory HQ emailed a draft policy on inheritance tax by George Osborne to the Lib Dem MP Mike Hancock rather than to Osborne’s chief of staff,

Matt Hancock. If leaked, it would have stolen Osborne’s thunder but the MP just forwarded it to his namesake saying: “I think this is yours.” When Osborne found out, he swore he never wanted to see the clumsy staffer, Chris Skidmore, again. He avoided doing so until 2010 when Skidmore became MP for Kingswood. Apparently, when he saw the news on TV Osborne snapped: “I said I wanted him gone, not elected.”

small mercy Justin Welby marked four years since his election as primate of all England last weekend but he can still pass anonymously through a crowded room. One of Welby’s colleagues was with him at an event recently and overheard someone in the throng whisper: “Isn’t that the Archbishop of Canterbury over there?” “Nah,” hissed back his neighbour. “He’s far too short.” Among the many suggestions of inappropriate hold music sent in, Roger Foord recalled that Thomson holidays used to use There’s No Place Like Home, while Judy Abbott was once kept waiting to speak to a housing association by Louis Armstrong singing We Have All the Time in the World.

trump in a tutu? Donald Trump is proving to be fertile ground for American satirists but he is yet to inspire the opera set. John Adams, who had a surprising hit with Nixon in China 30 years ago, says he can’t imagine writing an opera about the latest president. “So much of what he does is theatre to begin with,” he says. “There’s no point trying to make theatre about theatre. Nixon was interesting because he was vulnerable. With Trump, there’s nothing there except this raw, very dangerous ego.” How about a ballet instead? patrick kidd

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Simpson's in the Strand

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Published: February Circulation: 10,000


Dandelyan scoops four gongs at relaunched Class Bar Awards ­ Drinks International ­ The global choice for drinks buyers

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Dandelyan scoops four gongs at relaunched Class Bar Awards


22 February, 2017 By Hamish Smith

Dandelyan at Mondrian London, won a host of awards at the re­ launched Class Bar Awards, including Best Bar, Best Hotel Bar and Best Drinks Menu.

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The Awards, now run by Agile Media, made its comeback at One Marylebone in London, after six years of absence. Dandelyan, run by Iain Griffiths and Ryan Chetiyawardana, was the overwhelming choice of the Class collective ­ the 85 nationwide experts that voted in the Awards. Aidan Bowie, head bartender at Dandelyan and a past winner of Diageo World Class, topped the Bartender of the Year vote, ahead of James Bowker of The Edgbaston in Birmingham and Marcis Dzelzainis of Sager + Wilde, Bethnal Green, London. Edmund Weil and Rosie Stimpson, owners of London music and cocktail venues Nightjar and Oriole, saw a number of their team win supporting awards. Oriole’s Ivana Popovic was named Front of House Star of the Year and the bar’s Ivano Filippi took Bar Back Star. A third award for Oriole came in the form of Bar Food Menu of the Year, with its South American­Asian themed menu edging ahead of that of Liverpool’s Filter + Fox and Oskar’s Bar of London. While Nightjar won Best Social Media Initiative. Weil and Stimpson also celebrated with their partners at Swift, Bobby Hiddleston and Mia Johansson, after the venue took New Bar of the Year, ahead of Bath’s The Dark Horse and London’s Black Rock. Bobby Hiddleston too won an individual award, taking home Bar Manager of the Year for his work with Callooh Callay in 2016 and latterly as a co­creator of Swift. The Emerging Bartender of the Year category was won by Dominic Whisson of the American Bar, London, ahead of Joe Wild from El Bandito in Liverpool and Daniele Bresciani of The Churchill Bar & Terrace, London. Cocktail of the Year, also contended by Dandelyan’s Concrete Sazerac, was won by Robusto Negroni at Bar Termini. Devised by Tony Conligiaro’s Drink Factory for the Soho bar, the Robusto Negroni uses the sous­vide technique to achieve a mellow and elegant Negroni. Specialist Bar of the Year went to whisky venue Black Rock, owned by Tom Aske and Tristan Stephenson, taking the gong ahead of Manchester’s tequila and pizza venue Crazy Pedro’s and, Italian station­ themed coffee and cocktail spot, Bar Termini. Restaurant Bar of the Year was awarded to London’s Hawksmoor Spitalfields, beating off capital competition in the form of The Blind Pig and from Edinburgh’s Bon Vivant. Ending the night was the Lifetime Achievement award, which went to Jake Burger from bars The Distillery and Portobello Road. With venues in Leeds and London, a gin museum and gin brand, Jake Burger has spent 20 years at the forefront of the drinks business. Printer friendly version Email this article to a friend Keywords: Class bar awards Related articles: A view from the city: Inverness Wandering Spirit The Warren Column: What should I have? A view from the city: Zurich Beefeater MIXLDN finalists announced

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Revealed: the best bars in the UK Register

Published: February Circulation: 84,764,802



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Lifetime Achievement award winner Jake Burger

The Class awards recogonise talent, achievements and diversity across the UK bar industry and winners are selected by panel of 85 expert judges including former head bartender at the Savoy Hotel, Peter Dorelli, and cocktail specialists Jared Brown and Anistatia Miller.

CLASS Bar Awards 2017 winners Bartender of the Year - Aidan Bowie, Dandelyan, London Bar of the Year - Dandelyan, London New Bar of the Year - Swift, London Hotel Bar of the Year - Dandelyan at Mondrian London Drinks Menu of the Year - Dandelyan, Modern Botany 3rd Edition London Specialist Bar of the Year - Black Rock, London Bar Food Menu of the Year - Oriole, London Restaurant Bar of the Year - Hawksmoor Spitalfields, London Cocktail of the Year - Negroni Robusto, Bar Termini, London Lifetime Achievement Jake Burger Bar Manager of the Year - Bobby Hiddleston, Callooh Callay / Swift, London Emerging Bartender of the Year - Dominic Whisson, American Bar, London Dandelyan in London's Mondrian Hotel has been named the best bar in the UK

Bar Back Star of the Year - Ivano Filippi, Oriole, London

HaveLondon you heard about the new facial hair craze? Front of House Star of the Year - Ivana Popovic, Oriole, Sponsored

Social Media Initiative of the Year - Nightjar, London

By Saffron Alexander

22 FEBRUARY 2017 • 11:08AM


ondon has come out on top at this year's Class Bar Awards, with The Dandelyan, located inside the Mondrian Hotel, winning four awards including Best Bar in the UK and Hotel Bar of the Year.

Created by Iain Griffiths and Ryan Chetiyawardana, The Dandelyan offers innovative drinks themed around the concept of 'Modern Botany'. The bar also won the Drinks Menu of the Year award, while head bartender Aidan Bowie was named Bartender of the Year. The Dandelyan regularly appears in round ups of the best bars around the world and was recently named the third best bar in the http://www.telegraph.co.uk/food­and­drink/news/revealed­best­bars­uk/ world at the World's 50 Best Bar Awards.




Circulation: 30,090

Drink Londoners are swimming in stylish cocktail bars but for sheer glamour, The Beaufort Bar at the Savoy is hard to beat. Photos do not do this place justice. Refurbished from the room where the BBC broadcast the Savoy Hotel Orpheans’ music in the twenties, the interiors are still heavily Art Deco.

The Beaufort Bar at the Savoy.

The black velvet furnishings and gold leaf-covered walls make it an ideal setting for late night cabaret. A champagne bar sits on the stage where George Gershwin first played Rhapsody in Blue.

The Savoy Other Media Highlights

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Daily Mail {Weekend}



UK Saturday 4, February 2017 12,13 1734 sq. cm ABC 1491264 Daily page rate £32,508.00, scc rate £129.00 020 7938 6000

Bed hoppıng, bubbly and

bombs The upper classes really did shelter from the Blitz at the Ritz, just as they do in TV’s The Halcyon. Here Harry Wallop reveals how d ’ posh hh l bbecame London’s hotels hotbeds of sex and spying


ambling, death, jit t erbugg i ng while the bombs fa ll, rowdy Americans, Nazi sympathisers and some vigorous extra-marital lovemaking – we’re seeing them all in The Halcyon, ITV’s glossy drama set in an upmarket London hotel during the Second World War. This week alone, the falling bombs bring several pairs of star-crossed lovers together.

But, however enjoyable viewers may find the drama, which stars Olivia Williams as hotel matriarch Lady Hamilton and Kara Tointon as singer Betsey, it’s hard to replicate what really went on behind the doors of the Savoy, Claridge’s, the Ritz, the Dorchester and other top establishments during the Blitz. They became not just shelters for Europe’s homeless royalty and Britain’s hard-up aristocracy, who enjoyed luxuries unimaginable to most Londoners, but also hotbeds of espionage and illicit affairs.

In 1939, many assumed that hostilities would close these temples of luxury. Within a week of the declaration of war in September of that year, the Ritz had shut the Grill Room for lunch and the restaurant for dinner. Many draped their furniture in dust sheets. But soon the hotels started to buzz again. Chips Channon, the Conservative MP and prodigious diarist, wrote: ‘Ritzes always thrive in wartime.’ This was helped by hotels, like restaurants, being exempt from rationing until 1942. ‘Churchill thought it would

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be good for morale if people could eat out,’ says Kerry Gill-Pryde, the historical consultant to The Halcyon, who also worked on Netflix’s The Crown. The hotel kitchens, especially later in the war, did start to suffer from shortages. But the champagne, oysters and caviar flowed for many guests. Churchill was a regular luncher at the Savoy, which also provided him with a room for his post-prandial naps. The photographer Cecil Beaton described the mix of guests at the Dorchester: ‘Cabinet ministers and their self-consciously respectable wives; hatchet-jawed, iron-grey brigadiers; calf-like airmen off duty; tarts on duty; actresses (also); déclassé society people; cheap musicians and motor-car agents.’ At the back of the hotel, the Park Lane hookers known collectively as the Hyde Park Rangers warmed themselves on an air-vent they nicknamed ‘the hotplate’. There was also a more practical reason for hotels regaining popularity during the Blitz: they were solidly built. The Ritz boasted of its metal frame, while the Dorchester was said to be ‘bomb-proof, earthquake-proof and fireproof’. In fact, the Dorchester was so thickly insulated from the sounds of bombs falling that diners were sometimes oblivious to the firestorms raging outside. If the bombs were very loud, the band would start to play the opening to the anvil chorus from Verdi’s Il Trovatore, to muffle the noise of explosions. The protection that hotels a f fo r d e d wa s at t ract ive to many aristocrats. Some had hande d ove r t h e i r country piles to

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Daily Mail {Weekend}



UK Saturday 4, February 2017 12,13 1734 sq. cm ABC 1491264 Daily page rate £32,508.00, scc rate £129.00 020 7938 6000

the war effort, while others struggled to keep t h em r u n n i ng because of a lack of servants. One of those was my grandmother, then Viscountess Lymington, who took up residence on the top floor of Claridge’s in a glass-roofed penthouse, leased to her at a reduced rate because of the risk she’d be the first to be hit by a bomb. The room rates at several hotels declined the higher up the building you went. Clarissa Spencer-Churchill, the niece of Churchill who went on to marry Anthony Eden, also enjoyed a top-floor discount. ‘The war was exciting. The bombing was going on all round. I lived on the top f loor of the Dorchester and went on the roof to watch the fireworks. At that age you don’t imagine anything is going to happen to you,’ she reminisced. Deposed and on-the-r un, a large number of European royals flocked to London’s grand hotels. King Zog of Albania arrived at the Ritz with his family, bodyguards and suitcases rumoured to contain gold bullion. Kerry Gill-Pryde, whose first job was working at the Claridge’s switchboard, says that during the war if you called the hotel and asked to speak to the king, they’d ask which one. King George of Greece signed into Claridge’s as Mr Brown; in the billiard room King Haakon of Norway rubbed shoulders with the Duke of Windsor – who had left Mrs Simpson sunning herself in the Bahamas. Claridge’s was nicknamed ‘the royal hostelry’.

Unsurprisingly, the number of diplomats, heads of state and journalists in these hotels made them fertile hunting grounds for spies. Matthew Sweet, in his excellent book West End Front, which chronicles this period, writes, ‘At Claridge’s, there were more spies than sommeliers.’ The American Office of Strategic Services, its wartime intelligence agency, installed an agent at Claridge’s to persuade a fellow guest, the King of Yugoslavia, to appoint Roosevelt’s favoured candidate as prime minister. Down in the bar, Mathilde Carré, a leading French Resistance fighter until her allegiance was bought by the Nazis, tried to chat up Lord Selborne, the minister in charge of the Special Operations Executive, over cocktails. Luckily he didn’t fall for her charms. Claude Dansey, the assistant chief of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, often lunched at the Savoy and used the hotel to interview potential recruits. Dusko Popov, a Serbian double agent codenamed Tricycle, was another Savoy resident. The Dorchester, meanwhile, was ‘crawling with foreigners’, according to Sir Norman Kendal, head of Special Branch. Guy Burgess, the MI6 officer (in the days before he was a known traitor) kept two spies in the hotel to keep tabs on assorted Hungarians and Italians. Both were also his lovers. These hotels seemed to be mostly immune from the deprivations most people suffered during the Blitz. The Savoy’s basement, which had its own dancefloor and luxurious sleeping quarters, was a far cry from the flimsy Anderson shelters in many gardens and the small number of public shelters built above ground. The Government had not yet sanctioned the use of Tube stations as underground shelters. It is not surprising the grand hotels became a source of resentment, especially when their restaurants continued

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to produce hearty meals for those that could afford them. Clement Freud at the time was a junior chef at the Dorchester and later said, ‘When your weekly salary was what they spent on a portion of grilled lamb cutlets with broad beans à la creme and allumette potatoes, the feeling that we were part of the same human race flew out of the window. We hoped the bombs would kill our customers.’ Things came to a head in September 1940 when a group of protesters from the East End marched on the Savoy. They were spurred on by the Daily Worker newspaper, which thundered, ‘In the Savoy Hotel, you are called by telephone when the sirens sound and tucked into bed by servants in a luxury bomb-proof shelter.’ The protesters came with banners declaring ‘Omelettes for the rich – one egg a week for us’, which was true as the Savoy had its own poultry farm. When an air raid began, the protesters were ushered down to the hotel’s basement. Willy Hofflin, the manager on duty, said, ‘There is no reason why these people should not have the same shelter as the Savoy’s guests.’ The Blitz loosened not just the masonry of London, but the virtues of its inhabitants. Sex was a constant in these hotels. ‘Pamela Churchill, Winston’s daughter-in-law, wasn’t backwards in coming forwards,’ says Ker r y. Du r ing t he wa r Pamela had affairs with Averell Harriman, President Roosevelt’s envoy in Europe, and Edward Murrow, the American journalist, whose nightly broadcasts during the Blitz helped swing public opinion in the US towards joining the war. He’s the

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Daily Mail {Weekend}



UK Saturday 4, February 2017 12,13 1734 sq. cm ABC 1491264 Daily page rate £32,508.00, scc rate £129.00 020 7938 6000

inspiration for The Halcyon’s Joe O’Hara, played by Matt Ryan. ‘Living on the edge, you don’t know what will happen next. The breakdown in law and normal morals was striking,’ says Kerry. Nowhere was sex more barely kept beneath the surface than in the Lower Bar of the Ritz. Nicknamed the Pink Sink, the bar was a notorious pick-up joint for gay men, who were then acting illegally. Here men in uniform would mix with newsreaders from the BBC, which had a reputation for employing men who had been drummed out of the Armed Forces for ‘indecency between males’. It’s hard to believe now that homosexuality was a crime back then, yet during the war years there were more courts-martial for this than for any other offence. But London’s blackout gave its gay underworld a fresh lease of life. When the poet Louis MacNeice visited the Pink Sink in 1940, he described its unusual atmosphere. ‘The bar,’ he said, ‘is noisy and crowded with officers in uniform, but all of a peculiar kind, shimmying their hips and speaking in shrill or velvety voices – “My dear! My dear! My dear!”’ One regular at the Lower Bar was Paul Latham – the first sitting MP to be court-martialled since 1815. He was found guilty of 12 charges of disgraceful conduct towards three gunners in his regiment. He tried, unsuccessfully, to commit suicide by driving his motorcycle into a tree. Another society man whose sexual preferences caused trouble was Captain Ian Maitland, the 15th Earl of Lauderdale, who was arrested in an alleyway after picking up a hotel kitchen porter. ‘I was drunk and I didn’t know what was happening,’ he said in his defence. He got off. The kitchen porter was sentenced to nine months in

prison. The war broke down many class barriers, but not all – something that’s being explored in The Halcyon, as Toby Hamilton, the brother of the hotel’s new owner, develops a relationship with Adil the bartender. Meanwhile, the enormous number of illicit heterosexual liaisons during the Blitz gave hotels another shadowy role to play: facilitating abortions. As Matthew Sweet notes, ‘The war years were good for illegal abortionists.’ Georges de la Vatine, an unqualified but successful Mayfair plastic surgeon, was sentenced to five years with hard labour for performing an abortion on Mary Pickwoad, who worked for MC5, the government department that censored mail. The operation at the Mount Royal Hotel (now the Thistle Marble Arch) was botched and Mary did not survive. Scandal, tragedy and glamour stalked the corridors of these hotels during the War, but one must not forget the fun people had. Dancing was as regular as the air-raid siren. ‘If you think your life could end in a moment,’ says Susan Scott, the Savoy’s archivist, ‘people want to have a good time. They wanted dinner and dancing.’ O The Halcyon, Mondays, 9pm, ITV.

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‘Claridge’s gave discounts for the top floor because of the bombs’

A waitress serves tea and treats at the Savoy in 1941 and (left) staff at the Grosvenor House Hotel work on during a gas mask drill

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An air-raid shelter in the grounds of the Savoy in 1940

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Interview with Halcyon ITV drama producer Chris Croucher | Telegraph Travel

Published: February Circulation: 359,400

Chris Croucher was also a producer for Downton Abbey

Is there going to be a second series? If enough people tune in and like the show then hopefully. This series is only 1940 – there is so much more war to go and many great stories to tell.

During your research, did you find out anything that really surprised you? Lots. I didn’t know there were rationing waivers for hotels and restaurants for the first part of the war. This was so Churchill and his chums could still dine well. Also hotels would sell off the top-floor rooms cheaper as they were more likely to be damaged by the bombs!

How did you go about researching The Halcyon? The archivist at The Savoy has been a real help. We have also read transcripts from guests. The good thing about the Second World war research is there has been just so much written about it. We also toured around all the hotels still standing now – many haven’t really changed that much since the war. Research is key with any script and we have a full-time historic researcher Kerry (who actually has also worked in the hotel trade). She works with our script editors and writers to make sure everything is right. Within reason – you sometimes have to bend for dramatic purposes). Also from the research you can get great anecdotes or historic moments that we can try and use in the scripts. • Hotels that shaped history

The Savoy in London was a big inspiration for Halcyon CREDIT: ALAMY/STOCKFOOD GMBH - TRAVEL / ALAMY STOCK PHOTO

In the first episode, you get a real sense of the grand hotel being something both sumptuous and seedy. Can we expect more scandal in coming episodes? From the research one of the main things you find is the scandal! It’s amazing what was going on and yes, you can expect lots more in the coming episodes.

You filmed in a studio, but was filming in a hotel ever floated as an idea?



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