Vol. 10 No. 19
at 905-852-7323
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Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
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Headline O’Toole talks
2013 budget’s local impact BLAKE WOLFE The Standard
WHAT AN UX-PERIENCE!: Singing, performances, sports and side-splitting comedy were on the menu for Uxperience, Uxbridge’s annual variety show. The crew is a group of over 100 volunteers - all of whom live in the community. They are a non-profit group who donates proceeds to local charities, and so far they have raised over $85,000 for worthy causes in the area. BENJAMIN PRIEBE The Standard
Vandals strike again in Uxbridge DARRYL KNIGHT The Standard
UXBRIDGE: Playground equipment was badly damaged during a weekend vandalism incident in the Testa Heights area of Uxbridge. According to Township CAO Ingrid Svelnis, damage from the incident - which included a playground slide badly melted due to fire - is between $7,000 and $8,000. Councillors were split on how to remedy the situation at their meeting on the morning of Monday, May 6. Mayor Gerri Lynn O’Connor first motioned not to replace the damaged pieces of playground equipment this year, citing increased insurance costs. “A substantial piece of the equipment is still there, and every time we make an insurance claim, our insur-
ance goes up. Furthermore, our deductible is almost as much as the equipment costs to replace,” explained Mayor O’Connor. However, not all members of council agreed with the mayor’s sentiments, as they thought not replacing the equipment would be unfairly penalizing the community at large. “We need to be proactive and get after the culprits, not penalize the residents who regularly use this equipment,” added Ward 5 Councillor Gord Highet. Ward 4 Councillor Jacob Mantle sided with Councillor Highet, and proposed that funding to replace the equipment come from the municipality’s Future Capital Reserve as a way of circumventing a possibly costly insurance claim. TURN TO PAGE 4
NORTH DURHAM: More action must be taken by the province in combating issues such as youth unemployment and looming job losses from changes to Ontario’s gaming industry, said Durham MPP John O’Toole following a recent discussion of the 2013 Ontario budget. The veteran MPP hosted a pair of post-budget discussions - one in Bowmanville and another in Port Perry - in his riding last Friday (May 3), dissecting the various proposals and potential impacts contained within the document. This was the first budget under Premier Kathleen Wynne, presented at Queen’s Park by Finance Minister Charles Sousa on May 2, amidst the controversy of the growing costs in the cancellation of two gas power plants in Oakville and Mississauga. The budget, deemed a “non-event” by local financial advisor Brian Callery (who accompanied Mr. O’Toole at the presentation) contained a number of measures which, like many in the province, Mr. O’Toole chalked up to being aimed squarely at the NDP to garner support for the minority government and avoid an election, including a guarantee of five days of homecare for house-bound Ontarians, a proposed 15 per cent reduction to car insurance rates, and $295 million toward the creation of a youth job strategy, the latter two criticized by Mr. O’Toole as “lacking framework” in terms of when and how the programs would be implemented. “There’s no plan in the youth job initiative,” said Mr. O’Toole. “We need to look beyond and toward what the jobs of the future are.” For Mr. O’Toole, the main issues in the province stem from a continued move “from taxing income to taxing consumption” through programs such as the HST, as well as continued spending that exceeds provincial revenues. “We’ve reached a point where we are going to have to ask some serious questions (about the province’s spending programs),” said Mr. O’Toole. “We’re going to need more accountability before taking in more revenue.” T U R N TO PAG E 5
2 • Thursday, May 9, 2013
The Standard
“Arts of China”
Thursday, May 9, 2013
from the Royal Ontario Museum is on display at the Heritage Centre & Archives. Visit www.scugogshoresmuseum.com for details. MEETINGS, PROCLAMATIONS AND APPOINTMENTS Council / Committee Meeting Schedule May 13th • Education & Training Session - 1:00 p.m. • Council - 6:30 p.m. May 14th • Utica Community Hall Meeting - 8:00 p.m. Meeting will be held at the utica Memory Hall (13990 Marsh Hill Rd., Utica) May 15th • Scugog Heritage & Museum Committee - 7:00 p.m. The meetings noted above are open to the public and will be held at the Municipal Office (181 Perry St., Port Perry) unless noted differently.
Proclamations for the month of April • First Responders Day - May 1st • Emergency Preparedness Week - May 5th to May 11th • International Day Against Homophobia / Transphobia - May 17th • Community Living Month - May
Council Appointments The Council of the Township of Scugog invites additional applications from members of the public who are qualified electors (18 years of age, Canadian Citizen) in the Township of Scugog who wish to have their names considered for appointment to the following Committees for this Council term: • Scugog Heritage & Museum Committee - 1 member • Blackstock Recreation Advisory Committee - 2 members • Public Art Advisory Committee - 2 members • Scugog Sports Hall of Fame Committee - 2 members • Scugog Accessibility Advisory Committee - 2 members • Scugog Seniors Advisory Committee - 1 member from Ward 1 & 1 member from Ward 4 • Fenceviewers - 2 Application forms and details regarding each of the Committees is available on the Township of Scugog web site at www.scugog.ca or at the Municipal Office, 181 Perry St., Port Perry applications will be accepted by the undersigned. Kim Coates, A.M.C.T. Clerk - E-mail: kcoates@scugog.ca.
CONTRACT OPPORTUNITY Contract No. Q2013-02 - For Planting and Gardening Services at the Blackstock Cenotaph The Township of Scugog is seeking planting and gardening services at the Blackstock Cenotaph from an experienced landscaping contractor. Complete Contract Documents are available for pick-up at the Municipal Office located at 181 Perry Street, Port Perry during regular business hours. Sealed quotes, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the Township Clerk until 2:00 p.m. (local time) on Friday, May 24, 2013. Kim Coates, AMCT Municipal Clerk 905-985-7346, ext. 119 Email: kcoates@scugog.ca
PUBLIC NOTICES Notice of an Education and Training Session May 13th An Education and Training Session has been called for Monday, May 13, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Arbor Tech will be making a presentation on the Emerald Ash Borer and Mr. Dave Anderson will be making a presentation on Asset Management including the development of an Asset Management Plan for the Township of Scugog to comply with the Province of Ontario requirements.
New Comprehensive Zoning By-Law - Open House on May 28th The Township of Scugog is in the process of preparing a new Comprehensive Zoning By-Law for the Township. This By-Law
regulates the use of the lands, buildings and structures throughout the entire Township. You are invited to participate in this project by attending an Open House on:
Scugog Shores Heritage Centre & Archives (1655 Reach St., Port Perry) inside the Scugog Arena on the 2nd floor. Regular hours of operation are Tuesday – Sunday from 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Admission is $4 for adults, $3 for students/seniors, $2 for children 5-12 and free for children 4 and under. Please contact us for rates for school programs and group tours.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Scugog Community Recreation Centre Community Hall (1655 Reach St., Port Perry) This Open House is being held for the purpose of receiving public input regarding the first draft of the new Zoning By-Law. The Open House will start with a brief presentation by the Township’s Planning Consultant, providing an overview of the new Zoning ByLaw, followed by a question and answer period. Participants will then be invited to discuss property-specific issues with Township Staff and the Consultant. Property owners are strongly encouraged to attend the Open House to determine the impact, if any, of the new Comprehensive Zoning By-Law on their property. For further information, contact: Diane Knutson, Planning Technician, Township of Scugog dknutson@scugog.ca 905-985-7346 ext. 100.
Scugog Sports Hall of Fame - Nominations Nominations are being invited for consideration and induction into the Scugog Sports Hall of Fame. Nomination categories include: Athlete, Team and Builder. Nomination forms and criteria information are available at the Township Municipal Office and the Scugog Community Recreation Centre or visit the Township Website at www.scugog.ca. Nominations will be received until Friday, May 31, 2013. Contact Lindsay Burnett for additional information at 905-985-7346 ext. 120 or email lburnett@scugog.ca.
For more information contact: Shannon Kelly, Curator T: 905-985-8698 x 103 Email: skelly@scugog.ca www.scugogshoresmuseum.com
Compost Giveaway Event - May 11th, 2013 The Township of Scugog and the Region of Durham’s Compost Giveaway Event will be held Saturday, May 11, 2013 from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. at the Scugog Community Recreation Centre (1655 Reach St., Port Perry). Note there is a three (3) container limit per car. Bring your own shovel and containers. Green bins, blue boxes and backyard composters will be available for sale (cash only). Damaged blue boxes and green bins can also be exchanged at this event. Please bring a non-perishable food item for the local food drive.
Official Opening of Scugog Shore Museum Village on Saturday, May 18th The official opening of Scugog Shores Museum Village (16210 Island Road, Port Perry) for the season is Saturday, May 18th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Pioneer Village will be open daily throughout the summer for guided tours. Hours are 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. Visit www.scugogshoresmuseum.com for more information.
Lecture Series on Sunday, May 26th @ 1:00 p.m. - Traveling Ancient China with Jonathan VanBilsen
Lincoln M. Alexander Award 2013
Lecture will be held at the Scugog Shores Heritage Centre, 1655 Reach Street, Port Perry (inside the Arena).
The Lincoln M. Alexander Award honours young Ontarians who have demonstrated exemplary leadership in contributing to the elimination of racial discrimination. If you would like to nominate a young person for this award, visit www.ontario.ca/honoursandawards for nomination and program details.
Join us for the finale of our successful lecture series. Experience China like never before through the travel stories of photographer, author and traveler Jonathan van Bilsen. Admission is $5.00 and includes entry to the exhibit “Arts of China” on loan from the Royal Ontario Museum. This is the final day of the Arts of China exhibit so if you haven’t stopped in to see it, this is your last chance!
Nominations will be received until May 31st, 2013.
Visit www.scugogshoresmuseum.com for more information.
Township of Scugog Roads - Half Loads in Effect
Horse Lover’s Tour: Uxbridge Tour on May 25th & Scugog Tour on June 2nd
The 2013 Weight Restriction Season for ALL Township of Scugog roads started Friday, March 1, 2013 and will end on approximately Friday, May 10, 2013. The actual end date will be determined following reviews of road and weather conditions periodically toward the end of the weight restriction season. The weight restriction is five (5) tonnes per axle, with no exceptions.
Bridge Closure - Scugog Line 8 - Important Notice Scugog Line 8 from Highway 7/12 to Old Simcoe Road will be closed (effective immediately) for bridge repair until further notice. For information please contact the Township of Scugog Public Works Department at 905-985-7346 x112 or e-mail works@scugog.ca.
The Township of Scugog & Township of Uxbridge have partnered together to create a “Horse Lover’s Tour”. This self guided tour will enable people to visit various horse facilities in our respective Townships. Come and visit our beautiful rural countryside farms. Be sure to mark your calendar for this free event. The Uxbridge tour will take place on May 25th and the Scugog Tour will take place on June 2nd both from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. For more information on the tours and a list of participating farms visit www.scugog.ca.
$5,000 Mega Bingo on Saturday, May 25th Mega Bingo will be hosted on May 25th at the Uxbridge Arena with the Bingo starting at 7:30 p.m. Proceeds to the New Animal Shelter for Uxbridge-Scugog. Visit www.animal-shelter.ca for details.
Park and Ball Ball Diamond Bookings If you are interested in booking Palmer Park for an event or need to book one of the Township’s six ball diamonds, please contact Natalie Lindell at 905-985-7346 ext. 112 or email nlindell@scugog.ca.
EVENTS “Arts of China” Royal Ontario Museum on display at the Scugog Shores Heritage Centre & Archives Have you ever wondered about the significance of the Chinese dragon? This and other questions are explored in Arts of China. The Scugog Shores Heritage Centre & Archives is pleased to host the new travelling exhibit from the Royal Ontario Museum - Arts of China on display until May 26th, 2013.
Municipal Offices 181 Perry Street, PO Box 780 Port Perry, ON, L9L 1A7 Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m Phone: 905-985-7346 / Fax: 905-985-9914 After Hours Township Road Issues: 905-434-2173 / Email: mail@scugog.ca Website: www.scugog.ca
The voice of North Durham
Thursday, May 9, 2013 • 3
Uxbridge ponders road funding UXBRIDGE: As part of the recent provincial budget, a $100 million fund to address the road, bridge and critical infrastructure needs of small, rural and Northern municipalities has been established, and Uxbridge Township has pledged to hit the ground running when monies are made available on October 1. Council addressed the matter at their meeting on the morning of Monday, May 6, with Mayor Gerri Lynn O’Connor applauding the move by the province. “It’s great that this new infrastructure funding has come in,” commented Mayor O’Connor. “Now, can we make sure that we have some projects that are ready to go when it does come in?”
Upon announcing the program, the Premier of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne also committed to having the province consult on the components of a permanent program for roads, bridges and critical infrastructure investments in small, rural and Northern municipalities throughout the province. “This initiative recognizes the unique challenges that confront rural, small and Northern communities,” said Joanne Vanderheyden, Ontario Good Roads Association President. “Along with the decision to mandate asset management plans, this is an important next step in developing the modem infrastructure that Ontario needs to succeed in the 21st century.”
www.thestandardnewspaper.ca Our #1 selling croc! 168 Queen St., Port Perry 905-985-2521 www.brocks.ca Patricia II
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HELPING OUT: Father Peter Lackmanec of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Port Perry recently dropped in on Pat Convery and Chris Cook of Operation Scugog food bank, with a donation of $1,000 to help the organization in the coming months. The donation follows a large contribution of food to Operation Scugog from the Knights of Columbus. BLAKE WOLFE The Standard
Three injured in Brock crash BROCK TOWNSHIP: Three Brock trauma unit for advanced treatment Township youths were involved in a for the life-threatening injuries he susse Ou He remains in critical but stable motor vehicle collision in Brock on tained. H OPEN HOUSE Sunday March 25th 1-4pm en Saturday evening Port (May 68 Ambleside, Perry 4), with the Op condition in hospital. The two passengers, both males aged 17-year-old driver sustaining life21 and 22 years old, were transported to threatening injuries. At approximately 7:44 p.m. that a local hospital and were treated for less night, members of the Durham Regional serious and non-life-threatening injuries. The road was closed for several hours Police Service responded to the singlevehicle collision on Durham Regional while members from the Collision Road 12, between Hwy. 12 and Sideline Investigation Unit investigated the col17 in Brock Township. lision. Alcohol is not believed to have According to police, the sedan was been a factor. Anyone with information regarding travelling eastbound on Regional Road 12 when it veered north off the road- this collision, or the activities of either way, hitting a culvert before rolling involved parties prior to the collision, over and coming to rest on its roof. is requested to contact the Collision The 17-year-old driver of the sedan Investigation Unit at 1-888-579-1520 was partially ejected during the colli- ext. 5255 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800sion and was transported to a Toronto 222-8477.
This is the setting for this 2+1 bedroom bungalow. Large eat-in kitchen with walkout to 20' x 20' deck, hot tub, above ground pool. Master bedroom with walkout - large living room with wood stove - 2 bathrooms. Lower level rec room with wood stove, bar and bedroom. Detached double garage/workshop. Great for hobbyist. All appliances included. Asking $329,000. Call Chuck Willes 905-985-9777.
Beautiful 4 bedroom raised bungalow with fully finished walkout basement. Open concept kitchen, dining, family room with vaulted ceiling, floor to ceiling fireplace. Walkout to covered deck, ground source heat pump. Wait until you see the professional landscaping, interlock, gardens, exceptional shoreline - sandy gravel with fully detached furnished Bunkee. Over $100,000 in upgrades. Double garage with double workshop below garage. Value plus at $769,000. Call Chuck Willes 905-985-9777.
MAY 10/11/12 Whole White Dole Classic Iceberg Mushrooms Bagged Salad 8 oz. bag 340 g
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A beautiful green belt lot 90'x180' is the setting for this ranch style 3+1 bedroom bungalow. Living / dining with Angel Stone fireplace. Hardwood flooring, fully finished lower level. Huge rec room with gas fireplace. Bedroom with 4-pc. bathroom, patio, gardener's delight with greenhouse included. Vendors are being transferred. Numerous upgrades. Asking $348,900. Call Chuck Willes 905-985-9777.
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lb. SALE $9.90/kg Save over $5.00/lb.
Custom design and built waterfront home. Open concept with vaulted ceilings, dream kitchen, large dining room with walkout - den - family room with fireplace. Master bedroom with spectacular view of Lake. Walkway to Sport Plex - an entertaining room that has it all. Pot lights, heated flooring - 45'x24' triple garage - all heated. Cobblestone driveway - thousands in outside stonework and gardens. Good shoreline with double boat docking. This is Value Plus! Come see for yourself! Asking $989,000. Call Chuck Willes 905-985-9777.
Rare Offering 34 Acres zoned Salvage M2-12 Can be purchased as 2 - 11 Acres, 1 - 12 Acre parcels - all with entrances Zoned Salvage, wreaking yard Recycling, transfer station Permits available Call Chuck Willes 905-985-9777.
4 • Thursday, May 9, 2013
The Standard
Canoe The Nonquon returns
HERE’S TO NEW BUSINESS: Store Manager Silvia D’Souza, Ted Eng, Mayor Gerri Lynn O’Connor and Uxbridge Free Methodist Church Pastor Joe Schaefer toast the grand opening of Teddy’s Organic Market - Durham Region’s only all-organic grocery store - located at the corner of Main and Brock St. in downtown Uxbridge on Wednesday, May 1. DARRYL KNIGHT The Standard
Playground to be repaired F RO M PAG E 1
Regional Councillor Jack Ballinger also spoke up in favour of replacing the damaged equipment. “We have to replace that. Just like with graffiti, if you leave it there, it goes up all over,” said Councillor Ballinger. “It looks bad for the town, and I don’t want kids to see something that’s been burned. I also don’t want those responsible to be able to walk by and look at it and get satisfaction from it.” Public Works Director Ben Kester lat-
er clarified that the damaged equipment had been removed by township staff over the weekend. After Mayor O’Connor’s motion not to replace the equipment in 2013 was defeated, she closed the discussion by taking aim at those ultimately responsible for the vandals. “I don’t blame the kids as much as I blame the parents,” added Mayor O’Connor. “Where are the parents in all of this? These incidents are not happening at 10 p.m. after all, they are happening much later in the night.”
SCUGOG: An annual June tradition returns to the waterways of North Durham next month, when the 45th annual Canoe The Nonquon race takes place on June 1. Canoe the Nonquon is sanctioned by the Ontario Marathon Canoe and Kayak Racing Association (OMCKRA). The course for this race has something for everyone. It is a 26 km trip which starts on the Nonquon River, winding its way through 18 km of lush, green marsh. The river portion of the race changes every year depending on the rainfall. When water levels are high you may find short cuts through the long grasses. During low water levels the twisty sections have lots of 180 degree turns. The last 8 km follows the shoreline of Lake Scugog to Port Perry. The lake can surprise you with calm or wavy waters. There are no start times for the race. Participants race the clock and can start any time between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. on Saturday, June 1. This is a well-attended race with a long-standing history in the community. Amateurs and professionals, young and old, may compete in a large number of recreational or competitive categories. Shuttle vans are available to take participants back to their cars upon concluding the race. Registration takes place at the Latcham Centre on the Port Perry waterfront at the corner of Queen and Water Streets on Friday, May 31 from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. and Saturday, June 1 from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. Registration and sponsorship forms will be available at Brock’s, The Standard Newspaper, Scugog Municipal Offices, Port Perry Marina, Rick’s Barber Shoppe and the Scugog Shores Museum.
Participants may pre-register by sending their completed application form, sponsor form and payment to the Museum prior to race day. Participants must still check in with the registration desk at the Latcham Centre prior to starting for safety reasons and in order to receive their canoe race number. The registration fee is $45 per canoe or kayak. Participants are encouraged to seek additional pledge money from friends and family. Prizes will be awarded to the participants who raise the three highest pledge totals. The Awards Presentation will take place on Saturday, June 1 at the Latcham Centre at 2 p.m. There will be medals for the top three finishers in each event class and great gifts will be awarded to the participants who raise the three highest pledge totals. There will also be a silent auction of items donated by local businesses with all proceeds going to support the Scugog Shores Museums. Join us at the waterfront for children’s crafts, BBQ, exhibits and other activities offered throughout the day. Canoe the Nonquon was created by the Lake Scugog Historical Society in 1969 as an annual event to raise money for the then newly formed Scugog Shores Museum. Since 1969 the race has raised over $250,000. The race is organized and run primarily by local volunteers. The race attracts participants of all ages and skill levels from across Southern Ontario. It is one of the largest and oldest races of its kind in Ontario. For more information or to register, visit www.scugogshoresmuseum.com.
The voice of North Durham
Thursday, May 9, 2013 • 5
Community Living Month marked
Durham Regional Police Services Cst. Sue Kelly The Standard
Crime Prevention starts with YOU
Scugog Regional Councillor Bobbie Drew (right) and members of Community Living Durham North raised the organization’s flag (above) on May 1, in honour of Community Living Month. A number of events are planned over the next few weeks, including a lunch with the Scugog Chamber of ComBLAKE WOLFE The Standard merce on May 23.
CHS community prepares for celebration BLAKE WOLFE The Standard
SCUGOG: As Cartwright High School prepares to close its doors for the last time at the end of this schoolyear, the school community will mark the many decades of academics with a ceremony on May 24. With the facility’s closure pending for June, the event will serve to celebrate the many years that the school has served local families. The open house event begins at 1:15 p.m. that day, with visits to the schools various classrooms while students continue their work. Decade rooms, commemorating the many eras of CHS, will open from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. with various displays and school memorabilia. Lunch will be provided. The event is being organized by several members of the CHS community, including former music teacher John Beirness. Mr. Beirness and several other organizers recently
opened the building’s attic to pull out some of the memorabilia to be displayed on May 24, including photos, uniforms and even notebooks of former students preserved in the building, some dating back to the 1930s. “There’s everything from thousands of photos to yearbooks and everything in between,” said Mr. Beirness of the items, many of which bear familiar names and faces of former students. “We have 88 years of memories here to display while we catch up and reminisce.” The event is an informal open house, and will allow guests to “take in as much as they want,” said Mr. Beirness. Like many who attended or taught at the school, many of Mr. Beirness’ fond memories of Cartwright are tied to the sense of close-knit community that came with a small student body. “It was all about being a part of the community,” said Mr. Beirness, who taught at the school
from 1989 to 2007. “You weren’t just a teacher or a student, you were part of a bigger family and you got to know everyone else. We worked together to make the school a success. It was a very unique experience.” The community is also being asked to get involved with the celebration. Photos and memories of the school are being compiled by former student Lindsay Evanoff, who will then arrange those elements into a series of digital slide shows for guests to watch during the
celebration. Anyone wishing to contribute photos and memories can e-mail chsmemories@outlook.com (please include name and decade attending CHS in the e-mail subject line). Photos can be scans or originals, which will be returned afterward. “We want to make this as personal as possible for visitors,” said Mr. Beirness. “It’s sad to see the school closing, but we’ll go out on a high note.” For more information, call the school at 905986-4241.
VON seeking help NORTH DURHAM: The Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) is currently seeking volunteers in the North Durham community, to assist local seniors by visiting or exercising with them. According to VON, there are several local seniors on a waitlist for the organization’s services. Volunteers are asked to set aside one or two hours once a week to drop in.The organization will also honour some of its long-term volunteers next week, in a ceremony at the Port Perry Villa on May 15. Call Susan Gumbley at 905-571-3151 for more information.
More action on employment needed F RO M PAG E 1
While the budget contains provisions aimed at small municipalities such as a ‘dedicated fund’ toward the expansion of rural infrastructure, Scugog Mayor Chuck Mercier assessed the budget from the municipal perspective as containing “lots of unknowns,” with more attention needed toward decreasing Ontario’s deficit, currently assessed at $11.7 billion. “I was hoping to see longer-term restraint,” said the mayor. “The deficit is not helping any of us. We have huge issues in this province and it should be about trying to think beyond the budget and tack-
ling the deficit.” Locally, Mr. O’Toole said that keeping jobs in the riding is his top concern, through programs like the youth employment strategy and also through retaining existing positions. In regards to the last point, he said that the province must look at keeping the Great Blue Heron Charity Casino viable in light of changes at the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Commission (OLG), including proposals to build a new casino in Toronto. “For this community,” he said, “any job losses at this casino would be devastating and we need to demand a solution.”
Ever wonder if your home look like an easy target for criminals? Is your money as safe as it can be? Have you a safety plan in place for you and your loved ones? Do you have a code word for your children’s safety? Do you leave valuables in your car when you park it for the night? Durham Regional Police is looking forward to increasing the public’s awareness in the Prevention of Crime. We continue to live in one of the safest areas of the world, but there is much more we can do collectively as partners in your safety. We, at the Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS), North Durham Community Office are here to help! Currently we are experiencing a shift in the dynamics of crime and crime trends. Now more than ever police rely on public awareness and participation to identify those that commit crimes against person or property. Educating the public with the tools to recognize crime and to protect themselves from becoming a victim is the first step in crime prevention. Our focus is on public safety. We want to encourage the public to become active participants in the fight against crime in North Durham. Throughout the course of the year, with the help of our community supporters, we will be reaching out with Crime Prevention Information. The public can look forward to news and updated information on protecting yourself from crimes such as door to door scams, break and enters, car hoppers and much more. Many crimes never get reported. In some cases, members of the community either don’t view the crime as serious, or make the decision not to report because they don’t feel that the police can do anything anyway. This could not be further from the truth. By reporting to police, it gives us the information we need to track crime patterns and areas that are hardest hit by crime. This in turn increases our ability to identify and arrest offenders. Front line officers are made aware of the reports. These are the officers that are patrolling your community each and every day. If your community group, church or residence would like to schedule a crime prevention information session you can contact your Community Officer PC Dawna Murray directly at 905-579-1520, Ext #2658 or 954@drps.ca. If you have been the victim of a crime or you have information about criminal activity in your neighborhood, we want to hear from you! Emergency: 911 Non-Emergency: 905-579-1520, Ext #2672 Crime Stoppers: 1-800-222-TIPS
6 • Thursday, May 9, 2013
The Standard
NORTH DURHAM Wednesday, April 24 to Wednesday, May 15 Sketch and Water Colour Painting with Roy Bowers. Held at St. John’s Blackstock church hall from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. Price is $60. Roy has tips for everyone beginner or experienced. To register please call St. John’s Office 905 986 0557 and leave a message or e-mail office@stjohnsblackstock.com. Tuesday, May 14 to Tuesday, August 27 Cruisin’ Classics Car Club cruise-ins (weather-permitting), 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Emmanuel Community Church, 1689 Reach St., Port Perry. Special dates: June 18 - Paper Drive; Aug. 27 - Appreciation Night and Food Drive (rain date Sept. 3). For information, call 905-435-5408 or visit cruisinclassics. blogspot.ca. Wednesday, May 8 3rd Annual Uxbridge Prayer Breakfast. Bringing Leaders and Neighbours in Uxbridge together for a time of fellowship and inspiration. Keynote speaker Dr. Jane Philpott, Music by Bev Foster. Mill Run Golf & County Club 7 - 9 am. Tickets $15 available at Blue Heron Books or Brian J. Evans Financial Services. Sponsored by the Churches of Uxbridge. Friday, May 10 to Sunday, May 12 Quilts on Quaker Hill, Heritage Quilt Show at the Uxbridge Historical Centre, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Over 30 heritage quilts from the museum collection on display. 7239 Concession Rd. 6, just north of Brock Street., $5 for adults, children under 12 free. Contact the museum for more information at 905-8525854 or museum@town.uxbridge.on.ca. Friday, May 10 Trinity United Church Uxbridge Spaghetti Dinner 4.30 – 7 p.m. Adults $ 12, grades 1-8 $4, under 5 free. Bring the family , great food & good music. - Ham Salad Supper at Wick Presbyterian Church, 6 p.m. Adults are $13, Children under age 10 are $5. Call 705357-1375. Saturday, May 11 Emmanuel Community Church Yard Sale to raise funds to support Missions, 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Emmanuel Community Church, 1680 Reach St. Port Perry. Call Reta or Archie - 905-985-2053, Lana or Tony - 905-985-9755, or the church - 905-985-4441, and arrange to drop off or have your unwanted articles picked-up before May 11. Enjoy the BBQ and bake sales too! Monday, May 13 Cannington Historical Society General Meeting, 7:30 p.m. at the Seniors’ Centre, 21 Ann Street N, Cannington. Program: Grant Karcich, Oshawa historian and genealogist will speak on his new book, “Scugog Carrying Place: A Frontier Pathway”. Find out how the trail linked Lakes Ontario, Scugog, and Simcoe and was vital to the first nations and early European settlers. More information at 705-432-3136. Wednesday, May 15 Brain Injury Association of Durham Region Support Group Meeting, 7 to 8:30 p.m. at 850 King St. W., Unit 24, Oshawa. Presentation on Overcoming Barriers by Paula Crebbin. If you need transportation assistance, call 905-723-2732 or 1-866354-4464. -Scugog Shuffleboard Club starts regular play,9:45 until Noon, lunch (bring your own)then 12:45 to 3 p.m. Information available from Nancy Bryans, 905-986-5530. - The Uxbridge Genealogy Group will meet, Thursday at 7 p.m., Lower Hall of Uxbridge Public Library. All welcome. 50/50 draw, $2 admission. Topic of discussion is “How to Begin Writing Your Family History” with tips and how-tos by local experts.
Items for Happenings? Let us know. bwolfe@thestandardnewspaper.ca North Durham Happenings is a community service of The Standard reserved for Charitable and Non-Profit events. We endeavour to run all eligible items in the order which they are received.
ZEPHYR & SANDFORD by Pat Asling We “sprung” from winter into summer, with flowers and trees blooming almost overnight. Wonderful to feel warm again! Scott Central had been tidying up and getting ready to plant, hoping that when the Echo team comes to view the premises the school might garner a Silver medal. Their big event is May 17, when the Beach Party Dance-a-thon takes place. They hope to raise $1,500 for new equipment and the student receiving the most donations will become “Principal for the day.” Congratulations to Mark and EveLyn Swan who are now official members of the Legion Drum Corp, while son Eric pipes. Congratulations to Aurora Smith who celebrated her third birthday this week. We look forward to having her parents, Brian and Andrea,
back as part of the Sandford community this fall. Rev. Diane and Chris report an excellent holiday in London England. Diane celebrated her birthday in St. Paul’s Cathedral! My big event this week was the 50th reunion of my dental class, Faculty of Dentistry, U of T. About half of those surviving attended the party at the National Yacht Club. This weekend or next make a point to visit the Uxbridge –Scott Museum to view the fabulous quilts on display. For us quilting may be just a pleasant hobby to show off our artistic abilities, but in older times it was a necessity and also a “green” idea before that idea was popular. Talking about historic items, if you attend the next Uxbridge Genealogy meeting, May 16, you can learn how to begin writing your family his-
tory as told by local experts. The group meets at 7 p.m., Lower Hall of Uxbridge Library. The June meeting has been cancelled due to the planned restoration work being carried out in that part of the Library. Friday evening, May 10 there is a Pizza Night at Sandford Church, 6 p.m. Please tell Bruce Harwood if you want to come. The Zephyr UCW meets at the home of Jackie Lockie, Uxbridge, for a potluck lunch on May 10. Mother’s Day or Christian Family Sunday is May 12. An important reminder: the times of service change that day- Zephyr will meet at 11 a.m. while Sandford take the earlier time of 9:30 a.m. Rev. Carol McKinley takes the joint service at Zephyr May 19th. Sandy Ianuzzo, Precious Minds, speaks to Sandford UCW May 23, 1:30 p.m., Book Club 7 p.m.
CAESAREA by Eleanor Colwell Caesarea Nestleton Euchre Scores for May 2nd were as follows: 1)S.Stephenson, 2)R.Stephenson, 3)G.McArthur, 4)J.Rowe & K.Rohrer, 5)W.VanCamp; most lone hands – K.Rohrer, R.Harrison & M.Cayer; and low score – R.Bradburn. Forty-four players enjoyed the night. See you all on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. C.H.S. Open House Help us celebrate and recognize the richness of Cartwright High School Community Life on Friday, May 24. The Open House begins at 1:15 p.m. with a visit to students working in the classroom. Decade Rooms will be open from 3:00 until 9:00 p.m. with displays and memorabilia. This will provide an opportunity for reflection and shared memories. A light lunch will be provided. For further information call CHS at 905-986-4241.
Blackstock & District Lions Club We were elated last week to hear that our Lions Clubs International Foundation has honoured our Governor’s request for funds to assist in the areas that have recently been flooded in our District. Within 24 hours $10,000 was wired to our Cabinet Treasurer; a committee of Lions from Minden, Coboconk and Haliburton was struck, and the relief has started. Additional funds from the Lions and Lioness Clubs in our District are also being donated to assist the relief efforts. Blackstock & District Lions Club has made its contribution, too. Saturday, May 25 is the date of our annual Lions Car Show. With good weather and your participation, it will be another great event. We’ll be putting together our boodle bags shortly, so, if you have anything in quantity to contribute, please contact the Chairman, Lion Keith at 905-986-5603.
SEAGRAVE by Robin Drew and Jean Short We hope that everyone was able to get out and enjoy the beautiful sunshine this weekend. Happy Birthday to Colton Drew on May 7. Happy Anniversary to Donna and John Kent on May 8. Chris Lewis would like to thank all of his neighbours who contributed to the bottle drive on April 20 for the Durham West 4H Exchange Club. The members of this club will be travelling to Alberta this summer for 9 days and then will be hosting the Alberta 4H group here. Parents, please mark your calendars for Seagrave’s Vacation Bible Camp (VIBE) for the week
of Aug. 19. Church News: Jean Short greeted the congregation as they entered the sanctuary. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to Jane Pettinger (May 6) Rev.Paul’s message to the children compared a bandaid to the healing work that Jesus does. Each child received a special bandaid. Thanks to Rick McAskill and Frank Molnar for taking up the collection this week. Coming events.... May 11 - 8:30 a.m. Seagrave Men’s Breakfast. May 12 - 9:15 a.m. Mother’s Day, 10:30 a.m. Coffee Hour sponsored
by Mens Breakfast Group. May 13 - 7 p.m. Seagrave Congregational Meeting May 16 - 7 p.m. Opening the Doors to Spirituality Bible Study with Rev. Paul May 21 - 7:30 p.m. GreenbankSeagrave Pastoral Charge official board meeting. Please forward agenda items to Don Real at donreal0@ gmail.com or 705-357-3871. June 14 - 15 Seagrave Church yard sale Thanks to all who contributed to this column. Please contact mrsdruske@hotmail.com or grammiejean2010@hotmail.com.
Sun.-Sat. 7am-10pm
7 Days a Week
The of North Durham Yourvoice Community Owned Newspaper
Thursday, May 9, Thursday, October 18,2013 2012 •• 7
PRINCE ALBERT by Pat Boyd Prince Albert United church will have it’s regular service on Sunday, Tuesday, May 14, at 7:30 pm, the panel will meet in the Fellowship room. Keep in mind that Prince Albert church will be holding their Yard, Plant and Bake Sale at the Community Center on Saturday May 25, at 8 a.m. We are also fundraising with Otter’s greenhouse on Medd Rd. PAPS held a Tree Planting Ceremony and Celebration on Friday, May 3. Sixteen evergreens were planted to act as a natural wind break and also to provide shade on sunny days. The grade 8’s will be having a car wash and BBQ at Vos’s Independent on Saturday, May 25 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The fund raising committee of SCS would like to thank everyone who attended their Yard Sale. It was a success and all are very pleased. Grandparents and Friends day was well attended with over eighty sitting down to a delightful lunch. All enjoyed the Spring program before lunch and the combined choirs after lunch plus the visits to the classrooms. The school will be celebrating their 25th Anniversary on Saturday, May 25 with an open house, dinner and evening program. The school is fundraising with Otter’s Greenhouse on Medd Rd.
SCUGOG ISLAND by Jeanne C. Le Saux Anne would like to send out a big ChiMiigwetch to all who helped with the set up and the take down and everything in between with helping at the Native Arts & Crafts show. Thank you to all who came out - it was a huge success and the day was gorgeous. Call to worship was called by the guest Minister, Rev. Catharina Bowers, and we send out a thank you for her ministry. Thank you to the Orchestra and Amy Ferguson for their beautiful Music. Thanks you to Anna Spencley for providing the refreshments following the morning service. Beef Supper Friday - May 31 at 6 p.m. - Scugog Island Community Hall. Sponsored by the Stewarts and the UCW.
Adults are $15, children ages six to 12 are $5, and under five are free. For tickets please call Bonnie Bell at 905-985-2941 or Betty Ann Freeman at 905-985-3863 or Anna Spencley at 905985-2911. Up-coming Ministry: May 12/13 Rev Catharina Bowers, May 19 &26 by: Doug Baird. Happy Birthdays this week goes out to Marion Carter), Landen Taylor-St. Jean, Arin Luke, Shannon Powless, Laura Colwell, David Robidoux and Taylor Ashkewe. Happy Birthday to anyone who may of been missed. I can be reached at 905-985-7662 by phone or jc.lesaux@me.com by email. Please submit news by 6p.m. on Sundays.
GREENBANK by Mary-Jean Till The Greenbank Lions are holding a Free Welcome to Greenbank Breakfast to any families who have moved to Greenbank in the last two years on May 25 at the Greenbank Hall from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Just register by phoning 905-985-3723. Fertilizer $25 and Maple Syrup $10 are still available at 985-3723 so phone soon before the supplies run out. Lindsey Young is returning from out west and is holding a Lia Sophia Jewelry Party on May 20th from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Greenbank Hall. Come in for a visit and see all the bargains. Phone 905-985-2681 for more info. With planting weather here, please remember the Park and Hall Board’s fundraising with Otter Greenhouses. 315 Medd Road, Epsom. When you buy your plants just let the cashier know you would like your purchase percentage to go to the fundraiser which runs till June 9. Congratulations to Greenbank Kiera Kuebeck who competed in her first U12 provincial wrestling championships held in Kingston, pinning each of her four opponents with a combined score of 51-2. She and older sister Shawna are members of Team Impact. School: Monday, May 6 was “Music Monday” across Canada. Our local twin schools Greenbank/Epsom performed the music Monday song “Is Somebody Singing?” at the 12:00 o’clock assembly. Class and student performances also provided a time of music. Congrats to the Battle of the Books team who placed second at the North Durham finals – Huge thank you to Mrs. Laroque for he support and encouragement! On April 26, the school held its first movie night raising nearly $400 toward the highly anticipated Shade Garden. On Saturday, May 25, a huge yard sale will be held with all proceeds going towards the Shade Garden. Drop off items you wish to donate during the week of May 20.
BLACKSTOCK by Joyce Kelly On Thursday evening, in a very impressive ceremony held at Blackstock United Church CE room nine pathfinders were awarded their Gold Cord. Bobbie Drew presented the highest award to Kenndey Cain, Molly Carr, Emma Graham, Gillian Garham, Taylor Grills, Elyssa Lee, Julie Martyn, Mikayla Tafertshoffer and Emma Yurichuk. Congratulations to the leaders Tracy Martin and Cathy Yurichuk. A reception for the girls and their families followed. Congratulations girls. Sympathy is extended to Cameron Porter and his family Sean, Sheryl and Shannon and their families on the death of his wife Carol after lengthy illness, The funeral will be held on Tuesday at the Wagg Funeral Home. Sympathy is also extended to Ethel Call of Caesarea and her family on the passing of her husband Kenneth Call after a lengthy illness. Kens funeral was on Monday also at the Wagg Funeral Home
in Port Perry. Make your plans to join others of your class of Cartwright High School at the Open House to celebrate its history on Friday, May 24. The afternoon begins at 1:15with a visit of the classes followed by tours of the decade rooms from 3-9 p.m. with a light lunch provided. For further information call the school at 905-9864241. Members of the Blackstock Agricultural Society are selling reusable K.D. Cloths that are amazing cleaning tools using only water on most items in your home as well as your cr. Prices are $7 each or 2 for $12. Contact a member to obtain yours. Frances Grove who has lived with PKU since birth, will be hosting a Pampered Chef fundraiser at Port Perry Villa on May 25 from 2 - 4 p.m. as part of the fact that May is PKU Awareness Month. What a worthwhile project! RSVP by May 20 – 905 986 4769 grove.fg@gmail.com.
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 1710 Scugog Street, Port Perry Father Peter Lackmanec MASS SATURDAY - 5 p.m. SUNDAY - 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. For Mass through the week call the Parish at 905-985-7071
ST. JOHN’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 319 Queen Street, Port Perry Pastor Robert Kennedy 905-985-3881 www.stjohnsportperry.com SUNDAY, May 12 Service at 10 a.m. Sunday School and Nursery Care Available All are warmly welcome
19100 Island Road, Port Perry A warm welcome to all 905-985-4094 SUNDAY, May 12 10 a.m. Morning Service
14460 Simcoe St., Port Perry newsongportperry.ca Sunday, May 12, 10 a.m. Nursery and Sunday School (Anglican Network in Canada) All are Welcome.
UXBRIDGE TRINITY UNITED CHURCH 20 First Avenue Pastor Kirby Constable 905-852-6213 www.trinityuxbridge.com
2210 Hwy. 7A (at Island Rd.) 905-985-8681 www.portperrybaptist.ca Rev. Jim Clemens, Sr. Pastor Join us for worship this week:
SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 10:30 a.m. Worship 6:30 p.m. Worship
Nursery Care and Jr. Church is available A warm welcome to all
Rev. Elaine Hall - Rev. Don Willmer 905-985-2801 SUNDAY, May 12
593 Alma St., Port Perry,
Ontario 905-985-1346 Rev John Benschop vccpp@powergate.ca www.victorychristiancentre.net Tuesday - 7:30 p.m. Youth Meeting Tuesday to Thursday - 4-7 p.m. After school program “HEARTBEAT” for ages 12-17 Friday - 7:30 p.m. Prayer Revival Join us Sunday Mornings at 10 a.m. Prayer 10:30 a.m. Celebration Service SOMETHING FOR ALL AGES
Port Perry United Church 294 Queen St., Port Perry 9:50 a.m. Morning Worship Prince Albert United Church 23 Jeffrey St., Prince Albert 11:30 a.m. Morning Worship Nursery Care and Sunday School Available • www.portperryunited.com
(Anglican Church of Canada)
Rev. John Anderson
266 North St., Port Perry Phone: 905-985-7278 ascension@powergate.ca www.ascensionportperry.com Ascension Sunday Sunday, May 12 10 a.m. Communion
Join us on Sunday morning at 10 a.m. A contemporary worship experience in a relaxed environment.
Staff: Dr. Fred Penney, Lead Pastor Scott Manuel, Youth Pastor Brenna Cruickshank, Children’s Ministry Director 1680 Reach Street. - 905-985-4441 website: www.emmanuelcc.ca Emmanuel Community Church: ‘Reaching up to God; Reaching out to our Community,’
Sunday School and Nursery available
Pastor Bernhard VanderVlis SUNDAYS at 10 a.m. Mid-week programs for youth and adults! 14480 Old Simcoe Rd. (Between 7A and Prince Albert) 905-985-9307 hopechurch@powergate.ca www.hopeforportperry.ca
Rev. Paul Moorhouse 905-985-7766
revpaul@andrewswireless.net www.greenbankchurch.com
SUNDAY, May 12 Seagrave (in the beautiful hamlet of Seagrave) 9:15 a.m. Morning Service Children’s time with 9:15 a.m. service
Greenbank (Hwy 12, minutes. N. of Pt. Perry) 11 a.m. Morning Service Everyone is Welcome Children’s time with 11 a.m. service
To list your church events contact Katherine at 905-985-6985
8 • Thursday, May 9, 2013
The Standard
EDITORIAL Pumping the brakes Of last week’s 2013 provincial budget, perhaps one of the biggest attention-grabbing highlights was a proposal for toll lanes dedicated to high-occupancy vehicles, in which carpoolers would get a free ride while single-occupant vehicles would have to pay a fee. Such an undertaking would undoubtedly involve, at the very least, a moderate overhaul to the existing highway infrastructure (a task that many critics say just won’t be possible), to direct and to keep vehicles in their proper lanes. The biggest questions, of course, are ‘will it work?’ and ‘how will it work?’ And ‘if it won’t work, what then?’ It’s not that carpooling is bad, far from it. But it seems like it’s yet to catch on here. Look around the next time you take a 400-series highway how many faces do you see in those vehicles, particularly the ones in the socalled carpool lanes? In addition, if motorists in the GTA want to pay tolls, they’ll take the 407. Judging by the amount of traffic still traversing the 401 each day, not everyone wants to cough up the money to drive to work. If any part of the province’s highways are going to be annexed for one use in particular, perhaps there’s a better direction - low-occupancy vehicle lanes, not necessarily tolled, but dedicated to large commercial vehicles. The benefits are manifold. Faster trucks mean more productivity, less wear and tear on the overall infrastructure and safer roadways, as motorists are not weaving in and around their 18-wheeled counterparts. While perhaps a similar level of infrastructure improvement would be needed to make such an idea a reality, lanes dedicated to truck traffic would probably be an easier sell - both to truck drivers and everyone else - than those aimed at commuters. Couple that with an increased focus on - and subsequent improvements to - public transit systems like the GO service and we may yet turn the corner on the gridlock issue plaguing the GTA. Food for thought. Of course, none of this may matter if a provincial election is called by the time this newspaper goes to press.
An environmental perspective on the Metrolinx transit project (The following is a re-print of a letter from a Scugog resident to Metrolinx Chair Bruce McCuaig) Dear Mr. McCuaig, I am writing to you on behalf of the Town of Ajax Environmental Advisory Committee. We have been following the media coverage of the proposed plans to enhance and improve the traffic flow within and around Toronto. Clearly the implications of this initiative are far-reaching, as the Premier has indicated solutions are being sought province-wide. While we applaud the efforts of your organization, we feel compelled to state our opposition to some of the proposed alternatives offered. The underlying premise of the options is simply to raise money, through various revenue generating concepts, without first trying to better manage the existing infrastructure. For example, nowhere in the discussions that are being released through the media, does it encourage better use of the roadways through carpooling. Nor does it encourage commuters to find
cleaner ways to get to work – use of public transit, walking, biking, running, etc. It generally focuses on the obvious and easiest solution – build bigger and better roads and more rail links. This very construction generates greenhouse gasses and increases our carbon footprint, not to mention encourages the excessive use of fossil fuels as we travel to work on our faster and wider highways. Perhaps, the most offensive proposal is the one that offers people the opportunity to buy space in the HOV lanes. This is ill-conceived and contrary to everything we as a province stand for! How can you suggest that those who truly are making an effort to be green should be punished so that those who don’t simply can choose travel in this environmentally friendly lane if they are willing to pay the price?
Efficiencies within the infrastructure and better use of the existing roadways and other forms of transit should be your first priority, followed by encouragement of the use of non-consumptive travel modes, then public transit and finally, when all else fails, more and bigger roads. We encourage you to be more responsible in your thinking as we move forward with this important initiative. Geoff Carpentier Port Perry Co-chair, Ajax Environmental Advisory Committee
Your opinion matters
Send us an e-mail to; bwolfe@thestandardnewspaper.ca or a letter to: The Standard, 94A Water St., Port Perry ON L9L 1J2
94A Water Street, Port Perry, ON L9L 1J2 | Phone: 905-985-6985 | E-mail: bwolfe@thestandardnewspaper.ca 2012 CCNA
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The voice of North Durham
New business, old roads at Scugog Council SCUGOG: A woodworking business catering to the retail market will be relocating to Port Perry this year, bringing between 15 and 30 jobs to the area after the owners chose to move work closer to home. Local councillors approved a township staff report in favour of a site plan for Greenbank Custom Woodworking Ltd.’s new Easy St. location. The Ajax-based business, owned by Scugog residents James and Corinne Martinek, will soon bring its operations into a new 30,573 sq. ft. industrial building located just north of Scugog Line 6. According to Community Services Director Don Gordon, the owners plan to double their workforce from 15 to 30 employees, creating ‘commercial store fixtures and custom millwork,’ 25 per cent of which is exported to the U.S. retail market. The owners plan to divide the single-storey building into two separate units, with 20,000 sq. ft. occupied by Greenbank Custom Woodworking and the remainder to be further divided into a maximum of three rental units for other businesses, said Mr. Gordon in a report to councillors. Work is expected to begin on the
building later this year. Ashburn Rd. funding application denied While one application for provincial infrastructure dollars was recently denied, Scugog staff await the next round of funding for long-awaited road repairs in the township. According to Parks and Public Works Director Ian Roger, a recent application by the township to the provincial Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative (MIII), seeking funding to assist with the reconstruction of Ashburn Rd., was shot down earlier this spring. Mr. Roger said that only “one in six” applications to the MIII were accepted, adding that there were “too many projects and not enough money.” The news came on the heels of Finance Minister Charles Sousa’s announcement of Ontario’s 2013 budget, in which new money, approximately $100 million, for infrastructure projects in rural municipalities was among the highlights. While some councillors expressed interest in eventually re-applying to that money for the same project, Mr. Roger said that in addition to the new funding’s currently unknown
criteria, Ashburn Rd. is “near the top, but not the highest priority” in Scugog’s list of needed road repairs. Fire dept. review to begin this summer An operational review of Scugog Fire Department is expected to get underway later this summer, with a final analysis of the service expected in the fall, said Fire Chief Richard Miller. The discussion of the review returned to council chambers this week, several weeks after it was originally mentioned by the chief following an arbitrator’s decision regarding hours and wages for the service’s fulltime firefighters. According to Chief Miller, he and CAO Bev Hendry are still deciding whether to carry out the review in conjunction with a master fire plan for the township (a larger overview in which an operational review is a subset, said Ms. Hendry), scheduled to take place in 2015. The decision, said Ms. Hendry, hinges on whether or not the township will need to carry out a second operational review as part of the master fire plan, if the municipality chooses to do the review this year.
Community Living hosts next Chamber lunch The Scugog Chamber of Commerce will be helping to celebrate Community Living Month and hosting, in partnership with Community Living, “Dispelling the Myths” Luncheon, on Thursday, May 23, at the Community Living Main Office located at 60 Vanedward Dr., Unit 2 in Port Perry. Guest speakers for the luncheon include Joe Dale and Mark Wafer. Joe Dale is currently the Executive Director
of the Ontario Disability Employment Network; a network of Employment Service agencies from across Ontario; and, manager of the Rotary at Work initiative; an employer engagement strategy that has seen many business leaders come forward to include people who have a disability in their workforce. Mark Wafer is the owner of six Tim Hortons franchises in Scarborough. In 2010, Mark and his wife Valarie were presented with the
Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters Innovator of the Year award for their initiatives to promote the inclusion of people who have a disability in the workplace. Please note that seating is limited for this networking event. Reser vations are required Wednesday, May 22. There will be no tickets sold at the door. Reservations may be canceled up to 48 hours in advance of the meeting. We regret we must invoice
those who fail to cancel in advance to cover preparation costs for the caterers. Chamber members are invited to bring their corporate literature and business cards for display and distribution plus there will be a business card draw at the end of the meeting for a free breakfast/luncheon coupon. For more information or to reserve a spot, visit www. scugogchamber.ca, phone 905-985-4971 or e-mail info@scugogchamber.ca.
Thursday, May 9, 2013 • 9
Staying in touch... JOHN O’TOOLE MPP
Ontarians deserve a better budget Most commentators agree the provincial budget tabled last week is the result of a Liberal/NDP coalition. Such is the nature of minority governments. Ontario’s PC Official Opposition knows it will take a new team to lead us out of the jobs and debt crisis created by the McGuinty-Wynne government. Ontario needs a new plan that is focused on solutions to Ontario’s enormous jobs and economic problems. The PC Opposition will be voting against the Wynne government because this budget does not honestly deal with the debt and the deficit of the Province of Ontario. The loss of almost $600 million on the gas plant cancellations, combined with fiascos at Ornge air ambulance and eHealth prove that the McGuinty/Wynne government lacks the capability to bring in an affordable and accountable budget. Since the McGuinty government took office in 2003, revenue grew by $42 billion, but spending increased by $48 billion. Over the same decade, the provincial debt per person rose by $9,000 and now stands $20,000 for each man, woman and child in Ontario. Accumulated debt doubled, from $139 billion to $273 billion. The scope of Ontario’s fiscal challenge can be seen in the fact that the new budget carries a deficit of $11.7 billion. That’s almost $2 billion more than last year’s shortfall. Clearly, Ontarians deserve better. You comments on the provincial budget are welcome. I can be reached at (905) 697-1501 or 1-800-661-2433 and by e-mail at john.otooleco@pc.ola.org. Ontario Food Exports Reach $10.8 Billion Ontario food exports increased to $10.8 billion in 2012. That’s up by more than $900 million in 2011. Ontario has an estimated 3,000 businesses involved in food processing. This translates into approximately 100,000 jobs. Given Ontario’s longstanding tradition for excellence in agriculture, there is considerable potential for jobs and investments in growing and processing food. Indeed, Durham is home to dozens of outstanding farm and agri-business innovators. To take advantage of new agri-food opportunities, Ontario needs less red tape and farm-friendly policies that support farmers and encourage investment. This can be addressed through competitive tax rates, affordable electricity, preservation of agricultural land, and reduction in red tape for Ontario farmers.
Mother’s Day, our way
Just Write!
This Sunday, May 12 - Mother’s Day - we pay homage to the woman who raised us, warts and all. Most moms deserve a medal, but they’ll have to make do with cards and flowers. Mother’s Day is a Hallmark holiday, with an estimated 140 million cards - $671 million worth - to be purchased this year in the US to celebrate the occasion (a marketing coup made even more incredible by the fact that there are only an estimated 83 million moms in the US). It’s also a day that makes florists giddy. An estimated 66.8 per cent of Americans will buy flowers for their mom this year, to the tune of $1.9 billion. (The traditional Mother’s Day flower is the carnation: red and pink carnations for mothers still living; white - worn on the lapel - for mothers who have passed away, although mixed bouquets, carnations of any colour, daffodils, roses and tulips are popular today.) In total, the National Retail Federation expects that Americans will spend an average of $126.90 each on Mother’s Day gifts this year, for total spending of $14.6 billion. In Canada, where there was an estimated 9.2 million mothers (including biological, adoptive and stepmothers) feted in 2006, domestic greenhouses produced $133 million of cut flowers - 310 million truncated flowers - for Mother’s Day in 2010. Not bad for a holiday that was originally meant to be non-commercial. Mother’s Day, in one iteration or another, dates back at least as far as ancient Greek and Roman times, when fertile goddesses were honoured. More recently in the 1600s, people
in England celebrated Mothering Sunday on the fourth Sunday of Lent, a day set aside for Christians to visit their hometown church. But the Mother’s Day Hallmark knows and loves had its origins in the early 20th century, with a woman named Ann Marie Reeves Jarvis and her daughter Anna. Anne Marie was born in 1832 in Virginia. A social activist who lost eight of her 12 children before they reached adulthood, Ann Marie made it her life’s work to improve household health and sanitary conditions. Anne Marie’s ‘Mother’s Day Work Clubs’ raised money for medicine and hired help for mothers who were suffering from tuberculosis. Ann Marie died on the second Sunday in May of 1905. Two years later, her daughter, Anna Jarvis, decided to make Mother’s Day a holiday - not just to honour her mom but all moms. On the second Sunday in May of 1907, Anna held a small memorial service for her mother, and presented the mourners with a white carnation, her mom’s favourite flower. The service Anna held the following year is generally accepted as the first official Mother’s Day event, although it did not become an official holiday until 1914. In 1912, Anna created the Mother’s Day International Association to promote the day and organize events, and that’s when things started to get out of hand. Dismayed that the holiday was becoming a commercial free-for-all - crudely exploited by the flower, stationery and candy industries - Anna copyrighted the words ‘Mother’s Day,’ insisting that it was her holiday. Eventually driven to distraction by what she considered the outright theft and corruption of her altruistic idea,
Anna was admitted into an asylum in 1944. She died four years later, at the age of 84, with no money and, ironically, no children to celebrate her life or mourn her passing. Given the current state of affairs, I’m sure Anna’s unsettled, incensed spirit is still roaming North America, trying to bring the holiday back to its simple roots: a day to honour moms for all their sacrifices. Perhaps it would give her ghost some ease to know that 96 per cent of dads believe small gestures are more important than buying gifts, 83 per cent plan to take over mom’s responsibilities this Sunday and 84 per cent hope to make the day unforgettable. Go dads! As for me, well, I’m going to visit my mom and bring my three beautiful kids with me. We’ll have one big Mother’s Day celebration. That I still have my mom - and that my kids still have me - is celebration enough, but we’ll do our part for the GDP. If mom feels up to it, we’ll take her out for lunch. If not, we’ll bring lunch to her. I won’t be buying a card though, sorry Hallmark. I like to make my own, one that thanks my mom for everything she’s given me, genetic deficiencies, psychological anomalies, emotional baggage and all. Thanks mom. I love you. And I’m glad you love me, even with my - our - warts.
10 • Thursday, May 9, 2013
The Standard
2013 Dodge Dart Limited shown.§
99 @ 4.99
2013 CIVIC ◊
2013 ELANTRA ◊
2013 COROLLA ◊
2013 FOCUS ◊
59 MPG
4 4 MPG
54 MPG
50 MPG
51 MPG
N /A
N /A
N /A
N /A
N /A
N /A
N /A
N /A
N /A
+Your local retailer may charge additional fees for administration/pre-delivery that can range from $0 to $1,098 and anti-theft/safety products that can range from $0 to $1,298. Charges may vary by retailer.
Less Fuel. More Power. Great Value is a comparison between the 2013 and the 2012 Chrysler Canada product lineups. 40 MPG or greater claim (7.0 L/100 km) based on 2013 EnerGuide highway fuel consumption estimates. Government of Canada test methods used. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on powertrain, driving habits and other factors. See retailer for additional EnerGuide details. ¤2013 Dodge Dart AERO (Late availability) – Hwy: 4.8 L/100 km (59 MPG) and City: 7.3 L/100 km (39 MPG). 2013 Civic Si 2.4 L i-VTEC ® curb 4-cylinder Manual – Hwy: 6.4 L/100 km (44 MPG) and City: 10.0 L/100 km (28 MPG). 2013 Elantra L 1.8 L Dual CVVT DOHC 16V Engine Automatic – Hwy: 5.2 L/100 km (54 MPG) and City: 7.2 L/100 km (39 MPG). 2013 Corolla 1.8 L 4-Cylinder DOHC 16V VVT-i DIS ETCS-I Engine Manual – Hwy: 5.6 L/100 km (50 MPG) and City: 7.4 L/100 km (38 MPG). 2013 Focus S 2.0L Ti-VCT GDI I-4 Manual – Hwy: 5.5 L/100 km (51 MPG) and City: 7.8 L/100 km (38 MPG). Wise customers read the fine print: •, ♦, †, § 2013 Dodge Dart offers are limited time offers which apply to retail deliveries of selected new and unused models purchased from participating retailers on or after May 1, 2013. Offers subject to change and may be extended without notice. All pricing includes freight ($1,595), air tax (if applicable), tire levy and OMVIC fee. Pricing excludes licence, insurance, registration, any retailer administration fees, other retailer charges and other applicable fees and taxes. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Retailer may sell for less. •$16,995 Purchase Price applies to the new 2013 Dodge Dart SE (25A) only. ♦4.99% lease financing of up to 60 months available on approved credit through WS Leasing Ltd. (a wholly owned subsidiary of Westminster Savings Credit Union) to qualified customers on new 2012, 2013 and 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee and Dodge Dart models at participating retailers in Ontario, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Retailer may lease for less. See your retailer for complete details. Example: 2013 Dodge Dart SE (25A) with a Purchase Price of $16,575 leased at 4.99% over 60 months with $2,470 down payment, equals 130 bi-weekly payments of $99 with a cost of borrowing of $2,893.70 and a total obligation of $14,614.60. 22,000 kilometre/year allowance. Charge of $0.18 per excess kilometre. Some conditions apply. †0% purchase financing for up to 36 months available on the new 2013 Dodge Dart SE (25A) to qualified customers on approved credit through Royal Bank of Canada, Scotiabank and TD Auto Finance on 2012/2013 Jeep Compass, Patriot and 2013 Dodge Dart models. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Retailer may sell for less. See your retailer for complete details. Example: 2013 Dodge Dart SE (25A) with a Purchase Price of $16,995, with a $0 down payment, financed at 0% for 36 months equals 78 bi-weekly payments of $217.88 with a cost of borrowing of $0 and a total obligation of $16,995. §2013 Dodge Dart Limited shown. Price: $24,840. **Based on 2013 Ward’s upper small sedan costing under $25,000. ◊Competitors’ information obtained from Autodata, EnerGuide Canada and manufacturer’s website as of March 12, 2013. ®Jeep is a registered trademark of Chrysler Group LLC. TMThe SiriusXM logo is a registered trademark of SiriusXM Satellite Radio Inc.
DON_131089_KC_DART.indd 1
5/3/13 4:54 PM
VOL.6 NO 5
T H U R S DAY, M AY 9 , 2 013
Fans and drivers prepare for the opening of the 2013 season at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park on May 19. J. WALLY NESBITT The Standard
+ 0 84
12 • Thursday, May 9, 2013
The Standard
Uxbridge racer Jason Hathaway chasing the NASCAR title J. WALLY NESBITT The Standard
According to Uxbridge racer Jason Hathaway, “this could be our breakout year, we’re going for it!” For the past six seasons, Hathaway and the Stouffville-based Ed Hakonson Racing team have been chasing the championship in the NASCAR Canadian Tire Series. This year, Hathaway’s accumulated experience, combined with the extensive off-season preparation done by the Team 3 Red crew, will undoubtedly place the #3 Rockstar Energy Drink/ Snap-On Tools/ Fast Eddie Racewear Dodge among the list of series’ frontrunners. “We’ve got three cars in the shop that the guys have gone over, from top to bottom, and we have five new motors ready to drop in,” explains Hathaway. “In a short schedule like we have, you simply can’t afford to have any mechanical worries, the cars have to be perfect, as soon as they hit the track. A DNF (Did Not Finish) in any one of the 12 races effectively knocks you out of the championship chase.” Honing and developing his skills on the half-mile Delaware Speedway, Hathaway claimed a Street Stock class title at the London-area track before advancing into the ranks of the CASCAR Sportsman Series. Catching the attention of CASCAR team owner Ed Hakonson following a performance at Kawartha Speedway that saw him claim the Sportsman pole position and the race victory, Hathaway was offered the opportunity to jump into the 2006 CASCAR Super Series. In his debut season on the CASCAR National tour, Hathaway locked up the Rookie of the Year crown, and his results were sufficient to entice the EHR squad to continue their efforts when NASCAR founded the Canadian Tire Series in 2007. Against more experienced teams and drivers, Hathaway held his own, continually learning and developing his race craft at each of the diverse circuits on the Canadian Tire Series tour. In 2008, Hathaway scored his first career NCATS victory in the season finale, appropriately at Kawartha Speedway, and earned the series’ Most Im-
Jason Hathaway, driver of the #3 Dodge on the NASCAR Canadian Tire Series tour, is ready to challenge for the series title in 2013. proved Driver Award. In 2010 Hathaway and crew enjoyed their most successful year to date, securing a sixth place result in the year-end points tally. The fortunes of the EHR team took a turn for the worse in 2011, when Hathaway suffered a broken arm following a hard, Turn 2 crash on the Canadian Tire Motorsport Park road course. Struggling to complete the campaign with “my wounded wing”, he dropped down the or-
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der, ending the season in a disappointing ninth spot, overall. 2012 was and Up-andDown year for the #3 Dodge Challenger team, with four top 5 finishes tempered with a couple of late season mechanical maladies relegating him to seventh place on the leaderboard.
Undeterred, Hathaway and the Team 3 Red squad regrouped over the past winter, and with a series of pre-season tests on the calendar, he feels that they are back in contention and are prepared to challenge, not just for race wins, but for the overall championship. “I’ve been working with a personal trainer, I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in, and I’m ready to take everything that the car will give me this year,” he states. Citing his personal preference for oval track racing, Hathaway is pleased that the NASCAR Canadian Tire Series will compete eight times on speedways this year. But his past record also shows an aptitude for the road course tracks as well, and that should play into his hands, as the 2013 tour will run four road and street circuit events, including two dates on the Canadian Tire Motorsport Park grand prix circuit. “To set the tone for the year, you have to be strong coming out of the box. Starting the season at Mosport (CTMP) will be a great opportunity for us to show what we have to offer, and to show the other teams that we will be in the hunt this year.” Hathaway concludes, “we’ve got three proven race cars in the stable, we’ve got a well-rounded, experienced crew working on them, we have some incredible sponsorship support and I’ve got the mindset to win, every time out. Bring it on, we’re ready to go!” You can follow the progress of Hathaway and EHR/ Team 3 Red on the team’s web site, www.team3red.com. For local race fans, the NASCAR Canadian Tire Series opens its 2013 schedule on May 19 on the Canadian Tire Motorsport Park road course, returning to the CTMP Speedway five weeks later (June 22). On the Labour Day weekend, the NCATS division will share top billing with the NASCAR Camping World Truck Series back on the road course before concluding the campaign September 21 at Kawartha Speedway.
Tips to make your car shine There’s no time like spring to clean your car and get it ready for the sunny open road. In order to get the best car shine for the new season, Autoglym recommends the following three easy steps: Step 1 – Wash Wash your car regularly; doing so will help to preserve the finish of your car’s paintwork. Avoid household detergents as they can have a dulling effect on your paintwork. Instead, use a product designed for car washing, like the popular Autoglym product called Bodywork Shampoo Conditioner. Step 2 – Polish Many of us tend to skip the polishing step and go straight to waxing –don’t make this
common mistake. Polishing not only corrects paintwork and rectifies imperfections such as light scratches and swirl marks, but it also restores colour and shine. Step 3 – Protect Waxing is an important final touch to protect your car’s paintwork against harmful environmental factors such as bird droppings and sap. Unlike polish, waxing contains no cleaning or restoring agents and should only be used to seal in the result achieved from polishing: clean, dry, blemish free paintwork. More information is available online at www. autoglym.com. Courtesy of News Canada
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The voice of North Durham
Thursday, May 9, 2013 • 13
Peterborough Speedway opener The Peterborough Speedway Driving Experience has helped give a number of talented young drivers their first taste of the sport over the years and track officials are pleased to introduce Peterborough Automotive and Peterborough Paint and Body Supply as the popular development program’s official paint and auto parts supplier. To best serve its goal, the Driving Experience equipment must be kept running in tip-top shape throughout the season and track owner/ promoter J.P. Josiasse says Peterborough Automotive and Peterborough Paint and Body Supply is the ideal organization to contribute to that very important task. “Our team is looking to bring some solid marketing support to the program and backing from a company like Peterborough Automotive and Peterborough Paint and Body Supply fits that template perfectly,” said Josiasse. “Their customer driven approach and professional service makes them a leader in a highly competitive automotive aftermarket industry.” At 898 Ford St. in
Peterborough – as well as locations in Lindsay and Lakefield – Peterborough Automotive and Peterborough Paint and Body Supply is your source for a full line of automotive and heavy duty parts, tools and accessories. They’re the name you can trust, with everything you’ll need from over 300 manufacturers and suppliers to keep your domestic or import vehicle on the road. Whether you’re a weekend repairman, shadetree mechanic or factorytrained professional service technician, you can count on their qualified staff to supply what your job calls for at the right price. Peterborough Automotive and Peterborough Paint and Body Supply president Scott Anderson says lending their identity to the Driving Experience is a very exciting opportunity for their customers and staff alike. “This promises to be a big year at Peterborough Speedway,” said Anderson. “Many of the drivers in the various divisions have supported our business for years and this is a great way to show our appreciation for their loyalty. I’m sure the race teams are
pumped to get the season rolling and we are as well. To learn more about Peterborough Automotive and Peterborough Paint and Body Supply and what we do, visit www.ptboauto.ca or call 1-800-461-3656.” Country 105 presents Peterborough Speedway’s 2013 season opener – with free spectator grandstand admission – Saturday, May 18th. Gates open at 4:00, with racing starting at 6:00.
Drum Show May 15 SCUGOG: An annual celebration of rhythm returns May 15, as the 2013 Drumming Extravaganza takes over the Scugog Arena from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Local drum instructor Ron Cross will once again lead students from several Durham District School Board schools through a series of songs, the culmination of several months’ practice for the youth involved. The arena is located at 1655 Reach St. in Port Perry.
Tom King, from the Canadian Coin Association, inspects a gold necklace at the buying event inside the Scugog Community Centre. King and his associates will test and inspect rare coins, gold and silver to determine if it worthy of purchasing for the association. BENJAMIN PRIEBE The Standard
14 • Thursday, May 9, 2013
The Standard
Thursday, May 9, 2013 • 15
The voice of North Durham
HAPPy DAy! MotHer’S
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Have a heart-to-heart with Mom, this Mother's Day Irene Reed is not only to be celebrated as a super mom and grandmother this Mother's Day, but as a champion of heart-healthy living. Maria Reed nominated her 78-yearold mother (from Surrey, B.C.) in this year's Model of Health contest, run in conjunction with the Heart and Stroke Foundation's female-focused The Heart Truth campaign. The Model of Health contest highlights women who exemplify living well into their senior years as a result of making heart healthy choices throughout their lives. The program drew hundreds of nominations from across Canada – and the three winners are: Margaret AbbottBrown, 75, from Grand Prairie, AlbertaClaire MacDonnell, 83, from New Glasgow, Nova Scotia Gladys Wenger, 91, from Barrie, Ontario. Irene was nominated by her daugh-
ter for “creating an amazing legacy of motivation, health and wellness”. “She's impacted me and my two daughters by being a strong role model,” says Maria. “We discuss heart healthy living as a family. It has become ingrained in the next generation with my daughters.” Twelve years ago, Irene's husband Bud suffered a severe heart attack and was diagnosed with atherosclerosis. Two years later, Maria's brother died of a heart attack at age 38. “After those two life-changing events, Irene completely kicked up the family's healthy lifestyle another notch and really became the family's health cheerleader,” says Maria. Irene became a quick student of all heart-smart literature, with a particular emphasis on diet. She focused on cooking with fresh fruit and vegetables, reducing beef intake, and avoid-
ing bad fats and processed foods. Irene and her husband maintained a regular exercise regimen. Irene, an avid gardener, maintains a twice-weekly weightlifting program she does at home, and tries to walk up to three times a week with her husband. Five years after her husband's heart attack, doctors were surprised to see no more plaque build-up in Bud's arteries. Irene gives a lot of credit to good nutrition for reversing her husband's heart disease. Maria, however, gives all the credit to her mom. Maria says her career move into the health-field was influenced by her mother. Her 20-year-old daughter is also planning to start a career in health, owing to her grandmother. Irene says she feels 20 years younger than her age. Maria says her mom exudes a positive attitude. For women to make health last and
live full, engaged lives, Irene says a healthy active mind is as important as a healthy body. Heart disease and stroke is a leading cause of death for women in Canada, according to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Nine in 10 Canadian women have at least one significant risk factor. By making healthy lifestyle choices, women can reduce their risks by as much as 80 per cent. Women can take action now to make health last with three easy steps: Assess their risk for heart disease and stroke. Talk to their doctor abouttheir risk. Commit to one small lifestyle change every day to see big gains in heart health. Comprehensive resources are available at thehearttruth.ca.
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Welcome Brook! We are pleased to welcome Brook Graham, Esthetician to our team. Brook, a Barrie native who recently planted her roots here in Port Perry, is a graduate of the Esthetics and Spa Management program at Loyalist College. Brooke provides a variety of services suited for every individual and looks forward to meeting local people.
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Courtesy of News Canada
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16 • Thursday, May 9, 2013
The Standard
THE BUSINESS BUZZ Where old is new again
Welcome to a place in time where OLD is NEW. If you are looking for perfection, you will not find it here. We don’t do perfection. We ANTWEEK! Our pieces are works of art, from casual chic to country charm, and always include a splash of fun! We invite you to visit our showroom or to explore our website to view our new creations for sale, from the past, redesigned for the present.
99 North Port Road, Port Perry
www.antweek.net • info@antweek.net
Proudly Canadian
Ladies Fashion Consignment Store New & Gently Worn Items of All Sizes 1874 Scugog Street (beside M&M’s) 905-982-0200 www.thegypsyscloset.ca With her business Antweek, Corina Cook refuses to strive for perfection. She says so right on her web site. Taking furniture destined for the landfill, Corina lets her imagination run wild to transform pieces abandoned by their former owners into items that are both functional and attention-getting, foregoing perfection in the name of creativity. Welcome to the world of ‘antweeking.’ Opened in Port Perry in 2012, Antweek has since grown out of its original location and into a new 4,800 square foot space, which houses a showroom, shop and offices all under one roof. Antweek is also about to get plenty of attention outside of North Durham, with a feature story in the spring 2013 edition of Canadian Home Trends magazine. The Antweek story began when Corina, who has been re-finishing furniture as a hobby since high school, was finally encouraged enough to take the next step and go into business creating her unique pieces. With a background in interior design, Corina takes what she calls ‘raw pieces,’ collected anywhere from the curbside to what she describes as “the darkest corners” of antique barns, and transforms them into something completely different. Among those items in the showroom are pieces like dressers and tables that have been completely stripped and reworked with different colours and accents, including features like beadwork, jewels and wrought iron. One dresser redone by Corina features a glass top with black-andwhite photographs of New York City arranged underneath. In addition to the larger furniture, a number of smaller accents adorn the showroom, including candle holders and various conversation pieces. Working with van Gogh paints - a new Canadian brand of chalk-based paints which Corina said has cut down on the amount of time needed to create her work - she takes inspiration “from everywhere - it could be a magazine photo, something I see while driving or just something that a person has said.” The store is also operating with the environment in mind, posting the total weight of items diverted from landfills on their web site and Corina using greener products where possible, including 100 per cent natural beeswax. On Saturday, June 1, Antweek will be holding an open house event for customers to drop in and see what can be done to furniture when a little imagination is applied. And for those wishing to try their hand at furniture refinishing, Corina will begin holding classes next month, instructing aspiring ‘antweekers’ in areas such as how to prepare their pieces and apply van Gogh paint (see the web site for details as they become available). The Antweek web site will also be seeing some exciting new additions in the coming weeks, including pages for Van Gogh paints, a gallery of Corina’s ongoing projects and a listing of upcoming events and workshops. “DIY is becoming huge and that’s what we’re all about,” said Corina. Antweek is located at 99 North Port Rd. in Port Perry and is open Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by appointments only on Saturday and during evenings. The store is closed Sunday and Monday. Corina can be reached at 905-982-1100 or by e-mail at corina@antweek.net. The store can be found on-line at www.antweek.net, with a photo gallery of products currently available.
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The voice of North Durham
Thursday, May 9, 2013 • 17
Welsh takes to the ice against Canada’s best DARRYL KNIGHT The Standard
Across the country, young men and women dream of representing their country in international competition, and one Blackstock resident took the first step towards that goal recently. Kirsten Welsh, a 16-year-old defender with the Whitby Jr. Wolves took to the ice in Toronto from Wednesday, May 1 until Sunday, May 6 as part of Team Canada’s Under-18 team. The strength and conditioning camp, which drew elite skaters from across the country was the first stage in the selection process for the Under-18 team. In August, the girls will compete at another camp in Ottawa to earn the right to represent their country. This is not Ms. Welsh’s first brush with national team try-outs. Last summer, she advanced to the final round of cuts for Team Ontario’s Under-18 entry. “I was one of a handful of 15-year-old to make it to the second camp for Team Ontario last summer, and that definitely gave me a boost for this year, and could better prepare for the competition,” Ms. Welsh told The Standard. The invitation to the national team’s camp was the latest highlight in a decorated season for the five-foot-eleven defender. Recently, her Whitby Jr. Wolves team claimed a provincial championship, with Ms. Welsh more than holding her own against competition as much as four years older than her. In 73 games played with the Wolves, she racked up three goals and 17 assists to go along with a team-leading 102 penalty minutes. “I had a phenomenal year with Whitby. Playing with better competition gave me a better sense of direction on where my game needs to be at the next level,” Ms. Welsh explained. “It was a big difference from Midget. It’s a faster game and every team is close. Every game is a challenge, and you always have to be working hard to compete.” Last season, Ms. Welsh got her first taste of competition against older players when she suited up for Port Perry High School’s Varsity team in her Grade 9 year. “There were a couple of games with the Rebels last year that really opened my eyes to what I could expect this year,” added Ms. Welsh. As she explained, another key component to Ms. Welsh’s on-ice success was the time she spent competing against boys during her minor hockey career. After beginning as a Timbit in Whitby, and later moving on to a powerhouse Whitby girls team for Novice, Ms. Welsh spent her Atom years skating with the Clarington Toros ‘AAA’ program. After spending her Minor PeeWee season with the Clarington Flames girls program, Ms. Welsh returned home to skate with the Port Perry Predators PeeWees before moving on to another season of boys ‘AAA’ with the Oshawa Minor Generals Minor Bantam entry. Additionally, Ms. Welsh spent the summer competing with one of the top summer hockey programs in the
Blackstock’s Kirsten Welsh, shown here on a breakaway with the Port Perry HS Varsity Girls last season, recently took part in training camp with Team Canada’s Under-18 team. (Inset) This past season, the 16-year-old defender turned heads with the Whitby Jr. Wolves, and played a key role for the team in their run to a provincial championship. STANDARD FILE/SUBMITTED PHOTO province - the Port Perry-based Durham Icebreakers - she credits this stretch of her minor hockey career as having the biggest influence on her development as a player. “Those were two very big development years for me, especially my time with the Icebreakers. Brad Bricknell (currently coaching the Central Ontario Wolves’ Minor Midget team) was one of the best coaches I’ve had and really helped get my game to where it is today.” From there, Ms. Welsh transitioned back to the girls’ game with the Durham West Lightning. The time she spent with boys hockey in her formative years plays a significant role with her physical style of play, evidenced by the fact that, despite being one of the youngest players in the league, Ms. Welsh led her team in penalty minutes. “My size and experience with boys’ hockey definitely plays a big role in the physical aspect of my game,” Ms. Welsh said. “It taught me to keep my head up and see the ice better because you don’t want to get smoked in the corner. My speed also benefitted from the faster pace of the boys’ game, and a lot of the time, being that extra half-step quicker is the difference in getting to loose pucks and controlling the play.” A Grade 10 honour roll student at Cartwright HS, Ms.
Welsh lists personal fitness as her favourite subject, and is eyeing a career in nutrition or physical therapy after high school. Ms. Welsh is currently preparing to write her SATs in June in hopes of achieving a scholarship to university. “I’ve had interest from both schools on both sides of the border, and it would be unreal to play in university, and a great opportunity to continue developing my game while earning an education,” Ms. Welsh said. The youngest of three siblings, Ms. Welsh also credits her older brother and sister in aiding her development in hockey. “My family is very competitive, and growing up, you always had to fight for what you wanted and learn early to stand up for yourself,” added Ms. Welsh. While earning a spot with Canada’s Under-18 team remains her top short-term goal, Ms. Welsh admits that she ultimately dreams of competing for Canada at the Olympics. “My ultimate goal is definitely to play in the Olympics and compete for Canada. That’s the pinnacle of women’s hockey and it would be a tremendous honour to wear the maple leaf, and inspire other girls across the country to follow their dreams.”
18 • Thursday, May 9, 2013
TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS • Automotive & Marine • Serviced & Rebuilt • Warranty Available
COMPLETE GENERAL REPAIRS Don Campbell 178 Reach Industrial Park Rd., Port Perry, On
Work Hard and Play Hard!
The Standard
St. Pierre swims with Erie Otters DARRYL KNIGHT The Standard
Port Perry’s Jeff St. Pierre made a big impression on the Erie Otters’ staff over the weekend as the 17-year-old earned an invite back to the team’s main training camp. St. Pierre (profiled in the May 2 edition of The Standard) spent last weekend competing at the Otters’ prospect camp in hopes of earning an eventual roster spot with the OHL club. “There was a lot of tough competition, because the OHL is the top junior hockey league in the world, and everyone wants to show what they can bring to the team,” St. Pierre told The Standard. “I just stuck to my game, and they must have liked what they saw, because they invited me back to main camp in August.” Although he was undrafted out of his Minor Midget season with the
‘AAA’ Central Ontario Wolves, St. Pierre dedicated himself to improving his game over the recently-completed season with the Wolves, and was able to earn an invite from the western Pennsylvaniabased club. “There seems to be undrafted free agents on every team, so it’s just a matter of sticking with it, and eventually teams will take notice. Erie gave me a great opportunity, and I just tried to make the most of it,” St. Pierre added. St. Pierre added that he will be spending the summer improving his game in order to survive training camp in the fall and earn a roster spot with the Otters. When he’s not on the ice, however, St. Pierre will once again take to the mound as the ace of the pitching staff of the Lake Scugog Lumberjacks. The local fastball team is looking to repeat as Eastern Canadian champions in 2013.
BREAKING AWAY: A Port Perry HS ball carrier shrugs off an O’Neill (Oshawa) defender during a recent LOSSA Senior Girls rugby match. The Rebels will square off against Uxbridge SS in a North Durham grudge match in Port Perry on Wednesday, May 8 at 3 p.m. DARRYL KNIGHT The Standard
Senior Tigers rugby still pitch perfect DARRYL KNIGHT The Standard
LEAVING THE DEN: The Uxbridge Bruins bid a fond farewell to a trio of overage players at their annual awards banquet on Friday, May 3. (From left) Head Coach Dan West, Mike Lynch (subbing for vacationing son Callum), Andy Liboiron, Mike Ramsey and GM Ron Archibald all took part in the ceremony celebrating the graduating players. DARRYL KNIGHT The Standard
The Uxbridge SS Senior Girls Rugby team continued to roll this week as they remain undefeated in LOSSA play. On Monday, May 6, the Tiger girls were looking for their third straight win when they hosted the St. Stephen (Bowmanville) Royals. The Tigers would dominate in all aspects of the game as they rolled to a 53-0 victory to maintain a one-point advantage over Eastdale (Oshawa) in the LOSSA standings. Meanwhile, the Port Perry HS Senior Girls will be looking to get back on track this week after dropping games to O’Neill (Oshawa) as well as Pickering. The two North Durham sides will square off this week in a special exhibition match-up in Port Perry on Wednesday, May 8 starting at 3 p.m. The Uxbridge Tigers Senior Boys will also be looking to maintain their dominance over LOSSA competition this week following a recent 60-0 drubbing of the Father Leo Austin Wildcats in Whitby. The Tigers will be back on their home field on Tuesday, May 14 against Ajax HS at 2 p.m. Port Perry’s Senior Boys will be looking to improve on a two-game winning streak this week after posting wins over O’Neill and Courtice last week. On Tuesday, May 14, the Rebels take on St. Stephen at 2 p.m.
The voice of North Durham
Thursday, May 9, 2013 • 19
To solve the Kids Sudoku Puzzle every number from 1-6 must appear in: Each vertical columns, Each horizontal row and each 2 x 3 boxes. No number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.
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Solutions to Coffee Break on Page 21
Horoscope Column
by Joan Ann Evelyn | 905-725-9179 | www.astroconsultation.com
DOWN 1 Egyptian reptiles 2 Orderly and systematic 3 Alaska, once
Copyright © 2008 Knight Features/Distributed by Universal Press Syndicate
ACROSS 1 “Virus” prefix 5 Far from slim 10 Cut, as coupons 14 Observed in the act 15 Already had something 16 Church leader 17 Barbarian shoots a 72? 20 Not be picky with a guitar? 21 Lukewarm 22 Nod backward? 23 Woodland reveler of myth 25 Teachers’ org. 27 Jennifer Lopez movie role 30 Quarterback, often 33 Palindromic Gardner 34 “Pet” that you plant 37 Monica that raised a racket 39 Reserve a table for 4 p.m.? 43 Inner personality, to Jung 44 Tennis legend Arthur 45 Fort ___, N.J. 46 Nighttime noisemaker 48 Subtle distinction 51 Hindu mister 52 Onetime golf champ Stewart 54 Cheer heard at a bullfight 57 “___ Frome” (Edith Wharton classic) 59 “Encore!” accompaniment 63 Select the correct atomic particle? 66 Came apart at the seams? 67 “All My Children” vixen 68 Think tank’s quest 69 Like contented bugs 70 What American Beauties are 71 Word with “training” or “boot”
To solve a Sudoku puzzle every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: Each of the nine vertical columns, Each of the nine horizontal rows, Each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember no number can occur more than one in any row; column or box.
4 Fill, as with energy 5 Opposite of ‘neath 6 Nutty as a fruitcake 7 Old operating-room substance 8 Creep through the cracks 9 Live oak of California 10 Spreadsheet pro 11 “Hawaii Five-O” star Jack 12 “Facto” intro 13 Hammer head 18 Where Muscat is capital 19 West Texas oil town 24 Tex-Mex treat 26 Play ___ (perform some
songs) 27 Narrative of heroic exploits 28 Some sets of numbers 29 Caesar’s language 30 Biking or hiking course 31 Slur over 32 Mail, as a payment 35 Cold ground covering 36 Age proofs, briefly 38 Alluringly attractive 40 “Famous” cookie name 41 Room under the eaves 42 Chooser’s first word 47 Or’s partner 49 1/36 of a yard
Anita Van Zeeland F.T.A.
50 Boston basketballer 52 City of Lights 53 “Have ___ day!” 54 Decides 55 “The Wizard of Oz” coward 56 Earth tone 58 Brave sandwich? 60 Verdi opera 61 Poe creation 62 A Rice Krispies sound 64 Beer container 65 It makes the van go
ARIES (March 20-April 19): The New Moon Eclipse hints that your income may change over the next twelve months, hopefully for the better. Money making ideas will increase and you will have a great desire to save or invest. TAURUS (April 19-May 20): You could be motivated to change your image or appearance. Be open to new financial opportunities that come your way. You will be far more sensitive to yours and others’ emotional needs. GEMINI (May 20-June 21): Think about all you have achieved in the past twelve months and give yourself credit for the smallest of victories. Forgive yourself for your mistakes, but learn from them. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Group involvements and organizations are spotlighted this month. If you have a personal goal you are working towards, this is a good time to pursue it. Confide in a trusted friend and follow their advise. LEO (July 22-Aug. 22): The New Moon Eclipse in Taurus strengthens your ambition and makes you determined to succeed. You will easily win the support of friends and business associates. VIRGO (Aug. 22-Sept. 22): Learn new skills to increase your chances for success. Travel for business or attend an out-of-town workshop or conference. Sign up for an Internet course. Seek out the support of a mentor.
LIBRA (Sept. 22-Oct. 23): You may be thinking about changing your will or making an investment. Shared resources fluctuate, debts either go up or go down. You would benefit from studying psychology. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 22): If you been dating for a while, you may have the incentive to make a commitment. If you are single and become involved romantically, nurture the relationship and allow it to grow. Spend quality time together. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Stop any bad habits that are harmful to your physical health. If you would like a better job, send out your resume this month. Your health and working conditions can change for the better. CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 19): The new Moon encourages you to have fun and express yourself in wonderful ways. If you earn your living through a creative vocation, the next year can be extremely productive. Singles could meet a significant other. AQUARIUS (Jan. 19-Feb. 19): This is a favourable cycle for Aquarians working in real estate and home design. The urge to fix up, renovate or redecorate your home is very strong. Plant a flower garden or re-do a room. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Take a class to upgrade your skill level or just for the fun of it. Plana long weekend trip away. Join a neighbourhood association. People are well aware of what you are doing and saying. Slow down on the road.
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Mothers Knit Too!
20 • Thursday, May 9, 2013
To place an ad call
905-985-6985 or e-mail us at
The Standard
www.thestandardnewspaper.ca AT REST FROEHLICH, Karl Maria
Peacefully, on Wednesday, May 1, 2013 at the Markham-Stouffville Hospital at age 83. Karl Froehlich of Uxbridge and formerly of Cadmus, beloved husband of Margot (nee Baer). Loving father of Marianne of Uxbridge and Peter of Toronto. Loved grandfather of Katelyn and Stephanie. Predeceased by his brother Franz. Private arrangements have been entrusted to the WAGG FUNERAL HOME, “McDermottPanabaker Chapel”, 216 Queen Street in Port Perry (905-985-2171). If desired, memorial donations may be made by cheque to “The Friends of Algonquin Park”, PO Box 248, Whitney, Ontario K0J 2M0. Special thank you to the Doctors and Nurses at Markham-Stouffville Hospital and the Uxbridge Cottage Hospital for their kind and compassionate care. Memories and condolences may be shared at www. waggfuneralhome.com
Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glints on snow, I am the sunset on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn’s rain. When you awaken in the mornings hush, I am the sweet uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight, I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry I am not there, I did not die
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AT REST ELFORD, Ivy Madeline
On Monday, May 6, 2013 at the Community Nursing Home in Port Perry, at age 94. Ivy (nee Tabb) of Port Perry, beloved wife of the Late Malcolm Armstrong Elford. Loved mother of Donald Elford and his wife Margaret of Port Perry, Murray Elford of Texas, Joan Whitaker and Dave McLeish of Cobden, Barry Elford and his wife Natalia of Peterborough, and Bob Elford and his wife Janet of Barrie. Loving grandmother of 13 grandchildren, 9 great grandchildren, and 1 great great grandchild. Predeceased by her brothers Murray Tabb of Bowmanville, Lawrence Tabb of South Carolina and Harold Tabb of England. The family of Ivy Elford received friends at the WAGG FUNERAL HOME “McDermott-Panabaker Chapel” 216 Queen Street in Port Perry (905-985-2171) on Wednesday, May 8th from 10 – 11 a.m. A Service to celebrate her life was held in the Chapel at 11 a.m. followed by a reception in the Heritage Room. Interment Nestleton United Church Cemetery. If desired, memorial donations may be made by cheque to the Community Nursing Home Port Perry “Living Dreams” program. Memories and condolences may be shared at www.waggfuneralhome.com
CALL, Kenneth Mac (Veteran WW II British Army K.R.R.C., Member Royal Canadian Legion Branch 419, Port Perry)
Peacefully, on Thursday, May 2, 2013 at the Lakeridge Health Centre in Port Perry, at age 86. Ken Call of Caesarea, beloved husband of Ethel (nee Gee). Loved father of Barry, Sophie, Denise, Kathy and Wendy. Loving grandfather of Karen, Paul, Donna, Derek, Kyle and Megan and great grandfather of Lucas, Christopher, Riley, Patryck, Logan, Kegan and Gillian. Ken will also be missed by his extended family Roger, Warren, Eddie and Maryann and his best friend Fred. The family of Ken Call received friends at the WAGG FUNERAL HOME, “McDermott-Panabaker Chapel”, 216 Queen Street in Port Perry (905-985-2171) on Sunday, May 5th from 7 – 9 p.m. A Service to celebrate his life was held in the Chapel on Monday, May 6th at 11 a.m. with Reverend Linda Saffrey officiating. Private interment Nestleton United Church Cemetery. If desired, memorial donations may be made by cheque to the Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Fund or the Port Perry Hospital Foundation. Memories and condolences may be shared at www.waggfuneralhome.com
PUGH, Walter Howard PORTER, Carol Anne
Peacefully, on Friday, May 3, 2013 at the Lakeridge Health Centre in Port Perry, at age 66. Carol (nee Rahm), beloved wife of Cameron Porter of Blackstock. Loved mother of Sean Porter and his wife Vicky of Springbrook, Sheryl and her husband Paul Winacott of Bethany and Shannon Porter of Blackstock. Loving grandmother of D.J. and Kyle Porter. Dear sister of Paul Rahm (deceased) and his wife Anne of Kemptville. The family of Carol Porter received friends at the WAGG FUNERAL HOME, “McDermott-Panabaker Chapel”, 216 Queen Street in Port Perry (905 985-2171) on Monday, May 6th from 2 – 4 and 7 – 9 p.m. A Service to celebrate her life was held in the Chapel on Tuesday, May 7th at 11 a.m. with Reverend James Blackmore officiating. Interment St. John’s Anglican Cemetery, Blackstock. If desired, memorial donations may be made by cheque to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario or the Canadian Cancer Society. Memories and condolences may be shared at www. waggfuneralhome. com
Peacefully at his daughter’s home, Monday, May 6, 2013, at 86 years of age. Beloved husband of Lillis (nee Whitty) for 62 years. Loving father of Diane (Randy) and John. Dear Bop of Jesse, Harley, Cassandra and Amber. Greatgrandfather of William. Cremation has taken place.
HAM SALAD SUPPER Wick Presbyterian Church Friday, May 10, 6:00 p.m. Adults $13.00 Children under age 10 $5.00 705-357-1375
LOUDFOOT, Bernice Gertrude Peacefully, on Friday, May 3, 2013 at St. Joseph’s Hospital “The Views” in Courtenay, BC, at age 91. Bernice (nee Steeves) of Courtenay, BC and formerly of Port Perry, beloved wife of the late Dave Loudfoot. Loved mother of Doug and his wife Gail and Ron and his wife Linda all of Courtenay, BC. Loving grandmother of Kimberley (Derek) of Acton, David (Van) of Vancouver, Jodi of Vancouver and Ryan (Teresa) of Brampton, and great grandmother of Madeleine and Ben. Dear sister of Bernita Clarke of Havelock, New Brunswick and the late Milton Steeves, and sister-in-law of Gordon Loudfoot and his wife Marg of Ajax. A Graveside Service will be held at the Pine Grove Cemetery in Prince Albert at a date to be determined. Arrangements entrusted to the WAGG FUNERAL HOME, 216 Queen Street in Port Perry (905-985-2171). If desired, memorial donations may be made by cheque to the charity of your choice. The family would like to thank the volunteers and staff at the Views for making Mom’s final years so enjoyable. Thanks also go to Dr. Law for his care. Memories and condolences may be shared at www.waggfuneralhome.com
NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NICHOLAS STEPHEN PARENT, DECEASED ALL CLAIMS against the Estate of NICHOLAS STEPHEN PARENT, late of Port Perry, Ontario, who died on April 6, 2013. Any persons or organizations that have a valid claim against the Estate must come forward on or before June 30, 2013 after which date no more claims can be made. Dated at Uxbridge this 2nd day of May, 2013 Robert Lamanna Estate Trustee 50 Mill Run Gate, Uxbridge, Ont L9P 1R1
FOR RENT NEWLY RENOVATED BACHELOR APARTMENT. Walking distance to amenities. $900 includes fridge, stove, dishwasher, heat, hydro, water, cable extra. 905-244-4018
1 BEDROOM B A S E M E N T APARTMENT, self contained, own entrance, quiet neighbourhood, available June 1st in Port Perry. Large yard, parking, fridge, stove and a/c. No smoking, first and last. $700 incl. Lorraine @ 905-4735876. TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, main floor, close to all amenities. $900 plus hydro, mature building. Available immediately 705-786-0725. LARGE ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT with extra sitting room in beautiful Port Perry Century Home. Newly renovated. Perfect for single/ couple. Includes utilities and appliances. Call 905-439-5943.
The voice of North Durham
Thursday, May 9, 2013 • 21
FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, deck with yard, private entrance, parking, available July 1. No smokers or pets. Days: 905-718-2929, evenings: 905-985-8786.
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You left us beautiful memories, Your love is still our guide, And though we cannot see you, You are always at our side. In our hearts this Mother’s Day and always, The McNeill Family
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Barb Doupe (left), Chairman of The Poppy Campaign and Dave Durham (right), President of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 419 present Dr. John Stewart (centre), President of the Port Perry Hospital Foundation, with two cheques totaling $15,500. The money will help the hospital to purchase a new video laryngoscope, a device which assists in the safety and ease of inserting a breathing tube when a patient is undergoing general anesthesia or suffers trauma. $9,000 was donated by the Port Perry Legion from The Poppy Campaign, bringing the amount raised by local Branch 419 for the local hospital over the years to $46,500. The remaining $6,500 is a grant from the Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Provincial Command and Ladies’ AuxilBENJAMIN PRIEBE The Standard iaries Charitable Foundation.
M&M BBQ for charity on May 11 Pay a little, eat a lot, to raise money for research on Charity BBQ Day. On Saturday, May 11, 2013, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., visit any of the more than 450 M&M Meat Shops locations across Canada to support the 25th Annual M&M Meat Shops Charity BBQ Day benefiting Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada (CCFC). In North Durham, M&M is located at 1874 Scugog St. in Port Perry and 304 Toronto St. S in Uxbridge. M&M Meat Shops’ franchisees, staff and thousands of CCFC volunteers from coast-to-coast will be manning their grills to meet the 25th Anniversary Charity BBQ Day fundraising goal of $1.3 million. Supporters will receive a hamburger or hot dog, a drink and a bag of chips for
a minimum donation of $3. All proceeds raised go directly to Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis research. This year, M&M Meat Shops Charity BBQ Day is pleased to have 13-year-old Landon Lafond as a CCFC representative for the event. Landon understands all too well what it’s like to live with IBD: “I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease five years ago,”says Landon. “I love to volunteer and have been proud to help raise money for Crohn’s and colitis research by helping out at M&M Meat Shops Charity BBQ Day, as well as participating in CCFC’s Gutsy Walk. M&M Meat Shops Charity BBQ Day is an important way to raise money and awareness for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, and hopefully, help kids like me feel better.”
22 • Thursday, May 9, 2013
The Standard
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The voice of North Durham
Thursday, May 9, 2013 • 23
24 â&#x20AC;˘ Thursday, May 9, 2013
news shop
The Standard
The voice of North Durham
Thursday, May 9, 2013 • 25
Local ladies to help Sleeping Children Around The World H E AT H E R M c C R A E Special to The Standard
When Murray Dryden founded Sleeping Children Around The World (SCAW), a registered Canadian charity in 1970, his goal was to deliver one million bedkits to some of the most impoverished children around the globe. That one million mark was achieved in 2010 when a bedkit was given to a poor child in Kenya during a distribution trip. Currently, enthusiastic volunteers continue working to achieve the two million mark. It’s volunteers like two Scugog women, Leslie Banner and Pat Corlett, who have helped make a difference in the lives of some of the poorest kids around the world. Pat, a retired nurse, said her inspiration to join SCAW was through a friend, Jeanne Culp, “who talked so eloquently and passionately” about the Canadian charity. Mrs. Culp, who died tragically in a house fire, had gone on several trips with SCAW and had spread the word to her friends and colleagues. Pat recently returned
home after giving of her time and service on a SCAW trip to various cities, towns and villages throughout India. In Mumbai she and her teammates distributed 2,000 bed kits and over one thousand bed kits to the needy children of Huble. Leslie, on the other hand, is preparing for her 13th and 14th trips with SCAW to Uganda and Tanzania, respectively, this summer. “We hope to achieve the two million mark in ten years,” said Leslie. “It took 40 years to achieve the first million, now we hope to double that in 10 years.” It was during the Great Depression in the 1930’s, while travelling in India, Mr. Dryden tripped over a child sleeping in the streets. A man of ideas, he decided that he must and would do something for children who had no comfortable bed. While he could not feed the world or alleviate hunger, Mr. Dryden believed a good night’s sleep could make a hungry child’s life more comfortable. Mr. Dryden’s dream was to put one million of the most poverty-stricken children into bedkits. “Each $35 donation (Canadian funds) provides a bedkit that consists of a
Pat Corlett (left) and Leslie Banner are two volunteers with SCAW, both live in Port Perry. mat, pillow, sheet, blanket, mosquito net (if applicable), compass set, basin, some clothes and school supplies. Donations are tax deductible and 100 per cent of every bedkit donation reaches a needy child. Bedkit contents vary from country to country, depending upon local needs. In Africa, for instance, every bedkit has to have a treated bed net, to combat malaria caused by mosquitoes. These nets must be approved by the World
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Health Organization. On her first trip, Pat was part of a team made up on six volunteers, who ranged in age from 19 to 75 years. Leslie, a retired principal, has been on several trips in the past and is now a team leader. She will be embarking on her 13th and 14th trips this summer. This charity relies on volunteers, and it isn’t just the people distributing the bedkits that make it all happen. It’s also volunteers in the country of distribution who
select children with the greatest need and organize the manufacture of bedkits and choose distribution sites. Many of these latter volunteers are involved in many service clubs, including the Rotary and Lions clubs. Locally produced bedkits eliminate transportation costs, provision of materials and labour at minimal cost, employment for families in that country and assistance to the local economy and the country as a whole. “Distributing these bedkits had an incredible effect on me,” said Pat. “Many of these kids had never slept on a mattress before or had even received a gift before. We all take so much for granted.” SCAW guarantees that 100 per cent of bedkit donations goes to the bedkits and that no portion of bedkit donations goes to cover operating costs. And, SCAW does not request or accept government funding nor does it seek donations through telemarketing or mass-mailings. Individualdonorsaccount for two-thirds of the donations. Churches, schools and service clubs make up the remainder. Church groups, like the UCW of Port Perry and Prince Albert United Churches, give to
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SCAW often in memory of Jeanne Culp. Pat and Leslie each paid for their entire distribution excursions, including airfare, hotel, food and bottled water and there’s always the need to get all your inoculations up to date. The children, between the ages of six to 12, have their photo taken with their bedkit and a label showing the donor’s name and address. This photograph is then mailed back to the donor, providing a timeless way for the donor to remember the child that greatly benefited from their generosity. Because English is a universal language, communication is generally fine, but there are interpreters on all trips. “Our overseas partners are educated and ensure we have interpreters, if need be,” said Leslie. Both women are willing to spread the word about SCAW. If any group wishes to have them speak they can be contacted by going to the web site at www.scaw.org. “It’s heartwarming to know that SCAW has helped thousands upon thousands of young people enjoy a good night’s sleep,” said Leslie. “To see their smiles and gratitude is all worth it.”
144 Queen Street Port Perry 905-985-4427
6 yr old spayed female yellow lab, super friendly, fenced yard required
TANNING Mother’s Day Special 250 Minute Package + $5 Lotion Credit
26 • Thursday, May 9, 2013
The Standard
Goodwood’s got talent The residents of Goodwood will be putting on a show later this month as the annual Talent Night returns to the hamlet. On Wednesday, May 15 from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. a wide range of acts will be taking to the stage at the Goodwood Hall, located at 268 Hwy. 47. “There will be acts ranging in age from eight right up to 80, so there really is something for everyone,” organizer Bev Northeast
told The Standard. Ms. Northeast noted that the evening is a show of talent, not a competition. All talent is welcome to perform at the event including, but not limited to: poetry, dancing, singing, instrumental music, bands, karate and theatre. For more information on Goodwood Talent Night, or to sign up as a performer, please call 905-640-3966. Please join us on
Saturday, May 11th 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Jonathan van Bilsen will be signing copies of his latest book
‘A World of Paradox’
Books Galore and More 175 Perry St., Port Perry
7:15 9:35 7:15 9:35 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15
Iron Man 3 THURS. MAY 9 FRI. MAY 10 SAT. MAY 11 SUN. MAY 12 MON. MAY 13 TUE. MAY 14 WED. MAY 15
MacLellan takes to Greenbank stage The Croods
Oblivon FRI. MAY 10 SAT. MAY 11 SUN. MAY 12 MON. MAY 13 TUE. MAY 14 WED. MAY 15
Drop by chat wit and h th author! e
7:00 7:00 9:25 1:00 7:00 9:25 1:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00
Pamela Meacher presented her wide range of watercolour paintings at her home on Scugog Island, just one stop of many on the Lake Scugog Studio Tour this past weekend. Meacher is the founding director of the Canadian Wildflower Society, botanicals are her passion and the focus of much of her work. Meacher will be showing ‘Evolution’, a retrospective of her works from 1954 - 2013 at the Scugog CounBENJAMIN PRIEBE The Standard cil for the Arts, 181 Perry Street on May 11 from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
SAT. MAY 11 1:15 SUN. MAY 12 1:15
The ‘merry month of May’ - specifically, May 25 - brings Catherine MacLellan to Greenbank to treat the Greenbank Folk Music Society audience to her beautiful voice and her equally beautiful songs, accompanied by guitarist Chris Gauthier. The show begins at 8 p.m.
Her father is the late Gene MacLellan who wrote the song Snowbird, made famous by Anne Murray and recorded by countless others. And Catherine has covered Snowbird on her latest album, Silhouette. Recorded largely at a secluded cabin in rural
CHILDREN 13 & UNDER: $7.00 SENIORS, MATINEES & TUESDAYS: $7.00 All taxes are included in above pricing. Box office opens 30 minutes before first movie showtime.
Prince Edward Island, MacLellan brought together a band of longtime friends and musical collaborators with producer David Baxter to craft the 14-track album that Canada’s Exclaim! Magazine has touted as being “a near-hour-long album devoid of filler…a testimony to MacLellan’s ascent to greatness.” MacLellan’s star has long been rising in North America. Her previous albums have collectively hit #1 on the iTunes Canada Roots charts, and been acclaimed by her peers. Catherine was raised in Summerside, PEI. She started playing in her first band called the New Drifts in 2000. After that ended, Catherine started playing in the old-time country band Saddle River. Now Catherine is busy playing solo and raising a little girl named Isabel. She has released three albums, all of which have been released on True North Records. Chris Gauthier is a veteran to the stage. The Canadian-born musician (whose parents are both
musicians) has a very successful career of his own with bands, as a solo artist, as well as accompanying Ms MacLellan.
Do catch this show if you can. Catherine is among Canada’s finest, and that’s saying something! Tickets are $25 each and available at Blue Heron Books, 62 Brock St West, in Uxbridge (905852-4282) and at POE Design, 146 Queen St, in Port Perry (905-9850060). Phone 905-9858351 for reserved tickets and information. Watch for future concerts on our Facebook page and web site at greenbankfolkmusic.ca.
The voice of North Durham
Thursday, May 9, 2013 • 27
Some Academy Award nominees you may not have seen yet 2012 was an incredibly strong year at the movies both for the studios and the indies as there seemed to be a bounty of great cinema for us out there. I left TIFF last September reeling (sorry) with excitement about what was coming for the rest of the year having seen so much greatness at the festival. Some of these you might not have heard much about, but bear in mind the motto of this column, “every film you have not seen is a new experience.” THE MASTER (****) -Paul Thomas Anderson is the most exciting young director in American movies today, an original who somehow manages to be himself while paying homage to Scorsese or Altman in his work. His breakthrough film Boogie Nights (1997) was a frank and fun ride through the adult film industry through the seventies and into the eighties, as they made the transition from film to video which allowed them greater profits. He followed that with Punch Drunk Love (2002) a solid love story with Adam Sandler in the first role to test his dramatic talents; he was very good. His masterpiece remains There Will Be Blood (2007) with a towering Oscar winning performance from Daniel DayLewis as a morally corrupt oil
man who is possessed of a con- ments of themselves in the other and each knows that very fact. tempt for all humanity. When Anderson announced Joaquin Phoenix gave a simply he was making The Master, many stunning performance as Quell, thought him to be creating a transforming his entire body film that spoke about the evils into something oddly defiant of the entire human of Scientology, the cult religion race. He speaks Film with Foote with followers with a curled lip, places both hands in Hollywood. While there is on his hips when he speaks (backwards) no question he based his film on and appears to disL. Ron Hubbard like mankind. It is a performance of and that strange religion, it is seething, raw power by John Foote than in any other not as inflammatory as peryear would have won haps people expected. Instead him an Oscar. Equally good in the director made a startling every way is Hoffman as the character study of two men, master of the title, an obvious one a desperate solider, Freddie fraud with the smarts to make Quell (Joaquin Phoenix) trying people believe him to be someto find his way in the days thing he is not. He himself is after WWII, struggling with ruled with an imperious fist by drink and bad memories; the his wife, portrayed with quiet other, Lancaster Dodd (Phillip steel by Amy Adams. All three Seymour Hoffman) a smart yet actors were Oscar nominees, and equally troubled leader of a cult though deserving of a nomination, Anderson was passed over called simply “the cause.” Quell will fall initially under for Best Director. Beautifully the spell of Dodd before he is shot, the film is demanding and told “he’s making this up as he challenging for an audience but goes along” and then looks for a journey not to be missed. SKYFALL (****) -- Daniel greater meaning from the master, honest truths about both Craig as Bond is a lethal killer. men, that the master cannot, or Being a killer he is also a deeply will not provide. Each sees ele- flawed man, and those flaws
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agents. Bardem is a deliciously good villain, having a blast while doing a Bond!!! We already know he can do evil well with his Oscar winning turn in No Country for Old Men (2007), so seeing him here as a different sort of bad guy was terrific entertainment. And best of all again is Craig, who looks like a man who has taken a life or three. There is a lived in look to him, his eyes cold and dead, a man who knows and understands what is expected of him and gave himself over to his superiors a long time ago. Oddly at peace with who and what he is, I believe him to be the best of all Bonds and with a license to kill. Since the remake of Casino Royale (2008) they have gone back and have been re-tooling and re-inventing the franchise and doing one hell of a job. It continues within here, and with some tears I might add. Nothing high minded or deep here, just pure entertainment, a fairy tale for action fans, and that opening song Skyfall...rocks. Readers now can connect with John Foote, and join in on interactive discussions dealing with everything cinema-related through the ‘Film with Foote’ Facebook group. Simply search ‘Film with Foote’ on Facebook.
2013 Annual Spring Sale & BBQ
bring a humanity to the character that has not been there before, not even with Connery. In Skyfall, directed by Academy Award winner Sam Mendes, Bond is left for dead after an attack and is enjoying himself recuperating until it is time for him to go back. His boss, M (Judi Dench) believes him fit for a mission (though he failed some tests) and gives him one though he will end up protecting her from Silva, a vicious former agent portrayed with dazzling intensity by Oscar winner Javier Bardem. M knows that Bond’s greatest assets are his ferocious loyalty and his natural protective nature towards women; as long as she is with him, she is relatively safe. He goes to the ends of the earth to protect her, finally taking her back to where he knows Silva will come, the Bond family home, called Skyfall. The action sequences crackle with excitement, the acting is much better than you might expect, and there is a most moving ending that catches you off guard. Dench is terrific as a woman who might have outlived her time, as tough as the men she supervises, and Ralph Fiennes equally good as a man who keeps a close eye on the
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