?kb]Zr P^]g^l]Zr Wednesday CZgnZkr *1% +))1 Cner **% +))1 october 8, 2008
Ohenf^ 12% Gh' /, Ohenf^ 12% Gh' *+q volume 90, no. 27 ppp'ma^lahkmahkg'\hf ppp'ma^lahkmahkg'\hf www.theshorthorn.com
Lbg\^ *2*2 Since 1919 Lbg\^ *2*2 since 1919
@E;<O @E;<O XyXyday INDEX );Xp );Xp XyXy Xy, 2002 E\nj 2Day
op Nfic[ M`\n World View op Fg`e`fe Opinion op Jgfikj News op
2 3 4 6
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Volume 83, No. Xy :fXZ_\j :fie\i XyXyXy: XyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXy. Xy a Ride :cXjj`ZXc \[lZXk`fe ;fd`eXek Hitchin’ God Vs. No One Ni`k\ Pfli Fne Afb\ ?\i\ ?bg] hnm fhk^ Z[hnm phf^gÍl [Zld^m[Zee a^Z] www.theshorthorn.com
qrqrqrqrqr qrrqrqrqrr qrrrrrq rrrr q rrrr A university ride share program that is gaining The heavenly father doesn’t pick sides in sports —qrqrqrq qrrqrrqqqqrrq rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr qrrrrrrrrrr Ma^ MO pkbm^kÍl lmkbd^ aZl e^_m nl mh _^g] _hk hnkl^eo^l' \hZ\a LZfZgmaZ Fhkkhp' popularity could save students money. He has better things to do. qrrrrrrq rqrrr' FG@E@FE s G8>< , qrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rqqqqqqqqq' JGFIKJ s G8>< / FG@E@FE s G8>< + J:<E< s G8>< /
JKL;<EK 8==8@IJ FEC@E< <OKI8J LIBrary
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2Day | PagE
Lmn]^gml `kZ]nZm^ Bedbugs infest library laptops pbma g^p \^kmbÖ \Zmbhg NM: `^ml Z hg^&lmhi iZk^gm lahi \^gm^k N_Xk kf \og\Zk k_`j n\\b %%%
N_Xk pfl d`^_k _Xm\ d`jj\[%%%
so we had the bags fumigated brought home more than just the Central Library allows stu- resulted in little interest or ac- attention. Lending was halted after _hkfZmbhg Z[hnm ahnlbg`% dents \Zfinl The library staff then called and the circulation area exterto check out for a 24- tion, she said. computers. K_\ GXi\ekj =Xd`cp :\ek\i discovering the insects in iZkdbg` “I showed the bags to li- the university Environmental minated,” she said. hour period. Some^o^gml% notebook cases_^^l% werek^`blmkZmbhg Xejn\ij e\n DXm\i`Zb gXi\ekjË notebook cases. hg \Zfinl Ma^kZir The Ikh`kZf `kZ]nZm^l discovery [^\Zf^ of the bugs Health\hfie^m^] and Safetyma^ to inspect workDockery hadJfZ`Xc nfib jkl[\ekj Xi\ k_\ little doubt brary staff. The studentMa^ infestedZg] withZk^Zl bedbugs, a dis- bl k^Z]ber M`j`k nnn%k_\j_fik_fie%Zfd hl\jk`fej Xe[ ZfeZ\iej% ZoZbeZ[e^ pbma a^ei _khf \^gm^k ^f& ihineZk Zg] a^ei_ne _hk hma^kl bg re/)&ahnk Lhenmbhg&?h\nl^] ;kb^_ and subsequent treatment the laptop bags, she said. ers knew about it, but they about the infestation’s source. covery that caused problems ]`ijk kf ^iX[lXk\ n`k_ ]fZlj\[ ]fi [X`cp lg[Xk\j% By JasoN JoycE iehr^^l% Dockery, lZb] <Zl^r @hgsZe^l% ma^ she saw hma^k \hngmkb^l Zl Mhkhgmh% Ma^kZir ikh`kZf sulted inln\a the library not lendDespite some staff ’s skeptishe \^kmb_b\Zmbhg She said the insects didn’t tell their bosses,” for Kenteshia public 9P D<::8 8C@ Contributor to The Shorthorn IZk^gml ?Zfber <^gm^k ]bk^\mhk' Lbg`Zihk^ Ehg]hg% >g`eZg]%Ë h__^k^] makhn`a ingZg] laptops last Friday. cism, ma^ theyngbo^klbmrÍl found an infestaonce she got said. administration graduate stu- on the laptop bagYi`\] k_\iXgp Z\ik`]`ZXk\j%
:feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie Pa^g Z iZk^gm \Zeel hk \hf^l E^afZgg lZb]' <hgmbgnbg` >]n\Zmbhg =^iZkmf^gm% Sappington said that to tion. Access Services coordinator A student who checked out dent. home. IZk^gml aZo^ Z ieZ\^ ma^ laptops h__b\^ were l^Zk\abg` Initial _hk efforts to inform 9P <9FEP <M8EJ @kZ]nZm^ IZf^eZ Chaglhg lZb] pab\a [^`Zg eZlm r^Zk% a^ lZb]' “EHS found a handful of Sue Sappington said a library laptops from ghp the Central Li- mh `^m liThe bgmh affected K_\ J_fik_fie jkX]] Zee ma^ Zglp^kl' Zglp^kl% ma^ \^gm^k pbee mkZgl_^k hk la^ ahi^l ma^ \^kmb_b\Zm^ fZd^l a^k Lmn]^gml bg ma^ lh\bZe phkd% brary later found out that she part of a pool of 68 notebooks brary workers of the problem patron brought the issue to her bags with live bugs on them, bUgS continues on page 6 Lmn]^gm :__Zbkl \k^Zm^] ma^ ]bk^\m ma^f mh ma^ \hkk^\m Zk^Z _hk L^o^g lmn]^gml `kZ]nZm^] _khf ilr\aheh`r% gnklbg` Zg] f^]b& fhk^ dghpe^]`^Z[e^' IZk^gml ?Zfber <^gm^k mh a^ei maZm li^\b_b\ jn^lmbhg' B_ maZm Zk^Z ÊBm pZl o^kr ^q\bmbg` k^\^bobg` ma^ ma^ L\ahhe h_ Lh\bZe Phkd eZlm \bg^ _b^e]l e^Zkg ldbeel mh \hg]n\m Zee^obZm^ ma^ _knlmkZmbhgl h_ \hg& \ZgÍm [^ k^Z\a^] hk eh\Zm^]% ma^ fhgma pbma Z \^kmb_b\Zm^ maZm aZl ^__^\mbo^ bgm^kob^pl maZm [kbg` hnm _bklm \^kmb_b\Zm^ bg ma^ N'L'%Ë la^ lZb]' _nl^] iZk^gml Zg] _Zfber f^f[^kl lmZ__^kl pbee l^Zk\a _hk ma^ bg_hkfZ& ghm [^^g h__^k^] [^_hk^ bg ma^ N'L'% \eb^gmlÍ lmk^g`mal Zg] k^lhnk\^l% Zg] ÊBm aZl bg\k^Zl^] fr dghpe^]`^ Zg] pa^g mkrbg` mh `^m bg_hkfZmbhg hg lZb] I^m^k E^afZgg% lh\bZe phkd ]^o^ehi `hh] `hZel% E^afZgg lZb]' scIENcE Z oZkb^mr h_ ngbo^klbmr l^kob\^l' Bg& Zllh\bZm^ ikh_^llhk' ÊMa^ Lhenmbhg&?h\nl^] ;kb^_ @E=F Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ * >I8;J Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ -
Computer grid initiated on collider
De, who is also the U.S. ATLAS computing operations coordinator, said when the magnets that accelerate the two particles were tested at high currents for the By BryaN BastIBLE first time, the area heated up, The Shorthorn staff creating a liquid helium leak and The Large Hadron Collider damaging hundreds of magnets in a large section of in Geneva involving UTA the tunnel. professors successfully De said the new launched a new computcomputer grid is orgaer grid on Friday to keep nized into a hierarchiup with data. cal system, like a tree The university, with branches. home to the Southwest “About 50 large Tier Two branch of the computer centers ATLAS experiment, alaround the world are ready uses the grid and played a part in it reach- Kaushik de, Physics hooked up like an elecing full capability and professor and U.S. trical grid to analyze data from ATLAS,” he capacity. ATLAS computing said. “They will not The 17-mile under- operations select a specific comground collider aims to coordinator puter center, they will answer questions about send their computamass and where it comes from by smashing particles. It tions to the grid using a software was halted in September when a called PanDA [Production and helium leak damaged the collid- Distributed Analysis System].” He said each of the 50 large er. The experiment will continue in the spring. collider continues on page 6 Physics professor Kaushik
The feature will help ATLAS keep up with data around the world.
8 IXZ`e^ I\[\j`^e NM: ?hkfneZ L:> kZ\bg` m^Zf lpZil ^g`bg^ Zg] k^]^lb`gl bml kZ\^ \Zk k^Zeer ^q\bm^] mh `^m lmZkm^]'Ë ÈN_Xk >o^kr r^Zk bg fb]&Cner% ma^ ngb& Ma^ ngbo^klbmr ?hkfneZ L:> m^Zf o^klbmr ahlml ma^ M^qZl :nmh\khll n\ [f `j bl `^Zkbg` ni mh `bo^ \hfi^mbmhkl Z P^^d^g]% Z \hfi^mbmbhg maZm bgobm^l gi\Z`j`fe mhn`a kng bg =^mkhbm mabl FZr pbma bml \hee^`^l _khf Z\khll ma^ \hngmkr mh [i`m`e^ \hf^ Zg] kZ\^' Bg L^im^f[^k% ma^ Xk k_\ g^per ]^lb`g^]% eb`am^k \Zk' Ma^ \aZg`^l maZm Zk^ [^bg` bfie^& ngbo^klbmrÍl m^Zf Zmm^g]l ma^ Lihkml XYjfclk\ f^gm^] Zk^ f^Zgm mh ]^\k^Zl^ ma^ <Zk <en[ h_ :f^kb\Z gZmbhgZel' Ma^ fZbg \hfi^mbmbhg mabl r^Zk c`d`kj f] \ZkÍl p^b`am' Ma^ m^Zf lpZii^] ma^ a^Zob^k -&\rebg]^k ^g`bg^ _hk Z eb`am& bl ma^ ?hkfneZ L:> bg =^mkhbm' Ma^ Zfekifc%É ^k +&\rebg]^k ^g`bg^% Zg] pbee k^er hg m^Zf f^f[^kl lZb] ma^r p^k^ _bk^] 9fY Nff[j ni Zg] Zk^ `^mmbg` k^Z]r' Z^kh]rgZfb\l mh ^gaZg\^ li^^]' The Shorthorn: Michael Rettig ÊBmÍl paZm p^ ebo^ _hk ]hpg a^k^%Ë =fidlcX J8< ÊPaZm p^ ]h bl ik^\blbhg ]kbobg` k\Xd X[m`j\i lZb] =k^p PZee^k% lnli^glbhg e^Z] Zm ma^ Z[lhenm^ ebfbml h_ \hgmkhe%Ë ?hk& cW-33 News reporter Michael rey prepares to make a report during the second presidential debate watch party at the Lone Star Auditorium. Student fneZ L:> m^Zf Z]obl^k ;h[ Phh]l _hk ma^ m^Zf' Congress hosted the event, which was followed by a discussion led by the Young Conservatives of Texas UTA chapter. Ma^ m^Zf \hglblml h_ Z[hnm +) lZb]' Ma^ eb`am^k \Zk lahne] [^ Z[e^ mh f^f[^kl' Fhlm Zk^ _khf ma^ <hee^`^ ELEctIoN fho^ _Zlm^k% lZb] MahfZl PZem^k% h_ >g`bg^^kbg` [nm Zgrhg^ Zmm^g]bg` f^\aZgb\Ze ^g`bg^^kbg` cngbhk Zg] ma^ ngbo^klbmr bl ^eb`b[e^ mh chbg' Ma^ \Zkl Zk^ lmn]^gm [nbem Zg] lmn]^gm m^Zf f^f[^k' ÊBmÍl p^b`am^] mh ikh]n\^ mkZ\mbhg ]kbo^g' =kbo^kl Zk^ \ahl^g [r m^Zf hg ma^ `khng]%Ë a^ lZb]' ÊEZlm r^Zk pZl ma^ _Zlm^lm \Zk p^Í] ^o^k [nbem' BÍf J8< Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ 9P :F?< 9FC@E
:feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie
Foreign policy issues dominate discussion after debate watch party D\Z_Xe`jd \e^`e\\i`e^ ale`fi >\fi^\ K_fdjfe `j X d\dY\i f] =fidlcX J8<# n_`Z_ `j ^\kk`e^ i\X[p ]fi X
the stability of the nations. members away. to the first watch party. Six out of 40 students Zfdg\k`k`fe `e ;\kif`k% K_\ ZXiËj n\`^_k nXj [\Zi\Xj\[ Xe[ n`cc lj\ X\if[peXd`Zj kf \e_XeZ\ k_\ jg\\[% YCT UTA chapter executive Foreign policy, particularly Some local broadcast news polled said McCain won, media covered the watch party, whether troops should stay in chair Rachel Imbriale said the the rest abstained. including Michael Rey of Iraq, dominated the post-de- loss of life would be in vain if By JasoN BoyD The Shorthorn staff
About 55 students attended Student Congress’ second presidential debate watch party Tuesday night at Lone Star Auditorium and participated in a postdebate discussion hosted by the Young Conservatives of Texas. Attendance doubled compared
;khZ]\Zlm lmn]^gml mh Ö ef m^e^\Zlml _hk \Z[e^ \aZgg^e E\njZXjkj Xe[ jgfikj ^Xd\j n`cc ile fe Z_Xee\c 00 Y\^`ee`e^ N\[e\j[Xp e`^_k% 9P D8I@JJ8 ?8CC :feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie
Mabl l^f^lm^k% [khZ]\Zlm lmn]^gml pbee `^m fhk^ aZg]l&hg ^qi^kb^g\^ [r _befbg` g^pl\Zlml Zg] \ho^kbg` ngbo^k& lbmr lihkml' ;^`bggbg` g^qm fhgma% lmn]^gml pbee lahhm p^^der g^pl\Zlml _hk ngbo^k& lbmr \Z[e^ \aZgg^e 22' Lhf^ lmn]^gml pbee Zelh _bef lihkml [^`bggbg` pbma ma^ f^gÍl [Zld^m[Zee `Zf^ P^]g^l]Zr gb`am' @Zf^l pbee [^ ihlm^] bg ma^bk ^gmbk^& mr hg ma^ ngbo^klbmr Zmae^mb\l P^[ lbm^ Zehg` pbma `Zf^ ab`aeb`aml% lZb] :g& ]k^p <eZkd% \hffngb\Zmbhg ZllblmZgm ikh_^llhk Zg] [khZ]\Zlm ]bk^\mhk' ÊB_ p^ cnlm inm kZp _hhmZ`^ h_ ma^ `Zf^% bmÍl \hg\^boZ[e^ bm \hne] [^ hg ma^ P^[ lbm^ Zg ahnk hk mph Z_m^k ma^ `Zf^%Ë <eZkd lZb]' ;khZ]\Zlm l^gbhk =Zob] FZgg^kbg` Zgghng\^l _hk ma^ ngbo^klbmrÍl kZ]bh lmZ& mbhg% Zg] abl \hff^gmZkr \Zg ieZr pbma ma^ `Zf^ hgebg^' <eZkd lZb] ma^r pbee mkr mh \ho^k Zl
CW-33 News. University Democrats were scheduled to co-host the discussion with YCT, but no representatives came. University Democrats president Gabe Rivas said he couldn’t attend because of a class conflict, but thought some members would. He said the Tarrant County Democrats watch party might have drawn some of his
bate discussion between YCT and audience members. About 40 students stayed for the discussion. During a quick poll, six said Sen. John McCain won; the rest abstained. Biology junior Susan Lampley said she thinks the number of troops in countries like Afghanistan and Iraq only hurts
K_\ J_fik_fie1 D`Z_X\c I\kk`^
troops left without finishing the job and asked the student, “Are you making that sacrifice?” Lampley served three years in the military. When some students said American casualties were too high, YCT membership director Andrew Canfield said the
I\XZ_`e^ K_\`i ;\jk`eXk`fej
debate continues on page 6
Mph gnklbg` ]h\mhkZe lmn]^gml “[Young Conservatives of Texas] does not support Sen. McCain. Just because you have an ‘R’ mkZo^e ehg` ]blmZg\^l mh [^ in front of your name, we aren’t going to support you.” ma^ ngbo^klbmrÍl Ö klm rachel Imbriale, Young Conservatives of Texas UTA chapter executive chair
9P D8KK?<N I<8>8E
:feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie
Ma^ L\ahhe h_ Gnklbg` l^m Z eZg]fZkd _hk bml ikh& `kZf mabl iZlm =^\^f[^k' FZqbg^ :]^`[heZ Zg] @ehkbZ <Zkk [^\Zf^ ma^ _bklm archItEcturE mh k^\^bo^ ]h\mhkZe ]^`k^^l bg gnklbg` Zm ma^ ngbo^klbmr' :_m^k r^Zkl h_ ]^]b\Zm^] k^l^Zk\a% \hngme^ll ]bll^kmZ& mbhg ik^l^gmZmbhgl Zg] in[eb\Zmbhgl% Zg] ^o^g ^qmk^f^ \hffnmbg`% ma^r k^\^bo^] ma^bk ]h\mhkZm^l mh [^\hf^ >cfi`X :Xii# gnkl^ l\b^gmblml' Ma^r [^`Zg ma^ ikh`kZf mh`^ma^k bg +)), Zl ma^ elij`e^ [fZkfiXk\ l\ahheÍl _bklm ]h\mhkZe \Zg]b]Zm^l Zg] _bgbla^] mh`^ma^k Howard, President’s Sustain- many different people because program. The curriculum includes Zm =^\^f[^kÍl `kZ]nZmbhg \^k^fhgr' we can’t ability Committee Architecture dean Donald :emahn`a :]^`[heZ [^`Zg a^k co-chair. gnklbg` ^]n\Zmbhg bg get the job done unclimate change and less we can get along with a lot we wereM^gg'% using terms Gatzke said when Klahr Zg] ap- <Zkk “Before CZfZb\Z bg F^fiabl% [hma `kZ]nZm^l K_\ J_fik_fie1 8e[i\n 9lZbc\p global warming issues. of different people, and that’s like ‘environmentally’ and NM: ‘con- ikh`kZf' proached him with the idea,lbfbeZk aZo^ mZd^g iZmal mh k^Z\a ma^ 9ifX[ZXjk`e^ e\nj j\e`fi 8ife Dfi^Xe j_ffkj k_\ DXm\i`Zbj ^Xd\ K_lij[Xp e`^_k `e think a course from this servation’ so forth, and it why Ibg Gatzke thought it was great. ;hma k^\^bo^] ma^ ?^kg^ and G^pfZg Dr[Z ?^eehplabi K\oXj ?Xcc% K_`j nXj k_\ ]`ijk ^Xd\ kf Y\ k\c\m`j\[ Yp k_\ YifX[ZXjk`e^ jkl[\ekj ]fi k_\ By sarah Lutz can reach out in a very seemed likel^e^\m^] an optional thing school “Professor Klahr’s course Gnklbg`% Zg] [hma p^k^ Zl Êf^gm^^lË [r ma^ The Shorthorn staff Xk_c\k`Zj N\Y j`k\% effective way to other units of in society,” Howard said. Gnkl^ “But :llh\bZ& would, I think, take a broader GZmbhgZe <hZebmbhg h_ >magb\ Fbghkbmr One professor says he wants social and culturalmbhgl' approach to sustainability, that term signals the university.” ]^gml _bef [Zl^[Zee bg ma^ fZgr ahf^ `Zf^l _hk f^gÍl Zg] phf& to bring thefZr “magic” of open`Zf^l Ma^ mph Zk^ gh unless lmkZg`^kl mh systematic mkZo^ebg` _hk ma^bk Klahr said the curriculum that we do sustainability and investigate likbg`'into the classroom ^gÍl [Zld^m[Zee Zl ma^r \Zg [nm maZm ma^ discussion ^]n\Zmbhg' :]^`[heZ mk^dd^] protection _khf CZfZb\Z% pa^k^ la^ define climate change, would environmental ... our not only the techniques for more MO K^ihkmbg` * Zg] + \eZll^l pbee `Zf^ \ho^kZ`^ ]^i^g]l hg ma^ gnf[^k DXo`e\ 8[\^YfcX# k^\^bo^] a^k ]biehfZ bg gnklbg`% mh Angm^k <hee^`^ bg warming for a sustainability course next sustainable lives and global and sustainsociety is in big trouble.” communih_ lmn]^gml ZoZbeZ[e^' Ma^r fZr Zelh elij`e^ [fZkfiXk\ fall. ability by showing how they are Klahr wants the course to ties but also the philosophical \ho^k lhf^ ZpZr `Zf^l% Zg] lhf^ lmn& 9IF8;:8JK Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ ELIJ@E> Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ * Architecture assistant pro- and ethical dimensions of sus- have a broad appeal to attract interconnected and what they The Shorthorn: Andrew Buckley fessor Douglas Klahr will teach tainability — which are truly students and give the conversa- mean for the future of a policivil engineering senior rafael Navarro shuffles dominoes before a game the course, which doesn’t have quite fundamental.” he said. tician, businessman, engineer, tion multiple viewpoints. during the Hispanic Heritage Month dominoes tournament Tuesday night in an official name yet. He said “Architecture is always a writer, sculpturer, etc. Open to all students, the the University Center Carlisle Suite. The tournament let students socialize, the upper level course corre- class was proposed in the Sus- collaboration,” he said. “We’re network and learn the game’s history. lates with next year’s OneBook tainability Initiative said Jeff able to reach out and talk to so coUrSe continues on page 6
Sustainability course to start next fall
Campus Notebook Wednesday October 8, 2008
Elections Exhibit: All day, Central Library. President James Spaniolo’s campaign buttons will be on display. Free. For information, contact Eric Frierson at 817272-7517 or frierson@ uta.edu.
Study Abroad Information Session: noon-1 p.m., University Center Blanco Room. Free. For information, contact Courtney Bauman at 817-272-1120 or studyabroad@uta.edu. Maversity Workshop: noon-1 p.m., UC Concho Room. For information, contact Multicultural Affairs at 817-272-2099 or multicultural_
Connected Communities: A conversation with President Spaniolo: noon, Maverick Activities Center upstairs lounge. For information, contact Leigh Young at 817-272-6107 or studentsuccess@uta.edu. Honors College Council General Body Meeting: noon-1 p.m., 106 College Hall. Free. For information, contact Cathy Pritchett at 817-272-7215 or hcc@uta.edu. Walk-In Resume Critiques: noon-1 p.m., Science and Engineering Library. No appointment needed. Free. For information, contact Career Services at 817-272-2932 or careers@uta.edu.
Calming Test Anxiety: noon-1 p.m., UC San Jacinto. Free. For information, contact Office of Student Conduct at 817-272-2354 or conduct@uta.edu. How to Tell the Truth on Your Resume and Still Get the Job: 2-3 p.m., UC Guadalupe Room. For information, contact Office of Student Conduct at 817-272-2354 or conduct@uta.edu. The Leadership Center: New Member Induction Ceremony: 4 p.m., UC Carlisle Suite. For information, e-mail Stephanie Brown at sabrown@uta.edu or Kim Do at Kim.Do@mavs.uta.edu. Recent Work: 4 p.m., 204 Architecture Building. Lecture by
Dallas architect Sharon Odum. For information, contact Robert Rummel-Hudson at 817-272-2314 or rhudson@uta.edu. Department of Theatre Arts presents Scapino!: 8 p.m., Mainstage Theatre. $10 general public, $7 students/UTA faculty and staff/senior citizens. For tickets, call Marsha Luaciu at 817-2722669.
Selling Me to Employers Workshop: 9:3010:30 a.m., 216 Davis Hall. Free. For information, contact Career Services at 817-272-2932 or careers@uta.edu.
How to Survive in the Academic Wilderness: 11 a.m.-1p.m., UC Palo Duro Lounge. Free. For information, contact Office of Student Conduct at 817-272-2354 or conduct@uta.edu. Global Grounds International Coffee Hour: 4-5:30 p.m., UC Palo Duro Lounge. Free. For information, contact Julie Holmer at 817272-2355 or jholmer@uta.edu. APA, MLA, & IEEE: Automatic, Quick & Easy!” Avoiding Plagiarism: 4-5 p.m., 316 Ransom Hall. Free. For information, contact Office of Student Conduct at 817-272-2354 or conduct@uta.edu. Calendar submissions must be made by 4 p.m. two days prior to run date. To enter your event, call 817-272-3661 or log on to www.theshorthorn.com/calendar
The ShorThorn
Campus briefs
Registration ends today for women’s retreat
“It would be a shame if we had seniors graduating in May 2010 who knew nothing more about sustainability than when they arrived here four or five years ago.”
Registration for “Alandra Dafina: The Ultimate Women’s Retreat” ends at 5 tonight. The event is scheduled at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at 10 University Hall. Women at the university can apply, and two committees from host sororities Delta Sigma Theta and Delta Alpha Sigma will select 40 women to participate. The application is available on the Multicultural Affairs Web site at www.uta.edu/multicultural. Multicultural Affairs director Leticia Martinez said the sororities wanted to do something cross-cultural involving women’s issues. “They wanted to empower women to be educated about issues,” she said. — Anna Katzkova
Douglas Klahr, Architecture assistant professor, on a new sustainability course to involve all students. See Page 1
Photo Illustration: Andrew Buckley
Ridin’ Clean
two-Day foreCast
University ride share program is growing
Today Sunny High 83°F Low 56°F
by sarah lutz The Shorthorn staff
Thursday Sunny High 86°F Low 60°F — National Weather Service at www.weather.gov
poliCe report This is a part of the daily activity log produced by the university’s Police Department. To report a criminal incident on campus, call 817-272-3381.
A staff member reported an accident involving a state vehicle Monday at Nedderman Hall. A student reported his vehicle burglarized Tuesday at 800 UTA Blvd. A student reported a medical emergency not requiring hospitalization Monday at Nedderman Hall. A faculty member reported a vehicle parked in his reserved parking space and requested it be towed Monday at Lot F8. A student received a disciplinary referral Tuesday regarding his Mav Express ID and access to the Central Library.
The Facilities Management department aims to use alternative means to help students get to and around campus, decreasing the university’s carbon footprint. amy Schultz, Communications assistant vice president, said the university’s ride share campaign has been successful, recruiting 48 people. The ride share is also available outside the campus community. It is one of two programs facilitated through the Fort Worth Transportation authority, known as The T. The service loans a van to one person who then picks up other participants. Jeff Johnson, Facilities Management associate director, said UTa hasn’t used the van share on campus. The 150 vans The T owns are all used in the Forth Worth area due to the program’s popularity. “We have two groups trying to get vans right now,” he said.
Johnson said the van share could save students money. Once seven people on one route have signed up for the service, The T will give the designated driver a van. The driver takes the van home everyday and can drive up to 200 miles a month for personal use. Information has been sent to student organizations, Student affairs and academic advisers, Schultz said. It’s also being distributed at residence halls. “Carpooling doesn’t necessarily always affect residence halls on a daily basis, but it does affect people living in resident halls that want to go home on the weekend and that kind of thing,” Schultz said. applicants will receive a list of people and their phone numbers and schedules, and the student can pick the best match. “They’re trying to make sure they go to UTa,” Johnson said. “Right now they’re grouping everybody in a larger group because the UTa group is not that big yet. But, as the UTa group expands we hope to make it just a UTa group – faculty, staff and students.”
architecture assistant professor Douglas Klahr said he commutes from Dallas everyday and has devised a plan that includes two trains and eight miles of cycling in order to reduce his carbon footprint. “I think it works better for staffers than faculty because lets say I have a student who comes in and wants to talk for an extra hour. I can’t say no to that student, ‘Oh, my ride’s waiting,’ ” he said. “Whereas a staff member who knows they’re leaving work at 5 p.m. and that’s the end of the story, it makes it easier for them.” Johnson said he is working on a stronger bike program on campus and wants to form a cycling group. Johnson said last year he put in at least 80 bike racks. He is looking into a “true bike program” that could restore old bikes and offer them to students or give students money vouchers for bikes if they promise to not drive their car to school. sarah lutz news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
Discussion aims to provide Study Abroad particulars A Study Abroad information session will take place from noon to 1 p.m. today at University Center Blanco Room. Students will learn about available programs and how to decide which suit personal and academic goals. After the session, applicants can make a one-on-one appointment with an adviser in the Study Abroad office at the Swift Center to discuss the programs, scholarship options and appropriate courses. “Attending the info sessions is the first step for students interested in studying abroad because this is where they can learn all of the basics,” Study Abroad adviser Blake Hart said. The program is available to all students and includes internships, teaching, volunteering and working abroad. The deadline for the Spring 2009 programs is Friday. Only completed applications will be considered. — Alanna Quillen
CorreCtioNs Tuesday’s “Painting the Town” photo caption misidentified 10-year-old Faith Doescher’s age.
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Design Editor ....................................Marissa Hall design-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Copy Desk Chief .................................Joan Khalaf copydesk-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Sports Editor ....................................Justin Rains sports-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Scene Editor .............................Anthony Williams features-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Opinion Editor .....................................Cohe Bolin opinion-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Online Editor..................................Phillip Bowden online-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
Photo Editor ..........................................Rasy Ran photo-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Online Assistant .............................Rance Pringle Webmaster ................................ Troy Buchwalter webmaster.shorthorn@uta.edu News Clerk ..................................... Jeanne Lopez calendar.shorthorn@uta.edu Student Ad Manager ................... Colleen Hurtzig colleen.shorthorn@gmail.com Ad Representatives ........................ Troy Engelke, Eric Lara, Mike Love, Trisha Pennington, Pax Salinas, Sylvia Santelli, Amanda Simpson, Karen Teran, Kasy Tomlinson, Linley Wilson
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of The Shorthorn and may not be reproduced, published or retransmitted in any form without written permission from UTA Student Publications. The Shorthorn is the student newspaper of the University of Texas at Arlington and is published in the UTA Office of Student Publications. Opinions expressed in The Shorthorn are not necessarily those of the university administration.
THE UNIvERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON 89TH YEAR, © The ShorThorn 2008 All rights reserved. All content is the property
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Protesters march outside of the U.S Treasury building in protest of the Wall Street bailouts Sept. 26 in Washington.
McCain linked to Iran-Contra affair thE AssociAtEd PrEss
WASHINGTON — Barack Obama has his William Ayers connection. Now John McCain may have an Iran-Contra connection. In the 1980s, McCain served on the advisory board to the U.S. chapter of an international group linked to ultra-right-wing death squads in Central America. The U.S. Council for World Freedom aided rebels trying to overthrow the leftist government of Nicaragua. That landed the group in the middle of the Iran-Contra affair and in legal trouble with the Internal Revenue Service,
which revoked the charitable organization’s tax exemption. The council created by retired Army Maj. Gen. John Singlaub was the U.S. chapter of the World Anti-Communist League, an international organization linked to former Nazi collaborators and ultraright-wing death squads in Central America. After setting up the U.S. council, Singlaub served as the international league’s chairman. McCain’s tie to Singlaub’s council is undergoing renewed scrutiny after his campaign criticized Obama for his link to Ayers, a former radical who
engaged in violent acts 40 years ago. Over the weekend, Democratic operative Paul Begala said on ABC’s “This Week” that this “guilt by association” tactic could backfire on the McCain campaign by renewing discussion of McCain’s service on the board of the U.S. Council for World Freedom, “an ultraconservative right-wing group.” In two interviews with The Associated Press in August and September, Singlaub said McCain became associated with the organization in the early 1980s as McCain launched his political career. McCain was
elected to the U.S. House in 1982. Singlaub said McCain was a supporter but not an active member. “McCain was a new guy on the block learning the ropes,” Singlaub said. “I think I met him in the Washington area when he was just a new congressman. We had McCain on the board to make him feel like he wasn’t left out. It looks good to have names on a letterhead who are well-known and appreciated.” “I don’t recall talking to McCain at all on the work of the group,” Singlaub said.
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Reader Rewards Answer these questions about Shorthorn content (through Tuesday, October 7th – Friday, October 10th) correctly and submit at Student Publications (lower level of the University Center) to be entered into a drawing for two free EdgeFest tickets. Winner will be announced in the Tuesday, October 14th edition. The Shorthorn website contains editorial content from previous publications; yesterday’s paper can be found on the lower slots of racks around campus. TUESDAY 1. The Shorthorn has been publishing since _______. 2. How many voter registration cards did Student Congress give out this year? WEDNESDAY 3. Who is the author of today’s Quoteworthy? 4. What is the outcome of today’s poll, on the Opinion page? THURSDAY 5. What is the 1st incident listed in today’s police report? 6. What is the answer to 1 down in today’s crossword? FRIDAY 7. Name one author of a column on today’s Opinion page. 8. At what time is the UTA vs. Texas State volleyball game this Saturday,October 11th?
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:_Xi`kp Dfek`\k_# \[`kfi :f_\ 9fc`e# \[`kfi Cohe Bolin, editor ABOUT OPINION fg`e`fe$\[`kfi%j_fik_fie7lkX%\[l fg`e`fe$\[`kfi%j_fik_fie7lkX%\[l opinion-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Cohe Bolin, editor Fg`e`fe `j glYc`j_\[ N\[e\j[Xp Xe[ =i`[Xp% Fg`e`fe `j glYc`j_\[ N\[e\j[Xp Xe[ =i`[Xp% Opinion is published Wednesday and Friday. opinion-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu IZ`^ / 2008 Wednesday P^]g^l]Zr% :n`nlm +0% +))1 and Friday. Friday, August 29, Opinion is published Pa e 4
<;@KFI@8C&FLI M@<N
?Zlm&?hh] ?bZl\h EDITORIAL/OUR VIEW <e^Zg ;k^Zd :]o^kmbl^k bgm^kknimbhgl
K_\ J_fik_fie `em`k\j jkl[\ekj# le`m\ij`kp K_\ J_fik_fie The Shorthorn `em`k\j jkl[\ekj# le`m\ij`kp invites students, university REMEMBER \dgcfp\\j Xe[ Xclde` kf jlYd`k ^l\jk \dgcfp\\j Xe[ Xclde` kf jlYd`k ^l\jk employees and alumni to submit guest The Shorthorn invites students, university Zfcldej kf k_\ Fg`e`fe gX^\% Zfcldej kf k_\ Fg`e`fe gX^\% columns to the Opinion page. employees and alumni to submit guest ?kb]Zr% FZk\a *-% +))1 IZ`^ . Page 7 columns to the Opinion page. Wednesday, October 8, 2008
;Z[rlbmmbg` :]neml The Wrong Answer Lord, God the Referee
<;@KFI@8C&FLI M@<N
Get it Together ]bfbgbla ma^ ]b`gbmr h_ Jkl[\ekj j_flc[ Y\ XnXi\ f] Y`e^\$[i`eb`e^ [Xe^\ij Election season needs more student ma^ Herfib\ @Zf^l Arming teachers Y\]fi\ c\Xm`e^ ]fi X n\\b participation, organization coordination
Bm pZl ZfZsbg`' The university and campus groups need Ang]k^]l h_ i^hie^ kZg Z\khll ma^ an`^ BmĂ?l mbf^ mh \^e^[kZm^' s students go back and to school this week, this campus lmZ`^% jnb\der Zll^f[ebg` bgmh ma^ i^k_^\m ]ho^ more organization involvement P^Ă?o^ \kZff^] _hk ma^ iZlm _^p security will again be an issue. laZi^ Zl ma^ eb`aml hg ma^bk lnbml `ehp^] ]b__^k^gm election season.Shorthorn Looking around campus, p^^dl% Zg] fb]m^kfl Zk^ _bgZeer ho^k' Recently, reported that crime \hehkl' Ma^r The jnb\der ]bl[Zg]^] Zg] \k^Zm^] Z you can hardly tell we will be electing a preshad risen from last yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s data. g^p _hkf% cnlm Zl ik^\bl^ Zl ma^ eZlm% [nm fhk^ Ghp% ma^ \hngm]hpg bl hg' Hger Z ident less than four So itin will not be surprising that campus security Z\kh[Zmb\Zeer m^\agb\Ze Zl weeks. i^k_hkf^kl lmhh] hg _^p ^q\kn\bZmbg` ahnkl k^fZbg ngmbe will again come to theparty fore, ^Z\a hma^klĂ? lahne]^kl' The first presidential debate watch likbg` [k^Zd [^`bgl' especially it<abg^l^ comes to Cnlm Zl when ma^ held hosted by Student Congress was in the guns. :l rhnĂ?k^ _bgZebsbg` ieZgl% ]hgĂ?m ]blZll^f[e^] Rosebud Theatre,i^k_hkf^kl about 25 people attended. of us Zg] Most ik^iZk^] mh remember lmng ma^ e^m ma^ \^e^[kZmbhg [^ knbg^] [r ma^ In comparison, one Democratic group out the incident involving Zn]b^g\^ pbma Zghma^k ^r^& \hgl^jn^g\^l h_ [bg`^ ]kbgdbg`' a student allegedly of several at UT-Austin held a watch party [h``ebg` _^Zm% bm aZii^g^]' Bm fZr [^ _nggr mh pZm\a ma^ carrying a gun inmh his Ă&#x160;Bl bm ihllb[e^ _bm Z where 200 attended. car lasti^` semester, ]kngd^g ^l\ZiZ]^l h_ Z _kb^g]% [nm ljnZk^ bgmh which Z khng] SC held a vice presidential debategunwatch revived talks ahe^8Ă&#x2039; Zg of Zgghrbg`% bmĂ?l gh eZn`abg` fZmm^k pa^g abl party at the same venue as the Bed Races friendly policies on \hngmkb_b^] ohb\^ lZb] _khf bgmhqb\Zmbhg ikh`k^ll^l mh Ze\hahe our campus. lastI8P <;N8I; Thursday. Thema^ MO' Ă&#x160;P^ee% b_ maZm ljnZk^ Bedown Races had 92The groups ihblhgbg`' memory of Virginia SYLVAIN REY i^` bl PaZmZ[nk`^kĂ?l g^p show up. The 9L==@E>KFE @M Tech is still fresh in our ;^\Znl^ fhlm i^hie^ pah [bg`^ iZmmr f^em% Zg] maZm khng] watch party had minds. ahe^ bl rhnk dbll^k% rhn ]kbgd Zk^gĂ?m Ze\hahe&]^i^g]^gm% EDITORIAL 10-15 It is passers-by, to avoid such violence that the Harrold [^m\aZ'Ă&#x2039; ma^ ikh[e^f bl ^Zlr mh ]blfbll' ;nm school district, ahg^ smallh_ district near\hff^k\bZe Wichita while or six Mabl five pZl fZgr ROUNDUP g^Zker hg^&mabk] h_ \hee^`^ lmn]^gml Falls, has,watched with Gov. Rick Perryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s makhn`ahnm support, bgm^kknimbhgl bgl^km^] i^kbh]b\Zeer actually The issue: passed a decision that makes Harroldhi^gbg` the pbee ^g`Z`^ bg [bg`^ ]kbgdbg` Zm e^Zlm ma^ +))1 ;^bcbg` Herfib\l the_hnk&ahnk debate.district Comfirst school in the nation to pass such Presidential debate \^k^fhgr [khZ]\Zlm hg G;<' B dghp fZgr hg\^ ]nkbg` likbg` [k^Zd% Z\\hk]bg` these twofZr [^ abining measure. watch parties i^hie^ hnm ma^k^ lni^k ^q\bm^] Z[hnm mh ma^ GZmbhgZe Bglmbmnm^ hg :e\hahe The resolution, passed last\hp&Zg]&f^em^]& week, allows very different PaZmZ[nk`^kĂ?l _Zg\r g^p hosted by Student :[nl^ Zg] teachers to carry guns at school if they have a \a^^l^&hg&[k^Z] \k^Zmbhg% Zg] mabl k^o^eZmbhg events doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Congress have seen state permit and district authorization. :e\haheblf' fZr aZo^ aZ] Z _^p h_ ma^f bg ma^bk \Zkl hg ma^bk <;@KFI@8C display the imturnout among The logic behind the little decision is simple: pZr mh ma^ _Zlm&_hh] k^lmZnkZgm aZe_pZr makhn`a Bm mZd^l ma^ portance of this IFLE;LG students. If licensed teachers;nm carry^o^krhg^Ă?l weapons, defense ma^ \hff^k\bZe' ikbhkbmb^l [h]r mph ahnkl We B suggest: against a potential murderer will be\ahhl^ made Z election. Zk^ ]b__^k^gm' I^klhgZeer% phne] K_\ `jjl\1 hg Zo^kZ`^ mh easier and quicker. Student Congress jnZ]k^ggbZe ngbo^klZe ^o^gm ho^k _Zlm&_hh]' This semester, Jgi`e^ Yi\Xb But,gh thelnkikbl^ very fact that are now ]b`^lm Zg] _neer BmĂ?l maZm guns Z]o^kmblbg` aZl mZd^g should be allowed more Z\c\YiXk`fej ZXe c\X[ kf SC formed the our inY`e^\ [i`eb`e^% schools, where children ho^k hnk ebo^l' >o^krpa^k^ p^ theoretically mnkg% p^ Zk^ organized in k^\ho^k _khf Political Event receive the they need to be a part of mh N\ jl^^\jk1 ^qihl^] mh education ang]k^]l h_ planning Z]l hk `bffb\dl events hg^ ]kbgd% Z\& Coordinating society, is pZgm worrying â&#x20AC;&#x201D; even scary. Befn k_\ j`^ej f] fZd^ nl mh [nr' Bkhgb\Zeer% p^ aZo^ ^o^g and coordinating Only Thailand and Israel policies XcZf_fc gf`jfe`e^ Y\]fi\ [^\hf^ pZedbg` Z]l pbma \hk]bg` mh ma^ hnk have bIh]l% eZ[^e^] Committee to get with other groups [i`eb`e^ XcZf_fc% allowing armed protection in schools. <^gm^kl _hk labkml Zg] c^Zgl% lihkml aZml Zg] hma^k Ă&#x160;ehhd groups together In Thailand, it is to defend students and to create a better paZm B [hn`amĂ&#x2039; iZkZia^kgZebZ' =bl^Zl^ <hg& and plan for the faculty against Muslim separatists who have hg PaZm bkdl f^ bl maZm Z]o^kmbl^kl mkh] political atmosphere mkhe Zg] Ik^o^gmbhg' FZgr [^eb^o^ election season. been waging a bloody war since 2004. lZ\k^] `khng] [r bg_bemkZmbg` Zg] mZkgblabg` ma^ on campus. In maZm [eZ\d \h__^^% Z \he] lahp^k% If the groups are \^k^fhgr pbma ,)&l^\hg] lZe^l ibm\a^l' Lbg\^ ma^ lnff^k Herfib\l mZd^ ieZ\^ hg\^ pZedbg` hk le^^ibg` pbee lh[^k Z working together, ^o^kr _hnk r^Zkl% ma^ kZk^ h\\nkk^g\^ pZkkZgml ]kngd fhk^ jnb\der' Ma^l^ Zk^ frmal' they should promote events accordingly. Z ehp^k ]hlZ`^ h_ Z]o^kmblbg` ^qihlnk^' BĂ?f Ma^ hger mabg` maZm pbee k^o^kl^ ma^ SCmaZm hosted second]b]gĂ?m presidential ZpZk^ ma^ the [khZ]\Zlm \hf^ _hk debate _k^^% ^__^\ml h_ Ze\hahe bl mbf^' watch party Tuesday, while the Young Con[nm Z ]b__^k^gm fhg^r&fZdbg` mZ\mb\ \hne] aZo^ [^^g _heehp^]' H_m^g% fhob^l [khZ]\Zlm _hk ma^ ;nm mbf^ blgĂ?m hg rhnk lb]^ b_ rhn servatives of Texas sent out a message via Fa_bklm mbf^ saying hg ghg\Z[e^ lmZmbhgl Zk^ the ik^l^gm^] lnli^\m Ze\hahe ihblhgbg`' Dghpbg` cebook they were hosting event. \hff^k\bZe&_k^^% maZgdl mh ma^ iZkmb\neZk ma^ lb`gl Zg] pa^g mh l^^d f^]b\Ze This causes confusion about whether the lihglhk pah \ahl^ mh makhp bg ma^ \Zla' Lnk^er a^ei \hne] [^ ma^ ]b__^k^g\^ [^mp^^g event is for everyone â&#x20AC;&#x201D; \^k^fhgr McCain and Obama ma^ Herfib\l hi^gbg` ]^l^ko^l [^mm^k mk^Zmf^gm maZg ma^ m^e^oblbhg ik^fb^k^ h_ eb_^ Zg] ]^Zma' supporters. Ă&#x160;Lni^k[Z]Ă&#x2039; hk Ă&#x160;+0 =k^ll^l'Ă&#x2039; Ohfbmbg` bl hg^ h_ ma^ ^Zkeb^lm Promotion of these events should be @kZgm^]% ma^ m^e^\Zlm pZl ghm ebo^' Pbma Zg lb`gl% Z\\hk]bg` mh ma^ GB:::' ramped up andmbf^ of any other events Zo^kZ`^ *+&ahnk ]b__^k^g\^ _khf being <abgZ% ontraditional students attest to the value ;^\Znl^ Ze\hahe bl Z lmhfZ\a bkkbmZgm% planned for the election. SC representatives :f^kb\Zgl p^k^ cnlm [^`bggbg` ma^bk ]Zrl pa^g of _hkf^k post-secondary education. AZkhng] degree <abgZĂ?l HerfibZg Gbg` could visitthe classrooms toEb get thekZg word out, ohfbmbg` bl _Zbker \hffhg% ahp^o^k% can mean difference between retirement ma^ mhi bglb]^ ^]`^ h_ ma^ ghp&_Zfhnl ;bk]Ă?l plan more activities and use more than just ohfbmbg` [^\hf^l iZkmb\neZker or pushing the tea cart at Lubyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cafeteria. G^lm Zk^gZ mh eb`am ma^ Herfib\ _eZf^ Zg] Younger peoplecalendar. with;^\Znl^ degrees are far more likely the university ]Zg`^khnl Z_m^k iZllbg` hnm' ^g] ma^ \^k^fhgr' ma^ ^o^gm fZgr to get three orindividual four jobs in their like careers Of course, groups the that Hma^k lb`gl mh pZm\a _hk bg\en]^ :f^kb\Zgl lZp pZl ik^k^\hk]^]% bm ehlm ob^pbg` include annual vacation oZen^' ?hhmZ`^ ^]bmhkl aZ] mbf^ mh lb_m makhn`a University Democrats andand the Young f^gmZe \hg_nlbhg% l^bsnk^l% lehp hk time health Concare, ma^ ^gmbk^ \^k^fhgr mh \nm hnm l^\mbhgl ma^r _^em servatives of Texas will have their own bkk^`neZk [k^Zmabg`% Zg] iZe^ hk [en^ rather than two or plans, three phne] [^ ZiikhikbZm^ lehml mh `bo^ ma^bk iZrbg` job SC changes perbe year with but collaboration with should more ldbg' Z]o^kmbl^kl Z \aZg\^ mh inla ma^bk pZk^l' no paid vacation while organized to attract more students on a nonB_ Ze\hahe ihblhgbg` bl ngmk^Zm^]% Ik^lb]^gm ;nlaĂ?l LmZm^ h_ ma^ Ngbhg pZl enduring fixable health [khZ]\Zlm \hff^k\bZe&_k^^' MaZm [hkbg` \enl& partisan level. ma^ ob\mbf \Zg \ahd^ hg abl hk problems that worsen m^k h_ ahnkl \^kmZbger ]^l^ko^] Z PaZmZ[nk`^k Many students will beneglect. voting for the a^k hpg ohfbm hk [k^Zmabg` hk from [k^Zd' first time in this historic election. A degreeTheispri- a a^Zkm[^Zm fZr \^Zl^' B_ ma^ ob\mbf Ma^ fZbg mabg` ehlm bg ma^ \hff^k\bZe& profound benefit in mary season and the contentious campaign ebo^l% Zg Ze\hahe ho^k]hl^ \Zg e^Z] mh kb]]^g \^k^fhgr% [^lb]^l _bo^ fbgnm^ \angdl America. Sadly, formal rocked theHALE world Zlb]^ that ismh watching how this maZm p^k^ mhll^] inm bg _Zlm&_hh] CLIFF bkk^o^klb[e^ [kZbg ]ZfZ`^' education is primarily \hff^k\bZel% pZl k^li^\m' :iiZk^gmer pa^g bm plays out. B_ rhn l^^ Zgr h_ ma^l^ pZkgbg` found in academia â&#x20AC;&#x201D; an \hf^l mh fZdbg` ma^ [b` [n\dl% ^o^g Z phke] SC and the other groups at the institution that has a venerable anduniversity deserved lb`gZel% \Zee 2** bff^]bZm^er' ^o^gm _Zbel mh `Zkg^k Z ebmme^ [bm h_ Ziik^\bZmbhg reputation for incompetence. have a responsibility to get the out and =hgĂ?m pZbm _hk rhnk _kb^g] mh lh[^k Zg] Z _hnk&ahnk fhf^gm h_ word Z]o^kmblbg` One example istothe ridiculous UTA get students excited vote â&#x20AC;&#x201D; especially for lbe^g\^' ni hk _hk fhk^ lrfimhfl mh Zii^Zk' financial aid system. Ngmbe Z]o^kmbl^kl \hf^ mh ma^bk an l^gl^l Zg] the first time. It will give them oppor=hgĂ?m phkkr maZm rhnk _kb^g] fZr `^m Students typically plan their semesters far e^Zo^ hnk [kZbgpZla^] a^Z]l Zg] ^fimr pZee^ml tunity to seeMany how are much votingtomatters and in advance. required get advising nil^m hk ^f[ZkkZll^] [^\Znl^ rhn Zehg^% BĂ?f `hbg` mh `h `^m frl^e_ Z iZmmr f^em'
Home Sweet Where?
Bad information, poor communication fails=kbgdbg` Z`^ k^lmkb\mbhgl bg^__^\mbo^% `khni k^\hff^g]l \aZg`^ to address the deeper problem costs students time, money, stress Asking the Almighty for a win is a waste of prayer :\khll ma^ \hngmkr% *+1 \hee^`^ \hee^`^ lmn]^gml m^g] mh ]kbgd pa^g ma^r
Bg mZdbg` k^lihglb[bebmr bg ma^l^ Zk^Zl%
ik^lb]^gml Zg] \aZg\^eehkl aZo^ lb`g^] ma^ bm lahne] Zelh [^ applied ni mh for ma^ on-campus *1&r^Zk&he] only deep reflections on society will help. Israel, armed guards are employed to potentially war, ande^Zo^ ahf^ _hk ma^ _bklm mbf^' Ma^ iZk^gml Students who If it is not the case, then arming everybody may fend off:f^marlm terrorists from Israeli schools. In both housing ran into problems this semesBgbmbZmbo^% hi^gbg` Z ]bZeh`n^ Zk^gĂ?m Zkhng] lh lmn]^gml Zk^ `hbg` mh Z]nem mh mZd^ k^lihglb[bebmr _hk ma^fl^eo^l countries, the necessity of these measures is backfire. ter â&#x20AC;&#x201D; there wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t enough to go around. Z[hnm ehp^kbg` ma^ ]kbgdbg` Z`^ _khf +* ^qi^kbf^gm Ă&#x2030; fZr[^ bkk^lihglb[er' hg ma^ blln^ h_ ]kbgdbg`' Bm blgĂ?m ni mh ma^ A professor trained to shoot and licensed to imposed by a state of war that involves potentially University Housing should be more ormh *1' FZgr lmhkb^l h_ +*lm [bkma]Zr ngbo^klbmr mh [Z[rlbm Z]neml' carry a gun may himself become a weapon if he serious attacks on civilians. accountable for its mistakes. Mabl pbee [^ bg^__^\mbo^' Ma^ hkb`bgZe eZp \^e^[kZmbhgl bgoheo^ +* lahml h_ ebjnhk% ganized Ahp bl and maZm ihllb[e^8 Phne] ma^ ngb& If the U.S. now also resorts to such extreme turns mad. More than 4,000 students live infans The fact that citizens have to provide for their defense maZm measures, should we then understand that You good health, no drunken whatever deity you who scrapes by every week. od apparently playsZ`^ fa-mh +* God, \aZg`^] ma^ ]kbgdbg` pZl orhk oZkbZmbhgl h_ [bg`^ ]kbgdbg` maZm h_m^g o^klbmr i^k_hkf khhf bgli^\mbhgl bg ^o^kr halls referees. or apartments. ownto defense to a failure law to more do it. selfish thancampus the nation is at war? I mean, at war with itself. choose and untainted Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s get that. residence worship, needs to be of the vorites. bg^__^\mbo^ mhh' Fbghkl ]kbgd pa^ma^k ma^ ^g] points bg Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ]kngd ]kbobg` canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ]^Zmal hk Ze\hahe ]hkf mh lgb__ hnm ma^ Ze\hahe8 Ma^g ma^k^ nothing increasing, wrong with asking The only thing to doenrollment now becomes better laws. If God has With offproblem the field. selfishtotocreate If this is the case, then guns will not what solve thekeptThe At least thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s housing will eZp bl ma^k^ hk ghm' Zk^ ma^ pah ebo^ h__ \Zfinl your deity of choice that no oneĂ&#x2030; with is lmn]^gml aihblhgbg`' win. sure his an objective sports game view- whine fornot, everyIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m onepretty will enforce ownin law,the andon-field action remain an issue. in the stands notices ama^g8 supreme skill and talent He paZm gaveThe to He hasbl better things to Zg] do than er can deduce the Constitution itself will bethe the final Fhma^kl :`Zbglm =kngd =kbobg` IZk^gml F:== lZr victim ngbo^klbmr phne] ma^ ikhmh\he [^ numbers Lmn& reported waiting list wedgie or wayward jock strap. thek^lihglb[bebmr players. the victor of Zk^ a local when teams decide â&#x20AC;&#x201D;h__b\bZel it will become useless. ahiibg` fZ] Z[hnm ma^ bgbmbZmbo^% lZrbg` ghm high mZdbg` _hk ]^gml Zg] iZk^gml phne] ghm [^ aZiir werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t concise â&#x20AC;&#x201D; some students took what does it mean if God may have even inflicted gameaâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; things pray before school football Possessing weapon is not inAnd itself deadly, maZm ehp^kbg` ma^ playing, ]kbgdbg` Z`^ bgobm^l lmn]^gmlĂ? ng]^kZ`^ ]kbgdbg`' <hee^`^ Z[hnm ngbo^klbmr [^\hfbg` Z iheb\^ off-campus and inthese occurrences fordidnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t entertainare on team?ma^bk the world, hiring ask- like running neither is shooting it for fun.you But when gunsthe losing apartments form housing so the list was incorrect, ik^lb]^gml Zg] ikhihg^gml h_ ma^ bgbmbZmbo^ lmZm^' fhk^ Ze\hahe&k^eZm^] _ZmZebmb^l' youoffacing forassociated the Gateswith of Heaving The Guy bouncersare madness Are and lack self- a fiery eternal ment value. If you win,k^fZbgl3 donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t thank Him because God said obvianbecome ArmagedHendricks, Housing OpUp Top to en and penciling control, they deadly damnation and no one can Ma^ eZp pZl Zm *1 r^Zkl he] ngmbe lZr fbghkl pbee _bg] Z pZr Ma^ Matthew lbfie^ _Z\m ma^ eZp for the achievement. Thank ously hates you and wanted to don or two onto His calendar. grant them predict madness. erations assistant director. gh fZmm^k paZm ]h^lgĂ?m phkd' Ma^ _Z\m maZm bm bl bee^`Ze fZr ma^ GZmbhgZe Fbgbfnf =kbgdbg` Him you the opporseebe: you wallow While His a win. When Theselection question may to askbe should Why are in defeat? UnHe said thefor listgiving now comprises fewer ma^ eZp lZrl' fZd^ ]kbgdbg` l^^f ^gmb\bg` :`^ :\m h_ *21-' one Ebd^ fhlm tunity to play, thefhk^ strength to likely. Unless you truly^o^g believe as random â&#x20AC;&#x153;eenie, meenie, team eZpl thereasschool shootings in America? than 100 students, and housing is still Lh pa^k^ ]h^l mh fbghkl participate pah fb`am _^^e Z pZr <hg`k^ll iZll^l% mabl hg^ and formaZm yourbmĂ?l teamevery basketball, football ridiculous where to that defeats their minee, MO!â&#x20AC;?, In itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Switzerland, every single available at Centennial Courtwork and Johnwhose hard and orma^ baseball game is a battle for mates will favor onea weapon com- â&#x20AC;&#x201D; o p p o n e n t , think Hehousehold owns every person k^lihglb[bebmr mh k^[^e' pZl Z ebmme^ Zf[b`nhnl' son Creek apartments. practice brought you the win. your soul. petitor based on the intensity itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s as if their is a citizen-soldier, no such shootings are RAY EDWARD : i^klhg ng]^k +* bl ghm F:== lZrl ]kngd&]kbobg` Z\\b]^gml Hendricks said his â&#x20AC;&#x153;will When IK_\ J_fik_fie1 8ekfe`eX ;f\jZ_\i windepartment the lotto, I plan think praying should prayer. The problem then liesIindonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t religious re- level of areported. the heart BUFFINGTON IV aZo^ ]^\k^Zl^] lbg\^ ma^ eZp aZl [^^g Zeehp^] mh [nr Ze\hahe to thank Him for letting me be kicked out of sports entirely. Lord knows Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve prayed super quest were continue to monitor demand for housof American society. keep my hands enabling me to Pray for injur i ^__^\m% e sand , make the lottery, yet founded be- hard on winning bg ing Zg] GZmbhgpb]^ BglnkZg\^ hk ihll^ll Ze\hahe% answered [nm If schools, which were to no make decisions about building circle the winning numbers. an empty-walleted cause He felt one deserved it Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m still better citizens, are themselves victims of ikh]n\^] Z lnko^r lZrbg` maZm 0+ i^k\^gm ma^ eZp ]h^l ghm ikhab[bm more housing based on the number ofI may even take Him out to dincollege social student more than the other. violence, then they have failed in their students interh_ Z]neml ner. mabgd ehp^kbg` ma^ ]kbgdbg` ]kbgdbg` Ze\hahe' Imagine standing in a linerole. School shootings and violence are the ested in living mh H_ for \hnkl^% ma^k^ with bl ma^ Z`^ pbee fZd^ Ze\hahe fhk^ Z\\^llb[e^ I hope He likes Chinese. up dodge-ball God most dramatic symptoms of a deeper illness. EDITORIAL and r \abe]ahh] pZl Z lbfie^ mbf^ pa^g ma^ some other nonB pZl ma^bk [Z] bg_en^g\^'on campus.â&#x20AC;? Bg maZm fhf^gm fbghk ^q\^imbhg' Bg M^qZl% b_ And guns are not the cure.B iZll^] bgmh ma^ phke] fbghkl' ROUNDUP descript as Zg] pabm^' Ebg^l p^k^ h_ â&#x20AC;&#x201D; ma^ Ray Edward Some stu- Ă&#x160;[Z] Ghp% BĂ?f ghm lZrbg` B pZl mrib\Ze phke] person pZl ln[c^\mbobmr Ă&#x2030; ma^ phke]% Only a deeper analysis of Z]nem the roots and pa^k^ pbma iZk^gml hk [eZ\d Z `nZk]bZg% R^m p^ Zelh aZo^ mh \hglb]^k maZm ma^ eZp teamghm [enkk^] pbma ma^ laZ]^l h_ `kZr maZm captains seBuffington IVthe is a The issue: ^o^krmabg` bl ghm violence Zl bm l^^fl' B provide aZ] bf[b[^]% db]'Ă&#x2039; K^eZmbo^er li^Zdbg`% ahp^o^k% B pZl fhk^ dents felt conditions of social will ]kbgdbg` bl Zeehp^]' B_ rhn fZkkr maZm kZbl^] ma^ ]kbgdbg` Z`^ pZl iZll^] bg lect fr players. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re journalism senior fbl\ab^ohnl maZg fr _kb^g]l pah p^k^ bg_^lm eb_^ ghp' ;Z\d ma^g% hg^ mabg` pZl an ng]^k ma^ `nbl^ h_ \ah\heZm^ fbed% ma^ fhlm Students on waitexplanation and shape better, long-term department fZ]^ gave lhf^hg^ pah bl ho^k +* pabe^ rhn Zk^ Z lists mbf^ pa^g ma^ eZpl \hg\^kgbg` sweating because and a]Zber columnist bgmh ing ]h\be^ shf[b^l ma^bk HoZembg^' mkn^% hg^ mabg` pZl \^kmZbg' ]^lib\Z[e^ _Zel^ ikhia^m h_ ]Zbkr mk^Zml lbg\^ *21-% policies. werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t in-[r them the runyou forgot to pray for The A^Zkbg` ma^f lZr Ă&#x160;Fhk^ HoZembg^% ie^Zl^ Ă&#x2039; pZl MaZm mabg` pZl \ah\heZm^ fbed' G^lme^ Jnbd Ă&#x2030; HoZembg^' ghm r^m +*% rhn Zelh `^m mh ]kbgd' Ze\hahe p^k^ `^g^kZeer fhk^ k^eZq^]' @^m& And America will avoid an undeclared, formed of housing around. At orito beZ on Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team\ah\heZm^ fbed bg eZk`^ underground Shorthorn. \k^^ir' :l [hr B ^gchr^] HoZembg^ pZl Zg] bl ma^ Zgmbma^lbl h_ civil war. Ma^ morning, bgbmbZmbo^ lZrl ma^ \nkk^gm eZp mbg` Z =PB bg *21- pZl Z \Zd^pZed \hf& availability and had entation in July, that which B pZl ma^ db] pahl^ ahnl^ ma^r phne] `h mh jnZgmbmb^l' Bm pZl lh lbfie^' B phne] cnlm fbq ^o^krmabg` maZm \ah\heZm^ to find other places blgĂ?m phkdbg`' Lmn]^gml mnkg mh [bg`^ iZk^] mh paZm Z i^klhg `h^l makhn`a ghp% coincidently always one freshman, Z \ni h_ fbed pbma Zg bghk]bgZm^ Zfhngm h_ fbed lmZg]l _hk' ?bklm% bm pa^g ma^r pZgm^] mh pZm\a Z fhob^ hk ieZr Z to live. wins. God covers His ]kbgdbg`% p ab\a \Zg e^Z] B mh phne] ]Zg`^khnl who asked not `Zf^ ]^^f^] mhh obhe^gm hk i^ko^kl^ _hk ma^bk \ah\heZm^ lrkni Zg] ZpZr kb]^ hg Z ebd^ Z senior ik^l\kbimbhg pab\a bl Z\mnZeer Z `hh] mabg`' â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Sylvain Rey is anlhng]l anthropology We suggest: eyes, spins around, ik^\bhnl ebmme^ fbg]l' GZmnkZeer% mabl e^] mh Z ehm _ZgmZlmb\ ln`Zk ab`a h_ ]^eb\bhnlg^ll' ]kn`' L^\hg]% bmĂ?l gnmkbmbhnl' to be named, \hgl^jn^g\^l' :\\hk]bg` mh ma^ :e\hahe Iheb\r Bg_hk& and columnist for The Shorthorn University Housing stops and points at h_ [eZf^ makhpg bg fr ]bk^\mbhg' Ma^g B `k^p he]^k' ObmZfbgl Zg] fbg^kZel% fZmbhg The Shorthorn: Eduardo Villagrana was told by a Lmn]^gml Zelh \ahhl^ mh ]kbgd Lrlm^f% Z[hnm .%))) ng]^kZ`^ should commuaBg ma^ pZgbg` r^Zkl h_ fr ^e^f^gmZkr l\ahhe random person â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Hg^ mbf^ bg iZkmb\neZk% B receptionist pZl k^Zf^] that [r Z l^kbhnler8 Pah lebii^] bee^`Zeer kZma^k maZg ]^Zmal h\\nk a sneaky rouse to pZbm _hk ma^ [b` nicate better with iZk^gm _hk k^eZm^] ^qihlbg` abl hk a^k \abe] ZggnZeer% mh Fhgmr \Zk^^k% B obob]er k^f^f[^k ieZrbg` Gbgm^g]h Zm mahl^ bg ma^k^8 MaZmĂ?l ]kbgdbg` no wait list exmake you believe +*' Ma^ bgbmbZmbo^ lZrl maZm ehp^kbg` students to prevent Irmahg _befl bg ma^ _hnkma `kZ]^' Hhil' Zefhlm Zl ik^ihlm^khnl Zl _khf \Zk Z\\b]^gml mh ahfb\b]^ hk lnb\b]^' fr _kb^g]Ă?l ahnl^ pa^g abl fhma^k% bg Z Ă&#x160;E^Zo^ isted atlZrl all. Z[hnm His pick is comconfusion in the _^^e NembfZm^er% B ]hgĂ?m mhh [hma^k^] _bg]bg` iaZkfZ\^nmb\Zel bg Bm mh ;^Zo^kĂ&#x2039; _Zlabhg% Zld^] nl b_ p^Ă?] ebd^ lhf^ ma^ Z`^ ebfbml pbee \nk[ [bg`^ ]kbgdbg` Ik^lb]^gm CZf^l LiZgbheh maZm pletely by chance. She was given fr k^o^eZmbhg' B ]hgĂ?m iZkmb\neZker fbg] fr rhnk pZm^k lniier' \ah\heZm^ fbed' B eZn`a^] Zm _bklm% Zllnfbg` la^ future. Zg] pbma and ma^ eZp Ă&#x2030; fZdbg` fhk^ k^l^Zk\a g^^]l mh [^ ]hg^ [^_hk^ ma^ You\eZla^l are S.O.L. K_\ J_fik_fie1 8ekfe`eX ;f\jZ_\i aB Villagrana letter said [Z] bg_en^g\^' `hm mh that lahp fr ;^rhg] fr jnZefl pbma iZlm Zl ma^ pZl Zldbg` Z ka^mhkb\Ze jn^lmbhg' The Shorthorn: Eduardo shuffle to]kbgdbg` the losingl^^f e^ll `eZfhkhnl ng]^kZ`^ _kb^g]l lhf^ h_ ma^ _nggb^lm ma^ mZlm^ Zg] gnmkbmbhgZe ngbo^klbmr \Zg mZd^ Z ihlbmbhg' La^ pZlgĂ?m' tofZm^kbZe show upZkhng] on G?@CC@G 9FN;<E team. lbg\^ bm phne] [^ e^`Ze' Ng]^kZ`^ `hbg` toZpZr' oZen^ h_ HoZembg^ Ă&#x2030; Zg] pZr [^_hk^ ma^rĂ?] _bgZeer [k^Zd ma^ laZ\de^l h_ Ebd^ Zgr *)&r^Zk&he] pbma Z [kZbg Zg] Zg eb^8 Fhlm \hee^`^ lmn]^gml Zk^ ho^k *1% lh the first day]kbgdbg` of classesbl toghm attempt ma^bk iZk^gmlĂ? bg_en^g\^ Zg] l^^ bm ma^fl^eo^l' bml _Z\Z]^ h_ eb^l Ă&#x2030; B pZl Fhk^ Z\abg` ikhi^glbmr _hk \Zobmb^l% B ^q\bm^]er ma^r Zk^ \hglb]^k^] Z]neml' Ma^r \Zg ohm^% Lhf^ fbghkl `^m _Zd^ B=l hk `^m he]^k Zk^ room ghm from ma^ no-show lhenmbhg' stuMa^r grabeZpl a dorm B ]hgĂ?m dghp b_ ma^r ^o^k jnbm maZm HoZembg^ abm fZkkb^]% pbma Z lmnggbg` k^o^eZmbhg Z[hnm fr \hne] [^ Z iZkm h_ ma^ ikh[e^f' lZb] r^l' hk Fbgnm^l iZll^]% k^Zii^Zk^] _kb^g]l \eZllfZm^l mh Zg] [nr la^ ma^ Ze\hahe% `^m [nr mh[Z\\h% l^ko^ bg ma^ dents on a first-come first-serve basis. pbma mph `eZll^l maZm `Zo^ ^o^kr bfik^llbhg h_ k^eZmbhglabil pbma fr _kb^g]l pahl^ iZk^gml mahn`a' BmĂ?l Z [Z] l\^g^% fZg' This seems like a chaotic situation â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Ma^ Lahkmahkg ^]bmhkbZe [hZk] [nm Zefhlm ^o^krhg^ Z`k^^l maZm ng]^kZ`^ fbebmZkr Zg] ebo^ Zehg^' & \hgmZbgbg` \ah\heZm^ fbed' B Z\\^im^] Z `eZll _hk\^] ma^f bgmh ma^bk ZihlmZlr h_ ink^ Ă&#x2021; G_`cc`g 9fn[\e `j X Zfdglk\i jZ`\eZ\ ale`fi show up, wait around and get assigned \ah\heZm^ fbed' Zg] [khn`am bm jnb\der mh fr ebil' Xe[ Zfclde`jk ]fi K_\ J_fik_fie%
G K_\ Nfic[ `j
B_ rhn p^k^ ^o^k Z [Z] bg_en^g\^% [eZf^ ma^ \ah\heZm^ fbed
Heaps of Hypocrisy
Students must be diligent and forward-thinking to succeed, but the favor isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t always returned
Allâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fair in Love and Burritos
students sign up for a certain number of slower than most students are, and the Bursarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s class hours, and the result is posted in the office is less than diligent about skimming off university system. the universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s percentage before sending the Financial aid, however, does not consult leftovers to the eager student. C<KK<IJ the documented plan of the student and base Standing in line at the start of a semester <e^c`j_ dXafij Xe[# jligi`j`e^cp# _`^_\i k_Xe \Zf$ disbursement decisions on this information. at the Bursarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office, or sitting with a â&#x20AC;&#x153;now DXk_ dXb\j \oZ\cc\ek dXafij# efd`Zj Xe[ Z_\d`jkip dXafij% Rather, the system assumes a full course load servingâ&#x20AC;? number at the Financial the8ZZfi[`e^ kf k_\ jXcXip jlim\p ]fi Zfcc\^\ [\$ same slip thinginâ&#x20AC;Śhand do we? Surely I feel some he â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lâ&#x20AC;? word is tricky for some college d`efij ]fi afY jXk`j]XZk`fe and awards grants, scholarships and loans Aid office, reveals that this flawed concept sort of other fuzzy feelings when it# k_\ d\Xe comes to students to grasp. ^i\\j i\gfik\[ Xk nnn%gXpjZXc\%Zfd to cover the maximum possible the bestabout plansa of the one most-prepared thinking loved versus the perfect Especially whenexpenditure caught up in a frustrates jXcXip f] X [\^i\\ _fc[\i n`k_ X 9XZ_\cfij f] 8ik =fi LK8 le[\i^iX[lXk\ jkl[\ekj n_f Xi\ of a full-time student.â&#x20AC;&#x201D;The mosta definition likely logic and forward-thinking student. blend of cheeses, hot sauce and refried beans relationship because has never `e dXk_ `j .-#-'/ `] _\ fi j_\ nfibj Xj Xe XZklXip# for this k_`eb`e^ f] af`e`e^ k_\ nfib]fiZ\ X]k\i ^iX[lXk`fe# @ is been to make certain that the full-time Nontraditional students often tortilla. have much wrapped in a single floury applied. 0/#/+. ]fi Xe `e]fidXk`fe k\Z_efcf^p dXeX^\i# studentjl^^\jk X dXk_ dXafi# X [lXc dXafi n`k_ dXk_ Y\`e^ has every centime available to get his more experience in the private sector than in Honestly, in the burritoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s case, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s probably Sure, Webster gave it a go â&#x20AC;&#x201D; but in the Xe[ 0-#0*( ]fi X j\e`fi jf]knXi\ \e^`e\\i% \`k_\i k_\ gi`dXip fi j\Zfe[Xip dXafi# fi Xk c\Xjk Pabe^ lhf^ phne] lZr ma^ g^pl l^\mbhg bl E^mĂ?l mZd^ Z g^p ehhd Zm Ma^ Lahkmahkg ' or her semester rolling. academia and other government bureaucracies. just a bad case of gas. end, love is too broad a Gif]\jj`feXc ^iX[lXk\ jZ_ffcj `e Ylj`e\jj# cXn# X dXk_ d`efi% ma^ [kZbgl% ma^ hibgbhg l^\mbhg bl ]^_bgbm^er Ma^ lmn]^gm&kng g^pliZi^k aZl mph `hZel If a student has chosen not to attend fullWhat For many, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quitebrings a culture to see how Which us toshock dilemma No. 2: Is love subject to define. Xe[ d\[`Z`e\ cfm\ Xggc`ZXekj n`k_ Xe le[\i^iX[lXk\ ma^ a^Zkm h_ Ă&#x2030; made mh ik^l^gm Z\\nkZm^ bg_hkfZmbhg Z[hnm Ma^ Lahkmahkg ' P^Ă?ee m^ee ma^ time and the decision clear by registering lenient university administration is toward Lek`c XYflk ('$(, p\Xij X^f# k_\ afY gifjg\Zkj all about feelings? It depends on the context. would your seventh grade dXk_ dXafi% blln^l \hgg^\m^] mh ma^ \hffngbmr Zg] ikh& for less-than-full-time hours,teacher he or she stilldo ifmediocre, and performance. ]fi dXk_ dXafij n\i\ \`k_\i efk m\ip ^ff[ fi c`d$ AtLK8Ă&#x2039;j DXk_\dXk`Zj ;\gXikd\ek f]]\ij gif^iXdj firstworse, those warm, fuzzy feelings may hint haveisyou you _Z\ml% lmZm^ hnk lmZg\^ Zg] lheb\bm _^^][Z\d Ă&#x2030; ob]^ Z _hknf _hk k^Z]^kl' P^ pbee ^o^kr pa^k^ rhn important \hf^ bg' ifP^ pZgm mh issued the full-time funds, and when financial OnemaZmĂ?l ofdeeper the most lessons a dghp `k\[% Efn# \m\ipk_`e^ `j [`]]\i\ek% @ nflc[ Xi^l\ k_Xk ]fi le[\i^iX[lXk\j c\X[`e^ kf 9XZ_\cfi f] 8ikj fi at infatuation. But love is based on didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know thenl^ definition l^\mbhg bg ma^ iZi^k mh Z\\hfiebla cnlm maZm' paZm rhn mabgd' L^g] nl rhnk e^mm^kl% pkbm^ aid decides to do its homework after the fact, student can get at a university is the collateral k_\i\ _Xj e\m\i Y\\e X Y\kk\i k`d\ kf Y\ X dXk_ 9XZ_\cfi f] JZ`\eZ\# Xe[ fli dXafij `e k_\j\ gif$ shallow goose-bumps and butterflies, what of a word? Look at the E^mĂ?l ehhd funded Zm paZm fZmm^kl rhn3 Z `n^lm \henfg% ehhd _hk p^^der iheel hg ma^ it discovers thatmZd^ it hasZ fully a part-time education of example, poor good. dXafi# Xe[ LK8 `j X m\ip ^ff[ gcXZ\ ]fi `k% ^iXdj i\Z\`m\ i`^fiflj kiX`e`e^ `e XYjkiXZk Xe[ cf^`$ remains after they areand gone? Is itBefore still love? context, she wouldmh say, AfY jXk`j]XZk`fe `j Xdfe^ k_\ _`^_\jk ]fi dXk_ mh]ZrĂ?l ^\hghfr% ma^ iZ`^ Zg] ohm^ hgebg^' Mabl bl rhnk _hknf' studentlnkobobg` and snapsbg the money back again. launching into the private sector, be ZXc i\Xjfe`e^# Zi`k`ZXc k_`eb`e^# dXk_\dXk`ZXc XeXcp$ And therein lies dilemma No.certain 3: Is it and therein youbg^obmZ[e^ will find [\^i\\ _fc[\ij% @e k_\ (000 \[`k`fe f] AfYj IXk\[ jn^lmbhg Ă&#x160;PaZm ghp8Ă&#x2039;% MZd^ ehhd Zm ppp'ma^lahkmahkg'\hf ' Bm Financial Aid Z_m^k Office `kZ]nZmbhg% notifies the Bursarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to know that Z to this style is that j`j# gifYc\d jfcm`e^# Xe[ ZfdglkXk`feXc j`dlcXk`fej% possible fall management out of love? If you believe the answer. 8cdXeXZ # k_\ dXk_\dXk`Z`Xe iXeb\[ ]`]k_ f] ),' \hgmbgn^l mh ^qiZg] pbma fnembf^]bZ m^eebg` office oflmZrbg` lZg^ bg Z lmk^ll_ne ^gobkhgf^gm Zg]% the award amount, and in theonspecialized of If K_\p Xi\ n\cc$gi\gXi\[ ]fi X n`[\ iXe^\ f] ZXi\\ij love is based feelings, thenbubble absolutely. So Ithe did.Bursar And I ranonly into effective gif]\jj`fej YXj\[ fe k_\ j`o Zi`k\i`X f] `eZfd\# `e `e[ljkip# ]`eXeZ\# \[lZXk`fe# Xe[ ^fm\ied\ek% h_ \hnkl^% fZdbg` l^gl^ h_ ^e^\mbhg \ho^kZ`^ \hfi^eebg` Z[hnm topaZmĂ?l withholds owed tuition and fees andtrouble only than academia. you can fall lmhkb^l in love, whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s say youaZii^gbg` canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even more jki\jj# g_pj`ZXc [\dXe[j# gfk\ek`Xc ^ifnk_# afY N_`c\ fYkX`e`e^ dXk_ [\^i\\j ]ifd fli [\gXik$ makhpg hnm ^o^kr ]Zr' bg ma^ \hee^`^ \hffngbmr' rhnk lmhi disburses the remaining amount to the And if you want a career where incompetence fall out of it? Love takes effort, BmĂ?l but thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s before. MARK BAUER d\ek# n\ jkife^cp \eZfliX^\ fli dXafij kf [\m\cfg P^Ă?ee mZ\de^ blln^l maZm Z__^\m rhnk ih\d^m _hk \ho^kZ`^ Zg] ni]Zm^l maZm student.j\Zli`kp Xe[ nfib \em`ifed\ek% @e ]XZk# k_\ XZklXip When a pupil gets that lovely,No. life-1: I is not grounds foror dismissal, of the no ^e^\mbhg rhyme reason tosteer it. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sclear a monster all pbee Dilemma jfd\fe\ n_f [f\j i`jb XeXcpj`j iXebj j\Zfe[% jkife^ fiXc Xe[ ni`kk\e Zfddle`ZXk`fe jb`ccj# ^X`e [hhd% ^]n\Zmbhg Zg] ho^kZee p^ee&[^bg`' P^Ă?ee ab`aeb`am lmn]^gm bgoheo^f^gm Zg] [k^Zd before registering, then they must do so well in saving check, he or she can reasonably assume private sector and get a cushy position in an why so many fought for this right. its own. Once tamed, it must be nurtured, might tell someone I love them and in the \Zee^] _hk a^ei' K_\ )'', EXk`feXc 8jjfZ`Xk`fe f] :fcc\^\j Xe[ XeXcpk`ZXc Xe[ ZfdglkXk`feXc jb`ccj# Xe[ c\Xie kf inm mh k^lm ma^ ^e^\mbhg knfhkl maZm _ehZm ]hpg d^r blln^l' :g] pa^g [k^Zdbg` g^pl advance of the start of the semester. Students that tuition and fees are covered, and must institution of higher education. walked daily and given lots of Taco Bueno. very next sentence say how much I love Taco Ă&#x2030; KZr >]pZk] ;n__bg`mhg BO bl Z ikbgm chnk& <dgcfp\ij jlim\p ZfdgXi\[ Xm\iX^\ jkXik`e^ :g] fhlm bfihkmZgmer% ]hgĂ?m e^m XeXcpq\ gifYc\dj n`k_ X dXk_\dXk`Z`XeĂ&#x2039;j gi\Z`j`fe# aZii^gl% rhn \Zg _bg] bm ma^k^ mhh' decide if they can afford to be full or part time, budget Zkhng] bg gZmbhgZe g^pl' P^Ă?ee la^] eb`am hg the check received forI absolutely a semesterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ah-ha! Dilemma No. 4: When do we talk Bueno (which is true, adore those Ma^ Lahkmahkg gZeblf l^gbhk Zg] \henfgblm _hk jXcXi`\j ]fi jkl[\ekj Yp le[\i^iX[lXk\ dXafi# Xe[ editorial board worth of â&#x20AC;&#x201D; decisions The Shorthorn rhnk \^e^[kZmbhg mnkg bgmh Z mkZ`^]r' bfihkmZgm k^l^Zk\a aZii^gbg` a^k^ Zg] paZm ;nm Hale e^mĂ?l _hk`^m mh and mZd^ Z ehhd Zm â&#x20AC;&#x201D;X g_pj`Z`jkĂ&#x2039;j `ekl`k`fe Xe[ Xe \e^`e\\iĂ&#x2039;j giXZk`ZXc`kp% Cliff isghm a film junior aa girl/guy/ copy then make job accordingly. books, rent, ramen soup, etc. about this monster when dating perfect-for-a-college-studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s-budget $.69 ]fi dXk_ dXafij `k nXj *.%. g\iZ\ek _`^_\i k_Xe ]fi 9\`e^ XYc\ kf `ek\iXZk n`k_ fk_\ij Xe[ nfib `e X bm \hne] f^Zg mh rhn' ^gm^kmZbgf^gm' Ma^ pbee lhhg The Before financial aid decisions are made, editor forLahkmahkg Regretfully, the financial aid process is mean monster/burrito? There is noShorthorn answer. party burritos). But we certainly donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t
your rhnk your
to a room if someone doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t show up. She settled for an off-campus apartment, living alone, which is more expensive. She said she feels less safe than she would on campus. But at least she found a definitive solution instead ^iflg kf jfcm\ Zfdgc\o gifYc\dj Xi\ k_\ ^i\Xk\jk of just showing up the first day and Xjj\kj f] X dXk_\dXk`Z`Xe% hoping she itself, got ayou spot. Just like love canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t give a @ek\iej_`g# i\j\XiZ_ Xe[ fk_\i fggfikle`k`\j ]fi Some students who decidedstories to stay definitive timeline. Listen to peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dXk_\dXk`Zj dXafij `eZcl[\ jlg\im`j\[ jldd\i at home and commute are suffering about the first time they said it. There is no i\j\XiZ_ `e I\j\XiZ_ <og\i`\eZ\j ]fi Le[\i^iX[l$ correlation between health of from gas prices,longevity and theand inconvenience Xk\j gif^iXdj fe mXi`flj le`m\ij`kp ZXdglj\j# the relationship when it is said the first time. `ek\iej_`gj Xk E8J8 Xe[ fk_\i ^fm\ied\ek cXYfiX$ of a commute. People who say three days into have their been kfi`\j# Xkk\e[XeZ\ Xk dXk_ d\\k`e^j Xe[ Zfe]\i\eZ$ Confusion itlike this could eZng\a bml another g^p â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;til p^^der fifth grade relationship love one \j# d\dY\ij_`gj `e dXk_ jfZ`\k`\j Xe[ `e[`m`[lXc avoided if housing communicated with ^gm^kmZbgf^gm `nb]^ maZm the day they die. Then there are the overly i\j\XiZ_ le[\i ]XZlckp jlg\im`j`fe% pbee \ho^k blln^l% \nemnk^ students more efficiently. cautious who wait three years before saying K_\ LK8 jkl[\ek Z_Xgk\i f] k_\ DXk_\dXk`ZXc Zg] ^o^gml hg Zg] [^rhg] The lack ofthree communication creates it8jjfZ`Xk`fe f] 8d\i`ZX _Xj Y`n\\bcp d\\k`e^j ]ifd and get divorced years into their hnk \Zfinl' effe kf ()1,' g%d% N\[e\j[Xpj `e G`ZbXi[ ?Xcc# marriage. a negative experience for incoming Ghm bgmh lihkml8 n_\i\ Zlii\ek Xe[ gifjg\Zk`m\ dXk_ dXafij Xe[ Ultimately, be students defined. Itliving looks,MZd^ freshmenlove andcanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t other on Zghma^k ehhd ma^ l^\mbhg' jfd\ dXk_ ^iX[lXk\ jkl[\ekj Xe[ ]XZlckp ^Xk_\i feels and smells different to all people. campus. Accountability for mistakes mh Zmae^m^l `e]fidXccp kf \eafp k_\ ]i\\ cleZ_# c`jk\e kf `e[ljki`Xc Is the word tossedMa^k^Ă?l around fhk^ too much? made will givemaZg ieZr^k lmZmblmb\l' the University Housing dXk_\dXk`Z`Xej kXcb XYflk ZXi\\i fggfikle`k`\j# Probably. But regardless of whether itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s said, more credibilitythe when trying to or diffuse ?khf ma^ N'L' ik^lb]^gm c\Xie XYflk `ek\iej_`gj Xe[ `ek\iXZk n`k_ \XZ_ the sentiment word, fleeting <D@CP KFD8Ebehind fk_\i% mh ma^ Lmn]^gm <hg`k^ll the situation. otherwise, is still there. Kf c\Xie dfi\ XYflk ZXi\\i# `ek\iej_`g# Xe[ ik^lb]^gm% bmĂ?l Z more l^f^lm^k Better communication and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Loveâ&#x20AC;? doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need to be spoken into fk_\i fggfikle`k`\j ]fi dXk_ dXafij# gc\Xj\ Z_\Zb h_ g^p e^Z]^kl Zg] b]^Zl' Lh chbg nl bg mZdbg` existence. It merely needs action. Once actedof proactive measures in anticipation k_\ c`ebj Xk k_\ _kkg1&&fd\^X%lkX%\[l&uXbkfjle&le$ Z g^p ehhd Zm Ma^ Lahkmahkg Ă&#x2030; ma^ hnme^m on, the words that follow will serve merely to such a scenario will make the back-to[\i^iX[lXk\j # fi m`j`k k_\ ]flik_ ]cffi f] G`ZbXi[ _hk bm Zee' express verbally what the heart already knew. ?Xcc%school transition much easier.
MZd^ Z @Zg]^k
The defining and timing of affections poses problems Ma^ Lahkmahkg ^]bmhk&bg&\ab^_ p^e\hf^l ma^ g^p l\ahhe r^Zk% ^g\hnkZ`^l k^Z]^kl mh ib\d ni ma^ g^pliZi^k
Decision â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;08
9P K8PCFI <D<IJFE >@99FEJ THE USUAL BYK?< LJL8C TAYLOR E MERSON GIBBONS Results from PaZm phne] rhn lZr mh lhf^hg^ Wednesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Results fromPoll:
>fber MhfZg bl aZ journalism chnkgZeblf junior l^gbhk Zg] &&â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Ă&#x2021; KleZXp 8bkfjle `j X gif]\jjfi f] dXk_\dXk`Zj Xk LK8% Mark Bauer is and editorial board â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Shorthorn Ma^ Lahkmahkg a ^]bmhk&bg&\ab^_ h_ contributor to The Shorthorn.
:8EEFE =F;;<I Yp @jXXZ <i`Zbjfe
pah ieZgl mh [bg`^ ]kbgd ho^k likbg` [k^Zd8 - Polls Rumor Control Your View Fridayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Poll: OB>P DoVIEW you think the drinking age VIEW should be lowered Yes No to 18? True True Do you think the legal drinking age should beĂ&#x2C6;;feĂ&#x2039;k [i`eb lowered to 18?
Each week, The Shorthorn Opinion page will clear up rumors swirling around the election. Ă&#x2C6;9\ ZXi\]lc% Ă&#x2C6;;feĂ&#x2039;k [f `k% During the vice presidential debate, Befn pfli @kĂ&#x2039;j X nXjk\ f] Sen. Barack Obama said Sen. John McCain intervened on behalf Gov. Sarahc`d`k# Xe[ jkXp Palin pointed out that Sen. ofk`d\# Xe[ `kĂ&#x2039;j Charles Keating with federal regulators in the savings and loan XnXp ]ifd aljk efk nfik_ Joe Biden said Sen. Barack Obama was scandal, pushing for deregulation of the industry after Keatingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gcXZ\j pfl `k%Ă&#x2030; â&#x20AC;&#x153;not readyâ&#x20AC;?Xi\ le]Xd`c`Xi to be president. company cost taxpayers $2 billion. n`k_%Ă&#x2030;
`] pflĂ&#x2039;i\ efk Who won the vice presidential )(% 9lk `] pfl debate? [f [i`eb# Y\ i\jgfej`Yc\ Neither Xe[ _Xm\ X Yl[[p Biden 5% jpjk\d%Ă&#x2030; 51%
P^ pZgm mh dghp paZm rhn Do you think the mabgd Z[hnm blln^l _Z\bg` Who won thetakes second NM: lmn]^gml% lh p^Ă?k^ university presidential debate? abmmbg` ma^ iZo^f^gm mh _bg] responsibility for hnm pa^k^ rhn lmZg]'
Palin Answer online at 20% Answer online online at Answer at Didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Watch www.theshorthorn.com THE SHORTHORN .com
administrative errors?
E`bb` Fkk# Zfddle`ZXk`fe ]i\j_dXe Numberofofvoters: voters: 126 47 Number
The Shorthorn: Marissa Hall The Shorthorn: Marissa Hall
Since 1919
Lbg\^ *2*2
Truth: In 2007, Biden did say this. In May, 2008 Biden was telling a different >ljkXmf ?l\ikXj# <i`e 9cffd# story, saying Obama has â&#x20AC;&#x153;learned a lot.â&#x20AC;? gjpZ_fcf^p ]i\j_dXe <e^c`j_ j\e`fi
XyXyXy: XyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXy. Xy
>=BMHK&BG&<AB>? >=BMHK&BG&<AB>? EDITOR-IN-CHIEF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF <Zllb^ Lfbma >fber MhfZg Emily Toman Emily Toman >&F:BE E-MAIL E-MAIL >&F:BE ^]bmhk'lahkmahkg9nmZ'^]n editor.shorthorn@uta.edu editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Volume 83, No. Xy ^]bmhk'lahkmahkg9nmZ'^]n www.theshorthorn.com
The Shorthorn is the official student newspaper of the Ma^ Lahkmahkg bl ma^ h__b\bZe lmn]^gm g^pliZi^k h_ ma^ Ma^ Lahkmahkg bl ma^ h__b\bZe lmn]^gm g^pliZi^k h_ ma^ The Shorthorn is the official student newspaper of the University of Texas at Arlington and is published four Ngbo^klbmr h_ M^qZl Zm :kebg`mhg Zg] bl in[ebla^] _hnk Ngbo^klbmr h_ M^qZl Zm :kebg`mhg Zg] bl in[ebla^] _hnk University of Texas at Arlington and is published four times weekly during fall and spring semesters, and mbf^l p^^der ]nkbg` _Zee Zg] likbg` l^f^lm^kl% Zg] mbf^l p^^der ]nkbg` _Zee Zg] likbg` l^f^lm^kl% Zg] times weekly during fall and spring semesters, and twice weekly during the summer sessions. Unsigned mpb\^ p^^der ]nkbg` ma^ lnff^k l^llbhgl' Nglb`g^] mpb\^ p^^der ]nkbg` ma^ lnff^k l^llbhgl' Nglb`g^] twice weekly during the summer sessions. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of THE SHORTHORN ^]bmhkbZel Zk^ ma^ hibgbhg h_ MA> LAHKMAHKG >=B& ^]bmhkbZel Zk^ ma^ hibgbhg h_ MA> LAHKMAHKG editorials are the opinion of THE SHORTHORN EDITORIAL BOARD and do not necessarily reflect the MHKB:E ;H:K= Zg] ]h ghm g^\^llZkber k^_e^\m ma^ >=BMHKB:E ;H:K= Zg] ]h ghm g^\^llZkber k^_e^\m ma^ EDITORIAL BOARD and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of individual student writers or editors, Shorthibgbhgl h_ bg]bob]nZe lmn]^gm pkbm^kl hk ^]bmhkl% Lahkm& hibgbhgl h_ bg]bob]nZe lmn]^gm pkbm^kl hk ^]bmhkl% Lahkm& opinions of individual student writers or editors, Short-
Truth: In the Senate, McCain pushed for deregulation, helping Keating, McCainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s friend and business partner. McCain was exonerated, saying in 1991 the episode would haunt his political career.
Source: www.politifact.org
horn advisers or university administration. LETTERS ahkg Z]obl^kl hk ngbo^klbmr Z]fbgblmkZmbhg' E>MM>KL ahkg Z]obl^kl hk ngbo^klbmr Z]fbgblmkZmbhg' E>MM>KL horn advisers or university administration. LETTERS should be limited to 300 words. They may be edited lahne] [^ ebfbm^] mh ,)) phk]l' Ma^r fZr [^ ^]bm^] lahne] [^ ebfbm^] mh ,)) phk]l' Ma^r fZr [^ ^]bm^] should be limited to 300 words. They may be edited for space, spelling, grammar and malicious or libelous _hk liZ\^% li^eebg`% `kZffZk Zg] fZeb\bhnl hk eb[^ehnl _hk liZ\^% li^eebg`% `kZffZk Zg] fZeb\bhnl hk eb[^ehnl for space, spelling, grammar and malicious or libelous statements. Letters must be the original work of the lmZm^f^gml' E^mm^kl fnlm [^ ma^ hkb`bgZe phkd h_ ma^ lmZm^f^gml' E^mm^kl fnlm [^ ma^ hkb`bgZe phkd h_ ma^ statements. Letters must be the original work of the writer and must be signed. For identification purposes, pkbm^k Zg] fnlm [^ lb`g^]' ?hk b]^gmb_b\Zmbhg inkihl^l% pkbm^k Zg] fnlm [^ lb`g^]' ?hk b]^gmb_b\Zmbhg inkihl^l% writer and must be signed. For identification purposes, letters also must include the writerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s full name, address e^mm^kl Zelh fnlm bg\en]^ ma^ pkbm^kĂ?l _nee gZf^% Z]]k^ll e^mm^kl Zelh fnlm bg\en]^ ma^ pkbm^kĂ?l _nee gZf^% Z]]k^ll letters also must include the writerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s full name, address and telephone number, although the address and teleZg] m^e^iahg^ gnf[^k% Zemahn`a ma^ Z]]k^ll Zg] m^e^& Zg] m^e^iahg^ gnf[^k% Zemahn`a ma^ Z]]k^ll Zg] m^e^& and telephone number, although the address and tele-
phone number will not be published. Students should iahg^ gnf[^k pbee ghm [^ in[ebla^]' Lmn]^gml lahne] iahg^ gnf[^k pbee ghm [^ in[ebla^]' Lmn]^gml lahne] phone number will not be published. Students should include their classification, major and their student ID bg\en]^ ma^bk \eZllb_b\Zmbhg% fZchk Zg] ma^bk lmn]^gm B= bg\en]^ ma^bk \eZllb_b\Zmbhg% fZchk Zg] ma^bk lmn]^gm B= include their classification, major and their student ID number, which is for identification purposes. The stugnf[^k% pab\a bl _hk b]^gmb_b\Zmbhg inkihl^l' Ma^ lmn& gnf[^k% pab\a bl _hk b]^gmb_b\Zmbhg inkihl^l' Ma^ lmn& number, which is for identification purposes. The student ID number will not be published. Signed columns ]^gm B= gnf[^k pbee ghm [^ in[ebla^]' Lb`g^] \henfgl ]^gm B= gnf[^k pbee ghm [^ in[ebla^]' Lb`g^] \henfgl dent ID number will not be published. Signed columns and letters to the editor reflect the opinion of the writer Zg] e^mm^kl mh ma^ ^]bmhk k^_e^\m ma^ hibgbhg h_ ma^ pkbm^k Zg] e^mm^kl mh ma^ ^]bmhk k^_e^\m ma^ hibgbhg h_ ma^ pkbm^k and letters to the editor reflect the opinion of the writer and serve as an open forum for the expression of facts Zg] l^ko^ Zl Zg hi^g _hknf _hk ma^ ^qik^llbhg h_ _Z\ml Zg] l^ko^ Zl Zg hi^g _hknf _hk ma^ ^qik^llbhg h_ _Z\ml and serve as an open forum for the expression of facts or opinions of interest to The Shorthornâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s readers. hk hibgbhgl h_ bgm^k^lm mh Ma^ LahkmahkgĂ?l k^Z]^kl' or hk hibgbhgl h_ bgm^k^lm mh Ma^ LahkmahkgĂ?l k^Z]^kl' opinions of interest to The Shorthornâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s readers.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Page 5
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Personals Tall dark and handsome anyone? I’m pathetic enough put an ad in The Shorthorn. Want to be pathetic with me? Eric 972-977-0707 Need a date this weekend. I will spend a lot of money on you. Call Mike Love at 817-422-7916
EMPLOYMENT Childcare Experienced Child Care Workers Needed Full and part time schedules available for experienced child care workers and preschool teachers. Enrichment Center for Young Childrencall for an interview at (817)274-3404 and ask for Pat, or drop by the ECYC office for an application. Competitive starting salaries and employee benefits. Student wanted to attend to 12 yr old boy with autism $10/hr 817-504-2113 CHILD CARE / ATTENDANT Seeking non-smoking, female to help care for 10 year old girl recovering from heart surgery. Duties include entertaining, changing, assist with exercise and therapy. Perfect for nursing or therapy major. Up to 53 hours per week but must be able to work Saturday and Sunday. Must pass background check, be dependable and have own transportation. Position available immediately. Please call 817-988-8466 for further details.
is currently accepting applications for the following positions for the Fall Semester; • Reporter • Sports Reporter • Copy Editor • Ad Sales Rep • Cartoonist Get a job description and an application TODAY! Student Publications Dept. University Center, lower level. Also available online at: www.TheShorthorn.com All are paid positions for UTA students. For more information call; 817-272-3188 Bartender Apprentice wanted $$$$$$$$$$$$ Showdown (817)-233-5430 Earn $1000-$3200 a month to drive brand new cars with ads. www.AdCarCity.com OPENING: DESK CLERK 11pm - 7am P/T Can study on job. We look good on resume. Days Inn. 910 N. Collins, Arl.
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For Rent- Close to UTA, 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath with spacious living & kitchen. Covered parking! $695/mo. Steve Young w/ RE/MAX, 817-276-5149 www.searchtxhomes.com
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Driver/Delivery Big Bounce and Slide city is hiring weekend drivers to deliver bounce houses. Cell phone, transportation, and valid drv. license required. Call (817)460-0003.
DR. RUTH Q: My fiance and I have sex regularly, and after he and I are done, we notice very bright white stains on my sheets. We are sure they are from me, but we are wondering if this is normal.
I am no longer interested in who he is now. I avoid him when he wants sex and have decided to leave him. I haven't told him, as I feel the need to escape with my kids. I need to save money to leave him. Do you think there is any possible way to get him to stop? I asked him, but he won't. We have been together for 14 years, and it's not been very good. Two other people have asked me if he is sane!
A: Rather than say these stains are from you, I would say they are via you. In other words, I am pretty sure it is his ejaculate that is leaking from your vagina that is causing these stains, rather than anything your body Dr. Ruth is producing, so there's Send your nothing to worry about. questions to Dr.
A: If the marriage has never been any good, then maybe you Ruth Westheimer should just save up the Q: My husband is c/o King money and leave as soon online every day and Features as possible. If there was night in chat rooms. He is Syndicate, 235 E. something worth saving, having "sex" with all 45th St., New I would tell you to go see kinds of women online. York, NY 10017 a marital counselor. Your They send him instant husband might not go messages, and they "do too, at least not right it" with words. He never cares to away; but then again, he might, talk to me or our kids anymore. As and then there would be a small soon as he gets up, he's online, and possibility of fixing things. But when he comes home from work given what you've written, I really he's right back online. I am fed up. think the best course for you is to I say it's cheating. He says it's not. leave. Don't worry about whether If nothing else, he is depriving us he is sane -- just leave, to protect of a husband and father. The only your own sanity. thing he wants from me is sex, and
CROSSWORD PUZZLE Instructions: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9 with no repeats. That means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Page 6
The ShorThorn
choir Boy
Apartment residents participate in survey to assess landline use Traditional lines may be removed, but the study isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t complete. By AlAnnA Quillen Contributor to The Shorthorn
On-campus apartment residents were surveyed by Apartment and Residence Life department about how often they use their land lines. The survey canvassed 155 residents at random from Arbor Oaks, Meadow Run and Timber Brook apartments. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The primary purpose of this survey was to gather resident opinion about removing university-provided land line phone service from campus apartments,â&#x20AC;? said Eric Leidlein, Management Services executive director. According to the survey results, residents no longer see the benefits of traditional phone service. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It may not be worth the cost of continuing service,â&#x20AC;? Leidlein said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Information from other universities indicates a trend toward removing land line phone service from student housing as a cost saving measure.â&#x20AC;? According to department, 93 percent of residents surveyed owned a personal cell phone, and 70 percent said that, if no phone lines were provided, they would not pursue getting a line on their own.
Bugs continued from page 1
her knowledge, the laptops were only unavailable for one day, so the impact on student usage was minimal. She also believes the infestation was an isolated incident but has been an eye-opening experience for library staff.
Nearly 60 percent said they would give up traditional phone lines for expanded Internet access. Only 14 percent said they would find other ways to get a phone line if it wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t provided. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are not necessarily getting rid of any of the phone lines,â&#x20AC;? said Jack Lee, west campus apartments residence director. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are simply looking at ways to improve the communities.â&#x20AC;? Residence halls were not surveyed because phone lines are available in common areas. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Apartments do not have common areas that would enable residents to access a phone line if there were not one in the apartment,â&#x20AC;? Lee said. The decision about standard phone lines will depend on research into costs associated with use. Housing Operations and the department are reviewing the survey results and how any changes might impact the students and the university. Political science sophomore Jency James, a Timber Brook apartments resident, said she wants the phone lines to stay. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have minutes on my cell phone or itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s charging, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s easier to use my land line,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s one of the reasons I chose to live in this apartment complex.â&#x20AC;? AlAnnA Quillen news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Now that we know this can happen, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re taking steps to make sure it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t recur and keeping an eye on the area,â&#x20AC;? she said. Library staff has not received any additional complaints since resuming the lending program Monday, Sappington said. JAson Joyce news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
All Faculty and Staff are welcome.
Samuel Cross , music theory composition senior and Voices of Christ head musician, rehearses Martin Sappâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Magnifyâ&#x20AC;? on Tuesday at the University Center Palo Duro Lounge. The gospel choir will commemorate its 30th anniversary at 5 p.m. Oct. 19 at the UC Bluebonnet Ballroom.
The Shorthorn: Rasy Ran
Collider continued from page 1
computer centers connect to four or five Tier Two centers. The university hosts one of these centers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is a distributed supercomputer system that can work on physics problems that are too large for a single computing center to handle,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;All 50 centers work together for ATLAS.â&#x20AC;? The grid is large enough to monitor the analysis as data comes in from the collider and will run 24 hours a day, seven days a week. De said the grid can keep up with the fast rate and has tens of thousands of computers available worldwide, with huge data storages attached to them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have designed the grid to allow analysis without delay,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;However, it takes time to understand the data and analyze it again and again, especially in the beginning.â&#x20AC;? Physics assistant professor Amir Farbin said in principle, the data is processed from CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, within 24 hours of collection and then made available to everyone on
the grid in a few days. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The grid is available for access to a large variety of scientists doing a wide range of research,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Much of the resources at UTA are reserved for the ATLAS experiment at the collider, which has 2,000 collaborators.â&#x20AC;? Some of the ATLAS usage will ultimately benefit everyone working on the project. But some will be initiated by individual ATLAS collaborators interested in pursuing their own research. Physics associate professor Jae Yu, who will also use the computer grid, said he would love to have collision data already, but accidents happen. â&#x20AC;&#x153;While careful work was done on making sure that all components are fine, there are always non-zero probability for something like this.â&#x20AC;? Yu said the next time the accelerator starts up, the machine needs to reach full capacity more slowly and be monitored more carefully in case it needs to be shut down to prevent any damage. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am excited about what the LHC collisions will bring to us,â&#x20AC;? Yu said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It just requires a bit more patience.â&#x20AC;? BryAn BAstiBle news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
When! Friday, October 17th 2008 11:30am-1:30pm Where! Library Mall (Rain location: Bluebonnet Ballroom, University Center)
â&#x20AC;˘ Date a Science Freak Dating Auction
â&#x20AC;˘ Opening of Levitt Pavilion â&#x20AC;˘ Smart Saver Coupons â&#x20AC;˘ Latino Vote Rally Information
â&#x20AC;˘ Come to the UTA vs. Texas State Volleyball game
Debate continued from page 1
numbers donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t compare to Iraqi insurgents killed by American soldiers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve only taken out what, 4,500 of our troops? But weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve taken out tens of thousands of their troops,â&#x20AC;? he said. When an undecided audience member said she wanted to know why McCain would be a better president, Imbriale stated her organizationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s official stance. â&#x20AC;&#x153;YCT does not support Sen.
Course continued from page 1
â&#x20AC;&#x153;When students leave that one semester theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be able to go home and talk to their parents about things that affect every one of us,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The car I drive, how I wash my dishes, how I dry my clothes, what do I do with all the plastics I use. Things like this â&#x20AC;&#x201C; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not just recycling. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a whole mental shift.â&#x20AC;? He said the classâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; success will determine if it continues other semesters, but he said he hopes
McCain,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just because you have an â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Râ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in front of your name we arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t going to support you.â&#x20AC;? She said that doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t mean she supports the Democratic candidate. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I strongly oppose Sen. Obama, but Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not going to give you my opinion on Sen. McCain,â&#x20AC;? she said. University Democrats member Lindsay Marcontel attended the Tarrant County Democrats watch party and said 300-400 people attended. JAson Boyd news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
it will. He said itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s easy to get students interested in something if presented in the right way. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I want engineering students here, to come in take the course and be seated next to a political science major, or a chemistry major,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll break into discussion groups, and you cannot believe what happens when you get these people together. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not going to walk across campus, but when you get them in a classroom together, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s when the magic occurs.â&#x20AC;? sArAh lutz news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
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The society of UT Arlington Faculty and Staff Supporters