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H i t s t he

in ille v y b l e Sh SH

Josh, B eth and Jessica Lawwell celebrated with Jonathan Lawwell and Miss LuLuLemon f ollowing their win in the prestigious Andy Adkins Memorial Youth Championship.

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I L L E ,


The C el ebr at i on onc e agai n hi t t he j ackpot w i t h t hi s ye ar ’ s C el ebr at i on F al l C l as s i c. The s how , f or m er l y hel d i n Tuni ca, M i s s i s s i ppi , w as hel d on N ove m be r 4t h – 6t h at t he C al s oni c A r ena i n Shel byvi l l e, s t i l l m ai n taining the traditional “Tunica” flare with ringside tables and a delicious cat er ed m eal . Ser vi ng on t he pane l of j udge s w er e Paul R obbi ns , Sam Sor r el l and A m y Tr i m bl e. 39 c l as s es w er e t i ed una ni m ous l y . Each night showcased some very competitive classes. On the final ni ght , t hr ee cl as s es t o be not ed w er e t he R i de r s ’ C up D ebut Tw o Y ear O l d M ar es & G el d i ngs cl as s , t he R i de r s ’ C up D ebut Tw o Y ear O l d St al l i ons cl as s and t he G r oom s & F ar r i er s cl as s . Thes e t hr ee di vi s i ons had t he cr ow d on t hei r f eet cheer i ng f or t hei r f avor i t es . The D ebut Tw o Y ear O l d cl as s w as s et as i de f or young Tw o Y ear O l d hor s es t hat have ne ve r be en i n t he r i ng. A f t er an exc i t i ng w or kout , Q ue en M ave r i ck and Sam M ar t i n r ecei ve d t he t op aw ar d i n t he D ebut Tw o Y ear O l d M ar es & G el d i n gs f or t he Thom as & G r ant par t ne r s hi p. C l ai m i ng t op honor s i n t he D ebut Tw o Y ear O l d St al l i ons cl as s w er e A uggi and R M K el l et t f or M r . and M r s . H ow ar d E as t r i dge . The G r oom s & F ar r i er s cl as s al s o ne ve r di s appoi nt s . W i l l i am K ei t h di r ect ed C har l i e’ s Per f ect A nge l t o t he bl ue f or ow ne r Tar a R hoade s . C l os i ng out t he ni ght w as t he W al ki ng H or s e C ham pi ons hi p f ol l ow ed by t he A ndy A dki ns M em or i al Y out h C ham pi ons hi p. M ach I and J i m m y M cC onne l l got a una ni m ous w i n i n t he W al ki ng H or s e St ake f or t he M ol l y W al t er s F am i l y . J oe Pa and W i nky G r oove r r ecei ve d t he r ed r i b bon. A n i nc r edi bl e 18 en t r i es ans w er ed t he gat e cal l f or t he l as t cl as s , t he A ndy A dki ns M em or i al Y out h C ham pi ons hi p. J ona t han L aw w el l w on t he bl ue w i t h M i s s L uL uL em on. C ou n t i G r een d i r ect ed Pu n i s her t o t he r es er v e aw ar d , an d r ou n d i n g ou t t he t op t hr ee w as A Su per b ow l M V P w i t h B i B i B eas l ey i n t he i r on s . The Scoop con gr at u l at es each F al l C l as s i c w i n n er .

Jimmy McConnell and Mach I claimed the title of the 201 C elebration Fall Classic Grand Champions. This duo currently reigns as this year’s Reserve World Grand Champions.

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Charlie’s P erf ect Angel and William Keith rode to the blue in the Grooms & Farriers class. Charlie’s P erf ect Angel is owned by Tara Rhoades

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C el ebr at i on F TRAIL PLEASURE FIVE & UNDER/WHTA RIDERS CUP Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final 414 20 32 414 20 414 414 20 47 32 20 32 91 43 47 47 416 47 43 43 32 416 91 416 43 42 416 91 42 91 42 42 DADDY’S HOME DH Jessica Mast The Simons Family KING MOJO Hannah Myatt LaMar DePoyster KNOCKIN BOOTS Joe Lester Langley & Gregory HANNIBAL DSG Carrie Martin DeJarnatte Roberts MASTER CRUISER Dickie Gardner Kevin & Kay Andrews PLEASE JOLENE David Mast Carol Ann Turner GALLIVANT Laurie Toone Jared Carrier RESURGENCE Victoria Kalosis Sarah Beth Thomas AMATEUR TWO YEAR OLD MARES/GELDINGS Sorrell Trimble Robbins Final 98 98 98 98 24 24 434 24 434 434 7 434 7 7 422 7 422 422 24 422 38 38 38 38 ULTRA GREY PISTOL Jennifer Bingham G G EC onnie tanfill CLASS WITH SASS Karen Bean SKY FALL 007 Dee Broom Yoder MAGNIFICENT GIN Sister Milligan A FIRST LADY OF JAZ Z Jeanna Schepke

Bingham & Price onnie tanfill Bill & Karen Bean Charles Yoder Sister Milligan Jeanna Schepke

YOUNG TRAINERS 35 & UNDER/WHTA RIDERS CUP Trimble Robbins Sorrell Final 12 497 99 497 497 12 497 12 99 99 12 99 97 97 97 97 ME AND POCAHONTAS Tyler Baucom & Allyson Armstrong HONOR AND OBEY R M Kellett Howard Eastridge HOLE IN MY POCKET Ryan Blackburn Dr. David Bullock YS FLY LIKE AN EAGLE Lake Weaver Carney & Moss COUNTRY PLEASURE AMATEUR Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final 21 21 33 21 33 448 448 33 448 33 21 448 449 16 16 16 16 449 449 449 EYE ON THE TITLE Lisa Baum SHE’S NEVER BEEN KISSED Kimberly Walden SWEET AS STRAWBERRY WINE Amanda Manis LEGEND OF Z ELDA BJ Campbell-Frank THE BLAC T ayden ackson

Lisa Baum S&P LLC Pope & Manis B J Campbell Frank Heffington ackson

MARES/GELDINGS/WHTA RIDERS CUP Sorrell Trimble Robbins Final 39 319 39 39 556 498 319 319 498 39 498 498 319 556 556 556 597 597 405 597 450 95 450 450 433 450 433 433 95 433 597 95 TN LINEMAN Mickey McCormick Chester Marbry NEVERMORE John Allan Callaway Dr. Barbara Moersch BEIGA CHEVAL Kayla Baucom McGee & Dickerson I’M LOVIN IT Jimmy McConnell Bob Medina BIG BERTHA B Mike Hannah Jack Bolozky MISS DIXIE CARTER Edgar Abernathy Taylor Walters P W IN IN THE GIN Tanner Burks hane Porterfield I AM CHARLIE Knox Blackburn What A Blessing Farm AMATEUR FIVE YEAR OLD STALLIONS Trimble Robbins Sorrell Final 439 439 439 439 436 436 436 436 554 411 411 411 411 554 554 554 ALL ABOUT JOSE Jackie Whatley OLE ROCKY TOP Lilly Riddley THE NIGHT KING Jeff V Smith HE’S WHISKEY CAVALIER Joyce Myers

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Jackie Whatley The Alan Riddley Family Jeff V Smith Meadows & Myers

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AMATEUR/AMATEUR TRAIL PLEASURE Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final 22 22 22 22 92 92 92 92 MACHETE Susan Coleman & Jennifer Bingham MR BENTLEY Ashley Wadsworth & Jared Carrier

AMATEUR STALLIONS Sorrell Trimble Robbins 423 423 423 408 408 408 Susan Coleman THE LONESTAR LEGEND Ashley Wadsworth SISKO KID

LITE SHOD FIVE & UNDER/WHTA RIDERS CUP Sorrell Trimble Robbins Final 553 553 553 553 585 585 585 585 418 418 418 418 COACHMAN Michael Chandler Michael Chandler DEVOTED Kyle Elliott Tony & Tina Bowling I LIKE PINA COLADAS Bill Bobo Harbin & Burrill

Final 423 408 Sister Milligan Gayle Holcomb

TRAIL PLEASURE AMATEUR Trimble Robbins Sorrell Final 49 49 49 49 BLACKLIST Sherry Kessler

Sister Milligan Holcomb & Masters

Sherry Kessler

THREE YEAR OLD MARES/GELDINGS/WHTA RIDERS CUP Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final 549 549 549 549 14 560 560 560 424 596 596 596 ALL DAY PLEASURE AMATEUR 419 14 424 14 Trimble Robbins Sorrell Final 560 419 14 424 589 589 37 589 596 424 419 419 37 37 589 37 19 19 19 19 44 413 413 413 I AM BOLD AND SPICY JOSE Tyler Baucom Connie Hess 48 93 44 44 TAMMY JONES Sam Martin Noel Botsch 413 44 93 93 SADIE HAWKINS LCG Drew Graves Dr. Linda Garrard 93 48 48 48 COACH BELLA R M Kellett Charles Gleghorn 586 586 586 586 C ME WALK AND SHAKE Tanner Burks Sister Milligan PETAL PUSHIN JAZ Z Lauren Hamilton Lauren Hamilton Ryan Blackburn Donna Kay Head MISS BELLE STARR W Dr Brittany Baum Jacob & Brittany Baum 10 CARAT CHARLIE SPIRIT’S PUSHY Jackie Dean Jackie Dean STROLLIN DOWN THE FAIRWAY Josh Wright Duke Ingram SHE’S MAJOR MONEY Sarah Beth Thomas Sarah Beth Thomas GAME WINNER Sophia Borg Sophia Borg COUNTRY PLEASURE AMATEUR FIVE & UNDER VETO POWER Edwina Thomas Edwina Thomas TWISTED SISTA Morgan Steven Kaitlyn Rippy Sorrell Trimble Robbins Final 45 46 28 45 FOUR YEAR OLD STALLIONS (CANTER)/WHTA RIDERS CUP 28 45 36 28 Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final 40 36 45 36 13 13 13 13 36 28 46 46 17 17 17 17 46 40 40 40 557 557 557 557 BP’S CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW Sarah Beth Thomas Danny & Cindy Moyers TWISTED WITH HONORS R M Kellett Howard Eastridge THE BIG BANG PL Christy Duvall Christy Duvall INDEED AN HONOR Michael Wright Jim & Jeannie Roberts LATE FOR A DATE Connie Holbrook Connie Holbrook TEAM SIX BOOTS Jimmy McConnell Mike Floyd PERFECT TIMING BC Skylar Sensat Skylar Sensat A DIRTY DEAL Dean Crawford Dean Crawford PARK PERFORMANCE AMATEUR Sorrell Trimble Robbins Final SHOW PLEASURE AMATEUR 443 443 443 443 Trimble Robbins Sorrell Final 590 590 590 590 94 94 94 94 599 438 599 599 588 588 588 588 438 599 438 438 446 403 403 403 100 584 100 100 41 446 446 446 584 591 584 584 403 593 41 41 591 100 591 591 593 41 593 593 A TOUCHE Jannie Chapman Jannie Chapman 494 494 494 494 OFFENSIVE LINE Dr. Ann Rea Dr. Ann Rea EPIC Meghan Hammond Shamrock Farms PAROLED FROM HARDTIME Sister Milligan MOST WANTED MCF Jannie Chapman Jannie Chapman Sister Milligan TENNESSEE STATE LINE Jacob Baum Lisa Baum TOP RECRUIT Darlene Harris Bill & Darlene Harris Sister Milligan Milligan & Joseph & MUCHO PAVO Kim Leonard Scott & Kim Leonard THE NIGHT CRAWLER Laughlin JAZ Z KINGS DIAMOND LAD Amanda Parrott Amanda Parrott Kirsten Branch Dr. & Mrs Curt Branch JOSE DESPERADO Jim Roberts Jim & Jeannie Roberts WATCH THE LINE STRETCH YOUR DOLLAR Lucky Collins Don Collins Glenda Nichols Glenda Nichols FOUR YEAR OLD MARES/GELDINGS (CANTER)/WHTA RIDERS CUP A WORD OF HONOR Trimble Robbins Sorrell Final TWO YEAR OLD STALLIONS/WHTA RIDERS CUP 412 18 18 18 Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final 437 493 558 412 559 559 559 559 18 412 412 493 495 552 407 552 493 437 493 437 552 407 495 407 558 558 437 558 420 10 552 495 WILMA LJ Michael Wright Sam McDaniel 420 447 420 A DIXIE GENERAL Bill Callaway Roger & Laura Mauney 407 10 495 595 10 EXPEDITIOUS CTF Edgar Abernathy Shamrock Farms 447 447 420 447 CHARLIE PAYCHECK Tanner Burks Steve McLaurin 595 595 10 595 THE PADDOCK MASTER Jimmy McConnell Smith & Harr FINALLY I AM Jimmy McConnell Thomas & Grant KID CAN DO Tyler Baucom Robert Deutsch PARK PLEASURE AMATEUR HE’S MR MAVERICK Bill Callaway Holcomb & Masters Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final MY DINERO Edgar Abernathy Dr. Renee Montgomery 445 445 445 445 COLLUSION Ryan Blackburn Jones & Richards 444 444 444 444 BRET MAVERICK 4G Winky Groover Big Show Syndication 592 587 592 592 WTC AT THE RITZ Jeff Laughlin Riddley & Tyson 469 592 587 587 A STORMY NIGHT IN DIXIE Link Webb Joe Barnes 587 469 469 469 DIXIES LEGACY Sister Milligan Milligan & Laughlin BOSTON BAY Jean Fowler Anne Evans JOSE’S NO COUNTING ME OUT John Gladney Gladney Farms JAZ Z ANOVA Morgan Head Hunter Head JOSE’S BODACIOUS Joey Manos Joey Manos

C el ebr at i on F AMATEUR LADIES Sorrell Trimble Robbins 435 435 435 555 430 26 26 55 555 430 496 430 496 26 496 MY SHOCKWAVE MANNING OLIVIA POPE IT’S HIGH MAINTENANCE A NEON COWBOY

Final 435 555 26 430 496 Karen Bean Taylor Walters Diana Cruse Sister Milligan Glenda Nichols

15.2 & UNDER/WHTA RIDERS CUP Trimble Robbins Sorrell Final 11 11 11 11 598 15 598 598 15 583 15 15 409 409 594 409 583 598 409 583 594 594 583 594 COMMAND ON PAROLE Winky Groover MAYOR BILL Dan Waddell BEAST MODE R M Kellett JOSE’S PREMIER Bill Callaway I’M SUPER FLY Jimmy McConnell DELIGHTFUL JOSE Link Webb

Bill & Karen Bean Kelsey Andrews Diana Cruse Sister Milligan Glenda Nichols

Sheryl Crawford George & Kim Lewis Floyd Ray Jones Ron Lawrence Bob Medina Margaret McLaughlin

TRAIL PLEASURE AMATEUR FIVE & UNDER Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final 92 92 92 92 621 623 623 623 623 621 621 621 MR BENTLEY Ashley Wadsworth Ashley Wadsworth LADY JAMES Darren Gray Darren Gray LAZ ARO LB Lisa Baum Dr. Jim & Lisa Baum YOUTH PONIES Sorrell Trimble Robbins 663 663 663 633 633 633 I AM BIG ENOUGH JUST CANT TELL ME NOTHIN

Final 663 633 Maxine Beasley Addie Harris

Beth Beasley Joe Fleming

AMATEUR 50 & OVER Trimble Robbins Sorrell 650 626 626 688 688 688 626 650 650 KNOCK EM TED MR FOR REAL DIXIE WHITE SOCKS

Final 626 688 650 Jannie Chapman Paul Simmons Linda Garrard

Jannie Chapman Paul Simmons Dr Linda Garrard

PARK PERFORMANCE/WHTA RIDERS CUP Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final 692 692 692 692 659 659 659 659 636 632 632 632 632 636 636 636 POPCORN SUTTON Patrick Thomas COACH BRENTWOOD Bill Callaway DOLLARS COUNTRY BOY Jackie Byrom I’M STAYIN AT THE RITZ Jeremy Jeansonne

Jacob Baum Dr. Barbara Moersch Mason Jones Bedford Walking Horse Farm LLC

TWO YEAR OLD MARES/GELDINGS/WHTA RIDERS CUP Sorrell Trimble Robbins Final 680 655 602 680 602 680 680 602 422 422 422 422 647 647 647 647 638 602 700 655 611 611 655 611 655 700 638 700 700 656 656 638 SMOKING Jimmy McConnell Beverly Sherman I AM LADY WOLF Casey Wright Bill & Debbie Woods MAGNIFICENT GIN Tanner Burks Sister Milligan HE’S A SLIM JIM Renardo Green Bingham & Lainhart LET’S CHA CHA Dan Waddell Meadows & Myers I REMEMBER WHEN Winky Groover Sheryl Crawford OLE CHARLIE Lake Weaver Dr. Linda Garrard SHADY’S BUSTIN LOOSE Edgar Abernathy Carol Shelton

TRAIL PLEASURE YOUTH Trimble Robbins Sorrell 628 628 668 668 668 628 701 701 701 CHECKPOINT CHARLIE SF LABELED A PAROLEE CASHE’S RITZ Y LADY

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Final 628 668 701 Harper Grider Tamara Hader Eliza Dekleyn Eliza Dekleyn Kara Brooke Adams Kris Adams

AMATEUR FIVE YEAR OLD MARES/GELDINGS Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final 604 699 604 604 699 603 686 699 603 686 603 603 686 604 687 686 672 672 699 672 687 687 672 687 705 705 705 705 695 695 695 695 KID CURRY Jacob Duke A A TE EG EE W acquelyn Way I AM MELANIA Eric Lackey I’M DANCIN FOR DOLLARS Taylor Walters MY TEQUILA SUNRISE Ann Marie Couch CHARLIES PHANTOM Peggy Mervine AMERICA STRONG Lucky Collins DEW LILLY Diana Cruse

Jeff & Jacob Duke ack Heffington Eric Lackey Kelsey Andrews Ann Marie Couch Peggy Mervine Don Collins Diana Cruse

SHOW PLEASURE/WHTA RIDERS CUP Sorrell Trimble Robbins Final 639 639 639 639 677 704 704 704 704 677 677 677 634 634 634 634 BENELLI Edgar Abernathy BRUBAKER Link Webb BLACK LINED Mike Hannah I’M STEELY DAN Sam McLaughlin

Liz Vaughn Tim & Laura Cochran Conley Tyra Tripp McAllister

AMATEUR NOVICE Trimble Robbins Sorrell 612 612 716 716 651 612 651 698 685 712 716 651 685 673 652 652 685 624 698 624 698 679 712 712 DE LA VEGA I’M RESURRECTED DIXIE MAJORETTE MAGIC’S PURE RITZ IT IS SHOWTIME I A A TE IN NINE DAYS ON THE ROAD JOSES RITZ Y HAWK

Final 612 716 651 685 652 698 624 712 Maria Bobo Jason & Maria Bobo Amy McCurdy Ray Solley Jason Joseph Sister Milligan Lisa McMahan Lisa McMahan Alex Rea Dr. Ann Rea acquelyn Way Heffington Way Michelle Schoenvogel Michelle Schoenvogel Jennifer Pendleton Bedford Walking Horse Farm LLC

AMATEUR 15.2 & UNDER Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final 664 664 664 664 11 11 11 11 15 710 627 627 627 627 15 15 684 15 684 684 710 693 710 710 693 684 693 693 HE’S MADE IN THE USA Gayle Holcomb COMMAND ON PAROLE Sheryl Crawford MR. SOUTHERN COMFORT Kailin Kesselring BEAST MODE Beth Alagna BEEBEE KING Mary Medina GOT YOUR BACK Will Cole GIN FUSION Kendra Gilmore

Holcomb & Masters Sheryl Crawford Maureen Kesselring Floyd Ray Jones Bob Medina Will Cole Gary Gilmore

YOUTH 11 & UNDER Trimble Robbins Sorrell 697 697 697 657 657 657 616 613 616 613 641 613 641 616 641 635 635 635 648 648 648 COLE HAANAlly IT’S THE MEDALIST I’M A DIXIE DIVA JOSE THE CHAMP I’M ON GOOD BEHAVIOR CHARLIE’S GOLD LINING SUPER PUNCHER

Final 697 657 616 613 641 635 648 Jo Jacobs Eli Cunningham Anne Marie Beard Cole McCormick Mary Beech Alias Brenley Boyce Sterling Woodruff

TRAIL PLEASURE/WHTA RIDERS CUP Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final 618 49 49 49 669 669 618 618 49 629 622 669 622 622 629 622 629 618 669 629 BLACKLIST Carrie DeJarnatte AMPLE CASH DOWN Joe Lester SELF MADE MONEY Jessica Mast OLIVE OR TWIST Hannah Myatt BETRAYAL Laurie Toone AMATEUR TWO YEAR OLD STALLIONS Sorrell Trimble Robbins Final 608 661 661 661 607 607 607 607 661 608 674 608 649 683 608 674 674 674 649 649 642 642 642 642 683 649 683 683 711 654 654 654 BORN A MAVERICK Bob Adcock A SHADE OF JOSE Eric Lackey MY DUTY & HONOR Lindsay Hess Price CHAOS SF Meghan Hammond DREAMCATCHER’S SANTANA Tanya Strickland MY DINERO Dr Renee Montgomery HEADS UP JOSE Libby Doub JUST DEAL WITH IT Storm Sims

Ally Jo Jacobs Wilson & Cunningham Anne Marie Beard Mike McCormick Alais Family Investments The Boyce Family Sterling Woodruff

Sherry Kessler Kelli & Taylor Harvey Jack Pirkle The Spinelli Family Klein & Gassaway

Bob Adcock Eric Lackey Connie Hess Shamrock Farms Brian & Tanya Strickland Dr Renee Montgomery David & Libby Doub Wayne & Sandra Barnes

PARK PLEASURE FIVE & UNDER/WHTA RIDERS CUP Trimble Robbins Sorrell Final 690 690 690 690 708 708 708 708 691 691 691 691 469 469 469 469 CHROME CURB APPEAL Ryan Gannon Rushing & Parks ARMED BUT KID N Sister Milligan Sister Milligan JUST JOSE IT Kim Leonard Kim Leonard JOSE’S BODACIOUS Joey Manos Joey Manos AMATEUR PONIES Robbins Sorrell Trimble 660 660 643 643 643 660 678 703 678 703 678 703 617 617 617 714 714 714 A KINGPIN DARK RAIN COACHES CHOICE TONY THE PONY CASHLOTTO THE GOV

Final 660 643 678 703 617 714 Bob Adcock Taylor Walters Kourtney Tyra Lucky Collins Kim Bailey Hailey Puckett

Bob Adcock Stewart & Walters Conley Tyra Don & Lucky Collins Mike Owens Jean O Brien

PARK PERFORMANCE AMATEUR FIVE & UNDER Sorrell Trimble Robbins Final 707 707 707 707 615 694 694 694 640 640 615 615 694 615 640 640 631 631 631 631 DRAW A LINE Jannie Chapman Jannie Chapman ONE SPECIAL POISON Lisa Shockey Lisa Shockey DB COOPER Kim Bailey Owens & Bailey GAME SET MATCH Taylor Walters Billy Tippett STEALTH BOMBER FJC Jesse Laughlin 4J Land & Cattle Co

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Celebration Fall Classic ................... 4 Florence Charity ............................ 35


News ....................................................... 30 Places To Be ........................................... 39 Who’s Who .............................................. 40


The Scoop, Inc. 409 Elm Street, P. O. Box 1658, Shelbyville, TN 37162-1658 931-680-5696 • 931-680-2860 (fax)


Jacquelyn Elliott Way

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Michelle Schoenvogel

ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Laura Brandon Emily Fuss Sally Reiley Michelle Schoenvogel

EDITOR Jeffrey McGee GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Crystal Carter Pamela Moore

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The Scoop Walking Horse Publication (ISSN 15551040) is published semi-monthly, except monthly in January and February by The Scoop Inc, 409 Elm St, Shelbyville TN 37160. Periodicals Postage Paid at Shelbyville TN and at additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: The current subscription rate is $50.00/ year but is subject to change without notice. Foreign subscriptions may be subject to additional charges depending upon shipping costs. All foreign subscriptions must first contact the publication office at the address listed on this page prior to receiving subscription rights.

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FC ................................................................................................. Me And Pocahontas IFC ........................................................................................................... Daddy’s Home IBC ` ...................................................................................................... I Am Big Enough BC .................................................................................................................. Cole Haan Page Before Centerspread ........................................................................ Really Coach Centerspread ................................................Born A Maverick/A King Thing/A Kingpin Page After Centerspread............................................................................... Im Mayhem

A Masters Degree ..................................................................................................20 A Touche’ ...............................................................................................................10 Auggie ................................................................................................................... 11 Black Gins Bootlegger ...........................................................................................34 Bravo! ....................................................................................................................45 Charlie’s Perfect Angel ..........................................................................................13 Dark Picture Show .................................................................................................44 Draw The Line .......................................................................................................10 Epic .......................................................................................................................12 Finally I Am ..............................................................................................................3 Hello Dollar ............................................................................................................34 Knock Em’ Ted .......................................................................................................10 Locked Up In Dixie ................................................................................................32 Miss Stone Cash .....................................................................................................7 Mr. For Real .............................................................................................................6 Mr. True Blue ...........................................................................................................2 Mr. Gamecock .......................................................................................................32 My Chance Of Cash ..............................................................................................33 Petal Pushin Jazz .................................................................................................21 Switchblade .............................................................................................................1 The Smoke Signal .................................................................................................29 Twisted With Honors.............................................................................................. 11

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C el ebr at i on F AMATEUR (CANTER) Sorrell Trimble Robbins 658 658 658 706 706 682 682 717 706 709 709 709 717 682 717 NV US STARTING LINEMAN CASH’S GOOD WIFE JOSE’S BEYONCE MASTER OF THE RITZ

Final 658 706 682 709 717 Kim Leonard Jimmy Sauls Paul Simmons Jackie Whatley Jay Mitchell

Scott Leonard Jimmy Sauls Paul & Tiffany Simmons Jackie Whatley Jay Mitchell

AMATEUR THREE YEAR OLD STALLIONS Trimble Robbins Sorrell Final 600 600 600 600 27 27 27 27 662 644 662 662 715 662 713 713 713 713 715 715 702 702 702 702 644 715 644 644 MR TRUE BLUE Jake Jacobs THE BLACKSTONE Ed Breedlove HONORED IN TEXAS Bob Adcock BADGE Joey Manos HONORS IMAGE Tanya Strickland HE’S A HIGH DOLLAR DEAL Lucky Collins BOBBY BONES Michael Mosteller

The Jacobs Family KRB Investments Bob Adcock Joey Manos Brian & Tanya Strickland Don Collins Michael Mosteller

FOUR YEAR OLD/WHTA RIDERS CUP Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final 610 610 610 610 605 605 605 605 645 645 645 645 601 601 601 601 614 614 614 614 COUSIN BOB Hayden Burks STRONGER Michael Wright ELWAY Edgar Abernathy SHELDON COOPER R M Kellett JOSE RAZ Z LE DAZ Z LE Winky Groover

Jimmy Lackey Connie Hess Laci Mathews L D Austin Jim Gilbert

AMATEUR MARES/GELDINGS Sorrell Trimble Robbins Final 681 681 681 681 653 696 646 637 637 637 637 653 665 665 653 665 696 646 696 696 646 653 665 646 670 670 670 670 718 718 718 718 MISS STONE’S CASH Lynda Botsch FLYING HIGH CC Sheryl Crawford HRH PRINCE CHARLES Danny Hicks GOTCHA JOSE Dr Brittany Baum BRAIN POWER Jake Jacobs A NEON COWBOY Glenda Nichols HEY GOOD LOOKING Lisa Baum GEN’S NOT KID N Sister Milligan

Noel Botsch Sheryl Crawford Danny Hicks Jacob Baum Ally Jo Jacobs Glenda Nichols Lisa Baum Sister Milligan

OPEN SPECIALTY/WHTA RIDERS CUP Trimble Robbins Sorrell Final 671 671 671 671 606 606 606 606 NINO’S CATEGORY FIVE John Allan Callaway Dr Barbara Moersch HAWK IN THE SHADE Michael Wright Johnny Sapp AMATEUR FOUR YEAR OLD STALLIONS Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final 1601 750 750 750 750 1601 1601 1601 HE’S CAPTAIN AMERICA Sheryl Pittard THE COMANCHE Benj amin Bowen

Sheryl Pittard Larry & Pam Russell

EXPERIENCED TRAINERS 36 & OVER/WHTA RIDERS CUP Sorrell Trimble Robbins Final 1671 1671 1671 1671 741 741 90 741 1638 1638 1656 1638 1656 1656 1638 1656 1609 1609 1609 1609 HE’S WHISKEY CAVALIER Jimmy McConnell Meadows & Myers I’M THE ALAMO John Allan Callaway Ridgemont Farm CURLY BILL Chad Way Sherri Pollack JOSE IT AINT SO Knox Blackburn Steinmetz & Sims PROMINENCE Frankie Roark Jerome Cole

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SHOW PLEASURE YOUTH Trimble Robbins Sorrell 1621 1621 1621 1612 1612 1612 1618 1665 1665 1665 1618 1618 WIRED AND LINED WATCH THE LINE BUSY LINE NINE DANGEROUS YARDS

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AMATEUR/AMATEUR SPECIALTY Sorrell Trimble Robbins Final 1670 745 1670 1670 745 1670 745 745 12 716 12 12 716 12 1616 716 Kelsey Wright 718 1616 718 1616 Dr & Mrs Curt Branch 1616 1635 716 718 Jay Mitchell 1635 718 1635 1635 Fisher & Way 1713 1713 1713 1713 SHES LIMITLESS Taylor Walters & Dan Groover Kelsey Andrews THREE YEAR OLD STALLIONS/WHTA RIDERS CUP A KING THING Bob Adcock & Ashley Young Bob Adcock Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final HONOR AND OBEY Howard Eastridge Howard Eastridge 1672 1672 1672 1672 & Lauren Landers 1634 749 749 749 I’M RESURRECTED Amy McCurdy & Tom Morgan Ray Solley 749 1637 1634 1634 DORAL Jennifer Pendleton Bedford Walking 1622 727 1705 727 & Samantha Green Horse Farm LLC 727 1634 1637 1637 GEN’S NOT KID N Sister Milligan & Donald Turner Sister Milligan 1653 1622 715 1622 ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ Jayden Jackson Kimberley Morrison 715 715 727 715 & Lilly Beth Harville 1705 1653 1622 1705 O S FIRST OBSESSION Charlie Stembridge Olivia Stembridge SWITCHBLADE FSS Jimmy McConnell LaRue/Ann McWaters & Jacob Andrews HONOR MY WORD John Allan Callaway Lisa Baum OPEN PONIES/WHTA RIDERS CUP I T ico Bravo ack Heffington Trimble Robbins Sorrell Final PATRICK MAHOMES Ryan Blackburn Terry Manier 1626 1626 1626 1626 B AC GIN C T Chad Way ack Heffington 1652 1652 1652 1652 NRA’S COOL BREES Casey Wright Josh Lawwell 649 720 649 649 HONORS IMAGE Winky Groover 649 720 720 Brian & Tanya Strickland 720 LIL SHADY Edgar Abernathy Rae Shumate Tysor CHAOTIC Link Webb Judy Case SAMSUNG Bill Callaway Bill Callaway PARK PLEASURE/WHTA RIDERS CUP DREAMCATCHER’S SANTANA Winky Groover Brian & Tanya Strickland Sorrell Trimble Robbins Final JAKE RYAN R M Kellett Spencer & Carrie Benedict 1643 1643 1643 1643 1636 1636 1702 1636 SHOW PLEASURE FIVE & UNDER/WHTA RIDERS CUP 587 587 1636 587 Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final 734 1702 587 1702 743 743 743 743 1702 734 734 734 1602 1602 1602 1602 DOSE Patrick Thomas Lisa Baum 1627 1630 1639 1639 JACK POT CASH Jackson Laughlin Jocelyn & Jackson 1639 1639 1644 1630 Laughlin 1630 737 737 737 JAZ Z ANOVA Kyle Elliott Hunter Head 1605 1644 1630 1644 MIDNIGHT IN MEXICO Jamey Thompson Jim & Cindy Heiting 737 1627 1627 1627 PRINCE AT THE RITZ Wade Hickman Jeff Bronnenberg 1644 1704 1613 1605 THE HONOR CODE John Allan Callaway The Alan Riddley Family AMATEUR THREE YEAR OLD MARES/GELDINGS MOST WANTED MCF Bobby Hugh Jannie Chapman Trimble Robbins Sorrell Final PRAISE AND HONOR Jeff Laughlin Doris Penick 728 728 728 728 HARD EIGHT Lake Weaver MW Enterprises 722 424 1623 722 GOOD EVENING JOSE Bill Callaway Dr Barbara Moersch 1669 722 1651 424 VEINTIUNO Patrick Thomas Lisa Baum 424 1623 722 1623 A WORD OF HONOR Edgar Abernathy Glenda Nichols 1654 1661 1669 1669 BLACK STORMY GIN Blaise Broccard Blake Boyce 1651 1651 1661 1651 1623 1669 424 1661 DEBUT TWO YEAR OLD MARES & GELDINGS/WHTA RIDERS CUP 1661 1654 1654 1654 Sorrell Trimble Robbins Final HES BALLISTIC Dr David Bullock Dr David Bullock 1668 1668 1668 1668 THE MANDALORIAN Dee Broom Yoder Dee Broom Yoder 742 1606 742 742 C ME WALK AND SHAKE Sister Milligan Sister Milligan 1606 742 1606 1606 HONORS UPTOWN GIRL Tom Kakassy Duke Ingram 726 726 726 726 TAMMY JONES Noel Botsch Noel Botsch QUEEN MAVERICK Sam Martin Thomas & Grant MADE TO HONOR Lisa Baum Lisa Baum JOSE’S DOLLAR DIVA John Allan Callaway Stephanie Elliott A SWEET EMOTION Danny Hicks Danny & Kathy Hicks YS MYSTIC Blaise Broccard Yellowstone Farm SHE’S THROWIN SHADE Allison Abbott Sherry Sims TA PA E ount arnell eronica Porterfield Final 1621 1612 1665 1618 Kelsey Wright Ella Abernathy Joanna Mitchell Mary Francis Way

AMATEUR FOUR YEAR OLD MARES/GELDINGS Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final 1701 1706 1706 1706 723 1658 1701 1701 1633 1701 1658 1658 729 729 729 729 1706 723 1633 723 1658 1633 723 1633 1641 1641 1633 1641 748 748 748 748 A CODE OF HONORS Heidi McWilliams McWilliams Farm MY TICKET TO RIDE Rae Shumate Tysor Sandy Shumate MISS HEAVENLY CASH Shelby Sims Shannon & Shelby Sims HE’S FOR REAL Jennifer Bingham Gerald Childers THE LONGMIRE Dee Broom Yoder Dee Broom Yoder TOP SHELF TODDY Brenda Carlon Brenda Carlon WALK BY CHARLIE Benton Pitts Benton & Gay Pitts A DIXIE GENERAL Laura Mauney Roger& Laura Mauney

PARK PERFORMANCE AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP Trimble Robbins Sorrell Final 730 1645 1645 1645 1645 438 730 730 590 730 438 438 1710 1710 590 590 438 590 1710 1710 739 739 1709 739 1709 1709 1711 1709 1711 1711 739 1711 DO RIGHT Dr Jim Baum Lisa Baum I AM UNO Jake Jacobs Holton & Jacobs TOP RECRUIT Darlene Harris Bill & Darlene Harris OFFENSIVE LINE Dr Ann Rea Dr Ann Rea PAROLED FROM HARDTIME Sister Milligan Sister Milligan MUCHO PAVO Kim Leonard Scott & Kim Leonard NINETY YARDS Jay Mitchell Milligan/Mitchell TED WHO Donald Turner Donald Turner

C el ebr at i on F FLAT SHOD AMATEUR NOVICE RIDER Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final 1614 1614 1614 1614 619 619 1650 619 448 1648 619 1648 1648 620 448 448 1650 618 1648 1650 1676 448 620 620 42 1650 618 618 620 1640 42 42 A RAIN DELAY Deborah Dill William & Deborah Dill ITS A KNIGHT TO REMEMBER Lisa Fisher Jeff & Lisa Fisher 401K Jared Carrier Murphy & Tate & Toone SWEET AS STRAWBERRY WINEStephanie Martin Pope & Manis HEADLINER AT THE RITZ Debbie Simons The Simons Family DON’T PUSH THIS Amanda Wright Dr. George Wright Family AMPLE CASH DOWN Taylor Harvey Kelli & Taylor Harvey RESURGENCE Sarah Beth Thomas Sarah Beth Thomas COUNTRY PLEASURE YOUTH Sorrell Trimble Robbins Final 1663 1615 1663 1663 28 1663 1615 1615 1615 28 1649 28 1649 1649 28 1649 1707 1707 1707 1707 DIAMOND AT THE RITZ Abi Smith BELLA BELLE Cooper Moore THE BIG BANG PL Kylie Duvall EL RIO LOBO Eliza Dekleyn THE MYSTERY Julia Mitchell

Walden & Smith Jason Moore Christy Duvall Dekleyn & Myers Jay Mitchell

DEBUT TWO YEAR OLD STALLIONS/WHTA RIDERS CUP Trimble Robbins Sorrell Final 1675 1659 1662 721 1632 721 721 1632 721 732 1632 1675

1659 1675 1675 1667 1632 744 1662 1617 1708 732 747 1617 1617 1662 1667 AUGGI A WORK OF HEART Z ANZ IBAR GEORGIA HIGH HONOR I AM JOHN DUTTON DIXIE NATIONAL LUCHADOR OUTLIER

1659 1662 1617 732 1667 R M Kellett Rico Bravo Dan Waddell Knox Blackburn Tanner Burks Steve Beam Winky Groover Sam Martin

GROOMS & FARRIERS Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final 724 724 724 724 15 1631 15 15 1610 15 1631 1631 1631 1610 1611 1610 1611 1611 1610 1611 CHARLIES PERFECT ANGEL William Keith BEAST MODE Jeff Brown IN A TE ucas Highfill DEAL OF FORTUNE Ben Ramirez SHEZ A SILVER BELLE Tim Webb AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP Sorrell Trimble Robbins 1642 1642 1642 746 746 746 719 719 719 REALLY COACH RESERVATION ON LINE PSYCHO

Final 1642 746 719 Carol Missildine

l l C l as s i c Howard Eastridge Rico Bravo Todd Jackson Robert Brindley Jr Ira Kilburn Jackie Ball Teresa Williams Civils & Coffey

Tara Rhoades Floyd Ray Jones r inda Garrard Dru McCormick Ann Bailey

Russell Enterprises & Carol Missildine Gayle Holcomb Holcomb & Masters Reggie Newsom Jr Reggie Newsom Jr

C l as s i c F

WALKING HORSE CHAMPIONSHIP (CANTER)/WHTA RIDERS CUP Trimble Robbins Sorrell Final 1673 1673 1673 1673 733 733 733 733 MACH I Jimmy McConnell Molly Walters Family E PA Winky Groover trickland Porterfield ANDY ADKINS MEMORIAL YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP Robbins Sorrell Trimble Final 740 1625 1625 1625 725 1664 1664 1664 319 740 725 740 1629 1714 1714 725 1664 725 740 1714 1660 319 319 319 1714 1646 1629 1629 1625 1660 1660 1660 1603 1629 1646 1646 1799 1712 1619 1603 MISS LULULEMON Jonathan Lawwell Beth Lawwell PUNISHER Counti Green Smith & Green A SUPERBOWL MVP BiBi Beasley BiBi Beasley VON MILLER Madalyn Smith Madalyn Smith & Jill Z amora-Smith I’M COACH CAL Mackenzie Lawrence Jamie Lawrence NEVERMORE Julia Callaway Dr Barbara Moersch ELWAY Laci Mathews Laci Mathews LIGHTNING IN A BOTTLE CRL Chet Lowman Evie Lowman HOT DOLLAR Carly Cagle Carly Cagle HELLO BOMBSHELL Reese Abernathy Tyson & Abernathy .

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Claiming the first blue of this year’s show was Daddy’s Home DH and Jessica Mast. This duo won the RC Trail Pleasure Five & Under class.

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Tyler Baucom directed Me And Pocahontas to the blue in the RC Young Trainers 35 & Under class.

Epic and Meghan Hammond claimed the blue in the Show Pleasure Amateur class.

A Touche’ and Jannie Chapman were the Park Performance Amateur champions.

Petal Pushin’ Jazz and Lauren Hamilton added another blue to their collection after winning the All Day Pleasure division. The Scoop / Page 19

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Finally I Am and Jimmy McConnell made the victory lap in the RC Two Year Old Stallions class.

Jannie Chapman and Knock ‘ Em Ted were the Amateur 50 & Over champions.

Ally Jo Jacobs was thrilled with her winning ride in the Youth 1 1 & U nder class aboard Cole Haan. Page 2 /

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The Youth P onies champions were I Am B ig Enough and Maxine B easley.

Jannie Chapman made another trip to the winners’ circle; this time with Draw A Line af ter they won the P ark P erf ormance Amateur Five & U nder class.

The RC Trail P leasure champions were B lacklist and Carrie DeJarnatte.

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I t was a great night f or the B ob Adcock Family. B ob claimed the blue with B orn A Maverick in the Amateur Two Year Old Stallions class, and a blue with A Kingpin in the Amateur P onies class.

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Mr. True B lue and Jake Jacobs claimed the top award in the Amateur Three Year Old Stallions class.

Lynda B otsch and Miss Stone Cash made the winning ride in the Amateur Mares & Geldings class.

The Flat Shod Amateur Novice champions were A Rain Delay and Deborah Dill. The Scoop / Page 23

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RM Kellett directed Auggi to the win in the prestigious RC Debut Two Year Old Stallions division.

He’s Whiskey Cavalier and Jimmy McConnell (not pictured) won the RC Experienced Trainers 36 & Over class.

Taking top honors in the RC Mares & Geldings division was TN Lineman with Mickey McCormick in the irons.

Getting the crowd excited was the RC Three Year Old Stallions champion Switchblade FSS with Jimmy McConnell in the irons. The Scoop / Page 25

Wrapping up 2021 show season...

We had so much fun!

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Wrapping up 2021 show season...

We had so much fun!

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Wrapping up 2021 show season...

We had so much fun!

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NOMINATIONS ANNOUNCED FOR NCWHA BOARD OF DIRECTORS The North Carolina Walking Horse Association has announced they are taking nominations for their Board of Directors positions.

We want the latest Scoop… Send your News items to The Scoop! (931-680-5696) or


LaRue & Ann McWaters proudly take a candid moment to celebrate with their Celebration Fall Classic Three Year Old Stallions Champion, Switchblade FSS.

KWRHTA AWARDS BANQUET The KWRHTA Awards Banquet and General Membership Meeting will be held at Bright Leaf Golf Resort in Harrodsburg, Ky on Friday, December 3, 2021 AT 5:30 PM.

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The following list of names is who has expiring terms on the Board of Directors. Derek Bonner John Callicutt Robert Deutsch Allen Dickerson Audrey Safriet Ginger Williams The following remain on the board: Amy Abee Chad Adams Allyson Armstrong Tyler Baucom Sandy Brumbaugh Hayden Burks Kerry DeArmond Kelly Duschel Jerry Jester Joe Manis Kelly Manis Alex Sinden Macy Woody The following list of names is who the Board of Directors has nominated. Derek Bonner John Callicutt Robert Deutsch Allen Dickerson Makenzie Niston Tara Rhoades Audrey Safriet Caroline Sinden Ginger Williams The board would like to thank Tom Kincaid for his service to the NCWHA. He recently resigned from the board for personal reasons and the association wishes him well. Nominations are open to the NCWHA membership. If you wish to send in a nomination, please send the it in writing to Sandy Brumbaugh, 591Cemetary Loop, Hickory, NC 28601 or by email to TerriEM552@ before November 15th. All members will receive a ballot for the Board of Directors’ election.


OBITUARY- WAYNE THARP Mr. Wayne Edwin Tharp, 81, of Hohenwald, passed away peacefully Tuesday morning at NHC Maury. Wayne was born on January 30, 1940, to Clyde Tharp and Imogene (Poore) Tharp. Wayne grew up in Lewis County and has been a lifelong resident. After graduating from Lewis County High School, he began working as a surveyor for the TN Dept of Transportation. In May of 1960, he married the love of his life and best friend, Madelyn Ammons. Soon after, he discovered his true passion-training Tennessee Walking Horses. In 1970, he quit his j ob as a surveyor for the state and opened Wayne Tharp Stables. He trained and bred Tennessee Walking Horses for over forty years until he wasn’t able to any longer. Wayne was an excellent trainer and won multiple world grand championships at the Tennessee National Walking Horse National Celebration. He was also extremely dedicated to his community. He was a county commissioner for twenty-four years. His greatest achievement was when he was given the name “Papa” by his grandchildren, Stone and Sailor. They were truly the light of his world. He never missed an activity that they were a part of. He attended countless ballgames over the years and was their biggest supporter until his last breath. Wayne loved to tell stories and be with people. He also had the best advice for his friends and family. His family has a list of famous “Wayne Sayings” but a the most well known ones would be “Just be yourself, if they don’t like you for who you are, they’re not gonna like you for who you’re trying to be” and the one he said he came up with when he got married “Least said...easiest mended.” Above all, Wayne loved the Lord. He was dedicated member of the Hohenwald Church of Christ where he and Madelyn worshipped for many years. Along with his wife, Madelyn Tharp, he is survived by his daughter, Jill (Steve) Selby, sister, Shirley (Joe) Shipp, brother, Mack Tharp, grandson, Stone Selby, and granddaughter, Sailor Selby, all of Hohenwald. Along with his parents, he is preceded in death by his daughter, Dana Michelle Tharp. Visitation with the family was conducted on Wednesday, November 10th. Funeral services followed in the McDonald Funeral Home Chapel. The Scoop sends our deepest sympathies to the Tharp Family.

The Scoop sends our heartfelt condolences to Paulette Ewing, a longtime employee of the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ and Exhibitors’ Association and the Voice Magazine editor. Paulette recently lost her husband Mickey Ewing to an extended illness. Michael Hunter “Mickey” Ewing, age 64, of Lewisburg, died Saturday, November 6th, 2021 at his residence. He was a native of Marshall County, the son of the late Walter and Grace Hunter Ewing. He was retired from the TN Dept. of Transportation in Belfast and was a member of the Methodist Church. He is survived by his wife of 3 years, Paulette Wakefield Ewing, brother, Tony (Cheryl) Ewing, and nephews, Clay and Drew Ewing, all of Lewisburg. London Funeral Home and Crematory of Lewisburg, TN assisted the family with the arrangements. A Celebration of Life and Visitation with family and friends was conducted Wednesday, November 10th, 2021 at the TWHBEA Auditorium located at 250 North Ellington Pkwy in Lewisburg.

SAVE THE DATE The annual WHAO awards banquet will be held February 19, 2022 at A a Cart, Canfield, hio. ore details to come.!

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Florence Charity Crowns Champions

SUMTER, SC- The Florence Charity Horse Show took place on October 30th at Dillon Park in Sumter. This show was affiliated with the CWHA and the NCWHA. erving as udge was immy Baumgardner. Three championship classes ended the night s festivities with two horses in each division. The pen pecialty Championship crowned All American ilver and Bryan Barnhill with the top award for owner Colton pivey. treet eal and Allen Abee were the reserve champions for owners Tom and issy Weese.

In the acking pecialty Action Championship, I m ky High and Bryan Barnhill made the victory lap for owner Greg iser. tormin Willie and Bryant Norwood claimed the reserve award for owner elly rance. The final class of the show was the Walking Horse take. Claiming the 2021 title was Ice Cold Gold with Allen Abee in the irons for owner Tom hipman. Bryan Barnhill directed He s Black As Night to the eserve ribbon for owners Tony and arah heffield. The coop congratulates each Florence Charity winner.

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Ben Pulliam Macy Woody

Jena Pulliam Macy Woody


Ella Grace Healon George Bauer Sutton Shook McCoy Abee

Babs Healon Riley Robinson Marsha Hewitt Johnson & Evans


Tony heffield


Tom & Sissy Weese


McCoy Abee

Tony Roberts

Mike Rabon Jennifer Moye

Cathy Cummings Branham & Hall


Babs Healon



Elizabeth Thomas

Justin & Angie Kolh


Curtis Thompson

Jodi Livingston


Jennifer Moye Marilyn Gause Susan Shumaker Rickey Ingle

Brenda Beanham Marilyn Gause Tom Kakassy Rhonda Ingle


McCoy Abee Marilyn Gause Rickey Ingle

Johnson & Evans Marilyn Gause Rickey Ingle


Kathy Jamison Debbie Wells

Kathy Jamison Heiden & Wells


Blake Drew Ella Grace Healon

Heiden & Wells Babs Healon


Tom Kakassy Cathy Cummings


Carson Adams Gracie Mourglea Justin Kohl Pam Smith Bruce Pulliam

LaRue McWaters Belinda Marriott Justin Kohl David Boyce Caitlyn Duschel


Rhonda Ingle

Rhonda Ingle


Riley Robinson Patricia Hiott

Riley Robinson Patricia Hiott


McCoy Abee Carson Adams Ella Grace Healon

McCoy Abee Chad Adams Ella Grace Healon


McCoy Abee Carson Adams

Johnson & Evans Ricky Frazier


Blake Drew Kathy Jamison Ella Grace Healon

Heiden & Wells Kathy Jamison Babs Healon

Lisa Howard

A Walking Miracle Farm


Kelly Manis Caitlyn Duschel

Jennifer Lynn Spivey Joseph Livingston Joe Manis Seay & Duschel


Bruce Butler


Sandy Livingston Tom Kakassy

Livingston & Thompson Tom Kakassy


Hannah Buffkin Marilyn Gause Ella Grace Healon

Johnson & Evans Marilyn Gause Babs Healon


LD & Tammy Austin Judy Giggs Kelly Duschel


Rhonda Ingle

Rhonda Ingle


Stephanie Carter Kendra Hicks Judy Griggs

Riles & Callaway Norwood & Woody Judy Griggs


Makenzie Niston Ella Grace Healon

Heiden & Wells Babs Healon


Colton Spivey Tom & Sissy Weese


Greg Kiser Kelly France


Tom Shipman Tony arah heffield

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Florence Charity

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January 21-22, 2022, Nashville, TN NWHA Annual Meeting & Award Banquet. Friday-Annual Membership & Committee Meetings. Saturday-Judge’s Training & Awards Banquet. Located at Embassy Suites, Nashville Airport, Nashville, TN. Visit


January 22, 2022, Sevierville, TN ETWHA Awards Banquet. Located at the Ridges Outdoor Resort in Sevierville, TN. Contact Bill Daugherty at 423-836-3607.

November 20, 2021, Sparta, TN Upper Cumberland Walking Horse Association Awards Banquet. Location at Bilbrey Farms. Contact Pat Stout for information at 931-265-1673.

December 3-4, 2021, Lewisburg, TN TWHBEA Annual Meeting And Banquet Located at TWHBEA Headquarters in Lewisburg, TN. Contact Margo Urad for information at 214-763-7379. December 10-11, 2021, Franklin, TN WHTA Convention And Banquet Located at Cool Springs Marriott, Franklin, TN. For information call 931-684-5866. December 31, 2021, Shelbyville, TN Fast Denim & Diamonds. Located at the Blue Ribbon Circle, Shelbyville, TN. For information contact 931-580-5085.


January 1, 2022, Shelbyville, TN Hwy 43 Auction Co. Walking Into The New Year Sale. Located at Wiser Farm in Shelbyville, TN. January 15, 2022, Shelbyville, TN SSHBEA Awards Banquet. Located at the Blue Ribbon Room in Shelbyville, TN. Contact Janice Pope for information at 931-684-7496.

January 22, 2021, Jackson, TN

Mid-America Horse Show Association Awards Banquet.

Located at Madison Downs in Jackson, TN. Contact Vickie Benjamin at 731-694-5188.

January 22, 2022, Cullman, Al. WHAA Awards Banquet. Located at Stone Bridge Farms in Cullman, AL Contact Joan Kemp 205-566-6090. January 29, 2022, Shelbyville, TN NSSHA Awards Banquet. Located at the Blue Ribbon Room in Shelbyville, TN. Contact Donna at 615-890-2864. January 29, 2022, Bell Buckle, TN PWHAT Banquet. Located at the Bell Buckle Banquet Hall in Bell Buckle, TN. Contact Susan Paul at 770-601-8289.

The Scoop / Page 39

Who’s Who is The Scoop’s directory for everything you need in the Walking Horse Industry. The directory is printed in each publication and is also available on our FREE website To get your listing added call The Scoop 931-680-5696.


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CLOTHING/APPAREL MARSHA DeARRIAGA, LLC Equestrian riding apparel; ready made and custom western and saddle seats. “The Choice of Champions in Fine Equestrian Apparel.” Marsha Shepard. Located at 115 South Side Square, Shelbyville, TN 37160. Call 931-684-3500, fax 931-684-6544 or email marshadea@ ROY ROGERS WESTERN WEAR Located at 1708 Huntsville Hwy., Fayetteville, TN 37334. Call 931-438-4052. Hours: Mon.-Sat. 8-5, Sun. 1-4. BLING TIE AFFAIR One of a Kind Swarovski Chrystal Enhanced Designer Ties. Contact Patti Pollack at 408-202-5752 or email wiphome@ 14500 Big Basin Way Saratoga, CA 95070 VICTOR’S RIDING APPAREL Custom riding apparel at it s finest 906 Madison St. Shelbyville, TN M-Sat. 10:30-4:00 615-377-3008 or 615-838-3838 FEED DISTRIBUTORS ALL FEED “Whatever The Need All Feed” Bulk & Bag Sales/GMO & Non GMO Feeds. Joe F. Green, Sr. 931-310-0063 Jgreen.allfeed@ Pleasant Shade, TN & Hillsboro, AL INSURANCE CRAWFORD INSURANCE Farm-Ranch-Equine-Home-Auto-Life Insurance Call Dean Crawford, Agent 931-225-7010 101 Northside Circle Suite A Shelbyville, TN 37160

JONES EQUINE INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Providing all types of insurance coverage for the horseman. Full mortality, maj or medical, prospective foal, farm & liability and workers’ compensation. Contact Bobby Jones at 1330 Moberly Road, Richmond, KY 40475. Phone 859-893-1097, fax 859-369-7952, or email bj onesins@ Whitney McConnell Davis - phone 901-292-5598, fax 615-395-4152 or email whittermac23@ MARKEL INSURANCE COMPANY Providing coverage for horses and horse-related businesses for over forty years. Whether you ride for pleasure or competitively, owning a horse is a substantial commitment. The horse people at Markel can help you protect the emotional and financial investment you ve made. Coverage s include agreed value horse mortality with optional medical/ surgical plans, farm pack and liability only policies, independent trainer/instructor liability and

excess/ umbrella liability. P.O. Box 1094 Murfreesboro, TN 37133. Contact Bill Carrington at 615-8901163 or Holly Liddell Sanders at 931-703-0267 or visit

NUTRITION-DIET IT WORKS Independent Distributor Norma Beal . 931-703-2733 Facebook: Norma Bledsoe Beal Instagram: normabledsoebeal

PHOTOGRAPHERS BARR STUDIOS Marty & Jennifer Barr 1911 Bel Aire Dr. • Tullahoma, TN 37388 j ennifer@ • JACK GREENE, PHOTOGRAPHER Located at P. O. Box 33, Christiana, TN 37037. Call 615-893-3993 or visit www.j JAMIE MCCOY PHOTOGRAPHY Now booking for horse shows. Also, portraits, action shots or conformation shots on location or at your farm/training barn. Other photography available, including senior and family portraits. Located in Corinth, MS. Call 662-808-0323 or email j mmccoy@ Portfolio at http://photosby amie.photore PHOTOS BY NAT Natasha Douglas, Photographer. Offering extraordinary show horse photography in the ring and at the farm. Serving the eastern United States and beyond ocated at 2212 rog evel oad, Ewing, VA 24248. Call 865-585-4083, email tasha@ or visit PJ WAMBLE PHOTOGRAPHY View and order proofs online at www.pj Located at 1245 Cochran Cemetery Road, Lewisburg, TN 37091. Call or fax 931-359-6363 or call cell 931993-7353. SANDRA HALL PHOTOGRAPHY ocated at 2, Bo 111, Chesterfield, C 29 09. Call 843-623-6652. SHANE SHIFLET PHOTOGRAPHY Located at 2767 Lazy Pine Rd., Randleman, NC 27317. Call 336-318-2116, fax 336-318-2764 or visit www.shaneshi SID ABERNATHY PHOTOGRAPHY Specializing in equine photography, including horse shows, on the farm and stallion, family and senior portraits. Sid Abernathy, P. O. Box 12, Shannon, MS 38868. Call 662-767-8281 or 662-401-0822, email Jsid46@ or visit http://www.sid. photore TERRY YOUNG PHOTOGRAPHY Located at P. O. Box 54911, Lexington, KY 40555.

Call 859-264-8579, 859-263-3623 or email terryyoung@ TLC PHOTOGRAPHY Booking horse shows now Teresa Castle, P. . Box 176, Means, KY 40346. Call 606-768-4221, 606-768-2457 or visit TOM OAKLEY PHOTOGRAPHY Horse shows, portraits and action shots. Will transfer your home movies, photos or slides to DVD. Located at 132 Mankin St., La Vergne, TN 37086. Call 615-213-2931, 615-347-3835, email tomandelaine@ or visit REAL ESTATE ADAM JOHNSON AT BOB PARKS AUCTION CO. LLC. 535 W. Northfield Blvd. uite 1 urfreesboro, TN 37129 931-685-2010 or 931-703-6081 Cell Aj auctions83@ FIRST REALTY GROUP Robert Brindley, Jr. Owner/Broker Cell: 931-703-4663 ffice: 931-363-2644 113 North First Street Pulaski, TN 38478 robert@ • TY IRBY, ALC, GRI

Accredited Land Consultant Cell: 615-663-2200 tyirby@ CRYE-LEIKE, REALTORS 1139 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN 37129 ffice: 615-895-9518 RIDING INSTRUCTORS BALLENTINE FARMS RIDING ACADEMY Full-time riding academy, boarding, and sales facility. essons and summer camp. Gift certificates available. Producing North Carolina’s most accomplished riders. Located at 6921 Sunset Lake Road, Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526. Call 919-552-3536. TACK BEDFORD TACK, INC. anufacturers and importers of fine quality horse equipment at competitive prices (retail and wholesale). Large selection of English and Western attire. Call for catalog. Located 8 miles north of Shelbyville. Located at 148 Ebb Joyce Road, Bell Buckle, TN 37020. Order toll free at 1-800-523-4971, fax 931-437-2211 or visit

CASS SERVICES HEAVY TRUCK & EQUIPMENT, SALES & SERVICE Sandblasting, Painting, Welding, Repairs,

Who’s Who is The Scoop’s directory for everything you need in the Walking Horse Industry. The directory is printed in each publication and is also available on our FREE website To get your listing added call The Scoop 931-680-5696.


Horse Trailers & Equipment 2524 Hwy. 231 N. Shelbyville, TN 931-492-4800 VETERINARY & EQUINE SERVICES EQUINE SERVICES LLC Dr. John Bennett Dr. Belinda Mendenhall Dr. Steve Mullins Dr. Nichole Dammann 3515 Hwy 231 North Shelbyville, TN 37160 Fax: 931-437-2466 E-mail: EQUINE & LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Specializing in equine and livestock hauling needs. Providing local and out of state transportation year round. For information contact John at Mohon Farms 931-625-0136

ALABAMA CHOOSE YOUR GAIT FARM A Full time Equestrian Center – specializing in Training, Breeding & Sales. Announcing Elysium: The South’s newest Multi-Function Facility located inside Choose Your Gait Farm. Plan to have your next event here! Danville, Alabama 256-426-0749 CALIFORNIA POLLACK’S SILVER SPUR RANCH Training, Boarding and Breeding Facility. Sherri & Patti Pollack, Owners, Justus Carter, Trainer. 14990 Columbet Ave. Sam Martin, CA 95046 Phone 408-667-1080 GEORGIA CARL EDWARDS & SONS STABLES, INC (Walking Horses) Training and Sales Facility Larry and Gary Edwards 689 Horse Farm Road Dawson, GA 39843 229-698-3070 PRICE STABLES TRAINING FACILITY Trainers: Alan and Nick Price. Fairmount, Georgia. Alan- 770-324-4685 Nick- 770-362-8931 KENTUCKY COTTONWOOD FARMS Walking Horse Training & Sales Facility. “Where Your next Champion is Made” Cotton Road Corbin, Kentucky. Contact us at 606-526-6946 barn or 606-422-8897 Ryan Cell Quality Horses For Sale At All Times YELLOWSTONE FARM Grayson, KY Tennessee Walking Horses For Sale Weanlings-Yearlings-Broodmares

Sired by the Industries’ Top Stallions Van Stephens - Phone: 740-352-6060 NORTH CAROLINA ACADEMY at BAYFIELD FARM Tennessee Walking Horse Training. Riding Lessons available with 3 TWH Certified Instructors. Boarding, and Sales. School and Summer Camps. Located less than one hour from Raleigh. Standing at Stud WC Allen’s Avenger & WGC Dillon’s Law and Order, both Reg. TWH & SSH. 6025 Highway 96 North, Oxford, NC 27565 Kevin Gilliam, Trainer/Instructor, 919-691-2569 BALLENTINE FARMS RIDING ACADEMY Walking and Spotted Saddle Horses - Full-time riding academy, boarding and sales facility. Lessons and summer camp. Gift certificates available. Producing North Carolina’s most accomplished riders. New Wedding Venue. Located conveniently near Raleigh, NC at 6921 Sunset Lake Road, Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526. Call 919-552-3536. BAUCOM STABLES Training and Sales Facility. Tyler Baucom, Trainer. Monroe, North Carolina. 704-989-0788 TENNESSEE 5 STAR FARMS Full Service Training and Sales Facility Trainer- Brandon Givens (865) 740-5878 Manager- Terry Givens (865) 389-5541 Located in Rogersville, TN CARRIE MARTIN TRAINING Walking Horse Training Facility 3065 Old Columbia Road Lewisburg, TN 37091 (352)-242-7683 EQUIKNOX FARMS Trainer Knox Blackburn Now accepting Outside Horses! Contact Us Today! Equiknox Farms 3041 Duplex Rd, Spring Hill, Tn 615-310-3151 FORMAC STABLES Walking horse training and sales facility. Jimmy McConnell, Trainer. 731-884-9135, Shelbyville, TN LEATHERWOOD FARM Full time Training and Sales Facility 2799 Finley Beech Road Lewisburg, TN 37091 931-224-2968 Do business where business is being done!

Midland Rd. Shelbyville, TN Russ Thompson 909-226-9671(Cell) WHITE OAK FARM Breeding, training and sales facility. Robert and Lisa Marbry, Owners. Standing at stud: Silver Express, Stud Fee: $550. Located at 10023 Rosemark Road, Atoka, TN 38004. Call the office 901-458-4314, barn 901-829-3303, fax 901-458-9792, email lbrock9526@ or visit WINDING CREEK STABLES Training, boarding, breeding, mare care. Mare and foals for sale at all times. Farm 865-376-4477. WISER FARMS/TRIPLE “M” FARMS 1112 Hwy 64 West, ,Shelbyville, Tennessee 37160. Ann McWaters- 334-790-9653. LaRue McWaters334-797-1827 Performance Horses & Yearlings Limited RV Sites Available XENA HORSE FARM BOARDING AND TRAINING 2523 Midland Road Shelbyville, TN 37160 Full, Partial and stall rent available. Discounts for multiple horses. Patty Biggs, Owner, 214-208-0050 Russ Bene’t, Business & Farm Manager 931-4924601. TEXAS McDODI FARM AND STABLES Training, boarding and riding instructions. Show and trail horses for sale. Dr. Jim and Dodi Speece, owners Marco Suarez, trainer Kim Lewis, riding instructor 817-614-0623 (Dodi) 817-896-7073 (Barn) Email or visit our website Located in Burleson, Texas WEST VIRGINIA PAINTER FARMS. Breeding and Training Standing at Painter Farms... ARMED DANGEROUS PREMIER Stud Fee: $300 MONEY MAN Stud Fee: $300 For information, contact: Brian K. Painter, 304-541-6661 69 Saskatoon Lane Red House, WV 25168

MICKEY MCCORMICK STABLES AT SUMMER WIND FARM A Walking Horse Breeding and Training Facility 1450 Highway 64 West Shelbyville, TN 931-703-9997 RUSS THOMPSON STABLES Training, Boarding and Breeding Facility. 2417

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Wrapping up 2021 show season...

We had so much fun!

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Wrapping up 2021 show season...

We had so much fun!

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Wrapping up 2021 show season...

We had so much fun!

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Wrapping up 2021 show season...

We had so much fun!

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