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Thinking differently

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The tale of stale

The tale of stale

There’s no way of writing the following without it sounding like a case of massive bias, BUT, sometimes I’m just in awe of what the Society does, offers up, and has available. Hear me out…

I meet a lot of people in my whisky journey, and inevitably I get asked about what the Society does and what do we offer up? When I get to the part about how we have 15+ different single casks offered up EVERY month, I almost always get asked to check that number. “You mean 15 a year?”, “No, definitely around 15 a month”. It’s almost baffling. It almost makes no sense. The longer you think about it, especially when you dial back into the logistics and process of bottling single casks over a ‘core range’, it’s positively bonkers.


Speaking of logistics, and this kind of news isn’t exciting to everyone I’m sure, but the humble little SMWS has hit a new milestone just last month with the opening of our very own bond store and bottling line just outside of Glasgow. Previously, we’ve relied on third party bottling halls, which has been fine, but by having our own line we can be far more rigorous in quality assurance, timings, and process. That’s just the tip of the iceberg however, as the new site also includes a blending room and innovation team which will enable a depth of flavour creation not previously available. In short, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes at the club to grow, improve, and be the leading whisky club worldwide. More on that to come.

Now we turn our attention to March. It’s a month of thinking differently. One man’s vision to change whisky appreciation and the journey thus far. “Those who said it couldn’t be done were so dull”. Think of the sheer marvel of that diversity of offering; the uniqueness of a single cask and full-flavoured malt whisky and other spirits from around the world. This is our year of celebrating our Maverick spirit, and for March that means a focus on our Maverick women who’ve shaped the Society and shaped whisky in general. We’re also running a huge promo in this Outturn for someone to win a trip to the AMWTC (Whisky Champs) this year. The prize is return accommodation plus your hotel stay for the Champs in Sydney on Saturday, 24th June. Tickets will be up for that soon, but make sure you read on so you can be in the running to win this prize for March, valued at over $1,000.

Matt Bailey ~ Branch Director, SMWS Australia

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