4 minute read
By Alexa Althoff-Garro
Ambrose was once the shining example of what a growing city on the North Dakota frontier should be. The streets were large thoroughfares, devoid of refuse, and new businesses popped up constantly along Main Street during the early 1900s. Although it was later denied the County Seat due to a terrible alignment of circumstances, it’s easy to imagine what Ambrose could have been like today had its initial upward trajectory continued. By 1910, Ambrose was home to a staggering 320 people and rose to its height of 389 by 1920. In 2020, the Census showed only 24 residents.
One of the quieter, but ever-present, aspects of growth on the plains is the presence of Freemasons. From Alkabo to Fortuna, Crosby to Portal, and just about any town you could name, there were Masons. Many were businessmen and elected officials in the various towns.
The story of the Ambrose Lodge is a fascinating study of the ambition and perseverance of our local forefathers. Why is Ambrose Lodge No. 97 so significant that we should be reading about it today? This author would proffer it is one of the best examples of exceptionalism and perseverance of early community-builders. Today, Freemasons might be easy fodder for conspiracy theorists. But in the 1910s, it was considered a very revered fraternal order in this area.

The “Golden Age of Fraternalism” occurred in the latter third of the 19th century and continued into the first part of the 20th. At its peak, it was suggested that as much as 40% of the certainly did. adult male population held membership in at least one fraternal order.
One year later, Ambrose had 20 charter members. By 1921, membership had jumped to 84 members.

The book titled “Masonry in North Dakota 18041964” by Harold Sackett Pond, P.G.M., states:
"The splendid history of Ambrose Lodge No. 97, written by W. Brother William S. Bailard, W. M. in 1953 and secretary from 1954-1960, and from which this account is taken, reads like the Book of Job in the Holy Bible. The example of patience and courage displayed by its membership, with smiling faces, over the years, in spite of the adverse forces of nature being turned against them, is one for future generations to venerate and follow."
In April of 1910, men gathered to discuss the possibility of organizing a Masonic lodge instead of traveling 60 miles to Portal. This was approved by September of 1910 and members would hold meetings on the second floor of the Miller building in Ambrose. This two-story brick building was also home to the Opera House.
In this year, Crosby only had a population of 206 people, much less than Ambrose. For those living today, it may be hard to imagine that Ambrose once had the upper hand, but it
In 1914, it was decided to break ground on their own building, and work commenced in the spring of 1915 for a total cost of $3,185.00. Today, that would be approximately $100,000.00. The looming brick building with a full basement was dedicated on June 8th of 1915 to much celebration. (SEE FIGURE 2)

Just one year after the lodge was finished, a massive “hurricane” would wipe out the south wall. Causing great damage from Ambrose to Canada, this horrendous weather phenomenon would kill one man and destroy an untold amount of property. (SEE FIGURE 3). Then, a few years later (date unknown) the south wall once again suffered great damage due to a storm and was repaired once more.
Masonry in North Dakota 1804-1964 added:
"Many other things have happened over the years; disastrous fires in the business section causing losses which have not been replaced; never sufficient moisture for abundant crops and many complete failures; families moving away and no replacements; a county sear town within six miles always cutting in on business, church and lodge. A discouraging situation, but one met with courage and determination. God bless them all.”
Nine years after the book was published, the Ambrose Lodge No. 97 would give up its charter in 1973 and the members would join the Crosby Ma- sonic Lodge No. 108 A.F. & A.M [Ancient Free and Accepted Masons].
Tabitha Jozwiak, Mayor of Ambrose, noted that the building would eventually fall into disrepair and was torn down just a few years ago.
The old lodge stood near where the park in Ambrose is today. Many small towns like Ambrose find it difficult to save historic structures when their population is just a fraction of what it once was.
Although it may bring a tinge of sadness to no longer have a building that a considerable amount of early residents worked so hard for, we can always honor its existence by remembering why it was constructed in the first place.
Courtesy of an anonymous Freemason source [to whom many thanks are given] quoted scholar Albert Mackey as saying, “The purpose of the organization was to make good men better.”
By Rachel Venture
There is no rule that says art can’t be functional. Humans have been creating art since before the discovery of fire. It is a communicative language older than us all. Functional art has been seen all over the world and all over history. From the ancient Egyptian painted hair combs and chairs of the Aswan river basin, to the jade styluses of ancient Japan, humans have wanted to make their everyday objects more pleasant to look at almost as a point of habit. Kids often doodle on desks or in notebooks and a dull meeting seems more interesting when your syllabus has a couple smiley faces on it. As a matter of fact, Williston prides itself on adding artwork to everyday objects and buildings. We deco- rated our electrical boxes with representations of our community and its history, made old pianos that would have been dumpster fodder into colorful musical masterpieces, and residents love to take old tree stumps and create statues of modern art. Indeed, the Bakken has made itself the canvas, so it’s no surprise that The James Memorial Art Center is auctioning off college classroom style chairs dec- orated elaborately by locals to support and fund future art exhibits.
Ten chairs native to the James Memorial Arts Center left their home to be covertly embellished by some creative minds in the area. They will be on display at the James Memorial along with accompanying photos online from March 20th to March 26th. Bidders are invited to come down to the James or check out the website to see the auction for themselves. The James Memorial Art Center is a 501C non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible. Any businesses wishing to sponsor the James or make a donation can contact Pam Elliot at 701-774-3601 or email at jmps@nemont. net