9 minute read
World in View
RRevelation 13 speaks expressly about the mark of the beast. It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666. Revelation 13:16-18 (NIV)
In years gone by, the biblical beast was described in obscure terms, there have been myriad speculations and projections surrounding the nature and character of the beast and ultimately how it will manifest itself on the world stage. Questions like when it will be revealed and how, have remained unanswered. Among other things, many believed it will be a supercomputer developed by China. The recent unfolding however, of digital currencies like Bitcoin is removing all doubt as to how this beast will enslave the world. Interestingly, even the ungodly are proclaiming that the direction the world’s monetary system is moving in is confirmation that we will soon be governed by a one world, centrally administered monetary system.
It is no longer a speculation on the future landscape but is happening as we speak. Just tune in to any talk show, news programme or financial podcast and you will hear of the imminence of CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currency) that central banks around the world will issue. This is doubtless the next phase in the evolution of money. CBDCs will allow centralised control, monitoring, tracking and programming of every financial transaction of every single individual on the globe. This is no longer a myth. To facilitate cross border transactions these CBDCs will have to converge at a CENTRAL GLOBAL EXCHANGE. This will form the network and platform upon which the mark of the beast will fully manifest itself.
In the UK, the recently appointed British Prime Minister was at the forefront of calling for a British version of the CBDC with the suggested name BRITcoin. No doubt commissioning the development of this digital currency will be top of his agenda as the new prime minister. China has already put theirs in place and it is functioning. It is also interesting that China already operates on a system of centrally governed rewards and sanctions, including financial and penal ones, that is digitally stored and retrieved, giving them complete control over its citizens. The US president had similarly commissioned the relevant department to research and begin developing their version of CBDCs. India has already partially rolled out their version. These are all the big players on the world economic scene.
The attendant technologies of placing microchips underneath the skin, to trace, track and store data of individuals are also already in place having been piloted by Scandinavian countries. BIG data mining and storage is commonplace today. We are all familiar with algorithms and other forms of AI that monitor our behavioural patterns, catalogue our preferences and predict our future behaviour. We also have seen how efficiently vaccines were rolled out by Governments world wide, during the Pandemic.
We observed the ‘sheep-like’ compliance of the masses who are led and penned in with little or no resistance. This witless and dull response of the world is understandable but what about the Ecclesia - the called out ones of God? We have all been forewarned from millennia and should therefore be forearmed for resistance against such tyranny of the state. Will we just toss our precious salvation into the pit of fire for monetary appeasement? The problem is that we too are being softened up for domination and compliance. There’s been a recent explosion of false prophets through whom the spirit of antichrist is grooming the Church, preparing and readying us to deny Christ and take the mark of the beast in the false hope of a prosperous utopian future. These false prophets against Christ’s instructions, have formed a hierarchical leadership structure by which they enthrone themselves as they dominate and manipulate God’s people. The average Christian today is also passive, compliant and without deep convictions or solid faith. One can look at Jezabel to get a good idea of what the antichrist false prophet will be like and there is evidence that her spirit is already at work in the church.
“What happens when the spirit of Jezebel is working through church leadership? This is the most frequent question I am asked in regards to this topic. How do we discern our own possible spirit of rebellion versus a leader operating in this spirit? In other words, if I’m calling everyone who tells me what to do, “Jezebel”, then I have issues.
On the other hand, if I’m subject to coercive behaviour against my by a church leader, then I need to get freedom from Jezebel. Just keep in mind that the spirit of Jezebel working through an individual wants freedom in the church so that they can have control, but the spirit of Elijah wants freedom in the church so that God can move. (A good thing) It is a serious error to
believe that just because a church leader asks you to do something that you don’t feel like doing means that they have a Jezebel spirit.
In 1 Peter 5, Peter exhorts church leaders to “shepherd the flock of God exercising oversight”, but “not lording it over them”.
In other words, those in spiritual authority have been instructed by God Himself to not suffocate, manipulate, or make those under their care feel inferior to them in any way. Rather, Church leaders are called to care for the flock of God through instruction, correction, and counsel. Here is a profile/mindset of a church member who is under the influence of a Jezebel spirit working through a church leader:
1. “I can’t visit another church, special service, etc. or my church leader will become angry or verbally abusive.” 2. “If I don’t give them my money, they say I’m under a curse.” 3. “If I leave their church, they say I will become sick, poor, or miss my destiny.” 4. “My loyalty to God is measured by my loyalty to them.” 5. “I cannot make any life decisions without running everything through them.” 6. “I’m afraid of communicating to them how I really feel for fear of repercussions.” 7. “They are constantly asking me to serve them, but they’ve never asked how they can serve me.” 8. “I’m suspicious of other church leaders because they are always warning me of other church leaders.” 9. “They consistently remind me of all that they’ve done for me and make me feel second class. 10. “I can’t respectfully ask any questions or share my perspective or it’s received as I’m being rebellious and insubordinate.” If you are serving under a church leader where more than 6-7 of these attitudes and thoughts cross your mind often, you need to find freedom from the spirit of Jezebel. If you felt sick reading those ten points, it’s an immediate sign this spirit is at work against you now or has been in the past. By Jeremiah Johnson https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=LaVxS56r6JE
So, we can conclude that the dress rehearsal is over and the objectives of A One World Government and a One World Religion under the leadership of the False Prophet, the Beast’s partner in crime, can now be realised with relative ease.
As stated in Revelation 13 CBDCs, like the 666, will give governments absolute power and control over everything individuals, companies and countries buy and sell. Digital money can be more effective in subduing nations and peoples, great and small, rich and poor, more than any other weapon of war and this is what the beast will use 666 to do. Get ready for the phasing out of cash. Cash gives its owner autonomy and control, something you will not have with a digital currency. Look therefore, for a push for a cashless society, possibly even making cash illegal, when CBDCs are fully brought online and its power to control and manipulate the masses is fully realised. It is manifestly clear that CBDCs, that are gathering such momentum globally, are the foundation blocks of the 666 system. Look out also for the false prophets who are motivated by the Jezebel spirit enticing God’s people away from Him towards worshipping another God and taking the mark of the beast. p
THE KINGDOM OF GOD HAS COME It is no secret that from the outset the religious and judicial authorities within the Temple, the Synagogue, and the Sanhedrin were at odds with His declaration and with the focus of His ministry. This was especially so when He hit the road with the public announcement:
“The time is fulfilled. The Kingdom of God is at hand…” (Mk.1:15)
This is the responsibility of the Ekklesia Community, to go into all the world and disciple nations, evangelizing the people and being the witness of Christ across the globe until the Kingdoms of the world have become the Kingdom of our God and of His Christ. (Rev.11:11)
THE KINGDOM CHURCH It is my conviction that the Church is an instrument in the hand of God designed to build a community of righteous men and women who are prepared to go beyond evangelism to community transformation and national development. I always remember a statement I made in an article written years ago when I was still in my teens: “The people you fail to lift up from the ground may one day put you under it.”
To what extent is the Church aware of its mandate to disciple nations?
What will it take for the Church today to respond to the needs of the people and of the State?
Does the local or Caribbean Church have a theological perspective that makes it relevant to its times?
Will God need to set aside the present traditional Church and declare again, “I will build my Ekklesia”, to answer the critical need of our contemporary culture?
Will the people who are poor, oppressed, sick, in bondage, powerless and imprisoned – will they still look to the Church for their hope, empowerment and acceptance in every sphere of their lives -- spiritually, socially, psychologically and economically? Or will they continue to look to the sub-culture of entertainment, sports, gang leadership and the informal economy for their support and liberation?
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