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Coming soon.... So Excited!



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Behind the scenes BLAIR HAYSE


The Ultimate Path of Personal Growth MOLLY PEEBLES


by Finding Balance in the Everyday Chaos ALICIA THORP

20 10 STEPS

in Designing Your Path to Success DAWN BROADWATER


to Call in Your Next Up-level in Business JANET BRENT


The Seven Figure Online CEO is excited to announce the dates for our Spring Virtual Summit April 6/10 -


Tickets will be FREE for the whole week of speakers... You are going to want to sign up as soon as the link drops to do so! Be watching... Link for signing up will drop in the next two weeks...



R E A D Y ? ?


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PUBLISHER'S LETTER Dear Online CEO’s Hello! I want to say a warm welcome to all of you who signed right up and got this amazing digital magazine straight to your inbox! This magazine is going to come on the 1st of every month and to ensure you receive it please make sure you add us to your contacts. The last thing I want to happen is for this magazine to end up in spam and you not have a chance to devour the contents. I created this magazine because I found that in the online space there is a lot of online entrepreneurs that want to scale their business to six or seven figures, or beyond, but have no idea where to start. This magazine will allow you to have great tips and resources dropped right into your inbox each month to help give you that foundation on which to build your business to a whole new level. This month’s magazine is packed full of amazing goodness. You are going to find a great feature article of behind the scenes of The Seven Figure Online CEO as well as articles full of helping you find balance in chaos, creating soul stirring message, being a single mom in business, designing your path to success, and how the path of entrepreneurship can be a continual path of personal growth. I want you to dive deep into this magazine and help yourself to all the EPIC goodness.

I want to take a moment to thank behind the scenes my designer Fran Matteini who literally puts this magazine together for us and makes it beautiful for you. I also want to say a warm thank you to my assistant Olivia Strausser who helps keep me on track so I can get this out to you on time. My amazing husband Jeremy who inspires me daily in my path. A huge thank you to all our magazine contributors this month for sharing an article that will help shape the CEO’s of our online space in many ways. Be sure to read all the way to the end where you are going to get a sneak peek of next month’s magazine and the richness to come in April. Lots of Love,


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BEHIND THE SCENES Blair Hayse In our first issue I wanted to dive deep and tell you all about The Seven Figure Online CEO. A new look and new brand that is going to take you to EPIC levels in your business. Why did I create it? I created the brand with the online entrepreneur in mind. When I looked for really sound resources that were available directly related to growth and scaling a business there were few and far to find. I decided to step into that gap and fill a need to provide the online entrepreneurs with the tips and tools to get there. Once the brand started to build ideas came to me of different ways, we could expand to help so many people in a lot of different ways with the magazine being just one small way to help.

Why is the magazine free? The magazine is free because I want all online entrepreneurs to have the ability to get the resources they need and this was one way I could ensure that. I don’t want them to miss out especially when they are first starting to build their business and cash is limited. What will each issue include? Each issue will include articles that are hand selected for you. I screen each article myself and make sure that it is going to be aligned for you the reader. I specifically pick articles that will help you in your online business. I want this to be a resource and not just another magazine you read for pleasure. In each issue you will have a feature article of an online entrepreneur I interview and spotlight. There will be articles related to that month’s theme and we will make sure that you are up to date on all up and coming activities going on here at Blair Hayse International, LLC.


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How can I be featured in the magazine? Our feature articles are by invite only. However, if you would like to write an article to be published in our publication you can do so. Please email me directly at to inquire on what area of expertise you want to write about and I will be sure to let you know the prerequisites you need to meet to have it published including word count and deadlines. Do you offer advertising in the magazine? Yes, we will be offering advertising in the magazine. Advertising packages will be rolling out Spring 2020, but until then if you want to advertise please email me directly at and we can discuss how we can serve your advertising needs. Will this be a digital version only? As of now, this will be digital only. It is not out of the horizon for us to do a print version at some point, but it will be something considered and decided on later this year. So, for now, digital is the only version we will offer. This makes it easy to reach as many people as possible including our large international reader base.

What visions do you have for The Seven Figure Online CEO? The brand itself is going to have a massive impact in many ways. We are already ramping up this year with books publishing, online virtual summits, two conferences a year, certifications to be offered, retreats this year, and so much more. We have so much in the pipeline that I just cannot wait to share with everyone. It is going to be an amazing year and will only go up from here. As I type this, we are gearing up to start recording our own podcast as well. You are going to have access to us on so many platforms so that you can have all the resources you need to scale your business effectively. What will happen at conference? I have had a lot of inquiries about our conference coming up in Memphis, TN this April. It is going to be April 24-26 and is going to be a load of fun. Friday evening is full of guest speakers bringing you their expertise. Saturday is going to be me coaching from stage literally in real time getting you results. I am so excited about this. You will have workbooks and your laptops. I am going to lead you through getting results right then and there that day with my Your Day to 100k Workshop. Sunday we will be hosting a Party in Paris where we will have the authors from, She is Magic book to talk about their chapters, sign your books, and we will be giving away prizes! I promise you that you do not want to miss this.


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What if I can’t attend the conference live? We have a virtual ticket you can purchase that will allow you to access us live streamed so you can get the most out of the conference while sitting in your own home. Truly a great deal and works great for our international attendees who will want to go back and watch it when their time zones allow them to do so.


When will your book “She is Magic” release? We are looking at an early April release date and will be sure to keep everyone up to date on when it will actually be available for purchase. We are in the process of putting the chapters all together and editing right now. I am so excited for you all to see this book and share in these women’s journey throughout the book. It is amazing. Will you have other opportunities to publish a book with you? Yes, I am planning on having another book launch in the fall so if you missed being a part of this one you are welcome to take part in the next one. I would love to have you join us. I think you will find it to be a great experience and we literally walk you through each step of the process so that you can go publish your own book someday if you choose to do so.


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Do you ever speak other places where I can see you? Absolutely, I just returned from speaking at a Women’s Empowerment Live event in London, England. I also already have on my books a speaking engagement for London, Kentucky April 18th to speak at a fundraiser for a community center there. I obviously will be at my own conference April 24-26. Tentatively I will be speaking at a Manifestation Event in Canada in August as well as my conference again in October. If you have an event you would like me to come speak at please feel free to reach out to me directly at How broad is your reach with the magazine? The magazine has just launched and we are already at 100 subscribers so I anticipate the reach to be very broad, very fast. I am excited to see how fast this will grow and how massive our reach will be with this free valuable resource. What is your mission or goal with the magazine and/or brand? I would say that my mission and goal is to help as many online entrepreneurs as I can scale their business to a successful place. I truly want people to be able to say that my resources are valuable and helped them achieve their success. Any and all ways I can do that will be brought to the table through this brand.

Tell us a little more about you personally? I am just a down to earth person. I am a mom to two teenagers who make me question my sanity some days and a one year old who is mostly responsible for my no sleep zombie like status. I am married to the love of my life Jeremy who inspires me daily to pursue my goals. I literally am so grateful for him each day of my life. In my spare times I am an avid lover of yoga, shopping (especially shoes), and traveling. Recently we extended an offer for a home in Italy and am embarking on a journey of becoming International Home Owners. Are you the one completely behind the magazine? I am the one who organizes and picks out the articles or content. However, I have an amazing graphic designer Fran who makes it all look beautiful and loads it all up to be sent to your inbox each month. I am eventually going to be searching for someone to take over the magazine organization part each month to free up some of my time. A lot of time and resources go into getting this magazine out each month especially as a free magazine.


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How did you begin to do the work you do now? I was in corporate America for 19 years working for Fortune 500 companies on a billion-dollar level. I went into this companies as a hired consultant to help them make a profit in their company sometimes on a super-fast timetable. As a growth and profit strategist I learned to scale businesses effectively and fast. The work was enjoyable, but it was tiring. I wanted to spend more time with my children so I decided to take my business to an online level. Four years ago, I brought it online and began to work with online entrepreneurs scale their business. Any last things you want to share? Sit back and enjoy…you are going to be blown away at the valuable resources handed to you through the magazine and through our company itself. I cannot wait to share with you all the amazing things coming your way this year and the years to come. We literally already have things in the pipeline for 2021 as well. We want you to be a success…so soak it all up, put it into practice and crack open the champagne to celebrate as your business takes off in massive ways.

So grateful for each of you….


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Get the visibility your business needs TAKING SUBMISSIONS FOR ARTICLES TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE UPCOMING ISSUES OF THE MAGAZINE. PLEASE SEE REQUIREMENTS LISTED BELOW: All articles must be in word count of 800-1300. All articles must be submitted in word format. All articles are due by the 15th of the previous month (i.e. April articles would be due by March 15). We hold the right to change the title or edit small grammar mistakes. All articles must fit the theme of the month you are submitting. All articles must come from an angle of helping an online business owner. If selected you have 24 hours to pay a $99 invoice fee or we will move to the next in line. We hold the right to reject any submissions we fill are not a fit or hold them for an issue we feel they fit better with. All article submissions need to be sent to with ARTICLE SUBMISSION (MONTH) in subject line - please insert month you are submitting your article for.

Magazine Themes Coming Up April: The Digital Nomad - taking your business with you (travel theme) May: The Intuition Led CEO - finding your inner voice in business (mindfulness, meditation and all things woo woo theme) June: A Step on the Wild Side - the adventures of being your own boss (entrepreneurial help, balancing a home business, personal growth, etc. theme)



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ENTREPRENEURSHIP: The Ultimate Path of Personal Growth

Molly Peebles

Personal growth is a continuous life-long journey of self-discovery that enables a person to reach their fullest potential. Some people like to play it safe, prevent change and resist the process of learning from life. Others, though, seek opportunities to accelerate that process. The two best ways I know that will push us to learn, grow and expand into a greater version of ourselves are to either delve into the challenge of personal training to summit a glaciated mountain…or to start a business! Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. It’s not just about starting a business to make money to put food on the table and a roof over your head. If that’s all you want, then you can easily go get a job working for someone else. However, if you want to gather all of your creativity, create a dream, cast a vision, get to work bringing it into being and discover through thick or thin what you’re made of…then entrepreneurship is your ticket. Entrepreneurship will take you down the path of personal growth in five key ways.


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ENTREPRENEURSHIP: The Ultimate Path of Personal Growth

1) You must get comfortable with risk and uncertainty. It is said that life begins at the edge of your comfort zone. Starting your own business is the conscious act of stepping off the cliff into the unknown. No matter how prepared you are, how much planning, how robust your business plan is, starting a business is…a risk. It is a giant leap into the unknown. Because it is uncharted territory, few go down this road. Many may want to, but few are brave enough to take the leap.

You have to get comfortable with feeling lonely and not understood sometimes. The remedy is to connect with other entrepreneurs because they DO understand! Build friendships and connections with like-minded people. When you experience success in your business, those who were reserved with their support will celebrate your accomplishments. 3) When the going gets tough - and it will you must learn to quiet the voice of selfdoubt.

This path requires you to trust in your instincts, believe in your vision, trust that there is a path to success and trust in your ability to get there even when the way is not clear. 2) You must learn to believe in yourself and be your biggest cheerleader. People who like to play it safe in life may think you’re a little nuts! That includes your spouse, partner, parents, kids, and close friends! You must learn to believe in yourself when others don’t. Taking the risk of charting your own course makes people who are risk-averse uncomfortable! They may be afraid for you...afraid you may fail. They may be afraid of how they may be impacted and not comfortable with the risk. They may just be projecting their fear and insecurity onto your dream. Whatever their reasons, be prepared that people in your inner circle may not give you the initial support you would like.

There will be times when you will secondguess yourself. You’ll wonder if you made the right choice. You’ll wonder if the naysayers are right and you ARE crazy! It’s at these moments that you’ve got to dig deep and find the reservoir of inner strength to get you through. Don’t have a reservoir? Then you have to build one. This is deep personal work. You will hear the voices of the nay-sayers in your life say things like, “See, I told you it wouldn’t work”, “Who do you think you are…”, or “You gave it your best shot but it’s time to throw in the towel”. You may feel like taking a pause and really question if you have what it takes. This is where you must cultivate a belief in yourself. Recommit to your vision. If one thing doesn’t work, you’re going to try it a different way because you believe in what you are creating. Believe in your capacity to rise to the occasion and meet the challenges that come along.


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ENTREPRENEURSHIP: The Ultimate Path of Personal Growth

4) You have to get comfortable with failure.

If you want to grow yourself…stretch yourself… see what you’re made of…test your boundaries…strengthen your mindset…then entrepreneurship can fast-track you on your path to deep personal growth.

For most people, they fail at something and decide that it’s not for them. They quit and don’t attempt it again. YOU are not most people. For you, failure happens. Maybe even a lot. However, you don’t see it as failure; rather, you see it as feedback. You’ve just discovered what doesn’t work! That’s great information! Time to try the next thing…and get more feedback! Failure is your friend because it will shine a light on a path that will eventually lead to success. 5) You will hit the wall of all of your limiting beliefs...and you must do the work to scale that wall and get to the other side.

Molly Peebles is a Motivational Speaker, Personal Trainer including a Spartan SGX Coach, #1 International Best-Selling

Your business will show you where you hold yourself back, where you limit yourself, what your underlying beliefs are about success, money, and your capabilities. Those times when you feel stuck and aren’t getting traction…those are signs that you need to stop and take a closer look at what’s behind those doldrums. What were the messages of your childhood? What do you need to heal and let go of so that you can move forward? Entrepreneurship requires courage and bravery. It is a commitment to the journey of not only building a successful business, but to deep self-discovery that leads to empowerment, confidence, trust and selfrespect.

Author and Self Discovery Coach.

She has a broad spiritual path that includes two degrees in Theology, a certified Reiki Master, she also studied energy medicine and spent a decade mentored by Peruvian Shamans. This vast path has led her to an extreme knowledge of all things spiritual and a blending of many different paths so she can help others in a profound way regardless of their personal spiritual path. Molly has been using life experiences in her own personal life as an intentional path for self-discovery for decades. Her journey on this path has taught her resilience, grit, and how to overcome obstacles in life both on and off the course. Molly has three adult children and lives in Redmond, Washington with her wife, and neurotic dog, and an entitled cat.Molly can be found at where you can find all the many ways to work with her and transform your life into one you LOVE again.


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If you cannot make it live we have virtual tickets available!!


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GROWING YOUR BUSINESS by Finding Balance in the Everyday Chaos

A spiritual business coach approach to grow your business by finding inner peace and balance amongst the chaos of everyday life. Alicia Thorp

Are you tired of running on the business growth’ treadmill? Your days consist of hustling hard, following along with the latest trends, listening to what everyone is saying, working long hours; but at the end of the day you are left feeling burnt out and stuck in your professional growth? It is time to step off the treadmill and onto the pavement. It is time to start moving forward in your business with more balance and less chaos in order to expand your client base, grow your business and reach the income goals you so badly desire. You may ask… How? You feel like you do all the right things, read all the right information, follow all the right people on social media and yet you cannot get ahead. With all of this constant movement, have you ever stopped to find your inner peace as a steady strategy to business growth? Or are you just throwing on so many tasks that the chaos takes over and you are not accomplishing anything at all? It’s time you stop functioning with chaos in the mind, get clear, balanced and work in peace. I strongly believe you must embrace your ability to find the connection to your personal power. Once you begin to use your inner peace as a strategy for business growth, you will skyrocket into the most amazing version of yourself in your business and everyone will want to work with you.


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GROWING YOUR BUSINESS by Finding Balance in the Everyday Chaos

1.Stop Comparing Yourself

3.Create a Morning Ritual

It is natural to notice what others are doing, how they are succeeding in business, strategies they are using and people they connect with. Where a problem may arise is when you start comparing yourself to that other person. Instead focus on seeing your own growth while recognizing the connections and success that you have accomplished. It’s time to stop comparing and start acknowledging yourself as the expert in your business. When you see yourself as the expert; you decrease the mental chaos, gain more clarity and find balance in how far you have come. Standing in confidence with your own success will attract the clients you are looking for and the income you desire. Today is the day to stop comparing and stop the negative self-talk. Today is the day to stand tall in your expertise and celebrate where you are.

Having a daily self-discipline practice is a must to get your day started correctly. We live in such a reactive world that if we don’t find time to re-center and focus on our greater vision before serving others we will find burnout, inconsistency and frustration are bound to be in the cards for us. Creating a morning routine does not look the same for everyone and it may not even be the same thing every morning to you. What gives you energy? What do you feel most alive doing? If it’s mediation and journaling…great! If it’s putting on headphones and listening to the most amazing music for 15 minutes before anything then that is fabulous! Do you like to run, hike or complete an inhome yoga session? Whatever it is, make it work for you and make sure you are having fun while you do it. Start small, but be consistent every single day. Taking time for you is not selfish, but a must in order to serve others or be able to show up as your best in order to succeed and grow your business.

2. Create a Positive Vibe Around Your Business Are you authentic when you talk about your business? Are you feeling the passion and excitement about the work you do just the same out in public as you are when you are behind a desk? Consider the level of authenticity that you have about your business. Whether you are sharing a product or service; the energy around your business, in front of people or at the ‘office’ should reflect excitement, vibrancy and the passion that lights your soul on fire. The way you think about your business is what you will attract to your business. Your vibe will attract (or deter) your growth. It is time to grow your business using conscious awareness, positive intentions, authenticity and a genuine smile.

4. Schedule Down Time As busy entrepreneurs, the plan is to be there for your business, your current clients and the ones interested in what it is you are doing. Most of the time you make sure you are answering emails, sending direct messages, scheduling phone calls or attending virtual and in person trainings.


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GROWING YOUR BUSINESS by Finding Balance in the Everyday Chaos

Being involved is important, but can also be draining if we don’t give our self ‘off’ hours. Exhaustion is no way to run a successful business. When we are tired, we also are irritable and aren’t providing as much value as we could potentially. You wouldn’t want to go into a medical procedure with a physician who was just working for the past 24 hours, so why do you want to do that to your clients or potential clients? Start the day at a certain time and end the day with enough time to recharge.

Without those basics you can survive, but not without a price tag. That price tag can be your health, your business growth, or not showing up as the highest version of yourself to name a few. Do not try to be the hampster running on the wheel thinking it will go somewhere. Do not be afraid to take your power back in your life and step into your truest self. Take time for you. I can promise you that you will feel better, have more balance and your business will grow successfully as a result.

5. Surround Yourself with Inspiration Never stop learning! When you are growing in business, scheduling time to learn from others in the industry can be hugely beneficial. This is about taking lessons and implementing it into your business; authentically and with a clear purpose. Whether it is reading a good book, listening to a podcast or a coffee date with your likeminded friends, it is crucial. Inspiration can come from anywhere so don’t be afraid to learn more and let the lessons sink in. When you put your own personal spin on your business from the new lessons you learned, you will soar to new heights! Business growth is at your fingertips!

Alicia Thorp is a Holistic Mindset Mentor, Author and Speaker who guides busy women to create a balanced lifestyle so they can achieve massive transformation.

Alicia is a busy mom, wife, coffee lover, yoga instructor and entrepreneur. You can connect with Alicia on the web at

The most important take away from these tips is that as you are growing your business you MUST take time to further yourself personally. It can be so easy to get lost in the (chaos) of life that we can often forget the basics of self-care. or connect with her on social media.


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O Online CE

10 STEPS in Designing Your Path to Success

Ever wish the path to success came with a roadmap? Here is one to help you navigate the journey! Dawn Broadwater

Designing your path to success is just that. It is about YOUR path to success. Not anyone else. This is a path that you create based on your life and what lights you up. There is not one right way to get there, but there is a right way for you. You may find that once you have reached your level of success, it feels like it is just not big enough. This is to be expected. As you grow and change…your desires grow and change. Over the course of my life I have reached many successes and once achieved they just propelled me to even bigger better goals. The same will be true for you as well. Here are some steps you can use as a guide on your journey from hopes and dreams to your new reality. Your success is within reach!


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in Designing Your Path to Success

1.Define your Idea of what Success Means to You

3.Determine the Steps you Need to Take

It is important to define your own idea of success. One person’s idea of success may be amassing great wealth while another person’s definition would be to spend more time with their family. Have a clear picture of what a successful life looks like for you. Write it out in specific detail. You may think that success is measured by how much money you have, but in order to have true success you need to pay attention to all areas of your life. Think about these different areas of your life: health, wealth, relationships, vocation, and time freedom. How will you feel when you have achieved success in these areas? Being wealthy, but having poor health or unfulfilling relationships will not bring happiness. 2. Set your Short-Term and Long-Term Goals Have a goal that moves you towards your idea of success. When you are creating your list of short-term (1 month, 3 months, 6-month) and long-term (1 year, 5 year, 10 year) goals, it is important to not only think of what the goal is; but why it is important to you. For example, if your goal is to make $10,000 per month… The ‘why could be so that you are able to provide for your aging parents or create a college fund for your children. Having clarity on why you want to achieve that particular goal will bring the emotion into it and that can propel you forward when the goal seems unreachable.

List everything that you need to do in order to reach your goal. Break them down into monthly, weekly and daily goals. Then create the tasks that need to be accomplished each day to reach those goals. Your daily list should be no more than 5 items. If you do not finish today’s tasks, then move them over to tomorrow’s list. Complete those first before moving on to the next day’s tasks. This breaks down larger goals into manageable steps we can take without becoming overwhelmed. 4. Identify What your Obstacles are Every goal we make will come with a set of obstacles. Facing challenges and being able to overcome them will bring us the feeling of success. Here are some of the most common obstacles you may face in striving to reach your goals: the opinion of other people, fear, limiting beliefs and lack of motivation. Design strategies that you can use when you are faced with these obstacles. They could be committing to yourself that you won’t give up until you succeed. Not comparing yourself or your progress with other people. Keep a positive attitude when things seem to be coming at you in all directions. Remind yourself of all that you have accomplished so far in life.


O Online CE

10 STEPS by Finding Balance in the Everyday Chaos

5. List Your Current Skills and What You’ll Need to Learn

7. Prioritize Daily/Weekly Tasks

What skills do you currently possess that are necessary to be successful in reaching your goals? Consider these different areas: leadership skills, management skills, decision making skills, people management skills, problem solving skills and strategic thinking skills. Other areas to consider are your professionalism skills which might include honesty, reliability, self-confidence and integrity. Take an inventory of your organizational skills that include prioritizing, project management and strategic planning. Look into your team building skills such as communication, listening and observation. Consider your analytical skills for example your critical thinking, research and troubleshooting. Do not forget your life skills where you need organization, budgeting and studying. Last, but not least are your personal life skills like adaptability, flexibility, perseverance and sense of humor. If you don’t currently have a particular skill that you need you are able to learn it or improve on it. 6. Grow your Skill Set Take advantage of free resources, attend workshops, seminars and /or conferences. Many companies will pay for their employees to attend seminars to hone their expertise. Volunteer in your community. This is a great way to learn a new skill and give back at the same time. Take courses online. You learn at your own pace and on your own schedule.

When listing your tasks assign them a level of importance based on the following: A. urgent and important – do as soon as possible. B. important, not urgent: decide when you will complete these and put them into your calendar. C. urgent, not important: delegate this to someone else. D. not urgent or important: delete them. They are not in line with your current success path. And one thing you will want to do is learn to say no. If something isn’t aligned with your goals, then the best answer is no. Lots of distractions will come at you. Keep your eye on the prize. 8. Create New Habits that Will Move you Forward When creating new habits; focus on one new habit at a time. Habits take a minimum of 30 days to become a new routine for you. You are rewiring your brain to change your routine and bringing on too many new habits at one time is a recipe for disaster. Once you make a new habit a part of your routine and it feels effortless, add another. Also, remember that when you are dropping an old habit that no longer suits you it is important to replace it with a new positive habit. Don’t leave any holes in your routine or you will end up filling it with another negative habit.


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10 STEPS by Finding Balance in the Everyday Chaos

9. Network with those Who are at the Level you Desire Join a mastermind or a professional association. Learn from mentors who have gone where you are headed. Surround yourself with people who are supportive of you and your goals. People who have achieved a level of success in life are eager to share tips and tools with those following in their footsteps. Remember this when you achieve success in your life.

There are also many roads that will lead to success. The path to success has many twists and turns so remember to enjoy the journey and not just the destination.

Always remember that the only way to fail is to quit!

10. Expect the Unexpected Expect unexpected things to come up along the way. Write out what ‘could’ happen and create a plan to navigate through the setbacks so you are prepared. Learn from your mistakes which are just lessons. Successful people don’t quit just because things didn’t work out exactly as they had planned. They adjust along the way. Take calculated risks. There is no gain without taking a risk. You may have some failures, but the lessons will show themselves.

Dawn is the founder and coach of Dawn Broadwater Coaching and is passionate about living her purpose which is to use her positivity and enthusiasm to support and inspire women to absolutely believe in themselves and the power they possess.

Dawn Broadwater was born in France and raised in Orangevale, California. She is the mom of 4 beautiful daughters who have blessed her with 9 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. She resides in the Pacific Northwest with her husband Richard and together they are raising Dawn’s oldest granddaughter. Dawn enjoys gardening in her 4000 square foot garden and Harley rides with Richard enjoying the countryside around their property in Dallas, Oregon. To connect with Dawn, visitFacebook: @dawnbroadwater


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RELEASING APRIL 2020 Kindle Version and Book Version 17 Amazing Women who share their inspiring stories of magic and hope... You will want to grab not only one for yourself, but one for a friend, mom, or co-worker.Â


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CREATE A SOUL-STIRRING MESSAGE to Call in Your Next Up-level in Business

“No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.” –Robin Williams Janet Brent

Your messaging makes or breaks your marketing. You may have heard it before, or maybe this is new to you. People buy emotions and BELIEF. They want to believe in you. Your job is to create a compelling story and message that builds their belief. Connect on a soul-to-soul level with them. What exactly is a soul-stirring message? A soul-stirring message grabs the readers’ attention and puts them in a scenario as if they were right there with you. It’s descriptive. It’s detailed. It’s a personal story that connects through vulnerability and authenticity. It’s painting a picture that describes your soulmate clients to a T. It makes you human. Someone your audience can relate to. A soul-stirring message positions you as the guide. Not the hero, which is full of egotism, but the leader who is humble and genuine. You may be in the trenches, or at least not so far removed that you start to seem larger than life. Soul-stirring messages don’t have to follow one format. They can be your manifesto. Your movement. Your Origin Story. Your Come-to-Jesus moment. Your rock bottoms. All of these are examples of tried and true stories that connect to readers. The common thread they all have are that it’s meant to make you feel something. Writing your journey can be healing, both for you as the writer and for the reader who becomes transformed through your words. It is a way to come to terms and release the past as well as a way to call in the future. THE SEVEN FIGURE

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to Call in Your Next Up-level in Business

Here are my top three ways to create a soul-stirring message that shifts your business to the next level: Write a book: writing a book is a great way to shift your business impact and income by bringing more potential clients in the door. Clients that will resonate with your message, that will opt-in to your movement, or to your lead magnet for that matter. When you leverage a book properly as a business owner, it’s not about the sales or royalties made from the book. Instead, it is about gaining potential clients through your book and into higher paid offerings. When done right, it can propel you into your first six or seven figure income. Create marketing content: Before paid ads, you have to make sure your organic marketing is working and on point or else you’re just amplifying what’s not working. Creating magnetic marketing content can be so powerful that one post alone makes $11k in sales and the way to make magnetic content is by creating your soulstirring message. Get on Facebook Live: Make your soul-stirring message live by putting it up on video. This is a powerful medium because people can see your energy and how you present yourself. They feel closer to you, as if you are meeting face to face for coffee. It’s raw and real. FB live is a great platform to share your message, give value-driven content, and invite people to get on a call with you. When done consistently (which is always the hard part), this way alone can get you to six figures through organic leads.


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CREATE A SOUL-STIRRING MESSAGE to Call in Your Next Up-level in Business

A client of mine continuously shares her soulstirring message and mission online. Recently she wrote more about her purpose and vision in a chapter of a book anthology. As writing is often a healing and alchemical process, within the next month she nearly quadrupled her monthly income and had her first six-figure month. This is someone who is already familiar with creating soulstirring messages, channeling inspiration to magnetically call in clients, and regularly goes on video. However, it wasn’t until she wrote her book chapter and solidified her mission, the movement that she is here to create, that everything came together.

Writing can become the backbone of your business up-level. It can be the vehicle for your first five figure month or finally breaking the $5k glass ceiling (or whatever the next level up is for you).

Writing a soul-stirring message can become a decree. A command to the universe to call in what you want to you and collapsing the timelines to get there faster. If you lack clarity in your business and are unsure what your signature or premium offer should be; start with writing a soul-stirring message. Write about significant memories from your childhood. Journal about something you’re passionate about. It doesn’t have to be business related because it can always be recycled into marketing post inspiration, or a breakthrough realization that leads into inspiration for your next offer. Writing can make sense of the muck to help you refine who you are and what you’re here for. It can help you define your soul’s gifts and your brilliant offer.

Janet Brent is a bestselling author, self-publisher, and Book Sales Doula of DarkQuarks Publishing.

She helps women entrepreneurs share their stories to a global audience so their soul-stirring messages can create more impact and income. You can connect with Janet on and her Facebook group, Birth the Book


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Finding the balance between parenthood and career can be challenging, especially if you are a single parent and a majority of your business is conducted from the home. Eleni “ELNRG”

“Mom! Where is my Super Girl cape?” “Can I have a juice box?” “I can’t get the straw in!” “Can you help me?” Let’s face it…small distractions can make it difficult to maintain focus, all of the while battling a sense of guilt that you are present; but not spending time with your children. How can you create a schedule that not only benefits you and your career; but also addresses their needs? How can you find peace to work and execute without constant interruptions? These are some of the same struggles I encountered launching and scaling my business from home as a single mom. If you have a strong support system, that is awesome! Don’t be afraid to ask for help, but I am here to tell you that it’s not a necessity. I have managed to become an international speaker, a successful author and operate my coaching career with limited outside help. It can be done! Not having much family, there was no one else I could rely on to run her to dance class, cook dinner or even hang out with her to merely keep her occupied so I could get work done. The time I needed to dedicate to productivity or calls had to be made with her at home and we had to find a way to get through them efficiently.


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How could this be accomplished without completely neglecting her or exploding for some quiet time to work? The solution…we had to become a team. Once I included her in the process, I was able to help her understand that this was mommy’s work and it was very important. It was then the shift began to happen. Luckily, we had the introduction of school which enabled me to conduct a majority of business execution and phone calls during daytime hours. However, there will always be holiday breaks, sick days, weekend and evening calls. These are the times that I have found balancing and scheduling with her involvement to be crucial. Here are some tips I found to be helpful and supportive. 1) Communicate with Options In the morning we sit down and run through the tasks I need to accomplish for that day. “Mommy has to work on her computer for 1 hour solid. What would you like me to set you up with? Play doh? Kinetic Sand? Get your beads and jewelry out for you?” Giving her options seems to empower her by giving the slightest bit of choice as to how the day is going to unfold. Then I offer an activity for both of us to do together when that portion of work is completed. “When I am finished with my project, we can play something together. “Would you like to have tea party or play a game of memory?” Again, offering choices to help her feel included.

I use the same model for making calls. I always let her know the time of the calls and about how long they will be. “I also have 3 very important phone calls to make today at 10:00,12:30, and 2:00.” We go over the importance of being quiet during calls so I can hear what the person is saying an plan what activity she will do during that time. Sometimes it’s eating her lunch or a snack quietly, coloring and other hands on projects. It’s not about the what, it is about the plan. She needs to have an understanding of how the day is going to look so it’s not a free for all of interruptions and chaos. 2) Communicate with Time Countdowns I keep a running countdown leading up to calls to help keep timing sorted in her mind. “My 2:00 call is coming up in 45 minutes…30 minutes...15 minutes, etc.” This way we can address any burning desires she may have in a timely fashion and get her situated before a call begins. If she starts to derail then I use the fun together “reward activity” that I promised as a reminder to continue practicing her patience. “Remember, after mommy is done with the call, we are going to go for a walk outside and find cool leaves” This system of alternating between “Boss Babe” and “Mom time” has worked really well for us. I often point out how fun it is that mom can run her business from home. I help her see the benefits of me working from home such as we spend lots of time together and she doesn’t have to go to before or after care at school. She gets to be a special part of my projects by cooperating and feeling happy when we talk about them. There is a world of bonuses to being present, pointing out the blessings and feeling grateful for them. It's a wonderful experience for both of us.


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THE SINGLE MOM HUSTLE 3) Communicate the WHY Something else I have found to be a fantastic motivator for cooperative work from home time, is helping her understand my WHY. Why does mommy work the way she does? I have included her in my vision and talk to her about my goal. I talk to her about how my business helps people and adds value to the world. I show her my projects as I work on them or launch them; so, she can be part of it and help feed the excitement. If you believe in law of attraction, as I do, it definitely is a bonus pop of fueling energy to the manifesting process! She looks at my vision board often with me and will even say things like: “You are working so hard so we can live at this awesome lake house” This in return allows me to get excited with her and letting her know what a very strong part of my driving force she is. My best life is her best life. I have actually used some my work time for her to cut pictures out for her own vision board and to add elements on to mine. When she began feeling enthusiasm about my work and where it was taking us; I saw her change from resenting me spending time on work to encouraging and participating. She will even offer me more time! “Mom, did you have enough time to work on your launch? I am ok and you can keep working if you need to.” This is when I knew I was on the right path and we can absolutely accomplish big things together. Yes, there will be those days where it feels like a challenge. Just remember who your legacy is for and what you are building. Take a minute to go over your vision in your mind and adjust your vibration. Ultimately, they feed off of your energetic projection. Break it down for yourself. Most likely they are acting out because they want your attention.

Why do they want your attention? Because they love you very much. That thought alone instantly snaps the perspective back to gratitude. Take a quick break, there isn’t anything that cannot wait 5 minutes, even if you have to postpone a call, blame a tech issue you are working to quickly resolve. It’s NOT a fib, technically your child is being an issue. A small bit of empathy, a few minutes for a cuddle or a story and refocus to set up activity for them. Bam! Back in business. Once I learned to loosen up a bit, go with the flow if needed and realized her moods didn’t have to sabotage my work progress… productivity became a breeze. My daughter told me once I was a super hero because I work and I am the best mom. So, to all my single parents hustling their businesses out there… own it! YOU are a super hero and you’ve got this!

DEleni is founder of She is a motivational speaker and author .

Her passion is coaching people to their optimal health in all areas of life through her programs. Eleni enjoys the outdoors particularly the water, fitness and the freedom to travel with her daughter You can connect with her on Facebook at ELNRG or through her website


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TOP 5 ELEMENTS Needed to Scale a Business Effectively

Blair Hayse

Everyone is always asking me for my blueprint in scaling a business effectively…truth is there is no one cookie-cutter blueprint. Each business has specific needs and needs a customized plan to scale. However, in my 19 years of corporate experience I have found that all of my consultations did have five common elements to them. So, I am bringing those to you here in this article so that you can make sure that they are put into place in your own business. I can promise you that while you will need other elements than these five to scale your own business…if you don’t have these five you will never get there. They are the foundation of scaling any business.


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TOP 5 ELEMENTS Needed to Scale a Business Effectively

1) Creating Leverage in Your Market This comes with knowing your market, your peers, what they bring to the table, what advantages you have, what disadvantages you have, price points being set effectively, and knowing who your consumer would be. This is a lot, right? I encourage you to make a spread sheet and create a “comp-set analysis” as we call it in the corporate world. It is where you conduct a market research so you are educated in what is going on around you. It helps in knowing what you could highlight in your marketing because maybe no one else has a certain element that you do. It shows you where your pricing structure should be in order to be competitive in your market. It shows who your ideal clients are and where they probably hang out. This is an asset to your business. It is no surprise that in the corporate world it was mandatory to complete one of these each year. 2) Showing up Consistently So many online business owners think they can show up when they are having a good day and take off the days, they are having a bad one, but when you are looking to scale your business it is imperative you show up all the time. When you don’t show up you are leaving your potential leads wondering if you are committed and where you are? Did you know that if you have momentum built in a business and then do not show up you are setting yourself back nearly 90 days in rebuilding momentum?

That is a crazy statistic, but true. You can literally fast track your scaling or set yourself back literally by whether you are consistently showing up. This includes posting, showing up live, offering programs, offering value and so much more. Your potential clients are out there watching you and they want to see you are there consistently before they put money into you. 3) Focusing on Your Customer It is no wonder that major corporations literally invest millions in building brand loyalty. Their customers are number one and they want to give them the ultimate experience to keep them as repeat clients. It should be the same if you want to scale your business. If you are focused on the client and they are an actual person to you (not a sale) they will feel that immediately. They will know you want them to succeed and they will keep coming back to you because you give them results. It is also important to remember that a happy client is your best advertising tool ever! They will be sure to refer people to you and you will make money off of their results you helped them achieve. Never underestimate the power of referral. It is the very reason major corporations are constantly updating their brand loyalty programs. They understand the importance of a happy and loyal customer. How can you bring that into your business?


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TOP 5 ELEMENTS Needed to Scale a Business Effectively

4) Following Your Intuition

5) Offering Value to Your Audience

If you are always just following the next big fad in the industry you will constantly be changing up how you are showing up. You will be diagnosed with the shiny object syndrome and your customers will not know where you are going…like EVER. If you are following your intuition you are leading from what feels good and right for you. It allows you to build your business with confidence that you believe in what you are doing, not just because someone you know is doing the same thing. People use to ask me all the time how I could turn around a business so quickly when I was brought in and honestly intuition was the bulk of it. I listened to myself and my gut on what needed to change. I shifted accordingly and then watched as sometimes my craziest of ideas worked miracles in the company. I had a lot of people question decisions I made and even put up a lot of resistance, but I would always assure them…just try it and trust me. When the results came back, they would just shake their head and then they trusted me even more. There will be times you do things that the industry thinks are crazy, but if you are leading with intuition, I promise you that you will not be let down.

Let’s face it…the market is full of people all trying to do the same thing we are all trying to do. Literally. Sale. What is going to set you apart from everyone else? It comes down to are you giving value to your potential customer? Are you literally pouring from your heart and offering to help them no matter where they are on your customer list? On or off? Do you lead with value? Giving them advice when they need it or do you make them pay an extra dollar just to ask a question? I am going to tell you now that your audience wants value. They want tips and resources that can help them. They want you. They want your expertise. They want to know they are more than just a number or potential number. They want to know you have their back and that you truly want them to succeed. You can do this through a Facebook group where you show up and run it with engagement. You can show this by answering DMs. You can show this by giving free content. You can show this by providing them trainings where you hold nothing back. What are you doing to give your audience value?


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TOP 5 ELEMENTS Needed to Scale a Business Effectively

Take these tips and apply them. Don’t half way do them. Actually, show up and give them 100 percent of yourself. If you want to scale your business, it can be done with simple steps of action, but honestly, it takes work. Nothing great comes easy. I can promise you that you can scale a business and you can scale faster than you ever imagined. However, it takes hard work. It takes going all in with no back-door plan B. It takes you bringing all of you to the table and really rolling up your sleeves. If you are ready to do the work, I promise you that you will see results fast than you ever imagined possible, but if you keep hanging out and hanging on to mediocre you will never see a flourishing business.

Blair Hayse is a Massive Profit Coach, Author and International Speaker who helps online entrepreneurs scale to 7 figures and beyond. She is the CEO of Blair Hayse International, LLC and The Seven Figure Online CEO.

She is happily married to Jeremy and has three beautiful children: Parker, Millie, and Jackson. She loves yoga, traveling and shopping in her spare time. You can connect with Blair

What are you going to do? Show up? Go all in? Stop settling?

through her online Facebook group Seven Figures in Six Months or email her directly at

Let’s do this!! You deserve it!! Just remember: imperfect action is better than no action. You got this!


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