Pranayama Yoga: The Ultimate Guide for Everyone theshivyoga
May 13, 2020
Pranayama yoga is a major part of yoga. It is ranked in both Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga. Maharishi Patanjali has placed Pranayama at the fourth position in Ashtanga Yoga. Pranayama is related to controlled respiratory activities. In broad terms, it is related to the life-holding power, that is, life. Prana means breathing, respiration, life, energy, or power. ‘Dimension’ means stretch, extension, spread, length, width, regulation, increase, inhibit, or control. Thus pranayama means prolongation of breath and then its control.
What is the Meaning of Pranayama Pranayama two terms of Sanskrit grammar is made up of ‘life’ and ‘dimension’. Prana in Sanskrit etymology of the word ‘shall’ Upasrgpurwk ‘other’ is metal. ‘An’ is the sign of metallic living. Thus, the word ‘prana’ means the power of consciousness. ‘Dimensions’ meaning of the word is to regulate. In this way, the method of subduing Prana by the regulation of external breathing is called Pranayama. Pranayama is a very important process that is described in Ashtanga totals. Pranayama means expanding life. Swami Vivekananda is said to Synmn of this life. Maharishi Patanjali considers Pranayama to be a natural process. 1/9
Definition of Pranayama Yoga When that posture becomes stable, it is pranayama to stop the movement of breathing and exhaling. The interpretation that has been explained by various interpreters related to Pranayama is as followsMaharishi Vyas – When the posture is over, the breathing or exhaling of air and exhaling or exhaling of air, the separation of these two motions, that is the common sense, is the same pranayama. According to Yogi Yajnavalkya – Pranayam is the combination of Prana and Apana Vayu. By saying Pranayama, the action of laxative, complement, and Kumbhak is understood.
According to the Jabal Darshan Upanishad – the life which is controlled by a laxative, complementary, and Kumbhak actions is the same pranayama. According to the Tri Sikhi Brahmana Upanishad – the prevention of all forms of Vritti has been called Pranayama. According to Swami Omanand Sarswati – The entrance of the outside air through the nose is called breathing. The exit of the air in the vasculature by the nasal cavity is called quasi. Pranayama stopping the flow of the movements of breathing exhales at both the externals by laxative, filler, and Kumbha. According to Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya – Pranayama is a special method of breathing, holding it in and out. According to this legislation, life is stored in the body. According to Swami Vivekananda – What is Pranayama? To subdue the living organism of the body. To gain power over life, we first begin to moderate breathing because this is the hardest path of life. According to Swami Sivananda – Pranayama is the medium through which a yogi tries to experience the life of the entire universe in his small body and tries to perfection by attaining all the powers of the universe.
Distinction of Pranayama Yoga Maharishi Patanjali has mainly given three distinctions of Pranayama-
बा ा यन तर त भवृ ि दशकालसं यािभ: पिरदृ टो दीघसू म:।। पांतजल योग सू
Meaning: (This pranayama) is of the extrinsic Vritti, Interior Vritti, and Column Vritti (of three types). The country is large and light as seen by time and number. We can explain the above facts from the following points: 1. Extrinsic Vritta (बा वृ ) – Pranavayu is the ‘External Vritti’ Pranayama, to be held out for as long as it can be stopped easily by taking out the nasal passages. 2. Interior Vritti (आ या तरवृ ) – Holding the breath of life, that is, holding the breath for as long as it can be stopped, is an exuberance, its upper name is called ‘Complement’. 3. Column Vritti ( त भ वृ ) – Breathlessness is the Kumbhaka Pranayama, where there is no stopping of life due to lack of both motions. Prana Vayu is easily expelled outside, that is, wherever it is, it is easy to stop its movement easily.
Importance of Pranayama Yoga Mind is also controlled by the control of life, because life is the link between body and mind. Pranayama leads to purification of the mind and purification of the mind automatically resolves many arguments and inquiries. The master of the senses is the mind, and the soul rests on the mind. Therefore, the person who becomes victorious should practice life. In this way, pranayama is the process through which we regulate, control, expand, and purify lives. The mind is pure and knowledge becomes manifest when the mind is pure, which is the main purpose of yoga practice. The life of pranayama is expanded and regulated and the life has special importance in human life. The importance of life is well known and Pranayama is the process of control of life. Therefore, pranayama has an important place in yoga.
Types of Pranayama 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Nadi shodhana pranayama Sheetali Pranayama (Cooling Breath) Ujjayi Pranayama Kapalbhati Pranayama Dirga pranayama Bhastrika Pranayama Bahya Pranayam Bhramari Pranayama 3/9
9. Udgeeth Pranayama 10. Anulom-Vilom Pranayam 11. Agnisar kriya pranayama
1.Nadi shodhana pranayama The word ‘Nadi’ means ‘passage’ or ‘flow of power’ and ‘refinement’ means ‘purify’. Nadi treatment means the practice of purification of pulse. Nadi Shodhanam is effective pranayama that keeps the brain, body and emotions right. Before starting a meditation practice, you can practice this pranayama to calm the brain. Nadi Shodhanam Pranayama provides relief from anxiety, tension, or sleeplessness.
2.Sheetali Pranayama The word “Sheetli” means “cooling”, that is, a process that can calm our body and give a feeling of coolness. The word Sheetli is originally derived from the word “Sheetal” which means cold or soothing. The daily practice of Sheetali Pranayama calms the mind with the body. The basic purpose of Sheetali Pranayama is to increase body temperature which has a positive effect on our nervous system and endocrine glands. Practicing this pranayama makes a person young and attractive and its daily practice enables you to control thirst and hunger. Sheetali Pranayama is somewhat similar to Sheetkari Pranayama and both are mentioned in the ancient text “Hatha Yoga Pradeepika”.
3.Ujjayi Pranayama The Sanskrit word Ujjai means “victorious”. The name is named after two words: “G” and “Ud”. Ji means ‘winning’ or ‘attaining by fighting’ and Uda means ‘bandhan’. So it means Ujjaya Pranayama which means freedom from bondage.
4.Kapalbhati Pranayama Kapalbhati is also a practice of hetkarma. The Sanskrit word kapal means ‘frontal’ and bhati means ‘light’ or ‘deepti’, it also means ‘bodh’ or ‘knowledge’. Therefore, Kapalbhati is a practice that brings light or clarity to the front of the brain. Another name for this practice is Kapalashodhan. Purification also means purification. 4/9
Read More: Benefits of Kapalbhati Pranayama and the way to do it
5.Dirga pranayama Dirga Pranayama is an incredible breathing activity that encourages professionals to carry their breathing to flawlessness. It encourages individuals to take such that the air arrives at the mid-region and oxygenrich blood courses all through the entire body. It can have a significant transformative impact on the body and psyche accordingly ensuring that an individual can accomplish internal recuperating. Dirga Pranayama is otherwise called a three-part breathe.
6.Bhastrika Pranayama One of the main types of pranayama is Bhastrika pranayama. In Sanskrit, Bhastrika means ‘Dhunkani’. Just as Lohar produces heat and purifies iron from the strong gust of wind, Bhastrika removes the mind’s clean and pranic powers in the same way as Pranayama. Bhastrika Pranayama is so special that it is also mentioned in the Yoga texts, especially in Hatha Yoga Pradeepika.
7.Bahya Pranayam In Sanskrit ‘bahya,’ signifies ‘outside,’ and is known as the outer maintenance of breath. In this sort of breathing strategy, the breath is breathed out totally before holding the body in the different bandhas.
8.Bhramari Pranayama Bhramari Pranayama is named after a bee named Bhramari because in this pranayama, the sound of exhaling sounds as if it is the sound of a bee. This pranayama is very capable of calming a person’s mind. By practicing Bhramari Pranayama, you will definitely get relief from anger, anxiety, and disappointment. You can do it anywhere.
9.Udgeeth Pranayama Udgeeth Pranayama is one of the practices where you can both feel your vitality levels just as the potential and limit all in a stream.
The very idea of this pranayama makes it very pleasant and simultaneously interfaces you with your awesome self intently.
10.Anulom-Vilom Pranayam Though Pranayama is done in many ways but ‘Anulom Vilom’ is the most popular and beneficial. Anulom means straight and vice versa. Anulom is related to the right nostril of the nose and the anterior end of the nose. In this type of pranayama, the breath is breathed in from the right orifice of the nose and the breath is exhaled from the left orifice. It is beneficial for the brain, heart, and body. Read More: Anulom Vilom Pranayama Benefits
11.Agnisar kriya pranayama Agnisar Kriya is one of the most significant types of pranayama that can be polished by a person. ‌ This kriya and its breathing procedure help to control and parity the Manipura chakra. It works as an incredible method to expel poisons from the body and improve the invulnerable framework.
How to do Pranayama Yoga Sit quietly for a minute. Inhale and release normally. During this one minute, think that you are going to get energy in body and mind to be healthy and strong. Think that you are going to remove all the impurities of the mind through breathing and you are going to get energy and soul with breathing. Think that the breath you take will be external to life, strength, positivism, and energy. Close the eyes, focus the vision on the nose, keep the back straight, and calm the mind. Take a deep breath, very slowly, do not rush. Think that you are filling energy and life in the mind and body. Exhale slowly. The duration of exhalation should be the same as the duration of breathing. While exhaling, think that all the faults of your body and mind are coming out. Repeat 10-20 times as per your convenience.
Pranayama Yoga Benefits Practicing Pranayama helps relieve stress, asthma, and stutter-related disorders. 6/9
Depression can also be treated with Pranayama. The practice of Pranayama brings a steady mind and strong will power. Apart from this, by doing regular pranayama one gets long life. Read More: Miraculous Health Benefits of Pranayama
What precautions should be taken in doing pranayama Yoga If you feel dizzy or have difficulty breathing, sweating, or a feeling of excoriation, stop doing pranayama immediately. Go sit in a well-ventilated place, and breathe normally. Do not try to do pranayama again. It is not suitable for pregnant women or children under 12 years of age. It is not suitable for people with asthma, or other respiratory problems. It is not suitable for people with serious diseases like heart disease, cancer, etc. Perform Pranayama again under the supervision of a qualified Yoga Guru. People also ask Q: When to do pranayama or what is the right time to do pranayama? Do Pranayama empty stomach in the morning. Pranayama is the way to fill the mind and body with fresh air and energy. Therefore, the morning is the right time for this. Before taking pranayama, take a bath. If we feel refreshed after bathing, then it helps to fully realize the benefits of Pranayama. By doing this, your body and mind are completely filled. Q : Where to do pranayama or what is the right place to do pranayama? There should be enough air and light in the place where you do pranayama. Fresh air is very important, so if you are doing Pranayama in a room, keep the windows open, or else it often causes dizziness. The place should be noise-free so that you can concentrate on your practice. Q : How to sit for doing pranayama? Sit on the floor by laying a mat or a yoga mat, easy to do any meditation such as Padmasana, Sukhasana, Siddhasana or Vajrasana. If you have any problem or have trouble sitting on the ground, then you can sit in a chair. Q : Eyes open or closed while doing pranayama? Keep the eyes closed. If possible, focus the vision at the tip of the nose and then close the eyes. Do not do this if you have trouble focusing or keeping the tip of the nose. Q : What should be Manaskita while doing Pranayam? 7/9
The mental state should be completely calm. There is no hurry. Stay relaxed. No additional thoughts should come to the mind. If you are very distracted, or if you are in a hurry, do not do pranayama for that day. Q : What should be the duration of Pranayama? Do not exceed two minutes in the beginning. Can gradually increase duration when practiced. Q : Should Pranayama be done daily? It is better to do it daily. Do not do pranayama if the mind is too distracted, or when your health is not well.
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