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Nielsen Award
Please contact Heidi Whitney at 406-672-5696 to add an event!
Sun June 25: Services at Assembly of God, 10:30 am. Coffee hour at Immanuel, 10:30 am. Services at 11:30 am.
In honor and memory of Northeastern Montana’s beloved sports broadcaster, Braden Pulvermacher was awarded the first ever Jim Nielsen Award at Thunder Night last month.
According to Westby School superintendent, Dylan MacLean, the award will be given annually to a WHS student.
“The student was chosen by a committee made up of people on the Westby School staff. The award represents hard work, dedication, a positive attitude, and conducting yourself in a humble and kind manner. Basically, we were trying to recognize many of the attributes that made Jim Nielsen a legend.”
A native of Westby and a long-time resident of Plentywood, Nielsen passed away on March 16, 2023 after a battle with cancer at the age of 76.
Nielsen was admired by people all around the state of Montana as being one of the state’s supreme sports announcers. Even though he was born in Westby and graduated from Plentywood High School, he was not one to play favorites on the air. He simply was a fan of every student.
Blue Defeats Red in 8-man All-Star Game
The 39th Annual Bob Cleverley 8-Man All-Star Game took place at Bob Green Field in Butte on Saturday June 3.
Adam Paine of the MonDak Thunder was chosen to play for the Blue team and helped them defeat the Red team, 56-40. The Blue team was represented by teams from the east and west divisions, while the Red team consisted of all-stars from the north and south.
The game marked the first win for the Blue team since 2019. The game was canceled due to Covid-19 in 2020.
Sat July 1: Second annual Honoring Heroes Golf Tournament at Plentywood Golf Course. To register contact the VFW in Plentywood at 406-765-1188. If you or any member of your team is a veteran, please contact tournament founder, Seth Wiseman, at 701-651-8344.
Sun July 9: Annual WDC Cornhole Tournament and free will offering BBQ at Onstad Memorial Park. Register your team through the Westby Development Corporation Facebook page or contact Heidi Whitney at 406-672-5696. Talk to Kim at the store if you would like to volunteer to help out or donate desserts! The tournament will start at 2 pm. Food will be served at 5 pm.