2 minute read
Governor Burgum Proclaims Safe Digging Month in North Dakota
“North Dakotans are very supportive of products made, manufactured, processed or produced in the state,” Goehring said. “I encourage people to continue to support our state’s local businesses, not only during showcase season, but year-round.”
Administered by the Business, Marketing and Information Division of the North Dakota Department of Agriculture, the Pride of Dakota program provides member companies with cooperative marketing and promotional events, such as in-store demonstrations, Pride of Dakota Day, and the Pride of Dakota and Holiday Showcases. The program also provides educational opportunities and representation at regional, national and international marketing expositions. More than 500 North Dakota companies are Pride of Dakota members.
BISMARCK, ND – Governor Doug Burgum has proclaimed April as Safe Digging Month in North Dakota. In recognition, the North Dakota Public Service Commission (PSC) is reminding everyone of the potential dangers and consequences of digging without first calling 8-1-1, North Dakota’s Call-Before-YouDig number.
“As we have been digging out all winter due too enormous snow fall, let us always remember ‘Safe Digging’,” said Commissioner Sheri Haugen-Hoffart, who holds the damage prevention portfolio. “Traditionally, April brings out- door work, which includes digging. Safe digging month is a way to remind us all to call 811 before starting any digging project.”
North Dakota law requires anyone conducting an excavation to notify 8-1-1 at least two days in advance of digging. Personnel will be sent to mark the locations of the under-
Did You Know?
Lightning is five times hotter than the surface of the sun. A single bolt of lightning, which strikes within 50 microseconds, can contain enough energy to power a small town for an entire day. Unfortunately, humans cannot effectively harness such large amounts of energy, nor efficiently store it.
Mike Moen, Prairie News Service
In northeastern North Dakota, some rural grocery stores have embraced the "co-op" model in trying to stay afloat and address concerns about food deserts emerging in small towns, and a bill making its way through the Legislature could allow other areas to follow suit.

A pilot project in Walsh County involves the Rural Access Distribution Cooperative, where a handful of stores buy their goods in bulk together before they're delivered to each site.
Alexander Bata, presi- dent of the cooperative, said it provides several benefits to the operations and the communities they serve.
"We want to make these stores more profitable and more sustainable while supplying better variety and lower prices to our consumers," Bata explained.
He noted in their first year, they appear to be meeting these goals. For example, one store saw a 23% increase in sales. He acknowledged there are some challenges, including finding truck drivers to pick up the supplies. The bill in question would set aside $1 million for other entities around the state to apply for grants if they want to pursue a similar approach.
Bata pointed out not only does it help the stores and their customers, but it can also be an asset to other small businesses in these towns because shoppers will not have to travel to a larger city nearby for several errands.
"They can get their tires up at the Farmers Union, and then they can go do some grocery shopping, go get their hair cut, and they can go back to work in that community that they work in," Bata outlined.
A recent Rural Policy Action Report called for more support for these types of efforts, noting 52 cents of every dollar spent at locally owned businesses recirculates in the region and builds the tax base.
So far, the bill in the Legislature has advanced through various hoops with overwhelming support.