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EAST TENNESSEE FALL CLASSIC White Pine, TN October 18-20, 2012 Judges: Michael Daniel, Mike McCormick, Sam Sorrel Plantation Lite Shod Amateur Specialty Daniel McCormick Sorrell 200 200 200 570 570 570 1. Simple Lee Dangerous 2. Major Orders

Final 200 570 Kara Graham Mackenzie Morgan

Kara Graham Westmark Farms

Trail Pleasure Western Specialty Sorrell Daniel McCormick 544 544 544 47 47 50 101 101 47 50 50 101 567 543 567 574 543 574 585 574 585 543 567 545 545 585 543 1. Bedazzled By Jazz 2. Ak47 3. I’m A American Lady 4. Mamacita Mamacita 5. Don’t Touch My Aspen 6. Maximizer 7. Stormy’s White Lightning 8. Melody By Jose 9. She’s Scarlett O’Hara

Final 544 47 101 50 567 574 585 545 543 Lisa Baum Joe Lester Tracie Barron Mila Davidson Ben Hopkins Kayte Daffron Mary Kathryn Deaton Mike Moody Anita Bradshaw

Lisa Baum Joe Lester Family Tracie Barron Mila Davidson Jodie Hopkins Kayte Daffron Bill Lester Mike Moody Anita Bradshaw

Amateur 50 & Over Specialty McCormick Sorrell 953 953 978 540 540 978 20 20 584 584 125 125 1. Double Overtime 2. Busted At Bonnaroo 3. Generator’s Santana Push 4. Vegas Ritz 5. The Confederate Gray 6. Latin Lover

Final 953 978 540 20 584 125 Wade Huntley Linda Scrivner Joe Johnson Julia Livingston Shari Winburn Ray Carr

Wade Huntley Linda Scrivner Joe Johnson Livingston & Morgan Ralph Winburn Ray Carr Family

Daniel 953 978 540 20 125 584

Juvenile Park Pleasure Specialty Daniel McCormick Sorrell 958 958 958

Final 958

201 201 130 130 1. Score’s Heartbreaker 2. Gen’s John Deere 3. Pusher’s Candy Cane

201 130

201 130 Zachary Sapp Alex Hopkins Allison Hopkins

Double Springs Farm Hopkins Family Alex Hopkins

Three Year Old Mares & Geldings Open, Riders Cup Sorrell Daniel McCormick Final 961 961 961 961 965 962 965 965 906 954 954 954 954 965 906 906 549 549 549 549 962 1074 962 962 1074 906 1074 1074 1. Fenway Finesse Brent Coburn 2. The Sky Guy Scott Beaty 3. She’s A Glitzy Ritz Derek Bonner 4. I’m Lady Antebellum Keith Blackburn 5. Who Dat Jose Chris Pickel 6. Just Say Ole Dickie Scrivner 7. Grand Prize Threat Bobby Kellett

Terry Dotson Family Jim & Jenny Funk What A Blessing Farm Dennis Bunch Brian Jeffers Brandon Taylor Tony & Becky Bull

NCWHA Members Only Specialty McCormick Sorrell Daniel 538 538 538 955 955 955 10 1012 972 1012 10 10 972 972 1012 1. Holyfield 2. Command Again 3. Dollar’s Direct Deposit 4. Vision Of Gold 5. Jazz’s Royalty

Final 538 955 10 1012 972 Clay Mills Herschel Blessing Lexie Stinnett Beth Collins Ginger Williams

Hill & Mills What A Blessing Farm Les & Sharon Hawkins Beth Collins Ginger Williams

Amateur Owned & Trained Specialty Daniel McCormick Sorrell 537 537 537 1009 1009 1009 1014 1014 1014 1. Push In Command J A 2. Peppermint Score 3. She’s My Desire

Final 537 1009 1014 Kenny Compton Dana Kyte Gabe Garren

Rick Compton Family Dana Kyte Gabe Garren

Youth Pony Specialty Sorrell Daniel



969 969 10 141 447 10 141 447 1. Strong & Pushy 2. Olmpic Maxigizer 3. Heartbeat Counselor 4. Dale Earnhardt

969 141 10 447 Danielle Ricker Hunter Hensley Lexie Stinnett Brandon Ailshie

Will & Jennifer Allen Ray Carr Family Julia Livingston Jordon Fox

Four Year Old Open , Riders Cup McCormick Sorrell Daniel 1053 1053 1053 212 212 212 549 549 965 965 965 549 11 11 11 1. The Title Bout 2. KY’s Ale 8 3. I Am June Cash TCH 4. She’s Lady Antebellum 5. My Diamonds And Pearls

Final 1053 212 549 965 11 Derek Monahan Keith Blackburn Chris Pickel Scott Beaty Paul Livingston

Rom Folger Gene & Fran Pace George Connors Fred Allred Sterner & Livingston

Amateur Park Performance Specialty Daniel McCormick Sorrell 995 541 995 541 995 541 1036 1036 1036 974 447 447 447 974 974 1034 1034 1034 1. Black Jack Citation 2. Dr. Ritz Carlton 3. Irish Woman 4. Jubilee.s Showman 5. Parole Officer 6. Showboatin Blues

Final 995 541 1036 447 974 1034 Sue Irby Tyler Baucom Courtney Dorsey Rob Elkins Mike Moody Shelby Peachee

Sue Irby Kristen McWilliams Alvis Porter Rob Elkins Mike & Pam Moody Shelby Peachee

Amateur/Amateur Specialty Sorrell Daniel 542 542 213 991 955 985 991 980 980 942 942 213 985 955 10 10 1. I’m Moonlighting

969 141 10 447

McCormick 542 980 942 991 955 213 10 985

Final 542 991 980 942 955 213 985 10 Robert Deutsch/ Tyler Baucom

Robert & Anne Deutsch

2. He’s Our Duramax

Karmen Miller/ Reilley Miller Danielle Ricker/ Vickie Ricker Wanda Goodson/ Aimee Goodson Herschel Blessing/ Kenny Compton Rodney Koger/ Hunter Hensley Gary Sproles/ Shea Sproles Lisa Stinnett/ Lexie Stinnett

3. Heart Attack’s Fast Beat 4. 9 Yards Of Major Trouble 5. Jose Bonita 6. Sweep Over 7. Promise Me The Ritz 8. I Command Applause Men’s Amateur Specialty McCormick Sorrell 538 538 546 546 957 957 447 213 213 960 960 1037 1032 447 1037 1032 1. I’m Wall Street 2. Bad Man Jose 3. I’m Redeemed 4. Miss Jose’s Areba 5. Nine All Over 6. Pusher’s Astro 7. Kody On The Mountain 8. Frontier Eagle

Daniel 538 957 546 213 960 447 1037 1032

Amateur Show Pleasure Specialty Daniel McCormick Sorrell 967 967 977 966 955 967 955 977 955 977 966 966 975 975 975 1. Cut A Rug 2. Senor Jose 3. Generator’s Top Dollar 4. A Final Call 5. Master Stone

Thomas Derickson Mark Ricker Aimee Goodson What A Blessing Farm Johnson & Koger Gary & Shea Sproles Lexie Stinnett

Final 538 546 957 213 960 447 1037 1032 Clay Mills Gerald Buckland Kenny Compton Rodney Koger Bill Lester Bill Correll Scotty Widner Rolfe Mullins

Corbin Mills Gerald Buckland Rick Compton Family Larry Wheelon Bill Lester Bill Correll Scotty & Freida Widner Rolfe & Mary Mullins

Final 967 955 977 966 975 Kyle Bush Herschel Blessing Lucas Tipton Wanda Goodson Kyndall Simmons

Kyle Bush What A Blessing Farm Lucas Tipton Wanda Goodson Kyndall Simmons

Two Year Old Mares & Geldings Open, Riders Cup

Sorrell Daniel 992 992 965 965 587 587 964 964 941 941 1. Jane’s Silver Lining 2. House Call At The Ritz 3. I’m Pat Summitt 4. He’s Two Foot Fred 5. Jose’s Crown Jewels Ladies Amateur Specialty McCormick Daniel 539 569 547 539 569 547 447 447 984 583 583 984 1. Mayday Jazz 2. Late Night Caller 3. Sweep’s Final Score 4. The Air Raid 5. Big Show 6. The Dance Hall Doctor

McCormick 992 965 587 964 941

Sorrell 547 539 569 447 583 984

Riders’ Cup Park Pleasure Specialty Sorrell Daniel McCormick 958 958 988 988 988 958 1. Score’s Heartbreaker 2. Double Shot Of Cash

Final 992 965 587 964 941 Herbert Derickson Scott Beaty Michael Burton Dickie Scrivner Derek Monahan

Ingraham & Mcgee Quentin Fox Family Ricky & Lisa Atnip Eddie Williams Larry Mesimer

Final 539 547 569 447 583 984 Abby Fox Jennifer Brown Lee Summer Brooks Pam Kazee Shannon Nichols Sandy Lakins

Quentin Fox Family Diann Brown Summer Brooks Pam Kazee Shannon Nichols Larry & Sandy Lakins

Final 958 988 Victor Haley Laurie Toone

Double Springs Farm Tamara Hader

Open Mares & Geldings Specialty, Riders Cup McCormick Sorrell Daniel Final 993 993 993 993 961 571 976 1072 447 1072 1072 976 965 976 961 961 571 954 447 571 976 965 571 447 954 961 965 965 1072 587 954 954 549 116 587 587 116 11 116 116 1. Rosetta Stone Ernest Upton 2. Bat Her Up Brandon Stout 3. She Scored Nine Dickie Scrivner 4. Absolutely Armed Brent Coburn 5. Our American Sensation Mike Carter

Marek & Smith Alvis Porter Pam Williams Lydia Coburn Stoney Brook Farm

6. Santana’s Fancy 7. I Am A Diva 8. Detective Olivia Benson 9. I’m Donna Sue 10. Dollar’s Worth Of Glory

Renardo Green Scott Beaty Derek Bonner Michael Burton David Dupes

Pam Kazee Evan Claborn Rick Compton Family Ken & Sue Frye Ray Carr

Final 1039 548 1081 1071 1083 1028 1022 Alexa Compton Delaney Reynolds Allison Hopkins Taylor Strickler Daniel Spoone Annie Holcombe Abby Lamb

Kenny Compton Family Delaney Reynolds Allison Hopkins Taylor Strickler Daniel Spoone Judy Jones Abby Lamb

Trail Pleasure English Specialty Daniel McCormick Sorrell 1040 1040 1040 47 1046 47 1046 47 50 567 50 567 574 567 1046 585 1054 574 1054 574 1054 1065 585 1065 50 1065 585 1. Good Til The Last Drop 2. AK47 3. The Situation 4. Don’t Touch My Aspen 5. Mamacita Mamacita 6. Maximizer 7. Phantom Of The Pusher 8. Stormy’s White Lightning 9. Some Perfect Hawk

Final 1040 47 1046 567 50 574 1054 585 1065 Mackenzie Morgan Joe Lester Tracie Barron Allison Hopkins Mila Davidson Kayte Daffron Hannah Burchfield Mary Kathryn Deaton Alexandria Hickman

James & Dawn Payne Joe Lester Family Tracie Barron Jodie Hopkins Mila Davidson Kayte Daffron Hannah Burchfield Bill Lester Rusty Hickman

Novice Amateur Specialty Sorrell Daniel 967 1047 942 969 1047 942 1095 1095 1044 447

Final 1047 969 942 1095 447

Youth 11 & Under Specialty McCormick Sorrell 1039 548 548 1039 1081 1028 1071 1071 1022 1081 1083 1022 1028 1083 1. My Jurisdiction 2. A Little Mo Magic 3. Speck In The Sky 4. Major Genius 5. Stacked With Cash 6. Olympic Pusher 7. Callin Code Blue

Daniel 1039 548 1083 1081 1071 1028 1022

McCormick 1047 969 942 447 1095

568 1044 447 568 220 1085 1085 220 1. Major Starbuck 2. Strong & Pushy 3. 9 Yards Of Major Trouble 4. Cash’s Joe Willie J R 5. Santana’s Supernatural 6. Ebony’s All Colors 7. He’s Showboatin 8. Flash Me A Dollar 9. The Blind Side

1044 1085 220 568

1044 568 1085 220 Tina Gibson Will Allen Aimee Goodson Payton Watson Diana Bowers Jean Brown Anita Bradshaw Victoria Giuffre Lisa Stinnett

Tony & Tina Gibson Will & Jennifer Allen Aimee Goodson Payton Watson Keith Bowers Doug & Jean Brown Anita Bradshaw Karen Ray Les & Sharon Hawkins

Four Year Old Mares & Geldings Amateur Specialty McCormick Sorrell Daniel Final 1043 1043 1043 1043 538 1063 538 538 1063 538 973 1063 973 20 1076 973 1076 1076 1063 1076 20 973 20 20 1. I Am June Cash TCH Chris Arden 2. My Poker Face Clay Mills 3. A Game Face Patty Marek 4. I’m Donna Sue Ken Frye 5. Kiss Me Now Tonya Cummings 6. My Diamonds And Pearls Julia Livingston

George Connors Corbin Mills Patty Marek Ken & Sue Frye Bailey & Cummings Sterner & Livingston

Park Pleasure Amateur Specialty Daniel McCormick Sorrell 958 1067 1067 1024 958 958 1067 1024 1024 1. Marching Orders 2. Score’s Heartbreaker 3. Cyclone At The Ritz

Final 1067 958 1024 Angela Jones Kathy Owen Ginger Williams

RPC Farms Double Springs Farm Ginger Williams

Walking PonyAdult Amateur Specialty Sorrell Daniel McCormick 542 542 542 1058 447 1058 1068 1058 33 447 1096 447 20 33 1096 1086 1086 1068 1096 1068 1086 333 1048 1076 1076 20 20 1048 1076 1048 1. I’m Moonlighting

Final 542 1058 447 1096 33 1068 1086 20 1076 1048 Robert Deutsch

Robert & Anne Deutsch

2. Sweeps Sir William 3. The Air Raid 4. Magic Man Again 5. Command’s Miss Seve 6. Flashing Neon 7. Bold Fortune 8. Heartbeat’s Counselor 9. Sky Up 10. Autumn Trek

Donald Robinson Pam Kazee Chasity Henry K C Griffin Summer Brooks Chase Tipton Julia Livingston Tonya Cummings Doug Brown

Donald Robinson Pam Kazee Hubert Henry K C Griffin Lisa Mckay Chase Tipton Julia Livingston Cummings & Bailey Doug Brown

Final 956 976 1069 1057 447 1030 Jaclyn Compton Zachary Sapp Nathan Britt Reilly Miller Jay Evans Caitlin Winburn

Rick Compton Family Pam Williams Rpc Farms Thomas Derickson Pam Kazee Caitlin Winburn

Riders’ Cup Two Year Old Stallions Daniel McCormick Sorrell 174 174 174 1038 965 965 965 541 1087 1087 1087 1073 1073 1038 1038 541 1073 541 1. Bourne Legacy 2. Dangerous Dillinger 3. Pistol Precision 4. The Big East 5. Dance Time In Texas 6. The American Heart Throb

Final 174 965 1087 1038 1073 541 Ryan Blackburn Scott Beaty Brandon Derrick Steve Hankins Sr Sammy Messick Tyler Baucom

Martin Cox Fred Allred Alvis Porter Rick Compton Sammy Messick Randall Jones

15.2 & Under Amateur Specialty Sorrell Daniel McCormick 169 540 447 447 169 540 540 1088 169 1042 1042 1042 1088 447 1088 46 46 46 1058 213 98 213 1058 1058 98 973 213

Final 540 169 447 1042 1088 46 1058 213 98

Youth 12-14 Specialty McCormick Sorrell 956 956 976 1069 447 1057 1069 976 1057 447 1030 1030 1. Be Cool 2. She Scored Nine 3. A Black Market Pusher 4. He’s Our Duramax 5. STS 6. You’re The Man

Daniel 976 1069 956 1057 447 1030

10 98 1. Generator’s Santana Push 2. Liar Liar 3. Jose’s Hot Pepper 4. Late Night Caller 5. He’s All Jacked Up 6. Escalade 7. Orient Express 8. Miss Jose’s Areba 9. I’m Walking Tall 10. Major Assets Youth 15-17 Specialty McCormick Sorrell 952 119 119 952 10 10 197 197 1. King Jose 2. Heart Attack’s Fast Beat 3. I Command Applause 4. Pushers Astro Youth Lite Shod Specialty Daniel McCormick 1082 570 570 1082 1061 1061 203 203 1. Simple Lee Dangerous 2. Major Orders 3. Ole Dollar 4. Nuclear Weapon


Daniel 119 952 10 197

Sorrell 1082 570 203 1061

Amateur Three Year Old Stallions Sorrell Daniel McCormick 891 213 542 1062 542 447 213 1062 1062 542 891 891 174 174 213 98 98 174 447 447 98 1. Jackpot Bingo 2. Just Bet The Line 3. Los Lobos 4. Roethlisberger 5. Master Rhythm 6. Showing Off 7. It’s Bingo Time

973 Joe Johnson Shea Sproles Diana Bowers Jennifer Brown Lee Courtney Dorsey Lisa Flannery Donald Robinson Rodney Koger Brandon Givens Ken Frye

Joe Johnson Gary & Shea Sproles Keith Bowers Family Diann Brown Alvis Porter Lisa Flannery Sandra Robinson Larry Wheelon Jamie Holbrook Ken & Sue Frye

Final 119 952 10 197 Collette Couch Danielle Ricker Lexie Stinnett Miranda Correll

Collette Couch Mark Ricker Lexie Stinnett Bill Correll

Final 1082 570 1061 203 Alex Hopkins Mackenzie Morgan Allison Hopkins Andee Patton

Kara Graham Westmark Farms Jodie Hopkins Andee Patton

Final 542 1062 213 891 174 98 447 Robert Deutsch Libby Doub Summer Brooks Debbie McGill Brack Slate Brandon Givens Jason Creech

Robert & Anne Deutsch David & Libby Doub Dwight Brooks Al Morgan Ellie Slate Beulah Essary Jason Creech

ETWHA Ladies Auxillary Members Only McCormick Sorrell Daniel 978 978 978 1097 33 1097 33 1097 33 1027 1027 1027 1. Busted At Bonnaroo 2. Haze’s Cash 3. Putting For Cash 4. The Dance Hall Doctor

Final 978 1097 33 1027 Linda Scrivner Vickey Hughes KC Griffin Sandy Lakins

Linda Scrivner Farrell Hughes KC Griffin Larry & Sandy Lakins

Amateur Specialty Daniel McCormick 20 20 583 1076 1027 583 1076 1027 1031 1031 1. Vegas Ritz 2. Big Show 3. The Confederate Gray 4. Jazz’s White Night 5. It’s Johnny Knoxville

Final 20 583 1027 1076 1031 Julia Livingston Shannon Nichols Sandy Lakins Tonya Cummings Monica Davis

Julia Livingston Shannon Nichols Larry & Sandy Lakins Tonya Cummings Steve Davis Family

Sorrell 20 583 1027 1076 1031

Amateur Four Year Old Stallions Sorrell Daniel McCormick 1064 1056 1056 1056 1064 1064 1059 1059 1059 1. Prime Country 2. Gin Toddy 3. Ritz’s Big Dipper

Final 1056 1064 1059 John Callicutt Sue Irby Heidi Mcilliams

Open Specialty, Riders Cup McCormick Sorrell 965 965 447 1089 1089 447 213 213 1090 1090 1. Joe Hand 2. American Romeo 3. Silver Dollar Standard 4. The Engineer 5. Justin Credible

Final 965 1089 447 213 1090 Scott Beaty Brandon Stout Keith Ailshie Larry Wheelon Bobby Kellett

Weanlings Daniel 400

McCormick 400

Daniel 213 965 1089 1090 447

Sorrell 400

Final 400

John Callicutt Sue Irby Jim & Heidi McWilliams

Lewis Kenney Family Alvis Porter Pam Kazee Wartrace Farms RPC Farms

444 242 242 444 1. My Dangerous Liaison 2. Odds R I’m Shady 3. The Voice Yearlings Sorrell Daniel 490 490 11 11 1. I’m A Farmers Daughter 2. On The Rocks In Aspen Model McCormick Sorrell 75 75 401 401 402 222 413 402 222 76 404 413 76 403 403 404 409 409 1. Trigger Treat 2. The Prestige 3. Armed With Intent 4. Sunny Delightful Sky 5. It’s My Moment 6. Outlined In Iron 7. Melody By Jose 8. Cash Blaster Mary 9. Keepin The Rhythm

444 242

McCormick 11 490

Daniel 401 75 402 76 413 403 409 404 222

Three Year Old Stallions Open, Riders Cup Daniel McCormick Sorrell 164 164 164 431 431 431 212 541 212 654 212 654 11 654 541 541 11 1080 1080 1080 11 1. Roethlisberger 2. Just Bet The Line 3. The Sportster 4. The King’s Poison 5. Jackpot Bingo 6. Ty The Tiger 7. The Franchise Player

444 242 Carla Hurley Bobby Lecompt Hayley Wisehart

Mary Beals Bobby Lecompt Hayley Wisehart

Final 490 11 Lisa Anderson Paul Livingston

Gary & Karen Doss James Phillips

Final 75 401 402 413 76 222 403 404 409 Jeff Givens Evan Morgan Ronnie Rushing Vickie Hughes Joe Campbell Randy Young Mike Moody Kathryn Deaton Pam Moody

Jo Ann Dowell Rushing Creek Walkers Rushing Creek Walkers Vickie Hughes Jo Ann Dowell Randy Young Mike & Pam Moody Mary Kathryn Deaton Mike & Pam Moody

Final 164 431 212 654 541 11 1081 Brent Coburn Herbert Derickson Keith Blackburn Keith Becknell Tyler Baucom Paul Livingston Bobby Kellett

Al Morgan David & Libby Doub B & C Farms Lisa Flannery Robert & Anne Deutsch Carl Marcum Tony & Becky Bull

Youth Trail Pleasure Specialty Sorrell Daniel McCormick 1040 1040 484 484 484 101 101 101 1040 567 567 567 50 395 50 395 50 395

Final 1040 484 101 567 50 395

1. Good Til The Last Drop 2. Dark Picture Show 3. I’m A American Lady 4. Don’t Touch My Aspen 5. Mamacita Mamacita 6. Stormy’s White Lightning

Mackenzie Morgan Jada Cassidy Rachel Miller Alex Hopkins Bailee Vertner Gracie Pierson

James & Dawn Payne Lloyd Cassidy Tracie Barron Jodie Hopkins Mila Davidson Bill Lester

Riders’ Cup 15.2 & Under Specialty McCormick Sorrell Daniel 164 164 164 472 472 472 1080 1080 965 965 965 541 451 451 1080 541 541 451 1. Ninth Symphony 2. Deion’s Double 3. Cold Hard Truth 4. I’m Roger Clemons 5. Quattro 6. I Am Ginskin

Final 164 472 1080 965 451 541 Brent Coburn Brandon Stout Bobby Kellett Scott Beaty Chris Pickel Tyler Baucom

Glen & Denise Parrett Alvis Porter Charles McSpadden Billy & Jacqueline Ball Martha Payne Willis Bowman

Two Year Old Stallions Amateur Specialty Daniel McCormick Sorrell 953 473 953 473 953 473 539 539 959 959 959 539

Final 953 473 539 959

1. I’m In High Definition 2. Pistol Precision 3. Black Jack Ritz 4. Work Force

Kenny Compton Courtney Dorsey Abby Fox Thomas Collins

Country Pleasure Sorrell Daniel 70 475 497 242 375 70 220 220 475 375 242 169

McCormick 70 413 475 486 375 497

Final 70 475 220 375 497 242

Rick Compton Family Alvis Porter Quentin Fox Family Thomas Collins

486 497 413 403 169 543 404 100 1. I’m Shake N Bake 2. Show Me Yours 3. Diamonds Black Beauty 4. Coin’s Loose Diamonds 5. On The Loose And Armed 6. Too Hot 7. Face Your Fear 8. She’s Bold N Spicey Sf 9. Sunny Delightful Sky 10. Keepin The Rhythm Pro-Am Specialty McCormick Sorrell 427 541 541 427 1080 654 447 447 213 965 965 488 654 213 488 1080 200 200 432 432 1. Prime Country

242 169 409 220

Daniel 541 427 654 447 1080 965 213 488 200 432

2. Rosetta Stone 3. Escalade 4. STS 5. Jose’s Powder Keg 6. Major Starbuck 7. Sweep Over 8. Jazz’s Royalty 9. Stocked With Cash 10. Frontier Eagle ETWHA Members Only Specialty Daniel McCormick Sorrell 978 978 978

486 169 413 409 Joe Lester Tracie Barron Jared Scott Ben Hopkins Gary Pope Hayley Wisehart Faith Stowers Copenhaver Ruth Tudor Vickie Hughes Mike Moody Final 541 427 654 447 1080 965 213 488 200 432 Landon Callicutt/ Tyler Baucom Patty Marek/ Ernest Upton Addison Williams/ Keith Becknell Pam Kazee/ Keith Ailshie Caitlin Woody/ Bobby Kellett Tina Gibson/ Scott Beaty Larry Wheelon/ Rodney Koger Ginger Williams/ Derek Monahan Daniel Spoone/ Rusty Carlton Rolfe Mullins/ Buck Williams Final 978

Joe Lester Family David Mast Dr. Marion Pennington Jodie Hopkins Gary & Carolyn Pope Hayley Wisehart Maggie Copenhaver Fred & Diane Wright Vickie Hughes Mike & Pam Moody

John Callicutt Marek/Smith Lisa Flannery Pam Kazee Danny Mead Tony/Tina Gibson Johnson/Koger Ginger Williams Daniel Spoone Rolfe/Mary Mullins

270 270 447 447 953 953 125 125 455 455 1. Busted At Bonnaroo 2. Promise Me The Ritz 3. The Air Raid 4. Detective Olivia Benson 5. Olmpic Maxigizer 6. Chip Off The Old Stone

953 447 270 125 455

Amateur Three Year Old Mares & Geldings Sorrell Daniel McCormick 1091 962 962 98 406 1091 452 98 98 962 1091 406 406 452 452 1. Just Say Ole 2. I’m Lady Antebellum 3. She’s A Yelo Rose Of Texas 4. Can You Imagine That 5. Tijuana Daisy

270 447 953 125 455 Linda Scrivner Shea Sproles Pam Kazee Kenny Compton Ray Carr Kayte Daffron

Linda Scrivner Gary & Shea Sproles Pam Kazee Rick Compton Family Ray Carr Family Mike Daffron

Final 962 1091 98 406 452 Brandon Taylor Zachary Bunch Tami Triplett Mike Smith Jean Brown

Brandon Taylor Dennis Bunch Tami Triplett Mike Smith Doug & Jean Brown

Plantation Lite Shod Open Specialty, Riders Cup McCormick Sorrell Daniel Final 200 200 200 200 570 570 570 570 222 222 222 222 1. Simple Lee Dangerous Kara Graham 2. Major Orders Laurie Toone 3. Power Lane Randy Young

Kara Graham Westmark Farms Patty & Sandy Lund

15.2 & Over Amateur Specialty Daniel McCormick Sorrell 953 538 953 546 953 546 538 546 538 213 942 213 942 213 942 1. I’m Redeemed 2. Bad Man Jose 3. I’m Wall Street 4. Sweepstake’s Pzazz 5. 9 Yards Of Major Trouble

Final 953 546 538 213 942 Kenny Compton Gerald Buckland Clay Mills Summer Brooks Aimee Goodson

Rick Compton Family Gerald Buckland Corbin Mills Dwight Brooks Aimee Goodson

Youth Country Pleasure Sorrell Daniel 70 475 497 497

Final 70 475

McCormick 70 475

475 474 375 70 100 375 474 100 1. I’m Shake N Bake 2. Show Me Yours 3. On The Loose And Armed 4. Coin’s Loose Diamonds 5. Boom Boom Wow 6. Southern Command Grooms & Farriers McCormick Sorrell 220 428 976 220 428 976 1090 1090 1. Vegas Ritz 2. A Game Face 3. She Scored Nine 4. Jose Who

497 375 100 474

Daniel 220 428 976 1090

497 375 100 474 Anne Evans Rachel Miller Kayla Baucom Alex Hopkins Brandon Givens Maci Snodgrass

Joe Lester Family David Mast Gary & Carolyn Pope Jodie Hopkins Rick Bridwell David Snodgrass

Final 220 428 976 1090 James Hoyle Caeser Rodriquez Steven Haley Israel Kellett

Morgan & Livingston Marek & Smith Pam Williams Karen Morgan

Two Year Old Mares & Geldings Amateur Specialty Daniel McCormick Sorrell Final 430 430 430 430 174 174 471 174 539 471 964 471 964 412 426 964 412 539 539 539 426 964 412 412 471 426 174 426 1. Jane’s Silver Lining Libby Doub 2. High Society Ritz Brack Slate 3. I’m Pat Summitt Kyle Bush 4. He’s Two Foot Fred Brian Wiliiams 5. House Call At The Ritz Abby Fox 6. Prime Star’s Lady Summer Brooks 7. Swing Jazz Reilly Miller

Ingraham & Mcgee Ellie Slate Ricky & Lisa Atnip Eddie Williams Quentin Fox Family Danny Meade Reilly Miller

Four Year Old Open Canter, Riders Cup Sorrell Daniel McCormick 965 965 965 454 454 454 1. Siege 2. I’m Donna Sue

Final 965 454 Scott Beaty Michael Burton

Fred Allred Ken & Sue Frye

Show Pleasure Specialty, Riders Cup McCormick Sorrell Daniel 454 454 454

Final 454

965 976 447 965 434 434 976 447 478 478 222 222 1. Cut A Rug 2. A Final Call 3. A Dangerous Decision 4. Skydoctor 5. He’s Full Of Power 6. Bravo Bravo 7. Rocky’s Blue Diamond

976 965 447 434 478 222

976 965 447 434 478 222 Michael Burton Dickie Scrivner Scott Beaty Keith Ailshie Jason Ownby Sam Harvey Randy Young

Kyle Bush Wanda Goodson Fred Allred Pam Kazee Ken & Victoria Giuffre Rick & Bonnie Harvey Rhonda Clendenon

Riders’ Cup Park Performance Specialty Daniel McCormick Sorrell 541 429 429 429 541 541 965 965 965 477 477 477 1. Black Jack Citation 2. Dr. Ritz Carlton 3. Papa’s Scotty 4. Jubilee’s Showman

Final 429 541 965 477 Ernest Upton Tyler Baucom Scott Beaty Rob Elkins

Sue Irby Kristen McWilliams Double Springs Farm Rob Elkins

Amateur Canter Sorrell Daniel 539 539 435 435 477 477 1. Crazy Heart 2. Let Go And Push 3. Legacy Of Ritz

Final 539 435 477 Abby Fox Scotty Widner Rob Elkins

Quentin Fox Family Scotty & Freida Widner Cj & Liz Hicks

McCormick 539 435 477

Youth 11 & Under Championship McCormick Sorrell Daniel 200 548 1039 1071 1039 548 548 1071 200 1039 200 1071 1. A Little Mo Magic 2. My Jurisdiction 3. Speck In The Sky 4. Major Genius

Final 548 1039 200 1071 Delaney Reynolds Alexa Compton Allison Hopkins Taylor Strickler

Amateur Specialty Championship Daniel McCormick Sorrell 538 538 538 456 540 270

Final 538 540

Delaney Reynolds Kenny Compton Family Allison Hopkins Taylor Strickler

540 539 270 453 539 456 453 20 481 270 20 481 1. Holyfield 2. Sweep’s Final Score 3. Mayday Jazz 4. Late Night Caller 5. Liar Liar 6. Cashin In On The Faith 7. Heartbeat Counselor 8. Electric Gold

539 456 540 453 20 481

539 456 270a 453 20 481 Clay Mills Summer Brooks Abby Fox Jennifer Brown Lee Shea Sproles April Jeffers Julia Livingston Betsy Johnson

Youth 12-17 Specialty Championship Sorrell Daniel McCormick 956 414 956 414 956 10 10 10 647 647 480 480 480 647 426 426 426 414 200 200 200 416 416 416 1. Be Cool 2. A Black Market Pusher 3. I Command Applause 4. Santana’s Fancy 5. Masati 6. He’s Our Duramax 7. High Tide At The Ritz 8. Oops Pardon Me

Final 956 414 10 647 480 426 200 416 Jaclyn Compton Nathan Britt Lexie Stinnett Brandon Ailshie Danielle Ricker Reilly Miller Alex Hopkins Lakiea Brewer

Trail Pleasure Championship McCormick Sorrell 1040 544 544 1040 484 484 50 50 101 1046 1046 433 567 101 455 455 433 567 1. Bedazzled By Jazz 2. Good Til The Last Drop 3. Dark Picture Show 4. Mamacita Mamacita 5. The Situation 6. I’m A American Lady

Final 544 1040 484 50 1046 101 567 455 433 Lisa Baum Mackenzie Morgan Jada Cassidy Joe Lester Tracie Barron Rachel Miller

Daniel 544 1040 484 1046 50 567 101 455 433

Hill & Mills Dwight Brooks Quentin Fox Family Diann Brown Gary &Shea Sproles Brian Jeffers Julia Livingston Betsy Johnson

Rick & Della Compton Family RPC Farms Lexie Stinnett Pam Kazee Mark Ricker Thomas Derickson Carrie Fox Ron Jones & RPC Farms

Lisa Baum James & Dawn Payne Lloyd Cassidy Mila Davidson Tracie Barron Tracie Barron

7. Don’t Touch My Aspen 8. Maximizer 9. Rev It Up

Allison Hopkins Kayte Daffron Samuel Mast

Walking Horse Stake Championship, Riders Cup Daniel McCormick Sorrell Final 164 431 164 164 965 164 431 431 431 965 374 965 476 374 965 374 75 476 476 476 374 75 75 75 1. Wired For Cash Brent Coburn 2. Jose’s High Society Herbert Derickson 3. Naples Ritz Scott Beaty 4. El Zorro’s Star Kenny Compton 5. Jose’s All Pro Steve Hankins, Sr. 6. Incredible Jeff Givens

Jodie Hopkins Kayte Daffron David Mast

Terry Dotson Family Larry Ross Fred Allred Rick Compton Family John Stimpson Jo Ann Dowell

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