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WHTA National Trainers’ Show.......................10 Palmetto Saddle Club .....................................72


The Scoop, Inc. 409 Elm Street, P. O. Box 1658, Shelbyville, TN 37162-1658 931-680-5696 • 931-680-2860 (fax)


Jacquelyn Elliott Way

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Michelle Schoenvogel

ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Laura Brandon Emma Ingram Sally Reiley Michelle Schoenvogel

EDITOR Jeffrey McGee GRAPHIC DESIGNER Crystal Carter Pamela Moore

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The Scoop Walking Horse Publication (ISSN 15551040) is published semi-monthly, except monthly in January and February by The Scoop Inc, 409 Elm St, Shelbyville TN 37160. Periodicals Postage Paid at Shelbyville TN and at additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: The current subscription rate is $50.00/ year but is subject to change without notice. Foreign subscriptions may be subject to additional charges depending upon shipping costs. All foreign subscriptions must first contact the publication office at the address listed on this page prior to receiving subscription rights.

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News ....................................................... 51 Who’s Who .............................................. 78

FC ......................................................................................................................... My Little Red Wagon IFC .........................................................................................................................Headliner At The Ritz IBC ............................................................................................................................... Tha Pink Panther BC .............................................................................................................................A Homerun By Ted 20 Questions With Kylie Duvall .................................................................................................................37 A King Thing ..............................................................................................................................................12 A Master’s Degree .....................................................................................................................................28 As I Am .....................................................................................................................................................63 Black Gins Bootlegger ...............................................................................................................................74 Blacklist ....................................................................................................................................................64 Charleston .................................................................................................................................................62 Charlie’s Perfect Angel ..............................................................................................................................60 Charlie’s Ritzy Lady ...................................................................................................................................44 Class With Sass ........................................................................................................................................45 Command On Parole .................................................................................................................................53 Diamond In The Ruff ................................................................................................................................25 Englewood Class Sheet ............................................................................................................................80 Epic .........................................................................................................................................................41 Expeditious CTF ........................................................................................................................................42 Gen A’ Mighty.............................................................................................................................................86 Gi Gi’s Maj estic..........................................................................................................................................33 Gold Broker ...............................................................................................................................................70 Grayton Beach ..........................................................................................................................................47 Hello I’m Johnny Cash ..............................................................................................................................50 Honor And Remember ...............................................................................................................................13 Honor My Country .....................................................................................................................................52 Honored In Texas ......................................................................................................................................12 Hwy 43 Horse Sale ...................................................................................................................................49 I Am Busting Loose....................................................................................................................................38 I’m Mayhem ...............................................................................................................................................77 I’m Skyy Black ...........................................................................................................................................60 I’m Thunderstruck NDR ...............................................................................................................................1 IB Smokin Joe ...........................................................................................................................................85 Jose’s Cold Chills ......................................................................................................................................21 Jose’s Power Broker..................................................................................................................................76 Jose’s Solid Pusher .....................................................................................................................................3 Jose’s Twist of Gin .....................................................................................................................................61 King Moj o...................................................................................................................................................32 Luciano ......................................................................................................................................................48 Luj oso ........................................................................................................................................................46 Megabucks ................................................................................................................................................87 Midnight In Mexico.....................................................................................................................................68 My Shockwave ..........................................................................................................................................45 Palmetto Saddle Club Thank You Ad.........................................................................................................75 Pitbull .........................................................................................................................................................39 Play Something Country ............................................................................................................................66 Record High...............................................................................................................................................20 Scuba Steve .............................................................................................................................................25 Self Made Money.........................................................................................................................................2 Sunset Shady ............................................................................................................................................43 Switchblade FSS .........................................................................................................................................4 The Big Bang .............................................................................................................................................36 The Dixie Lineman.....................................................................................................................................67 The Ghost Walker ......................................................................................................................................25 The Man Of Honor .....................................................................................................................................29 TWHBEA Summer Sizzler Class Sheet.......................................................................................................7 TWHBEA World Versatility Class Sheet ......................................................................................................8 TWHYA Summer Splash Class Sheet .........................................................................................................9 Walk For Roses .........................................................................................................................................69 Walk Time Charlie .......................................................................................................................................5 Where’s My Cash .....................................................................................................................................24 Whistlin’ Dixie ............................................................................................................................................84

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This candid celebration was the perfect way for Russ Thompson Stables to end the National Trainers’ Show. Russ Thompson and Walk For Roses were crowned the 2021 National Trainers’ Show Walking Horse Grand Champions.



SHE L BYV IL L E , TN- The National Trainers’ Show took place on M arch 18th -20th in C alsonic Arena, which is located on the grounds of the Tennessee Walking Horse National C elebration. When this show takes place in early spring, it typically indicates that show season has o iall be un. Show ana e ent announced there were 3 9 7 entries recorded. This double point show o ered iders’ up lasses. ut o the di isions listed on the show s hedule lasses were tied unani ousl . Ser in as ud es or the three da e ent were a ne ean Newton Parks and Jo hnny Puckett. s the show ear i s o uriosit abounds as to whi h stallions will be leadin ontenders. The Two ear ld Stallions di ision saw the ur s brothers ta e the top two spots in a er lar e and o petiti e lass. a den ur s dire ted harleston to the top award or owner a ie reenwalt. Tanner ur s and The eri an in won the reser e spot or owner Sister illi an. The Three ear ld Stallions show ased si er talented horses. i onnell rode Swit hblade SS to the top award unani ousl or owner us i hards. an addell dire ted onor nd e e ber to the reser e award or owner i ewis. The our ear ld Stallions anter di ision did not disappoint either. ut o the si entries answerin the ate all Tua and T ler au o too top honors unani ousl or

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eith and orraine osbur . Twisted ith onors and ellett lai ed the reser e honor or oward astrid e.

. .

e ore the al in orse Sta e too pla e the ud es had fi e other ha pionship di isions to tie. lai in those honors are as ollows iders’ up pen Spe ialt ha pionship oe a and in roo er unani ous nd d ins e orial outh ha pionship itbull and aitl n us hel ateur Spe ialt ha pionship ood Sa aritan and a ussell unani ous enn ohnson ateur Show leasure ha pionship pi and e han a ond unani ous . The final lass o the show was the al in orse ha pionship. Three entries rode or the presti ious title. al or oses and uss Tho pson re ei ed the honor and a o pan in awards or the partnership o o an anos and rass . The reser e ribbon went to ’ o bardi and ar dwards or owners enr and e et al . The third and final award was i en to a or ill and an addell or owners eor e and i ewis. The S oop was deli hted to reunite with riends ro near and ar. e e tend our on ratulations to ea h and e er winner and to the Walking Horse Trainers Association for hosting a great show.



Puckett 582 693 716

Final 582 693 716 Ron Lawrence Toni White Dickie Scrivner

717 717 717 GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS CHANCE ON POWER Ron Lawrence Toni White Kathy Owen & Double Springs Farm

MODEL JEFF GIVENS & WHTA RIDERS CUP Parks Puckett Dean Final 550 550 550 550 574 574 574 574 502 502 502 502 BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN Robert Nelms DEMONIC PRESENCE Laurie Toone I LIKE PINA COLADAS Bill Bobo

Teel & Pittman Ron & Karen Bochenek Harbin & Burrill

SHOW PLEASURE & WHTA RIDERS CUP Puckett Dean Parks Final 695 702 695 695 702 695 702 702 703 703 703 703 GEORGIA FLORIDA LINE Knox Blackburn BENELLI Edgar Abernathy KING OF KOOL Bryan Barnhill

Bruce MacDonald Champion Stables Lyn Lewis

COUNTRY PLEASURE FIVE & UNDER Dean Parks Puckett Final 511 511 511 511 658 658 512 658 535 535 658 535 510 663 663 663 663 668 668 668 512 512 510 512 546 510 535 510 668 546 546 546 LUJOSO Amanda Manis MEGABUCKS MM Jennifer Bingham RICH & RARE Susan Paul BPS CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW Sarah Beth Thomas THE NOTORIOUS G B G Ashley Helton Givens PERFECT TIMING BC Bob Lawrence LATE FOR A DATE Connie Holbrook ITS A KNIGHT TO REMEMBER Caylin Fisher

Pope & Manis Shana Hughes Susan Paul Danny & Cindy Moyers Deirdre Strickland Hutto & Lawrence Connie Holbrook Jeff & Lisa Fisher

TWO YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS & WHTA RIDERS CUP Parks Puckett Dean Final 684 684 655 684 552 655 684 655 694 552 552 552 655 694 694 694 526 526 526 526 583 583 583 583 CLASS WITH SASS Tanner Burks Bill & Karen Bean I AM THE LADY Michael Wright Erica Russell SMOKING Mickey McCormick Beverly Sherman NOT YOUR AVERAGE HONOR Gary Edwards Maj or & Warr TARHEELS LADY CHARLENE Tyler Baucom John Callicutt WITCHS HONOR Bill Callaway Ronnie Logsdon TRAIL PLEASURE FIVE & UNDER & WHTA RIDERS CUP Puckett Dean Parks Final 575 659 659 659 659 536 575 575 513 575 513 513 536 513 536 536 514 669 669 669 664 664 664 664 669 514 514 514 503 503 503 503 KING MOJO Hannah Myatt LaMar DePoyster MR BENTLEY Laurie Toone Ashley Wadsworth KNOCKIN BOOTS Joe Lester Langley & Gregory DADDYS HOME DH Jessica Hlebak The Simons Family DARK JUSTICE Ashley Helton Givens Ramona Desotel MASTER CRUISER Dickie Gardner Kevin & Kay Andrews A CONFESSION Crystal Deputy Phyllis Langley JAZ Z Y KUT ABOVE Narsis Whigham Narsis Whigham AMATEUR (CANTER) Dean Parks Puckett 709 709 709 696 696 696 568 568 568 722 722 722 THE MASON DIXIE LINE FAMOUS & ANDY JOSES BEYONCE MASTER OF THE RITZ

Final 709 696 568 722 Beth Pippin Amelia Haselden Jackie Whatley Jay Mitchell

PARK PERFORMANCE AMATEUR FIVE & UNDER Parks Puckett Dean Final 674 674 674 674

Beth Pippin John Haselden Jackie Whatley Jay Mitchell

717 Beth Lawwell Rae Shumate Tysor

Atnip & Elliott Sandy Shumate

LITE SHOD FIVE & UNDER & WHTA RIDERS CUP Puckett Dean Parks Final 569 569 567 569 578 578 569 578 567 567 578 567 MISS DIXIE FLYER Jeff Laughlin COACHMAN Jonathan Baskin TWO GUNNS LLC Chris Z ahnd

Donna Byard Michael Chandler Champion Stables

AMATEUR 50 & OVER Dean Parks Puckett 584 584 584 718 718 718 685 594 685 697 685 594 594 675 697 561 652 675 710 710 585 675 569 561 A KING THING KNOCK EM TED ITS HIGH MAINTENANCE COMMAND ON PAROLE JOSE IT AINT SO MR FOR REAL A NEON COWBOY KINGS SILVER COMMAND

Bob Adcock Jannie Chapman Sister Milligan Sheryl Crawford Steinmetz & Sims Paul Simmons Glenda Nichols Donald Collins

Final 584 718 685 594 697 675 710 561 Bob Adcock Jannie Chapman Sister Milligan Sheryl Crawford Dale Steinmetz Paul Simmons Glenda Nichols Lucky Collins

PARK PLEASURE WESTERN & WHTA RIDERS CUP Parks Puckett Dean Final 591 591 591 591 570 570 570 570 MIDNIGHT IN MEXICO Jamey Thompson ARMED BUT KID N Jeff Laughlin

Jim Heiting Sister Milligan

AMATEUR THREE YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS Puckett Dean Parks Final 596 586 596 596 676 681 676 676 686 686 686 686 681 553 586 586 698 596 603 681 681 603 586 603 711 711 595 711 553 676 711 553 GRAYTON BEACH Justin Harney TAMMY JONES Noel Botsch C ME WALK AND SHAKE Sister Milligan A LADYS HONOR Kim Leonard MADAME CHARLIE Jae Crunk IM UNHINGED Tyra Brown MISS R & R Carol Shelton HAWKS LINED WITH THREAT Christy Warner

Justin Harney Noel Botsch Sister Milligan Kim Leonard Dan & Jae Crunk Tim Brown Steve & Carol Shelton James & Christy Warner


Anne Evans Sophia Borg Harbin & Burrill

Final 571 573 502 Jeff Laughlin Laurie Toone Bill Bobo

AMATEUR FOUR YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS Parks Puckett Dean Final 672 700 723 700 563 723 700 723 700 672 564 672 723 549 672 564 564 564 662 662 662 662 687 563 549 563 563 549 687 687 549 687 EXPEDITIOUS CTF Meghan Hammond IM NAOMI Sister Milligan ALL SHOOK UP WTC Sabrina Matthews THE RIVER WALK Tom Gould DB COOPER Kim Bailey GUN RUNNER THF Vicki Watkins STAR OF KASH Eric Lackey JOSES DIXIE QUEEN Alex Rea

Shamrock Farms Sister Milligan Terry & Sabrina Matthews Tom Gould Mike Owens Raymond Pedigo Mr & Mrs Eric Lackey Alex Rea


N /A N/ A

Final 600 701 N /A N/A

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PARK PERFORMANCE AMATEUR Dean Parks Puckett 554 558 558 558 661 661 725 554 554 661 604 604 604 579 579 724 724 725 579 706 724 706 725 706 TOP RECRUIT HELLO HANDSOME ALWAYS IN STYLE MAJOR JUSTICE JAZ Z KINGS DIAMOND LADY PAROLED FROM HARDTIME NINETY YARDS A JOKERS WILD

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Final 558 661 554 604 579 725 724 706 Darlene Harris Ronnie Reed Nora Alexander Tyra Brown Amanda Parrott Sister Milligan Jay Mitchell Jennifer Spivey

COUNTRY PLEASURE AMATEUR THREE & UNDER Parks Puckett Dean Final 534 534 515 534 651 651 534 651 515 515 651 515 537 537 537 537 551 551 551 551 MAGNIFICENT THF Leigh Anne Gregory DE CORONADO Anne Evans SABOTAGE Andy Stooksberry BE MY LADY TOKNIGHT Kelly Watts WHOS YOUR DADDY DH Darden Gladney

Bill & Darlene Harris Ronnie & Beth Reed Nora Alexander Tim Brown Amanda Parrott Sister Milligan Sister Milligan Greg Kiser

Gunner Gregory Dr Carl Deiter Family Stooksberry & Langley Dennis & Kelly Watts Dr John Gladney

SHOW PLEASURE FIVE & UNDER & WHTA RIDERS CUP Puckett Dean Parks Final 657 673 657 657 587 657 673 673 673 597 705 587 705 587 587 705 688 688 688 688 597 705 597 597 KID CURRY Michael Wright HONOR GOES TO SKYWATCH Jeff Green AMERICAN TITLIEST Bill Callaway JET BLACK PATRIOT THF Bryan Barnhill IT IS SHOWTIME Tanner Burks I AM NOTORIOUS Thomas Derickson

Jeff & Jacob Duke Bedford Walking Horse Farm LLC Rick & Marla Lovett Greg Kiser Dr Ann Rea Steve & Pat Wilson

PARK PLEASURE FIVE & UNDER & WHTA RIDERS CUP Dean Parks Puckett Final 572 572 572 572 580 580 580 580 581 720 581 581 720 581 720 720 DIXIES LEGACY Jeff Laughlin CHROME CURB APPEAL Ryan Gannon JUST JOSE IT Becky Barnes WALK TIME SENORITA Bobby Hugh

Milligan & Laughlin Rushing Creek Walkers Becky Barnes Randy & Rolanda Stove

15.2 & UNDER MARES & GELDINGS & WHTA RIDERS CUP Parks Puckett Dean Final 689 677 677 677 712 689 707 689 677 712 712 712 726 707 689 707 707 726 726 726 LACE & LEAD Jimmy McConnell Josh Lawwell DIXIE MAJORETTE Tanner Burks Sister Milligan KNOCK ON WOOD JC Edgar Abernathy Jannie Chapman S&P LLC BE MY BABY Bryan Barnhill THA PINK PANTHER Jamie Lawrence Jay Mitchell TRAIL PLEASURE TWO & THREE YEAR OLD & WHTA RIDERS CUP Puckett Dean Parks Final 548 670 548 548 670 548 578 670 516 576 516 576 538 547 538 516 576 516 670 538 547 667 665 547 667 665 667 667 665 538 547 665 JOSES TWIST OF GIN B J Richards S&P LLC BOMBAY SAPPHIRE PVF Hannah Myatt Andy Rippy 401K Laurie Toone Laurie Toone ITS TIK TOK Joe Lester Jerry Swallows A KNIGHT IN CAMELOT Jessica Hlebak Darrin & Linda Sisk HES A KNIGHT RIDER Jason Crawhorn Russ & Andrea Coleman INTO THE BADLANDS Victoria Kalosis Chad & Scarlett Spencer LADY OLIVIA Dickie Gardner Sally Reiley TWO YEAR OLD STALLIONS & WHTA RIDERS CUP Dean Parks Puckett Final 565 528 528 528 690 565 690 690

The Scoop


565 562 599 555 527 713 Hayden Burks Tanner Burks Blaise Broccard Link Webb Winky Groover Mickey McCormick Tyler Baucom Edgar Abernathy

Jackie Greenwalt Sister Milligan Kelly Duschel Joe Barnes Steve & Pat Wilson Beverly Sherman Jerry Stephens Dr Renee Montgomery

AMATEUR MARES & GELDINGS Parks Puckett Dean Final 678 678 678 678 714 590 714 714 590 714 590 590 682 682 682 682 652 652 691 652 691 691 560 691 560 560 652 560 SHES LIMITLESS Molly Walters GREENSPAN Blake Cammack POWERSTROKES EVENING STAR Patti Pollack E TH TT E isa Enfinger I AM JOSES PRINCESA THF Bart McWaters GENS NOT KID N Sister Milligan COLORADO RITZ Barron Witherspoon

Kelsey Andrews Champion Stables S&P LLC isa Enfinger LaRue McWaters Sister Milligan Barron Witherspoon

TRAIL PLEASURE & WHTA RIDERS CUP Puckett Dean Parks Final 539 517 539 539 517 577 671 517 577 518 517 577 518 671 577 671 671 539 518 518 SELF MADE MONEY Jessica Hlebak MY NOVIA Joe Lester CAZ ADORES Laurie Toone PISTOLS SENORITA Ashley Helton Givens A DOUBLE DOSE OF POISON Bailey Momb

Jack Pirkle Jerry Swallows Donna Hill Vickie Penick Randall Bryden

AMATEUR NOVICE Dean Parks Puckett 777 721 721 683 777 692 721 593 715 680 683 777 660 692 680 715 660 606 606 715 660 529 680 593 RECORD HIGH WHERES MY CASH THE I A INE MAGICS PURE RITZ PUNISHER KINFOKE CONSUELO PATRON SILVER DOLLAR

Final 721 777 683 680 692 715 660 606 Brenda Marmon Kendra White isa Enfinger Lisa McMahan Ashley Rea Derek Price Bobbye Baham Tyra Brown

Brenda Marmon Bobby & Kendra White isa Enfinger Lisa McMahan Barbara Smith Z enda Hill Farm Bobbye Baham Tim Brown

YOUTH 11 & UNDER Parks Puckett Dean 767 767 767 733 733 607 607 837 733 764 624 837 624 504 624 837 764 764 504 607 504 GREENSPAN SUPER PUNCHER REAL GOOD GIN BLACK GINS BOOTLEGGER IM MUCHO BUENO WICKED IN DIXIE NEXT YEAR

Final 767 733 607 837 624 764 504 Jackson Cammack Sterling Woodruff Cason Abernathy Elizabeth Thomas Boston Kate Tillman Jake Ozburn Caroline Stanley

Champion Stables Sterling Woodruff Kelly Peevy Justin & Angie Kolh Kelly Manis Byrom & Thompson Jennifer Stanley


Final 571 Anne Evans

Anne Evans

FRANCES C GENTRY LADIES SPECIALTY Dean Parks Puckett Final 826 826 826 826 797 768 768 768 768 827 797 797 827 797 827 827 809 809 809 809 THE LONESTAR LEGEND Sister Milligan

Sister Milligan


Glenda Nichols Rae Shumate Tysor Linda Garrard Taylor Walters


AMATEUR THREE YEAR OLD STALLIONS Parks Puckett Dean Final 730 730 730 730 816 816 816 816 732 732 732 732 CAPTAIN WOODROW F CALL Jimbo Conner HONORED IN TEXAS Bob Adcock HES A HIGH DOLLAR DEAL Lucky Collins

Glenda Nichols Rae Shumate Tysor Dr Linda Garrard Kelsey Andrews

Conner & Jeffers Bob Adcock Don Collins

WHTA AUXILIARY & FAMILY MEMBERS Puckett Dean Parks Final 840 840 840 840 608 608 608 608 751 751 769 751 769 769 751 769 TITLE DEFENSE Samantha Green THE AMERICAN MOBSTER Linda Scrivner A RINGMASTER Sheila Groover MISS DIXIE CARTER Taylor Walters

Bedford Walking Horse Farm LLC Linda Scrivner Winky & Sheila Groover Taylor Walters


Shamrock Farms Scott & Kim Leonard KCR Investments

Puckett 776 774 741

Final 776 774 741 Meghan Hammond Kim Leonard Ashley Gray

PARK PLEASURE AMATEUR Parks Puckett Dean 572 572 572 765 765 765 839 839 839 760 760 760 DIXIES LEGACY OLYMPIC AFTERSHOCK MR JOSE WALKS REVS FLASHBACK

Final 572 765 839 760 Sister Milligan Joey Manos Kim Parker Tim Towns

ETWHA MEMBERS ONLY Puckett Dean Parks 838 838 838 828 828 789 789 789 828 778 778 841 841 841 778 A HOME RUN BY TED HRH PRINCE CHARLES HARLEY QUINN I AM CHARLIE CASHS SECOND CHANCE

Final 838 828 789 778 841 Greg Kiser Danny Hicks Beth Collins Mary Beth Blessing Leigh Ann Harrison

COUNTRY PLEASURE Dean Parks Puckett 846 846 846 731 520 731 519 731 519 520 519 520 GI GIS MAJESTIC HEY CHARLENE SHES NEVER BEEN KISSED JUNEAU

Final 846 731 519 520 Elysse Bradford Amanda Manis Patti Pollack Haley Lane Clay

Milligan & Laughlin Joey Manos Bobby & Kim Parker Chris & Jayna Duncan

Greg Kiser Danny Hicks Beth Collins What A Blessing Farm Leigh Ann Harrison

William Bradford Holt & Manis S&P LLC Dr Linda Jones

PRO AM Parks Puckett Dean Final 621 621 621 621 734 734 734 734 779 779 779 779 WHISTLIN DIXIE AL Suzanne Reynolds & Jordan Caudill Henry & Suzanne Reynolds GOODY GOODY JoAnn Frank & Mickey McCormick JoAnn Frank MY TEQUILA SUNRISE Ann Marie Couch & Knox Blackburn Ann Marie Couch YEARLING COLTS & WHTA RIDERS CUP Puckett Dean Parks Final 735 735 735 735 824 824 824 824 501 501 501 501 BLACK GIN DESPERADO Robert Nelms M ONES POISON SKY Chris Richards DIXIE MONTANA Chase Williams

Hale & Atnip Terry Smith Char Johnson

AMATEUR STALLIONS Dean Parks 790 790 818 818 752 752 THE LEGAL TENDER

Brad Bertram

Puckett 790 818 752

Final 790 818 752 Sherry Bonner


Kim Leonard Steve Wilson

Scott Leonard Steve & Pat Wilson

AMATEUR 15.2 & UNDER STALLIONS Parks Puckett Dean Final 780 780 780 780 819 819 819 819 MARTY MCFLY Janice Fostek TEXAS JOE BLACK Z ack Z eis

Joe Fostek Steve Z eis

TRAIL PLEASURE AMATEUR Puckett Dean Parks 540 540 577 577 577 540 847 847 517 517 758 847 758 517 758 IM THUNDERSTRUCK NDR CAZ ADORES CONTEMPORARY JAZ Z MY NOVIA MARTINIS AT SEVEN

Wayne & Debbie Simons Donna Hill Elysse Bradford Jerry Swallows Earhart & Moore

Final 540 577 847 517 758 Debbie Simons Donna Hill Elysse Bradford Karen Allen Maggie Moore

MARES & GELDINGS (CANTER) & WHTA RIDERS CUP Dean Parks Puckett Final 781 781 781 781 810 771 810 810 771 810 749 771 842 842 771 842 749 749 842 749 UPTIGHT JOSE Knox Blackburn JOSES SOLID PUSHER Jimmy McConnell KINFOKE Edgar Abernathy JOSES RITZ Y HAWK Jeff Green BYE FELICIA Jerry Beaty

Bruce & Robin MacDonald Wayne & Debbie Simons Z enda Hill Farm Evergreen Walking Horse Farm Kathy Lewis

SHOW PLEASURE YOUTH Parks Puckett Dean 772 772 772 508 508 508 829 829 829 BENELLI JAZ Z BOY JANIE B GOOD

Champion Stables Corbin Parker Keith & Suzy Johnson

Final 772 508 829 Jackson Cammack Corbin Parker Tanner Johnson

AMATEUR 15.2 & UNDER MARES & GELDINGS Puckett Dean Parks Final 753 753 753 753 834 820 820 820 820 845 762 834 830 762 834 762 845 830 845 845 762 834 830 830 766 766 766 766 GIN TODDY Sue Irby A PINK FLOYD Lisa Baum DIXIE MAJORETTE Jason Joseph PRIDE OF OOP Z DO Bart McWaters FERRARI 308 Kenny Smith PUNISHER Ashley Rea THUNDERSTRUCK IN DIXIE Joyce Hofstee

Sue Irby Lisa Baum Sister Milligan McWaters & Williamson Kenny Smith Barbara Smith Joyce Hofstee

YEARLING FILLIES & WHTA RIDERS CUP Dean Parks Puckett Final 825 825 825 825 736 736 736 736 JOSIE AND THE PUSSYCATS Chris Richards MERCY MERCY ME Robert Nelms

Jones & Richards Lisa Teel

YOUNG TRAINERS 35 & UNDER & WHTA RIDERS CUP Parks Puckett Dean Final 783 783 783 783 744 744 744 744 BEACON Josh Wright THE RIVER WALK Blaise Broccard

Sherrin Pittman Tom Gould

TRAIL PLEASURE AMATEUR FIVE & UNDER Puckett Dean Parks Final 548 548 548 548 848 848 513 848 601 669 848 513 513 513 601 601 747 601 669 669 669 747 747 747 JOSES TWIST OF GIN Patti Pollack LAZ ARO LB Lisa Baum KNOCKIN BOOTS Leigh Anne Gregory PARANOIA Wayne Westbrook DARK JUSTICE Ramona Desotel DIXIE SPECIAL Wendy Payton

S&P LLC Dr Jim & Lisa Baum Langley & Gregory Wayne Westbrook Ramona Desotel Payton & Tate

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THREE YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS & WHTA RIDERS CUP Dean Parks Puckett Final 530 530 530 530 737 811 811 811 811 786 595 595 595 737 782 737 786 791 786 786 791 595 832 791 832 832 737 832 782 625 791 782 OUR GIRL CHARLIE Tyler Baucom Tara Rhoades TAMMY JONES Jimmy McConnell Noel Botsch DIM THE LIGHTS Winky Groover Steve & Pat Wilson IMAGINE I AM Bill Young Beverly Sherman GINS LUCKY PENNY Jeff Laughlin Jannie Chapman HEY HERE I AM Scotty Brooks Joe Bertram C ME WALK AND SHAKE Tanner Burks Sister Milligan JOSES BELLA DONNA Knox Blackburn S&P LLC

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TRAIL PLEASURE YOUTH 11 & UNDER Parks Puckett Dean Final 505 505 514 505 514 541 505 514 541 514 541 541 TALKIN DIRTY TO ME Caroline Stanley A CONFESSION Lexi Smith FERDINAND Alainna Sharp AMATEUR FIVE YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS Puckett Dean Parks Final 806 806 806 806 609 787 609 609 812 785 785 785 787 609 812 787 626 756 626 812 756 738 787 626 738 812 756 756 785 626 844 738 HONOR MY COUNTRY Stephanie White A MASTERS DEGREE W Jake Jacobs I AM MELANIA Eric Lackey THE GRAY WOLF JW Jackie Whatley CHARLIES PHANTOM Peggy Mervine JOSES MISS JESSIE Allyson Abbott AMERICA STRONG Lucky Collins SHES WORTHY OF HONOR Samantha Guthrie

Stanley & Swinford Phyllis Langley Alainna Sharp

Toni White The Jacobs Family Mr & Mrs Eric Lackey Jackie Whatley Peggy Mervine Sherry Sims Don Collins Chester & Debbie Marbry

ALL DAY PLEASURE AMATEUR Dean Parks Puckett 849 542 542 542 850 850 850 836 521 836 521 836 521 849 849 HEADLINER AT THE RITZ SCUBA STEVE HIGH ON LOVING YOU KOOL VIBES LINE ITEM VETO

Final 542 850 836 521 849 Debbie Simons Sonya Gold Kaitlyn Rippy Lindy Holt Rachel Teague

The Simons Family Sonya Gold Kaitlyn Rippy Lindy Holt Rachel Teague


Final 623 607 Perry Walden Cohen Abernathy

Kimberly & Perry Walden Kelly Peevy

Dean 623 607

AMATEUR FIVE YEAR OLD STALLIONS Final Puckett Dean Parks 835 835 835 835 788 788 788 788 822 822 822 822 821 821 821 821 AS I AM Jason Myatt ALL ABOUT JOSE Jackie Whatley A KINGPIN Bob Adcock JOE MONTANA BY TJB Z ack Z eis OPEN SPECIALTY CHAMPIONSHIP & WHTA RIDERS CUP Dean Parks Puckett Final 755 755 755 755 814 814 833 814 833 833 814 833 843 843 843 843 728 728 728 728 JOE PA Winky Groover FLY DRAGONFLY Jimmy McConnell ITS HIGH MAINTENANCE Tanner Burks DORAL Jeff Green THE COMMISION Tim Plafcan AUXILIARY EQUITATION 11 & UNDER Parks Puckett Dean Final

The Scoop

Jerry Myatt Family Jackie Whatley Bob Adcock Steve Z eis


611 612 727 N/A N /A N /A


611 612 727 N /A N /A N/ A Final 522 890 523 506 Riley Gregory Cheyanne Gardner Kylie Duvall Caroline Stanley

15.2 & UNDER STALLIONS & WHTA RIDERS CUP Parks Puckett Dean Final 594 639 594 594 639 594 639 639 866 866 866 866 COMMAND ON PAROLE Winky Groover IM PUSHIN N LINE Knox Blackburn IM JUST KIDDIN Gary Edwards

Sheryl Crawford Joe Fostek Maj or & Warr

AMATEUR TWO YEAR OLD STALLIONS Puckett Dean Parks Final 637 637 637 637 851 851 570 851 570 570 851 570 858 858 858 858 I AM BUSTING LOOSE Kelly Duschel HE WALKS ON WATER Joey Manos MR BLACK GIN Trista Brown LENNON GF Addie Harris

Kelly Duschel Joey Manos Tim Brown Ginger Hartlein

LEAD LINE Dean Parks 2021 2021 1021 1021 VIVIAN WOODRUFF Z YAIRE TRAZ IE

Puckett 2021 1021 N /A N /A

Final 2021 1021 N /A N /A

ANDY ADKINS MEMORIAL YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP Parks Puckett Dean Final 726 868 868 868 868 726 726 726 893 893 893 893 PITBULL Caitlyn Duschel THA PINK PANTHER Joanna Mitchell REAL GOOD GIN Cason Abernathy

Caitlyn Duschel Jay Mitchell Kelly Peevy

EXPERIENCED TRAINERS 36 & OVER & WHTA RIDERS CUP Puckett Dean Parks Final 644 807 807 807 807 644 644 644 723 723 723 723 MY SHOCKWAVE Charlie Green Bill & Karen Bean WALKIN MR CHARLIE Jimmy McConnell Terry & Lisa Smith IM RESURRECTED Jamie Lawrence Ray Solley TRAIL PLEASURE YOUTH Dean Parks Puckett 557 557 557 2524 638 524 543 543 891 638 524 543 891 891 505 505 505 638 CHECKPOINT CHARLIE SF AMPLE CASH DOWN LABELED A PAROLEE SHES JAZ Z STATION 109 CASHES RITZ Y LADY TALKIN DIRTY TO ME

Final 557 524 543 638 891 505 Harper Grider Taylor Harvey Eliza Dekleyn Chelsey Harvey Kara Brooke Adams Caroline Stanley

PARK PERFORMANCE & WHTA RIDERS CUP Parks Puckett Dean Final 805 805 805 805 650 650 650 650 IM A PROUD AMERICAN Michael Wright FLOYD MONEY MAYWEATHER Brandon Givens Brian & Tanya Strickland Shannon Harr Sister Milligan Bedford Walking Horse Farm LLC Michelle Schoenvogel

Brad Gregory Carey & Terry Hughes Christy Duvall Stanley & Swinford

Tamara Hader Kelli & Taylor Harvey Eliza Dekleyn Franklin Harvey Kara Brooks Adams Stanley & Swinford

Bill Williams Tim Towns

AMATEUR & AMATEUR SPECIALTY Puckett Dean Parks Final 872 640 872 872 640 872 640 640 627 641 627 627 641 627 641 641 IM THE ALAMO Barbara Corbett & Lynn Hickok LT HORATIO CAINE Alex Blackburn & Stacy Blackburn

Ridgemont Farm Stacy Blackburn


Dr David Bullock & Z ane Bullock Jordan Miles & Venita Miles


AMATEUR FOUR YEAR OLD STALLIONS Dean Parks Puckett Final 745 745 745 745 645 645 645 645 852 617 617 617 873 873 873 873 617 852 643 852 871 879 871 871 643 871 852 643 879 855 633 879 MR MAGNIFICO Ashley Case THE PADDOCK MASTER Dalia Smith Harr GENS ALCHEMY Bart McWaters ITS WALK TIME Lisa Baum BEEFEATER Joey Manos POWERSTROKED BY JOSE Sister Milligan JOE JACOBY Mary Beth Blessing ON THE SLY Olivia Boyle AUXILIARY EQUITATION 12-17 Parks Puckett Dean 611 566 611 727 727 727 566 611 566 JACIE BOOTH N /A MIA THOMAS N/A LANEY MULLINAX N/A

Judy Case Smith & Harr LaRue McWaters Lisa Baum Jim Heiting Sister Milligan Herschel & Mary Ann Blessing Ryan Hartman

Final 611 727 566 N/A N/A N /A

FOUR YEAR OLD (CANTER) & WHTA RIDERS CUP Puckett Dean Parks Final 800 800 800 800 619 619 619 619 746 632 632 632 875 875 875 875 632 746 860 746 860 860 746 860 TUA MCF Tyler Baucom TWISTED WITH HONORS R M Kellett INDEED AN HONOR Michael Wright A DIXIE GENERAL Bill Callaway CHARLIE PAYCHECK Winky Groover JINZ U Justin Harris ALL DAY PLEASURE YOUTH Dean Parks Puckett 544 544 544 525 892 892 612 612 612 545 525 525 892 545 545 888 888 888 IB SMOKIN JOE THE GHOST WALKER SHEZ A DRAMA MAMA PELIGRO DINERO MY RHINESTONE ROMEO TWISTED SISTA

Dr David Bullock Nocho Avent

Keith & Lorraine Rosbury Mr & Mrs Howard Eastridge Jim & Jeannie Roberts Roger & Laura Mauney Steve & Pat Wilson Justin & Slayden Harris

Final 544 892 612 525 545 888 Tanner Johnson Tanner & Tucker Johnson Dakoda Gardner The Gardner Family Maddie Grace McMorrow Maddie Grace McMorrow Taylor Harvey Phyllis Langley Alainna Sharp Alainna Sharp Kara Brooke Adams Kaitlyn Rippy

FOUR YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS & WHTA RIDERS CUP Parks Puckett Dean Final 647 874 647 647 874 647 874 874 628 549 549 549 549 628 628 628 889 889 889 889 CHARLIES RITZ Y LADY Jimmy McConnell William Bean I AM PRECIOUS Bill Callaway S&P LLC STAR OF KASH Tyler Baucom MR & MRS Eric Lackey MY PRODIGY Tanner Burks Sister Milligan SHES A GLAMAZ ON Poncho Alvarez Tim Holton NCWHA MEMBERS ONLY Puckett Dean Parks 802 886 785 876 629 629 886 802 876 785 876 802 629 785 886 729 729 729 HRH PRINCE CHARLES CHARLIES PERFECT ANGEL KINFOKE ALFA ROMEO I AM MELANIA NINE DAYS ON THE ROAD

Final 629 802 876 886 785 729 Danny Hicks Tara Rhoades Lindsay Hess Price Greg Kiser Eric Lackey Michelle Schoenvogel

THREE YEAR OLD STALLIONS & WHTA RIDERS CUP Dean Parks Puckett Final 648 648 648 648 881 881 881 881 869 869 869 869 636 636 636 636 804 804 804 804 759 759 759 759 SWITCHBLADE FSS Jimmy McConnell HONOR AND REMEMBER Dan Waddell PRAISE AND HONOR Jeff Laughlin NRAS COOL BREES Michael Wright THE DOUBLE STAR Winky Groover IM BAKER MAYFIELD Brandon Givens

Gus Richards Kim Lewis Doris Penick Dr Andrew Sisk McGee & Dickerson Tim Towns

YOUTH PONIES Parks Puckett Dean 877 877 507 507 507 877 THE MAN OF HONOR I LIKE GIN

Laci Mathews Paula Parker

Final 877 507 Laci Mathews Caroline Stanley

PARK PLEASURE & WHTA RIDERS CUP Puckett Dean Parks Final 807 807 807 807 THE DIXIE DOLL Jeff Laughlin

Doris Penick

FOUR YEAR OLD STALLIONS & WHTA RIDERS CUP Dean Parks Puckett Final 801 801 801 801 634 634 634 634 COUSIN BOB Hayden Burks STRONGER Michael Wright

Jimmy Lackey Connie Hess

TRAIL PLEASURE CHAMPIONSHIP & WHTA RIDERS CUP Parks Puckett Dean Final 541 541 610 541 610 610 541 610 FERDINAND Jessica Hlebak Alainna Sharp 401K Laurie Toone Laurie Toone AMATEUR SPECIALTY CHAMPIONSHIP Puckett Dean Parks Final 635 635 635 635 620 620 620 620 3856 856 617 856 617 617 856 617 GOOD SAMARITAN Pam Russell HONOR AND OBEY Howard Eastridge JOSES THUNDERSTRUCK Barron Witherspoon PRIDE OF OOP Z DO Bart McWaters

Larry & Pam Russell Mr & Mrs Howard Eastridge Barron Witherspoon McWaters & Williamson

BENNY JOHNSON AMATEUR SHOW PLEASURE CHAMPIONSHIP Dean Parks Puckett Final 642 642 642 642 803 803 803 863 865 865 865 865 863 803 887 863 630 853 863 887 887 630 725 630 857 725 857 725 725 887 630 857 EPIC Meghan Hammond Shamrock Farms IM SKYY BLACK Allyson Armstrong Allyson Armstrong THE CRIMSON SKY Ashley Case Judy Case HES A JAILBIRD JA Sherry Bonner Joe Bertram MELANIA Patti Pollack S&P LLC IT IS SHOWTIME Alex Rea Dr Ann Rea IM RG3 Sister Milligan Sister Milligan HES SERIOUS BLACK Rodney Koger The Koger Family WALKING HORSE CHAMPIONSHIP (CANTER) & WHTA RIDERS CUP Parks Puckett Dean Final 854 854 867 854 867 867 854 867 533 533 533 533 WALK FOR ROSES Russ Thompson Logan & Manos & Brassy IM LOMBARDI Gary Edwards Henry & Peggy Metcalf MAYOR BILL Dan Waddell George & Kim Lewis

Danny Hicks Tara Rhoades Z enda Hill Farm Gary Kiser Mr & Mrs Eric Lackey Michelle Schoenvogel

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The unanimous R iders’ C up M odel winners were Back I n The Saddle A gain and R obert N elms.

K nox Blackburn directed G eorgia F lorida L ine to the R iders’ C up Show P leasure win.

L uj oso and A manda M anis grabbed a unanimous blue in the C ountry P leasure F iv e & U nder class.

C lass With Sass and Tanner Burks ( not pictured) claimed top honors in the R iders’ C up Two year O ld M ares div ision.

Winning the R iders’ C up Trail P leasure F iv e & U nder class was K ing M oj o with Hannah M yatt in the irons.

The unanimous P ark P erf ormance A mateur F iv e & U nder winners were G irls G irls G irls and Beth L awwell.

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ettin first on a three ud es cards in the ateur er c ass were in hin and o dcoc

ison horson added another uitation du t anter win to her resu e

ustin arney and rayton each won the ateur hree ear d ares e din s di ision

e han a

ond directed peditious to the our ear d ares e din s ue


Se ade oney and essica e a rode to the ue in the Riders up rai easure di ision

She s har ie s ir and e au h in too the top spot in the Riders up ite Shod c ass, unani ous y

a in first p ace in the Riders up ar easure estern c ass was idni ht n e ico with a ey ho pson in the irons his was a unani ous win The Scoop / Page 19

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J immy M cC onnell ( not pictured) and L ace A nd L ead won the R iders’ C up 15.2 & U nder M ares & G eldings class.

J ose’s Twist O f G in and BJ R ichards took top honors in the R iders’ C up Trail P leasure Two & Three Y ear O ld class.

The R iders’ C up Two Y ear O ld Stallions champions were C harleston J DC and Hayden Burks.

E arning the top spot on all three j udges’ cards in the R iders’ C up F our Y ear O ld Stallions div ision was C ousin Bob with Hayden Burks in the irons.

Taking the blue in the A mateur N ov ice div ision was R ecord High with Brenda M armon in the irons.

The L ite Shod A mateur winners were She’s C harlie’s G irl and A nne E v ans.

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R iding to a unanimous A mateur Three Y ear O ld Stallions win was C aptain Woodrow F C all with J imbo C onner in the irons.

Sunset Shady and M eghan Hammond took top honors in the A mateur P onies class.

I n a v ery competitiv e E TWHA M embers O nly class, G reg K iser directed A Home R un By Ted to the unanimous blue.

G i G i’s M aj estic and E lysse Bradf ord won the C ountry P leasure class, unanimously.

Suzanne R eynolds and J ordan C audill shared the reins on Whistlin Dix ie A L and won the blue in the P ro A m class.

The Trail P leasure A mateur winners were I ’m Thunderstruck and Debbie Simons. The Scoop / Page 23

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P atti P ollack took her turn in the saddle on J ose’s Twist O f G in and won the Trail P leasure A mateur F iv e & U nder class, unanimously.

Winning the R iders’ C up Three Y ear O ld M ares class, unanimously, was O ur C harlie G irl with Tyler Baucom in the irons.

Talkin Dirty To M e and C aroline Stanley won the Trail P leasure Y outh 1 1 & U nder class.

Stephanie White was thrilled with her unanimous win in the A mateur F iv e Y ear O ld M ares & G eldings class.

Debbie Simons directed Headliner A t The R itz to the A ll Day P leasure A mateur blue.

J ason M yatt and A s I A m made the v ictory lap in the A mateur i e ear d Sta ions di ision a ter ettin first p ace ties on all three j udges’ cards.

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R uth C ollins sports a beautif ul smile af ter winning the A ux iliary E qui tation 1 1 & U nder class, unanimously.

C harlie G reen and M y Shockwav e won the R iders’ C up E x perienced Trainers 36 & O v er class.

The R iders’ C up 15.2 & U nder Stallions champions were C ommand O n P arole and Winky G roov er.

I A m Busting L oose carried K elly Duschel to the winners’ circle f ollowing their unanimous win in the A mateur Two Y ear O ld Stallions class.

C aitlyn Duschel and P itbull claimed top honors in the A ndy A dkins M emorial Y outh C hampionship class.

R iley G regory and F irst K night O ut won the C ountry P leasure Y outh class.

L aci M athews sports a beautif ul smile af ter she claimed top honors in the Y outh P onies class aboard The M an O f Honor.

M eghan Hammond and E pic won the v ery large and competitiv e enny ohnson ateur Show easure ha pionship with first place ties on all three j udges’ cards. The Scoop / Page 27

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J acie Booth was a happy girl af ter making a blue ribbon ride in the A ux iliary E qui tation 12 -17 di v ision.

J immy M cC onnell ( not pictured) and C harlie’s R itzy L ady took the top spot in the R iders’ C up F our Y ear O ld M ares & G eldings class.

I n a v ery competitiv e N C WHA M embers O nly class, Danny Hicks and HR H P rince C harles won the blue.

The R iders’ C up F our Y ear O ld Stallions C anter champions were Tyler Baucom and Tua M C F . This duo won the class unanimously.

Tanner J ohnson was thrilled af ter claiming a unanimous win in the A ll Day P leasure Y outh class. Page 30 /

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M aking an outstanding blue-ribbon-appearance in the R iders’ C up Three Y ear O ld Stallions class was Switchblade F SS with J immy M cC onnell in the irons. This was a unanimous win f or the crowd pleasers.

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Cohen Abernathy and Morgan McCormick shared a candid moment at the recent National Trainers’ Show. These are two individuals that have literally grown up in the Walking Horse industry and continue supporting it today. They are the future and great young ambassadors for our horse industry.

Anne Kellam Nicks Williams Rochelle, born September 17th, 1930, passed away on March 30th, 2021. Widow of the late James M. Rochelle, she was born and raised in Dickson, Tennessee, the daughter of Carl and Ida Clement Nicks. She was a 1948 graduate of the Ward-Belmont Preparatory School in Nashville. After marrying the late Dr. John O. Williams, Jr., she travelled the world as the wife of a Marine. She lived for a period of time on the Isle of Bermuda, one of her fondest memories that she loved to share with friends and acquaintances alike. Once her husband graduated medical school, they settled in Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee, where they raised five sons. he was very active in the community, the A , and with irst United Methodist Church of Mt. Pleasant. A woman who truly valued southern traditions and proper presentation, she was known in her family for her delicious sweet tea and incredible coconut and caramel cakes. She never met a stranger and was known for her outgoing and engaging personality. After her boys were grown, she j oined her second husband in business, helping to run Broadway Discount Liquors in Gallatin, Tennessee, for over 20 years. She was the type of strong, Southern woman who was j ust as at home at a dinner party for 20, as she was behind the counter at her family business. She will be remembered for her hospitality, love of entertaining, and the kindness she showed everyone she met. Survivors include her sons, John Orlando (Kay Kay) Williams, III; Lee Clement (Pam) Williams; David Walton (Theresa) Williams; and Thomas Allyn Williams; her daughter-in-law, Elizabeth Davis Williams; grandchildren, Dr. Rosemary Williams, Rebecca Anne Williams (Eric) Hughes, Carol Parks Williams (John) Carnahan, Walker Davis (Sarah) Williams, Ross McKelvey (Chelsea) Williams, Bevin Anne Orlando Williams (David) Lyle, Lee Davis (Mary Katherine) Williams, Ashleigh Brooke (Lee) Colvett, Wesley Adam Williams, Taylor Allyn Williams, David Walton Williams, Jr., Kimmy Lee Williams (Anthony) Bardwell, Buie MacAlester Williams, John Ireland Williams, Ben amin o Williams, uke oss Williams great grandchildren, Hooper McKelvey Johnson, MaryKannon (Chris Martin) Johnson, Annabelle Grace Carnahan, inton Ale ander Hughes, Amelia loan Carnahan, Eden Elizabeth Carnahan, Bennett Locke Hughes, Hardin Isaac Hughes, Lucy Pink Carnahan, Emma Grace Williams, Jackson Parks Hunter, John Nicks Williams, Evelyn Ruth Colvett, Josiah Douglas Carnahan, Maury Lee “Tripp” Colvett III, no ane Williams, Addison age Bardwell, Henry rlando Lyle, David Nicks Williams, Hazel June Williams, Brady Davis Williams; and great great grandchild, Langston Jones Martin. She is also survived by her step daughters, who she loved like they were her own, Jennifer Rochelle Williams and Ginger Rochelle Smith; step grandchildren Dylan Williams, Tyler (Kelsey) White, and Michael (Nicole) Smith; step great grand children Henry White, Daniel White, Ruthie White, Silas Smith, and Emmett Smith, and a host of nieces, nephews, great nieces, and great nephews.

WEST TENNESSEE STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL ADDS CLASS The West Tennessee trawberry estival Horse how management has announced the addition of Class 12A, All Day Pleasure class. The historic show will be held on riday, ay th. or ore Information contact icki Ben amin at 31-694-5188.

In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by her son, Carl Nicks Williams, the father of her children, Dr. John O. Williams, Jr., and her sister, Betty ou Nicks Wolcott. akes and Nichols uneral Home handled the arrangements. The family held a private graveside service at Arlington Cemetery in t. Pleasant, TN, on riday, April 2nd, 2021. ervices were conducted by John Carnahan. Pallbearers were Walker Williams, Wesley Williams, Taylor Williams, Walton Williams, Buie Williams, Hooper Johnson, Linton Hughes, Hardin Hughes, Bennett Hughes, David Lyle, John Williams, Ben Williams, Luke Williams and Chris Martin. Honorary Pallbearers were The Staff and Residents of The Bridge Assisted Living, all of whom gave her so much oy in her later years. In lieu of owers, the family requested those desiring to make memorials do so by the donation of books to the libraries of Maury County Schools. The Scoop offers our warmest condolences to the family of Anne Kellam Nicks Williams Rochelle. The Scoop / Page 51

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IT’S ALL ABOUT APPEARANCE In the show horse world, being a fashion plate doesn’t earn you blue ribbons. But being correctly attired and accessorized could make the difference when all else is equal. Show s eas on i s her e! I t ’ s t i m e t o l ook f or w ar d t o a ne w ye ar of f un and enj oym ent at hor s e s how s . Though t he econom y ove r s hadow s us al l , s how r i ng com pet i t i on w i l l still be fierce and presentation will play as important a role as eve r t hi s ye ar . Do you find yourself getting confused before a big s how w hen i t com es t o pi cki ng out t he per f ect com bi na t i on of s ui t , s hi r t and t i e? I f you ar e l i ke m os t of us , t he choi ces s eem endl es s and t he gui de l i ne s f or w hat t o w ear and w hat not t o w ear s l i p f r om m em or y . Y ou cannot l et t hos e l as t m i nut e de t ai l s es cape your t hought s be f or e a s how be caus e t he j udge s com e w i t h a s cr ut i ni z i ng eye ! Y ou w ant t o have t he appear anc e of an expe r i enc ed w i ne r and be t he envy of r i de r s and a udi enc es al i ke ! Thi s i s w her e The SC your pr es ent at i on t oget her be eb acqua i nt ed w i t h t he r ul es H or s e I ndus t r y O r gani z at i on can al s o gar ne r va l ua bl e i nput t ack m er chant s .

English Attire

E ngl i s h cl as s es r equi r e an E ngl i s h r i di ng habi t ( s addl e s ui t ) , r i di ng boot s , opt i ona l E ngl i s h s pur s , pant t i e dow ns or unde r pas s es , opt i ona l gl ove s , and opt i ona l hat ( hom bur g, t op hat , de r by , s na p br i m or hel m et ) . H ai r m us t be ne at l y gr oom ed and l ong hai r s houl d be s t yl ed s o t hat i t doe s not hi de t he ba ck num be r . I n t he L adi es A uxi l i ar y cl as s , exhi bi t or s ar e r equi r ed t o w ear a s na p br i m hat or de r by and hai r cannot hang be l ow t he col l ar . E ar r i ngs s houl d be s m al l pear l s , di am onds , or col or ed s t one s and unde r no ci r cum s t anc es s houl d ear r i ngs da ngl e. N i ce t ouc hes i nc l ude a collar bar under the tie and either a very small flower or the more modern opt i on of a s m al l l apel pi n. K eep your l apel pi ns at a r eas ona bl e s i z e, and equi ne r el at ed pi ns ar e pr ef er r ed. Anything you wear must be fitted correctly. Finding a good tailor and investing in proper fit can do wonders for the appearance of any riding s ui t .

O O P s t eps i n and hel ps t o pul l f or e t he gat e cal l . Y ou s houl d and r egul at i ons of your l ocal ( H I O ) t hat gove r ns at t i r e. Y ou f r om expe r i enc ed appar el and

First thing’s first. You must familiarize yourself with a valid definition for presentation. Webster’s dictionary defines presentation as a symbol or image that represents s om et hi ng” . I n t hi s cas e, t ack and appar el ar e t he s y m bol s or i m ages t hat r epr es ent t he r i de r . Wisely planning a good show wardrobe will not only hel p you m ak e a good i m pr es s i on, but w i l l al s o gi ve you an extra bit of confidence each time you enter the arena, and s ave you t i m e and aggr ava t i on i n t he l on g r un. I nve s t i n t he be s t w i t hi n your budge t . Y our appar el w i l l l as t f or ye ar s and s t i l l have good r es al e va l ue i f you pl an, choos e, and buy w ith l ong- t er m qua l i t y a nd dur abi l i t y i n m i nd.

photos y Shane Shi et

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It’s all about Appearance

Lead Line The L ead L i ne cl as s s how cas es t he f ut ur e r i de r s of t om or r ow . .our pr eci ous chi l dr en and t hei r cut e l i t t l e poni es ! M at chi ng E ngl i s h or W es t er n at t i r e f or t he handl er and r i de r s hou l d com pl em ent t he pony . Tack can be ei t her E ngl i s h or W es t er n but m us t be appr opr i at e t o t he at t i r e.

Model / Handling Attire

C l ot hi ng f or col t hand l er s can va r y pu on t he t i m e of da y t hey ar e s how i ng and t he w eat her conid t i ons at t he s how . Typi cal at t i r e i s an E ngl i s h r i di ng habi t m i nus t he j acke t . F or m al at t i r e i s de s i r ed f or C ham pi ons hi p cl as s es hel d a f t er 6 P M . H andl er s i n t he M ode l cl as s can w ear ei t her E ngl at t i r e, but t he at t i r e s houl d b e appr opr i at e f or t he hor E ngl i s h at t i r e, t he hor s e’ s t ack m us t be E ngl i s h. I f w at t i r e, t he hor s e’ s t ack m us t be W es t er n. ( See checkl i s t s

i s h or W es t er n s e. I f w ear i ng ear i ng W es t er n be l ow .)

hoto y Shi et P hoto by M arty Barr

The Scoop /Page 5

It’s all about Appearance Formal Attire F or m al at t i r e s houl d ne ve r be w or n at a one - ni ght s how . I t i s ne ve r appr opr i at e t o w ear f or m al at t i r e be f or e 5 PM , eve n f or C ham pi ons hi p cl as s es hel d dur i ng t he d ay . D ur i ng a m ul t i - da y s how , eve n i n a qua l i f yi ng cl as s af t er 5 PM , a da y coat and s ui t ar e accept abl e. F or m al at t i r e s houl d be r es er ve d f or C ham pi ons hi p cl as s es af t er 5 PM . A ne w t r end t hi s ye ar i s a s equi n f or m al coat or cr y s t al s ar ound t he col l ar t o add m or e s par ke l i n t he s how r i ng. F or m al at t i r e i nc l ude s : • F or m al j ods w i t h a s at i n s t r i pe can be w or n w i t h a da y coat w i t h s haw l col l ar . They s houl d be pai r ed w i t h a w i ng col l ar s hi r t , v es t and bow t i e or a cum m er bund a nd bow t i e. • A t uxe do j acke t and j ods s houl d m at ch. The j acke t s houl d ha ve s at i n l apel s and a s at i n s t r i pe s houl d f ol l ow t he out er s eam of t he j ods . The t ux s houl d be w or n w i t h a w i ng col l ar s hi r t , v es t and bow t i e or a cum m er bund a nd bow t i e. • W hi t e gl ove s ar e on l y a ppr opr i at e i f w or n w i t h a w hi t e w i ng c ol l ar s hi r t , ve s t and bow t i e or a w hi t e cum m er bund a nd bow t i e. • A l ove l y t op hat , s t eam ed a nd br us hed, s houl d a l w ays accom pany f or m al at t i r e. • A w i ng c ol l ar s hi r t f or l adi es s houl d ha ve a s m oot h front. The shirt can have either a fly front or studs. Formal s hi r t s can be m ade of cot t on, but t he m os t popul ar ar e s i l k. • F or m al ve s t s and bo w t i es ar e pr ef er r ed ove r cum m er bund s and bow t i es , e s peci al l y f or l adi es out of adolescence and with mature figures. The vest helps keep a pulled together look and adds punch to the outfit. • B oot s s houl d be pat ent l eat her . B l ack w or ks w el l w i t h na vy bl ue or bl ack t uxe do or j ods . To get your boot s s hi ni ng, c l ean t hem w i t h V as el i ne w or ke d i nt o a s m al l , c l ean cl ot h. • B ow s i n t he hai r s houl d not be ove r pow er i ng; t hey should be small and subtle and complement the outfit.

photos y Shane Shi et

Hats I f you have a r ound f ace, a de r by i s not f or you. Y ou w oul d l ook be t t er i n a s m al l br i m m ed hom be r g s t eam ed and s haped j us t f or you. I f you have a hear t s haped f ace, you w oul d l ook be t t er i n a de r by s t eam ed and cur l ed. I f you have a l ong s l i m f ace, a w i de r br i m m ed hom be r g w oul d l ook be s t on you. I f you ar e i n a cl as s w her e you m us t wear a tux, a top hat is a must it finishes the look. Men should always s how i n a hat . Y ou s houl d al w ays pi ck a hat col or t hat goes w el l w i t h your s ui t or i f s how i ng i n a da y coat , nor m al l y t he hat m at ches t he j ods . I f you choos e t o s how w i t hout a hat , your hai r s houl d be ve r y s hor t or pul l ed ba ck and put up and no s t r ands hangi ng. Thi s w i l l ens ur e a ve r y ne at appear anc e.

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The Scoop

There are several used show clothing pages for both English & Western attire available on Facebook.

- Saddl es eat R i di ng A t t i r e F or Sal e - H i gh- E dn W es t er n S how Saddl es and S how C l ot hes - N ew To Y ou S how C l ot hi ng ( R es al e) - H i gh- E nd Tack & Show C l ot hi ng - W es t er n S how C l ot hi ng N ew & U s ed

It’s all about Appearance Western Attire

To be el i gi bl e t o s how i n W es t er n cl as s es , you m su t have w es t er n s t yl e l ong pant s or j eans , w es t er n s t yl e l ong s l eeve d, col l ar ed s hi r t , a w es t er n hat , and w es t er n boot s . O pt i ona l at t i r e i nc l ude s w es t er n s t yl e chaps , s pur s , ve s t , j acke t s , and gl ove s . W es t er n r i de r s cont i nue t o have be aut i f ul choi ces i n col or s and f abr i cs f or t hei r s how appar el . E l ab or at el y em be l l i s hed cl ot hes ar e al w ays popul ar , b ut cl as s i c l ooks i n qua l i t y m at er i al s and de t ai l ed t ai l or i ng ar e a w i s e i nve s t m en t t hat can be w or n f or ye ar s , not j us t a s eas on.

F or w om en’ s w es t er n t ops , t he ke y i s com f or t and the palette is pretty. Tall collars and ornate cuffs on fitted bodices continue to be the preferred silhouette, w i t h m any r i de r s w ear i ng w ai s t - l engt h t ops w or n t ai l s out ove r t he w ai s t ba nd of chaps . W es t er n cl ot hi ng s houl d coor di na t e w i t h hor s e and s addl e bl anke t . W hi t e hat s ar e a ne w t r end and l ook gr eat pai r ed w i t h bl ack chaps . D al e C hav ez s addl es ar e definitely taking over in the show ring this year.

photos y Shane Shi et

Fine Harness Division F i ne har ne s s at t i r e r equi r es m en t o w ear a r i di ng s ui s ui t or bus i ne s s s ui t w i t h hat . L adi es m us t w ear r i di ng s ui t s or cockt ai l w ear , or dr es s w i t h appr opr i at e t op. S ki r t s and s rd es s es cannot be above t he kne e w i t hout t he us e of a l ap bl

t , f or m al , f or m al lits in anke t .

photos y Shane Shi et

Equitation Appointments I n E qui t at i on cl as s es , t he j udge s hal l pena l i z e t hos e exhi bi t or s w ho do not conf or m t o pr oper appoi nt m ent s . A ppoi nt m ent r equi r em ent s ar e ba s ed on good t as t e, w hi ch i s al w ays i n s t yl e and al w ays cor r ect . A s ol i d col or or cons er va t i ve pi n s t r i pe s addl e s ui t i s cor r ect bot h da y an d eve ni ng and s houl d be w or n w i t h coor di na t i ng ve s t , f ou r - i n- hand t i e, m an’ s s t yl e s hi r t , gl ove s , hom bur g, de r by , or s na p br i m hat , and j odhpur bo ot s . U nde r pas s es ar e r equi r ed, l ong hai r m us t be s t yl ed above t he col l ar and onl y s m al l pos t ear r i ngs ar e accept abl e. Sem i - f or m coat i n da r k bl ue , m at chi ng j odphur t uxe do s hi r t , da r k al s o ne ces s ar y .

al E qui t at i on cl as s es r equi r e a s addl e s eat t uxe do s ui t w i t h one - but br ow n, gr ay or b l ack, w i t h t he col l ar and l apel s of t he s am e col or s w i t h a ve r t i cal s at i n s t r i pe of m at chi ng col or . A t op hat , w hi t e f or bow t i e, cum m er bund or pi que ve s t , gl ove s , and j odhpur boot s

t on and m al ar e

F or m al at t i r e f or E qui t at i on i s t he s am e as t he s em i - f or m al s iu t , exc ept w or n w i t h a t op hat and w hi t e acces s or i es , i cn l udi gn w hi t e bow t i e, cum m er bund or pi que ve s t , a nd gl ove s . U nde r pas s es ar e r equi r ed. The f or m al s ui t i s w or n onl y a f t er 6 P M .

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It’s all about Appearance Tips on caring for your show attire The f ol l ow i ng r ecom m enda t i ons m ay s eem r edunda nt t o a s eas one d exhi bi t or but , w i t h s o m any ne w exhi bi t or s i n t he i ndus t r y , w e f el t t hes e tips would be beneficial. Careful maintenance will lengthen the life of your quality apparel by years. •

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Always keep your show coat on a well padded hanger. A cl ot h ba g i s f ar s upe r i or t o a pl as t i c b ag t o pr ot ect your garments from dust and dirt. Plastic bags breed mold and dust and may dry out suede knee patches. B r i ng a l i nt r ol l er t o eve r y s how f or q ui ck t ouc h- ups before entering the show ring. A soft bristle brush should be us ed s par i ngl y due t o t he s t r es s i t m ay c aus e t o s om e fabrics. Tr y t o us e t he s am e pi n h ol es f or ba ck num be r pi ns , a s w el l as decorative pins worn on your coat lapel. B ef or e and a f t er s how i ng , i t i s be s t t o ke ep your gar m ent s aw ay f r om t he s unl i ght be caus e t he s un c an c aus e da m age to the fabric as well as fading. K eep a cont ai ne r of al cohol - f r ee ba b y w i pes i n your t ack box. When horse sweat gets on your coat (and eventually it will) use a few wipes and gently scoop away the sweat. U s e t he w i pes as s oon a s your cl as s i s ove r s o t he s w eat doesn’t set in the fabric. This practice will make the dry cleaner’s job a lot easier. St or e y our gar m ent s i ndo or s i n a w el l ve nt i l at ed environment. It is best not to keep them in a tack room. Thor oughl y a nd ge nt l y br us h your gar m ent s af t er each show. Unless there are serious stains on any garment, it is not necessary to dry clean after each show. Frequent dr y c l eani ng c an be s t r es s f ul t o m any f abr i cs and e ve r yone ’ s budget. A quick steaming will remove wrinkles. Make every effort to develop a good relationship with a reputable dry cleaner, to protect your investment. Suggest that your garments be cleaned with fresh fluid. Used or old fluid will not remove some spots and/or stains, and may actually discolor many fabrics. Do not use club soda or nail polish remover. They can aggravate the stain making it impossible to remove. N ev er pr es s a s t ai n on a n y ga r m ent as t he s t ai n m ay become permanently set. A b aby’ s s of t hai r br us h w i l l cl ean yo ur hat , but t he l ong handle on a real hat brush makes the job easier. Spots on felt hats can sometimes be removed by gently using fine sandpaper or an emery board. For straw hats, a soft brush w hi s ks aw ay di r t , a nd s m al l s t ai ns can be r em ove d w i t h a dab of liquid soap on a soft cloth. Invest in a strong hat carrier. Don’t use a plastic bag to s t or e your hat as heat and m oi s t ur e can m i l de w or w ar p t he hat. Heat is your hat’s enemy, so never store it in a horse trailer, car, or other area that may heat up. A l w ay s have on ha nd s peci al r ai n ge ar f or pr ot ect i on of your suit and hat. These plastic covers can be purchased at most any tack shop. J od ke eper s ar e a gr eat w ay t o gi ve y our s how pant s a longer life. These jod keepers now come in fun colors and patterns. These have always been used in the Saddlebred breed and some walking trend setters are using them.

t he hor s e s how s have en de d, i t ’ s t he f r i ends hi ps and ad ve nt ur es you’ remember more than any award or judge. Best of Luck!

Hat carriers

P roper rain gear

P roper garment bag

J od keepers

Where to buy locally Marsha On The Square located on the square in Shelbyville, Tennessee, offers many gorgeous items for sale. Items for men, women and children in saddleseat and western are for sale. Many items are available in their store, but mostly focus on custom tailored suits. Also, there is a consignment rack for suits. Marsha, along w i t h her s on, Scot t Shepar d, and hi s w i f e, A s hl ea, l ove com bi ni n g f abr i cs t o gi ve you a one of a kind look.(931) 684-3500 • Tailored To Win is by appointment only and owner/designer, James Sigmon, has t he s peci al t ouc h t o cus t om i z e a gor geous ens em bl e t o w or k f or you and your horse. Being a championship rider himself, he knows what a rider should look like in the ring. Not only does he offer Saddleseat suits, but he has some unique bling items such as ties, whips and tie rings. 615-410-3038 • Victors Custom Tailors specializing in customized clothing orders for saddleseat apparel. They have an unlimited selection of quality samples to choose from and many ready-n- stock day coats, vests, ties and shirts. Victor has proudly served the TWH Industry for over 25 years. 615-838-3838 B edf or d Tack has Saddl es an d t ack, gr oom i ng and f ar r i er s uppl i es , dr i vi ng and t r ai ni ng, s t abl e and ba r n, ani m al heal t h, appar el , gi f t s and nove l t i es , and m uc h more are offered at Bedford Tack. Bedford Tack is conveniently located in Shelbyville, Tennessee, so when your’re in town for the shows stop by and stock up. • 1-800-523-4971 The Winner’s Circle Horse Supply is the largest selection of saddleseat equipment

Remember, you’ll never get a second chance to make a first impression, so in the world. The Winner’s Circle tack trucks visit all of the major horse shows. l l e f or al l of your s hoppi ng be s ur e t hat yo u and your hor s e cr eat e t he b es t pos s i bl e i m pr es s i on each Thei r m ai n s t or e i s conve ni en t l y l ocat ed i n Shel byvi needs. • 1-800-298-7398 and every time you step into the show arena. Enjoy yourself! Years after

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It’s all about Appearance Show Ring Accessories

photo by Shiflet

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OBITUARY - THOMAS LOID Thomas “Tommy” Earl Loid III, age 32, passed away Saturday March 20, 2021 at his residence in Bowling Green, Kentucky. The Bowling Green native was the son of Tommy Loid Jr. and Robin Jones Loid, and husband of Krista Loid. He was preceded in death by a sister McKenzi Loid, and both grandfathers, Thomas Loid Sr. and Larry Jones.

OBITUARY- JOHN EARL “HOPPY” BROWN JR. John “Hoppy” Earl Brown, Jr., age 72, of Cedar Bluff, Virginia, passed away on Sunday, March 28, 2021 at the Maple Grove Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Home in Lebanon, Virginia following a lengthy battle with cancer. Hoppy was born August 31, 1948 in Richlands, Virginia and was the son of the late John Earl Brown, Sr., and Margarette Marie McCoy Brown. He was a graduate of Richlands High School Class of 1966 and graduated in 1968 from the Southwestern Business College with a degree in business administration. He then served in the arines from 1968-19 0 during the ietnam con ict. After returning home he earned an Associate’s Degree in 1975 from SWCC in Mining Technology. Hoppy worked for a while at the Seaboard Mines as a superintendent, later becoming a mine inspector for the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy, retiring in 2017. Hoppy was a member of the Gethsemane Baptist Church in Richlands, he was a member of the Scottish Rite Bodies of Roanoke, Virginia and was elected and received the Degree of Knights Commander Court of Honor in 1999. Kazim Shriners of Roanoke, Tazewell and Russell Shrine clubs where he had served as a past commander, president of the club and was a chairman of the Tennessee Walking Horse Classic for 30 years. He was faithful to his craft and always had the best interest of all the children who needed his help. He was a member of the Cedar Bluff Masonic Lodge # 260 AF&AM, where he received the Degree of Master Mason in 1972. In addition to his parent’s, he was preceded in death by his sister, Barbara “Bobbie” Jeanne Brown Belcher Sweeney. Those that remain on carry on his spirit are the following: Wife, Alice Cunningham Brown of Cedar Bluff, VA ; Son, Michael Scott Brown of Belfast, VA; Daughter, Cynthia Renee Brown of Decatur, GA; Brother, James Douglas Brown and wife, Diana of Bristol, VA Granddaughter, Isabella Grace Brown and several nieces and nephews also survive. In honor of ohn s memory, the family ask that in lieu of owers, please make donations to The Shriners Hospital for Children, 950 W. Faris Road, Greenville, SC 29605-4277; or call them at 1-864-241-3444. Due to COVID 19 restrictions, all services for John “Hoppy” Earl Brown, Jr., were private. r. ev. arc Brooks and ev. onnie Perkins officiated. A Masonic service will be conducted by the Cedar Bluff Masonic Lodge # 260 AF & AM. Interment will be at the Greenhills Memory Gardens and the Casey Short VFW Post# 9640 will conduct military graveside rites. Pallbearers will be Michael Brown, James Brown, Jim Reynolds, Ernest Edgell, Joe Smith and Ray Collins. A video of the funeral service will be available on the Hurst-Scott Funeral Home Facebook page after 5:00pm on Wednesday. Hurst-Scott Funeral Home in Richlands, Virginia is in charge of arrangements and those wishing to express sympathy online may do so at www. The Scoop extends our condolences to the Brown Family.

Tommy was a member of Living Hope Baptist Church and attended Bible study at Lehman Avenue Church of Christ. He was a member of the BG/ WC Jaycees and also appointee to the Southern Kentucky Fair Board of Directors. He was a member of the Walking Horse Trainers Association. Tommy was a cowboy in the truest sense of the word; he loved horses and worked at several top level Walking Horse Farms where he made many friends. Most of all Tommy loved his family, especially his wife and kids. Tommy is survived by his wife; Krista Loid, his kids; Tommy Loid IV, and Riley Ruthanne Loid, his parents Tommy and Robin Loid, sister; Emily Wilkins (Craig), brother-in-law; John Ackerman, grandmothers; Ruth Ann Loid and Doris Lewis, nieces and nephews Ella Crews Wilkins, Dallas Wilkins, Carter Wilkins and Sophie Ackerman and several cousins. Visitation was March 25, 2021 and March 26, 2021 at the Living Hope Baptist Church. Funeral Service was Friday, March 26, 2021 at Living Hope Baptist Church Burial followed in the Fairview Cemetery. Expressions of Sympathy may be made to the Center for Biblical Counseling, 2232 Smallhouse Road, Bowling Green, KY 42104. The Scoop sends our deepest sympathies to the Loid Family.

COLUMBIA SPRING JUBILEE JUDGES The Columbia Spring Jubilee has selected Derek Bonner, Steve Glidewell and Brent Grider to j udge their 70th annual event. The show will be held at the Maury County Park in Columbia, Tennessee on June 3rd – 5th.

WHOA RULE BOOKS WH A has updated their fficial 2021 ule Books, and they are posted on the WHOA website. The rule books include changes in the Flat Shod and Versatility Rule Book. Flat Shod Rule Book updates can be found on pages 11, 19, 26-28, 31-32 and page 38. Versatility Rule Book updates can be found on pages 5 and 64. The Scoop / Page 71

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Palmetto Saddle Club Begins Show Year SU M TE R , SC - The Palmetto Saddle C lub show series began M arch 27 th with a great show. The show took place at Bridle Stone which is a new venue for the event. The Palmetto Saddle C lub will host two more shows in the 2021 show season. Those will be held on April 17 and November 6 . The Honorable Ja ck R ader served as judge for this show that recorded 13 1 entries. This horse show hosted classes for Walking and R acking Horses. The R acking Trail Pleasure, C ountry Pleasure, All Day Pleasure and Park Pleasure E nglish classes collected the most entries. The R acking Trail Pleasure winners were Gen’s Night C olors and Patricia Hiott. C aitlyn Duschel and She’s Pretty Fancy took the top spot in the C ountry Pleasure Amateur division. Taking the top spot in the All Day Pleasure class was M iss Dixie L ine with Pat Ireland in the irons. The Park Pleasure E nglish champions were Go Fund M e and Blake Drew. Three ha pionship lasses ser ed as the show’s rand finale. iss Dixie L ine and Pat Ireland returned to the show ring claiming the All Day Pleasure C hampionship title, followed by Bryan Barnhill’s and Gen’s R ocky R oad’s R acking Stake victory for owner Gary Kiser. The last class of the show was the Walking Horse Stake class with three entries. a den ur s dire ted ol field’s apa to the final ha pionship award. Bob Hill is the proud owner. The Scoop congratulates the Palmetto Saddle C lub for their hard work and successful show.

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Kayleigh Mesimer-Smith Caitlyn Duschel Rickey Ingle Rhonda Ingle

Kayleigh Mesimer-Smith Jena Pulliam Rickey Ingle Rhonda Ingle


Patricia Hiott Riley Robinson Jada Polk Drake Blackwell Hensley Hammond Mike Rabon

Patricia Hiott Riley Robinson David Polk Drake Blackwell Hensley Hammond Mike Rabon


Ronnie & Ruth Logsdon John Callicutt


Cole Nelson


Jada Polk Tred & Anne Hunt Benj amin Pulliam


Heiden & Wells


Elizabeth Thomas Cade McAllister

Justin & Angie Kolh Bill McAllister


Carol Dickerson

McGee & Dickerson


J C McCary Drake Blackwell Hensley Hammond

Lyn Lewis Drake Blackwell Hensley Hammond


Jennifer Spivey Macy Woody Pam Smith

Greg Kiser Anne Hunt Judy Giggs


Kim Back (SC) Mike Rabon Graceann White

Cathy Cummings Billy White


Kaitlyn Peeler Caitlyn Duschel

Kaitlyn Peeler Caitlyn Duschel


Bill McAllister Justin Kohl Heiden & Wells


Cliff Rivers C

liff Rivers


Pat Ireland Brenna Austin Rickey Ingle Kim Back (SC) Tom Kakassy

Pat Ireland Phil Austin Rickey Ingle Kim Back (SC) Tom Kakassy


ustin ohl Bryant Norwood

Tony heffield Cole Nelson


Camden McCallister Tripp McCallister


Kelly Manis


Judy Griggs Cora Fish

Judy Griggs Cora Fish


Drake Blackwell Hensley Hammond


Joey Dunn Debbie Wells Caiden Seay Tom Kakassy

Joe & Irene Dunn Heiden & Wells


Sandra Livingston

Joseph Livingston


Brenna Austin

Phil Austin


Joe Manis Pam Smith

Joe Manis David Boyce


Macy Woody Rhonda Ingle

Susan Wolfgang Rhonda Ingle


Tyler Baucom

Jerry Hewitt

Tom Kakassy


John Callicutt Jerry Hewitt


Jodi Livingston Phil Austin


Blake Drew Bryant Norwood Austin Lyall Kathy Jamison Graceann White

Heiden & Wells Bryant Norwood Daphne France Kathy Jamison Graceann White


Joey Dunn Tony

Wayne Roberts


Jena Hayes Cathy Cummings


Drake Blackwell


Joe & Irene Dunn Heiden & Wells Tony heffield McCormick & Boyce

Joey Dunn Macy Woody Bryan Barnhill David Boyce


Pat Ireland Rickey Ingle Kim Back (SC) Jena Pulliam


Gary Kiser Heiden & Wells

Bryan Barnhill Blake Drew


Bob Hill Aubrey McCormick Tony arah heffield

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Who’s Who is The Scoop’s directory for everything you need in the Walking Horse Industry. The directory is printed in each publication and is also available on our FREE website To get your listing added call The Scoop 931-680-5696.


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CLOTHING/APPAREL MARSHA DeARRIAGA, LLC Equestrian riding apparel; ready made and custom western and saddle seats. “The Choice of Champions in Fine Equestrian Apparel.” Marsha Shepard. Located at 115 South Side Square, Shelbyville, TN 37160. Call 931-684-3500, fax 931-684-6544 or email marshadea@ ROY ROGERS WESTERN WEAR Located at 1708 Huntsville Hwy., Fayetteville, TN 37334. Call 931-438-4052. Hours: Mon.-Sat. 8-5, Sun. 1-4. BLING TIE AFFAIR One of a Kind Swarovski Chrystal Enhanced Designer Ties. Contact Patti Pollack at 408-202-5752 or email wiphome@ 14500 Big Basin Way Saratoga, CA 95070 VICTOR’S RIDING APPAREL Custom riding apparel at it s finest 906 Madison St. Shelbyville, TN M-Sat. 10:30-4:00 615-377-3008 or 615-838-3838 FEED DISTRIBUTORS ALL FEED “Whatever The Need All Feed” Bulk & Bag Sales/GMO & Non GMO Feeds. Joe F. Green, Sr. 931-310-0063 Jgreen.allfeed@ Pleasant Shade, TN & Hillsboro, AL INSURANCE CRAWFORD INSURANCE Farm-Ranch-Equine-Home-Auto-Life Insurance Call Dean Crawford, Agent 931-225-7010 101 Northside Circle Suite A Shelbyville, TN 37160

JONES EQUINE INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Providing all types of insurance coverage for the horseman. Full mortality, maj or medical, prospective foal, farm & liability and workers’ compensation. Contact Bobby Jones at 1330 Moberly Road, Richmond, KY 40475. Phone 859-893-1097, fax 859-369-7952, or email bj onesins@ Whitney McConnell Davis - phone 901-292-5598, fax 615-395-4152 or email whittermac23@ MARKEL INSURANCE COMPANY Providing coverage for horses and horse-related businesses for over forty years. Whether you ride for pleasure or competitively, owning a horse is a substantial commitment. The horse people at Markel can help you protect the emotional and financial investment you ve made. Coverage s include agreed value horse mortality with optional medical/ surgical plans, farm pack and liability only policies, independent trainer/instructor liability and

excess/ umbrella liability. P.O. Box 1094 Murfreesboro, TN 37133. Contact Bill Carrington at 615-8901163 or Holly Liddell Sanders at 931-703-0267 or visit

NUTRITION-DIET IT WORKS Independent Distributor Norma Beal . 931-703-2733 Facebook: Norma Bledsoe Beal Instagram: normabledsoebeal

PHOTOGRAPHERS BARR STUDIOS Marty & Jennifer Barr 1911 Bel Aire Dr. • Tullahoma, TN 37388 j ennifer@ • JACK GREENE, PHOTOGRAPHER Located at P. O. Box 33, Christiana, TN 37037. Call 615-893-3993 or visit www.j JAMIE MCCOY PHOTOGRAPHY Now booking for horse shows. Also, portraits, action shots or conformation shots on location or at your farm/training barn. Other photography available, including senior and family portraits. Located in Corinth, MS. Call 662-808-0323 or email j mmccoy@ Portfolio at http://photosby amie.photore PHOTOS BY NAT Natasha Douglas, Photographer. Offering extraordinary show horse photography in the ring and at the farm. Serving the eastern United States and beyond ocated at 2212 rog evel oad, Ewing, VA 24248. Call 865-585-4083, email tasha@ or visit PJ WAMBLE PHOTOGRAPHY View and order proofs online at www.pj Located at 1245 Cochran Cemetery Road, Lewisburg, TN 37091. Call or fax 931-359-6363 or call cell 931993-7353. SANDRA HALL PHOTOGRAPHY ocated at 2, Bo 111, Chesterfield, C 29 09. Call 843-623-6652. SHANE SHIFLET PHOTOGRAPHY Located at 2767 Lazy Pine Rd., Randleman, NC 27317. Call 336-318-2116, fax 336-318-2764 or visit www.shaneshi SID ABERNATHY PHOTOGRAPHY Specializing in equine photography, including horse shows, on the farm and stallion, family and senior portraits. Sid Abernathy, P. O. Box 12, Shannon, MS 38868. Call 662-767-8281 or 662-401-0822, email Jsid46@ or visit http://www.sid. photore TERRY YOUNG PHOTOGRAPHY Located at P. O. Box 54911, Lexington, KY 40555.

Call 859-264-8579, 859-263-3623 or email terryyoung@ TLC PHOTOGRAPHY Booking horse shows now Teresa Castle, P. . Box 176, Means, KY 40346. Call 606-768-4221, 606-768-2457 or visit TOM OAKLEY PHOTOGRAPHY Horse shows, portraits and action shots. Will transfer your home movies, photos or slides to DVD. Located at 132 Mankin St., La Vergne, TN 37086. Call 615-213-2931, 615-347-3835, email tomandelaine@ or visit REAL ESTATE ADAM JOHNSON AT BOB PARKS AUCTION CO. LLC. 535 W. Northfield Blvd. uite 1 urfreesboro, TN 37129 931-685-2010 or 931-703-6081 Cell Aj auctions83@ FIRST REALTY GROUP Robert Brindley, Jr. Owner/Broker Cell: 931-703-4663 ffice: 931-363-2644 113 North First Street Pulaski, TN 38478 robert@ • TY IRBY, ALC, GRI

Accredited Land Consultant Cell: 615-663-2200 tyirby@ CRYE-LEIKE, REALTORS 1139 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN 37129 ffice: 615-895-9518 RIDING INSTRUCTORS BALLENTINE FARMS RIDING ACADEMY Full-time riding academy, boarding, and sales facility. essons and summer camp. Gift certificates available. Producing North Carolina’s most accomplished riders. Located at 6921 Sunset Lake Road, Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526. Call 919-552-3536. TACK BEDFORD TACK, INC. anufacturers and importers of fine quality horse equipment at competitive prices (retail and wholesale). Large selection of English and Western attire. Call for catalog. Located 8 miles north of Shelbyville. Located at 148 Ebb Joyce Road, Bell Buckle, TN 37020. Order toll free at 1-800-523-4971, fax 931-437-2211 or visit

CASS SERVICES HEAVY TRUCK & EQUIPMENT, SALES & SERVICE Sandblasting, Painting, Welding, Repairs,

Who’s Who is The Scoop’s directory for everything you need in the Walking Horse Industry. The directory is printed in each publication and is also available on our FREE website To get your listing added call The Scoop 931-680-5696.


Horse Trailers & Equipment 2524 Hwy. 231 N. Shelbyville, TN 931-492-4800 VETERINARY SERVICES EQUINE SERVICES LLC Dr. John Bennett Dr. Belinda Mendenhall Dr. Steve Mullins Dr. Nichole Dammann 3515 Hwy 231 North Shelbyville, TN 37160 Fax: 931-437-2466 E-mail: ALABAMA CHOOSE YOUR GAIT FARM A Full time Equestrian Center – specializing in Training, Breeding & Sales. Announcing Elysium: The South’s newest Multi-Function Facility located inside Choose Your Gait Farm. Plan to have your next event here! Danville, Alabama 256-426-0749 CALIFORNIA POLLACK’S SILVER SPUR RANCH Training, Boarding and Breeding Facility. Sherri & Patti Pollack, Owners, Justus Carter, Trainer. 14990 Columbet Ave. Sam Martin, CA 95046 Phone 408-667-1080 GEORGIA CARL EDWARDS & SONS STABLES, INC (Walking Horses) Training and Sales Facility Larry and Gary Edwards 689 Horse Farm Road Dawson, GA 39843 229-698-3070 PRICE STABLES TRAINING FACILITY Trainers: Alan and Nick Price. Fairmount, Georgia. Alan- 770-324-4685 Nick- 770-362-8931 KENTUCKY COTTONWOOD FARMS Walking Horse Training & Sales Facility. “Where Your next Champion is Made” Cotton Road Corbin, Kentucky. Contact us at 606-526-6946 barn or 606-422-8897 Ryan Cell Quality Horses For Sale At All Times YELLOWSTONE FARM Grayson, KY Tennessee Walking Horses For Sale Weanlings-Yearlings-Broodmares Sired by the Industries’ Top Stallions Van Stephens - Phone: 740-352-6060 NORTH CAROLINA ACADEMY at BAYFIELD FARM Tennessee Walking Horse Training. Riding Lessons available with 3 TWH Certified Instructors. Boarding, and Sales. School and Summer Camps. Located less than one hour from Raleigh. Standing at Stud

WC Allen’s Avenger & WGC Dillon’s Law and Order, both Reg. TWH & SSH. 6025 Highway 96 North, Oxford, NC 27565 Kevin Gilliam, Trainer/Instructor, 919-691-2569

WINDING CREEK STABLES Training, boarding, breeding, mare care. Mare and foals for sale at all times. Farm 865-376-4477.

BALLENTINE FARMS RIDING ACADEMY Walking and Spotted Saddle Horses - Full-time riding academy, boarding and sales facility. Lessons and summer camp. Gift certificates available. Producing North Carolina’s most accomplished riders. New Wedding Venue. Located conveniently near Raleigh, NC at 6921 Sunset Lake Road, Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526. Call 919-552-3536.

WISER FARMS/TRIPLE “M” FARMS 1112 Hwy 64 West, ,Shelbyville, Tennessee 37160. Ann McWaters- 334-790-9653. LaRue McWaters334-797-1827 Performance Horses & Yearlings Limited RV Sites Available

BAUCOM STABLES Training and Sales Facility. Tyler Baucom, Trainer. Monroe, North Carolina. 704-989-0788 TENNESSEE 5 STAR FARMS Full Service Training and Sales Facility Trainer- Brandon Givens (865) 740-5878 Manager- Terry Givens (865) 389-5541 Located in Rogersville, TN CARRIE MARTIN TRAINING Walking Horse Training Facility 3065 Old Columbia Road Lewisburg, TN 37091 (352)-242-7683 EQUIKNOX FARMS Trainer Knox Blackburn Now accepting Outside Horses! Contact Us Today! Equiknox Farms 3041 Duplex Rd, Spring Hill, Tn 615-310-3151 FORMAC STABLES Walking horse training and sales facility. Jimmy McConnell, Trainer. 731-884-9135, Shelbyville, TN LEATHERWOOD FARM Full time Training and Sales Facility 2799 Finley Beech Road Lewisburg, TN 37091 931-224-2968 Do business where business is being done!

XENA HORSE FARM BOARDING AND TRAINING 2523 Midland Road Shelbyville, TN 37160 Full, Partial and stall rent available. Discounts for multiple horses. Patty Biggs, Owner, 214-208-0050 Russ Bene’t, Business & Farm Manager 931-4924601. TEXAS McDODI FARM AND STABLES Training, boarding and riding instructions. Show and trail horses for sale. Dr. Jim and Dodi Speece, owners Marco Suarez, trainer Kim Lewis, riding instructor 817-614-0623 (Dodi) 817-896-7073 (Barn) Email or visit our website Located in Burleson, Texas WEST VIRGINIA PAINTER FARMS. Breeding and Training Standing at Painter Farms... ARMED DANGEROUS PREMIER Stud Fee: $300 MONEY MAN Stud Fee: $300 For information, contact: Brian K. Painter, 304-541-6661 69 Saskatoon Lane Red House, WV 25168

MICKEY MCCORMICK STABLES AT SUMMER WIND FARM A Walking Horse Breeding and Training Facility 1450 Highway 64 West Shelbyville, TN 931-703-9997 RUSS THOMPSON STABLES Training, Boarding and Breeding Facility. 2417 Midland Rd. Shelbyville, TN Russ Thompson 909-226-9671(Cell) WHITE OAK FARM Breeding, training and sales facility. Robert and Lisa Marbry, Owners. Standing at stud: Silver Express, Stud Fee: $550. Located at 10023 Rosemark Road, Atoka, TN 38004. Call the office 901-458-4314, barn 901-829-3303, fax 901-458-9792, email lbrock9526@ or visit

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Suzanne Reynolds Is Whistlin’ Blues

When one experiences a moment that takes their breath away, the mind and heart tend to safely tuck it away, making it a memory to relive over and over. One of those moments took place on Friday evening, M arch 18th during the recent National Trainers’ Show. It was a moment that Suzanne R eynolds wants to remember forever. After 15 years of being away from the Tennessee Walking Horse industry, Suzanne entered the show ring with hope and exited the show ring with a blue ribbon. The win occurred in the Pro/ Am class while sharing the reins with trainer, Jo rdan C audill. The background portion of this story is a major part of understanding the full impact this moment played in Suzanne’s life. Suzanne and her brother, E ddie, were raised by their parents Acie and Kate Walker in C hatham, V irginia. L ike many in the Walking Horse industry, Suzanne grew up loving horses. She always had a passion to learn as much as she could about them. While many of her schoolmates had horses, Suzanne’s family did not, but they were still very involved. E ach year when the Bright L eaf C elebration came around, Acie Walker would be found cooking the chicken in the V FW booth, her brother E ddie served as the runner and Suzanne presented the ribbons. In fact, Suzanne was so mesmerized by the beautiful breed that she would collect as many of the braided show ribbons that she could after each class. As years went by, Suzanne continued to be around horses, but did not own one until after she married Henry. They purchased a Spotted Walking Horse named R usty. This purchase was something Suzanne had dreamed of her entire life. The R eynolds

Henry and Suzanne celebrate at the recent N ational Trainers’ Show af ter her blue ribbon return. Family consists of Henry, Suzanne and their children Je romy, eather and e an. ll en o ed horses so ust was definitel a loved animal. M egan eventually developed an interest in the padded Walking Horse, so after some searching, the family owned their first per or an e horse. This horse would soon throw a curve ball in Suzanne’s horse plans. Once she rode it, she loved it and she was hooked. Suzanne suddenly found herself competing against her peers and decided to reach out to other female riders for advice; one being Debbie Simpson. Suzanne credits Debbie with showing her so much about riding, exhibiting and presenting a padded Walking Horse. Suzanne’s respect for Debbie’s work ethic and “magic hands” is abundant. Debbie is the daughter of Walking Horse trainer W.D. Tosh so the skills came naturally. As days passed, Suzanne felt it was time to get more serious about competing. She had the skills and the knowledge to compete, but she needed the right horse. After a trip to Southridge Farms in Shelbyville, Tennessee, the family owned a new horse, Beam’s Warstorm. This purchase connected Suzanne with Paul C ampbell. He was very good with amateurs and taught her more technical skills about padded horses. There were also other horses that were special to the R eynolds Family. Two of those were Touche’ Touche’ and M asterpiece By C ash. While everyone in the family continued showing, the enjoyment of the sport was diminishing for Suzanne. A burnout was

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Suzanne Reynolds

quickly approaching as she trained, exhibited, groomed, ran the errands and got everyone’s show clothes prepared. This did not include the chores of her daily routines with family, home and farm work. It was at the R aleigh State Fair Horse Show that she rode out of the ring and hung her spurs up for the last time. She was done. Throughout Suzanne’s absence from the show ring, the R eynolds Family grew. The kids married and now have families of their own, giving Henry and Suzanne 8 grandchildren. It just so happened, that one of those grandchildren played an important role in Suzanne’s return. Five-year-old Harper loves horses and wanted to learn to ride. Suzanne and the family always talked about their past involvement with horses, and the grandchildren still love hearing those stories, especially the ones about their M iM i and PaPa winning. The horse fever has been passed down to a new generation which includes young Harper. Her parent’s searched for a riding instructor and found one. Her name is Debbie Simpson. Through Harper’s riding lessons, Debbie and Suzanne were reconnected and the rest is history.

A special picture as Henry won the M en’s Specialty class at the 201 J av a, V A show and was presented an award f rom Suzanne’s mother, K ate.

C hris and Debbie Simpson celebrated with Suzanne and Henry R eynolds af ter Suzanne’s Trainers’ Show v ictory lap. Debbie and Suzanne are looking f orward to a great year.

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With some encouragement from Henry, Debbie and other family members, Suzanne decided to return to competitive showin . ast all the uest be an to find the ri ht horse. n Ja nuary, Suzanne visited Kentucky and rode Whistlin’ Dixie. The talented stallion consumed Suzanne’s thoughts while on her search for a new horse. Suzanne discussed others with Henry and Debbie but she kept going back to Whistlin’ Dixie. She fondly recalls the moment after she rode him. “It was an instant connection. I stood in the cross-ties with him and talked to him like he was a human. I told him I would own him one day. I wasn’t sure of the time, but I knew in my heart, from that moment, I would own Whistlin’ Dixie.”

F rom an older purchase ad with the crew f rom C allaways Stables and C hris and Debbie Simpson.

After a sleepless night trying to make a purchase decision, she prayed and asked God to remove the stallion from her thoughts if it wasn’t meant to be. The next day, the horse was still on her mind so she asked Henry to call and see if they could possibly purchase a percentage of him. He soon returned with the verdict. Suzanne owned Whistlin’ Dixie. Not a small percentage, but all of him. Suzanne’s one request was Debbie be part of the journey. Debbie was honored and is now part-owner of Whistlin’ Dixie. The partnership decided while preparing for a new journey they would keep the horse in Kentucky.

B e yo n d t h e R i n g …

Suzanne Reynolds

While getting ready for the 2021 show year, it was decided that the National Trainers’ Show would be their first stop. During their preparation time, Suzanne discovered that Brad Beard started the horse, and soon after, he went to Blaise Broccard. She credits these two trainers for developing the stallion’s natural talents from his beginning and making him a great contender. As the National Trainers’ Show arrived, so did the excitement. The plan was to put Debbie in the Four Year Old Amateur class, but as everyone knows, plans are apt to change. On the Friday of the Trainers’ Show, Suzanne was informed that she would be showing that evening. Because she wasn’t expecting to ride, she didn’t bring her show clothes. Following some very quick purchases and about 8 minutes of saddle time (and some nerve-settling advice from Debbie), Suzanne entered the show ring after a 15 year absence and rode out with a blue ribbon aboard her horse of a lifetime, Whistlin’ Dixie. It was a moment that brought tears of joy, followed by many hugs in the winners’ circle. After the Trainers’ Show, Suzanne and Debbie are returning full circle and decided to train together again. Whistlin’ Dixie will be campaigned in the Amateur Four Year Old Stallions division this year. One thing is for certain; don’t count out this “Girl Power” partnership. With their work ethic, their enthusiasm, their skills and their talented stallion, great things are bound to happen. The Scoop congratulates Suzanne on her remarkable comeback and we wish her, Debbie and Whistlin’ Dixie continued success.

Suzanne pictured with Rusty, the first horse that she and Henry purchased.

Suzanne aboard Beam’s Warstorm.

Henry taking his turn showing Touche’ Touche’.

Suzanne’s 5 year-old granddaughter, Harper, is how Suzanne was reconnected with Debbie Simpson and her reason to return to the show ring. The Scoop / Page 83

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