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The Scoop, Inc. 409 Elm Street, P. O. Box 1658, Shelbyville, TN 37162-1658 931-680-5696 • 931-680-2860 (fax)


Jacquelyn Elliott Way

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Michelle Schoenvogel

ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Laura Brandon Emma Ingram Sally Reiley Michelle Schoenvogel

EDITOR Jeffrey McGee GRAPHIC DESIGNER Crystal Carter

V isit u s on F ac eb ook !

The Scoop Walking Horse Publication (ISSN 15551040) is published semi-monthly, except monthly in January and February by The Scoop Inc, 409 Elm St, Shelbyville TN 37160. Periodicals Postage Paid at Shelbyville TN and at additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: The current subscription rate is $50.00/ year but is subject to change without notice. Foreign subscriptions may be subject to additional charges depending upon shipping costs. All foreign subscriptions must first contact the publication office at the address listed on this page prior to receiving subscription rights.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Scoop Walking Horse Publication, PO Box 1658, Shelbyville TN 371621658. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: In the event of address changes, please contact The Scoop, Inc. in writing and allow one month advance notice. Please include the address portion of your last available paper, and make a note as to the date in which you would like the change to take place.

DEADLINE: Advertising deadline is Wednesday at noon of each week. PREPARATORY WORK: All work such as sketches, copy, art design, logo design formats created or furnished by The Scoop, Inc. shall remain the business property unless otherwise agreed in writing. The Scoop claims no responsibility for any misrepresentations that may occur as a result of submitted materials. These materials may include photographs, text, suggestions, ideas and editorials, but are not limited to this listing. Any party submitting The Scoop agrees to dismiss The Scoop from any and all liability in the case that a conflict arises as a result of that materials publication.

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A R A Ban et ............................................57 a t Barn arty ........................................40 K R A Ban et..........................................28 eart f i ie Sprin S o a e ....................76 A i oint A ard .............................41 Stone all arm Barn arty ............................36 AA Barn arty ...........................................22 A A ademy S oolin ...........................8 6

INFORMATION e ....................................................... 26 la e o Be............................................ 35 o o .............................................. 6 2


.................................Carolina Hustle .......................................I’m Mayhem ................................. Jose’s El Zorro .................................. Ally Jo Jacobs

A Home Run By Ted ............................21 A King Thing ..........................................2 A Kin fi ............................................74 A Kingpin ...............................................2 A i ty o e ........................................4 Ab ol t erfe t ini .......................47 Ab ol t erfe t Strea ......................47 A ley ray ........................................31 A a Simon ......................................8 , 9 Beyond e Border ............................6 8 Bl emian R ap ody ..........................13 Bo rbon Street ....................................16 Bra o ..................................................33 B bble m.........................................75 abo Ami o .........................................41 arolina arra ay ..............................38 arlie erfe t An el .......................56 la i a ........................................13 ontemporary a .............................9 2 orner leaner ....................................6 7 a t Sprin lin la S eet .......14 l e i o ............................................6 5 ape rom Al atra .........................32 ore t S ado arm ........................24 en A i ty.......................................8 0 enerated By ol om..........................20 en ine i .....................................75 i i a e ti ....................................9 2 old Bro er ........................................8 4 re a .........................................6 7 n o ...............................................41 ey om at............................................1 onored n e a ..................................2 m n e a ...................................17 m S yy Bla .....................................56 t e edali t ..................................70 ordan Bo ti e................................6 4 etail ............................................6 7 ayden a on ...................................31 a Boy .............................................25 o e ne iner..................................6 5 o e o er Bro er............................8 1 t arlotte .....................................8 5

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SHOW, INC. RELEASES INFORMATION S ill be implementin t e trai t line al and f ll fi re in inspection. Please use the diagram below as a visual of what is expected of everyone presenting a horse for inspection.

We want the latest Scoop… Send your News items to The Scoop! (931-680-5696) or



Jay and Joanna Mitchell enjoyed a father/daughter moment at the recent WHAA Barn Party and Colt Preview that took place in Danville, Alabama. These two smiles prove that they are very excited about the upcoming show year.

CANTRELL STABLES WELCOMES FFA Bill Cantrell Stables, located in Phenix City, Alabama, recently hosted a tour of their facilities. Those attending the tour were the Future Farmers of America Club from Columbus, Georgia. These FFA members will participate in a state- wide competitive equine competition. Bill and Dee Cantrell were delighted to be part of the 11th and 12th graders learning experience.

FAST SPRING SHOWCASE The FAST Spring Showcase has announced the judges for their horse show that will take place April 16 th & 17th at Calsonic Arena. Marking the cards will be John Fikes, Newton Parks and Sam Sorrell. For more information about the show’s seating or sponsorships, call 9 31- 58 0 - 50 8 5.

TRAINERS’ SHOW JUDGES The WHTA National Trainers’ Show will take place March 18 th – 20 th at Calsonic Arena in Shelbyville, Tennessee. Three judges will mark the cards for the three- day event. They are Wayne Dean, Newton Parks and Johnny Puckett. Page 26 / The Scoop

The Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Association is proud to once again offer the Youth Medallion Program for the 20 21 show ea on. i la en o ra e yo t rider to learn and be ome profi ient at the canter. It is a great way for our industry to regain the canter, and to reward our youth for achieving excellence at this level. Youth Medallion classes will be offered at various horse shows throughout the year. The Medallion program consists of two divisions, performance and pleasure, each division with its own end- of- year award. Riders will receive points determined by their placings in these two divisions, with the rider accumulating the most points in each division receiving an educational scholarship valued at $ 50 0 .0 0 . Guidelines for the Youth Medallion Classes are: • Open to all youth riders, age 17 and under( age as of January 1) . • Ownership of the horse is not required. Stallions are not allowed. • Two Medallion Classes exist, one for Flat- Shod horses and one for erforman e or e , performin all t ree ait at al , r nnin al , and canter. • The rider, not the horse, accumulates points awarded for placing and participating in the class. Therefore, riders are not required to show the same horse throughout the season. • • A $ 50 0 college scholarship will be awarded in each division to the rider accumulating the most points for the current year. Points of Interest for Show Managers • There is no cost to a horse show to provide these classes. • All medallions, ribbons, and payout will be provided to the horse show. • Payout for medallion classes will be $ 75, $ 50 , $ 40 , $ 30 , $ 20 , all paid by TWHBEA. • There is no entry fee to be collected for Medallion classes. At S affiliated o , t e in pe tion fee for edallion entrie will be $ 5.0 0 . Any horse show manager interested in adding Medallion classes at his/ her show should contact Mallory Maddox at ( 9 31) 359 - 1574, mmaddox@, or Chris Hazelwood at ( 9 31) 215- 2255, chazelwood@ twhbea. com.

ro ram, rod t and Ser i e eli ery er ee de i n, mar etin , promotion, deli ery and ality of pro ram and er i e . Helps to develop and maintain a full digital marketing strategy of the Celebration and its resources and update and improve all current di ital platform .

PRESS RELEASE FROM TWHNC 3/10/21 CELEBRATION BEGINS SEARCH FOR NEW CEO The Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration recently posted its openin for it ief e ti e ffi er po ition. e elebration a appointed a search committee that has been tasked with updating the ob de ription to better re e t t e re pon ibilitie and e pe tation of t e po ition, ad erti e t e openin and reen t e initial andidate . e ommittee ill re ommend t e top andidate to t e board for final inter ie . The Celebration has been without a CEO since the resignation of Mike nman in September of la t year. e elebration fo for a ne ill enter aro nd t e mar etin of t e elebration fa ilitie and ability to attract more equine and agricultural events that are longer in duration and utilize more of the facilities, especially the stalls and camp ro nd . e ill remain in ar e of t e elebration e ent , in l din t e orld ampion ip or e o ea A t. Resumes will be accepted until Friday March 26 th in the initial round of t e ear it inter ie to be in in t e fir t o ple of ee of April. The goal would be to have a new CEO in place prior to the Spring Fun S o in late ay. All re me ill be ent to onnie Allen at allen t n . om. A full job description follows: ob itle ief e ti e ffi er enne ee al in or e ational Celebration® Function: To implement the strategic goals and objectives of the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration® to enable the Board to f lfill it o ernan e f n tion . To give direction and leadership toward the achievement of the enne ee al in or e ational elebration p ilo op y, mi ion, ro t trate y, and ob e ti e . o pro ide an o erall i ion for t e or ani ation t at in ol e ma imi in t e elebration e of it a et and to provide the maximum impact on the Bedford County community ile al o re o ni in t e i tory and tradition of t e e ent and en e. Reports To: Board of Directors a or n tion eader ip e elop , omm ni ate , and implements strategies that capitalize on the assets of the organization it a fo on bot ort term and lon term ro t . Be able to effectively communicate strategic direction to board, association member and taff.

inan ial, a , Ri and a ilitie ana ement Re ommend yearly budget for Board approval and prudently manages Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration® resources within those budget ideline a ordin to rrent la and re lation . ro ide effective reporting and key performance indicators to board members mont ly and to a o iation member ann ally. omm nity and bli Relation A re t e enne ee al in Horse National Celebration® and its mission, programs, products and services are consistently presented in a positive image in the lo al and rro ndin omm nitie . t i imperati e t at t e of The Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration® be an effective communicator, active member of the Bedford County community and be able to represent the Tennessee Walking Horse National elebration in a profe ional manner. t i i ly re ommended t at t e li e in or relo ate to Bedford o nty. orporate Spon or ip Re pon ible for elebration orporate sponsor program and growing this program through both Walking or e pon or a ell a lo al and national brand t at fit t e profile to tili e t i type pon or ip. ndrai in i a ey omponent of this job and will determine the overall success of the position as well as the overall success of the Tennessee Walking Horse National elebration . ent ana ement ill be re pon ible for t e mana ement of all internal and e ternal e ent on t e ro nd of t e elebration. ill work with management of all shows to make sure they are carried out in a profe ional manner. a imi e t e e of fa ilitie for all e ent on grounds of Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration® with a fo on e ine e ent and e of tall . Sale ar etin ill be re pon ible for mar etin of all fa ilitie on the show grounds of the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration® and maximizing the use of all facilities with a focus on brin in additional a ri lt re and pe ifi ally ompetiti e e ine events to Shelbyville alifi ation Strong sense of customer service Equine background Sales and/or marketing experience Strong communication skills Facility management Previous management experience B. S. e ree Previous leadership experience Salary Range: Base Pay Plus Incentives of $ 125K- $ 175K Standard e ti e e el Benefit lea e end re me to allen t n . om or mail to . . Bo 1 1 , S elby ille, 1 . e deadline to re ei e re me ill be riday, ar , 1. f yo a e e tion plea e all 1 1 t. 1 .

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EKWRHA Celebrates High Point Achievements PR ESTONB U R G , K Y - The Eastern K entucky Walki ng and R acki ng Horse Association met on the afternoon of Ja nuary 2 5th at the Je nny Wiley State Park and held their annual awards ceremony. It was more of a “ laid back” atmosphere this year as an afternoon luncheon and snacks were provided. Overall winners receiving awards were as follows: Trainer of the Y ear- Steve Swinford, Ju venile of the Y ear- Caroline Stanley, Amateur of the Y ear- Delaney Parsons, Pleasure Horse Person of the Y ear- Caroline Stanley, Pleasure Horse of the Y ear- Commanding The Coach, and Performance Horse of the Y ear- Hawk’ s True Love.

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2020 EKWRHA High Point Awards

LEAD LINE Brylee Barker OPEN JUVENILE PLEASURE HORSE OR PONY 1st - Commanding the Coach Keeton Graves, Lindsay Bennett &Truann Gravett 2nd Patches Boss Lady 3rdLet’s Get Rowdy 4th Miss Lady Antebellum 5th Dancing in the Rain

Taylor Lambert Caroline Stanley Hannah Varney Kinsley Cunningham

Jennifer Lambert Steve Swinford Hannah Varney Kinsley Cunningham

Regina Swinford & Steve Swinford Jennifer Lambert Stanley & Swinford Hanna Varney Kinsley Cunningham

OPEN LADIES’ AND MENS’ PLEASURE 1st Commanding the Coach Keeton Graves, Lindsay Bennett, Truann Gravett 2nd Coaches Strike 3rd Jose Loco 4th Miss Lady Antebellum 5th Tenderly 5th American Bling

Julie George Delaney Parsons Hannah Varney Liz Thomas Lindsay Bennett

KEG SHOD COUNTRY PLEASURE 1st Let’s Get Rowdy Caroline Stanley

Regina Swinford & Steve Swinford Julie George Billy Howard Carla Parsons Delaney Parsons Hannah Varney Hanna Varney Graham & Liz Thomas Jimmy Norris Regina Swinford Steve Swinford Stanley & Swinford

Steve Swinford

AMATEUR COUNTRY PLEASURE PLEASURE WALKING 1st Let’s Get Rowdy Caroline Stanley Stanley & Swinford Steve Swinford 2nd San Jose Jose Liz Thomas Graham & Liz Thomas Jimmy Norris 3rd Down N Dirty Hannah Varney Hannah Varney Hannah Varney OPEN JUVENILE 17 & UNDER COUNTRY PLEASURE 1st Let’s Get Rowdy Caroline Stanley

Stanley & Swinford

OPEN COUNTRY PLEASURE 4 & UNDER 1st Let’s Get Rowdy Caroline Stanley 2nd San Jose Jose Liz Thomas 3rd Down N Dirty Hannah Varney

Stanley & Swinford Steve Swinford Graham & Liz Thomas Jimmy Norris Hannah Varney Hannah Varney

Steve Swinford

AMATEUR COUNTRY PLEASURE PLEASURE WALKING 1st Let’s Get Rowdy Caroline Stanley Stanley & Swinford Steve Swinford 2nd San Jose Jose Liz Thomas Graham & Liz Thomas Jimmy Norris 3rd Down N Dirty Hannah Varney Hannah Varney Hannah Varney AMATEUR TRAIL PLEASURE WALKING 1st Another Aspen Delaney Parsons 2nd Talkin’ Dirty to Me Caroline Stanley rd o ered By ommotion o i i field

Carla Parsons Stanley & Swinford Brenda i field

Delaney Parsons Steve Swinford o i i field

OPEN TRAIL PLEASURE WALKING 1st Another Aspen Delaney Parsons 2nd Talkin’ Dirty to Me Caroline Stanley 3rd Willie’s Pistol Annie Johnna Barker 4th A Taste of Tennessee Wiskey Tisha Cole

Carla Parsons Stanley & Swinford Johnna Barker Tisha Cole

Delaney Parsons Steve Swinford Johnna Barker Tisha Cole

OPEN TRAIL PLEASURE JUVENILE WALKING 1st Talkin’ Dirty to Me Caroline Stanley

Stanley & Swinford

Steve Swinford

PLANTATION PLEASURE OPEN SPECIALTY 1st Spotted Allen Patches Jennifer Lambert 2nd Overpass Joey Tackett rd olf a ter Brenda i field

Jennifer Lambert Brooks Tackett Brenda i field

Jennifer Lambert Brooks Tackett o i i field

THREE YEAR OLD WALKING HORSE 1st YR Springsteen Doug Stephens 2nd YS Tangled Up in Blue Doug Stephens 3rd X S Sunrise Serenade Doug Stephens

Chris Adkins Chris Adkins Jackson Stephens

Doug Stephens Doug Stephens Doug Stephens

FOUR YEAR OLD WALKING HORSE 1st YS Sunrise Serenade Doug Stephens 2nd YS Luck Doug Stephens

Jackson Stephens Jackson Stephens

Doug Stephens Doug Stephens

OPEN AMATEUR SPECIALTY WALKING 1st A Shotgun Rider Lisa Newsom 1st Ted’s Beaming Hellcat Adam Mabry 2nd Gen’s Thunder Maker Adam Mabry

Tim & Lisa Newsom Kelli MaGaw Adam Mabry

Lisa Newsom DF Stephens DF Stephens

AOT SPECIALTY WALKING 1st Drug Deal 2nd Santander

Joey Tackett Brooke Newsom

Brooks Tackett Brooke Newsom

Brooks Tackett Brooke Newsom

JUVENILE WALKING HORSE 1st Pro Time 2nd The Royal Titelist 3rd Olympic Command

Keeton Graves Taylor Lambert Kinsley Cunningham

Vest & Swinford Tackett & Lambert Tackett & Lambert

Steve Swinford Joey Tackett Joey Tackett

PARK PERFORMANCE WALKING HORSE 1st Sky Full of Gold Jimmy Norris, Brandy Tackett 2nd Acapulco Bay Doug Stephens

Jimmy Norris Chris Adkins

Jimmy Norris Doug Stephens


Kelly MaGaw

DF Stephens

OPEN 15.2 & UNDER WALKING HORSE 1st YS Lennox Adam Mabry 2nd A Shotgun Rider Lisa Newsom

Chris Adkins Lisa Newsom

Doug Stephens Lisa Newsom

Jackson Stephens Lisa Newsom

Doug Stephens Lisa Newsom

o i i field Jennifer Lambert Monica Wallingford

o i i field Jennifer Lambert Kyra Gra

SPOTTED SADDLE TRAIL PLEASURE 1 t o ered By ommotion o i i field nd n ffi ient nd Bella lly 3rd CC’s Miss Priss Bella Tully

o i i field Belly lly Bella Tully

o i i field Bella lly Bella Tully

TRAIL PLEASURE RACKING 1st Ms Belle Meade 2nd Promenade Encore 3rd Eb’s Overcharged 4th Little Armed

Julie George Jaylea Bumpus Shelley Oldham Graham Thomas

Billy Howard Jaylea Bumpus Shelley Oldham Jimmy Norris

TRAIL PLEASURE RACKING JUVENILE 1st Dancing in the Rain Kinsley Cunningham

Kinsley Cunningham

Kinsley Cunningham

PLEASURE RACKING 1st Promenade Encore 2nd Seve’s Delight 3rd Angel’s Heartbeat

Jaylea Bumpus Shelley Oldham Bailey Donohew

Jaylea Bumpus Shelley Oldham Bailey Donohew

Jaylea Bumpus Shelley Oldham Bailey Donohew

RACKING HORSE JUVENILE 17 & UNDER 1st Hawk’s True Love Taylor Lambert

Jennifer Lambert

Jennifer Lambert


Jennifer Lambert

Jennifer Lambert

WALKING HORSE OPEN & CHAMPIONSHIP 1st YS Luck Doug Stephens 2nd Sky Command on Parole Lisa Newsom 2nd Coach Cal Welsey Allen SPOTTED SADDLE HORSE 1 t olf a ter 2nd Spotted Allen Patches 3rd Suns Flying Colors

o i i field Jennifer Lambert Kyra Gray

Julie George Jaylea Bumpus Shelley Oldham Liz Thomas

Jennifer Lambert

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then bring it on! The Scoop is proud to cover these events, and we look forward to covering more. GOOD LUCK to everyone and we look forward to greeting you soon!

PLACES TO BE THE 2021 SHOW YEAR IS HERE! The Tennessee Walking Horse Industry is off to a great 20 21 year! The start has been so exciting with colt previews and barn parties that get everyone hyped up about the upcoming season. Many have enjoyed getting out and catching up on the latest Scoop of the industry. There have already been many colts sold and purchased with the anticipation of a great show year. It all started with David Mast and Jessica Hlebak of Stonewall Farm hosting their annual kickoff event. Many talented pleasure horses were presented at their barn party. Snappwood Farm followed by hosting a barn party and colt preview the last weekend in February in Sevierville, Tennessee. Everyone was excited to see Jimbo Conner’s new facility, some presentations of young colts and visit with fellow horse people. The best part about this weekend was being able to do things in Gatlinburg since it was nearby. e fir t ee end of ar pro ed to be t a f n and e entf l. The North Carolina Walking Horse Association knows how to throw a party, too! They hosted a sneak preview, a fun show and a time of fellowship with friends and food! If you traveled south to Alabama on this same weekend, you could have attended the WHAA’s annual barn party and colt preview. It was held at Choose Your Gate Farm in Danville. This beautiful venue is owned by Kelly Peevy. Continuing on March 6 th was the Premeir Stables Barn Party and Preview. Trainers Nathan Rymer and Clay Sanderson ere ery e ited to el ome e eryone to t eir fir t e ent at t eir new training facility. The Kentucky Walking Horse Association held their annual banquet and presented all their 20 20 High Point Awards. WHOA hosted t eir fir t o of t e ea on and t ey ad t e lar e t t rno t t ey have ever had. With the new show year buzzing all around, many colts have swapped owners and contenders have been purchased for new divisions. It is fair to say 20 21 has successfully kicked off and it is one for the books. If this is a sign of what the year will be,


18 - 20 - Walking Horse Trainers’ Association National Trainers’ Show Shelbyville, TN 19 - 21- Four Beats For Pleasure Spring Premiere Camden, SC 20 - Highway 43 Auction Spring Fling Walking horse Sale Shelbyville, TN 27- Palmetto Saddle Club Show Sumter, SC 27- 28 - WHOA Gaited Horse Clinic Festus, MO


2- 3- Southern Championship Decatur, AL 3- PWHAT Fun Show Shelbyville, TN 6 - 10 - Walking In The Smokies Sevierville, TN 10 - PPWHANC Spring Fling Smit field, 16 - 17- East Tennessee Spring Fling Cleveland, TN 16 - 17- FAST Spring Showcase Shelbyville, TN 17- Palmetto Saddle Club Show Sumter, SC 21- 24- RHBAA Spring Celebration Decatur, AL 24- GWHLA and Exchange Club Show Phenix City, AL 24- Strides Against Cancer Horse Show Broadhead, KY The Scoop / Page 35

Stone Cold at Stonewall Mixer

SHELB Y V ILLE, TN- It was a frigid and cold day on Saturday, F ebruary 13th but that did not stop some of the Walki ng Horse industry’s biggest supporters from attending the annual Mid-Winter Mixer at Stonewall F arms. Trainers Je ssica Hlebak and David Mast, along with their staff, were great hosts and provided everyone attending a fun and warm atmosphere. B esides the gracious hosts, showcasing some talented horses were Ja son Crawhorn, K yle Elliott and R yne White.

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Trainers Welcome Public to Premier Stables SHELB Y V ILLE, TN- Premier Stables kicked off their 0 1 show season by hosting their first barn party and colt preview located at The Meadows. The event was held on Saturday, March th. Trainers athan Rymer and Clay Sanderson welcomed everyone as the day was full of fellowship, fun and a delicious lunch catered by ell uckle Caf . Adding to the day’s excitement was some young and talented colts. Over 0 colts were showcased for everyone to enjoy. The Scoop congratulates Premier Stables on their inaugural event.

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Super Weekend at Snappwood SEV IER V ILLE, TN- On the weeke nd of F ebruary 2 6 th & 2 7 th, Ji mbo Connor, owner of Snappwood F arm, welcomed Walki ng Horse enthusiasts to his brand new facility. This will be the same facility hosting the April show, Walki ng In The Smoki es. Trainers from surrounding states were excited to participate in the Snappwood B arn Party and brought over 7 5 colts to add to the weeke nd’s excitement. Chris Helton is the trainer for Snappwood F arm . The Scoop congratulates Ji mbo Conner and the Snappwood crew on their new facility and successful preview weeke nd.

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PWHAT Honors the Best of 2020 B ELL B U CK LE, TN- Members of the Pleasure Walki ng Horse Association of Tennessee met on Saturday, March 13th and celebrated those who made outstanding accomplishments from the 2 02 0 show year. The event took place at the B ell B uckl e Café B anq uet Hall. The night was q uite perfect as friends were able to fellowship and focus on the beloved Tennessee Walki ng Horse. Some individuals traveled more than 10 hours to participate in the evening’s festivities. PWHAT has released their 2 02 1 Show Series schedule. April 30- Clearview F arm, Shelbyville 10: 00am F un Show May 8- B edford County Ag Center, Shelbyville 10: 00am F un Show Ju ne 5- S.W. B eech Arena, B elfast 10: 00am F un Show Ju ly 10- Ja mes Ward Ag Center, Lebanon 4 : 00pm Ja mboree Dress Show September 18- Je rnigan F ield, Wartrace 10: 00am F un Show October 16 - Marshall County Show G rounds, Lewisburg 10: 00am F un Show

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PWHAT banquet

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PWHAT banquet

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photo by Luka

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The Appalachian Walking & Racking Horse Association Virtual Awards Ceremony

The Appalachian Walki ng & R acki ng Horse Association ( AWR HA) was honored to recognize the achievements of its’ members with a F acebook virtual awards presentation. The 2 02 0 AWR HA V irtual Awards Ceremony was a week- long event that began on F ebruary 15th and finished February 0th with over awards being presented to members in more than six states. High point winners received a professional portrait and social media file from Photos by Luka for their accomplishments. AWRHA gave accolades in six categories for Rider of the Year. These outstanding members accumulated points throughout the show season in Performance, Pleasure, Men’s, Ladies’, Elite and Juvenile categories for their endeavors. Winners included – • K endra W hite for Perform anc e Rider of the Year • Del aney Parsons for Pl easu re Rider of the Year • Darrel l C ol l ins for M en’ s Rider of the Year • J ahl ea B u m p u s for L adies’ Rider of the Year • C arol ine S tanl ey for J u venil e Rider of the Year • J ac k Rader for E l ite Rider of the Year The Rider of the Year recipients received a professional photo, social media file and a soft-shell jacket or vest. The grand finale ended with top credits for the Horse of the Year honorees. Horses were recognized for thirteen distinguished awards • W A L K I N G PE RF O RM A N C E – W here’ s M y C ash w ith L arry G eorge for B ob b y & W hite • W A L K I N G PE RF O RM A N C E W I T H A M A T E U R RI DE R – E c static w ith K ac e, A very and K am den L egg • T RA I L PL E A S U RE W A L K I N G – A nother A sp en w ith Del aney Parsons • C O U N T RY PL E A S U RE W A L K I N G – L et’ s G et Row dy w ith C arol ine S tanl ey • L I T E S HO D W A L K I N G – E nc ore’ s S hak in L ady w ith S am & C arrie M ac e • PL A N T A T I O N / PA RK / C L A S S I C PA RK W A L K I N G – S p otted A l l en Patc hes E S w ith J ennifer & T ay l or L am b ert • N O N - S PE C I F I E D W A L K I N G – J ose L oc o w ith Del aney Parsons for C arl a Parsons • RA C K I N G PE RF O RM A N C E W I T H A M A T E U R RI DE R – J ose’ s Door B u ster w ith A ngie B ank s • C O U N T RY PL E A S U RE RA C K I N G – S il ver E x p l oit Pu sher w ith C am ry n W hite • T RA I L PL E A S U RE RA C K I N G – Prom enade E nc ore w ith J ahl ea B u m p u s • N O N - S PE C I F I E D RA C K I N G – A C l ass A c t w ith J ane T ay l or • S PO T T E D HO RS E – Yank ee’ s S m ok in A ngel w ith J essic a G al ford • N O N - S PE C I F I E D PL E A S U RE – C om m anding T he C oac h for Regina S w inford The honorees received a gorgeous custom designed 3-D statuette from Photos by Luka and a social media file. The AWRHA oard of Directors regrets not be able to offer an in-person award ban uet, but felt strongly members needed to be recognized for their accomplishments which resulted in the concept of offering a irtual Awards Ceremony. AWRHA congratulates all of the winners and hopes everyone is staying healthy and safe. AWRHA also wants to extend its’ appreciation to Luka owman with Photos by Luka for the amazing ceremony award designs. Plans are already underway for the 0 show season and AWRHA looking forward to hosting the West irginia Summer Classic on June 1 & 1 and The Appalachian Championships on October & . All photos/ads courtesy of Luka Young

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The Appalachian Walking & Racking Horse Association High Point Division

All Day Pleasure Racking GRAND Promenade Encore Jahlea Bumpus RESERVE Seve’s Delight Shelley Oldham

Jahlea Bumpus Shelley Oldham


All Day Pleasure Walking GRAND Commanding The Coach Regina Swinford RESERVE The Dixie King Cloia Collins

Steve Swinford Darrell Collins

Lite Shod Walking GRAND Encore’s Shakin Lady Carrie Mace RESERVE Spotted Allen Patches ESTaylor Lambert

Sam & Carrie Mace Jennifer Lambert

Amateur Racking GRAND

Angie Banks

Mares & Geldings Specialty Walking GRAND Where’s My Cash

Bobby and Kendra White

Chelsey Harvey Bobby and Kendra White

Miscellaneous Pleasure RESERVE Commanding The Coach Truann Gravette GRAND Jose Loco Delaney Parsons

Regina Swinford Carla Parsons

Park Performance Walking GRAND Pass The Gin

Elizabeth Byrd

Elizabeth Byrd

Pleasure Racking GRAND RESERVE

A Class Act Jose’s Perfecto

Jane Taylor Chelsey Harvey

Jane Taylor Chelsey Harvey


Greenbrier’s Jezabelle Cody Yates e oalfield pre Kendra Yates

Amateur Walking RESERVE GRAND

Jose’s Door Buster Master Class Where’s My Cash

Angie Banks Chelsey Harvey Kendra White

Amateur Owned & Trained Racking RESERVE Hawk’s True Love Jennifer Lambert GRAND The Perfect Showoff Kendra White Amateur Owned & Trained Walking RESERVE Stock The Bar Kristen Reichard GRAND Walking After Midnight Jack Rader Amateur Owned & Trained Walking Pleasure GRAND Another Aspen Delaney Parsons RESERVE Jose Loco Delaney Parsons AWRHA Juvenile Auxiliary GRAND Commanding The Coach Keaton Graves RESERVE Pushing Lanina Bailey Deweese Classic Plantation/Park Walking RESERVE Famous At The Ritz Bobby White GRAND Spotted Allen Patches ES Jennifer Lambert Country Pleasure Racking GRAND Silver Exploit Pusher Camryn White RESERVE Titled On Parole Jane Taylor Country Pleasure Walking GRAND Let’s Get Rowdy RESERVE My Girl Kitty Flat Shod Racking GRAND Jose’s Bombshell

Caroline Stanley Colia Collins Bobby White

Jennifer Lambert Bobby White Kristen Reichard Jack Rader Carla Parsons Carla Parsons Regina Swinford Alan Deweese Carl White Jennifer Lambert Carl White Jane Taylor Stanley and Swinford Darrell Collins Carl White

Buck Harper Morrison My Titliest Moment Conner VanDivner Yankee’s Smokin Angel Avery Galford

Tim Townes Jennifer Lambert

Spotted Trail/Country Pleasure RESERVE A Splash of Champagne Sherri Adams GRAND Yankee’s Smokin Angel Jessica Galford

Sherri Adams Jessica Galford

Trail Pleasure Racking RESERVE Ms Belle Meade Julie George GRAND Promenade Encore Jahlea Bumpus

Julie George Jahlea Bumpus

Trail Pleasure Walking GRAND Another Aspen RESERVE Talkin’ Dirty to Me

Delaney Parsons Caroline Stanley

Carla Parsons Stanley & Swinford

Walking 15.2 & Under/Pony GRAND Ecstatic

Avery Legg

Kace Legg

Walking Show Pleasure GRAND I’m King of the Ritz

Tony Mullins

Tony Mullins

Steve Swinford Steve Swinford

Junior Walking GRAND RESERVE

Trail Riding Program GRAND Haley Stowers RESERVE Shelley Oldham

Jack Rader Sharon Paulson

Horse of the Year Division

Juvenile All Day Pleasure Walking GRAND Commanding The Coach Truan Gravette RESERVE The Dixie King Shane Smith

Regina Swinford Darrell Collins

Juvenile Country Pleasure Walking RESERVE Down N’ Dirty GRAND Let’s Get Rowdy

Hannah Varney Stanley & Swinford

Lexi Vanover Caroline Stanley

Juvenile Miscellaneous Pleasure GRAND Commanding The Coach Keaton Graves RESERVE Patches Boss Lady Taylor Lambert Juvenile Racking GRAND RESERVE

He’s Buckwild Santiago Cash

Regina Swinford Jennifer Lambert

Chelsey Harvey Chelsey Harvey Kinsley Cunningham Abby & Jane Dixon

Juvenile Racking Pleasure GRAND Dandy’s Sunday Gold Sophia Frazier RESERVE I’m in the Spotlight Hayden Atrip

Sophia Frazier Cody Yates

Juvenile Trail Pleasure Walking RESERVE Ritz Cashin In GRAND Talkin’ Dirty To Me

Bailey Deweese Caroline Stanley

Bailey Deweese Stanley & Swinford

Juvenile Walking GRAND RESERVE

Braxton Rolen Keaton Graves

Brian Rolen Steve Swinford

Taylor Sizemore Caroline Stanley

Jason Sizemore Stanley and Swinford

A Major Tsunami Pro Time

Keg Shod Country Pleasure Walking RESERVE Incredibly Armed GRAND Let’s Get Rowdy

Keg Shod Racking GRAND Outlaw Jose Wise Winsford Taylor RESERVE Big Wheels Deucer Jeff Artrip

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Winsford Taylor Heather Artrip

Cody & Kendra Yate Cody & Kendra Yate

Spotted Lite/Open Shod Pleasure RESERVE Sky’s the Limit LD Tim Townes GRAND Spotted Allen Patches ES Jennifer Lambert

Junior Trail/Country/All Day Pleasure Walking GRAND American Bling Keaton Graves RESERVE Dixieland Honors Regina Swinford Diplomatic Immunity Jack Rader Dirty Girty Sharon Paulson

Larry George

Harper Morrison Richel Underwood Jessica Galford

Country Pleasure Racking Silver Exploit Pusher Camryn White Country Pleasure Walking Let’s Get Rowdy Caroline Stanley Lite Shod Walking Encore’s Shakin Lady Carrie Mace Non-Specified Pleasure Commanding The Coach Keaton Graves Non-Specified Racking Pleasure A Class Act Jane Taylor Non-Specified Walking Pleasure Jose Loco Delaney Parsons Plantation/Park/Classic Park Walking Spotted Allen Patches ES Jennifer Lambert Racking Performance - Amateur Rider Jose’s Door Buster Angie Banks Spotted Horse Yankee’s Smokin Angel Jessica Galford Trail Pleasure Racking

Carl White/Bobby & Kendra White Jennifer Stanley & Regina Swinford Sam & Carrie Mace Regina Swinford Carl White Carla Parsons Jennifer Lambert Angie Banks Jessica Galford

Promenade Encore Jahlea Bumpus Jahlea Bumpus Trail Pleasure Walking Another Aspen Delaney Parsons Carla & Delaney Parsons Walking Performance Where’s My Cash Larry George Bobby and Kendra White Walking Performance - Amateur Rider Ecstatic Kace, Avery & Kamden Legg Kace Legg

Rider of the Year Division Performance Pleasure Men’s Ladies’ Elite Juvenile

Kendra White Delaney Parsons Darrell Collins Jahlea Bumpus Jack Rader Caroline Stanley

The Appalachian Walking & Racking Horse Association

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The Appalachian Walking & Racking Horse Association

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Who’s Who is The Scoop’s directory for everything you need in the Walking Horse Industry. The directory is printed in each publication and is also available on our FREE website To get your listing added call The Scoop 931-680-5696.


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CLOTHING/APPAREL MARSHA DeARRIAGA, LLC Equestrian riding apparel; ready made and custom western and saddle seats. “ The Choice of Champions in Fine Equestrian Apparel.” Marsha Shepard. Located at 115 South Side Square, Shelbyville, TN 3716 0 . Call 9 31- 6 8 4- 350 0 , fax 9 31- 6 8 4- 6 544 or email marshadea@ ROY ROGERS WESTERN WEAR Located at 170 8 Huntsville Hwy., Fayetteville, TN 37334. Call 9 31- 438 - 40 52. Hours: Mon.- Sat. 8 - 5, Sun. 1- 4. BLING TIE AFFAIR One of a Kind Swarovski Chrystal Enhanced Designer Ties. Contact Patti Pollack at 40 8 - 20 2- 5752 or email wiphome@ 1450 0 Big Basin Way Saratoga, CA 9 50 70 VICTOR’S RIDING APPAREL tom ridin apparel at it fine t 9 0 6 Madison St. Shelbyville, TN M- Sat. 10 : 30 - 4: 0 0 6 15- 377- 30 0 8 or 6 15- 8 38 - 38 38 FEED DISTRIBUTORS ALL FEED “ Whatever The Need All Feed” Bulk & Bag Sales/GMO & Non GMO Feeds. Joe F. Green, Sr. 9 31- 310 - 0 0 6 3 Jgreen.allfeed@ Pleasant Shade, TN & Hillsboro, AL INSURANCE CRAWFORD INSURANCE Farm- Ranch- Equine- Home- Auto- Life Insurance Call Dean Crawford, Agent 9 31- 225- 70 10 10 1 Northside Circle Suite A Shelbyville, TN 3716 0

JONES EQ UINE INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Providing all types of insurance coverage for the horseman. Full mortality, major medical, prospective foal, farm & liability and workers’ compensation. Contact Bobby Jones at 1330 Moberly Road, Richmond, KY 40 475. Phone 8 59 - 8 9 3- 10 9 7, fax 8 59 - 36 9 - 79 52, or email bjonesins@ Whitney McConnell Davis - phone 9 0 1- 29 2- 559 8 , fax 6 15- 39 5- 4152 or email whittermac23@ MARKEL INSURANCE COMPANY Providing coverage for horses and horse- related businesses for over forty years. Whether you ride for pleasure or competitively, owning a horse is a substantial commitment. The horse people at Markel can help you protect the emotional and finan ial in e tment yo e made. o era e include agreed value horse mortality with optional medical/ surgical plans, farm pack and liability only policies, independent trainer/instructor liability and

excess/ umbrella liability. P.O. Box 10 9 4 Murfreesboro, TN 37133. Contact Bill Carrington at 6 15- 8 9 0 116 3 or Holly Liddell Sanders at 9 31- 70 3- 0 26 7 or visit

NUTRITION- DIET IT WORKS Independent Distributor Norma Beal . 9 31- 70 3- 2733 https: // Facebook: Norma Bledsoe Beal Instagram: normabledsoebeal

BARR STUDIOS Marty & Jennifer Barr 19 11 Bel Aire Dr. • Tullahoma, TN 3738 8 jennifer@ •


JACK GREENE, PHOTOGRAPHER Located at P. O. Box 33, Christiana, TN 370 37. Call 6 15- 8 9 3- 39 9 3 or visit JAMIE MCCOY PHOTOGRAPHY Now booking for horse shows. Also, portraits, action shots or conformation shots on location or at your farm/training barn. Other photography available, including senior and family portraits. Located in Corinth, MS. Call 6 6 2- 8 0 8 - 0 323 or email jmmccoy@ Portfolio at http: //photosby amie.p otore e t. om. PHOTOS BY NAT Natasha Douglas, Photographer. Offering extraordinary show horse photography in the ring and at the farm. Serving the eastern United States and beyond o ated at 1 ro e el Road, in , VA 24248 . Call 8 6 5- 58 5- 40 8 3, email tasha@ or visit PJ WAMBLE PHOTOGRAPHY View and order proofs online at Located at 1245 Cochran Cemetery Road, Lewisburg, TN 370 9 1. Call or fax 9 31- 359 - 6 36 3 or call cell 9 319 9 3- 7353.


SHANE SHIFLET PHOTOGRAPHY Located at 276 7 Lazy Pine Rd., Randleman, NC 27317. Call 336 - 318 - 2116 , fax 336 - 318 - 276 4 or i it . ane i et. om. SID ABERNATHY PHOTOGRAPHY Specializing in equine photography, including horse shows, on the farm and stallion, family and senior portraits. Sid Abernathy, P. O. Box 12, Shannon, MS 38 8 6 8 . Call 6 6 2- 76 7- 8 28 1 or 6 6 2- 40 1- 0 8 22, email Jsid46 @ or visit http: //www.sid. p otore e t. om. TERRY YOUNG PHOTOGRAPHY Located at P. O. Box 549 11, Lexington, KY 40 555.

TLC PHOTOGRAPHY Boo in or e o no ere a a tle, . . Box 176 , Means, KY 40 346 . Call 6 0 6 - 76 8 - 4221, 6 0 6 - 76 8 - 2457 or visit castlephotography.photoree t. om. TOM OAKLEY PHOTOGRAPHY Horse shows, portraits and action shots. Will transfer your home movies, photos or slides to DVD. Located at 132 Mankin St., La Vergne, TN 370 8 6 . Call 6 15- 213- 29 31, 6 15- 347- 38 35, email tomandelaine@ or visit


SANDRA HALL PHOTOGRAPHY o ated at RR , Bo 111, e terfield, S Call 8 43- 6 23- 6 6 52.

Call 8 59 - 26 4- 8 579 , 8 59 - 26 3- 36 23 or email terryyoung@

ADAM JOHNSON AT BOB PARKS AUCTION CO. LLC. . ort field Bl d. S ite 1 rfree boro, TN 37129 9 31- 6 8 5- 20 10 or 9 31- 70 3- 6 0 8 1 Cell Ajauctions8 3@ FIRST REALTY GROUP Robert Brindley, Jr. Owner/Broker Cell: 9 31- 70 3- 46 6 3 ffi e 1 113 North First Street Pulaski, TN 38 478 robert@ • TY IRBY, ALC, GRI

Accredited Land Consultant Cell: 6 15- 6 6 3- 220 0 tyirby@ CRYE- LEIKE, REALTORS 1139 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN 37129 ffi e 1 1 RIDING INSTRUCTORS BALLENTINE FARMS RIDING ACADEMY Full- time riding academy, boarding, and sales faility. e on and mmer amp. ift ertifi ate available. Producing North Carolina’s most accomplished riders. Located at 6 9 21 Sunset Lake Road, Fuquay- Varina, NC 27526 . Call 9 19 - 552- 3536 . TACK BEDFORD TACK, INC. an fa t rer and importer of fine ality or e equipment at competitive prices ( retail and wholesale) . Large selection of English and Western attire. Call for catalog. Located 8 miles north of Shelbyville. Located at 148 Ebb Joyce Road, Bell Buckle, TN 370 20 . Order toll free at 1- 8 0 0 - 523- 49 71, fax 9 31- 437- 2211 or visit

CASS SERVICES HEAVY TRUCK & EQ UIPMENT, SALES & SERVICE Sandblasting, Painting, Welding, Repairs,

Who’s Who is The Scoop’s directory for everything you need in the Walking Horse Industry. The directory is printed in each publication and is also available on our FREE website To get your listing added call The Scoop 931-680-5696.


Horse Trailers & Equipment 2524 Hwy. 231 N. Shelbyville, TN 9 31- 49 2- 48 0 0 VETERINARY SERVICES EQ UINE SERVICES LLC Dr. John Bennett Dr. Belinda Mendenhall Dr. Steve Mullins Dr. Nichole Dammann 3515 Hwy 231 North Shelbyville, TN 3716 0 Fax: 9 31- 437- 246 6 mail ine er i e offi e ya oo. om ALABAMA CHOOSE YOUR GAIT FARM A Full time Equestrian Center – specializing in Training, Breeding & Sales. Announcing Elysium: The South’s newest Multi- Function Facility located inside Choose Your Gait Farm. Plan to have your next event here! Danville, Alabama 256 - 426 - 0 749 CALIFORNIA POLLACK’S SILVER SPUR RANCH Training, Boarding and Breeding Facility. Sherri & Patti Pollack, Owners, Justus Carter, Trainer. 149 9 0 Columbet Ave. Sam Martin, CA 9 50 46 Phone 40 8 - 6 6 7- 10 8 0 GEORGIA CARL EDWARDS & SONS STABLES, INC ( Walking Horses) Training and Sales Facility Larry and Gary Edwards 6 8 9 Horse Farm Road Dawson, GA 39 8 43 229 - 6 9 8 - 30 70 PRICE STABLES TRAINING FACILITY Trainers: Alan and Nick Price. Fairmount, Georgia. Alan- 770 - 324- 46 8 5 Nick- 770 - 36 2- 8 9 31 KENTUCKY COTTONWOOD FARMS Walking Horse Training & Sales Facility. “ Where Your next Champion is Made” Cotton Road Corbin, Kentucky. Contact us at 6 0 6 - 526 - 6 9 46 barn or 6 0 6 - 422- 8 8 9 7 Ryan Cell Q uality Horses For Sale At All Times YELLOWSTONE FARM Grayson, KY Tennessee Walking Horses For Sale Weanlings- Yearlings- Broodmares Sired by the Industries’ Top Stallions Van Stephens - Phone: 740 - 352- 6 0 6 0 NORTH CAROLINA ACADEMY at BAYFIELD FARM Tennessee Walking Horse Training. Riding Lessons a ailable it ertified n tr tor . Boardin , and Sales. School and Summer Camps. Located less than one hour from Raleigh. Standing at Stud

WC Allen’s Avenger & WGC Dillon’s Law and Order, both Reg. TWH & SSH. 6 0 25 Highway 9 6 North, Oxford, NC 2756 5 Kevin Gilliam, Trainer/Instructor, 9 19 - 6 9 1- 256 9

WINDING CREEK STABLES Training, boarding, breeding, mare care. Mare and foals for sale at all times. Farm 8 6 5- 376 - 4477.

BALLENTINE FARMS RIDING ACADEMY Walking and Spotted Saddle Horses - Full- time riding academy, boarding and sales facility. Lessons and mmer amp. ift ertifi ate a ailable. roducing North Carolina’s most accomplished riders. New Wedding Venue. Located conveniently near Raleigh, NC at 6 9 21 Sunset Lake Road, Fuquay- Varina, NC 27526 . Call 9 19 - 552- 3536 .

WISER FARMS/TRIPLE “ M” FARMS 1112 Hwy 6 4 West, ,Shelbyville, Tennessee 3716 0 . Ann McWaters- 334- 79 0 - 9 6 53. LaRue McWaters334- 79 7- 18 27 Performance Horses & Yearlings Limited RV Sites Available

BAUCOM STABLES Training and Sales Facility. Tyler Baucom, Trainer. Monroe, North Carolina. 70 4- 9 8 9 - 0 78 8 TENNESSEE 5 STAR FARMS Full Service Training and Sales Facility Trainer- Brandon Givens ( 8 6 5) 740 - 58 78 Manager- Terry Givens ( 8 6 5) 38 9 - 5541 Located in Rogersville, TN CARRIE MARTIN TRAINING Walking Horse Training Facility 30 6 5 Old Columbia Road Lewisburg, TN 370 9 1 ( 352) - 242- 76 8 3 EQ UIKNOX FARMS Trainer Knox Blackburn Now accepting Outside Horses! Contact Us Today! Equiknox Farms 30 41 Duplex Rd, Spring Hill, Tn 6 15- 310 - 3151 FORMAC STABLES Walking horse training and sales facility. Jimmy McConnell, Trainer. 731- 8 8 4- 9 135, Shelbyville, TN LEATHERWOOD FARM Full time Training and Sales Facility 279 9 Finley Beech Road Lewisburg, TN 370 9 1 9 31- 224- 29 6 8 Do business where business is being done!

X ENA HORSE FARM BOARDING AND TRAINING 2523 Midland Road Shelbyville, TN 3716 0 Full, Partial and stall rent available. Discounts for multiple horses. Patty Biggs, Owner, 214- 20 8 - 0 0 50 Russ Bene’t, Business & Farm Manager 9 31- 49 246 0 1. TEX AS McDODI FARM AND STABLES Training, boarding and riding instructions. Show and trail horses for sale. Dr. Jim and Dodi Speece, owners Marco Suarez, trainer Kim Lewis, riding instructor 8 17- 6 14- 0 6 23 ( Dodi) 8 17- 8 9 6 - 70 73 ( Barn) mail m dodi m dodifarm . om or visit our website Located in Burleson, Texas WEST VIRGINIA PAINTER FARMS. Breeding and Training Standing at Painter Farms... ARMED DANGEROUS PREMIER Stud Fee: $ 30 0 MONEY MAN Stud Fee: $ 30 0 For information, contact: Brian K. Painter, 30 4- 541- 6 6 6 1 6 9 Saskatoon Lane Red House, WV 2516 8

MICKEY MCCORMICK STABLES AT SUMMER WIND FARM A Walking Horse Breeding and Training Facility 1450 Highway 6 4 West Shelbyville, TN 9 31- 70 3- 9 9 9 7 RUSS THOMPSON STABLES Training, Boarding and Breeding Facility. 2417 Midland Rd. Shelbyville, TN Russ Thompson 9 0 9 - 226 - 9 6 71( Cell) WHITE OAK FARM Breeding, training and sales facility. Robert and Lisa Marbry, Owners. Standing at stud: Silver Express, Stud Fee: $ 550 . Located at 10 0 23 Rosemark Road, Ato a, . all t e offi e 1 1 , barn 9 0 1- 8 29 - 330 3, fax 9 0 1- 458 - 9 79 2, email lbro or visit

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Heart O’ Dixie Pleased With Growth PHILADELPHIA, MS- The Heart O’ Dixie Showcase was held on March 13th at the Neshoba County Coliseum. Horse show organizers were very pleased to announce the show recorded 80 entries, a huge increase from last year’s 50 entries. Wayne Dean of Lewisburg, Tennessee judged the 30-class event. Classes were offered for Walking, Racking and Spotted Horses. The two largest classes of the day were the Youth 17 & Under and the Show Pleasure Amateur. Taking top honors in the Youth 17 & Under division was J Parker Watts aboard I Am Jose’s Silver Dollar. Joel Stewart directed Apollo Jose to the Show Pleasure Amateur win. The Walking Horse Stake class was the event’s finale and grand it was! Four very talented entries answered the gate call and riding out with the blue was Josh Watts aboard YS Fly Like An Eagle. Carney & Moss own the grand champion. The reserve award went to Edgar Abernathy and Most Wanted MCF, a Maple Crest Farm entry. The Scoop congratulates the Heart O’ Dixie organizers for their hard work and their successful show.

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Chet Mills


Fikes & Mills Royce Ellison Jeremy Bridges

J Parker Watts Dale Watts Rylee Nichols Glenda Nichols Caroline Westley Way Blaylock & Way Daniel Schmidt Larry & Elsie West Cason Abernathy Kelly Peevy


Kay Chatterton Sheila Lee


Jessie Love Jr Michelle Collins

Jessie Love Jr Blazley Collins


Ann & Chris Mills Jay Mitchell Laci Mathews


Sam Brown Jr

Sam Brown


Robert D Stamps Daniel Cole Sherri Briggs


Lee & Carole Baxter Mason Lambert


Sara Jane Parker



Scott Tew Ann Mills Warren Simmon Matthew Bynum

Scott & Elizabeth Tew Ann & Chris Mills Jimmie Reddy Billy & Ginger Bynum


Joel Stewart

Linda Stewart


Percy Lewis

Jessie Love Jr


Fred Dillon Will Collins

Fred Dillon The Floyd Family



Linda Stewart Fisher & Way


Troy Eppenger Emily Briggs Mason Lambert

Troy Eppenger Emily Briggs Mason Lambert


Percy Lewis

Jessie Love Jr


Sarah Jane Parker Lisa Watts


Douglas Hart

Douglas Hart

THREE YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS & WHTA RIDERS CUP INTO THE WILD BLUE YONDER Cody Wofford Kelly Arrington SWEETHEART OF DIX IE Edgar Abernathy Jon Trimble MY REVERIE Dale Watts Mr & Mrs Ray Pittman LINED WITH LUCK Link Webb Don & Lucky Collins


Ann & Chris Mills Joe Barnes

Larry West & Vince Pruitt

Larry & Elsie West


Kilgore & Barnes Gladney Farms Debby Myers


Newton Parks

Newton Parks

Glenda Nichols


Kimble & Madeline Tew Troy Eppenger Billy & Ginger Bynum


Jack Kail Entitled Adonis LLC Johnny Robinson


Luther Watts Kay & Luckey Easterling Jerry Parish


Dr John Gladney


Robert Deutsch Kelly Peevy Kimbrell Love


Glenda Nichols


Anthony Anderson Chet Mills Joseph Abernathy

Anthony Anderson Chet Mills R & D Partnership

WALKING HORSE CHAMPIONSHIP & WHTA RIDERS CUP YS FLY LIKE AN EAGLE Josh Watts Carney & Moss MOST WANTED MCF Edgar Abernathy Maple Crest Farms IM RESURRECTED Jamie Lawrence Ray Solley ALL TRUMPED UP Cody Wofford Ray Talbert

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Heart O’ Dixie Showcase

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Jose’s One Liner and Victoria Kalosis claimed the first blue of the first WHOA Show for 2021. Dennis Hills directed Jose I Am to the reserve award. Both horses are from Dickie Gardner Stables.

Reigning Lead Line World Grand Champion Ally Jo Jacobs has entered a new division. She directed Mr. Deeds to the Walk Only blue.

SHELBYVILLE, TN- On Saturday, March 6 th, the Walking Horse Owners’ Association was thrilled to o t t eir fir t e ent for t e 1 o year. e A A ademy S oolin S o too pla e at lea ant alley arm and o ted t eir lar e t o e er it 1 entrie . a on Ba ert d ed t e e ine e ent. e lar e t la of t e day a t e lea re o t 1 nder la it 11 yo n rider yin for top onor . ettin a bi in a Kylie all aboard e Bi Ban . e S oop a deli ted to be part of t i lar e o and on rat late ea inner.

R iley Gregory took the blue in the Showmanship Y outh class.

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Wylder Way was thrilled with his first show in the Lead Line division. The season has j ust begun and he already has qui te a large fan club.

Taking the top spot in the Amateur Y earlings class was My Miranda Lambert and R oger R ichards.

March 6 , 20 21, Shelbyville, TN 3716 0 Judge: Jason Bachert Model 1. Jose’s One Liner Victoria Kalosis for Douglas Ann McGovern 2. Jose I Am Dennis Hills for Dennis & Susan Hills 3. Shakin Up the Night Life, Stephanie Richardson o/e 4. Summa Cum Laude, Cindy Richards for Bobby & Cindy Richards 5. Dollars Armed Dangerously, Michelle Williams o/e Lead Line

Pippi Long Stocking, Evie Rose Gilliam for Philip Gilliam Obey My Command, Blakely Clifford for Corbin Parker Coach’s Charm, Jack Chandler for Laura Ford Choco, Wylder Way for Whitlei Green

Model - Youth 1. Jose I Am, Kara Brooke Adams for Dennis & Susan Hills 2. Suma Cum Laude, Finley New for Bobby & Cindy Richards 3. He’s Armed and Charmed, Rylee Eilerman o/e 4. Remey Martin, Kylie Manuel for Hannah Crouse Showmanship - Youth 1. Poppy Cat, Riley Gregory for Riley Gregory & Vickie Dodson 2. He’s Armed and Charmed Rylee Eilerman o/e Yearling Colts 1. M1 Poison Sky, Roger Richards DVM for Terry Smith Yearling Amateur 1. My Miranda Lambert, Roger Richards 2. The Heart of Mine, Finley New for Bobby & Cindy Richards Walk Only Class 1. Mr. Deeds, Ally Jo Jacobs for Kate Cowan 2. Amazing Gray, Briar Richards for Bobby & Cindy Richards 3. She’s Designed to Push, Adalynn Simons, Jessica Hlebak for Debbie Simons 4. Summa Cum Laude, Harper New for Bobby & Cindy Richards 5. I’m Oh So Fine, Charlie Gregory for Terri & Charlie Gregory Yearling Fillies & Geldings 1. Josie and the Pussycats, Lynn Womack for Jones & Richards 2. The Heart of Mine, Cindy Richards for Bobby & Cindy Richards 3. The Silver Magnolia, Mandy Motes o/e Open Trail Pleasure, English or Western 1. Legend of Z elda, Hannah Myatt o/e 2. A Double Dose of Poison, Bailey Momb for Randall Bryden 3. Cat Daddy’s Sunshine, BJ Richards for Carol Lamberson 4. Miss Frankie Jo, Leigh Stuart for Dr. Glenda Warren 5. Electric Cowboy, Scot MacGregor for Sandra Faeth Guiher

Flat Shod - Academy Youth 11 & under, English or Western 1. She’s Designed to Push, Ava Simons o/e 2. He’s Outa Here, Wyatt Morgan for Joe & Shirley Davis 3. Amazing Gray, Oliver Randall for Bobby & Cindy Richards 4. Mr. Deeds, Ally Jo Jacobs for Kate Cowan AOT Lite Shod/Classic Park, Eng/West 1. Jazza Nova, Morgan Head for Hunter Head 2. Saturday Down South, Ashley Fetzer for Connie Holbrook 2 & 3 Year Old Country Pleasure, Open, English or Western 1. Sabotage, Joe Lester for Andy Stooksberry & Phyllis Langley 2. De Coronado, Kyle Elliott, for Drs. Phil & Carl Deiter 3. Milkman, Victoria Kalosis for Rex & Amy Nance

4. Senorita Habanera, Bailey Momb for Kimberly & Perry Waldron 5. Centaro, Leigh Anne Gregory for Kinsley Chandler Flat Shod Pleasure Youth 11 & Under Eng/West 1. My Rhinestone Romeo, Alainna Sharp o/e 2. Amazing Gray, Briar Richards for Bobby & Cindy Richards 3. Summa Cum Laude, Finley New for Bobby & Cindy Richards 4. I’m Oh So Fine, Charlie Gregory for Terri & Charlie Gregory 5. Obey My Command Raelynn Williams for Corbin Parker Trail Pleasure, Amateur, English 1. My Sweet Caroline, Jean Marie Degville for Ted & Jean Marie Degville 2. Electric Cowboy, Sandra Faeth Guiher o/e 3. Extra Daring, Hannah Crouse o/e Equitation - No Canter, English 1. Poppy Cat, Riley Gregory o/e 2. He’s Armed and Charmed, Rylee Eilerman o/e 3. Master Lineman, Corbin Parker for Cindy Katseyeanis 4. Obey My Command, Taylor Williams for Corbin Parker Lite Shod, English or Western 1. Devoted, Kyle Elliott for Drs. Phil & Carl Deiter 2. JFK’s Storm Chaser for Martha Child Flat Shod Academy Adult, English or Western 1. Dollars Armed Dangerously, Michelle Williams o/e AOT Trail Pleasure, English or Western 1. 24 Carrots ML, Maggie Moore for Maggie Moore & Jim Leek 2. Paranoia, Wayne Westbrook o/e 3. A Secret Agent, Laura Gilliam for Philip Gilliam 4. Gas Monkey, Allie Blanford for Isabella Easley 5. Dark Carbon, William McWhorter for Caryn Hjelmstad Country Pleasure, Amateur, English 1. Amazing Gray, Cindy Richards for Cindy & Bobby Richards 2. Living the Dream, Dr. Ann Johnson o/e 3. He’s Outa Here, Joanne Morgan for Joe & Shirley Davis Family 4. Remey Martin, Pat Crouse o/e All Day Pleasure, Amateur, English 1. Spirits Pushy, Jackie Dean o/e 2. Jose’s One Liner, Douglas Ann McGovern o/e 3. Bud’s Chocolate Drop, Sara Long o/e 4. Summa Cum Laude, Susan Randall for Bobby & Cindy Richards Open Country Pleasure, English or Western 1. Oliver Twist, Hannah Matt for Nicole Coffey 2. Just Made Bail, Joe Lester for Debbie & Chester Marbry 3. Snapchat, Crystal Deputy for The Bo Richards Family 4. Living the Dream, Dr. Ann Johnson o/e 5. Remey Martin, Scot MacGregor for Pat Crouse Flat Shod Academy, Youth 17 & Under, English or Western 1. Dali So Real, John Ganet Parton for Jared Hargrove 2. She’s Designed to Push, Ava Simons for Debbie Simons 3. Coach’s Charm, Macy James for Laura Ford 4. One Bad Cat, Maddy Szekeres, for Ashley Fetzer 5. Amazing Gray, Oliver Randall for Cindy & Bobby Richards Junior Trail Pleasure 5 & Under Open, English or Western

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1. Lazaro, Hannah Myatt for Dr. Jim & Lisa Baum 2. Cashes ritzy Lady, Victoria Kalosis for Kris Adams 3. He’s A Knight Rider, Jason Crawhorn for Andrea Coleman 4. Charlie Ritz, BJ Richards for Merleene Pacheco Classic Park, English or Western 1. Jazzanova, Morgan Head for Hunter Head AOT All Day Pleasure, English or Western 1. Just Charlotte, Philip Gilliam o/e 2. Twisted Sista, Kaitlyn Rippy o/e 3. She Walks Like an Angel, Allie Blanford o/e 4. Dollars Armed Dangerously, Michelle Williams o/e 5. I’m Oh So Fine, Terri Gregory for Terri & Charlie Gregory Academy Equitation 17 & Under, English or Western 1. Dali So Real, John Ganet Parton for Jared Hargrove 2. She’s Designed To Push, Ava Simons o/e Two & Three Year Old Trail Pleasure, Open, English or Western 1. Sheila on Tequila, Joe Lester for Dr. Linda Jones 2. Bombay Sapphire, Hannah Myatt for Andy Rippy 3. The Blame Game, Jessica Hlebak for Sarah Keenan 4. He’s A Knight Rider, Jason Crawhorn, for Andrea Coleman 5. An Urban Legend, David Mast for Susan Paul AOT Country Pleasure, English or Western 1. Sweet As Strawberry Wine, Amanda Manis for Manis & Pope 2. Bulleit, Maggie Moore for Maggie Moore & Jim Leek 3. Pippi Longstocking, Philip Gilliam o/e 4. Legado, Laura Gilliam for Philip Gilliam 5. She’s Pretty Jazzy, Kaitlyn Rippy o/e Junior Country Pleasure, 5 & Under, Open, English or Western 1. Late For A Date, Joe Lester for Connie Holbrook 2. It’s A Knight To Remember, Jason Crawhorn for Jeff & Lisa Fisher 3. A G.I. Jane, Victoria Kalosis for Kris Adams 4. A Knightime Menace, Jordan Wrenn for Vickie Moore 5. Harlins Legacy, Jared Phy o/e Junior All Day Pleasure, 5 & Under, Amateur, English or Western 1. Privileged, Maggie Moore for Jim Leek & Maggie Moore 2. He’s True Blue, Scarlet Spencer for Chad & Scarlet Spencer 3. Mr. Life of the Party, Madeleine Heaner for Tony & Tina Bowling 4. Summa Cum Laude, Susan Randall for Bobby & Cindy Richards 5. The Nut Kracker, Haley Clay for Dr. Linda Jones 2 & 3 Year Old Country Pleasure Amateur English or Western 1. Jealousy, Haley Clay for Phyllis Langley 2. De Coronado, Ann Evans for Dr. Phil Dieter 3. Milkman, Amy Nance for Rex & Amy Nance Classic Country Pleasure, Amateur, English or Western 1. Headliner at the Ritz, Debbie Simons for Wayne & Debbie Simons Flat Shod Pleasure, Youth 17 & Under, English or Western 1. The Big Bang PL, Kylie Duvall for The Duvall Family 2. American Hustle, Elese Lewis for Else Lewis & Iva 3. Amazing Gray, Harper New for Bobby & Cindy Richards 4. He’s Armed and Charmed, Rylee Eilerman o/e 5. My Rhinestone Romeo, Alainna Sharp o/e

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Two & Three Year Old Trail Pleasure, Amateur English or Western

1. Bombay Safire, Kaitlyn Rippy for Andy Rippy 2. Into the Badlands, Chad Spencer for Chad & Scarlet Spencer 3. A Dirty Deal, Dean Crawford o/e 4. Princess Diana, Anne Frank o/e 5. The Blame Game, Sarah Keenan o/e

Flat Shod CANTER 1. Cash Me Outside, BJ Richards for Gordon Atkins 2. JFK’s Storm Chaser, Scot MacGregor for Martha Child 3. Extra Daring, Hannah Crouse, o/e Junior Lite Shod 5 & Under Open English or Western. 1. Devoted, Tina Bowling for Tony & Tina Bowling 2. On A Timeline, Crystal Deputy for Phyllis Langley 3. Eye On The Blue, BJ Richards for Debbie Smothers Junior Country Pleasure 5 & Under, Amateur, English or Western 1. Late for a Date, Connie Holbrook o/e 2. Stapelton, Maggie Moore for Jim Leek & Maggie Moore 3. It’s A Knight To Remember, Catherine Cornwell for Jeff & Lisa Fisher 4. Harlins Legacy, Jared Phy o/e Classic Trail Pleasure, Amateur, English or Western 1. He’s Armed and Charmed, Rylee Eilerman o/e Flat Shod CANTER, Amateur 1. My Sweet Caroline, Jean Marie Degville for Ted & Jean Marie Degville 2. Spirits Pushy, Jackie Dean o/e 3. Sweet Southern Sky, Connie Holbrook o/e 4. Poppy Cat, Riley Gregory for Riley Gregory & Vickie Dodson 5. JFK’s Storm Chaser, Martha Child o/e All Day Pleasure, Amateur, Western 1. Miss Movin On, Miles Irby for Jon Kuszlyk 2. High On Loving You, Kaitlyn Rippy o/e 3. Spirits Pushy, Jackie Dean o/e 4. Summa Cum Laudy, Susan Randall for Cindy & Bobby Richards 5. Master Lineman, Cindy Katseyeanis o/e Trail Pleasure, Amateur, Western 1. Cat Daddy’s Sunshine, Susan Randall for Carol Lamberson Country Pleasure Amateur, Western 1. Amazing Gray, Cindy Richards for Bobby & Cindy Richards 2. Snapchat, Arden Robbins for the Bo Richards Family 3. Just Made Bail, Debbie Marbry for Debbie & Chester Marbry 4. Living the Dream, Dr. Ann Johnson o/e 5. Harlin’s Legacy, Jared Phy o/e Junior Trail Pleasure 5 & Under Amateur, English or Western 1. Paranoia, Wayne Westbrooks o/e 2. Dark Carbon, Caryn Hjelmstad o/e 3. The Blame Game, Sarah Keenan o/e

Legend Of Zelda and Hannah Myatt were thrilled to take the blue in the Trail Pleasure class for owner BJ Campbell Frank.

Jazzanova and Morgan Walden Head won top honors in the Lite Shod AOT class.

Taking the blue in the Trail Pleasure Amateur English class was Jean Marie Degville aboard Our Sweet Caroline.

Kyle Elliott and Devoted won the Lite Shod class for Tony and Tina Bowling. Tina Bowling returned later in the day winning the Lite Shod Five & Under class.

Philip Gilliam and Just Charlotte claimed the blue in the All Day Pleasure AOT class.

The Trail Pleasure Amateur Five & Under champions were Wayne Westbrook and Paranoia. The Scoop / Page 91

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