?kb]Zr P^]g^l]Zr Friday CZgnZkr *1% +))1 Cner **% +))1 October 24, 2008
Ohenf^ 12% Gh' /, Ohenf^ 12% Gh' *+q Volume 90, No. 36 ppp'ma^lahkmahkg'\hf ppp'ma^lahkmahkg'\hf www.theshorthorn.com
Lbg\^ *2*2 Since 1919 Lbg\^ *2*2 Since 1919
@E;<O INDEX@E;<O XyXyday );Xp );Xp 2Day XyXy Xy, 2002 E\nj
2 op News 3, 8 Nfic[ M`\n op World View 4 Fg`e`fe op Opinion 5 Jgfikj op Sports 6
)) op* op+ op, op/
Volume 83, No. Xy :fXZ_\j :fie\i XyXyXy: XyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXy. Xy :cXjj`ZXc \[lZXk`fe Those Boots Were Made for Runnin’ ;fd`eXek Ni`k\ Pfli Fne Afb\ ?\i\ 3 Isn’t A Crowd ?bg] hnm fhk^ Z[hnm phf^gÍl [Zld^m[Zee a^Z] www.theshorthorn.com
qrqrqrqrqr qrrqrqrqrr qrrrrrq rrrr q rrrr Ma^ MO pkbm^kÍl lmkbd^ aZl e^_m nl mh _^g] _hk hnkl^eo^l' Three political group members clear up confusion and qrrrrrrq rqrrr' declare their positions for the student debate. FG@E@FE s G8>< , FG@E@FE s G8>< + OPINION | PAGE 5
A UTA Police Department senior investigator qrqrqrq qrrqrrqqqqrrq rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr qrrrrrrrrrr \hZ\a LZfZgmaZ Fhkkhp' runs for Tarrant County sheriff. JGFIKJ s G8>< / qrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rqqqqqqqqq' J:<E< s G8>< / 2DAY | PAGE 2
Lmn]^gml `kZ]nZm^ Charlie Murphy performs Nov. 6 pbma g^p \^kmbÖ \Zmbhg NM: `^ml Z hg^&lmhi iZk^gm lahi \^gm^k N_Xk kf \og\Zk k_`j n\\b %%%
N_Xk pfl d`^_k _Xm\ d`jj\[%%%
dian at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 6 at said Judith Huni, entertain- lie should be funny as well,” Charlie The comedian and actor HOW TO BUY TICKETS _hkfZmbhg Z[hnm go ahnlbg`% \Zfinl and arts director. She she said. Hall, and tickets on ment Murphy, K_\ GXi\ekj =Xd`cp :\ek\i from ‘Chappelle’s Show’ will Texas ^o^gml% iZkdbg` _^^l% k^`blmkZmbhg Aside from his sketch on said most students know him sale at noon today in the UC actor and • Ticket sales start today. Xejn\ij e\n DXm\i`Zb gXi\ekjË come to campus. Zg] or Zk^Zl hg \Zfinl bl from k^Z]ber Ikh`kZf [^\Zf^ Ma^ `kZ]nZm^l \hfie^m^] ma^ Ma^kZir comedian “Charlie Murphy’s True “Chappelle’s Show,” Murphy lower level www.utatickets. Get them at www.utatickets.com . JfZ`Xc nfib jkl[\ekj Xi\ k_\ M`j`k nnn%k_\j_fik_fie%Zfd hl\jk`fej Xe[ ZfeZ\iej% com. ZoZbeZ[e^ pbma a^ei _khf \^gm^k ^f& /)&ahnk Lhenmbhg&?h\nl^] ;kb^_ ihineZk Zg] a^ei_ne _hk hma^kl bg also played a number of charHollywood Stories,” a sketch ]`ijk kf ^iX[lXk\ n`k_ ]fZlj\[ ]fi [X`cp lg[Xk\j% • Students pay $10, staff, faculty <Zl^r Ac@hgsZe^l% ma^ BY DUSTIN DANGLI ikh`kZf hma^k \hngmkb^l ln\a Zl Mhkhgmh% acters on the show Ma^kZir like “Buc \^kmb_b\Zmbhg on “Chappelle’s Show”. The iehr^^l% EXCEL lZb] Campus and alumni pay $15, the general Yi`\] k_\iXgp Z\ik`]`ZXk\j% 9P D<::8 8C@ Contributor to The Shorthorn IZk^gml ?Zfber <^gm^k ]bk^\mhk' h__^k^] makhn`a ma^ ngbo^klbmrÍl Lbg`Zihk^ Zg] Ehg]hg% >g`eZg]%Ë “People know him as Eddie Nasty” and “Black Donald tivities’ Entertainment and
public pays $20. :feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie Pa^g chose Z iZk^gm \Zeel hk \hf^l brother, and knowE^afZgg lZb]' <hgmbgnbg` >]n\Zmbhg =^iZkmf^gm% Charlie Murphy will per- Arts committee Murphy’s Murphy 9P <9FEP <M8EJ IZk^gml ghp aZo^ Z ieZ\^ mh `^m bgmh ma^ h__b\^ l^Zk\abg` _hk @kZ]nZm^ IZf^eZ Chaglhg lZb] pab\a [^`Zg eZlm r^Zk% a^ lZb]' form as this year’s fall come- based on name recognition, ing Eddie’s reputation, CharCHARLIE continues on page 3 K_\ J_fik_fie jkX]] Zee ma^ Zglp^kl' Zglp^kl% ma^ \^gm^k pbee mkZgl_^k hk Lmn]^gml bg ma^ lh\bZe phkd% la^ ahi^l ma^ \^kmb_b\Zm^ fZd^l a^k Lmn]^gm :__Zbkl \k^Zm^] ma^ ]bk^\m ma^f mh ma^ \hkk^\m Zk^Z _hk L^o^g lmn]^gml `kZ]nZm^] _khf ilr\aheh`r% gnklbg` Zg] f^]b& fhk^ dghpe^]`^Z[e^' IZk^gml ?Zfber <^gm^k mh a^ei maZm li^\b_b\ jn^lmbhg' B_ maZm Zk^Z ÊBm pZl o^kr ^q\bmbg` k^\^bobg` ma^ ma^ L\ahhe h_ Lh\bZe Phkd eZlm \bg^ _b^e]l e^Zkg ldbeel mh \hg]n\m Zee^obZm^ ma^ _knlmkZmbhgl h_ \hg& \ZgÍm [^ k^Z\a^] hk eh\Zm^]% ma^ fhgma pbma Z \^kmb_b\Zm^ maZm aZl ^__^\mbo^ bgm^kob^pl maZm [kbg` hnm _bklm \^kmb_b\Zm^ bg ma^ N'L'%Ë la^ lZb]' _nl^] iZk^gml Zg] _Zfber f^f[^kl lmZ__^kl pbee l^Zk\a _hk ma^ bg_hkfZ& ghm [^^g h__^k^] [^_hk^ bg ma^ N'L'% \eb^gmlÍ lmk^g`mal Zg] k^lhnk\^l% Zg] ÊBm aZl bg\k^Zl^] fr dghpe^]`^ Zg] STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS ELECTION pa^g mkrbg` mh `^m bg_hkfZmbhg hg lZb] I^m^k E^afZgg% lh\bZe phkd ]^o^ehi `hh] `hZel% E^afZgg lZb]' Z oZkb^mr h_ ngbo^klbmr l^kob\^l' Bg& Zllh\bZm^ ikh_^llhk' ÊMa^ Lhenmbhg&?h\nl^] ;kb^_ @E=F Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ * >I8;J Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ -
Groups agree on 8 IXZ`e^ I\[\j`^e debate NM: ?hkfneZ L:> kZ\bg` m^Zf lpZil Close to Home format ^g`bg^ Zg] k^]^lb`gl bml kZ\^ \Zk
9P :F?< 9FC@E k^Zeer ^q\bm^] mh `^m lmZkm^]'Ë ÈN_Xk The aroma of :feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie worldly herbs and spices >o^kr r^Zk bg fb]&Cner% ma^ ngb& Young Texas, College fills the air asMa^ ngbo^klbmr ?hkfneZ L:> m^Zf patrons indulge in culturally o^klbmr ahlml ma^ Conservatives M^qZl :nmh\khll of n\ [f `j Republicans and University Democrats gi\Z`j`fe diverse dishes. bl `^Zkbg` ni mh `bo^ \hfi^mbmhkl Z P^^d^g]% Z \hfi^mbmbhg maZm bgobm^l \hee^`^l _khf ma^ \hngmkr mh on-campus mhn`a kng bg =^mkhbm mabl FZr pbma bml willZ\khll participate in the [i`m`e^ debate. The International Student Organization \hf^ Zg] kZ\^' Bg L^im^f[^k% ma^ Xk k_\ g^per ]^lb`g^]% eb`am^k \Zk' held its first Fall Food Fair on Thursday on JASON BOYD Lihkml Ma^ \aZg`^l maZm Zk^ [^bg` bfie^& ngbo^klbmrÍl m^Zf Zmm^g]l ma^ BY The Shorthorn XYjfclk\ staff the University Center mall.mh ]^\k^Zl^ ma^ <Zk <en[ h_ :f^kb\Z gZmbhgZel' f^gm^] Zk^ f^Zgm c`d`kj f] mabl r^Zk p^b`am' Ma^ m^Zf lpZii^] ma^ to Ma^ fZbg \hfi^mbmbhg Students\ZkÍl and faculty were treated The upcoming student debate’s format changed after a meeting where the Colbl ma^ ?hkfneZ L:> Monday bg =^mkhbm' Ma^ Zfekifc%É a range ofa^Zob^k -&\rebg]^k ^g`bg^ _hk Z eb`am& food from across the globe lege lZb] Republicans Young Conservatives of ma^r p^k^ and _bk^] ^k +&\rebg]^k ^g`bg^% Zg] pbee k^er hg m^Zf f^f[^kl including Z^kh]rgZfb\l mh ^gaZg\^ li^^]' Russian, Indian, Vietnamese, 9fY Nff[j presidenTexas agreed to represent Republican ni Zg] Zk^ `^mmbg` k^Z]r' tial candidate John Nepalese andÊPaZm Thai.p^ The food fair is usually ÊBmÍl paZm p^ ebo^ _hk ]hpg a^k^%Ë =fidlcX J8< ]h bl ik^\blbhg ]kbobg` k\Xd X[m`j\i McCain. lZb] =k^p PZee^k% lnli^glbhg e^Z] Zm ma^ Z[lhenm^ ebfbml h_ \hgmkhe%Ë ?hk& held during International Week in the WHEN AND WHERE YCT originally _hk ma^ m^Zf' m^Zf Z]obl^k ;h[ Phh]l spring, butfneZ wasL:> brought to the fall due to wanted to focus on isWhen: Noon Monday Ma^ m^Zf \hglblml h_ Z[hnm +) lZb]' its popularity.Ma^ eb`am^k \Zk lahne] [^ Z[e^ mh f^f[^kl' Fhlm Zk^ _khf ma^ <hee^`^ sues and not support Where: University Center “It’s funfho^ to get to try youPZem^k% wouldn’t h_ >g`bg^^kbg` [nm Zgrhg^ Zmm^g]bg` McCain, while the _Zlm^k% lZb] food MahfZl Bluebonnet Ballroom University Democrats ma^ ngbo^klbmr bl ^eb`b[e^ mh chbg' Ma^ f^\aZgb\Ze ^g`bg^^kbg` cngbhk Zg] and normally experience,” said philosophy wanted to focus on \Zkl Zk^ lmn]^gm [nbem Zg] lmn]^gm m^Zf f^f[^k' There will be dessert the candidates. English senior Trish Mann after buying ÊBmÍl p^b`am^] mh ikh]n\^ mkZ\mbhg ]kbo^g' =kbo^kl Zk^ \ahl^g [r m^Zf and refreshments availUD president Gabe a stick of shashlik, or spiced beef,r^Zk at the hg ma^ `khng]%Ë a^ lZb]' ÊEZlm able, but students are Rivas said it wouldn’t encouraged to bring pZl ma^ _Zlm^lm \Zk p^Í] ^o^k [nbem' BÍf J8< Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ Russian Cultural Society’s table. be fair or educational their own lunch. without both sides Proceeds from the event will go representing a canditoward future ISO events including date. At the time, UD proposed CR replace YCT, D\Z_Xe`jd \e^`e\\i`e^ ale`fi >\fi^\ K_fdjfe `j X d\dY\i f] =fidlcX J8<# n_`Z_ `j ^\kk`e^ i\X[p ]fi X International Week. because they were willing to represent McCain. Zfdg\k`k`fe `e ;\kif`k% K_\ ZXiËj n\`^_k nXj [\Zi\Xj\[ Xe[ n`cc lj\ X\if[peXd`Zj kf \e_XeZ\ k_\ jg\\[%
A meeting earlier this week with the three groups, including event host Pi Sigma Alpha,
;khZ]\Zlm lmn]^gml mh Ö ef m^e^\Zlml _hk \Z[e^ \aZgg^e Field sees decline in minorities ENGINEERING
TheE\njZXjkj Xe[ jgfikj ^Xd\j College of Engineering recruiting n`cc ile fe Z_Xee\c 00 Y\^`ee`e^ program plans opportunities to N\[e\j[Xp e`^_k% encourage more students. 9P D8I@JJ8 ?8CC
BY BRYAN BASTIBLE :feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie The Shorthorn staff
Mabl l^f^lm^k% [khZ]\Zlm lmn]^gml To attract more students, the College pbee `^m fhk^ aZg]l&hg ^qi^kb^g\^ [r of Engineering will partner with organi_befbg` g^pl\Zlml Zg] \ho^kbg` ngbo^k& zations to encourage minority students lbmr lihkml' to choose engineering as a possible ca;^`bggbg` g^qm fhgma% lmn]^gml reerpbee lahhm p^^der g^pl\Zlml _hk ngbo^k& choice. \Z[e^ article \aZgg^e in22' lmn]^gml Albmr recent theLhf^ Chronicle of pbee Education Zelh _bef lihkml Higher cited a[^`bggbg` decline inpbma mima^ engineers f^gÍl [Zld^m[Zee `Zf^ P^]g^l]Zr nority nationwide, with only gb`am' of baccalaureate engineering 12 percent degrees@Zf^l pbee [^ ihlm^] bg ma^bk ^gmbk^& given to Hispanic, American Inhg ma^ ngbo^klbmr P^[ lbm^ dianmr and black studentsZmae^mb\l nationally. Zehg` pbma `Zf^ ab`aeb`aml% lZb] :g& Lynard Broussard, Engineering Re]k^p <eZkd% \hffngb\Zmbhg ZllblmZgm cruiter and Outreach Coordinator, said the ikh_^llhk Zg] [khZ]\Zlm ]bk^\mhk' state had a rule forbidding colÊB_ p^ cnlm inm targeting kZp _hhmZ`^ h_ ma^ lege recruiters from a specific `Zf^% bmÍl \hg\^boZ[e^ bm \hne] [^ hg ma^ group when looking for engineers. He P^[ lbm^ Zg ahnk hk mph Z_m^k ma^ `Zf^%Ë <eZkd lZb]' ;khZ]\Zlm l^gbhk =Zob] FZgg^kbg` Zgghng\^l _hk ma^ ngbo^klbmrÍl kZ]bh lmZ& mbhg% Zg] abl \hff^gmZkr \Zg ieZr pbma ma^ `Zf^ hgebg^' <eZkd lZb] ma^r pbee mkr mh \ho^k Zl
K_\ J_fik_fie1 D`Z_X\c I\kk`^
DEBATE continues on page 3
I\XZ_`e^ K_\`i ROUGH ;\jk`eXk`fej DAY
Marketing junior Travis Boren gets special effects makeup done by makeup artist Bobbie “Bloody Mary” Weiner on Thursday at Lone Star Auditorium. Weiner has done makeup for films like Titanic and Pumpkinhead II.
Mph gnklbg` ]h\mhkZe lmn]^gml mkZo^e ehg` ]blmZg\^l mh [^ ma^ ngbo^klbmrÍl Ö klm
The group recruits at community colsaid the recent decline are bending the leges as another outlet to find minority rules on minority student recruitment. “The state is starting to see that there students interested in engineering. They weren’t a lot of minorities [in engineer- have visited Richland College and Tarrant County College Southeast Campus. ing],” he said. Broussard said women are also a Broussard partners with the Soci9P D8KK?<N I<8>8E ety of Hispanic Professional Engineers minority in the field, so this past sum:feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie and visits Dallas-Fort Worth schools to mer, the College of Engineering hosted speak to students interested in the field. an engineering summer camp for girls Ma^ L\ahhe h_ Gnklbg` l^m Z eZg]fZkd _hk bml ikh& `kZf mabl iZlm =^\^f[^k' “It’s not just to recruit students for called Girlgineering. FZqbg^ :]^`[heZ Zg] @ehkbZ <Zkk [^\Zf^ ma^ _bklm “It’s a good thing to have minority enengineering but to also explain what mh k^\^bo^ ]h\mhkZe ]^`k^^l bg gnklbg` Zm ma^ ngbo^klbmr' engineering is,” he said. “We’ll contact gineering students,” he said. “You start :_m^k r^Zkl h_ ]^]b\Zm^] k^l^Zk\a% \hngme^ll ]bll^kmZ& teachers to do hands-on presentations to see a difference of ideas. Sometimes mbhg ik^l^gmZmbhgl Zg] in[eb\Zmbhgl% Zg] ^o^g ^qmk^f^ where you came from can influence to drum up engineering interest.” \hffnmbg`% ma^r k^\^bo^] ma^bk ]h\mhkZm^l mh [^\hf^ Some of those presentations include what you think.” >cfi`X :Xii# gnkl^ l\b^gmblml' Yvette P. Weatherton, civil engineer- Ma^r [^`Zg ma^ ikh`kZf mh`^ma^k bg +)), Zl ma^ elij`e^ [fZkfiXk\ a recent project at a high school where a class formed groups and built LEGO ing senior lecturer, said that nationally, l\ahheÍl _bklm ]h\mhkZe \Zg]b]Zm^l Zg] _bgbla^] mh`^ma^k there’s a 33 percent graduating rate in airplanes. Zm =^\^f[^kÍl `kZ]nZmbhg \^k^fhgr' “A lot of students think engineers ... engineering among all minority groups :emahn`a :]^`[heZ [^`Zg a^k gnklbg` ^]n\Zmbhg bg and about K_\ J_fik_fie1 8e[i\n 9lZbc\p five percent among African just drive trains,” he said. CZfZb\Z Zg] <Zkk bg F^fiabl% M^gg'% [hma `kZ]nZm^l The recruiters typically talk to calcu- Americans. aZo^ mZd^g lbfbeZk iZmal mh k^Z\a ma^ NM: ikh`kZf' 9ifX[ZXjk`e^ e\nj j\e`fi 8ife Dfi^Xe j_ffkj k_\ DXm\i`Zbj ^Xd\ K_lij[Xp e`^_k `e lus, honors calculus and sometimes en;hma k^\^bo^] ma^ ?^kg^ G^pfZg Dr[Z ?^eehplabi bg K\oXj ?Xcc% K_`j nXj k_\ ]`ijk ^Xd\ kf Y\ k\c\m`j\[ Yp k_\ YifX[ZXjk`e^ jkl[\ekj ]fi k_\ The Shorthorn: Laura Sliva Gnklbg`% Zg] [hma p^k^ l^e^\m^] Zl Êf^gm^^lË [r ma^ gineering and computer science classes. MINORITY continues on page 8 Xk_c\k`Zj N\Y j`k\% GZmbhgZe <hZebmbhg h_ >magb\ Fbghkbmr Gnkl^ :llh\bZ& mbhgl' fZgr ahf^ `Zf^l _hk f^gÍl Zg] phf& ]^gml fZr _bef [Zl^[Zee `Zf^l bg ma^ Ma^ mph Zk^ gh lmkZg`^kl mh mkZo^ebg` _hk ma^bk likbg`' ^gÍl [Zld^m[Zee Zl ma^r \Zg [nm maZm ma^ BY SARAH LUTZ incorporatemk^dd^] these environmental tin’s Demand Side Energy Man- :]^`[heZ ^]n\Zmbhg' _khf CZfZb\Z% pa^k^ la^ MO staff K^ihkmbg` * Zg] + \eZll^l Conservation pbee `Zf^ \ho^kZ`^ ]^i^g]l hg ma^ gnf[^k The Shorthorn ON-GOING SERIES efforts,” he bg said. “And also being <hee^`^ agement energy a^k k^\^bo^] ]biehfZ gnklbg`% mh Angm^k bg DXo`e\ 8[\^YfcX# h_ lmn]^gml ZoZbeZ[e^' Ma^r fZr Zelh elij`e^ [fZkfiXk\ in Austin, people are very much manager, said he works with the While the university looks This is the second of a three-part \ho^k lhf^ ZpZr `Zf^l% Zg] lhf^ lmn& 9IF8;:8JK Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ ELIJ@E> Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ * within itself to expand environ- city weekly with everyone from in tune to the environment and series comparing the university’s sustainability and the people who mental efforts, its flagship uni- water utilities to gas companies. sustainability efforts to other “Being in the capital, the State work on campus have that same versity, UT-Austin, has taken adTexas schools. vantage of Austin’s resources to Energy Conservation Office is flavor of wanting to make a difhere, and they assist us with scebroaden sustainability efforts. COMPARE continues on page 8 Alfred Lewandowski, UT-Aus- narios as far as financial tools to
Same Difference
Universities have different ways of approaching sustainability
CaMpus NoteBook Friday October 24, 2008
Parent and Family Weekend: All Day, Various locations. $25 per person, under 5 free. For information, contact Casey Gonzales at 817-272-2128 or parentsweekend@ uta.edu.
OneBook Display — The Best Books Never Written: All day, Central Library. Free. For information, contact Joshua Vossler at vossler@uta.edu. The Congress on New Urbanism: 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m., Architecture Building. Free. For information, call Robert Rummel-Hudson at 817-272-2314.
Special Collections — Revisualizing Westward Expansion: Mondays 9 a.m.–7 p.m. and Tuesday–Saturday 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Central Library sixth floor. Free. For information, call 817-272-3393 or or e-mail spcoref@uta.edu Art Exhibition — “Steve Brudniak and Cameron Schoepp”: noon–5 p.m., The Gallery at UTA. Free. For information, contact Patricia Healy at 817-272-5658 or phealy@uta.edu. Beehive Algorithm-based QoS Multicast Routing Scheme: 10:30–11:30 a.m., 413 Woolf Hall. Free. For information, contact Sajal Das at 817-272-7405 or das@uta.edu. Hermanns Lecture Series — Cre-
ative Writing and the Academy: 11 a.m., Central Library. Free. For information, contact the English Department at laurak@uta.edu. Genetic Connections — How We are Related to Everything: noon, 110 University Hall. Free. For information, contact Lindsey Zaleski at 817-272-6107 or studentsuccess@uta.edu. International Spouses Club: 1–3 p.m., 1022 UTA Blvd. Free. For information, contact Julie Holmer at 817-272-2355 or jholmer@uta. edu. Fibroblast Biology in 3D Collagen Matrices: 1:30–2:30 p.m., 112 Nedderman Hall. Free. For information, contact Janet Gober at 817-272-3747 or gober@uta.edu.
Fluorinated Organic Electronic Materials: 2:30–3:30 p.m., 114 Chemistry Research Building. Free. For information, call 817272-3171.
Music Department at 817-2723471 or music@uta.edu.
Festival of Ideas Roundtable: 3:30 p.m., Central Library sixth floor. Free.
Planetarium Show “Seven Wonders”: 7 p.m., Chemistry and Physics Building. Tickets $5 adults, $4 children and seniors, $3 faculty, staff and alumni, $2 students. For information, contact Levent Gurdemir at 817-272-0123 or planetarium@ uta.edu. Tami Lee Hughes Guest Violin Recital: 7:30 p.m., Irons Recital Hall. For information, contact the
Parent and Family Weekend: All day, Various locations. $25 per person, under 5 free. For information, contact Casey Gonzales at 817-2722128 or parentsweekend@uta.edu.
Preview Day: 8 a.m.–2 p.m., UC. Free. For information, contact Undergraduate Recruitment at 817-272-8821 or admissions@ uta.edu. Calendar submissions must be made by 4 p.m. two days prior to run date. To enter your event, call 817-272-3661 or log on to www.theshorthorn.com/calendar
The ShorThorn
“Being in Austin, people are very much in tune to the environment.” Alfred Lewandowski, Demand Side Energy Management Conservation engery manager, on UT-Austin sustainability programs. See Page 1
two-Day foreCast
Today Patchy frost • High 74°F • Low 43°F
Saturday Sunny • High 78°F • Low 47°F — National Weather Service at www.weather.gov
poliCe report This is a part of the daily activity log produced by the university’s Police Department. To report a criminal incident on campus, call 817-272-3381.
An officer investigated a hitand-run accident Wednesday at 901 West St. A nonstudent was transported Wednesday to Arlington Memorial Hospital with chest pains. A student reported his vehicle damaged Tuesday in the Trinity House parking lot. A staff member reported a minor accident involving a university vehicle Wednesday in the alley behind Maple Square apartments. A vehicle was towed from a reserved space Wednesday in Lot 36. A faculty member reported that a dumpster fell from a loading dock area onto his vehicle causing some damage Wednesday by the Fine Arts Building.
Policing the Vote
CaMpus Briefs
Class registration begins Monday for some students
UTA police officer Hank Pope runs for sheriff
Early registration begins Monday for continuing graduate students, graduating seniors, Honors College students, McNair scholars and athletes. Undergraduate students who have passed 90 credit hours can register on Oct. 29, those who passed 60 credit hours on Nov. 3, passed 30 credit hours on Nov. 6 and those who have passed one or more hours on Nov. 10. Undergraduate students on academic probation and new students can register on Nov. 10. The deadline to register for Spring 2009 classes is Dec. 14. Students wanting to drop a class must do so from Dec. 16 to Jan. 6. All drops and withdrawals after Dec. 15 can only be done by the student’s academic adviser.
By Mark Bauer Contributor to The Shorthorn
By the end of this election, there might be a new sheriff in town. When voters go to the Tarrant County polls, Democratic sheriff candidate Hank Pope, UTA Police Department senior investigator, will run opposite Republican incumbent Dee Anderson, who has held the position since 2001. Rick Gomez, university assistant police chief, said everybody who knows Pope and knows law enforcement will not vote based on party affiliation, but on credentials. “When it comes to local policing, it doesn’t matter whether you’re Republican or Democrat — what matters is you are the most qualified candidate,” Gomez said. Pope said he believes he is the most qualified for the position. “This isn’t about partisan politics. It’s about who’s qualified for the job,” he said. “It’s more an issue of management styles. Mine is more honed because all of the things I’ve done.” It was those years of experience that inclined Gomez to hire Pope two years ago. “Reason we hired him was his experience as an investigator and a detective and knowledge of the Tarrant County system,” Gomez said. “I’d hate to lose him. He’s a valuable asset to our department, but I’d be supportive of him as sheriff of Tarrant County.” Pope has worked in many departments and held varying roles throughout his career. He said the most disturbing scene he has worked was his first murder as a homicide investigator in 1979. The victim was an 18-month-old child, which he said made it more difficult. He said that at the time, he had children around the same age, and when he documented the crime scene and took the photos, they were all he could see. The circumstances surrounding the case were especially graphic, he said. The child’s young father became angered when the child soiled his diaper. When the child wouldn’t stop crying, the father, who had been drinking, dunked the child in scalding water. He then beat the child on the side of the tub. “Anytime you see children come to their end wrongfully, it bears on you as a parent and just as a person in general,” he said.
— Bryan Bastible
The Shorthorn: Andrew Buckley
Hank Pope, UTA Police Department senior investigator, is running for Tarrant County sheriff against Republican incumbent Dee Anderson. Early voting has already begun, using the same ballot as the presidential election.
Despite stressful work conditions, Karen Pope said her husband has remained compassionate. Unlike many professionals in the same field, she said he has not succumbed to cynicism. “Hank is a man of integrity and loves what he does,” Karen Pope said. “It’s hard to separate the man from what he does — it’s who he is.” But Karen Pope attributes their successful 35-year marriage to their deep faith and involvement in church. “I could not have made it all these years, and with Hank doing the type of work he does without it,” she said. Phone calls to Sheriff Dee Anderson’s office were unreturned as of press time. By Mark Bauer news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
Wednesday’s story “University adapts to ADA revision effective Jan. 1” should have stated that the words “regarded as” refer to individuals who do not actually have a disability but have been “regarded as” being disabled by their peers. Thursday’s headline, “SC wants UC painted in school colors,” should have said that an SC member proposed the resolution. Thursday’s article, “Creative Minds,” should have stated that the lecture series is named Hermanns Lecture Series: Creative Writing and the Academy. Thursday’s article, “Showing Off,” should have stated that Jeff Sorensen is the Student Affairs assistant vice president. Thursday’s headline, “University addresses oil concerns,” should have stated that they’re addressing emissions concerns. Wednesday’s article, “A Superstition or Makeup Artist?” Nicholas Irion’s name was misspelled. Also, Aaron Resendez should have been identified as the EXCEL director of special events.
how to reaCh us News Front Desk .............................. 817-272-3661 News after 5 p.m............................. 817-272-3205 Advertising ...................................... 817-272-3188 Fax ................................................. 817-272-5009 UC Lower Level Box 19038, Arlington, TX 76019 Editor in chief ..................................Emily Toman editor.shorthorn@uta.edu News Editor ............................Julie Ann Sanchez news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Assistant News Editor .................Abigail Howlett news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
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Friday, October 24, 2008
Not So Fast
ments seen as self- or groupserving. The groups can decide which panel members answer any given question in continued from page 1 the debate. Political science class stuended with the decision for dents submitted two five-person panquestions that will els. One for Demobe used. Allan Saxe, crat presidential political science ascandidate Barack sociate professor, Obama, represented will moderate the by UD, and Mcdebate. Cain represented by Rebecca Deen, members of CR and Pi Sigma Alpha adYCT. viser, will step in “It seemed the as needed as rules best compromise judge and time since YCT really Terry Duncan, keeper. wanted to be includ- College Rivas said he’s ed, but neither CR Republicans designating panel nor UD wanted the president members to repredebate to include a sent topics like fornonpartisan group,” eign policy and the CR president Terry economy so they can Duncan said. prepare. UD’s faculRivas said this ty sponsor will quiz might be the best them before the decompromise, albate presenting the though he originally Republican side of wanted to just deissues, so they can bate CR. practice counterThere will be Gabe Rivas, arguments. about 15 questions University Duncan said the with one minute to Democrats republican panel has answer each and 30 president not started practicseconds for rebuting yet, pending cotal. The panels must keep their responses focused ordinating everyone’s schedon the candidates and not ule. He said they haven’t go off-topic, including com- picked panel members.
One Iranian student debunks rumors about life back home By Michelle leverett Contributor to The Shorthorn
Living in Iran for 23 years has helped one international student understand both sides of the political spectrum regarding the presidential elections. International Spouses Club member, Bahareh Bakhtiari lived in Tehran, Iran where she received her bachelor’s degree in urban and public affairs before she and her husband moved to Arlington two years ago to complete his doctorate. With the current economic crisis and ongoing war, Bakhtiari said she believes the presidential elections are coming at a crucial time for both countries. She said she doesn’t agree with either presidential candidates’ stances on Iran. On one end, she doesn’t understand why McCain says the U.S. will go to war with Iran and said there’s a disparity in American foreign policy. “Americans gave a lot of money to Pakistan’s nuclear program. So what is this? They don’t want Iran to have a nuclear program, but what about Pakistan?” she said. The dour outlook by the candidates, especially McCain, on Iran is another concern Bakhtiari has when it comes to the presidential election. “It’s awful,” she said. “He doesn’t think things are going to change with Iran.” Bakhtiari said she believes there is a misconception about Iranians in America. “I hate it when they are speaking about Iran, because the media always refers to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,” she said. “Most Iranians do not think like he does, do not like him and think he lies.” Brent Sasley, political science assistant professor, said many Iranians are not happy with
COMING UP TUESDAY Look for our special Election Guide section
Page 3
The ShorThorn
The Shorthorn: Michael Rettig
International Spouses Club member Bahareh Bakhtiari lived in Iran for 23 years before moving to Texas with her husband. She believes the upcoming U.S. presidential election will have an effect on next year’s Iranian elections.
their government because of restrictions on social and political life. “Many Iranians support the government because they believe whole-heartedly in the revolution and the regime’s interpretation of Islam,” Sasley said. “The former are more likely to believe that relations with the West and the U.S. are not such a bad thing after all. The latter strongly dislike the U.S. and the West and believe the U.S. is only out to control other countries.” Bakhtiari said she hopes former Iranian President Seyed Mohammad Khatami will run for re-election in the next six months. Unlike the U.S., Iranian former presidents can run more than two terms, but not consecutively. “I think he was a great president,” she said. “While he was in office our relations with U.S. were a lot better, and much
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more progress was made.” Bakhtiari said many changes are needed in Iran, like women’s rights, because they still don’t meet the U.S. standards. “Iran’s government is limited because of the Muslim religion,” Bakhtiari said. “If some of the laws were actually enacted, then things would be better for Iran.” Julie Holmer, Office of International Education program coordinator, said although its name has been dragged in mud in the U.S., Iran has the least restrictions on women compared to Middle Eastern countries. “The situation is a lot worse in Saudi Arabia, where if a woman is caught having committed adultery, she is killed,” Holmer said. “Women still have a lot more freedom in Iran.” Michelle leverett news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
Charlie continued from page 1
Rumsfeld.” Murphy is also known for his other works including the voice of Ed Wuncler III from the animated show, “The Boondocks” and his role in the film “The Perfect Holiday.” He also had a brief role in the 2006 film “Night at the Museum.” While the focus of Murphy’s routine is unknown, Student Activities director P.K. Kelly said Murphy draws from his previous experiences as Eddie Murphy’s brother and “Chappelle’s Show.” EXCEL vice president Maggie Garza said Murphy wasn’t the first pick as fall
deBate forMat • Questions submitted by POLS 2311 and 2312 students • One-minute answers with a 30-second rebuttal • Five-person panel for each side; sides can pick who answers questions • Panels urged to keep answers to presidential candidates’ stances • No name-calling, personal attacks or insults; two offenses result in the loss of a panel member Source: debate rules agreement
“Not as of yet, except that I’ll be the one ‘CR’ guy of a total of five people on the McCain panel,” he said. Veronica Olvera, Pi Sigma Alpha president, said the purpose of the debate is to educate and inform student voters. “As president of Pi Sigma Alpha, I encourage all students to come to the Great Debate,” she said. Jason Boyd news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
for related content see page 5
his show, right before the comedian. “We started the selec- second season,” Kelly said. tion process back in spring,” “With Charlie Murphy our Garza said. “We chose some- expectation is that he will one and that fell through, significantly fill up Texas then again in summer and Hall.” Comedian Freez Luv, who that fell through, so we left tours with it to the Murphy reguEntertainWhen and Where larly, will open ment and the show, she Arts comWhen: 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 6 said. mittee to Where: Texas Hall Garza said decide.” she believes H u n i EXCEL has said Murphy was in an election chosen a comedian students against five other comedians will appreciate. “Looking at the dynamic and out of the 300 students polled, the New York na- here at school, people know tive had the most votes. This his face,” she said. “He is will be the first comedian in perfect for the college atmoTexas Hall since Carlos Men- sphere.” cia in spring 2006. “Mencia sold out because dustin dangli it was during the height of news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
“Looking at the dynamic here at school, people know his face. He is perfect for the college atmosphere.” Maggie garza,
EXCEL vice president
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Friday, October 24, 2008
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world view
Early voting among blacks in South high The AssociATed Press
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CHARLOTTE, N.C. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Blacks are already surging to the polls in parts of the South, according to initial figures from states that encourage early voting â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a striking though still preliminary sign of how strongly they will turn out nationwide for Barack Obama in his campaign to become the first African-American president. There have been predictions all year of a record black turnout for Obama. The first actual figures suggest that wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just talk: â&#x20AC;˘ In North Carolina, blacks make up 31 percent of early voters so far, even though theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re just 21 percent of the population and made up only 19 percent of stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s overall 2004 vote. â&#x20AC;˘ Roughly 36 percent of the early voters are black in Georgia, outpacing their 30 percent proportion of the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s population and their 25 percent share of the 2004 vote. No one but the voters can be sure how they voted. And John McCainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s campaign officials note that the Obama camp has put much more effort than they have into early voting. But the numbers are still notable. Democrats are outvoting the GOP by a margin of 2.5-to-1 in North Carolina, where early vot-
ing has been under way for a week. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s roughly double the margin from 2004. More than 210,000 blacks who are registered as Democrats have cast early ballots in the Tar
Heel State â&#x20AC;&#x201D; compared with roughly 174,000 registered Republicans overall. Four years ago, the number of GOP early and absentee voters was more than double that of black Democrats.
AP Photo: Chuck Burton
Samuel Adams looks over a sample ballot as he stands in line to vote at an early voting site in Charlotte, N.C., Thursday. In three Southern states critical to deciding who will win the White House â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Georgia, Florida and North Carolina â&#x20AC;&#x201D; there are clear signs after several days of early voting that favor Democratic nominee Barack Obama. In North Carolina, for example, 40,000 more blacks who are registered as Democrats have cast an early ballot than have registered Republicans overall.
world view
Ky. Supreme Court clears way for death The AssociATed Press
FRANKFORT, Ky. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Kentucky Supreme Court cleared the way Thursday for the execution of a child killer who asked to be put to death so that delays would not â&#x20AC;&#x153;drag out the miseryâ&#x20AC;? for himself and his victimsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; families. Marco Allen Chapman, 36, could be put to death as early as next month if no further appeals are filed. The court issued only a
brief order to set the execution in motion and did not explain its reasoning. Chapman filed an affidavit last year asking that public defenders not be allowed to file additional appeals because he wants to be executed for the murders of 6-year-old Cody Sharon and 7-year-old Chelbi Sharon in the northern Kentucky town of Warsaw in August 2002.
His defense attorneys called his request for a speedy execution â&#x20AC;&#x153;suicide by court,â&#x20AC;? and argued that his wish to waive appeals showed he was not competent. They have been pushing for another competency hearing. Defense attorney John Palombi, one of a team of lawyers who have been trying to stop the execution, said Chapman has been unwilling to authorize pleadings in his case.
Tuesday, October 28 â&#x20AC;˘ The Library Mall 12pm - 5pm
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:_Xi`kp Dfek`\k_# \[`kfi :f_\ 9fc`e# \[`kfi Cohe Bolin, editor ABOUT OPINION fg`e`fe$\[`kfi%j_fik_fie7lkX%\[l fg`e`fe$\[`kfi%j_fik_fie7lkX%\[l opinion-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Cohe Bolin, editor Fg`e`fe `j glYc`j_\[ N\[e\j[Xp Xe[ =i`[Xp% Fg`e`fe `j glYc`j_\[ N\[e\j[Xp Xe[ =i`[Xp% Opinion is published Wednesday and Friday. opinion-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu IZ`^ / 2008 Wednesday P^]g^l]Zr% :n`nlm +0% +))1 and Friday. Friday, August 29, Opinion is published Friday, October 24, 2008
?Zlm&?hh] ?bZl\h <e^Zg ;k^Zd :]o^kmbl^k bgm^kknimbhgl
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K_\ J_fik_fie `em`k\j jkl[\ekj# le`m\ij`kp K_\ J_fik_fie The Shorthorn `em`k\j jkl[\ekj# le`m\ij`kp invites students, university \dgcfp\\j Xe[ Xclde` kf jlYd`k ^l\jk REMEMBER \dgcfp\\j Xe[ Xclde` kf jlYd`k ^l\jk employees and alumni to submit guest Zfcldej kf k_\ Fg`e`fe gX^\% Zfcldej kf k_\ Fg`e`fe gX^\% columns to the Opinion for page. Go to www.theshorthorn.com todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Decision â&#x20AC;&#x2122;08 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rumor Control.â&#x20AC;? ?kb]Zr% FZk\a *-% +))1 IZ`^ . Page 7 Page 5
;Z[rlbmmbg` :]neml The Wrong Answer â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Great Debateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
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]bfbgbla ma^ ]b`gbmr h_ Jkl[\ekj j_flc[ Y\ XnXi\ f] Y`e^\$[i`eb`e^ [Xe^\ij ma^ Herfib\ @Zf^l Arming teachers Y\]fi\ c\Xm`e^ ]fi X n\\b
Home Sweet Make It Relevant Where?
early voting, sopoor closecommunication to Nov. 4, Bad information, fails=kbgdbg` Z`^ k^lmkb\mbhgl bg^__^\mbo^% `khni k^\hff^g]l \aZg`^ to address the deeper problem During presenters need to keep on topic costs students time,itmoney, stress
Bm pZl ZfZsbg`' :\khll ma^ \hngmkr% *+1 \hee^`^ \hee^`^ lmn]^gml m^g] mh ]kbgd pa^g ma^r Bg mZdbg` k^lihglb[bebmr bg ma^l^ Zk^Zl% Ang]k^]l h_ i^hie^ kZg Z\khll ma^ an`^ BmĂ?l mbf^ mh \^e^[kZm^' The student debate about the *1&r^Zk&he] election ik^lb]^gml Zg] \aZg\^eehkl aZo^ lb`g^] ma^ e^Zo^ ahf^ _hk ma^ _bklm mbf^' Ma^ iZk^gml bm lahne] Zelh [^ applied ni mh for ma^ war, and only deep reflections on society will help. Israel, armed guards are employed to potentially s students go back to school this week, campus Students who on-campus lmZ`^% jnb\der Zll^f[ebg` bgmh ma^ i^k_^\m ]ho^ P^Ă?o^ \kZff^] _hk ma^ iZlm _^p the presidential candidates is semesIf it is not the case, then lh arming everybody fend off:f^marlm terrorists from Israeli schools. In Z both security will again be an issue. housing ran into problems this BgbmbZmbo^% hi^gbg` ]bZeh`n^ Zk^gĂ?m Zkhng] lmn]^gml Zk^ may `hbg` mh andZ]nem mh mZd^ k^lihglb[bebmr _hk ma^fl^eo^l laZi^ Zl ma^ eb`aml hg ma^bk lnbml `ehp^] ]b__^k^gm p^^dl% Zg] fb]m^kfl Zk^ _bgZeer ho^k' countries, the necessity of these measures is backfire. scheduled for Monday. Recently, Shorthorn reported that crime \hehkl' Ma^r The jnb\der ]bl[Zg]^] Zg] \k^Zm^] Z ter â&#x20AC;&#x201D; there wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t enough to go around. Z[hnm ehp^kbg` ma^ ]kbgdbg` Z`^ _khf +* ^qi^kbf^gm Ă&#x2030; fZr[^ bkk^lihglb[er' hg ma^ blln^ h_ ]kbgdbg`' Bm blgĂ?m ni mh ma^ A professor trained to shoot and licensed to imposed by a state of war that involves potentially had risen from last yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s data. g^p _hkf% cnlm Zl ik^\bl^ Zl ma^ eZlm% [nm fhk^ Ghp% ma^ \hngm]hpg bl hg' Hger Z Presentation by peersshould shouldbehelp University Housing morestuormh *1' FZgr lmhkb^l h_ +*lm [bkma]Zr ngbo^klbmr mh [Z[rlbm Z]neml' plify the process. war, abefore theif he carry a gunwere may before himselfthe become weapon serious attacks on civilians. everything that haphere is nothing new under So itith will not be surprising that campus security Z\kh[Zmb\Zeer m^\agb\Ze Zl has i^k_hkf^kl lmhh] hg financial-aid dents in making a decision, more than _^p ^q\kn\bZmbg` ahnkl k^fZbg ngmbe ganized and accountable for its mistakes. Mabl pbee [^ bg^__^\mbo^' Ma^ hkb`bgZe eZp \^e^[kZmbhgl bgoheo^ +* lahml Ahp bl maZm ihllb[e^8 Phne] ma^ ngb& Hethe wants theU.S. American financial losses, before wavesh_ ebjnhk% pened in the^Z\a hma^klĂ? lahne]^kl' lastagain decade sun. extreme turns mad. If the now also resortsthe to such will come to fore,to create theo^klbmr i^k_hkf khhf bgli^\mbhgl bg ^o^kr talking and advertisements likbg` [k^Zd [^`bgl' Morepoints than 4,000 students live in Tax Credit, which made in thetoworld. and the new troubles we Zl have This is perhaps thepZl wisest The hk oZkbZmbhgl h_ [bg`^ ]kbgdbg` maZm h_m^g fact were that citizens have provide for their measures, shouldma^ we then understand especially when comes to defense Cnlm ma^ itOpportunity <abg^l^ maZm \aZg`^] ]kbgdbg` Z`^ that mh +* campus residence halls or of apartments. will make college affordable. This On the other hand, there upon us, now is the time for a proverb, ever. Winter always seen on TV and the stiffness the naown defense points to a failure of the law to do it. the nation is at war? I mean, at war with itself. guns. :l rhnĂ?k^ _bgZebsbg` ieZgl% ]hgĂ?m i^k_hkf^kl ]blZll^f[e^] bg^__^\mbo^ mhh' Fbghkl ]kbgd pa^ma^k ma^ ^g] are bg those ]kngd ]kbobg` ]^Zmal hk IfZe\hahe ]hkf mh lgb__ hnm ma^ Ze\hahe8 Ma^g ma^k^ credit will ensure that the beginwho believe we are president like Barack Obama. changes into spring, which The problem now becomes to create better laws. If this is the case, then guns will not solve the Most of us remember With enrollment increasing, housing will tional debates. Zg] ik^iZk^] mh lmng ma^ e^m ma^ \^e^[kZmbhg [^ knbg^] [r ma^ eZp bl ma^k^ hk ghm' ihblhgbg`' Zk^ ma^ lmn]^gml pah ebo^ h__ \Zfinl Ă&#x2030; ning of higher education is free fighting theenforce goodhisfight and and Obama has madeZn]b^g\^ pbma Zghma^k ^r^& his campaign turns always into summer. not, every one will own law, the incident involving remain an issue. The debate should also focus on issues \hgl^jn^g\^l h_ [bg`^ ]kbgdbg`' and will cover two-thirds the cost :`Zbglm that, in striving forbethe set an from allegedly Is there anything that we the Constitution itself will thegoal final victim Fhma^kl =kngd =kbobg` bl can IZk^gml Zg] F:== lZr ngbo^klbmr paZm phne] ma^ waiting ikhmh\he list [^ numbers ma^g8 Lmn& a effort student [h``ebg` _^Zm% bm aZii^g^]' reported that areThe important to students. Bm fZr [^ _nggr mh pZm\a ma^ of tuition at the average public before us, we can build a betthe beginning learnma^ from this truth? Nothâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;h__b\bZel it will become carrying a gun inmh his Ă&#x160;Bl bm ihllb[e^ _bm Z ahiibg` fZ] Z[hnm bgbmbZmbo^% lZrbg` Zk^ useless. ghm mZdbg` k^lihglb[bebmr _hk ]^gml Zg] iZk^gml phne] ghm [^ took aZiir werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t conciseâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;â&#x20AC;&#x201D;and some students or university and make ter world for ourselves. to divide ing happens without prece-Possessing â&#x20AC;˘ The economy how the cura weapon is not in itself deadly, carnot lasti^` semester, which ]kngd^g ^l\ZiZ]^l h_ Z _kb^g]% [nm ljnZk^ bgmh college Z khng] maZm free ehp^kbg` ma^ ]kbgdbg` Z`^ orbgobm^l lmn]^gmlĂ? ]kbgdbg`' <hee^`^ Z[hnm ma^bk ngbo^klbmr [^\hfbg` Z iheb\^ apartments off-campus and didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t incommunity college tuition for young]^kZ`^ think I have America into of dent, provocation previous neither isIf shooting it for fun. But reiterwhen guns revived talks gunrent economic crisis will affect financial ahe^8Ă&#x2039; Zg Zgghrbg`% bmĂ?l gh eZn`abg` fZmm^k pa^g abl form housing so the list was incorrect, ik^lb]^gml Zg] ikhihg^gml h_ ma^ bgbmbZmbo^ lmZm^' fhk^ Ze\hahe&k^eZm^] _ZmZebmb^l' most students. In exchange, stuated the red and blue incarnation. In other words, are associated with madness and lack of selffriendly policies on \hngmkb_b^] ohb\^ lZb] _khf aid said Matthew Hendricks, Housing Opbgmhqb\Zmbhg ikh`k^ll^l mh Ze\hahe 100 i sthey s ubecome e s states, but dents the present is uncertain, but control, deadly and no one can our own campus. Thewould have to complete Ma^ eZp pZl Zm *1 r^Zkl he] ngmbe lZr fbghkl pbee _bg] Z pZr Ma^ lbfie^ _Z\m k^fZbgl3 ma^ eZp ma^ MO' Ă&#x160;P^ee% b_ maZm ljnZk^ â&#x20AC;˘ The Iraqassistant War â&#x20AC;&#x201D; how it impacts the I8P <;N8I; ihblhgbg`' hoursg^p of community service. face lead Unitthe memory of the past is our predictwe madness. memory of Virginia erations director. SYLVAIN REY i^` bl aPaZmZ[nk`^kĂ?l gh fZmm^k paZm ]h^lgĂ?m phkd' Ma^ _Z\m maZm bm bl bee^`Ze fZr ma^ GZmbhgZe Fbgbfnf =kbgdbg` 9L==@E>KFE @M He plans to make America today, you ed States of guide to the future. country ecoThe question to ask should be: Why are Tech is still fresh in our ;^\Znl^ fhlm i^hie^ pah [bg`^ said ]kbgdbg` the list now comprises fewer iZmmr f^em% Zg] maZm khng] ma^ eZp lZrl' ^o^g He fZd^ l^^f fhk^ ^gmb\bg` h_ *21-' Do Ebd^ fhlm driving eZpl around energy independent :`^ in 10:\m years have shootings not America. He dbll^k% I suggest there school in America? minds. EDITORIAL nomically andstudents, ahe^ bl rhnk rhn ]kbgd Zk^gĂ?m Ze\hahe&]^i^g]^gm% than 100 and housing is and reduce greenhouse gas emispayis not that interlooking in the rearview mir-In been Lh pa^k^ mh fbghkl pah fb`am _^^e maZm bmĂ?l still Z pZr <hg`k^ll iZll^l% mabl hg^ Switzerland, where every single ]h^l It is to avoid such violence the Harrold ROUNDUP [^m\aZ'Ă&#x2039; socially and how available at Centennial Court and Johnma^ ikh[e^f bl ^Zlr mh ]blfbll' ;nm sions 80 percent bypZl 2050. He Zf[b`nhnl' ing attenested in only ror? On the contrary, I want household owns a weapon â&#x20AC;&#x201D; ma^ everyk^lihglb[bebmr person school small district near\hff^k\bZe Wichita mh k^[^e' Z ebmme^ Mabl district, pZl ahg^ h_ fZgr the candidates son Creek apartments. will make oil and gas companies tion. This no such shootings are winning our country to move forward The issue: g^Zker hg^&mabk] h_ \hee^`^ lmn]^gml is a citizen-soldier, Falls, has, with Gov.with Rick Perryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s makhn`ahnm support, bgm^kknimbhgl bgl^km^] i^kbh]b\Zeer : i^klhg ng]^k +* bl ghm F:== lZrl said ]kngd&]kbobg` Z\\b]^gml K_\ J_fik_fie1 8ekfe`eX ;f\jZ_\i use the leases they currently hold, was the elections and with all deliberate speed â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Hendricks his department plan to either Student political â&#x20AC;&#x153;will GABE RIVAS reported. The problem then lies in the heart passed a decision that makes Harrold the pbee ^g`Z`^ bg [bg`^ ]kbgdbg` Zm e^Zlm ma^ _hnk&ahnk +))1 ;^bcbg` Herfib\l hi^gbg` ]^\k^Zl^] lbg\^ ma^ aZl [^^g Zeehp^] mh [nr however, Ze\hahe equipped with ofaAmerican increase fuel economy standards state ofsociety. afhispass continue to monitor demand for housgroups willeZp debate first school[khZ]\Zlm district infollowing the endaZo^ or prolong \^k^fhgr hg nation G;<' to B dghp such fZgr hg\^ ]nkbg` likbg` [k^Zd% Z\\hk]bg` to create Ze\hahe% fairs more party or the and spearhead the effort rearview mirror. bg ^__^\m% Zg] GZmbhgpb]^ BglnkZg\^ hk ihll^ll [nm the presidential If schools, which were founded to make a measure. ing and make decisions about building i^hie^ hnm ma^k^ fZr [^ lni^k ^q\bm^] Z[hnm the war mh ma^ GZmbhgZe Bglmbmnm^ hg :e\hahe jobs.â&#x20AC;? twoare themselves victims of polls, John McCain has apWeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re being told that this better than citizens, The asresolution, passed last\hp&Zg]&f^em^]& week, millions allows of new â&#x20AC;&#x153;green candidatesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; ikh]n\^] Z lnko^r lZrbg` maZm 0+ i^k\^gm ma^ eZp ]h^l ghm ikhab[bm more housing based on the platforms number of PaZmZ[nk`^kĂ?l _Zg\r g^p â&#x20AC;˘ The Obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tax plan will elimicenturies peared recently. Obama is:[nl^ Zg] interelection will be the big one, TERRY DUNCAN social violence, then they have failed in their teachers to carry guns at school theyk^o^eZmbhg have a Monday. \a^^l^&hg&[k^Z] \k^Zmbhg% Zg] ifmabl students interh_ Z]neml mabgd ehp^kbg` ma^ ]kbgdbg` ]kbgdbg` Ze\hahe' nate capitol gains taxes for small ago. This estedpermit in the and particulars effective the hugest, the greatest â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the environment â&#x20AC;&#x201D; role. School shootings and violence are the state district of authorization. :e\haheblf' We suggest: fZr aZo^ aZ] Z _^p h_ ma^f bg ma^bk \Zkl hg ma^bk <;@KFI@8C ested in living mh H_ \hnkl^% ma^k^ bl ma^ Z`^ pbee fZd^ Ze\hahe fhk^ Z\\^llb[e^ businesses that create jobs in the was the governing. most colossal event in hismost dramatic symptoms of a deeper illness. The logic behind the decision is simple: EDITORIAL the candidatesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; pZr mh ma^ _Zlm&_hh] k^lmZnkZgm aZe_pZr makhn`a For the most effective Bm mZd^l ma^ U.S. It will give tax cuts to families time ofnot thethe American RevoluWe are about to elect someone tory. Honestly, I could think B pZl ma^bk [Z] bg_en^g\^'on campus.â&#x20AC;? r \abe]ahh] pZl Z lbfie^ mbf^ pa^g ma^ Bg maZm fhf^gm bgmh ma^ phke] fbghk ^q\^imbhg' Bg M^qZl% b_ fbghkl' And guns are cure.B iZll^] If IFLE;LG licensed teachers carry^o^krhg^Ă?l weapons, defense ma^ \hff^k\bZe' ;nm ikbhkbmb^l plans for debate, panels ROUNDUP sending a child to college or looktion. We have come full circle to the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most powerful poof some more important his[h]r mph ahnkl Some stu- Ă&#x160;[Z] Ghp% BĂ?f ghm lZrbg` B pZl ma^ mrib\Ze phke] pZl Zg] pabm^' Ebg^l p^k^ h_ ln[c^\mbobmr Ă&#x2030; ma^ phke]% Only a deeper analysis of Z]nem the roots and pa^k^ against a potential murderer will be\ahhl^ made Z pbma iZk^gml hk [eZ\d Z `nZk]bZg% R^m p^ Zelh aZo^ mh \hglb]^k maZm ma^ eZp Zk^ ]b__^k^gm' I^klhgZeer% B phne] K_\ `jjl\1 should narrow on sustainability ing to save and cut taxes for 95 in our nation â&#x20AC;&#x201D; we find ourlitical office. Doing this demontorical events. I could think of The issue: db]'Ă&#x2039; K^eZmbo^er li^Zdbg`% ahp^o^k% B pZl fhk^ ghm [enkk^] pbma ma^ laZ]^l h_ `kZr maZm ^o^krmabg` bl ghm Zl bm l^^fl' B aZ] bf[b[^]% hg Zo^kZ`^ mh dents felt the conditions of social violence will provide easier and quicker. jnZ]k^ggbZe ngbo^klZe ^o^gm ho^k _Zlm&_hh]' Jgi`e^ Yi\Xb ]kbgdbg` bl Zeehp^]' B_ rhn fZkkr ones,ng]^k issues affecting percent of workers and their fr famiselves comparable circumstrates which we are want some andmaZm kZbl^] ma^ ]kbgdbg` Z`^ pZl iZll^] bg dealing with fbl\ab^ohnl maZg fr _kb^g]l pah p^k^ fZ]^ bg_^lm eb_^ ghp' ;Z\d more ma^g% interesting hg^ mabg` pZl ma^ in `nbl^ h_ \ah\heZm^ fbed% ma^ fhlm Students on waitan explanation and shape better, long-term But,gh the very direction fact that guns now allowed department gave ]b`^lm Zg] _neer BmĂ?l lnkikbl^ maZm Z]o^kmblbg` aZl mZd^g Z\c\YiXk`fej ZXe c\X[ kf students that were lies with a $500 tax cut for workstances _Zel^ today.ikhia^m h_ ]Zbkr mk^Zml lbg\^ ourschools, countrywhere to progress to future too. But I cannot think of anylhf^hg^ pah bl ho^k +* pabe^ rhn Zk^ Z lists mbf^ ma^ eZpl \hg\^kgbg` bgmh ]h\be^ ma^bk ]Zber HoZembg^' mkn^% hg^ mabg` pZl \^kmZbg' ]^lib\Z[e^ policies. our*21-% growth as shf[b^l a pa^g in our children theoretically ing werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t in-[r Y`e^\ [i`eb`e^% them the runho^k hnk ebo^l' >o^krpa^k^ p^ mnkg% p^ Zk^ k^\ho^k _khf ers and a $1,000 cutghm r^m +*% rhn Zelh `^m mh ]kbgd' forMaZm mabg` pZl \ah\heZm^ fbed' working The solutions we need today generations and to the rest ofto the a part thing more decisive for theG^lme^ Jnbd Ă&#x2030; HoZembg^' not addressed in the A^Zkbg` ma^f lZr Ă&#x160;Fhk^ HoZembg^% ie^Zl^ Ă&#x2039; pZl Ze\hahe p^k^ `^g^kZeer fhk^ k^eZq^]' @^m& And America will avoid an undeclared, receive the they of formed of housing N\ jl^^\jk1 ^qihl^] mh education ang]k^]l h_ need Z]l hk be `bffb\dl population couples.mh are the same as were required world. course of our nation. hg^ ]kbgd% Z\& nationalaround. debates.At ori\k^^ir' :l Z [hr B ^gchr^] \ah\heZm^ fbed bg eZk`^ HoZembg^ pZl Zg] bl ma^ Zgmbma^lbl h_ underground civil war. society, is worrying â&#x20AC;&#x201D; even scary. p^ aZo^ ^o^g Befn k_\ j`^ej f] Ma^ bgbmbZmbo^ lZrl ma^ are \nkk^gm eZp things mbg` Z =PB bg *21- pZl Z \Zd^pZed \hf& fZd^ Bkhgb\Zeer% availability and had â&#x20AC;˘ Education entation in July, Obama has said what heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about by our forefathers â&#x20AC;&#x201D; winning Donl wepZgm wantmh to[nr' continue down There too many B pZl ma^ db] pahl^ ahnl^ ma^r phne] `h mh jnZgmbmb^l' Bm pZl lh lbfie^' B phne] cnlm fbq ^o^krmabg` maZm \ah\heZm^ \hk]bg` mh ma^ Only ThailandZ]l andpbma Israel have policies XcZf_fc gf`jfe`e^ Y\]fi\ [^\hf^ bIh]l% eZ[^e^] to how find other places phkdbg`' Lmn]^gml mnkg mh [bg`^ iZk^] mh paZm Z i^klhg `h^l makhn`a ghp% and his campaign hasblgĂ?m not focused the war with honor for the the pathpZedbg` of the George W.hnk Bush on the line to sit out this elecone freshman, policy â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Z \ni h_ fbed pbma Zg bghk]bgZm^ Zfhngm h_ fbed lmZg]l _hk' ?bklm% bm pa^g ma^r pZgm^] mh pZm\a Z fhob^ hk ieZr Z [i`eb`e^ XcZf_fc% allowing armed protection in<^gm^kl _hk schools. labkml Zg] c^Zgl% lihkml promises? aZml Zg] hma^k Ă&#x160;ehhd attacks. Not to live. on negative only will sake of self-determining policies that McCain tionZpZr â&#x20AC;&#x201D; B abortion, economic ]kbgdbg`% p ab\a Zg] \Zg e^Z] mh ]Zg`^khnl pab\a bl Z\mnZeer Z `hh] mabg`' who asked not `Zf^ ]^^f^] mhh obhe^gm hk i^ko^kl^ _hk ma^bk \ah\heZm^ lrkni phne] kb]^ hg Z lhng]l ebd^ deZ senior ik^l\kbimbhg they plan to In Thailand, it is to defend students and â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Sylvain Rey is an anthropology paZm B [hn`amĂ&#x2039; iZkZia^kgZebZ' We suggest: needed mocracy, ensuring freedom of Or do we want to regain=bl^Zl^ <hg& both he bring about the change policy, education, energy indeik^\bhnl ebmme^ fbg]l' GZmnkZeer% mabl e^] mh Z ehm _ZgmZlmb\ ln`Zk ab`a h_ ]^eb\bhnlg^ll' ]kn`' L^\hg]% bmĂ?l gnmkbmbhnl' to be named, \hgl^jn^g\^l' :\\hk]bg` mh ma^ :e\hahe Iheb\r Bg_hk& faculty against Muslim separatists who have and columnist for The Shorthorn encourage sec- Housing PaZm bkdl in f^ America bl maZm and Z]o^kmbl^kl hg University America, but he willMa^g B `k^p he]^k' govern protecwhat is great the inmkh] pendence, health care, judicial the market, instating mkhe Zg] Ik^o^gmbhg' FZgr [^eb^o^ h_ [eZf^ makhpg bg fr ]bk^\mbhg' ObmZfbgl Zg] fbg^kZel% The Shorthorn: Eduardo Villagrana been waging a bloody war since 2004. In was told by a Lmn]^gml Zelh \ahhl^ mh ]kbgd fZmbhg Lrlm^f% Z[hnm .%))) ng]^kZ`^ lZ\k^] `khng] [r bg_bemkZmbg` Zg] mZkgblabg` ma^ ondaryHg^ education while making more expect curtailing place we deserve to hold in the with the dignity we should appointments, national secu- tive rights while should commumbf^ bg iZkmb\neZk% B receptionist pZl it k^Zf^] [r Z Bg ma^ pZgbg` r^Zkl h_ fr ^e^f^gmZkr l\ahhe l^kbhnler8 Pah lebii^] maZm [eZ\d \h__^^% Z \he] lahp^k% that \^k^fhgr pbma ,)&l^\hg] lZe^l ibm\a^l' kZma^k maZg pZbm _hk and ma^ the [b` war on abuses and casting ]kbgdbg` k^eZm^] ]^Zmal h\\nk ZggnZeer% of our elected leaders.bee^`Zeer offbg those world? rity, tax plans nicate better with affordable iZk^gm _hk ^qihlbg` abl hk a^k \abe] mh Fhgmr \Zk^^k% B obob]er k^f^f[^k ieZrbg` Gbgm^g]h Zm mahl^ ma^k^8 MaZmĂ?l Lbg\^ ma^ lnff^k Herfib\l mZd^ ieZ\^ hg\^ pZedbg` hk le^^ibg` pbee lh[^k Z no wait list exI will vote for Obama because to manipulate By now you probably know terror â&#x20AC;&#x201D;maZm to name a few. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve who would try Zefhlm +*' Ma^ bgbmbZmbo^ lZrl ehp^kbg` students prevent Irmahg _befl bg ma^ _hnkma `kZ]^' Hhil' Zl ik^ihlm^khnl Zl â&#x20AC;˘_khf \Zk Z\\b]^gml mh ahfb\b]^ hk lnb\b]^' fr _kb^g]Ă?l ahnl^ pa^g abl fhma^k% bg Z Ă&#x160;E^Zo^ Health caretoâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; how they propose ^o^kr _hnk r^Zkl% ma^ for, kZk^ but h\\nkk^g\^ value personal integrity in leadus from afar. what Obama stands I will IpZkkZgml heard it all before, but have ]kngd fhk^ jnb\der' Ma^l^ Zk^ frmal' isted atlZrl all. Z[hnm confusion the than NembfZm^er% B ]hgĂ?m _^^e mhh [hma^k^] _bg]bg` iaZkfZ\^nmb\Zel bg Bm mh ;^Zo^kĂ&#x2039; _Zlabhg% Zld^] nl b_ p^Ă?] ebd^ lhf^ Ik^lb]^gm CZf^l LiZgbheh maZm to deal with the in more 45She million Z ehp^k ]hlZ`^ h_ Z]o^kmblbg` ^qihlnk^' BĂ?f it is clear ma^ Z`^ ebfbml pbee \nk[ [bg`^ ]kbgdbg` ers, and to me that The candidates campaignattempt to sum up his positions you yet taken a moment to was given Ma^ hger mabg` maZm pbee k^o^kl^ ma^ fr k^o^eZmbhg' B ]hgĂ?m iZkmb\neZker fbg] fr rhnk pZm^k lniier' \ah\heZm^ fbed' B eZn`a^] Zm _bklm% Zllnfbg` la^ future. \eZla^l ma^ eZp fZdbg` fhk^ k^l^Zk\a g^^]l mh [^ ]hg^ [^_hk^ ma^ ZpZk^ maZm issues ma^ [khZ]\Zlm \hf^ Obama _hk _k^^% surpasses his Zg] opponent in pbma ing for the presidency have uninsured citizens of the U.S.`hm mh that on major facing us]b]gĂ?m in Noconsider theĂ&#x2030; future by events K_\ J_fik_fie1 8ekfe`eX ;f\jZ_\i said lahp fr ;^rhg] fr jnZefl pbma iZlm Zl ma^ [Z] bg_en^g\^' aB letter pZl Zldbg` Z ka^mhkb\Ze jn^lmbhg' ^__^\ml h_ Ze\hahe bl mbf^' [nm Z ]b__^k^gm fhg^r&fZdbg` mZ\mb\ \hne] aZo^ that regard. His convictions and]kbgdbg` decidedly different visions of vember. of the past? ng]^kZ`^ l^^f e^ll `eZfhkhnl ngbo^klbmr \Zg mZd^ Z ihlbmbhg' students be voting for up the _kb^g]l lhf^ h_ will ma^ _nggb^lm fZm^kbZe Zkhng] ma^ mZlm^ Zg] gnmkbmbhgZe Many La^ pZlgĂ?m' to show on [^^g _heehp^]' H_m^g% fhob^l [khZ]\Zlm _hk ma^ ;nm mbf^ blgĂ?m hg rhnk lb]^ b_ rhn G?@CC@G 9FN;<E make him He has consistently opposed judgment, above all,lbg\^ bm phne] [^ e^`Ze' The nation is embroiled in a the U.S. and goals for our naNg]^kZ`^ ]kbgdbg` `hbg` ZpZr' oZen^ h_ HoZembg^ Ă&#x2030; Zg] Ebd^ Zgr *)&r^Zk&he] pbma Z [kZbg Zg] Zg eb^8 Fhlm \hee^`^ lmn]^gml Zk^ ho^k *1% lh firstpZr [^_hk^ ma^rĂ?] _bgZeer [k^Zd ma^ laZ\de^l h_ time, andday this bebl atoghm good chance the first ofwill classes attempt to _bklm mbf^ war, hg ghg\Z[e^ lmZmbhgl Zk^ ik^l^gm^] the right man to lead this counthe Iraq which was wrong war that has divided the popu- tion. John McCainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s campaign lnli^\m Ze\hahe ihblhgbg`' Dghpbg` ma^bk iZk^gmlĂ? bg_en^g\^ Zg] l^^ bm ma^fl^eo^l' bml _Z\Z]^ h_ eb^l Ă&#x2030; B pZl Z\abg` ikhi^glbmr _hk \Zobmb^l% B ^q\bm^]er ma^r Zk^ \hglb]^k^] Z]neml' Ma^r \Zg ohm^% Lhf^ fbghkl `^m _Zd^ B=l hk `^m he]^k Fhk^ eZpl Zk^ ghm ma^ lhenmbhg' Ma^r to inform them of the issues not covered grab a dorm room from no-show stu\hff^k\bZe&_k^^% maZgdl mh ma^ iZkmb\neZk from the beginning, and instead try. All this is why I will vote for lace, and the economy has fal- has been waged on these very ma^ lb`gl Zg] pa^g mh l^^d f^]b\Ze B ]hgĂ?m dghp b_ ma^r ^o^k jnbm maZm HoZembg^ abm fZkkb^]% pbma Z lmnggbg` k^o^eZmbhg Z[hnm fr \hne] [^ Z iZkm h_ ma^ ikh[e^f' lZb] r^l' hk Fbgnm^l iZll^]% Zg] la^ k^Zii^Zk^] lihglhk pah \ahl^ mh makhp bg ma^ \Zla' Lnk^er _kb^g]l \eZllfZm^l mh [nr ma^ Ze\hahe% `^m [nr mh[Z\\h% l^ko^ bg ma^ Obama. I hope you will make the principles of ethical reform, promoted focusing on disabling tered. Human rights issues are dentsinon a first-come first-serve basis. as closely the national debates so they pbma mph `eZll^l maZm `Zo^ ^o^kr bfik^llbhg h_ k^eZmbhglabil pbma fr _kb^g]l pahl^ iZk^gml mahn`a' BmĂ?l Z [Z] l\^g^% fZg' a^ei \hne] [^ ma^ ]b__^k^g\^ [^mp^^g ma^ Herfib\l hi^gbg` our \^k^fhgr ]^l^ko^l choice for our future. freedom, responsibility and al-Qaida and finishing Af- same swirling in the public forum,fbebmZkr Zg] ebo^ Zehg^' This seems like a chaotic situation â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Ma^ Lahkmahkg ^]bmhkbZe [hZk] [nm Zefhlm ^o^krhg^ Z`k^^l maZm ng]^kZ`^ & can make a sound decision that reflects \hgmZbgbg` \ah\heZm^ fbed' B Z\\^im^] Z `eZll _hk\^] ma^f bgmh ma^bk ZihlmZlr h_ ink^ [^mm^k mk^Zmf^gm maZg ma^ m^e^oblbhg ik^fb^k^ h_ Ă&#x2021; G_`cc`g 9fn[\e `j X Zfdglk\i jZ`\eZ\ ale`fi eb_^ Zg] ]^Zma' ghanistan efforts. and the nation is under the greater power in the hands showwish up, wait around and get assigned what they to see in a president. \ah\heZm^ fbed' Zg] [khn`am bm jnb\der mh fr ebil' Xe[ Zfclde`jk ]fi K_\ J_fik_fie% Ă&#x160;Lni^k[Z]Ă&#x2039; hk Ă&#x160;+0 =k^ll^l'Ă&#x2039; He has the temperament of â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Gabe Rivas is the president of thumb of foreign profiteers. of the people, which have Ohfbmbg` bl hg^ h_ ma^ ^Zkeb^lm to a room if someone doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t show up. @kZgm^]% m^e^\Zlm pZl diploghm ebo^' the Pbma Zg of the University a leader, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sma^ able to work chapter Some say we should just built and solidified the United lb`gl% Z\\hk]bg` mh ma^ GB:::' settled foreditorial an off-campus Zo^kZ`^ mbf^ ]b__^k^g\^ <abgZ% matically*+&ahnk with foreign nations to_khf an return to the sta- States from the very beginboard apartâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; TheShe Shorthorn ontraditional students attest toDemocrats the value and students sign up for a certain number of slower than most students are, and the Bursarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ;^\Znl^ Ze\hahe bl Z lmhfZ\a bkkbmZgm% ment, living alone, which is more :f^kb\Zgl p^k^ cnlm [^`bggbg` ma^bk ]Zrl pa^g restore our alliances and bring architecture tus quo, the ning. The other candidate, Baof _hkf^k post-secondary education. AZkhng] degree class hours, and the result is posted in the office is less than diligent about skimming off expensive. She said she feels less safe <abgZĂ?l HerfibZg Eb Gbg` kZg our military into this century. junior way things rack Obama, however popular ohfbmbg` bl _Zbker \hffhg% ahp^o^k% can mean the ^]`^ difference between retirement university system. the universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s percentage before sending the ma^ mhi bglb]^ h_ ma^ ghp&_Zfhnl ;bk]Ă?l and eloquent, is campaigning The next president will select than she would on campus. But at least ohfbmbg` [^\hf^l iZkmb\neZker or pushing the tea cart justices at Lubyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s_eZf^ Cafeteria. Financial aid, however, does not consult leftovers to the eager student. C<KK<IJ G^lm Zk^gZ mh eb`am ma^ Herfib\ Zg] several Supreme Court on political philosophies dishe found a definitive solution instead Younger people withjustices degreesfrom are far more likely the documented plan of the student and base Standing in line at the start of a semester ]Zg`^khnl Z_m^k iZllbg` hnm' â&#x20AC;&#x201D; replacing ^g] ma^ \^k^fhgr' ma^ ^o^gm fZgr sitting ;^\Znl^ rectly to the contrary. ^iflg kf jfcm\ Zfdgc\o gifYc\dj Xi\ k_\ ^i\Xk\jk <e^c`j_ dXafij Xe[# jligi`j`e^cp# _`^_\i k_Xe \Zf$ of just showing up the first day and to get three or four jobs in their careers that disbursement decisions on this information. at the Bursarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office, or sitting with a â&#x20AC;&#x153;now DXk_ dXb\j \oZ\cc\ek dXafij# Hma^k lb`gl mh pZm\a _hk bg\en]^ both sides of the political specWe will choose in the first :f^kb\Zgl lZp pZl ik^k^\hk]^]% bm ehlm ob^pbg` Xjj\kj f] X dXk_\dXk`Z`Xe% efd`Zj Xe[ Z_\d`jkip dXafij% include annual vacation Rather, the system assumes a full course load servingâ&#x20AC;? number slip in hand at the Financial hoping she got a spot. trum. Obama will choose justices week of November the next oZen^' ?hhmZ`^ ^]bmhkl aZ] mbf^ mh lb_m makhn`a f^gmZe \hg_nlbhg% l^bsnk^l% lehp hk d`efij ]fi afY jXk`j]XZk`fe @ek\iej_`g# i\j\XiZ_ Xe[ fk_\i fggfikle`k`\j ]fi 8ZZfi[`e^ kf k_\ jXcXip jlim\p ]fi Zfcc\^\ [\$ time and health care, and awards grants, scholarships and loans Aid office, reveals that this flawed concept Some students who decided to stay who will rule fairly and president of nnn%gXpjZXc\%Zfd the United States ma^ ^gmbk^ \^k^fhgr mh \nm hnm l^\mbhgl ma^r _^em dXk_\dXk`Zj dXafij `eZcl[\ jlg\im`j\[ jldd\i ^i\\j i\gfik\[ Xk # k_\ d\Xe bkk^`neZk [k^Zmabg`% Zg] iZe^ hk [en^ rather than two or three to cover the maximum possible expenditure frustrates the best plans of the most-prepared at home and commute are suffering guard the Constitution. of America. The question is, phne] [^ ZiikhikbZm^ lehml mh `bo^ ma^bk iZrbg` i\j\XiZ_ `e I\j\XiZ_ <og\i`\eZ\j ]fi Le[\i^iX[l$ jXcXip f] X [\^i\\ _fc[\i n`k_ X 9XZ_\cfij f] 8ik =fi LK8 le[\i^iX[lXk\ jkl[\ekj n_f Xi\ student. The most likely logic and forward-thinking ldbg' He will makejob changes per year with of a full-time Willstudent. you take part? from gas prices, and the inconvenience Z]o^kmbl^kl Z \aZg\^ mh inla ma^bk pZk^l' Xk\j gif^iXdj fe mXi`flj le`m\ij`kp ZXdglj\j# `e dXk_ `j .-#-'/ `] _\ fi j_\ nfibj Xj Xe XZklXip# no paid vacation while for this k_`eb`e^ f] af`e`e^ k_\ nfib]fiZ\ X]k\i ^iX[lXk`fe# @ is to make certain that the full-time Nontraditional students often have much B_ Ze\hahe ihblhgbg` bl ngmk^Zm^]% health care guaranIk^lb]^gm ;nlaĂ?l LmZm^ h_ ma^ Ngbhg pZl `ek\iej_`gj Xk E8J8 Xe[ fk_\i ^fm\ied\ek cXYfiX$ 0/#/+. ]fi Xe `e]fidXk`fe k\Z_efcf^p dXeX^\i# of a commute. jl^^\jk X dXk_ dXafi# X [lXc dXafi n`k_ dXk_ Y\`e^ enduring fixable health student has every centime available to get his more experience in the private sector than in teed to all\hff^k\bZe&_k^^' Ameriâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; Terry [khZ]\Zlm MaZm [hkbg` \enl& kfi`\j# Xkk\e[XeZ\ Xk dXk_ d\\k`e^j Xe[ Zfe]\i\eZ$ Xe[ 0-#0*( ]fi X j\e`fi jf]knXi\ \e^`e\\i% ma^ ob\mbf \Zg \ahd^ hg abl hk Confusion like this could havep^^der been \`k_\i k_\ gi`dXip fi j\Zfe[Xip dXafi# fi Xk c\Xjk Pabe^ lhf^ phne] lZr ma^ g^pl l^\mbhg bl E^mĂ?l mZd^ Z g^p ehhd Zm Ma^ Lahkmahkgacademia ' rolling. and other government bureaucracies. eZng\a bml g^p cans and reduce problems that worsen or her semester Duncan is \j# d\dY\ij_`gj `e dXk_ jfZ`\k`\j Xe[ `e[`m`[lXc m^k h_ ahnkl \^kmZbger ]^l^ko^] Z PaZmZ[nk`^k Gif]\jj`feXc ^iX[lXk\ jZ_ffcj `e Ylj`e\jj# cXn# X dXk_ d`efi% a^k hpg ohfbm hk [k^Zmabg` hk avoided if housing communicated with ma^ [kZbgl% ma^ hibgbhg l^\mbhg bl ]^_bgbm^er Ma^ lmn]^gm&kng g^pliZi^k aZl mph `hZel ^gm^kmZbgf^gm `nb]^ maZm from neglect. If a student has chosen not to attend full For many, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quite a culture shock to see how costs for families president of i\j\XiZ_ le[\i ]XZlckp jlg\im`j`fe% Xe[ d\[`Z`e\ cfm\ Xggc`ZXekj n`k_ Xe le[\i^iX[lXk\ [k^Zd' Do you think Gov. Sarah ma^ a^Zkm h_ Ă&#x2030; mh ik^l^gm Z\\nkZm^ bg_hkfZmbhg Z[hnm Ma^ Lahkmahkg ' P^Ă?ee m^ee ma^ pbee \ho^k blln^l% \nemnk^ A degree is a time and made the decision clear by registering lenient university administration is toward students more efficiently. a^Zkm[^Zm fZr \^Zl^' B_ ma^ ob\mbf Lek`c XYflk ('$(, p\Xij X^f# k_\ afY gifjg\Zkj that already the university K_\ LK8 jkl[\ek Z_Xgk\i f] k_\ DXk_\dXk`ZXc dXk_ dXafi% Ma^ fZbg have mabg` ehlm bg ma^ \hff^k\bZe& Palinlack should run for blln^l \hgg^\m^] mh ma^ \hffngbmr Zg] ikh& _Z\ml% lmZm^ hnk lmZg\^ Zg] lheb\bm _^^][Z\d Ă&#x2030; profound benefit in for less-than-full-time hours, he or she is still mediocre, and worse, performance.chapter ]fi dXk_ dXafij n\i\ \`k_\i efk m\ip ^ff[ fi c`d$ The of Zg] ^o^gml hg Zg] [^rhg] communication creates insurance. 8jjfZ`Xk`fe f] 8d\i`ZX _Xj Y`n\\bcp d\\k`e^j ]ifd LK8Ă&#x2039;j DXk_\dXk`Zj ;\gXikd\ek f]]\ij gif^iXdj ebo^l% Zg Ze\hahe ho^k]hl^ \Zg e^Z] mh kb]]^g \^k^fhgr% [^lb]^l _bo^ fbgnm^ \angdl ob]^ Z _hknf _hk k^Z]^kl' P^ pbee nl^ ^o^kr maZmĂ?l pa^k^ rhn \hf^ bg' P^ pZgm mh dghp hnk \Zfinl' America. Sadly, formal issued the full-time funds, and when financial One of the most important lessons a `k\[% Efn# \m\ipk_`e^ `j [`]]\i\ek% @ nflc[ Xi^l\ k_Xk president in 2012? effe kf ()1,' g%d% N\[e\j[Xpj `e G`ZbXi[ ?Xcc# ]fi le[\i^iX[lXk\j c\X[`e^ kf 9XZ_\cfi f] 8ikj fi He will seof College a negative experience for incoming maZm p^k^ mhll^] Zlb]^ mh inm bg _Zlm&_hh] CLIFF HALE bkk^o^klb[e^ [kZbg ]ZfZ`^' l^\mbhg bg ma^ iZi^k mh Z\\hfiebla cnlm maZm' rhn L^g] Republicans nl the rhnk e^mm^kl% pkbm^ n_\i\ Zlii\ek Xe[ gifjg\Zk`m\ dXk_ dXafij Xe[ Ghm bgmh lihkml8 MZd^ education is primarily aid decides to do its homework after the fact, studentpaZm can get atmabgd' a university is collateral k_\i\ _Xj e\m\i Y\\e X Y\kk\i k`d\ kf Y\ X dXk_ 9XZ_\cfi f] JZ`\eZ\# Xe[ fli dXafij `e k_\j\ gif$ cure our borders freshmen and other students living on \hff^k\bZel% pZl k^li^\m' :iiZk^gmer pa^g bm B_ rhn l^^ Zgr h_ ma^l^ pZkgbg` E^mĂ?l mZd^ Z fully ehhd funded Zm paZm fZmm^kl mh rhn3 Z `n^lm \henfg% ehhd _hk p^^der iheel hg ma^ Zghma^k ehhd ma^ l^\mbhg' found in academia â&#x20AC;&#x201D; an it discovers that it has a part-time education of example, poor and good. Before dXafi# Xe[ LK8 `j X m\ip ^ff[ gcXZ\ ]fi `k% jfd\ dXk_ ^iX[lXk\ jkl[\ekj Xe[ ]XZlckp ^Xk_\i ^iXdj i\Z\`m\ i`^fiflj kiX`e`e^ `e XYjkiXZk Xe[ cf^`$ not by walling and an \hf^l mh fZdbg` ma^ [b` [n\dl% ^o^g Z phke] campus. Accountability AfY jXk`j]XZk`fe `j Xdfe^ k_\ _`^_\jk ]fi dXk_ lnkobobg` bg mh]ZrĂ?l ^\hghfr% ma^ bg^obmZ[e^ iZ`^ Zg] ohm^ hgebg^' Mabl bl rhnk _hknf' Ma^k^Ă?l fhk^ mh Zmae^m^l institution that has a venerable and deserved student and snaps the money back again. launching into the private sector, be certain Answer online atfor mistakes `e]fidXccp kf \eafp k_\ ]i\\ cleZ_# c`jk\e kf `e[ljki`Xc ZXc i\Xjfe`e^# Zi`k`ZXc k_`eb`e^# dXk_\dXk`ZXc XeXcp$ lb`gZel% \Zee 2** bff^]bZm^er' off the country, economics ^o^gm _Zbel mh `Zkg^k Z ebmme^ [bm h_ Ziik^\bZmbhg made will give the University Housing [\^i\\ _fc[\ij% @e k_\ (000 \[`k`fe f] AfYj IXk\[ jn^lmbhg Z_m^k `kZ]nZmbhg% Ă&#x160;PaZm ghp8Ă&#x2039;% MZd^ Z ehhd Zm maZg ieZr^k lmZmblmb\l' ppp'ma^lahkmahkg'\hf ' Bm reputation for incompetence. Financial Aid Office notifies the Bursarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to know that this management style is dXk_\dXk`Z`Xej kXcb XYflk ZXi\\i fggfikle`k`\j# j`j# gifYc\d jfcm`e^# Xe[ ZfdglkXk`feXc j`dlcXk`fej% but=hgĂ?m pZbm _hk rhnk _kb^g] mh lh[^k by _hnk&ahnk overhauling senior HEcredibility HORTHORN Zg] Z fhf^gm h_ Z]o^kmblbg` 8cdXeXZ # k_\ dXk_\dXk`Z`Xe iXeb\[ ]`]k_ f] ),' more when trying to diffuse ?khf ma^ N'L' ik^lb]^gm \hgmbgn^l mh ^qiZg] pbma fnembf^]bZ m^eebg` example is the ridiculous UTA office oflmZrbg` lZg^ bg Z lmk^ll_ne ^gobkhgf^gm Zg]% the award amount, and the Bursar only effective in the specialized bubble of c\Xie XYflk `ek\iej_`gj Xe[ `ek\iXZk n`k_ \XZ_ K_\p Xi\ n\cc$gi\gXi\[ ]fi X n`[\ iXe^\ f] ZXi\\ij theOne bureaucracy of our lbe^g\^' <D@CP KFD8E ni hk _hk fhk^ lrfimhfl mh Zii^Zk' gif]\jj`fej YXj\[ fe k_\ j`o Zi`k\i`X f] `eZfd\# fk_\i% `e `e[ljkip# ]`eXeZ\# \[lZXk`fe# Xe[ ^fm\ied\ek% h_ \hnkl^% fZdbg` l^gl^ h_ ^e^\mbhg \ho^kZ`^ mh ma^ Lmn]^gm <hg`k^ll \hfi^eebg` lmhkb^l Z[hnm paZmĂ?l aZii^gbg` financial aid system. withholds owed tuition and fees and only academia. the situation. immigration system Ngmbe Z]o^kmbl^kl \hf^ mh ma^bk l^gl^l Zg] jki\jj# g_pj`ZXc [\dXe[j# gfk\ek`Xc ^ifnk_# afY Kf c\Xie dfi\ XYflk ZXi\\i# `ek\iej_`g# Xe[ N_`c\ fYkX`e`e^ dXk_ [\^i\\j ]ifd fli [\gXik$ =hgĂ?m phkkr maZm rhnk _kb^g] fZr `^m makhpg hnm ^o^kr ]Zr' ik^lb]^gm% bmĂ?l l^f^lm^k ma^ \hee^`^ \hffngbmr' BmĂ?l rhnk lmhi Students typically the remaining amount to the Andbg if you want a career where incompetence Better communication andZ more and removing moti- plan their semesters far disburses e^Zo^ hnk [kZbgpZla^] a^Z]l Zg] ^fimr pZee^ml j\Zli`kp Xe[ nfib \em`ifed\ek% @e ]XZk# k_\ XZklXip fk_\i fggfikle`k`\j ]fi dXk_ dXafij# gc\Xj\ Z_\Zb d\ek# n\ jkife^cp \eZfliX^\ fli dXafij kf [\m\cfg P^Ă?ee mZ\de^ blln^l maZm Z__^\m rhnk ih\d^m _hk ^e^\mbhg \ho^kZ`^ steer Zg] clear ni]Zm^l maZm pbee h_ g^p e^Z]^kl Zg] b]^Zl' Lh chbg nl bg mZdbg` in advance. Many are required to get advising student. When a pupil gets that lovely, lifeis not grounds for dismissal, of the vations to enter nil^m hk ^f[ZkkZll^] [^\Znl^ rhn proactive measures in anticipation of Zehg^% BĂ?f `hbg` mh `h `^m frl^e_ Z iZmmr f^em' jfd\fe\ n_f [f\j i`jb XeXcpj`j k_\ c`ebj Xk k_\ jkife^ fiXc Xe[ ni`kk\e Zfddle`ZXk`fe jb`ccj# ^X`e _kkg1&&fd\^X%lkX%\[l&uXbkfjle&le$ [hhd% ^]n\Zmbhg Zg] ho^kZee p^ee&[^bg`' P^Ă?ee g^p ehhd Results Zm bgoheo^f^gm Ma^ Lahkmahkg Ă&#x2030; ma^ hnme^m before registering, then they must do so well in saving check, he or she can reasonably iXebj j\Zfe[% assume private ab`aeb`am sector andlmn]^gm get a cushy position inZg] an [k^Zd Z illegally. from \Zee^] _hk a^ei' such a scenario will make the back-toK_\ )'', EXk`feXc 8jjfZ`Xk`fe f] :fcc\^\j Xe[ XeXcpk`ZXc Xe[ ZfdglkXk`feXc jb`ccj# Xe[ c\Xie kf [\i^iX[lXk\j # fi m`j`k k_\ ]flik_ ]cffi f] G`ZbXi[ inm mh k^lm maZm _ehZm ]hpg blln^l' :g] pa^g [k^Zdbg` g^pl _hk bm Zee' advance of athe start of the semester. Students that tuition and feesma^ are^e^\mbhg covered,knfhkl and must institution of d^r higher education. OĂ&#x2030; bKZr >]pZk] ;n__bg`mhg BO bl Z ikbgm chnk& am <dgcfp\ij jlim\p ZfdgXi\[ Xm\iX^\ jkXik`e^ school transition much easier. :g] fhlm bfihkmZgmer% ]hgĂ?m e^m XeXcpq\ gifYc\dj n`k_ X dXk_\dXk`Z`XeĂ&#x2039;j gi\Z`j`fe# ?Xcc% Wednesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Poll: aZii^gl% rhn \Zg _bg] bm ma^k^ mhh' decide if they can afford to be full or part time, budget Zkhng] bg gZmbhgZe g^pl' P^Ă?ee la^] eb`am hg the check received for a semesterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s will sim Ma^ Lahkmahkg gZeblf l^gbhk Zg] \henfgblm _hk jXcXi`\j ]fi jkl[\ekj Yp le[\i^iX[lXk\ dXafi# Xe[ X g_pj`Z`jkĂ&#x2039;j `ekl`k`fe Xe[ Xe \e^`e\\iĂ&#x2039;j giXZk`ZXc`kp% rhnk \^e^[kZmbhg mnkg bgmh Z mkZ`^]r' bfihkmZgm k^l^Zk\a aZii^gbg` a^k^ Zg] paZm ;nm Hale e^mĂ?l isghm _hk`^m mh and mZd^ Z ehhd Zm MhfZg bl Z chnkgZeblf l^gbhk Zg] &&>fber â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Cliff a film junior a copy then make job decisions accordingly. worth of books, rent, ramen soup, etc. Ă&#x2021; KleZXp 8bkfjle `j X gif]\jjfi f] dXk_\dXk`Zj Xk LK8% ]fi dXk_ dXafij `k nXj *.%. g\iZ\ek _`^_\i k_Xe ]fi 9\`e^ XYc\ kf `ek\iXZk n`k_ fk_\ij Xe[ nfib `e X board â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Shorthorn editorial bm \hne] f^Zg mh rhn' ^gm^kmZbgf^gm' Ma^ Lahkmahkg pbee lhhg Ma^ Lahkmahkg ^]bmhk&bg&\ab^_ h_ The Shorthorn Before financial aid decisions are made, forVillagrana Regretfully, the financial aid process is The Shorthorn:editor Eduardo
Look to the past to decide the future
Obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s policies will help students and workers
K_\ Nfic[ `j
B_ rhn p^k^ ^o^k Z [Z] bg_en^g\^% [eZf^ ma^ \ah\heZm^ fbed
Heaps of Hypocrisy
Students must be diligent and forward-thinking to succeed, but the favor isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t always returned
MZd^ Z @Zg]^k
your VIEW
Ma^ Lahkmahkg ^]bmhk&bg&\ab^_ p^e\hf^l ma^ g^p l\ahhe r^Zk% ^g\hnkZ`^l k^Z]^kl mh ib\d ni ma^ g^pliZi^k
your rhnk
K?< LJL8C 9P K8PCFI <D<IJFE >@99FEJ THE USUAL MERSON GIBBONS ThisBY isTAYLOR one ofEthe most important elections PaZm phne] rhn lZr mh lhf^hg^ our country has faced in more than 70 years, and the youth will play a key role. We want the pah ieZgl mh [bg`^ ]kbgd ho^k likbg` [k^Zd8
Your View - Polls OB>P DoVIEW you think the drinking age should be lowered to 18? T
Answer online at www.theshorthorn.com .com
Since 1919
Lbg\^ *2*2
XyXyXy: XyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXy. Xy
>=BMHK&BG&<AB>? >=BMHK&BG&<AB>? EDITOR-IN-CHIEF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF <Zllb^ Lfbma >fber MhfZg Emily Toman Emily Toman >&F:BE E-MAIL E-MAIL >&F:BE ^]bmhk'lahkmahkg9nmZ'^]n editor.shorthorn@uta.edu editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Volume 83, No. Xy ^]bmhk'lahkmahkg9nmZ'^]n www.theshorthorn.com
Do you feel like you are informed about the presidential candidates?
Groups clarify miscommunications about student debate
of â&#x20AC;&#x153;changeâ&#x20AC;? or â&#x20AC;&#x153;hopeâ&#x20AC;? in as much as n the past weeks, I have seen articles pub- gans Results from people want to lished about the student debate on Oct. 27. the Wednesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hear Poll:about the economy, Apparently there was a lack of communication health care, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, you think legalissues. drinking among manythe other between Young Conservatives of Texas and Do age should be lowered 18? to create diviMr. RivasĂ&#x2C6;;feĂ&#x2039;k [i`eb has onlytotried the University Democrats. As the event coorTerry Duncan, the new CR dinator of YCT, I find it sion by asking `] pflĂ&#x2039;i\ efk inappropriate for the UD president, re-established )(% 9lk `] pfl after the debate had planned, to take over the debate. president, Gabriel Rivas, already been[f [i`eb# Y\ communication between to try and spark division There was minimal P^ pZgm mh dghp paZm rhn i\jgfej`Yc\ Do you think the YCT and the YCT and Mr.Xe[ _Xm\ Duncan until recently, caused between mabgd Z[hnm blln^l _Z\bg` connotation of his words pubCollege X Yl[[p Yesnegative No NM: lmn]^gml% lh p^Ă?k^ university takesRepublicans on by the lished in Thejpjk\d%Ă&#x2030; Shorthorn. Upon speaking with campus. abmmbg` ma^ iZo^f^gm mh _bg] 43% 57% responsibility Thefor debate was orga- Terry, we were told that his words were taken hnm pa^k^ rhn lmZg]' administrative errors? nized to happen between out of context (which happens often in this inYCT and UD, where it dependent, civic-minded, nonpartisan paper), was originally discussed and he was glad that we finally got that out Answer online at issues would positions will be that the be of the way. John McCainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s >ljkXmf ?l\ikXj# E`bb` Fkk# COLT ABLES effort of YCT Zfddle`ZXk`fe ]i\j_dXe gjpZ_fcf^p ]i\j_dXe debated. The issues of presented at the debate as a joint HE HORTHORN CR, for help from the each candidate are those The Shorthorn: Marissa Hall Number and of voters: 47 just as UD asked that matter. It is not enough to discuss slo- Students for Barack Obama organization.
:8EEFE =F;;<I Yp @jXXZ <i`Zbjfe
No 14%
students to walk away having a good idea of who they are voting for, but, most importantĂ&#x2C6;9\ ZXi\]lc% Ă&#x2C6;;feĂ&#x2039;k [f `k% ly,Befn pfli why they are voting for their candidate. @kĂ&#x2039;j X nXjk\ f] And finally, in response to Mr. Rivasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; acc`d`k# Xe[ jkXp k`d\# Xe[ `kĂ&#x2039;j cusation about YCT being ashamed ofaljk efk nfik_ our XnXp ]ifd candidate or his positions, I assure you, Gabe, gcXZ\j pfl `k%Ă&#x2030; that we are not ashamed of John McCain. I Xi\ le]Xd`c`Xi just hope you bring your â&#x20AC;&#x153;Aâ&#x20AC;? game at noon n`k_%Ă&#x2030; Oct. 27. Just to leave you with a few words of wisdom from Mayor Giuliani: â&#x20AC;&#x153; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Changeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is not a destination, just as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;hopeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is not a strategy.â&#x20AC;? This is going to be fun.
Yes 86%
<i`e 9cffd#
â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Colt Ables is<e^c`j_ j\e`fi the event coordinator of the university chapter of the Young Conservatives of Texas and a finance junior.
The Shorthorn is the official student newspaper of the Ma^ Lahkmahkg bl ma^ h__b\bZe lmn]^gm g^pliZi^k h_ ma^ Ma^ Lahkmahkg bl ma^ h__b\bZe lmn]^gm g^pliZi^k h_ ma^ The Shorthorn is the official student newspaper of the University of Texas at Arlington and is published four Ngbo^klbmr h_ M^qZl Zm :kebg`mhg Zg] bl in[ebla^] _hnk Ngbo^klbmr h_ M^qZl Zm :kebg`mhg Zg] bl in[ebla^] _hnk University of Texas at Arlington and is published four times weekly during fall and spring semesters, and mbf^l p^^der ]nkbg` _Zee Zg] likbg` l^f^lm^kl% Zg] mbf^l p^^der ]nkbg` _Zee Zg] likbg` l^f^lm^kl% Zg] times weekly during fall and spring semesters, and twice weekly during the summer sessions. Unsigned mpb\^ p^^der ]nkbg` ma^ lnff^k l^llbhgl' Nglb`g^] mpb\^ p^^der ]nkbg` ma^ lnff^k l^llbhgl' Nglb`g^] twice weekly during the summer sessions. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of THE SHORTHORN ^]bmhkbZel Zk^ ma^ hibgbhg h_ MA> LAHKMAHKG >=B& ^]bmhkbZel Zk^ ma^ hibgbhg h_ MA> LAHKMAHKG editorials are the opinion of THE SHORTHORN EDITORIAL BOARD and do not necessarily reflect the MHKB:E ;H:K= Zg] ]h ghm g^\^llZkber k^_e^\m ma^ >=BMHKB:E ;H:K= Zg] ]h ghm g^\^llZkber k^_e^\m ma^ EDITORIAL BOARD and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of individual student writers or editors, Shorthibgbhgl h_ bg]bob]nZe lmn]^gm pkbm^kl hk ^]bmhkl% Lahkm& hibgbhgl h_ bg]bob]nZe lmn]^gm pkbm^kl hk ^]bmhkl% Lahkm& opinions of individual student writers or editors, Short-
Number of voters: 14
horn advisers or university administration. LETTERS ahkg Z]obl^kl hk ngbo^klbmr Z]fbgblmkZmbhg' E>MM>KL ahkg Z]obl^kl hk ngbo^klbmr Z]fbgblmkZmbhg' E>MM>KL horn advisers or university administration. LETTERS should be limited to 300 words. They may be edited lahne] [^ ebfbm^] mh ,)) phk]l' Ma^r fZr [^ ^]bm^] lahne] [^ ebfbm^] mh ,)) phk]l' Ma^r fZr [^ ^]bm^] should be limited to 300 words. They may be edited for space, spelling, grammar and malicious or libelous _hk liZ\^% li^eebg`% `kZffZk Zg] fZeb\bhnl hk eb[^ehnl _hk liZ\^% li^eebg`% `kZffZk Zg] fZeb\bhnl hk eb[^ehnl for space, spelling, grammar and malicious or libelous statements. Letters must be the original work of the lmZm^f^gml' E^mm^kl fnlm [^ ma^ hkb`bgZe phkd h_ ma^ lmZm^f^gml' E^mm^kl fnlm [^ ma^ hkb`bgZe phkd h_ ma^ statements. Letters must be the original work of the writer and must be signed. For identification purposes, pkbm^k Zg] fnlm [^ lb`g^]' ?hk b]^gmb_b\Zmbhg inkihl^l% pkbm^k Zg] fnlm [^ lb`g^]' ?hk b]^gmb_b\Zmbhg inkihl^l% writer and must be signed. For identification purposes, letters also must include the writerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s full name, address e^mm^kl Zelh fnlm bg\en]^ ma^ pkbm^kĂ?l _nee gZf^% Z]]k^ll e^mm^kl Zelh fnlm bg\en]^ ma^ pkbm^kĂ?l _nee gZf^% Z]]k^ll letters also must include the writerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s full name, address and telephone number, although the address and teleZg] m^e^iahg^ gnf[^k% Zemahn`a ma^ Z]]k^ll Zg] m^e^& Zg] m^e^iahg^ gnf[^k% Zemahn`a ma^ Z]]k^ll Zg] m^e^& and telephone number, although the address and tele-
The Shorthorn: Marissa Hall
phone number will not be published. Students should iahg^ gnf[^k pbee ghm [^ in[ebla^]' Lmn]^gml lahne] iahg^ gnf[^k pbee ghm [^ in[ebla^]' Lmn]^gml lahne] phone number will not be published. Students should include their classification, major and their student ID bg\en]^ ma^bk \eZllb_b\Zmbhg% fZchk Zg] ma^bk lmn]^gm B= bg\en]^ ma^bk \eZllb_b\Zmbhg% fZchk Zg] ma^bk lmn]^gm B= include their classification, major and their student ID number, which is for identification purposes. The stugnf[^k% pab\a bl _hk b]^gmb_b\Zmbhg inkihl^l' Ma^ lmn& gnf[^k% pab\a bl _hk b]^gmb_b\Zmbhg inkihl^l' Ma^ lmn& number, which is for identification purposes. The student ID number will not be published. Signed columns ]^gm B= gnf[^k pbee ghm [^ in[ebla^]' Lb`g^] \henfgl ]^gm B= gnf[^k pbee ghm [^ in[ebla^]' Lb`g^] \henfgl dent ID number will not be published. Signed columns and letters to the editor reflect the opinion of the writer Zg] e^mm^kl mh ma^ ^]bmhk k^_e^\m ma^ hibgbhg h_ ma^ pkbm^k Zg] e^mm^kl mh ma^ ^]bmhk k^_e^\m ma^ hibgbhg h_ ma^ pkbm^k and letters to the editor reflect the opinion of the writer and serve as an open forum for the expression of facts Zg] l^ko^ Zl Zg hi^g _hknf _hk ma^ ^qik^llbhg h_ _Z\ml Zg] l^ko^ Zl Zg hi^g _hknf _hk ma^ ^qik^llbhg h_ _Z\ml and serve as an open forum for the expression of facts or opinions of interest to The Shorthornâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s readers. hk hibgbhgl h_ bgm^k^lm mh Ma^ LahkmahkgĂ?l k^Z]^kl' or hk hibgbhgl h_ bgm^k^lm mh Ma^ LahkmahkgĂ?l k^Z]^kl' opinions of interest to The Shorthornâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s readers.
about sports Justin Rains, editor sports-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Sports publishes Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Page 6
remember Read Tuesday’s Sports page to find out if the volleyball team improved their playoff position during its two games in Louisiana. Friday, October 24, 2008
The ShorThorn
tee off to Success
Golf team looks to rebound in hometown tournament
Friday, Oct. 24 Volleyball at Southeastern La. Time: 7 p.m. Place: Hammond, La.
by ben hAUSS Contributor to The Shorthorn
Men’s tennis at Regional Tournament Time: All day Place: College Station Women’s tennis at Regional Tournament Time: All day Place: Fort Worth Saturday, Oct. 25 Soccer club vs. Texas A&M 2 Time: 3 p.m. Place: Intramural Fields Volleyball at Nicholls State Time: 4 p.m. Place: Thibodeaux, La. Men’s tennis at Regional Tournament Time: All day Place: College Station Sunday, Oct. 26 Men’s tennis at Regional Tournament Time: All day Place: College Station Monday, Oct. 27 Golf in UTA/Waterchase Invitational Time: All day Place: Arlington Men’s tennis at Regional Tournament Time: All day Place: College Station
Looking to turn the season around, the golf team hosts the UtA/Waterchase Invitational at Waterchase Golf Club in Fort Worth Monday and tuesday. the Mavericks started the season slow. the season’s first tournament to be held in south Carolina, was canceled due to Hurricane Hanna. st. Mary’s Invitational, which took place sept. 29-30 in pebble Beach, Calif., was the Mavericks’ first tournament this year. Head coach Jay rees said he felt the team should have won that tournament, but there were too many mistakes and threeputts. He also said the first tournament’s cancellation hurt the team. After a rough showing at the squire Creek Invitational in ruston, La., oct. 13-14, the team looks to win this home tournament and win it well, junior Bryce Easton said. the Mavericks finished 13th of 16 teams at squire Creek. Junior Bobby Massa led the team, finishing tied for 24th place with a combined threeround score of 218. “We didn’t play as well as we anticipated,” he said. “If we don’t finish in the top five, I don’t consider it to be a good week.” two other Mavericks finished in
“If we don’t finish in the top five, I don’t consider it to be a good week.” bryce easton
Junior golf team member
The Shorthorn: Michael Rettig
Junior Bobby Massa practices on the driving range at Waterchase golf course. The UTA golf team will host the UTA/Waterchase Invitational next week; they will compete against 16 teams from across the country.
the top 50. Easton finished tied for 39th place with a score of 221, and junior Michael Van deVenter tied for 47th with a 225. “squire was a big tournament for us,” Easton said. “It would’ve helped kick off this season if we had played a lot better.” the team is still searching for a single team leader. rees called
Massa, Van deVenter, Easton and senior Kevin Carrigan “upperclassmen leaders.” “We really don’t have one leader right now, we are still trying to find one,” Van deVenter said. Easton said competing is a team effort and it takes five players to win a tournament. the Mavericks know the upcom-
ing course well and look to use that to their advantage when trying to win Waterchase for the second year in a row. they also hope to use the tournament as a lifting-off point for the rest of the schedule. “this week is a big week for us to jump-start our season,” said Easton. the Mavericks finished qualifying strong Wednesday, rees said. He also said the extra preparation the Mavs have would help their performance. “With these four days of practice, we’re going to continue to work on our short game, course management and putting,” he said. “With four more days, we’re looking forward to having a great week.” sixteen teams will compete in the invitational, which tees off Monday and concludes tuesday. ben hAUSS sports-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
Getting to Know... Cross country runner Idilio Campos talks family firsts and stress relief
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Arguably one of the most-decorated athletes roaming campus, senior runner Idilio Campos is a beacon of humbleness whenever he is interviewed. Campos, who qualified for the NCAA Midwest regionals in the 800 meters last track season and has been named southland Conference Male Athlete of the Week twice this season, took time out of his busy study and practice schedule to talk with the shorthorn about balancing school and cross country and other modes of transportation.
The Shorthorn: Talk about your life outside of school and athletics. Idilio Campos: right now, I’m involved in a lot of research and stuff like that. I’m about to graduate so I have a lot of school things to do. During the week I go to church usually on Wednesday nights and thursday nights — kind of like a Bible study — and just hang out with friends or teammates. TS: How do you balance the two? IC: Well I have practice in the morning, so I run and it makes me tired throughout the day. But it also makes me capable of re-
covering and going to reviews and studying. It helps me set a schedule for myself. TS: What inspires you? IC: My parents. they’ve always inspired me the most. they showed me a lot of dedication growing up. Also, I’ll be the first one in my family to graduate from a university. TS: What goes on in your head while running? IC: Before a run, I just clear my mind and relax my body. When I’m running I don’t think about anything. I just try to enjoy the scenery. It’s kind of just like a stress reliever. TS: What is a tough run for you? What about easy? IC: A tough run is about an hour, an hour and half — or like 14 to 15 miles. An easy run is like nine to 10 miles. TS: Does driving, flying or any other mode of transportation ever bore you? IC: I guess walking would bore me more than anything else. Stephen peterS sports-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
The Shorthorn: Stephanie Goddard
Idilio Campos, senior cross country runner
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Friday, October 24, 2008
Page 7
Egg Donation
Egg Donation
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Events College Republicans has returned to UTA! Join us at our next meeting, Friday at noon in the UC Sierras (upstairs). Wii Tournament Mac, 2nd floor, for prizes. Oct. 24th Friday 7pm. To compete $3 or raffle ticket. Food, music. 214-316-9003
Shoe bank shoe drive. Donate at MAC, UC & Library until Nov. 19. Brand New Wii Raffle selling tickets now. $10/2 tickets or $7/1 ticket. With ticket get into Wii Tournament for free. More info 214-316-9003
Student wanted to attend to 12 yr old boy with autism $10/hr 817-504-2113 Nannies Needed. p/t f/t Experience and references necessary, own transportation, non-smoker. $12-$15/hr (972) 949-4144 1-800-282-0849 HIRING NOW FOR CHRISTMAS BREAK and/or SPRING SEMESTER! You’ll be a Hero and earn EXTRA $$. Nice family looking for an energetic, reliable, young woman to work with their lovely daughter with disabilities. Exp preferred but will train. P/T, flex hours, mornings, afternoons, and/or weekends. We hire fantastic students from UTA. Call for info & interview. $10/hr, Near UTA. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips: (817)-265-6009 Baby-sit? 3 kids ages 1,8, and 9. Need occasional babysitter. E-mail info to cekrop@hotmail.com. Experience preferred.
Driver/Delivery Valet Attendants. P/T great for college students. Must have clean driving record. Must be able to drive a manual. (817)882-1741 Please leave a message if no one answers.
The Shorthorn is currently accepting applications for the following positions for the Fall Semester;
Medical practice in Ft. Worth seeking individual to work at front desk. Computer skills & typing capability of 50wpm required. Reception work involved. Will train. Permanent P/T position. 9 am to 1pm or 1pm to 5 pm. $12/hr Fax resume to; 817-877-3672
Male or Female program instructors needed to work in childcare, hours are 3:00 - 6:30pm, M - F. Moring hours available from 6:20 to 8:05am. Call 817-468-0306 or go to 2820 Matlock Rd P/T Youth Minister Wanted for Covenant United Methodist Church in Arlington. Call Reverend Mike Redd (817) 891-2111 HOUSE SITTER Faculty member seeks house/ dog sitter. References required. Contact Philip Cohen, cohen2@mac.com.
Hospitality/Service !Bartending! $250/day potential No experience nec Training provided age 18+.ok 1-800-965-6520 x.137
Now Hiring $$$$$$$$$$$$ Cocktail Waitresses/Door Girls/Entertainers Bonus incentives/shift pay Apply in person 2444 Walnut Ridge Dallas, TX 75229 972-488-BOMB (2662) RobertAnderson15@aol.com
MAVERICKSNEEDJOBS. COM Paid Survey Takers needed in Arlington. 100% FREE to join. Click on Surveys.
Medical VETERINARY ASSISTANT positions available. Involves working some weekdays, weekends and holidays. Email resume to crossroadsvets@sbcglobal.net Part time health care assistance needed. For more info call 817-371-2838 Looking for a caring person to assist with the elderly at a small assisted living home. Possible live-in opportunity. Will train. 817-654-9252
Teaching/Tutoring Seeking Female Upperclassman to tutor female high school student in English, Geography, Algebra, etc. 5 days per week. 2:30 to 4:30 pm at home in Mansfield. Rate $15/hour. E-mail scottkahl@charter.net Please send personal profile/resume.
HOUSING 600 Grand Avenue 2 bd/1 bth townhome. Washer/dryer, water, and cable provided. $600/mo 817-274-1800
Apartments Arlington Central Apts., access gate, 1 & 2 BR. 5 min to UTA, fr/ $450 (817)860-3691 708 Magnolia. Loft Apartments. Cozy 1/loft, $375/mo. 817-274-1800
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Roommates Seeking female roomate for 2 bdrm apartment 10 min. from UTA. $356 plus half utl. Email Rachel rhrubin@sbcglobal.net
Townhomes Meadow Creek Apartments 1&2 Bedrooms (817)274-3403
• Reporter • Copy Editor • Page Designer • Ad Sales Rep • Ad Artist Get a job description and an application TODAY! Student Publications Dept. University Center, lower level. Also available online at: www.TheShorthorn.com All are paid positions for UTA students. For more information call; 817-272-3188 Bartender Apprentice wanted $$$$$$$$$$$$ Showdown (817)-233-5430 OPENING: DESK CLERK 11pm - 7am P/T Can study on job. We look good on resume. Days Inn. 910 N. Collins, Arl.
DR. RUTH Q: My husband and I have two to make love every night he is boys -- one is 10 and the other is 14 home. I don't even think about sex months. The 10-year-old has severe anymore, and all I think about from attention-deficit hyperactivity dis- the time I get up in the morning is order and obsessive-compulsive going back to bed. I feel I would be more in the mood if I wasdisorder and is becoming n't angry about doing a handful. He doesn't everything. I tried to talk sleep more than two with my husband, but all hours a night, and therahe says is, "Donlet it get to py doesn't seem to be you." I even told him, "If I working. He is very am to do it on my own, angry, and throws himself why do I need you?" and against the wall and hits he changed for a month or and throws things. My son so, but things are back to and I battle over somethe way they used to be. thing from the time he Am I asking too much? gets home from school till Dr. Ruth I finally get him to lie Send your A: Rather than down in bed. The problem questions to Dr. I am having is that I'm so Ruth Westheimer arguing, you have to be more specific. Make a tired when my husband c/o King schedule of when he is to has a day off that I feel he Features should help me by watch- Syndicate, 235 E. take care of the children for a few hours on his day ing the kids while I catch 45th St., New off, and that's when you up on lost sleep, but all York, NY 10017 can catch up on your my husband wants to do is sleep his first day off, then watch sleep. Be very firm about it, and TV for his next two days off. He then see what happens. If nothing feels that since he works, that's all else, he'll gain a much better apprehe has to do, and he never helps ciation of what you do all day while around the house with the things he works. If you're very specific only a man can do, like fixing about it, I believe you can get him things. I feel that he should fix to agree to do this. Try it, and let me things, take the garbage out and know what happens. help with the kids. Also, he expects
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Page 8
Friday, October 24, 2008
The ShorThorn
Compare continued from page 1
ference.â&#x20AC;? Lewandowski said the campus made many efforts to reduce energy use. He said more than 6,000 toilets, shower heads and other water fixtures have been altered to consume less water, and $16 million was just spent to retrofit light fixtures. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the largest retrofit of lighting fixtures ever â&#x20AC;&#x201D; over 200,000. No oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ever done that at any campus in the country, not in one year at least,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;All put together it will save our campus nearly $3 million a year.â&#x20AC;? Jeff Howard, Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sustainability Committee cochair, said that while UT-Arlingtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s energy conservation program has done well, important conversations have yet to happen. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We need to talk about that program and our transportation, like the shuttle system,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We need
to talk about those things in the context of carbon footprint. We havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t had that conversation yet.â&#x20AC;? Lewandowski said UTAustin has begun analyzing its carbon footprint, but results will not be available until next week or later. While UT-Arlington continues its search for a sustainability coordinator, Lewandowski said UT-Austin just hired an associate director for Onsite Support Services, whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s job will be similar to UTArlingtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s full-time recycling coordinator Becky Valentich. A green roof, which has brought UT-Arlington much recognition, has only received â&#x20AC;&#x153;speculationâ&#x20AC;? by UT-Austin, Lewandowski said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s under research â&#x20AC;Ś it may be a good idea in the short term but it may mean more maintenance to the building in the long term,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some people worry about how fast it will deteriorate the roof, like if you have water coming into the building, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not a good idea.â&#x20AC;? David Hopman, landscape architecture assistant profes-
sor, said that while successful so far, much research still needs to be done on the 1,000 square feet and 21 species above the Life Science Building. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There all doing well except for two or three, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s still too soon to see because â&#x20AC;Ś we havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t seen how they do in the wet weather, and we havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t seen what they do in a sudden cold snap, or how it looks in the winter,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As this thing progresses and the knowledge grows, so does the confidence of making a recommendation to somebody.â&#x20AC;? Lewandowski said he considers the best way to fight climate change and move forward on environmental issues is to bring grass-roots programs, other campuses and local resources together. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I believe in starting at the grass roots. Students have a lot of power,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The more students you get involved, the more changes will occur. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve always looked at it as all the campuses are armin-arm with each other, and if they can help each other out it can make a big difference not
Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S hear it
how we compare Presidents Sustainability Committee
UT-Arlington: established October 2007 UT-Austin: April 2007
Bike Program
UT-Arlington: In the process of starting UT-Austin: Orange Bike program began fall 2008
Silver Certified LEED building:
UT-Arlington: Engineering Research Building, expected to be finished in 2011 UT-Austin: Research Office Complex. Certified October 30, 2007
Carbon Footprint Report:
UT-Arlington: Released summer 2008 UT-Austin: To be released soon
only for the UT System but for the state of Texas.â&#x20AC;&#x153; Sarah Lutz news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the largest retrofit of lighting fixtures ever â&#x20AC;&#x201D; over 200,000. No oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ever done that at any campus in the country, not in one year at least.â&#x20AC;? alfred Lewandowski,
UT-Austinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Demand Side Energy Management Conservation energy manager
Minority continued from page 1
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a shortage when
you look at the percentages, and there might be a decline,â&#x20AC;? she said. Aerospace engineering senior Matthew Carroll said he believes the recruiting
program is succeeding in its endeavor to bring diversity to the College of Engineering. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The increase is all around,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It seems
like itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s working. More minorities are coming here.â&#x20AC;?
The Shorthorn: Monica Lopez
Freshman Leaders on Campus members sing karaoke at the organizationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fifth annual Freshmen Fall Blowout on Thursday at University Center Bowling and Billiards. The party marked the organizationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s special events committeeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first planned event for the year.
Bryan BaStiBLe news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
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