July Press Coverage Report 2017

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The Savoy Media Highlights July 2017

The Savoy Rooms and Suites Media Highlights

 Published: July Circulation: 700,000


Idris Elba Talks James Bond Rumors, 'The Dark Tower' Movie and 'The Wire'




JUL 6, 2017




1.9k 7/7/2017

JUL 6, 2017

t's a Saturday afternoon in late spring, and the Farmers' Market in London's Notting

Hill neighborhood is bustling: People mill about the tents and tables, blissfully  for organically grown tomatoes, gem lettuce. A white  shopping raw milk, and little Idris Elba Talks James Bond Rumors, 'The Dark Tower' Movie and 'The Wire'

Range Rover pulls up and Idris Elba steps onto the sidewalk. He is dressed in black, from his t's a Saturday afternoon in late spring, and the Farmers' Market in London's Notting loafers to the oversized beanie cocked atop his head, and from the looks of it—eyes lowered, Hill neighborhood is bustling: People mill about the tents and tables, blissfully hands in pockets—he is doing his best to go unnoticed. shopping for organically grown tomatoes, raw milk, and little gem lettuce. A white Not gonna happen. Asand he heads for asteps nearby restaurant calledHe Electric House, the market Range Rover pulls up Idris Elba onto the sidewalk. is dressed in black, from his ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW

comes to halt. All eyesbeanie are on cocked him. Okay, doesn't to a complete andmarket from the looks come of it—eyes lowered, loafers to athe oversized atopso hismaybe head, the standstill and perhapsisnot everyone turns way, but close to it. Honey, honey, look . . . hands in pockets—he doing his best to gohis unnoticed. ohmygod! Ohmygod! Ohmygod! If this were a market in Topeka—or, heaven help him, http://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a55996/idris-elba-james-bond/

Baltimore—the forty-four-year-oldADVERTISEMENT Elba would mostREADING likely be recognized as Stringer Bell, the - CONTINUE BELOW


Machiavellian heroin dealer he played on the HBO series The Wire. In the UK, where he was raised, he's better known as the Golden Globe-winning star of Luther, the BBC series on which he plays a gifted detective with a disastrous personal http://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a55996/idris-elba-james-bond/

life. Today, however, he's called out for a

role he's never had and may never play: Just as Elba ducks into the restaurant, an enthusiastic fan cups his hands around his mouth and shouts, "Idris, you gonna be 007?"


Published: July Circulation: 700,000 7/7/2017

Idris Elba Talks James Bond Rumors, 'The Dark Tower' Movie and 'The Wire'

Suit by Dolce & Gabbana; watch by IWC Victor Demarchelier

The rumor that Elba is in line to play James Bond has endured for years. In 2014, in one of the thousands of emails made public when Sony Pictures was hacked, then-studio cochair Amy Pascal told a colleague, "Idris should be the next Bond." Steven Spielberg said in an interview that Elba would be his "first choice" to fill Daniel Craig's tux. Elba has long maintained that the conversation is moot; no one, so far as he knows, is seriously considering him for the role. Nevertheless, the rumor's persistence highlights a large part of what makes Elba such a rare talent. Why did Pascal intuit that he had the qualities required to play a continent-hopping man of mystery? For the same reason each one of his hypermasculine characters is so memorable: The guy has an invaluable Something Else, a swagger and self-confidence that he http://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a55996/idris-elba-james-bond/


Published: July Circulation: 700,000 7/7/2017

Idris Elba Talks James Bond Rumors, 'The Dark Tower' Movie and 'The Wire'

brings to every scene even before he utters a line. Hany Abu-Assad, who directed Elba and Kate Winslet in The Mountain Between Us, a plane-crash-survival movie out this October, says that "with Idris, you immediately think, This is a man who is going to survive. This is a man you can count on. This is a man who can handle anything." Aaron Sorkin, who cast Elba as a criminal-defense lawyer in his upcoming directorial debut, Molly's Game, tells me, "There are certain things an actor can't fake. They can't act smart, they can't act being funny, they can't act like they have gravitas...Idris brings all those things. Plus, he can act." It was, he says, an easy decision: "If Idris Elba says he wants to play a part, that's pretty much the end of your casting search."

"There are certain things an actor can't fake," says Aaron Sorkin. "They can't act smart, they can't act being funny, they can't act like they have gravitas...Idris brings all those things. Plus, he can act." ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW

Electric House has an ambience that might be described as mod-Dickensian. As the host leads us to a table in back, many patrons, from the well-heeled hipsters to the casually dapper young parents with their more-dapper children, get wide-eyed and whisper in our direction. Elba fixes his gaze forward, outwardly unaffected by the attention. He slides into a U-shaped booth that seems large until his wide frame occupies it. This month, Elba stars in The Dark Tower, a sci-fi thriller based on the Stephen King series that is set in a part-Blade Runner, partspaghetti-western multiverse. He plays the Gunslinger, the solitary hero who survives through his superior instincts and weaponry skills. Nikolaj Arcel, the director of the movie, says that talking to Elba is like "looking up at the sky." Even seated, he has a commanding presence. http://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a55996/idris-elba-james-bond/


Published: July Circulation: 700,000


Idris Elba Talks James Bond Rumors, 'The Dark Tower' Movie and 'The Wire'

Robe by Paul Stuart; shirt and trousers by Louis Vuitton; sandals by Havaianas. Victor Demarchelier

Almost immediately, Elba is the one doing the interviewing. "I think my life is pretty well documented," he tells me. "If you look me up, you're gonna find some shit." He rests his hands on the table, fingertips pressed together professorially; his eyes are locked on mine. "And that must be—not disheartening but discouraging for a journalist." He pauses. I wait. He continues: "Like, How the fuck do I approach this to get anything that no one else has read before? What is that approach?" He takes a sip of Johnnie Walker Black and Diet Coke and tilts his head to the side, never dropping his stare. Fair question, but let's give it a shot. One approach, at least the one to understanding how Elba came to be one of Hollywood's most compelling leading men, begins with his father, Winston.

Published: July Circulation: 700,000 7/7/2017

Idris Elba Talks James Bond Rumors, 'The Dark Tower' Movie and 'The Wire'

Between bites of steak, flame-licked to well-done, he tells me about some advice Winston once gave him. " 'Look whoever you're talking to in the eyes. Don't look away. Two reasons: You can tell whether they are lying. Also, so that they can see whatever you're saying you mean and you can connect to that person.' That's great advice for a young actor." Elba was born in Hackney, one of London's poorest boroughs, not long after Winston, from Sierra Leone, and his Ghanaian wife, Eve, emigrated to the UK in the 1970s. Whereas many of his friends ended up on the dole or dealing drugs, Elba, an only child, devoted his energy to music. As a little kid, he'd turn cereal boxes into make-believe turntables. At fourteen, he worked part-time with an uncle who had a DJ business and was soon spinning at gigs of his own. At eighteen, Elba attended the National Youth Music Theatre, a prestigious school for the arts. Winston, who worked at a Ford plant, ponied up the money for the tuition not covered by a grant. Though music was Elba's first creative passion, his drama classes captivated him more. After he finished the program, he got a job at the auto plant, working the night shift in order to make auditions during the day. He nabbed bit parts on BBC series including Crimewatch, playing characters too small to have proper names—Drug Dealer, Delivery Man—and appeared as a gigolo on Absolutely Fabulous. ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW

It was his parents' pilgrimage to London that inspired Elba to try his luck in New York. "I was not afraid of this concept of flying from the nest," he tells me. "I thought, It's a big jump, but fuck it, I'm going to move to another country. That came from my dad. He made a journey." By 2001, two years after he married makeup artist Kim Norgaard, he had a pregnant wife and an apartment just outside the city. Elba says he spent hours hanging out at a Brooklyn barbershop to work on his American accent. He landed one-off roles here and there, including a small part on Law & Order, but those didn't provide enough to live on. He picked up DJ gigs, worked as a doorman at the renowned comedy club Carolines, and sold weed. If he heard of an audition back in London that seemed like it was worth the flight, he'd go. http://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a55996/idris-elba-james-bond/



Idris Elba Talks James Bond Rumors, 'The Dark Tower' Movie and 'The Wire'

Elba's peripatetic lifestyle put a strain on his marriage. He and Norgaard broke up before she gave birth to their daughter, now fifteen. He'd been living out of a Chevy Astro van on the streets for three months when he went to audition for a part on a new HBO series called The Wire.

Published: July Circulation: 700,000

Coat, shirt, and trousers by Burberry. Victor Demarchelier

he role that changed his life, as Elba puts it, came as a consolation prize. He badly wanted to play drug kingpin Avon Barksdale. David Simon, the show's creator, was on the casting team; http://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a55996/idris-elba-james-bond/


Published: July Circulation: 700,000



Idris Elba Talks James Bond Rumors, 'The Dark Tower' Movie and 'The Wire'

he tells me he had no idea Elba was from London because the actor never broke his American accent throughout the audition process. After several callbacks, the Wire team informed Elba that they wanted him not for Barksdale but for Stringer Bell.

"I was like, 'Great, great!' " Elba says. "But really, I was like, Who?" As initially sketched out in the pilot, Bell came off as a shrewd Baltimore dealer, but Elba set out to make the character more his own, as though asking himself, How the fuck do I approach this to get anything that no one else has done before? "Where I grew up, gangsters had to be smart," he says. "That whole flashy thing—no, mate. It was suits and smiles. I said, 'That's how I'm going to make Stringer.' " At the end of season three, just as Bell's fan appeal was peaking, Simon wrote the character off the show. Elba was stunned. As a rule, Simon would give scripts to the actors shortly before filming. He didn't want them to know when their characters were being killed off until the last minute. "Actors have enough of a burden bringing the soul of a character to life," says Simon. "If they know they're going to die, no matter how professional the actor is, they can't help but approach the character differently. They'll drink their last cup of coffee like they know it's their last cup of coffee."

"Where I grew up, gangsters had to be smart. That whole flashy thing—no, mate. It was suits and smiles." ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW

The day he talked to Elba about Bell's demise, The Wire was filming in a cemetery. As they walked among the headstones, Simon assured Elba that Bell wasn't being killed off because of anything the actor had done wrong. Simon recalls saying, "This death is going to make people sit up and take notice because of the story arc. It's going to be a remarkable moment for you, Idris. After people see this, you're going to have film roles coming at you to pick and choose." http://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a55996/idris-elba-james-bond/


Published: July Circulation: 700,000 7/7/2017

Idris Elba Talks James Bond Rumors, 'The Dark Tower' Movie and 'The Wire'

Simon was right about the recognition, but his prediction about Elba's career wasn't quite as accurate. For several years, Elba found himself in a run of mostly forgettable movies and television series, including Girlfriends, Sometimes in April, Jonny Zero, Daddy's Little Girls, and Obsessed.

Coat, T-shirt, and trousers by Raf Simons; shoes by O'Keeffe. Victor Demarchelier

A seven-episode role on NBC's The Office, in 2009, proved a turning point. Elba played the calculating nemesis of Steve Carell's Michael Scott. His comedic turn brought him to the attention of Sorkin and others, which led to offers on a wider range of projects. He landed the lead on Luther, which became a smash hit in the UK, and costarred in a series of Hollywood http://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a55996/idris-elba-james-bond/


Published: July Circulation: 700,000 7/7/2017

Idris Elba Talks James Bond Rumors, 'The Dark Tower' Movie and 'The Wire'

action flicks, including Prometheus and Pacific Rim. In 2013, he played the title character in Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, for which he received a Golden Globe nomination. Though Winston was pleased that his son had found work doing what he loved, he was never much impressed by Elba's turns in Luther and the others. But the day Elba told his dad he'd be playing Nelson Mandela, Winston wept. "I cannot believe my son has been asked to play that great man," Elba recalls his father saying. After Elba showed him the film, in 2013, Winston said that his son's depiction of Mandela reminded him of his own father, Moses. "It's funny you say that," Elba told his father, "because I was trying to be you." As he tells me about this moment, Elba quietly lowers his head for a few seconds, then looks up and smiles. "I'm glad my dad got to see that." Winston, who was a smoker, was diagnosed with lung cancer that year. At the time, Elba was dating Naiyana Garth, who, like his ex-wife, was a makeup artist. On Elba's birthday, seven days before his father died, he and Garth visited Winston to tell him they were expecting. "If it's a boy," he replied, "you must call him Winston." Seven months after Elba buried his father, Garth gave birth to their son, now three, and they did just that. "He was seventy-two. Too young," Elba says. "He had so much life in him. My old man wanted to do so much more. He just didn't get a chance." Experiencing his father's death, Elba says, contributed to the onset of a midlife crisis. "I got to a place where I wasn't even living anymore. I was becoming a robot with my work. I have no fear of jumping out of burning cars or out of buildings on set, but in reality, I couldn't run one hundred meters. I just felt out of touch with reality," he says. His friends teased him affectionately, calling him Moprah—as in Male Oprah. To heal, he thought about another piece of advice his father gave him: "Fear nothing. Do what you want to do, but be educated and intelligent and confident about it." ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW



Published: July Circulation: 700,000 7/7/2017

Idris Elba Talks James Bond Rumors, 'The Dark Tower' Movie and 'The Wire'

Elba decided he wasn't going to miss the chances life presented. "I had forgotten what it is to feel that burn on your tongue, when your adrenaline is going so much and you're in fight or flight. I was like, I'll be tired when I'm dead. . . . I just thought, Yo, Dris, do you want to do something crazy? Should we just try to make a documentary?"

"I had forgotten what it is to feel that burn on your tongue, when your adrenaline is going so muchand you're in fight or flight."


hus was born Idris Elba: No Limits, a four-part series on Discovery UK that afforded the actor the opportunity to put himself in fight-or-flight situations, sometimes literally. Starting in early 2015 and over the course of several months,

Elba took to Pendine Sands beach in Wales in a 626-horsepower Bentley Continental GT Speed and hit 180.361 miles per hour, shattering the eighty-eight-year-old record; he learned

to fly a stunt plane and beat three experienced actual pilots in an aerobatics competition; he completed the Circuit of Ireland Rally. In the follow-up series, Idris Elba: Fighter, he won his professional kickboxing debut by knockout. "I could have been sitting in a comfortable place and earning the dough, going, I wish, I wish. But my way of being a popular male actor is to say, 'Dudes, if I can do it, you can fucking do it.' "




Published: July Circulation: 700,000

Idris Elba Talks James Bond Rumors, 'The Dark Tower' Movie and 'The Wire'

Suit and T-shirt by Tom Ford; shoes by Christian Louboutin; socks by Falke. Victor Demarchelier

Also in 2015, he took on his gutsiest role yet: as the Commandant, the ruthless rebel leader of a battalion of child soldiers in Africa, in Beasts of No Nation. Written and directed by Cary Joji Fukunaga, one of the minds behind the excellent first (but not the terrible second) season of True Detective, Beasts is relentlessly dark. And Elba took a despicable character and rendered him a man viewers couldn't ignore or soon forget. He earned another Golden Globe nomination and a Screen Actors Guild Award. An Oscar nod, it seemed, was guaranteed: In the days leading up to the announcement of the 2016 Academy Award nominations, FiveThirtyEight reported that Elba was the online gambling world's 6-to1 favorite for Best Actor in a Supporting Role. Yet his name wasn't on the list of nominees; the http://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a55996/idris-elba-james-bond/


Published: July Circulation: 700,000 7/7/2017

Idris Elba Talks James Bond Rumors, 'The Dark Tower' Movie and 'The Wire'

names of five white actors were. This, along with other perceived snubs of actors of color, reignited the debate about diversity in Hollywood, hashtagged #OscarsSoWhite, that had begun the previous year. Once the dust settled, what remained was Elba's stunning performance. This November, he's reprising his role as Thor's right-hand man in November's Thor: Ragnarok. In Molly's Game, he stars opposite Jessica Chastain, whose character is busted for running an illegal high-stakes poker game. Meanwhile, the risk taking continues unabated: He's about to start production on a thriller called Yardie, which will mark his directorial debut. And he doesn't shy away from controversy. Discussing The Dark Tower, which is studded with elaborately choreographed shoot-outs, he says, "I had a clash of conscience with my character. In America, there's a real awareness of gun culture. I had to break down why he's good at shooting. We erred on the side of 'This is his tool. It's set in this world that's part of Stephen King's imagination, and it is what it is. . . .' I'll probably be crucified by the film company for even mentioning this." I ask a question before he heads off to review script changes for Yardie. Since his midlife crisis, Elba has launched a successful clothing line with Superdry; become an Officer of the Order of the British Empire; and given a speech to Parliament about promoting diversity in British television and film. Is there anything he thinks he can't do? "I'm not good at building furniture." How does he know? "I've tried it." Of course he has.



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Published: July Circulation: 50,000 OUT & ABOUT



o mark the release of the new film, Churchill, The Savoy has created the Ultimate Churchill Experience. Guests will be welcomed for a one-night stay in the Winston Churchill Personality River View Suite with the opportunity to enjoy a truly memorable Churchill-inspired stay. When The Savoy Hotel opened on August 6, 1889, Winston Churchill was 24-years-old. As a lover of the operettas of Gilbert & Sullivan from boyhood, he already was a regular at the Savoy Theatre next door, having attended opening nights there with his parents as early as age 12. Mr Churchill, arguably Britain’s greatest Prime Minister became a regular visitor to the hotel throughout his entire life, and in celebration of this relationship, a suite was named after him. While dining at The Savoy in 1939, Churchill famously got the call telling him he was to be the wartime Prime Minister. Having previously founded a private dining club at The Savoy, “The Other Club” in 1910, he attended its dinners in a private capacity as often as possible until his death – in fact his final public appearance was at such a dinner in 1964. During the Second World War he lunched at The Savoy so frequently with members of his cabinet, that a suite was permanently reserved for him to enjoy one of

4 4 J U LY 2 0 1 7

his famous power-naps. The Ultimate Churchill Experience includes a onenight stay with breakfast, Churchill welcome amenity, dinner at Simpson’s In The Strand, cocktails in the Beaufort Bar, a Churchill inspired Historical Tour, and two tickets to the Churchill War Rooms. Available for reservations from 01 August to 30 September, made by 30 August, priced from £1,995 per package, based on two people sharing, additional nights available on request. To book please email savoy@fairmont.com or call +44 (0)207 386 4343. For more details, please visit www.fairmont.com/savoy The Savoy, Strand, London, WC2R 0EU

The Savoy Food and Beverage Media Highlights

The Table – Trend piece (Circulation: 458,381)

The Table – Trend piece (Circulation: 458,381)

Published: July Circulation: 4,500,000

Published: July Circulation: 4,500,000


Published: July Circulation: 78,014

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BEAUFORT  BAR,  SAVOY  A spectacular showstopping cocktail bar on the S tBrEaAnUd F O R T B A R A T T H E S A V O Y , C O V E N T G A R D E N

The SAVOY Savoy's vintage American Bar is the one you draw up a BEAUFORT BAR, at,i norder A s p e c t a c u l a r s h o wstool stopp g c o cakclassic t a i l bMartini a r o n tand h e try to out-do the whitejacketed bartender with cocktail anecdotes (he'll win). It's Strand also the one that gets the queues. The Beaufort, tucked away down the stairs and round the

corner is more elusive, more rakish and far more tantalising - a gold-and-black Deco salon The Savoy's vintage American Bar is the one you draw up a with a real sense of drama. It's a place for snappy one-liners, lacquered talons and raised, stool at, order a classic Martini and try to out-do the whiteseverely pencilled eyebrows. If Gypsy Rose Lee had flounced off the stage of Sondheim's jacketed bartender with cocktail anecdotes (he'll win). It's legendary Gypsy at the Savoy Theatre, it's here she would have headed to order a Showgirl he one that gets the queues. The Beaufort, tucked away down the stairs and round the cocktail, doubtless followed by the current troupe of Dreamgirls. Unlike the American Bar r is more elusive, more rakish and far more tantalising - a gold-and-black Deco salon (born 1904), it opened only in 2010, in the space formerly occupied by a cabaret stage real sense of drama. It's a place for snappy one-liners, lacquered talons and raised, known to George Gershwin and generations of vaudeville hoofers. The tradition endures, ely pencilled eyebrows. If Gypsy Rose Lee had flounced off the stage of Sondheim's with regular performances and monthly burlesque nights. dary Gypsy at the Savoy Theatre, it's here she would have headed to order a Showgirl

ail, doubtless followed by the current troupe of Dreamgirls. Unlike the American Bar DRINKS

1904), it opened only in may 2010,take in the space cabaret These a while toformerly choose. occupied The menuby is aone of thestage most beautiful you'll hold in your n to George Gershwin and generations of vaudeville hoofers. The tradition endures, hands - following on from the previous pop-up list, this is an artful, Art Nouveau-style, Hans

egular performances and monthly burlesque nights. Christian Anderson of a tunnel book whose cut-outs stitch together stories and famous


guests from the Savoy's long history, from Fred Astaire dancing on the roof and wartime

7/11/2017 Best namedropper. bars in London right now of (Condé Nast Traveller) parties to Duran Duran and Bon Jovi. It's a shameless Many the impeccably may take a while to choose. The menu is one of the most beautiful you'll hold in your Amy Johnson Katharine Hepburn.There's enough experimentation to hold Dietrich, the interest well-made drinks,and all in vintage glasses, loosely reference alumni such as Marlene - following on from Read the more previous pop-up Topic list, this artful, on B A Ris S anE AT I N G &Art D R INouveau-style, NKING Location Hans LO N D O N without toppling into novelty - chocolate fragrance, a taste of 'leather', even London 'fog' ian Anderson of a tunnel book whose cut-outs stitch together stories and famous http://www.cntraveller.com/recommended/food/best-bars-london too; there's a shrub or two, and whey milk, and some drinks are garnished like a flowergirl's s from the Savoy's long history, from Fred Astaire dancing on the roof and wartime bonnet. Order The Old Magic, for its puddingy mix of Grey Goose, Guinness, chocolate, s to Duran Duran and Bon Jovi. It's a shameless namedropper. Many of the impeccably orange and vanilla, topped with Champagne. And the wonderfully savoury Incognito, which made drinks, all in vintage glasses, loosely reference alumni such as Marlene Dietrich, d more on Topic B A R S Patron E AT I N G Anejo & D R I Ntequila KING Location L O N D O Averna, N matches with popcorn, Martini Rubino and walnut. With one or

two drinks coming in at £50, ww.cntraveller.com/recommended/food/best-bars-london

it's not a cheap date, but then the Beaufort is not a bar you

should flirt with on a nightly basis. It's also the place to cherish a glass of Egly-Ouriet


Champagne, at a mere £38. FOOD

As you're here for a special occasion, you may as well order the foie gras lollipops, if sensitivities allow, or else the beetroot macaroons laced with creamy goat's cheese. THE VERDICT

This is a tour-de-force bar that should be on anyone's top 10 list, a place for modern-day Oscar Wildes to sprawl on a chaise longue and spend more of someone else's money than they might actually have intended. Along with the Connaught Bar and the Langham's Artesian, this is one of London's best hotel bars. By Rick Jordan Address: Beaufort Bar, Savoy, 99 Strand, London WC2R 0EU Telephone: +44 20 7836 4343 Website: fairmont.com

Gypsy Moth cocktail

Monthly circulation:17,672,000

Best for: Sweet treats in London Icéclairs at Melba at the Savoy

The vibe:

A cool new tasty treat Need to know:

The Savoy hotel is famed for its incredible gastronomy, as much as it is for its lavish surroundings. And you can enjoy one of their delicious delicacies at any time, thanks to their recently opened takeaway patisserie Melba at the Savoy. Offering gourmet cakes, coffees and pastries, the shop is a great place to stop by for lunch, or if you just fancy treating yourself. You can even find some exclusive items there, which you won’t find anywhere else. This summer, the hotel’s executive pasty chef Ludwig Hely has given a cool new twist to a classic cake, and created the Icéclair. Combining choux pastry with handmade ice-cream, they could be the most sophisticated way to chill out this summer. And with five different flavours of ice-cream, and a selection of sauces, glazes and toppings, you can create your own unique flavour combination.

Published: July Circulation: 150,000

A rst look at the revamped Simpson's in the Strand Written by Gavin Hanly

Fine dining


Created: 10 July 2017



Simpson's in the Strand is one of London's most iconic restaurants - and

it's just emerged from a are much-needed Iceclairs coming to Melba at the Savoy. Summer is sorted. | Latest news | Gast


revamp - where they've beenhotel. They've looking to that's part of the Savoy update thecreated room, while retaining its been by thestill Savoy’s executive


classic feel (and carvery pastry chef,those Ludwig Hely and are, yes,


trolleys!). ice-cream �lled eclairs. We've a lot info onice thecream new you want You canmore pick which Simpson's here - butdark here's your �rst including pure chocolate, Sicilian look pistachio, at the brand newcaramel room... and wild salted berries. And once you're sorted on the


ice-cream front you can add toppings like popping candy, cookie dough, candy

New �oss, caramelised hazelnuts, open resta http://www.hot-dinners.com/Gastroblog/Latest-news/a-first-look-at-the-revamped-simpsons-in-the-strand?utm_source=new shortbread and chocolate crunchy pearls. So yes, this is EXACTLY what we want. Where: Melba at the Savoy, Strand, London WC2R 0EU When: From 3 July 2017 Find out more: Visit the Melba website.


Find ou London have ju

Com new resta open

Here's latest n restau openin

Monthly Unique Browsers: 3, 720, 661

Best Cocktail Bars In London The Beaufort Bar at The Savoy, Covent Garden If its glitz and glamour you’re after, bypass The Savoy’s traditional American Bar and head to its newer Beaufort Bar. The opulent Art Deco setting is reminiscent of the roaring Twenties – there’s plenty of champagne to go around, and cabaret acts are a regular occurrence (the bar itself stands on the hotel’s former cabaret stage). The first-rate cocktails don’t come cheap though – this is a place for spoiling.

Dandelyan named world’s best bar at Tales of the Cocktail Spirited Awards Monthly Unique Browsers: 34, 339, 919

Dandelyan has been named the best bar in the world as the capital wins big We all know that London likes a drink, but the capital’s cocktail scene really does seem to be unparalleled at the moment. And that’s not just us talking, either. At the weekend’s prestigious Tales of the Cocktail Spirited Awards held in New Orleans – known as the Oscars of the cocktail scene – London bars dominated the international categories, with Bankside’s Dandelyan named the very best in the world. Ryan Chetiyawardana’s bar, which is set within the Mondrian London hotel, won three awards on the night: best international bar team, best international hotel bar, and the night’s much-contested biggie – world’s best cocktail bar. It follows Dandelyan being named third best bar in the world at the alsovery-prestigious Worlds 50 Best Bars awards last year, behind The Savoy’s American Bar not far up river at two and New York’s The Dead Rabbit Grocery & Grog at number one.

Published: July Circulation: 28,042

Published: July Circulation: 28,042

Published: July Circulation: 28,042

Published: July Circulation: 28,042

Published: July Circulation: 28,042

Published: July Circulation: 28,042

Published: July Circulation: 28,042

Published: July Circulation: 121,314,718

17 Cultured As Fuck Things To Do In London This Summer 7. Eat ice cream eclairs at Melba.

Published: July Circulation: 18,000,000


Melba is The Savoy's mega fancy café and they've just launched "Icéclairs", which are, you guessed it, eclairs filled with ice cream instead of ordinary cream. Because in summer ordinary, room temperature cream is for chumps, you hear me? CHUMPS. Brilliantly, you can build your own – you pick your ice cream (dark chocolate, Sicilian pistachio, salted caramel, wild berries, or vanilla), then choose your sauces, glaze, and toppings. Price: £4.95, which honestly I don't think is that bad. It's The Savoy – you know they could charge more than this if they wanted to and get away with it When: Available indefinitely Where: The Strand

Monthly Unique Browsers: 12,532,251

Luke Abrahams Published: 11 July 2017

Move over Magnums and ice cream sandwiches, a new frozen treat has arrived in London town to cool you down, and it's fabulous. If you live in, or have recently visited the British capital you know one thing: it’s been unusually hot. Too hot. In an effort to cool you all down, the marvellous Savoy hotel has launched the icéclair, a moorish little treat they’re dishing out from their glitzy coffee shop, Melba. What on earth is it, and does it have anything to do with the Cronut? It’s basically a cross between an ice cream and an éclair – so yes, like the Cronut it does have that hybrid aspect to it, but guess what? It’s even better! Made by encasing a variety of flavoured ice creams (Sicilian pistachio, salted caramel, wild berry – sounds lush, no?) in light choux pastry shells, these gluttonous beasts are then smothered in sauces so tasty they will destroy your tastebuds. And yes, a milk or dark chocolate glaze is involved. Toppings? Plenty of sugary delights: popping candy, cookie dough and candy floss.Overall thoughts: out of this world. You can pick up your very own icéclair from The Savoy, Strand, London, WC2R 0EU.

Published: July Circulation: 692,049

Monthly Unique Browsers: 3, 504, 316

These three London cocktail bars have just been ranked among the best in the world World's best bars It's not the first time the capital's cocktail bars have been given recognition: last October London claimed nine spots in the World's 50 Best Bars ranking. Dandelyan, described as a partnership between "the two most bonkers bartenders in the business" came third in the overall ranking and second in the capital. It was pipped to the top spot by The American Bar at The Savoy, which was ranked second place in the overall list, and was named Europe's best bar.

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Published: July Circulation: 150,000

A rst look at the revamped Simpson's in the Strand Written by Gavin Hanly

Fine dining



The newly refurbed room in all its glory

Created: 10 July 2017



Simpson's in the Strand is one of

A first look at the revamped Simpson's in the Strand | Latest news | Gastroblog | Hot Dinners

London's most iconic restaurants - and it's just emerged from a much-needed

revamp - where they've been looking to update the room, while still retaining its

Fancy new banquettes

classic feel (and those carvery trolleys!). We've a lot more info on the new Simpson's here - but here's your �rst The carvery look at thetrolley! brand new room...

Photos by James Bedford Read our original story on the reopening here.

Where to get the best pintxos and tapas in San Sebastian


The famed Winston Churchill table is still there

7/11/2017 A first look at the revamped Simpson's in the http://www.hot-dinners.com/Gastroblog/Latest-news/a-first-look-at-the-revamped-simpsons-in-the-strand?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email… 1/8

What: Simpson's in the Strand

Skylon offers 30% off food and drink to launch Kim Woodward’s new menus

Where: 100 Strand, London WC2R 0EW When: Reopening 10 July 2017


For more, visit their website. The carvery Test Drivingtrolley! Azurmendi in Bilbao, Spain

Monthly Unique Users - 1M

Move Over, Cronut: The Icéclair Is London's New Hybrid Dessert BY LYDIA MANCH

All hail the Icéclair. Just landed at Melba, home of ornate pastries and ornate-pastry chef Ludwig Hely, this union of ice cream and éclair sounds like pure, sticky genius. Coming in at £4.95, it's available from July — as in, right this second. There are hurdles standing between you and your Icéclair, though, and not just the inevitable queues. Get your decision-making muscles ready, because this is a bespoke, DIY-pastry sort of deal: 1. Choose one of five ice cream flavours to fill the traditional choux pastry with. You cannot choose all five. That's not a thing. 2. Choose between raspberry, chocolate and caramel sauce. 3. Dark, white or milk chocolate glaze? Milk, obviously, but in theory there's a choice to be made here. 4. And toppings. Caramelised hazelnuts for the purists. Popping candy for the kid-dults. Candy floss for the Instagram-brigade. And a lot of things involving chocolate for everybody who knows more chocolate makes things better. Melba at the Savoy, Strand, WC2R 0EU

Monthly Unique Browsers: 3,326,565

Beaufort Bar The Impressionist Class, style, romance: the Savoy's Beaufort Bar offers the lot. So when it lays on the theatrics, it does so in debonair fashion. Take The Impressionist, where the smouldering flavours of the drink - rose, raspberry, champagne and cherry - are underlined by a single rose gently pluming with dry ice alongside.

Monthly Unique Browsers: 257,526

15 of the Best Afternoon Teas in London Afternoon tea is quite possibly the most British of all institutions. But once in a while, an egg and cress sandwich and a scone need a little jazzing up. These are the 15 best afternoon teas in the city, from the traditional to the innovative, and even a little something for the children…

World-renowned for its iconic High Tea, The Savoy is constantly updating its menu to ensure its guests enjoy the very best of the season. The Summer Afternoon Tea has been specially created to awaken your summer senses with a selection of fresh and fragrant pastries and cakes such as apricot délice and strawberry macaroons, as well as the classics, of course. Served in the magnificent Thomas Foyer and accompanied by live piano music, The Savoy’s High Tea is a London classic. From £52.50 per person, daily. Don’t miss the one-off Bridal Couture Tea being held on Wednesday 2 August. British bridal couturier Suzie Turner will present stunning gowns from her new collection in the Thomas Foyer, alongside an exclusive afternoon tea and glass of Moët Ice Imperial champagne to celebrate the occasion. £59 including a glass of champagne. Wednesday 2 August at 5:30pm.

The July Diary: What to Do This Week Monthly Unique Browsers: 257,526

Don't miss the best cultural events in the UK during the month... What’s on this week in London? And in the countryside? Wonder no more! Find out all the hottest show openings, new art exhibitions in London, restaurants to book into and more. Here’s your culture guide to the month ahead. In July; a Quentin Blake exhibition, Henley Festival and Wimbledon.

2 August

Don’t miss the one-off Bridal Couture Tea being held on Wednesday 2 August at London’s iconic Savoy Hotel. British bridal couturier Suzie Turner will present stunning gowns from her new collection in the Thomas Foyer, alongside an exclusive afternoon tea and glass of Moët Ice Imperial champagne to celebrate the occasion. £59 including a glass of champagne. Wednesday 2 August at 5:30pm.

Published: July Circulation: 40,047 Kaspar's at The Savoy review: An Art Deco marvel - Country Life



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Kaspar’s at The Savoy review: An Art Deco marvel Rosie Paterson (http://www.countrylife.co.uk/author/rosie-paterson) (http://www.countrylife.co.uk/author/rosiepaterson) July 27, 2017

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London's Savoy Hotel has seven restaurants and bars – Rosie Paterson tried out Kaspar’s Seafood Bar andsavoyGrill, savoysavo and came away impressed.

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Just arriving at Kaspar’s Seafood Bar and Grill (http://www.kaspars.co.uk/menus/) is an experience in itself. A theatrical promenade sweeps you away from The Strand and into the hotel lobby; from there you will pass exquisite �oral arrangements, the Edwardian-style Savoy shop and glittering jewels on display.



Published: July Circulation: 35,784

Published: July Circulation: n/a






ustralia - New Zealand

Published: July Circulation: n/a



BELOW: The Savoy’s fabled American Bar, last year voted Europe’s Best Bar.

LEFT TO RIGHT: John Wayne and a Savoy pageboy discuss hats; Marilyn Munroe and Laurence Olivier in 1956; Fred Astaire and sister Adele dancing at the Savoy.

Beaufort Bar, The Savoy London. |



Kaspar’s Seafood Bar & Grill, named for a cat that frequented the restaurant some 90 years ago.


ondon’s Savoy Hotel may be the epitome of luxury, but entertainment is at its core. After all, it was built by the celebrated impresario Richard D’Oyly Carte, who staged his Gilbert & Sullivan operas next door at the Savoy Theatre. So it stands to reason his venture into hospitality would provide guests with an environment to stimulate all their senses. The Savoy is arguably the most famous hotel in London. Now a Grade 11 listed Edwardian building, the site on which it stands was has a less salubrious history, full of nefarious tales of vagabonds and strumpets. All that changed when D’Oyly Carte decided to use money from his operas to establish a hotel worthy of accommodating royalty and the very rich and famous. Complete with electric lights and lifts, lavish bathrooms and boudoirs, hot and cold running water and a high level of service and fine dining, the hotel set a new benchmark for luxury in England’s capital. The esteemed Auguste Escoffier was the first chef de cuisine, setting the scene for the Savoy as a place to enjoy






fine food and wine as much as its opulent rooms and suites; and the spot for an unforgettable great night out. The work of famous artists line its walls – Monet and Whistler both painted here – but it was the theatrical celebrities who frequented The Savoy’s bars and restaurants (and often its bedrooms) that brought the vibrancy and colour for which the hotel became renowned. Fred Astaire, John Wayne, Marilyn Monroe and Marlene Dietrich were among the star-studded aristocracy who called it home. (Astaire was known to practise his steps on the roof overlooking the Thames). It was little wonder, then, that the American Bar became the London haunt of anyone who was anyone in the world of entertainment. Taking its name from the classic cocktails that enlivened the late 19th and early 20th in the New World, the bar became increasingly popular with the growth of transatlantic travel. Led by such mixologists as Ada ‘Coley’ Coleman (whose signature creation was the Hanky Panky), Harry Craddock and

The Thames Foyer: afternoon tea beneath a glass dome.

now Erik Lorincz (who picked up Best International Bartender in 2011), it has been, along with it sister Beaufort Bar, the inspiration for that bartender’s bible, The Savoy Cocktail Book. With its alluring art deco interior, the American Bar is steeped in the stories of the famous and infamous who mixed and mingled there through the decades. But invention hasn’t died: Lorincz and co are happy to knock up one-of-a-kind infusions for any special occasion. Its London Menu honours the city it has served for so long with 24 concoctions divided into the capital’s boroughs and named after their landmarks. Showmanship and theatre are in the DNA of both the Savoy bars. The glamorous American Bar has a slightly more contemporary feel, which is reflected in the menu, drinks and style of presentation. The Beaufort Bar, meanwhile, is all classic elegance. Just off the Savoy lobby, it’s a hideaway of supreme style, with its dark charcoal walls, dramatic lighting and discreet touches of gold. Nightly performances and monthly cabaret and


Barman Harry Craddock’s legacy to the world of mixology, The Savoy Cocktail Book.

burlesque shows are part of the current scene. In former days such luminaries as George Gershwin sat on the same stage where bands like the Savoy Orpheans and Savoy Havana played and guest performers might include Frank Sinatra, Lena Horne and Noël Coward. Suave and coolly low-key, it is regarded by those in the know as quite possibly the city’s most attractive space in which to sip a drink. Both bars have attracted their share of awards. The Beaufort notched up Best International Hotel Bar at Tales of the Cocktail in 2015 and the American Bar was named World’s Best Hotel Bar at the same awards and Best Bar in the virtuoso Best of the Best Awards. Last year it became Europe’s Best Bar. The Savoy’s £220 million ($380m) refurbishment a few years ago has ensured the hotel is still up there with hospitality’s shining stars. The transformation also turned the gourmet River Room into Kaspar’s Seafood Bar & Grill. The story goes that Kaspar the cat first took his seat in a restaurant some 90 years




Published: July Circulation: n/a


Black Diamond Due to the increasing need for steam engines to be fuelled, the demand for coal in the 19th century rose dramatically, with England being the world’s largest coal producer for a period of time. Communities were born around coal mines and cultures created. This at times hard but vital work calls for a drink with a backbone of staunch character. INGREDIENTS 30ml Woodford Reserve Rye Whiskey 20ml Campari 15ml Mr Black Cold Press Coffee Liqueur 5ml Salted Lapsang Suchong syrup Haeckel’s Black Diamond incense METHOD Stirred ICE Block GARNISH Incense, pickled cherry

ago when it was deemed unlucky for there to be a table of 13 (an ill-starred guest had once been shot shortly after leaving his seat). Kaspar was known to take his place at table beside Winston Churchill, who enjoyed his company, irrespective of luck. Architect Basil Ionides first sculpted Kaspar into life in 1926, but now a new sculpture of the cat, created by artist-in-residence Jonty Hurwitz, sits in the lobby. A circular bar is at the centre of the dazzling diner, flanked by Murano glass columns and sparkling glass pendants. With its nod towards the decadence of the 1920s and 30s, the atmosphere yet remains casual, cool and clearly relaxed as it serves up a superb display of fresh and smoked fish, caviar, seafood and oysters, plus the freshest-ever sushi and sashimi. And then there’s the Savoy Grill, which has hosted some of the most famous stars of stage and screen – James Dean and Marilyn Monroe among them – not to mention Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II herself. It, too, was restored to its former glory during the massive makeover, with fat, pendulous chandeliers, lacquered panels, distressed mirrors and white linen covered tables. If seduction is your aim, this is the place. Under the guidance of the Gordon Ramsay clan, the Savoy Grill retains its original gourmet glamour with a seasonal menu that epitomises classy comfort food with dishes from the great Escoffier’s reign from 1889. The daily special on the traditional trolley may be a leg of lamb or a rib of beef, suckling pig or Beef Wellington. A splendid private dining area is available for up to 40 diners, but the signature Chef ’s Table, which sits in the heart of the kitchen, is the place for anyone who really wants to see how a great dish gets plated. In fact, there is no more gorgeous setting than the Savoy, whatever the occasion. The Thames Foyer, framed with pictures of film stars and adorned with ornate chandeliers, white marble columns flecked with gold and a gazebo enclosing a stone fountain filled with flowers, offers glimpses of former grace and grandeur. Afternoon tea does the same. With laser-thin sandwiches, fluffy scones and a cake selection straight out of Constance Spry (including éclairs spiced with a spritz of Louis Roederer), how could you go wrong? But should you crave something similar to tuck into at home, Melba at the Savoy provides British sammies, éclairs and some enticing sweet and savoury pastries. After 128 years at the heart of British hospitality and elegance, the Savoy continues to entertain and surprise. www.fairmont.com/savoy-london




Published: July Circulation: 120,000

Published: July Circulation: 311,000

Food Trolley Restaurants: 5 Places To Try The Latest Trend

We’re loving the old school charm of London’s latest culinary trend; the food trolley. Here’s where you can try it for yourself…


Knights Bar at Simpson's in the Strand | Menu, Reviews, Bookings & Opening Times





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Knights Bar at Simpson's in the Strand 020 7836 9112 Simpson's-in-the-Strand, 100 Strand , London , WC2R 0EW Bars

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Wine: £26.00 Champagne: £56.00 Opening Times: Mon-Sat 11am-11pm Sun 12N-9pm



Squaremeal Review of Knights Bar at Simpson's in the Strand Established in 1828, Simpson’s has become a stolid institution for the British Establishment, and this eccentric, off-radar cocktail lounge is its upstairs bar. Knight’s was originally a chess club, hence the chequerboard fascia on its wee bar. Decor is reassuringly retro: frosted fern-coloured chesterfields and Louis XV

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repro gilt armchairs in matching silk damask. Bar snacks of potted shrimps, cauliflower curry, and pork and apple sausage roll appear alongside drinks on Knight’s notable new list. The cocktails – inspired by British traditions, and gin-led – have been developed in conjunction with Erik Lorincz, currently starring at sister bar, The American at The Savoy. Put The Kettle On (Earl Grey-infused gin, sloe gin, vanilla gomme, Campari and redcurrants) is certainly our cup of tea. So too is OMG!, a Champagne cocktail boosted with yuzu, gin, red vermouth and verjus. Another ginny jape aims to replicate the taste of fish & chips: OMG indeed!

Diners at Knights Bar at Simpson's in the Strand also recommend... New cookies policy - you'll only see this Tea message once Room at Bun House

The Coal Hole

The Martini Bar at Christopher's

This website uses 'cookies' to give you the best, most relevant experience. Using this website means you're happy was with this. You can ndThe out smart more about This restaurant has not been This agreeable character bar atthe Christopher'sclose cookies used by clicking this link reviewed by Square Meal once the Savoy’s old coal (once London's rst licensed



Monthly Unique Browsers: 4,997,061 Seedlip launched in London in 2015 and was quickly adopted by bars and restaurants at the forefront of the food and drink world, including the American Bar at the Savoy, The Dandelyan and The Ledbury. “They understood the need for it, because they want their guests to have a great time,” says Branson. The brand came to the U.S. in January, debuting in Los Angeles, in part because of the city’s reputation for focusing on well-being and moderation.

Monthly Unique Browsers: 14, 975

Melba Melba, one of London’s finest éclair specialists, has a new take on the french classic treat. The Icéclair consists of a light choux pastry filled with delicious hand-made ice cream. The new store just opened at The Savoy on the Strand. At the time of visiting, the multi step ordering process needs refining. Choose your eclair, choose your icecream, toppings and glaze drilled across the top. It’s like buying a car but with more choices and lasts just minutes. WC2R 0EU | Nearest Tube Station: Embankment

From choux-based treats such as the Savoy’s iceclair to macaron sandwiches, where to get your ice cream fix in the capital this summer

Twitter Followers: 1, 866 We already know that Melba at the Savoy serves up some of the best eclairs in the capital. So how do you go about improving this classic? By sandwiching it with ice cream, of course. The customisable ‘iceclair’ starts with one of its light, choux pastry cases, into which is added your choice of ice cream in flavours from dark chocolate and Sicilian pistachio to salted caramel and wild berries. Then on goes the sauce – opt for chocolate, raspberry or caramel – before it takes a dip into a chocolate glaze. This pretty concoction is finished with your choice of toppings.

Twitter Followers: 1, 866

West End cocktail bar The Voyage of Buck has been recognised in the Bar of the Year category less than a year after it opened. The bar is only one of two outside of London to be recognised, the other being Neighbourhood in Manchester; facing London goliaths Dandelyan, Bar Termini and The American Bar at The Savoy. The Voyage of Buck is a concept bar which takes its name from fictional character William “Buck” Clarence who has inspired the drinks list with his global adventures. This summer The Voyage of Buck has a special Milan cocktail menu, paying homage the gallerias and aperitivo of 1930’s Milan.

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Published: July Circulation: 15,614


9/10 7/11/2017

The Luxuria Lifestyle July Hit List! - Luxuria Lifestyle United Kingdom

Planning a special night at the theatre? Pre-theatre menus are always a little rushed, but posttheatre menus are most definitely the way forwards! End a lavish night out with a delicious and decadent supper at Kaspar’s Seafood Bar & Grill inside the wonderful Savoy Hotel. A luxurious setting with informal dining on hand to wind down after a brilliant West End show, Kaspar’s have just launched their late night menu with some delicious offerings and last orders at 11pm. With seafood their speciality, we’d recommend the Smoked Mackerel Pate starter served with horseradish, cucumber and brioche, followed by the Baked Lemon Sole which comes with purple potatoes and a sweet corn veloute. The milk chocolate parfait tastes as good as it sounds with a delicious crunchy blackcurrant granita. Two courses £26, three courses £29. Click here to book and view the menu. Written by Luxuria Lifestyle UK’s Ashleigh Whitfield

Published: July Circulation: 100,008


Bites: Wallpaper’s pick of the latest grooming, food and technology goings-on LIFESTYLE / 7 JUL 2017

Choux shopping

13 OF 66

26 June The Savoy hotel’s in-house deli, Melba (http://www.fairmont.com/savoy-london/dining/melba/), has dreamed up the quintessential summer treat – the Icéclair. The patisseries feature traditional light choux pastry filled with delectable hand-made ice cream, merging their signature éclairs with summer’s most sought-after refreshment. A myriad of guilty pleasures await as customers can tailor their creations choosing from fruity ice cream flavours to chocolates and caramels before experimenting with a variety of toppings – popping candy, cookie dough and candy floss, to caramelized hazelnuts, shortbread and chocolate crunchy pearls. Writer: Emily Simpson

Published: July Circulation: 456,401

Monthly Unique Browsers: 447,178

Best for… chocolate eclair Belle Epoque We have got rather a soft spot for The Savoy’s eclair house Melba. Their classic eclair, the Peach Melba, is inspired by Dame Nellie Melba for whom the dessert was created. The pastry is even topped with a white chocolate portrait of her. However, if you’re after something darker, you need to visit a branch of Belle Epoque and try a Totally 66% eclair. It’s filled with Caraibe cream – a chocolate cream made with the finest cocoa beans from the Caribbean. Then it’s topped with a Caraibe glaze and finished with crunchy dark chocolate pearls and shards of dark chocolate.

The Savoy Other Media Highlights

Circulation: 200,000 A salon in the Wallace Collection Gallery It's also an opportunity to visit a grand family house of the times – and learn a little blueblood family gossip, without paying admission. "It was established in 1897 from the private collection mainly created by Richard Seymour-Conway, 4th Marquess of Hertford (1800– 1870), who left it and the house to his illegitimate son, Sir Richard Wallace (1818–1890), whose widow bequeathed the entire collection to the nation," says Dubroy. The museum opened to the public in 1900 in Hertford House, Manchester Square, and remains there, housed in its entirety, to this day. A condition of the bequest was that no object ever leave the collection, even for loan exhibitions. www.thearchlondon.com Along with Theo Dubroy at The Arch London, we asked Jamie McDowell, the deputy head concierge at The Savoy (it's a Fairmont-managed property, so we'll call him an honourary Canadian) and Andrius Petrucenia, the assistant head concierge, Shangri-La Hotel, at The Shard. After all, who better than the ultimate insiders – the concierges – at some of the best hotels in London to tell us how to get luxe for less?

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TTG - Travel Trade Gazette {Awards finalists}

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Published: July Circulation: 42,784

Published: July Circulation: 42,784

Published: July Circulation: 42,784

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