1 minute read
By Chelsy Weisz, City of Tioga Economic Development Director

Micro adjustments macro results are starting to happen in Tioga. In my last column I spoke about my meeting with local businesses in Tioga with the goal of testing the soil to see what we are working with, and how we can en- sure Tioga flourishes. While I am continuing to meet with businesses, patterns are emerging, and solutions are starting to be formed.

One of the recurring themes has been businesses’ desire to improve their digital marketing efforts. While many businesses shared that they do currently utilize social media, they haven’t been using it consistently to drive their desired results. Many business owners have shared they struggle with having a plan when it comes to social media marketing. In an effort to support our local business, the city will be hosting monthly economic development marketing workshops open to all small business owners in Tioga.

Topics we will be covering include identifying your target customer, how to create a content calendar, setting up your social media profiles and schedule your content, setting up and promoting an event on Face- book, setting up auto-replies and frequently asked questions on Facebook and Instagram messenger. Each workshop will consist of two parts, the first part of the workshop will be training on a specific topic. The second part of the workshop will be time set aside for business owners to put into practice what they have learned.

In speaking with business owners, it was split down the middle when it came to when to schedule these workshops. Starting out we will be holding the same class at two different times. One will be during

Economic Development Marketing Workshop
Chelsy Weisz, City of Tioga Economic Development Director
the day and another will be offered during the evening, in order to ensure businesses large and small have an opportunity to attend the workshop.
The workshops will be free for local businesses to attend, and will be held at City Hall The first two dates for the economic development marketing workshops will be held on April 18th and 2:00 pm and April 24th at 7:00pm. If you would like to be on the email list for these workshops, please email me at economic.dierctor@cityoftioga.com and I will send over the schedule along with upcoming topics. You can also keep an eye on the City’s Facebook page as well as the calendar on the City’s website at https://www.tiogand.net/local-news-events/events-calendar/