1 minute read
Nourishingthe MindandBodyof YoungChildren
Outreach Program Of English Club
The English Club, along with the Dramatics Club of Jo- se Rizal University - Junior High School Division (JRUJHS), organized an outreach program in Barangay Hulo for Saturday Schoolers of Jesus First Christian Ministries (JFCM) on Saturday, December 10, 2022, carrying the aim of sharing one’s blessings through donating Bible Storybooks.

The said program started at exactly 3 p.m. and was hosted by selected club officers with the help of their club advisers, Mrs. Angeline C. Donato and Ms. Arlita Sion. Hand in hand, they taught the youth about the importance of being compassionate and polite.

Excitement and laughter filled the room as the children participated in the games prepared by Elaiza Criscel A. Nido, the English Club President.

A story entitled “Maskara ni Miko” was narrated well by Mrs. Angeline C. Donato followed by questions and answers. Winners were given prizes.
Furthermore, students from both clubs arranged the following supplies they ought to hand out. Whilst some provided books. The English Teachers contributed to buy additional prizes, snacks, and books the day before December 9, 2022.
All in all, at least 40 books were donated to JFCM, and last year’s Christmas season was unlike any other for both the children and the selected club officers from the JHS.
Jose Rizal University JHS - The Scroll