?kb]Zr P^]g^l]Zr Wednesday CZgnZkr *1% +))1 Cner **% +))1 November 12,, 2008
Ohenf^ 12% Gh' /, Ohenf^ 12% Gh' *+q Volume 90, No. 45 ppp'ma^lahkmahkg'\hf ppp'ma^lahkmahkg'\hf www.theshorthorn.com
Lbg\^ *2*2 Since 1919 Lbg\^ *2*2 Since 1919
@E;<O @E;<O INDEX XyXyday );Xp );Xp XyXy2Day Xy, 2002 E\nj
op View World Nfic[ M`\n op Opinion Fg`e`fe op News Jgfikj op
Volume 83, No. Xy :fXZ_\j :fie\i XyXyXy: XyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXy. Xy :cXjj`ZXc \[lZXk`fe Spreading Their Wings ;fd`eXek Ni`k\ Pfli Fne Afb\ ?\i\ If You Got It, Flaut It ?bg] hnm fhk^ Z[hnm phf^gÍl [Zld^m[Zee a^Z]
) 2 )* op 3+ 4op, 6op/ op
qrqrqrqrqr qrrqrqrqrr qrrrrrq rrrr q rrrr A 16-year-old Ma^ MO pkbm^kÍl lmkbd^ aZl e^_m nl mh _^g] _hk hnkl^eo^l' flautist discusses how playing music helped qrrrrrrq rqrrr' him overcome hardships. FG@E@FE s G8>< , FG@E@FE s G8>< + 2DAY | PAGE 2
Consider how the turkey feels on this upcoming qrqrqrq qrrqrrqqqqrrq rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr qrrrrrrrrrr \hZ\a LZfZgmaZ Fhkkhp' Thanksgiving holiday. JGFIKJ s G8>< / qrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rqqqqqqqqq'
J:<E< s G8>< / OPINION | PAGE 4
Lmn]^gml `kZ]nZm^ Spaniolo to report on gas, research pbma g^p \^kmbÖ \Zmbhg NM: `^ml Z hg^&lmhi iZk^gm lahi \^gm^k N_Xk kf \og\Zk k_`j n\\b %%%
N_Xk pfl d`^_k _Xm\ d`jj\[%%%
James her from participating, said Antions assistant to the president. the Academic Affairs Committee year period. The president will explain Spaniolo, Daniel plans to discuss re- gela Koberline, UT-Brownsville Spaniolo will also present today _hkfZmbhg at the UT Z[hnm Systemahnlbg`% Board \Zfinl K_\ GXi\ekj =Xd`cp :\ek\i plans for revenues to the UT of Regents ^o^gml% iZkdbg` _^^l% k^`blmkZmbhg university plans for using the revenue to search that expands scientific president assistant. meeting in El Paso, Xejn\ij e\n DXm\i`Zb gXi\ekjË System Board of Regents. Zg] Zk^Zl hg \Zfinl bl recruit k^Z]ber faculty, provide president Ma^kZir Ikh`kZf [^\Zf^ Ma^ `kZ]nZm^l \hfie^m^] ma^ The presentations begin at 4 knowledge. Spaniolo will present additional Texas. JfZ`Xc nfib jkl[\ekj Xi\ k_\ M`j`k nnn%k_\j_fik_fie%Zfd hl\jk`fej Xe[ ZfeZ\iej% ZoZbeZ[e^ pbma a^ei _khf \^gm^k ^f& ihineZk Zg] a^ei_ne _hk hma^kl bg /)&ahnk Lhenmbhg&?h\nl^] ;kb^_ p.m. today and can be seen live applied research, which focuses student scholarships and accelerThe gas revenue presentation ]`ijk kf ^iX[lXk\ n`k_ ]fZlj\[ ]fi [X`cp lg[Xk\j% iehr^^l% lZb] <Zl^r @hgsZe^l% ma^ Campus Master Ma^kZir \^kmb_b\Zmbhg ikh`kZf hma^k \hngmkb^l ln\a Zl Mhkhgmh% BY JASON JOYCE at www.utsystem.edu/bor/meeton solving practical problems. ate the Plan. provides the university’s estimates Yi`\] k_\iXgp Z\ik`]`ZXk\j% Contributor to9P D<::8 8C@ The Shorthorn IZk^gml ?Zfber <^gm^k ]bk^\mhk' Lbg`Zihk^ Zg] Ehg]hg% >g`eZg]%Ë h__^k^] Jumakhn`a ma^ ngbo^klbmrÍl UT-Brownsville President Spaniolo and UT-Dallas Presifrom Carrizo Oil and Gas officials ings/webcasts.htm .
:feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie Pa^g Z iZk^gm \hf^l E^afZgg lZb]' present the Gas revenue and applied re- showing that David Daniel lead the pre- liet Garcia was set to<hgmbgnbg` >]n\Zmbhg =^iZkmf^gm% royalty income\Zeel from hk dent IZk^gml aZo^ Z ieZ\^ mh natural `^m bgmh ma^ could h__b\^ _hk on research efforts, 9P <9FEP <M8EJ @kZ]nZm^ IZf^eZ Chaglhg lZb] pab\a [^`Zg eZlm r^Zk% a^ lZb]' humanities research topic, but search are theghp topics President said gas wells totall^Zk\abg` $50 sentation JASONphkd% JOYCE K_\ J_fik_fie jkX]] Zee ma^ Zglp^kl' Zglp^kl% ma^ \^gm^k pbee mkZgl_^k hk la^ ahi^l ma^ \^kmb_b\Zm^ fZd^l a^k Lmn]^gml bg ma^ lh\bZe James Spaniolo will present to million-$100 million over a 10- Danny Woodward, communica- last minute obligations prevented news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Lmn]^gm :__Zbkl \k^Zm^] ma^ ]bk^\m ma^f mh ma^ \hkk^\m Zk^Z _hk L^o^g lmn]^gml `kZ]nZm^] _khf ilr\aheh`r% gnklbg` Zg] f^]b& fhk^ dghpe^]`^Z[e^' IZk^gml ?Zfber <^gm^k mh a^ei maZm li^\b_b\ jn^lmbhg' B_ maZm Zk^Z ÊBm pZl o^kr ^q\bmbg` k^\^bobg` ma^ ma^ L\ahhe h_ Lh\bZe Phkd eZlm \bg^ _b^e]l e^Zkg ldbeel mh \hg]n\m Zee^obZm^ ma^ _knlmkZmbhgl h_ \hg& \ZgÍm [^ k^Z\a^] hk eh\Zm^]% ma^ fhgma pbma Z \^kmb_b\Zm^ maZm aZl ^__^\mbo^ bgm^kob^pl maZm [kbg` hnm _bklm \^kmb_b\Zm^ bg ma^ N'L'%Ë la^ lZb]' _nl^] iZk^gml Zg] _Zfber f^f[^kl lmZ__^kl pbee l^Zk\a _hk ma^ bg_hkfZ& ghm [^^g h__^k^] [^_hk^ bg ma^ N'L'% \eb^gmlÍ lmk^g`mal Zg] k^lhnk\^l% Zg] ÊBm aZl bg\k^Zl^] fr dghpe^]`^ Zg] pa^g mkrbg` mh `^m bg_hkfZmbhg hg lZb] I^m^k E^afZgg% lh\bZe phkd ]^o^ehi `hh] `hZel% E^afZgg lZb]' STUDENT GOVERNANCE MULTICULTURAL AFFAIRS>I8;J Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ Z oZkb^mr h_ ngbo^klbmr l^kob\^l' Bg& Zllh\bZm^ ikh_^llhk' ÊMa^ Lhenmbhg&?h\nl^] ;kb^_ @E=F Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ *
Writer to perform her 8 IXZ`e^ I\[\j`^e work tonight NM: ?hkfneZ L:> kZ\bg` m^Zf lpZil ^g`bg^ Zg] k^]^lb`gl bml kZ\^ \Zk A performer uses varied
background as inspiration k^Zeer ^q\bm^] mh `^m lmZkm^]'Ë for her performances.
9P :F?< 9FC@E
:feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie
Ma^ ngbo^klbmr ?hkfneZ L:> m^Zf bl `^Zkbg` ni mh `bo^ \hfi^mbmhkl Z mhn`a kng bg =^mkhbm mabl FZr pbma bml g^per ]^lb`g^]% eb`am^k \Zk' Ma^ \aZg`^l maZm Zk^ [^bg` bfie^& f^gm^] Zk^ f^Zgm mh ]^\k^Zl^ ma^ \ZkÍl p^b`am' Ma^ m^Zf lpZii^] ma^ a^Zob^k -&\rebg]^k ^g`bg^ _hk Z eb`am& ^k +&\rebg]^k ^g`bg^% Zg] pbee k^er hg Z^kh]rgZfb\l mh ^gaZg\^ li^^]' ÊPaZm p^ ]h bl ik^\blbhg ]kbobg` Zm ma^ Z[lhenm^ ebfbml h_ \hgmkhe%Ë ?hk& fneZ L:> m^Zf Z]obl^k ;h[ Phh]l lZb]' Ma^ eb`am^k \Zk lahne] [^ Z[e^ mh fho^ _Zlm^k% lZb] MahfZl PZem^k% f^\aZgb\Ze ^g`bg^^kbg` cngbhk Zg] m^Zf f^f[^k' ÊBmÍl p^b`am^] mh ikh]n\^ mkZ\mbhg The Shorthorn: Michael Rettig hg ma^ `khng]%Ë a^ lZb]' ÊEZlm r^Zk Student Congress vice president Bess Alvarez leads other SC members across the north campus bridge Tuesday duringpZl ma^ _Zlm^lm \Zk p^Í] ^o^k [nbem' BÍf their annual Night Walk. SC walks the campus looking for potential safety hazards.
SC finds hazards on campus
WHEN AND WHERE When: 6:30 tonight ÈN_Xk
>o^kr r^Zk bg fb]&Cner% ma^ ngb& Where: n\ [f `j University Center o^klbmr BYahlml ma^ M^qZl :nmh\khll ANNA KATZKOVA Bluebonnet Ballroom gi\Z`j`fe P^^d^g]% Z \hfi^mbmbhg maZm bgobm^l The Shorthorn staff \hee^`^l _khf Z\khll \hngmkr mh [i`m`e^ Vietnamese rootsma^ and a \hf^ Zg] Bg L^im^f[^k% ma^ tonight Texan birthkZ\^' combine to form 6:30 Xk k_\ at the Univerngbo^klbmrÍl m^Zf Zmm^g]l ma^ Lihkml an award-winning writer sity Center Bluebonnet BallXYjfclk\ <Zk <en[ h_ :f^kb\Z gZmbhgZel' and performer. Growing up room. The performance’s c`d`kj f] fZbg mabl r^Zk in Ma^ Texas, Lan\hfi^mbmbhg Tran moved name came from its earlier bl ma^ ?hkfneZ L:> bg =^mkhbm' Ma^ to California at age 6, but versions Zfekifc%É when Tran knitted m^Zf f^f[^kl p^k^ _bk^] she never forgotlZb] herma^r Austin a scarf and unraveled it to ni Zg] Zk^ `^mmbg` k^Z]r' home. make it9fY Nff[j seamless. =fidlcX J8< For paZm Asian ÊBmÍl p^ ebo^ Heritage _hk ]hpg a^k^%Ë “Unraveling means makk\Xd X[m`j\i Month, Tran will lnli^glbhg perform ing lZb] =k^p PZee^k% e^Z] something fall apart, with a true Southern drawl but it also has the connota_hk ma^ m^Zf' herMa^ one-woman play, h_ “How m^Zf \hglblml Z[hnm +) TRAN continues on page 6 to Unravel Your Family,” at f^f[^kl' Fhlm Zk^ _khf ma^ <hee^`^ h_ >g`bg^^kbg` [nm Zgrhg^ Zmm^g]bg` ma^ ngbo^klbmr bl ^eb`b[e^ mh chbg' Ma^ \Zkl Zk^ lmn]^gm [nbem Zg] lmn]^gm ]kbo^g' =kbo^kl Zk^ \ahl^g [r m^Zf
Can-do Attitude J8< Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ -
Constituency council holds food drive for fun, charity
D\Z_Xe`jd \e^`e\\i`e^ ale`fi >\fi^\ K_fdjfe `j X d\dY\i f] =fidlcX J8<# n_`Z_ `j ^\kk`e^ i\X[p ]fi X Zfdg\k`k`fe `e ;\kif`k% K_\ ZXiËj n\`^_k nXj [\Zi\Xj\[ Xe[ n`cc lj\ X\if[peXd`Zj kf \e_XeZ\ k_\ jg\\[%
K_\ J_fik_fie1 D`Z_X\c I\kk`^
BY BRYAN BASTIBLE judges will examine the and west edges. UNSAFE AREAS The Shorthorn staff sculptures and award the Cynthia Babbitt, EHS occupational safety specialist, The Science Constituency team with the most creative walked with the main group. Council hopes to encourage structure, and a prize will UTA BLVD. She explained the relethe university community be given to the group that BY JASON BOYD vance of some problem areas to raise canned good dona- donates the most cans. The Shorthorn staff Lights Any student can drop and encouraged SC members tions to new heights. needed Student Congress senators to spot “hidden hazards.” To help Mission Arling- off cans in boxes located NH SC vice president Bess Alfound burnt out lights, loose ton, the council will spon- at college buildings around W 3RD ST. bricks, trip hazards and dark varez found one near the Censor “Mavericks under CAN- campus. SCC president and spots on campus during their tral Library — several loose struction,” an event where Student Congress science Lights UC needed GS top bricks on a low wall for annual Night Walk Tuesday. students can bring canned senator Marjana Sarker said the council hopes to collect E\njZXjkj Xe[ jgfikj ^Xd\j The event lets SC members a grassy area that she lifted goods through Nov. 30. FA with Environmental Health without much effort. Anyone who drops off around 1,000 cans. n`cc ile fe Z_Xee\c 00 Y\^`ee`e^ “It’s exciting. You’re Babbitt said things like andN\[e\j[Xp e`^_k% Safety, University Police canned goods can particiHLTH and other departments walk this are “hidden hazards,” bepate in building can “sculp- doing your part for the comW 4TH ST. the campus and find hazard- cause students may walk on tures” on Dec. 1, that will be munity,” Sarker said. 9P D8I@JJ8 ?8CC LIBR Sumaia Alamoudi, Joint the wall and think it’s safe, ous areas.:feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie displayed in the University Bricks 9P D8KK?<N I<8>8E TEX then trip and fall because it’s Walkers looked for dark Center Gallery. loose Lights Mabl l^f^lm^k% [khZ]\Zlm lmn]^gml :feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie CANS continues on page 6 loose. spots andfhk^ fall-prone Three faculty member needed pbee `^m aZg]l&hg areas. ^qi^kb^g\^ [r Ma^ L\ahhe h_ Gnklbg` l^m Z eZg]fZkd _hk bml ikh& She said falls, even from a Participants split into three _befbg` g^pl\Zlml Zg] \ho^kbg` ngbo^k& PKH LS `kZf mabl iZlm =^\^f[^k' groups — some who walked short height, could be deadly lbmr lihkml' FZqbg^ :]^`[heZ Zg] @ehkbZ <Zkk [^\Zf^ ma^ _bklm the main campus and those S. NEDDERMAN DR. ;^`bggbg` g^qm fhgma% lmn]^gml mh k^\^bo^ ]h\mhkZe ]^`k^^l bg gnklbg` Zm ma^ ngbo^klbmr' NIGHT continues on page 6 who headed to the outer east The Shorthorn: Marissa Hall pbee lahhm p^^der g^pl\Zlml _hk ngbo^k& :_m^k r^Zkl h_ ]^]b\Zm^] k^l^Zk\a% \hngme^ll ]bll^kmZ& lbmr \Z[e^ \aZgg^e 22' Lhf^ lmn]^gml mbhg ik^l^gmZmbhgl Zg] in[eb\Zmbhgl% Zg] ^o^g ^qmk^f^ pbee Zelh _bef lihkml [^`bggbg` pbma \hffnmbg`% ma^r k^\^bo^] ma^bk ]h\mhkZm^l mh [^\hf^ ma^ f^gÍl [Zld^m[Zee `Zf^ P^]g^l]Zr >cfi`X :Xii# gnkl^ l\b^gmblml' gb`am' Ma^r [^`Zg ma^ ikh`kZf mh`^ma^k bg +)), Zl ma^ elij`e^ [fZkfiXk\ @Zf^l pbee [^ ihlm^] bg ma^bk ^gmbk^& l\ahheÍl _bklm ]h\mhkZe \Zg]b]Zm^l Zg] _bgbla^] mh`^ma^k mr hg ma^ ngbo^klbmr Zmae^mb\l P^[ lbm^ Zm =^\^f[^kÍl `kZ]nZmbhg \^k^fhgr' Zehg` pbma `Zf^ ab`aeb`aml% lZb] :g& :emahn`a :]^`[heZ [^`Zg a^k gnklbg` ^]n\Zmbhg bg ]k^p <eZkd% \hffngb\Zmbhg ZllblmZgm CZfZb\Z Zg] <Zkk bg F^fiabl% M^gg'% [hma `kZ]nZm^l K_\ J_fik_fie1 8e[i\n 9lZbc\p ikh_^llhk Zg] [khZ]\Zlm ]bk^\mhk' aZo^ mZd^g lbfbeZk iZmal mh k^Z\a ma^ NM: ikh`kZf' ÊB_ p^ cnlm inm kZp _hhmZ`^ h_ ma^ 9ifX[ZXjk`e^ e\nj j\e`fi 8ife Dfi^Xe j_ffkj k_\ DXm\i`Zbj ^Xd\ K_lij[Xp e`^_k `e ;hma k^\^bo^] ma^ ?^kg^ G^pfZg Dr[Z ?^eehplabi bg `Zf^% bmÍl \hg\^boZ[e^ bm \hne] [^ hg ma^ K\oXj ?Xcc% K_`j nXj k_\ ]`ijk ^Xd\ kf Y\ k\c\m`j\[ Yp k_\ YifX[ZXjk`e^ jkl[\ekj ]fi k_\ Gnklbg`% Zg] [hma p^k^ l^e^\m^] Zl Êf^gm^^lË [r ma^ P^[ lbm^ Zg ahnk hk mph Z_m^k ma^ `Zf^%Ë Xk_c\k`Zj N\Y j`k\% GZmbhgZe <hZebmbhg h_ >magb\ Fbghkbmr Gnkl^ :llh\bZ& BY MARK BAUER didn’t pass until after her regest nursing program in Texas. <eZkd lZb]' mbhgl' Susan Grove was named tirement, Grove spearheaded The Graduate Nursing ProSusan Grove, ;khZ]\Zlm l^gbhk =Zob] FZgg^kbg` fZgr ahf^ `Zf^l _hk f^gÍl Zg] phf& ]^gml fZr _bef [Zl^[Zee `Zf^l bg ma^ mph Zk^ gh lmkZg`^kl mh mkZo^ebg` _hk ma^bk Professor Emeritus for dedi- gram specialized program’s proin three nurse and wrote the School Ma^ of likbg`' ^gÍl [Zld^m[Zee Zl ma^r \Zg [nm maZm ma^ Zgghng\^l _hk ma^ ngbo^klbmrÍl kZ]bh lmZ& ^]n\Zmbhg' :]^`[heZ mk^dd^] _khf CZfZb\Z% pa^k^ la^ cating 30 years to the School of Nursing posal. practitioner areas — now it MO K^ihkmbg` * Zg] + \eZll^l pbee mbhg% Zg] abl \hff^gmZkr \Zg ieZr pbma `Zf^ \ho^kZ`^ ]^i^g]l hg ma^ gnf[^k k^\^bo^] a^k ]biehfZ bg gnklbg`% mh Angm^k <hee^`^ bg DXo`e\ 8[\^YfcX# Professor Nursing. Those specializes in eight. ZoZbeZ[e^' Ma^r fZr h_ lmn]^gml Zelh things factored into ma^ `Zf^ hgebg^' elij`e^ [fZkfiXk\ Emeritus When joined to award The \ho^k lhf^ ZpZr `Zf^l% Zg] lhf^ lmn& acute care nurse prac- the school’s decision The Shorthorn: Michael Rettig 9IF8;:8JK Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ <eZkd the lZb] professor ma^r pbee mkr mh \ho^k Zl ELIJ@E> Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ * the university’s nursing faculty titioner programs, both pedi- her the Professor Emeritus of in 1978, the school was smaller. atric and adult, were started Nursing title last month that Even then, the former nursing by Grove. honors retired faculty who will Kinesiology junior Jason Fleck tightens the backboard on a basketball associate dean said she believed Although the Doctor of goal Tuesday at the Maverick Activities Center. Fleck performs routine EMERITUS continues on page 6 the campus boasted the stron- Nursing Program initiative
All reported findings are given to safety-oriented :FDDLE@:8K@FE departments for fixing.
;khZ]\Zlm lmn]^gml mh Ö ef m^e^\Zlml _hk \Z[e^ \aZgg^e
I\XZ_`e^ K_\`i ;\jk`eXk`fej
Mph gnklbg` ]h\mhkZe lmn]^gml mkZo^e ehg` ]blmZg\^l mh [^ ma^ ngbo^klbmrÍl Ö klm
Weaving the Fabric of Life
Professor receives an award for her devotion to the School of Nursing
maintenance on all the goals in the MAC.
CaleNDar Today
information, call Lauren Miller at 817-272-6576.
Special Collections: Revisualizing Westward Expansion: Mondays 9 . NOV a.m.-7 p.m. and Tuesday -Saturday 9 a.m.- 5 p.m., Central Library sixth floor. Free. For information, contact 817-272-3393 or spcoref@ uta.edu.
Campus Notebook
Art Exhibition: “Steve Brudniak and Cameron Schoepp”: 10 a.m.-5 p.m., The Gallery at UTA. Free. For information, contact Patricia Healy at 817272-5658 or phealy@uta.edu. Campus Information Center Grand Opening: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., University Center. Free. For
Wednesday November 12, 2008
Alpha Kappa Alpha Canned Food Drive: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., UC mall. For information, call 214-6750359. Majors Fair: 11 a.m.-2 p.m., UC Palo Duro Lounge. Free. For information, contact Jessica Cates at 817-272-3267 or jrcates@uta.edu. Study Abroad Information Session: noon-1 p.m., UC Blanco Room. Free. For information, contact Courtney Bauman at 817-272-1120 or studyabroad@ uta.edu. Living with Loss: noon, UC San Jacinto Room. For student.
Free. For information, contact Lindsey Zaleski at 817-272-6107 or studentsuccess@uta.edu. Walk-In Resume Critiques: noon-1 p.m., Science and Engineering Library, No appointment needed. Free. For information, contact Career Services at 817-272-2932 or careers@uta.edu. Black History Month Committee: noon-1 p.m., B150 UC Pecos. For information, contact 817-272-2099 or multicultural_affairs@uta.edu. New Drop-In Study Abroad Advising: 1:30 p.m.-3 p.m., UC. For information, contact Blake Hart at 817-2721120 at bhart@uta.edu.
CPT Seminar: 2-3 p.m., Swift Center. Free. For information, contact Satu Birch at 817-2722355 or sbirch@uta.edu. In Search of Higher Ground: Work by bildDESIGN: 4 p.m., 204 Architecture Building. Free. For information, contact Robert Rummel-Hudson at 817-2722314 or rhudson@uta.edu.
Thursday Women’s History Month Meeting: 12:30-1:30 p.m., UC B150C. Free. For information, contact NOV. Multicultural Affairs at 817-272-2099 or multicultural_affairs@ uta.edu.
Dispelling the Model Minority Myth Workshop: 12:30-2 p.m., UC Concho Room. For information, contact Multicultural Affairs at 817-272-2099 or multicultural_affairs@uta.edu. Etiquette Dinner and Workshop: 6:30 -8 p.m., UC Carlise Suite. RSVP required. For information, call Stephanie A. Brown at 817-272-3208. Opera Workshop Performance: 7:30 p.m., Irons Recital Hall. Free. For information, contact Music Department at 817-2723471 or music@uta.edu.
Calendar submissions must be made by 4 p.m. two days prior to run date. To enter your event, call 817-272-3661 or log on to www.theshorthorn.com/calendar
The ShorThorn
two-Day foreCast
Wednesday 20% chance of thunderstorms • High 72°F • Low 48°F
Thursday Mostly sunny • High 77°F • Low 53°F — National Weather Service at www.weather.gov
poliCe report This is a part of the daily activity log produced by the university’s Police Department. To report a criminal incident on campus, call 817-272-3381.
A staff member reported missing inventory Friday at Texas Hall. A student reported her laptop stolen Monday at the University Center.
a young flautist speaks about overcoming hardships, his passion by alaNNa QuilleN Contributor to The Shorthorn
Despite his inability to read music or remember songs, a Tlingit Indian mastered the techniques of great flute players. an anchorage, alaska native, 16-year-old Morgan Fawcett was a victim of his mother’s alcoholism. Born with Fetal alcohol Syndrome, he suffers from a disease that has caused neurological and physical problems throughout life. Fawcett works around his disabilities and now performs Native american flute. He speaks about FaS awareness at noon today at the University Center Rosebud Theatre. “I was born with a failure to thrive,” he said. Despite his disabilities, Fawcett learned piano, clarinet and violin during his childhood. “I was not instantly addicted to them like I was with the sound or the feeling of the Native american Flute,” he said. also suffering from years of mental and physical abuse from his troubled father, Fawcett believes the defining moment in his life emerged at age 13. “I was stealing food and staying out all night to stay away from my father,” he said. “I contemplated what life would be like without him.” That’s when his first love entered his life. “The flute came at a time when I was struggling with the hate I had for my father,” he said. “It helped my concentration, ability to focus and lowered my anxiety.” On their way to visit family in California in March 2006, Fawcett and his adoptive grandmother Susan Hempel took a rest stop at the Trees of Mystery Museum, one of the largest privatelyowned Native american museums. He played for the first time when the museum sales clerk gave him a Native american flute, Hempel said. The clerk played a scale for him, and after following along with the notes, Fawcett closed his eyes and began playing his own song. “The attendant asked him how long he had played the flute,” Hempel said. “She didn’t know that was his first time ever playing.” Hempel said she believes he developed his style and technique that day and had the spirit of the flute from the beginning. “He played with the ease and grace of someone that has played for a very long time,” she said. around that time, doctors finally diagnosed Fawcett with FaS
A student reported his vehicle window shattered Monday at Maverick Stadium. An exit sign was burning Tuesday at the Fine Arts Studio entrance.
— Dustin Dangli
Faculty member lectures on diversity research The Shorthorn: Stephanie Goddard
Native American flutist Morgan Fawcett, who suffers from the effects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, uses the flute to relieve stress and help combat his disorder. He performs at noon today in the University Center Rosebud Theatre.
after years of uncertainty about where his illnesses came from. Fawcett owns 18 different Native american flutes — each made of different woods like walnut, maple and cherry. “Since he is only 16, he is able to reach teenagers when they might be especially susceptible to alcohol abuse,” said Kenneth Roemer, English professor and Native american Student association faculty sponsor. “I imagine he’s the type of person who will end up on Oprah’s show one day.” alaNNa QuilleN news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
“The flute came at a time when I was struggling with the hate I had for my father. It helped my concentration, ability to focus and lowered my anxiety.” Morgan Fawcett, 16-year-old flutist
A vehicle was towed for outstanding citations Monday from Lot F-6. A student reported having extreme headache pains Monday and was transported to Arlington Medical Center.
To raise awareness for homelessness, several organizations are hosting the annual One Night Without a Home. Attendees will spend the night in cardboard boxes on the Central Library mall. Event sponsors UTA-Volunteers, Brazos House and Trinity House will provide boxes. Organizers prefer that participants bring their own boxes, sleeping bags and pillows, UTA-Volunteer member Erica Burroughs said. Students wanting to participate should meet at 2 p.m. Thursday by the University Center Bluebonnet Ballroom and the event will go until noon Friday. There will be a case study and guest speakers to discuss homeless awareness across the country, Burroughs said. Students are asked to volunteer at the Bridge Homeless Shelter for two hours Thursday and again at Mission Arlington on Friday morning for two hours. On Friday, participants will inform passers-by of homeless statistics, she said. “Students need to be educated about the issue,” Burroughs said. “And experience what the homeless experience by sleeping in a cardboard box.”
Focus on Faculty will present a lecture on diversity by management associate professor Myrtle P. Bell at noon today at the Central Library sixth floor. Her presentation covers how diversity influences groups and uses research to focus on accurate aspects of diversity to increase equal opportunity. “If you increase the diversity, you will be well-represented,” said library human resource specialist Nadine Douditski. “Plus, to put it plain and simple, people need to learn more about the differences amongst each other.” Established by the library, the Focus on Faculty speakers’ series shares faculty research with the university community. A reception with refreshments follows the program at 1 p.m. — Alanna Quillen
CorreCtioNs Tuesday’s story, “Valued Veterans,” misidentified the Veterans Day Activities Fair.
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THE UNIVERSITy OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON 89TH yEAR, © The ShorThorn 2008 All rights reserved. All content is the property
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Science Constituency Council historian, on the canned food drive. See Page 1
Students sleep in boxes for homeless awareness
F 2 A 0 L 0 L
Taha Muntajibuddin,
Using Music to Heal the Heart
“We’re only asking for cans that cost 10-25 cents — an amount that is barely comparable to things we spend on everyday, whether it’s gas, groceries or even Starbucks.”
Campus briefs
A Division of Student Affairs
For more information on candidates http://www.uta.edu/studentgovernance/elections/student_elections.htm
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Page 3
The ShorThorn
in texas
Obama: Keep Lieberman with Dems
Texasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; increased early vote boosts record
the associated Press
WASHINGTON â&#x20AC;&#x201D; President-elect Obama has told Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not interested in seeing Democrats oust Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman from their ranks over his endorsement of Republican John McCain. Obama told Reid in a phone conversation last week that expelling Lieberman from the Democratic caucus would hurt the message of bipartisanship and unity that he wants for his new administration, a Senate Democratic aide said Tuesday. This aide spoke on condition of anonymity because the discus-
sions were confidential. The caucus is the meeting of all Senate Democrats and at the beginning of each Congress it chooses the bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leaders. Lieberman, a longtime Democrat most recently re-elected as an independent, has continued to join the Democratic caucus. In the last Congress his presence was essential to the Democratsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; control of the Senate because he gave them a 51-49 edge over Republicans. But Democrats expanded their majority last Tuesday and no longer need Lieberman to control the chamber, though his vote still could be crucial in votes to end filibusters.
AUSTIN â&#x20AC;&#x201D; A whopping two-thirds of Texans who voted cast ballots early this year, following a trend of growing early-vote numbers in the Lone Star State and putting Texas among the leading states in early and absentee voting. The record early-vote wave made for shorter lines and generally smooth polling place operations on Election Day, according to the Texas Secretary of Stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office.
Eliassonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Take your timeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; exhibit showing
AP Photo: Lauren Victoria Burke
Sen. Joseph Lieberman, I-Conn. walks through the Capitol basement in Washington on Thursday, on his way to meet with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
manship of a key committee to punish him for backing his close friend McCain for president. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t going to referee
Obama says he wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get involved in the fight on Capitol Hill over whether Democrats should take away Liebermanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chair-
decisions about who should or should not be a committee chair,â&#x20AC;? Obama spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter said.
DALLAS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; With Olafur Eliassonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s exhibit â&#x20AC;&#x153;Take your time,â&#x20AC;? the idea is to do just that: Slow down and let the works wash over your senses. From the fan hanging at the end of a cable that hums as it swings in a circle to a cavernous room bathed in yellow light to the smell of a wall covered in moss, the exhibit that opened at the Dallas Museum of Art this week showcases Eliassonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work with light, color and space.
in the world
4,300-year-old Egyptian pyramid revealed
Pelosi wants new aid for U.S. automakers the associated Press
WASHINGTON â&#x20AC;&#x201D; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for â&#x20AC;&#x153;emergency and limited financial assistanceâ&#x20AC;? for the battered auto industry on Tuesday and urged the outgoing Bush administration to join lawmakers in reaching a quick compromise.
Four days after dismal financial reports from General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co., Pelosi backed legislation to make the automakers eligible for help under the $700 billion bailout measure that cleared Congress in October. In a written statement, the
California Democrat said the aid was needed â&#x20AC;&#x153;in order to prevent the failure of one or more of the major American automobile manufacturers, which would have a devastating impact on our economy, particularly on the men and women who work in that industry.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Congress and the Bush administration must take immediate action,â&#x20AC;? she added. Administration officials have concluded that the bailout bill that passed earlier does not permit loans to the auto industry, but lawmakers are expected to return to the Capitol for a brief postelection
session beginning next week. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., also supports help for the industry, and he issued a statement saying Democrats were â&#x20AC;&#x153;determined to pass legislation that will save the jobs of millionsâ&#x20AC;? as part of a postelection session.
SAQQARA, Egypt â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Archaeologists have discovered a new pyramid under the sands of Saqqara, an ancient burial site that has yielded a string of unearthed pyramids in recent years but remains largely unexplored. The 4,300-year-old monument most likely belonged to the queen mother of the founder of Egyptâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 6th Dynasty, and was built several hundred years after the famed Great Pyramids of Giza, antiquities chief Zahi Hawass told reporters in announcing the find Tuesday. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Associated Press
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â&#x20AC;˘ Read a feature about a woman who works on staff at the university who has been invited to Barack Obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inauguration â&#x20AC;˘ Pulse will be doing a cover story on tips for planning a party at home
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:_Xi`kp Dfek`\k_# \[`kfi :f_\ 9fc`e# \[`kfi Cohe Bolin, editor ABOUT OPINION fg`e`fe$\[`kfi%j_fik_fie7lkX%\[l fg`e`fe$\[`kfi%j_fik_fie7lkX%\[l opinion-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Cohe Bolin, editor Fg`e`fe `j glYc`j_\[ N\[e\j[Xp Xe[ =i`[Xp% Fg`e`fe `j glYc`j_\[ N\[e\j[Xp Xe[ =i`[Xp% Opinion is published Wednesday and Friday. opinion-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu IZ`^ / 2008 Wednesday P^]g^l]Zr% :n`nlm +0% +))1 and Friday. Friday, August 29, Opinion is published Pa e 4
?Zlm&?hh] ?bZl\h EDITORIAL/OUR VIEW <e^Zg ;k^Zd :]o^kmbl^k bgm^kknimbhgl
<;@KFI@8C&FLI M@<N
K_\ J_fik_fie `em`k\j jkl[\ekj# le`m\ij`kp K_\ J_fik_fie The Shorthorn `em`k\j jkl[\ekj# le`m\ij`kp invites students, university REMEMBER \dgcfp\\j Xe[ Xclde` kf jlYd`k ^l\jk \dgcfp\\j Xe[ Xclde` kf jlYd`k ^l\jk employees and alumni to submit guest The Shorthorn invites students, university Zfcldej kf k_\ Fg`e`fe gX^\% Zfcldej kf k_\ Fg`e`fe gX^\% columns to the Opinion page. employees and alumni to submit guest ?kb]Zr% FZk\a *-% +))1 IZ`^ . Page 7 columns to the Opinion page. Wednesday, November 12, 2008
;Z[rlbmmbg` :]neml The Wrong Answer The Brown-Headed Stepchild
<;@KFI@8C&FLI M@<N
Home Sweet Where?
Danger Danger, UTA ]bfbgbla ma^ ]b`gbmr h_ Jkl[\ekj j_flc[ Y\ XnXi\
ma^ Herfib\ @Zf^l Bad information, poor communication Arming teachers fails=kbgdbg` Z`^ k^lmkb\mbhgl bg^__^\mbo^% `khni k^\hff^g]l \aZg`^ to address the deeper problem Y\]fi\ c\Xm`e^ ]fi X n\\b costs students time, money, stress f] Y`e^\$[i`eb`e^ [Xe^\ij Campus safety needs to be a top priority
The university should take more prevenBm pZl ZfZsbg`' Ang]k^]l h_ i^hie^ kZg crime Z\khll on ma^ campus an`^ tative measures to combat BmĂ?l mbf^ mh \^e^[kZm^' s students go back to school this week, campus lmZ`^% jnb\der Zll^f[ebg` bgmh ma^ i^k_^\m ]ho^ andP^Ă?o^ \kZff^] _hk ma^ iZlm _^p raise awareness among students by security will again be an issue. laZi^ Zl ma^ eb`aml hg ma^bk lnbml `ehp^] ]b__^k^gm repairing unsafe areas Student Congress p^^dl% Zg] fb]m^kfl Zk^ _bgZeer ho^k' Recently, The Shorthorn reported that crime \hehkl' Ma^r jnb\der ]bl[Zg]^] Zg] \k^Zm^] Z had risen out fromduring last yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s data. pointed their annual Night Walk g^p _hkf% cnlm Zl ik^\bl^ Zl ma^ eZlm% [nm fhk^ Ghp% ma^ \hngm]hpg bl hg' Hger Z it will not bemembers surprising that campus security Z\kh[Zmb\Zeer m^\agb\Ze Zl i^k_hkf^kl lmhh] hg onSo Tuesday. SC found poor light_^p ^q\kn\bZmbg` ahnkl k^fZbg ngmbe will again come to the fore, ^Z\a hma^klĂ? lahne]^kl' ing, loose bricks and unsafe sidewalks for likbg` [k^Zd [^`bgl' especially comes to Cnlm Zl when ma^ it<abg^l^ students on foot, bicycle or wheelchair. guns. :l rhnĂ?k^ _bgZebsbg` ieZgl% ]hgĂ?m i^k_hkf^kl ]blZll^f[e^] Most of us Cynthia Babbitt, Environmental Health Zg] ik^iZk^] mh remember lmng ma^ e^m ma^ \^e^[kZmbhg [^ knbg^] [r ma^ the incident involving Zn]b^g\^ pbma Zghma^k ^r^& and Safety occupational safety specialist, \hgl^jn^g\^l h_ [bg`^ ]kbgdbg`' a student allegedly [h``ebg` _^Zm% bm aZii^g^]' said areas with poor lighting invite Bm fZr [^ _nggr mh pZm\a ma^ carrying a could gun inmh his Ă&#x160;Bl bm ihllb[e^ _bm Z crime, trips and falls. car last semester, which ]kngd^g ^l\ZiZ]^l h_ Z _kb^g]% [nm ljnZk^ i^` bgmh Z khng] revived gunThe lighting issues weretalks moreof noticeable ahe^8Ă&#x2039; Zg Zgghrbg`% bmĂ?l gh eZn`abg` fZmm^k pa^g abl friendly policies on \hngmkb_b^] ohb\^ lZb] _khf near south side of campus, like areas around bgmhqb\Zmbhg ikh`k^ll^l mh Ze\hahe our own campus. The ma^ MO' Ă&#x160;P^ee% b_ maZm ljnZk^ Davis Hall, and SCmemory membersofwere conI8P <;N8I; ihblhgbg`' Virginia SYLVAIN REY i^` bl PaZmZ[nk`^kĂ?l g^p 9L==@E>KFE @M cerned about lights blocked by trees. Since Tech is still fresh in our ;^\Znl^ fhlm i^hie^ pah [bg`^ iZmmr f^em% Zg] maZm khng] lights can be easilyahe^ replaced, thedbll^k% university minds. bl rhnk rhn ]kbgd Zk^gĂ?m Ze\hahe&]^i^g]^gm% It is to avoid such violence that the Harrold [^m\aZ'Ă&#x2039; should keep up with this on a regular basis ma^ ikh[e^f bl ^Zlr mh ]blfbll' ;nm school district, ahg^ smallh_ district near\hff^k\bZe pZl walking fZgr forMabl students to their carsWichita or resig^Zker hg^&mabk] h_ \hee^`^ lmn]^gml Falls, has, with Gov. Rick Perryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s makhn`ahnm support, bgm^kknimbhgl bgl^km^] i^kbh]b\Zeer dences at night. passed a decision that makes Harroldhi^gbg` the pbee ^g`Z`^ bg [bg`^ ]kbgdbg` Zm e^Zlm ma^ _hnk&ahnk +))1 ;^bcbg` Herfib\l The loose bricks first school district in the nation to pass such \^k^fhgr [khZ]\Zlm hg G;<' B dghp hg\^ ]nkbg` likbg` [k^Zd% Z\\hk]bg` EDITORIAL fZgr aand measure. cracked sidei^hie^ hnm ma^k^ fZr [^ lni^k ^q\bm^] Z[hnm mh ma^ GZmbhgZe Bglmbmnm^ hg :e\hahe ROUNDUP The should resolution, last week, allows PaZmZ[nk`^kĂ?l _Zg\r g^p \hp&Zg]&f^em^]& walks be apassed :[nl^ Zg] The if issue: teachers to carry guns at school theyk^o^eZmbhg have a \a^^l^&hg&[k^Z] \k^Zmbhg% Zg] mabl priority, considering Results of Student state permit and district authorization. :e\haheblf' fZr aZo^ aZ] Z _^p h_ ma^f bg ma^bk \Zkl hg ma^bk <;@KFI@8C Congressâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; annual Night that wheelchairs The logic behindmay the decision is simple: pZr mh ma^ _Zlm&_hh] k^lmZnkZgm aZe_pZr makhn`a Bm mZd^l ma^ Walk. IFLE;LG If licensed carry^o^krhg^Ă?l weapons, defense not be ableteachers to safely ma^ \hff^k\bZe' ;nm We suggest: ikbhkbmb^l [h]r mph ahnkl against a potential murderer will be\ahhl^ made Zk^ ]b__^k^gm' I^klhgZeer% B The phne] K_\ `jjl\1 get around campus. university shouldZ hg Zo^kZ`^ mh easier and quicker. jnZ]k^ggbZe ngbo^klZe ^o^gm ho^k _Zlm&_hh]' Jgi`e^ Yi\Xb utilize the information Thethe event a good But, veryis fact that arefound, now allowed ]b`^lm Zg] _neer BmĂ?l gh lnkikbl^ maZm guns Z]o^kmblbg` aZl mZd^g SC making necZ\c\YiXk`fej ZXe c\X[ kf service, and they in schools, where our children essary improvements Y`e^\ [i`eb`e^% ho^k hnk ebo^l' >o^krpa^k^ p^ theoretically mnkg% p^ Zk^ k^\ho^k _khf to hk combat safetyofissues receive the they to be a part should be commendN\ jl^^\jk1 ^qihl^] mh education ang]k^]l h_ need Z]l `bffb\dl mh hg^ ]kbgd% Z\& and crime. society, is worrying â&#x20AC;&#x201D; even scary. Befn k_\ j`^ej f] fZd^ nl pZgm mh [nr' Bkhgb\Zeer% p^ aZo^ ^o^g ed for taking time to \hk]bg` mh ma^ Only pZedbg` ThailandZ]l and Israel have policies XcZf_fc gf`jfe`e^ Y\]fi\ [^\hf^ bIh]l% eZ[^e^] bring awareness to pbma inhnk [i`eb`e^ XcZf_fc% allowing armed protection schools. <^gm^kl _hk labkml Zg] c^Zgl% lihkml aZml Zg] hma^k Ă&#x160;ehhd campus safety.itItishas produced mixed results In Thailand, to defend students and paZm B [hn`amĂ&#x2039; iZkZia^kgZebZ' =bl^Zl^ <hg& faculty against Muslim separatists who have in PaZm the past â&#x20AC;&#x201D;f^ some changes were made, but bkdl bl maZm Z]o^kmbl^kl mkh] hg mkhe Zg] Ik^o^gmbhg' FZgr [^eb^o^ been waging war sinceevery 2004. In lZ\k^] `khng] [r bg_bemkZmbg` Zg] mZkgblabg` ma^ things seem atobloody be overlooked year. maZm [eZ\d \h__^^% Z \he] lahp^k% \^k^fhgr pbma ,)&l^\hg] lZe^l ibm\a^l' University police attribute increased Lbg\^ ma^ lnff^k Herfib\l mZd^ ieZ\^ hg\^ pZedbg` hk le^^ibg` pbee lh[^k Z crime to the risema^ in kZk^ on-campus residents. As ^o^kr _hnk r^Zkl% h\\nkk^g\^ pZkkZgml ]kngd fhk^ jnb\der' Ma^l^ Zk^ frmal' students on or close^qihlnk^' to campus, Z more ehp^k ]hlZ`^ live h_ Z]o^kmblbg` BĂ?f Ma^ hger mabg` maZm pbee k^o^kl^ ma^ ZpZk^ ma^ be [khZ]\Zlm ]b]gĂ?m \hf^ _hk _k^^% safetymaZm should a top priority for University ^__^\ml h_ Ze\hahe bl mbf^' [nm Z ]b__^k^gm fhg^r&fZdbg` mZ\mb\ \hne] aZo^ Police, and preventative measures should be [^^g _heehp^]' H_m^g% fhob^l [khZ]\Zlm _hk ma^ ;nm mbf^ blgĂ?m hg rhnk lb]^ b_ rhn taken to make the campus safer in the wake _bklm mbf^ hg ghg\Z[e^ lmZmbhgl Zk^ ik^l^gm^] lnli^\m Ze\hahe ihblhgbg`' Dghpbg` of the yearly rise in crime.mh ma^ iZkmb\neZk \hff^k\bZe&_k^^% maZgdl ma^ lb`gl Zg] pa^g mh l^^d f^]b\Ze lihglhk pah \ahl^ mh makhp bg ma^ \Zla' Lnk^er Recently, bicycle thefts have been a big a^ei \hne] [^ ma^ ]b__^k^g\^ [^mp^^g ma^ Herfib\l hi^gbg` \^k^fhgr ]^l^ko^l issue, and students are encouraged to lock [^mm^k mk^Zmf^gm maZg ma^ m^e^oblbhg ik^fb^k^ h_ eb_^ Zg] ]^Zma' their bicycles with sturdy hardware and regĂ&#x160;Lni^k[Z]Ă&#x2039; hk Ă&#x160;+0 =k^ll^l'Ă&#x2039; Ohfbmbg` bl hg^ h_ ma^ ^Zkeb^lm ister them with the police department. @kZgm^]% ma^ m^e^\Zlm pZl ghm ebo^' Pbma StuZg lb`gl% Z\\hk]bg` mh ma^ GB:::' dents should take care to lock their Zo^kZ`^ *+&ahnk mbf^ ]b__^k^g\^ _khf bicycles <abgZ% ontraditional students attest to the value ;^\Znl^ Ze\hahe bl Z lmhfZ\a bkkbmZgm% :f^kb\Zgl p^k^ cnlm [^`bggbg` ma^bk ]Zrl pa^g up and keep an eye on their belongings in of _hkf^k post-secondary education. A degree <abgZĂ?l HerfibZg Eb Gbg` kZg Zkhng] ohfbmbg` bl _Zbker \hffhg% ahp^o^k% public, at the Central Library or inretirement the Unican mean the difference between ma^ mhi bglb]^ ^]`^ h_ ma^ ghp&_Zfhnl ;bk]Ă?l ohfbmbg` [^\hf^l iZkmb\neZker or pushing the tea cart at Lubyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cafeteria. versity Center. G^lm Zk^gZ mh eb`am ma^ Herfib\ _eZf^ Zg] Younger people with;^\Znl^ degrees far morefZgr likely ]Zg`^khnl Z_m^k iZllbg` hnm' of campus safety isare taking ini^g] Much ma^ \^k^fhgr' ma^ ^o^gm the to get three or four jobs in their careers that Hma^k lb`gl mh pZm\a _hk bg\en]^ :f^kb\Zgl lZp pZl ik^k^\hk]^]% bm ehlm ob^pbg` tiative to protect yourself by being aware include annual vacation oZen^' ?hhmZ`^ ^]bmhkl aZ] mbf^ mh lb_m makhn`a f^gmZe \hg_nlbhg% l^bsnk^l% lehp hk of surroundings andtime calling forhealth help when and care, ma^ ^gmbk^ \^k^fhgr mh \nm hnm l^\mbhgl ma^r _^em bkk^`neZk [k^Zmabg`% Zg] iZe^ hk [en^ rather than two or three needed. The university must allow students phne] [^ ZiikhikbZm^ lehml mh `bo^ ma^bk iZrbg` job changes per year with ldbg' to feel safe. Z]o^kmbl^kl Z \aZg\^ mh inla ma^bk pZk^l' no paid vacation while B_ Ze\hahe ihblhgbg` bl ngmk^Zm^]% Ik^lb]^gm ;nlaĂ?l LmZm^ h_ ma^ Ngbhg pZl enduring fixable health [khZ]\Zlm \hff^k\bZe&_k^^' MaZm editorial [hkbg` \enl& ma^ ob\mbf \Zg \ahd^ hg abl hk board â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Shorthorn problems that worsen m^k h_ ahnkl \^kmZbger ]^l^ko^] Z PaZmZ[nk`^k a^k hpg ohfbm hk [k^Zmabg` hk from neglect. [k^Zd' A degree is a a^Zkm[^Zm fZr \^Zl^' B_ ma^ ob\mbf Ma^ fZbg mabg` ehlm bg ma^ \hff^k\bZe& profound benefit in ebo^l% Zg Ze\hahe ho^k]hl^ \Zg e^Z] mh kb]]^g \^k^fhgr% [^lb]^l _bo^ fbgnm^ \angdl America. Sadly, formal maZm p^k^ mhll^] Zlb]^ mh inm bg _Zlm&_hh] CLIFF HALE bkk^o^klb[e^ [kZbg ]ZfZ`^' education is primarily \hff^k\bZel% pZl k^li^\m' :iiZk^gmer pa^g bm B_ rhn l^^ Zgr h_ ma^l^ pZkgbg` found in academia â&#x20AC;&#x201D; an \hf^l mh fZdbg` ma^ [b` [n\dl% ^o^g Z phke] institution that has a venerable and deserved lb`gZel% \Zee 2** bff^]bZm^er' ^o^gm _Zbel mh `Zkg^k Z ebmme^ [bm h_ Ziik^\bZmbhg reputation for incompetence. Zg] =hgĂ?m pZbm _hk rhnk _kb^g] mh lh[^k Z _hnk&ahnk fhf^gm h_ Z]o^kmblbg` One example is the ridiculous UTA lbe^g\^' ni hk _hk fhk^ lrfimhfl mh Zii^Zk' financial aid system. Would you like see a Zg] Ngmbe Z]o^kmbl^kl \hf^ mh to ma^bk l^gl^l =hgĂ?m phkkr maZm rhnk _kb^g] fZr `^m Students typically plan their semesters far e^Zo^ hnk [kZbgpZla^] a^Z]l Zg] ^fimr pZee^ml system in advance.mass Manytransit are required to getinadvising nil^m hk ^f[ZkkZll^] [^\Znl^ rhn Zehg^% BĂ?f `hbg` mh `h `^m frl^e_ Z iZmmr f^em' Arlington? before registering, then they must do so well in \Zee^] _hk a^ei' advance of the start of the semester. Students Ă&#x2030; KZr >]pZk] ;n__bg`mhg BO bl Z ikbgm chnk& :g] fhlm bfihkmZgmer% ]hgĂ?m e^m decide if they can afford online to be full Answer ator part time, Ma^ Lahkmahkg gZeblf l^gbhk Zg] \henfgblm _hk rhnk \^e^[kZmbhg mnkg bgmh Z mkZ`^]r' then make job S decisions accordingly. THE HORTHORN .com
Bg mZdbg` k^lihglb[bebmr bg ma^l^ Zk^Zl% Let the turkeys have their day
:\khll ma^ \hngmkr% *+1 \hee^`^ \hee^`^ lmn]^gml m^g] mh ]kbgd pa^g ma^r
ik^lb]^gml Zg] \aZg\^eehkl aZo^ lb`g^] ma^ bm lahne] Zelh [^ applied ni mh for ma^ on-campus *1&r^Zk&he] only deep reflections on society will help. Israel, armed guards are employed to potentially war, ande^Zo^ ahf^ _hk ma^ _bklm mbf^' Ma^ iZk^gml Students who If it is not the case, then arming everybody may fend off:f^marlm terrorists from Israeli schools. In both housing ran into problems this semesBgbmbZmbo^% hi^gbg` Zk^gĂ?m Zkhng] lh lmn]^gml Zk^ `hbg` mh theZ]nem mh mZd^ k^lihglb[bebmr _hk ma^fl^eo^l As soon as you blow out the Thanksgiving out of holiday conquest of this country. urkeys have got itmeasures bad. Z ]bZeh`n^ countries, the necessity of these isandbackfire. ter â&#x20AC;&#x201D; there wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;tthey enough to Z[hnm ehp^kbg` ma^ ]kbgdbg` Z`^ _khf +* ^qi^kbf^gm Ă&#x2030; fZr[^ bkk^lihglb[er' hg ma^ blln^ h_ ]kbgdbg`' Bm blgĂ?m ni mh ma^ candles, take offgotoaround. begin spotlight as soon as the clock Rather, we see Christmas Not only are they vicA professor trained to shoot and licensed to imposed by a state of war that involves potentially University Housingfor should be more orplanning another personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s strikes 12 the day of, bringing decorations FZgr and other â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jesus h_ tims of an annual masmh *1' lmhkb^l +*lm [bkma]Zr ngbo^klbmr mh [Z[rlbm Z]neml' carry a gun may himself become a weapon if he serious attacks on civilians. birthday that is next week, leavthe apocalyptic shopping day Dayâ&#x20AC;? paraphernalia stocked aisle sacre, but their sacrifice is overganized and accountable for its mistakes. Mabl pbee [^ bg^__^\mbo^' Ma^ hkb`bgZe eZp \^e^[kZmbhgl bgoheo^ +* lahml h_ ebjnhk% Ahp bl maZm ihllb[e^8 Phne] ma^ ngb& If the U.S. now also resorts to such extreme turns mad. ing you to clean up thelive mess shadowed by after aisle at our grocery stores. known to seasoned shoppers More than 4,000 students in all The hk oZkbZmbhgl h_ [bg`^ ]kbgdbg` maZm h_m^g fact that citizens have to provide for their defense maZm measures, shouldma^ we then understand that \aZg`^] ]kbgdbg` Z`^ mh +* pZl o^klbmr i^k_hkf khhf bgli^\mbhgl bg ^o^kr alone on your one special day. of the residence a holiday of We experience an increase in as the biggest sales day campus halls or apartments. own defense points to a failure of the law to do it. the nation is at war? I mean, at war with itself. bg^__^\mbo^ mhh' Fbghkl ]kbgd pa^ma^k ma^ ^g] bg ]kngd ]kbobg` ]^Zmal hk Ze\hahe ]hkf mh lgb__ hnm ma^ Ze\hahe8 Ma^g ma^k^ While the analogy between Bargain-hunters nationbrainwashing and year. commercial commercial If this is the case, then guns will not solve the The problem now becomes to create better laws. If With enrollment increasing, housing will human pah and turkey seem with are plagued by â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jingle wide armor themselves eZp bl ma^k^ hk ghm' gluttony â&#x20AC;&#x201D; our ears not, ihblhgbg`' Zk^ ma^ lmn]^gml ebo^ h__ may \Zfinl Ă&#x2030; every one will enforce his own law, and remain an issue. Bellsâ&#x20AC;? or â&#x20AC;&#x153;Deck the Hallsâ&#x20AC;? being steel-toed tennis shoes and obvious, at least you will still Christmas. the Constitution itself will be head the final victim Fhma^kl :`Zbglm =kngd =kbobg` bl IZk^gml Zg] F:== lZr ngbo^klbmr paZm phne] ma^ ikhmh\he [^ ma^g8 Lmn& The reported list numbers be livingwaiting at the end of the day. out as early as 3 or 4 a.m. As soon blasted on the radio. it will become useless. ahiibg` fZ] Z[hnm asma^ lZrbg` h__b\bZel Zk^ ghm mZdbg` k^lihglb[bebmr _hk Day. ]^gml iZk^gml phne] ghm hand, [^ took aZiir Turkeys, the other will post-Thanksgiving Seri-Zg] All ofâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;this before December thebgbmbZmbo^% seemwerenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t concise â&#x20AC;&#x201D;onsome students Possessing a weapon is not in itself deadly, have died in [^\hfbg` vain. A wasteful money-savers campZ[hnm out inma^bk even rolled around, mind ous ingly endless maZm ehp^kbg` ma^ ]kbgdbg` Z`^ has bgobm^l lmn]^gmlĂ? ng]^kZ`^ ]kbgdbg`' <hee^`^ ngbo^klbmr Z iheb\^ apartments off-campus and didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t inneither is shooting it for fun. the But parking when guns death so due the lack of conlots of department 25 days of Christcandy bowl you. The form housing thetolist was incorrect, ik^lb]^gml Zg] ikhihg^gml h_ ma^ bgbmbZmbo^ lmZm^' fhk^ Ze\hahe&k^eZm^] _ZmZebmb^l' are associated with madness and lack of selfafternoon. sumer appreciation. e m p t i e s , mas are now the two months of stores Thanksgiving said Matthew Hendricks, Housing control, they become lZr fbghkl pbee _bg] Z pZr deadly andMeanwhile, no one can the leftover Ma^ eZp pZl Zm *1 r^Zkl he] ngmbe Ma^ ma^ OpeZp Take_Z\m the k^fZbgl3 time to apprecitur- lbfie^ the tacky mass purchasing. predict madness. erations assistant director. gh has fZmm^k ]h^lgĂ?m phkd' Ma^ _Z\m maZm bm bl bee^`Ze fZr ma^ GZmbhgZe RAY EDWARDFbgbfnf yet topaZm be put away, ate our feathered friends this Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not trying to be the key Cher =kbgdbg` wigs The Bashed question to ask should be:wishbone Why are still hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t been said the list comprises fewer month andnow hold off on zeroing the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Grinch that Christare stashed BUFFINGTON IV ma^ eZp lZrl' ^o^g He fZd^ ]kbgdbg` l^^f fhk^ ^gmb\bg` :`^ :\m h_ *21-' Ebd^ fhlm eZpl there masâ&#x20AC;? school shootings your bank accountis until broken and the rest of thethan fam-100out students, and housing and whatbut I in doAmerica? Lh pa^k^ ]h^l mh living fbghkl December. pah fb`am Santa _^^e maZm bmĂ?l still Z pZr <hg`k^ll iZll^l% mabl hg^ In think Switzerland, whereilyevery is and a selfish is all single lounging on the available ever other remnants Turkey Day at Centennial Court Johnhousehold owns a weapon â&#x20AC;&#x201D; every person ma^ k^lihglb[bebmr mh k^[^e' pZl Z ebmme^ Zf[b`nhnl' bastard and needs to be put on of Halloween return deserves a little room couches, deep in turkeyson Creek apartments. is a citizen-soldier, shootings are a lZrl time-out. comas. to the grave, we are more respect. no suchinduced : i^klhg ng]^k +* bl ghm F:== ]kngd&]kbobg` Z\\b]^gml K_\ J_fik_fie1 8ekfe`eX ;f\jZ_\i Hendricks said his department â&#x20AC;&#x153;will reported.CThe problem then liesImagine in the heartif it were your h r i s t m a s not greeted with â&#x20AC;&#x153;hooaZo^ ]^\k^Zl^] lbg\^ ma^ eZp aZl [^^g Zeehp^] mh [nr Ze\hahe continue to monitor demand for housof American society. rahsâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;hoo-raysâ&#x20AC;? selfishly shoves birthday and all the people that â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Ray Edward Buffington bg ^__^\m% Zg] GZmbhgpb]^ BglnkZg\^ hk ofihll^ll Ze\hahe% [nm If schools, which were founded to make and make decisions about building care for you threw you a ing party. IV is a print journalism the impending feast better citizens, are themselves victims of ikh]n\^] Z lnko^r lZrbg` maZm 0+ i^k\^gm ma^ eZp ]h^l ghm ikhab[bm more housing based the number of senior andon columnist to celebrate our domifor The social violence, then they have failed in their Shorthorn nation of the indians students interh_ Z]neml mabgd ehp^kbg` ma^ ]kbgdbg` ]kbgdbg` Ze\hahe' role. School shootings and violence are the ested in living mh H_ \hnkl^% ma^k^ bl ma^ Z`^ pbee fZd^ Ze\hahe fhk^ Z\\^llb[e^ most dramatic symptoms of a deeper illness. EDITORIAL on campus.â&#x20AC;? B pZl ma^bk [Z] bg_en^g\^' r \abe]ahh] pZl Z lbfie^ mbf^ pa^g ma^ And guns Bg maZm fhf^gm B iZll^] bgmh ma^ phke] fbghk ^q\^imbhg' Bg M^qZl% b_ fbghkl' are not the cure. ROUNDUP Some stu- Ă&#x160;[Z] Ghp% BĂ?f ghm lZrbg` B pZl ma^ mrib\Ze phke] pZl Zg] pabm^' Ebg^l p^k^ h_ ln[c^\mbobmr Ă&#x2030; ma^ phke]% Only a deeper analysis of Z]nem the roots and pa^k^ pbma iZk^gml hk [eZ\d Z `nZk]bZg% R^m p^ Zelh aZo^ mh \hglb]^k maZm ma^ eZp The issue: ghm [enkk^] pbma ma^ laZ]^l h_ `kZr maZm conditions ^o^krmabg` bl ghm violence Zl bm l^^fl' B provide aZ] bf[b[^]% db]'Ă&#x2039; K^eZmbo^er li^Zdbg`% ahp^o^k% B pZl fhk^ dents felt the of social will ]kbgdbg` bl Zeehp^]' B_ rhn fZkkr maZm kZbl^] ma^ ]kbgdbg` Z`^ pZl iZll^] bg fr _kb^g]l pah p^k^ fZ]^ bg_^lm fr eb_^ ghp' ;Z\d ma^g% hg^ mabg` pZl an ng]^k ma^ `nbl^ h_ \ah\heZm^ fbed% ma^ fhlm fbl\ab^ohnl StudentsmaZg on waitexplanation and shape better, long-term department gave lhf^hg^ pah bl ho^k +* pabe^ rhn Zk^ Z lists mbf^ pa^g ma^ eZpl \hg\^kgbg` bgmh ing ]h\be^ shf[b^l ma^bk ]Zber mkn^% hg^ mabg` pZl \^kmZbg' ]^lib\Z[e^ _Zel^ ikhia^m h_ ]Zbkr mk^Zml lbg\^ *21-% policies. werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t in-[r them theHoZembg^' runA^Zkbg` ma^f lZr Ă&#x160;Fhk^ HoZembg^% ie^Zl^ Ă&#x2039; pZl MaZm mabg` pZl \ah\heZm^ fbed' G^lme^ Jnbd Ă&#x2030; HoZembg^' ghm r^m +*% rhn Zelh `^m mh ]kbgd' Ze\hahe p^k^ `^g^kZeer fhk^ k^eZq^]' @^m& And America will avoid an undeclared, formed of housing around. At ori\k^^ir' :l Z bgbmbZmbo^ [hr B ^gchr^] fbed bg eZk`^ underground HoZembg^ civilpZl war. Zg] bl ma^ Zgmbma^lbl h_ mbg` Z =PB bg *21- pZl Z \Zd^pZed \hf& Ma^ lZrl \ah\heZm^ ma^ \nkk^gm eZp availability and had entation in July, B pZl ma^ db] pahl^ ahnl^ ma^r phne] `h mh jnZgmbmb^l' Bm pZl lh lbfie^' B phne] cnlm fbq ^o^krmabg` maZm \ah\heZm^ to find other places blgĂ?m phkdbg`' Lmn]^gml mnkg mh [bg`^ iZk^] mh paZm Z i^klhg `h^l makhn`a ghp% one freshman, Z \ni h_ fbed pbma Zg bghk]bgZm^ Zfhngm h_ fbed lmZg]l _hk' ?bklm% bm pa^g ma^r pZgm^] mh pZm\a Z fhob^ hk ieZr Z to live. ]kbgdbg`% ab\a Zg] \Zg ZpZr e^Z] B mh phne] ]Zg`^khnl pab\a bl Z\mnZeer Z `hh] mabg`' who asked not `Zf^ ]^^f^] mhh obhe^gm hk i^ko^kl^ _hk ma^bk \ah\heZm^ p lrkni kb]^ hg Z lhng]l ebd^ Z ik^l\kbimbhg â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Sylvain Rey is an anthropology senior We suggest: ik^\bhnl ebmme^ fbg]l' GZmnkZeer% mabl e^] mh Z ehm _ZgmZlmb\ ln`Zk ab`a h_ ]^eb\bhnlg^ll' ]kn`' L^\hg]% bmĂ?l gnmkbmbhnl' to be named, \hgl^jn^g\^l' :\\hk]bg` mh ma^ :e\hahe Iheb\r Bg_hk& and columnist for The Shorthorn University Housing h_ [eZf^ makhpg bg fr ]bk^\mbhg' Ma^g B `k^p he]^k' ObmZfbgl Zg] fbg^kZel% fZmbhg The Shorthorn: Villagrana was told by a Lmn]^gml Zelh \ahhl^ Eduardo mh ]kbgd Lrlm^f% Z[hnm .%))) ng]^kZ`^ should commuHg^ mbf^ bg iZkmb\neZk% B receptionist pZl k^Zf^] that [r Z Bg ma^ pZgbg` r^Zkl h_ fr ^e^f^gmZkr l\ahhe l^kbhnler8 Pah lebii^] bee^`Zeer kZma^k maZg pZbm _hk ma^ [b` ]kbgdbg` k^eZm^] ]^Zmal h\\nk ZggnZeer% nicate better with iZk^gm _hk ^qihlbg` abl hk a^k \abe] mh Fhgmr \Zk^^k% B obob]er k^f^f[^k ieZrbg` Gbgm^g]h Zm mahl^ bg ma^k^8 MaZmĂ?l Shorthorn: Eduardo Villagrana no wait list ex+*' Ma^ bgbmbZmbo^ lZrl The maZm ehp^kbg` students to prevent Irmahg _befl bg ma^ _hnkma `kZ]^' Hhil' Zefhlm Zl ik^ihlm^khnl Zl _khf \Zk Z\\b]^gml mh ahfb\b]^ hk lnb\b]^' fr _kb^g]Ă?l ahnl^ pa^g abl fhma^k% bg Z Ă&#x160;E^Zo^ isted atlZrl all. Z[hnm confusion in the _^^e NembfZm^er% B ]hgĂ?m mhh [hma^k^] _bg]bg` iaZkfZ\^nmb\Zel bg Bm mh ;^Zo^kĂ&#x2039; _Zlabhg% Zld^] nl b_ p^Ă?] ebd^ lhf^ ma^ Z`^ ebfbml pbee \nk[ [bg`^ ]kbgdbg` Ik^lb]^gm CZf^l LiZgbheh maZm She was given fr k^o^eZmbhg' B ]hgĂ?m iZkmb\neZker fbg] fr rhnk pZm^k lniier' \ah\heZm^ fbed' B eZn`a^] Zm _bklm% Zllnfbg` la^ future. Zg] \eZla^l pbma ma^ eZp Ă&#x2030; fZdbg` fhk^ k^l^Zk\a g^^]l mh [^ ]hg^ [^_hk^ ma^ K_\ J_fik_fie1 8ekfe`eX ;f\jZ_\i said `hm mh that lahp fr ;^rhg] fr jnZefl pbma iZlm Zl ma^ [Z] bg_en^g\^' aB letter pZl Zldbg` Z ka^mhkb\Ze jn^lmbhg' ng]^kZ`^ ]kbgdbg` l^^f e^ll `eZfhkhnl _kb^g]l lhf^ h_ ma^ _nggb^lm ma^ mZlm^ Zg] gnmkbmbhgZe ngbo^klbmr \Zg mZd^ Z ihlbmbhg' La^ pZlgĂ?m' tofZm^kbZe show upZkhng] on G?@CC@G 9FN;<E lbg\^ bm phne] [^ e^`Ze' Ng]^kZ`^ `hbg` toZpZr' oZen^ h_ HoZembg^ Ă&#x2030; Zg] pZr [^_hk^ ma^rĂ?] _bgZeer [k^Zd ma^ laZ\de^l h_ Ebd^ Zgr *)&r^Zk&he] pbma Z [kZbg Zg] Zg eb^8 Fhlm \hee^`^ lmn]^gml Zk^ ho^k *1% lh the first day]kbgdbg` of classesbl toghm attempt ma^bk iZk^gmlĂ? bg_en^g\^ Zg] l^^ bm ma^fl^eo^l' bml _Z\Z]^ h_ eb^l Ă&#x2030; B pZl Fhk^ Z\abg` ikhi^glbmr _hk \Zobmb^l% B ^q\bm^]er ma^r Zk^ \hglb]^k^] Z]neml' Ma^r \Zg ohm^% Lhf^ fbghkl `^m _Zd^ B=l hk `^m he]^k Zk^ room ghm from ma^ no-show lhenmbhg' stuMa^r grabeZpl a dorm B ]hgĂ?m dghp b_ ma^r ^o^k jnbm maZm HoZembg^ abm fZkkb^]% pbma Z lmnggbg` k^o^eZmbhg Z[hnm fr \hne] [^ Z iZkm h_ ma^ ikh[e^f' lZb] r^l' hk Fbgnm^l iZll^]% k^Zii^Zk^] _kb^g]l \eZllfZm^l mh Zg] [nr la^ ma^ Ze\hahe% `^m [nr mh[Z\\h% l^ko^ bg ma^ dents on a first-come first-serve basis. pbma mph `eZll^l maZm `Zo^ ^o^kr bfik^llbhg h_ k^eZmbhglabil pbma fr _kb^g]l pahl^ iZk^gml mahn`a' BmĂ?l Z [Z] l\^g^% fZg' This seems like a chaotic situation â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Ma^ Lahkmahkg ^]bmhkbZe [hZk] [nm Zefhlm ^o^krhg^ Z`k^^l maZm ng]^kZ`^ fbebmZkr Zg] ebo^ Zehg^' & \hgmZbgbg` \ah\heZm^ fbed' B Z\\^im^] Z `eZll _hk\^] ma^f bgmh ma^bk ZihlmZlr h_ ink^ Ă&#x2021; G_`cc`g 9fn[\e `j X Zfdglk\i jZ`\eZ\ ale`fi show up, wait around and get assigned \ah\heZm^ fbed' Zg] [khn`am bm jnb\der mh fr ebil' Xe[ Zfclde`jk ]fi K_\ J_fik_fie%
K_\ Nfic[ `j
B_ rhn p^k^ ^o^k Z [Z] bg_en^g\^% [eZf^ ma^ \ah\heZm^ fbed
Heaps of Hypocrisy
looking forto mass in Arlington Students must be diligentStill and forward-thinking succeed, transit but the favor isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;tWhatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s alwaysgood returned for the university is good for the community to a room if someone doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t show up.
your VIEW
Before financial aid decisions are made,
students sign up for a certain number of slower thanNeed mostto students are, and the Bursarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s go to the The Parks Mall? There ith the new Cowboys Stadium class hours, and thehosting result the is posted in the office is less than diligent about skimming off Super Bowl in 2011 could be a bus to get you there from UTA. university system. and the 2010 NBA All-Star the universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s percentage sending It can help create before the college lifethe that the Financial aid, however, does not consult leftovers to the eager student. C<KK<IJ university is looking for. Game, Arlington is bound to atthe documented planvisitors of the student and base Standing in lineAatbroader the startidea of amight semester include a tract more in Texas. <e^c`j_ dXafij Xe[# jligi`j`e^cp# _`^_\i k_Xe \Zf$ disbursement this information. at the Bursarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office, or sitting awith a â&#x20AC;&#x153;now DXk_ dXb\j \oZ\cc\ek dXafij# train. Imagine system that travIt decisions also hostsonthe Ballpark for efd`Zj Xe[ Z_\d`jkip dXafij% Rather, the fullFlags course load servingâ&#x20AC;? numberels sliparound in handArlington, at the Financial Fort Worth thesystem Texas assumes Rangers,aSix and d`efij ]fi afY jXk`j]XZk`fe and awards grants, scholarships andsurloans Aid office,8ZZfi[`e^ kf k_\ jXcXip jlim\p ]fi Zfcc\^\ [\$ reveals that this that flawed and Dallas hasconcept stops close Hurricane Harbor. So itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ^i\\j i\gfik\[ Xk nnn%gXpjZXc\%Zfd # k_\ d\Xe to cover the maximum possible expenditure frustrates the best plans of theItmost-prepared to campus. would do amazing prising to learn that Arlington jXcXip f] X [\^i\\ _fc[\i n`k_ X 9XZ_\cfij f] 8ik of a full-time student. likelyU.S. logic and forward-thinking thingsstudent. for the city and students. is=fi LK8 le[\i^iX[lXk\ jkl[\ekj n_f Xi\ the largestThe citymost in the `e dXk_ `j .-#-'/ `] _\ fi j_\ nfibj Xj Xe XZklXip# for this k_`eb`e^ f] af`e`e^ k_\ nfib]fiZ\ X]k\i ^iX[lXk`fe# @ iswithout to makemass certain that the full-time Nontraditional often have much Forstudents the university, this could be transit. Not just 0/#/+. ]fi Xe `e]fidXk`fe k\Z_efcf^p dXeX^\i# studentjl^^\jk X dXk_ dXafi# X [lXc dXafi n`k_ dXk_ Y\`e^ has every centime available to get his more experience in the private sector than in a big selling point to recruit in Texas â&#x20AC;&#x201D; in the whole United Xe[ 0-#0*( ]fi X j\e`fi jf]knXi\ \e^`e\\i% stu\`k_\i k_\ gi`dXip fi j\Zfe[Xip dXafi# fi Xk c\Xjk Pabe^ lhf^ phne] lZr ma^ g^pl l^\mbhg bl E^mĂ?l mZd^ Z g^p ehhd Zm Ma^ Lahkmahkg ' or her semester rolling. academia and other government bureaucracies. dents. There is an existing train States of America. Gif]\jj`feXc ^iX[lXk\ jZ_ffcj `e Ylj`e\jj# cXn# X dXk_ d`efi% ma^ [kZbgl% ma^ hibgbhg l^\mbhg bl ]^_bgbm^er Ma^ lmn]^gm&kng g^pliZi^k aZl mph `hZel If a student notNothing. to attend full For many, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quite a culture toto seeFort how system fromshock Dallas Worth. No has Bus.chosen No train. Xe[ d\[`Z`e\ cfm\ Xggc`ZXekj n`k_ Xe le[\i^iX[lXk\ ma^ a^Zkm h_ Ă&#x2030; made mh ik^l^gm Z\\nkZm^ bg_hkfZmbhg Z[hnm Ma^ Lahkmahkg ' P^Ă?ee m^ee ma^ time and the decision clear by registering lenient university administration is toward Lek`c XYflk ('$(, p\Xij X^f# k_\ afY gifjg\Zkj How hard could it be for it to pass Arlington is getting really big. dXk_ dXafi% blln^l \hgg^\m^] mh ma^ \hffngbmr Zg] ikh& _Z\ml% lmZm^ hnk lmZg\^ Zg] lheb\bm _^^][Z\d Ă&#x2030; for less-than-full-time hours,step he or she isbe still mediocre, and worse, performance. ]fi dXk_ dXafij n\i\ \`k_\i efk m\ip ^ff[ fi c`d$ by Arlington? The next logical would LK8Ă&#x2039;j DXk_\dXk`Zj ;\gXikd\ek f]]\ij gif^iXdj MARTINEZ ob]^ Z _hknf _hk k^Z]^kl' pbee ^o^kr maZmĂ?l pa^k^ rhn important \hf^ bg' we P^ pZgm to mh dghp issued the full-time funds, and when financial One of the most lessons a bring `k\[% Efn# \m\ipk_`e^ `j [`]]\i\ek% @ nflc[ Xi^l\ k_Xk And although want to create something to P^ help notnl^ VICTOR ]fi le[\i^iX[lXk\j c\X[`e^ kf 9XZ_\cfi f] 8ikj fi l^\mbhg bg ma^ iZi^k mh Z\\hfiebla cnlm maZm' paZm rhn mabgd' L^g] nl rhnk e^mm^kl% aid decides to do its homework after the fact, student can get at a university is the collateral k_\i\ _Xj e\m\i Y\\e X Y\kk\i k`d\ kf Y\ X dXk_ more attention to Arlington,pkbm^ the only the students of UTA, but 9XZ_\cfi f] JZ`\eZ\# Xe[ fli dXafij `e k_\j\ gif$ E^mĂ?l mZd^ Z fully ehhd funded paZm fZmm^kl Z `n^lm \henfg% ehhd _hk p^^der iheel hg ma^ it discovers thatthe it has a part-time education of example, poor good. Before dXafi# Xe[ LK8 `j X m\ip ^ff[ gcXZ\ ]fi `k% ^iXdj i\Z\`m\ i`^fiflj kiX`e`e^ `e XYjkiXZk Xe[ cf^`$ fact that it and could present students also people ofZm Arlington to mh rhn3 AfY jXk`j]XZk`fe `j Xdfe^ k_\ _`^_\jk ]fi dXk_ bg mh]ZrĂ?l ^\hghfr% ma^ bg^obmZ[e^ iZ`^ Zg] ohm^ hgebg^' Mabl bl rhnk _hknf' studentlnkobobg` and snaps the money back again. launching into private sector, be certain ZXc i\Xjfe`e^# Zi`k`ZXc k_`eb`e^# dXk_\dXk`ZXc XeXcp$ with thetheopportunity to visit Dallas and get around. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s where a bus system [\^i\\ _fc[\ij% @e k_\ (000 \[`k`fe f] AfYj IXk\[ jn^lmbhg Z_m^k `kZ]nZmbhg% Ă&#x160;PaZm ghp8Ă&#x2039;% MZd^ Z ehhd Zm ppp'ma^lahkmahkg'\hf ' Bm Financial Aid Office notifies the Bursarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to know that this management is j`j# gifYc\d jfcm`e^# Xe[ ZfdglkXk`feXc j`dlcXk`fej% Fort Worth and experience style that nightlife would be very handy. 8cdXeXZ # k_\ dXk_\dXk`Z`Xe iXeb\[ ]`]k_ f] ),' \hgmbgn^l mh ^qiZg] pbma fnembf^]bZ m^eebg` office oflmZrbg` lZg^ bg Z lmk^ll_ne ^gobkhgf^gm Zg]% the award amount, and the Bursar only effective in the specialized bubble of K_\p Xi\ n\cc$gi\gXi\[ ]fi X n`[\ iXe^\ f] ZXi\\ij gif]\jj`fej YXj\[ fe k_\ j`o Zi`k\i`X f] `eZfd\# `e `e[ljkip# ]`eXeZ\# \[lZXk`fe# Xe[ ^fm\ied\ek% h_ \hnkl^% fZdbg` l^gl^ h_ ^e^\mbhg \ho^kZ`^ \hfi^eebg` lmhkb^l Z[hnm paZmĂ?l aZii^gbg` withholds owed tuition and fees and only academia. jki\jj# g_pj`ZXc [\dXe[j# gfk\ek`Xc ^ifnk_# afY N_`c\ fYkX`e`e^ dXk_ [\^i\\j ]ifd fli [\gXik$ makhpg hnm ^o^kr ]Zr' ma^ \hee^`^ \hffngbmr' BmĂ?l rhnk lmhi disburses the remaining amount to the Andbg if you want a career where incompetence d\ek# n\ jkife^cp \eZfliX^\ fli dXafij kf [\m\cfg P^Ă?ee mZ\de^ blln^l maZm Z__^\m rhnk ih\d^m _hk ^e^\mbhg \ho^kZ`^ steer Zg] clear ni]Zm^l maZm pbee student.j\Zli`kp Xe[ nfib \em`ifed\ek% @e ]XZk# k_\ XZklXip When a pupil gets that lovely, life- is not grounds for dismissal, of the jfd\fe\ n_f [f\j i`jb XeXcpj`j jkife^ fiXc Xe[ ni`kk\e Zfddle`ZXk`fe jb`ccj# ^X`e [hhd% ^]n\Zmbhg Zg] ho^kZee p^ee&[^bg`' P^Ă?ee bgoheo^f^gm saving check, he or she can reasonably iXebj j\Zfe[% assume private ab`aeb`am sector andlmn]^gm get a cushy position inZg] an [k^Zd K_\ )'', EXk`feXc 8jjfZ`Xk`fe f] :fcc\^\j Xe[ XeXcpk`ZXc Xe[ ZfdglkXk`feXc jb`ccj# Xe[ c\Xie kf inm mh k^lm maZm _ehZm ]hpg blln^l' :g] pa^g [k^Zdbg` g^pl that tuition and feesma^ are^e^\mbhg covered,knfhkl and must institution of d^r higher education. LETTER <dgcfp\ij jlim\p ZfdgXi\[ Xm\iX^\ jkXik`e^ XeXcpq\ gifYc\dj n`k_ X dXk_\dXk`Z`XeĂ&#x2039;j gi\Z`j`fe# aZii^gl% rhn \Zg _bg] bm ma^k^ mhh' budget Zkhng] bg gZmbhgZe g^pl' P^Ă?ee la^] eb`am hg the check received for a semesterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s jXcXi`\j ]fi jkl[\ekj Yp le[\i^iX[lXk\ dXafi# Xe[ bfihkmZgm k^l^Zk\a aZii^gbg` a^k^ Zg] paZm ;nm Hale e^mĂ?l isghm _hk`^m mh and mZd^ Z ehhd Zm â&#x20AC;&#x201D;X g_pj`Z`jkĂ&#x2039;j `ekl`k`fe Xe[ Xe \e^`e\\iĂ&#x2039;j giXZk`ZXc`kp% Cliff a film junior a copy worth of books, rent, ramen soup, etc. ]fi dXk_ dXafij `k nXj *.%. g\iZ\ek _`^_\i k_Xe ]fi 9\`e^ XYc\ kf `ek\iXZk n`k_ fk_\ij Xe[ nfib `e X bm \hne] f^Zg mh rhn' ^gm^kmZbgf^gm' Ma^ pbee lhhg The Shorthorn editor forLahkmahkg Regretfully, the financial aid process is
MZd^ Z @Zg]^k
Ma^ Lahkmahkg ^]bmhk&bg&\ab^_ p^e\hf^l ma^ g^p l\ahhe r^Zk% ^g\hnkZ`^l k^Z]^kl mh ib\d ni ma^ g^pliZi^k
man in history who was supremely successful on both the secular and religious level. ... It is probable that the relative influence of Muhammad on Islam has K?< LJL8C 9P K8PCFI <D<IJFE >@99FEJ BY TAYLOR EMERSON GIBBONS been larger than the combined influence Results from A.S. Tritton: With the election over, will you still be of Jesus Christ and St. Paul on Christianâ&#x20AC;&#x153;The picture of the Muslim soldier adinterested in politics? Wednesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Poll: vancing with a sword in one hand and the ity. ... It is this unparalleled combination Do you think the legalindrinking of secular and religious influence which I Qurâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;an the other is quite false.â&#x20AC;? age should beĂ&#x2C6;;feĂ&#x2039;k [i`eb lowered to 18? be considered Ă&#x2C6;9\ ZXi\]lc% feel entitles Muhammad to Ă&#x2C6;;feĂ&#x2039;k [f `k% figure in human Thomas Carlyle in â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heroes andBefn pfli Hero the most influential single @kĂ&#x2039;j X nXjk\ f] `] pflĂ&#x2039;i\ efk Worship and the Heroic in History,â&#x20AC;?c`d`k# Xe[ jkXp 1840: history.â&#x20AC;? )(% 9lk `] pfl k`d\# Xe[ `kĂ&#x2039;j â&#x20AC;&#x153;The lies (Western slander) whichXnXp ]ifd well[f [i`eb# Y\ aljk efk nfik_ Carly Fiorina, Former `k%Ă&#x2030; CEO, Hewlettmeaning man P^ pZgm mh dghp paZm rhn i\jgfej`Yc\ zeal has heaped round this gcXZ\j pfl Do you think the Packard: (Muhammad) are disgraceful to ourselves Xe[ _Xm\ Xi\ le]Xd`c`Xi mabgd Z[hnm blln^l _Z\bg` â&#x20AC;&#x153;Although we are often unaware of our X Yl[[p No n`k_%Ă&#x2030; Yes only.â&#x20AC;? NM: lmn]^gml% lh p^Ă?k^ university takes jpjk\d%Ă&#x2030; indebtedness to this other civilization, its abmmbg` ma^ iZo^f^gm mh _bg] 43% 57% responsibility for Michael Hart in â&#x20AC;&#x153;The 100, A Ranking of gifts are very much a part of our heritage. hnm pa^k^ rhn lmZg]' administrative errors? the Most Influential Persons In History,â&#x20AC;? The technology industry would not exist without the contributions of Arab mathNew York, 1978. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My choice of Muhammad to lead the ematicians. Sufi poet-philosophers like Answer online at challenged our notions of self and E`bb` Fkk# >ljkXmf ?l\ikXj# list of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most influential persons Rumi<i`e 9cffd# The Shorthorn:Zfddle`ZXk`fe ]i\j_dXe Marissa Hall gjpZ_fcf^p ]i\j_dXe Leaders like Suleiman contributed may surprise some readers and may be truth.<e^c`j_ j\e`fi Number voters: 37 HE of HORTHORN The Shorthorn: Marissa Hall questioned by others, but he was the only to our notions of tolerance and civic leadNumber of voters: 47
your rhnk
THE USUAL PaZm phne] rhn lZr mh lhf^hg^ pah ieZgl mh [bg`^ ]kbgd ho^k likbg` [k^Zd8
Your View - Polls OB>P DoVIEW you think the drinking age No 14% should be lowered to 18? Yes T
?Xcc%school transition much easier.
>fber MhfZg bl Z chnkgZeblf l^gbhk Zg] Horowitz did not speak for majority who admire&&Islam board â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Shorthorn editorial Ma^ Lahkmahkg ^]bmhk&bg&\ab^_ h_
To rebut the hate speech of Horowitz, here is what non-Muslims said about Islam and its civilization:
Results from Fridayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Poll:
She settled for an off-campus apartment, living alone,experience. which is more would be an amazing Having a system that she already expensive. She said feelsgoes less from safe Dallas to she Fortwould Worth on without stops near than campus. But at the least university is a alittle insulting. But the fact she found definitive solution instead that Arlington is the largest city without a ^iflg kf jfcm\ Zfdgc\o gifYc\dj Xi\ k_\ ^i\Xk\jk of just showing up the first day and mass transit system should be even more Xjj\kj f] X dXk_\dXk`Z`Xe% hopingWe she a spot. insulting. aregot a city that is growing and @ek\iej_`g# i\j\XiZ_ Xe[ fk_\i fggfikle`k`\j ]fi Some students decidedistocomstay can only get bigger as who the stadium dXk_\dXk`Zj dXafij `eZcl[\ jlg\im`j\[ jldd\i at home and commute are suffering pleted. Arlington thrives on the university i\j\XiZ_ `e I\j\XiZ_ <og\i`\eZ\j ]fi Le[\i^iX[l$ and vice versa â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a mass could only from gas prices, and transit the inconvenience Xk\j gif^iXdj fe mXi`flj le`m\ij`kp ZXdglj\j# help school and the community. `ek\iej_`gj Xk E8J8 Xe[ fk_\i ^fm\ied\ek cXYfiX$ ofthe a commute. In early October, President Spaniolo kfi`\j# Xkk\e[XeZ\ Xk dXk_ d\\k`e^j Xe[ Zfe]\i\eZ$ Confusion like this could havep^^der been eZng\a bml townâ&#x20AC;? g^p said we should create a â&#x20AC;&#x153;college with \j# d\dY\ij_`gj `e dXk_ jfZ`\k`\j Xe[ `e[`m`[lXc avoided if housing communicated ^gm^kmZbgf^gm `nb]^ maZm the university and the community. If with he i\j\XiZ_ le[\i ]XZlckp jlg\im`j`fe% pbee \ho^k blln^l% \nemnk^ students more efficiently. wants to do that, he should not overlook K_\ LK8 jkl[\ek Z_Xgk\i f] k_\ DXk_\dXk`ZXc Zg] ^o^gml hg Zg] [^rhg] The lack of ofsome communication creates the importance type of transporta8jjfZ`Xk`fe f] 8d\i`ZX _Xj Y`n\\bcp d\\k`e^j ]ifd hnk \Zfinl' tion effe kf ()1,' g%d% N\[e\j[Xpj `e G`ZbXi[ ?Xcc# asystem. negative experience for incoming Ghm bgmh lihkml8 MZd^ n_\i\ Zlii\ek Xe[ gifjg\Zk`m\ dXk_ dXafij Xe[ freshmen and other students living on Zghma^k ehhd ma^ l^\mbhg' jfd\ dXk_ ^iX[lXk\ jkl[\ekj Xe[ ]XZlckp ^Xk_\i â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Victor Martinez isfor a journalism campus. Accountability mistakes Ma^k^Ă?l mh Zmae^m^l `e]fidXccp kf \eafp k_\ ]i\\ cleZ_# c`jk\e kf `e[ljki`Xc junior and columnist forfhk^ The Shorthorn made will givemaZg ieZr^k lmZmblmb\l' the University Housing dXk_\dXk`Z`Xej kXcb XYflk ZXi\\i fggfikle`k`\j# more credibility when trying to diffuse ?khf ma^ N'L' ik^lb]^gm c\Xie XYflk `ek\iej_`gj Xe[ `ek\iXZk n`k_ \XZ_ <D@CP KFD8E fk_\i% mh ma^ Lmn]^gm <hg`k^ll the situation. Kf c\Xie dfi\ XYflk ZXi\\i# `ek\iej_`g# Xe[ ik^lb]^gm% bmĂ?l Z l^f^lm^k Better communication and more fk_\i fggfikle`k`\j ]fi dXk_ dXafij# gc\Xj\ Z_\Zb h_ g^p e^Z]^kl Zg] b]^Zl' Lh chbg nl bg mZdbg` proactive measures in anticipation of k_\ c`ebj Xk k_\ _kkg1&&fd\^X%lkX%\[l&uXbkfjle&le$ Z g^p ehhd Zm Ma^ Lahkmahkg Ă&#x2030; ma^ hnme^m such a scenario will make the back-to[\i^iX[lXk\j # fi m`j`k k_\ ]flik_ ]cffi f] G`ZbXi[ _hk bm Zee'
70% Answer online at www.theshorthorn.com
Ă&#x2021; KleZXp 8bkfjle `j X gif]\jjfi f] dXk_\dXk`Zj Xk LK8%
ership. And perhaps we can learn a lesson from his example: It was leadership based on meritocracy, not inheritance. It was leadership that harnessed the full capa:8EEFE =F;;<I Yp @jXXZ <i`Zbjfe bilities of a very diverse population â&#x20AC;&#x201D; that included Christianity, Islamic, and Jewish traditions. This kind of enlightened leadership â&#x20AC;&#x201D; leadership that nurtured culture, sustainability, diversity and courage â&#x20AC;&#x201D; led to 800 years of invention and prosperity.â&#x20AC;? In dark and serious times like this, we must affirm our commitment to building societies and institutions that aspire to this kind of greatness. More than ever, we must focus on the importance of leadership â&#x20AC;&#x201D; bold acts of leadership and decidedly personal acts of leadership.
Since 1919
Lbg\^ *2*2
XyXyXy: XyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXy. Xy
>=BMHK&BG&<AB>? >=BMHK&BG&<AB>? EDITOR-IN-CHIEF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF <Zllb^ Lfbma >fber MhfZg Emily Toman Emily Toman >&F:BE E-MAIL E-MAIL >&F:BE ^]bmhk'lahkmahkg9nmZ'^]n editor.shorthorn@uta.edu editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Volume 83, No. Xy ^]bmhk'lahkmahkg9nmZ'^]n www.theshorthorn.com
The Shorthorn is the official student newspaper of the Ma^ Lahkmahkg bl ma^ h__b\bZe lmn]^gm g^pliZi^k h_ ma^ Ma^ Lahkmahkg bl ma^ h__b\bZe lmn]^gm g^pliZi^k h_ ma^ The Shorthorn is the official student newspaper of the University of Texas at Arlington and is published four Ngbo^klbmr h_ M^qZl Zm :kebg`mhg Zg] bl in[ebla^] _hnk Ngbo^klbmr h_ M^qZl Zm :kebg`mhg Zg] bl in[ebla^] _hnk University of Texas at Arlington and is published four times weekly during fall and spring semesters, and mbf^l p^^der ]nkbg` _Zee Zg] likbg` l^f^lm^kl% Zg] mbf^l p^^der ]nkbg` _Zee Zg] likbg` l^f^lm^kl% Zg] times weekly during fall and spring semesters, and twice weekly during the summer sessions. Unsigned mpb\^ p^^der ]nkbg` ma^ lnff^k l^llbhgl' Nglb`g^] mpb\^ p^^der ]nkbg` ma^ lnff^k l^llbhgl' Nglb`g^] twice weekly during the summer sessions. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of THE SHORTHORN ^]bmhkbZel Zk^ ma^ hibgbhg h_ MA> LAHKMAHKG >=B& ^]bmhkbZel Zk^ ma^ hibgbhg h_ MA> LAHKMAHKG editorials are the opinion of THE SHORTHORN EDITORIAL BOARD and do not necessarily reflect the MHKB:E ;H:K= Zg] ]h ghm g^\^llZkber k^_e^\m ma^ >=BMHKB:E ;H:K= Zg] ]h ghm g^\^llZkber k^_e^\m ma^ EDITORIAL BOARD and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of individual student writers or editors, Shorthibgbhgl h_ bg]bob]nZe lmn]^gm pkbm^kl hk ^]bmhkl% Lahkm& hibgbhgl h_ bg]bob]nZe lmn]^gm pkbm^kl hk ^]bmhkl% Lahkm& opinions of individual student writers or editors, Short-
horn advisers or university administration. LETTERS ahkg Z]obl^kl hk ngbo^klbmr Z]fbgblmkZmbhg' E>MM>KL ahkg Z]obl^kl hk ngbo^klbmr Z]fbgblmkZmbhg' E>MM>KL horn advisers or university administration. LETTERS should be limited to 300 words. They may be edited lahne] [^ ebfbm^] mh ,)) phk]l' Ma^r fZr [^ ^]bm^] lahne] [^ ebfbm^] mh ,)) phk]l' Ma^r fZr [^ ^]bm^] should be limited to 300 words. They may be edited for space, spelling, grammar and malicious or libelous _hk liZ\^% li^eebg`% `kZffZk Zg] fZeb\bhnl hk eb[^ehnl _hk liZ\^% li^eebg`% `kZffZk Zg] fZeb\bhnl hk eb[^ehnl for space, spelling, grammar and malicious or libelous statements. Letters must be the original work of the lmZm^f^gml' E^mm^kl fnlm [^ ma^ hkb`bgZe phkd h_ ma^ lmZm^f^gml' E^mm^kl fnlm [^ ma^ hkb`bgZe phkd h_ ma^ statements. Letters must be the original work of the writer and must be signed. For identification purposes, pkbm^k Zg] fnlm [^ lb`g^]' ?hk b]^gmb_b\Zmbhg inkihl^l% pkbm^k Zg] fnlm [^ lb`g^]' ?hk b]^gmb_b\Zmbhg inkihl^l% writer and must be signed. For identification purposes, letters also must include the writerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s full name, address e^mm^kl Zelh fnlm bg\en]^ ma^ pkbm^kĂ?l _nee gZf^% Z]]k^ll e^mm^kl Zelh fnlm bg\en]^ ma^ pkbm^kĂ?l _nee gZf^% Z]]k^ll letters also must include the writerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s full name, address and telephone number, although the address and teleZg] m^e^iahg^ gnf[^k% Zemahn`a ma^ Z]]k^ll Zg] m^e^& Zg] m^e^iahg^ gnf[^k% Zemahn`a ma^ Z]]k^ll Zg] m^e^& and telephone number, although the address and tele-
â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Ambassador Syed Ahsani, Former visiting professor
phone number will not be published. Students should iahg^ gnf[^k pbee ghm [^ in[ebla^]' Lmn]^gml lahne] iahg^ gnf[^k pbee ghm [^ in[ebla^]' Lmn]^gml lahne] phone number will not be published. Students should include their classification, major and their student ID bg\en]^ ma^bk \eZllb_b\Zmbhg% fZchk Zg] ma^bk lmn]^gm B= bg\en]^ ma^bk \eZllb_b\Zmbhg% fZchk Zg] ma^bk lmn]^gm B= include their classification, major and their student ID number, which is for identification purposes. The stugnf[^k% pab\a bl _hk b]^gmb_b\Zmbhg inkihl^l' Ma^ lmn& gnf[^k% pab\a bl _hk b]^gmb_b\Zmbhg inkihl^l' Ma^ lmn& number, which is for identification purposes. The student ID number will not be published. Signed columns ]^gm B= gnf[^k pbee ghm [^ in[ebla^]' Lb`g^] \henfgl ]^gm B= gnf[^k pbee ghm [^ in[ebla^]' Lb`g^] \henfgl dent ID number will not be published. Signed columns and letters to the editor reflect the opinion of the writer Zg] e^mm^kl mh ma^ ^]bmhk k^_e^\m ma^ hibgbhg h_ ma^ pkbm^k Zg] e^mm^kl mh ma^ ^]bmhk k^_e^\m ma^ hibgbhg h_ ma^ pkbm^k and letters to the editor reflect the opinion of the writer and serve as an open forum for the expression of facts Zg] l^ko^ Zl Zg hi^g _hknf _hk ma^ ^qik^llbhg h_ _Z\ml Zg] l^ko^ Zl Zg hi^g _hknf _hk ma^ ^qik^llbhg h_ _Z\ml and serve as an open forum for the expression of facts or opinions of interest to The Shorthornâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s readers. hk hibgbhgl h_ bgm^k^lm mh Ma^ LahkmahkgĂ?l k^Z]^kl' or hk hibgbhgl h_ bgm^k^lm mh Ma^ LahkmahkgĂ?l k^Z]^kl' opinions of interest to The Shorthornâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s readers.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Page 5
Egg Donation
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Need tutor for 5yr. old son in spring on-campus. M,W,F $10/hr. 10am-12 noon. Education or Spanish majors preferred. Please call 817-412-0417 CHILD CARE POSITIONS Bowen Road Day School located 5 mins from UTA is looking for College Students to work with preschool children ages 4-5, afternoon hours 2:30-6:00 M-F. Experience with children a must. Apply online at www.bowenroad.com/ application. or call 817-275-1291 Energetic, outgoing, patient student needed to work with a 12 year old boy with autism, approx. 20/hrs week. $10/hr 817-733-8561. leave msg. EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER needed, ocassional weeknights and weekends in north Arlington. (817) 891-4102
Driver/Delivery The Shorthorn is seeking a Courier for the spring semester. Must be a UTA work-study student with a clean driving record available to work 3 morning or afternoon hours per day, Mon - Fri. Apply online at www.uta.edu/snapjob For more information call 817-272-3188
Bartender Apprentice wanted $$$$$$$$$$$$ Showdown (817)-233-5430 OPENING: DESK CLERK 11pm - 7am P/T Can study on job. We look good on resume. Days Inn. 910 N. Collins, Arl. Make up to $75 taking online surveys. www.cashtospend.com Earn $1000-$3200 a month to drive brand new cars with ads. www.AdCarCity.com SURVEY TAKERS NEEDED: Make $5-$25 per survey. Do it in your spare time. www. GetPaidToThink.com PLAY WITH DOGS! Wuf Pet Resort & Spa (www.wufspa.com) is looking for enthusiastic dog lovers to: • Monitor dogs in their playgroups to ensure safety and security. • Create and monitor interactive play activities for dogs. • Make sure guests stay on their appointed daycare, boarding, feeding and spa schedule. • Help us maintain a clean facility. • Provide positive, helpful customer service. (972) 785-2983 Wanted- Engine mechanic, experience needed. Mechanic needed to repair ‘89 GMC 2500 engine. Tools provided. Knocks hard. e-mail j.p.lackey@mavs.uta.edu
The Shorthorn is seeking a Marketing Assitant for the Spring Sememester. Must be a UTA student available to work some mornings & weekday afternoons. Apply online at www.uta.edu/snapjob For more information call 817-272-3188 APPOINTMENT SETTER for financial professional M-Th, 12 hrs per wk 6:00-9:00 pm 817-226-4032
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DR. RUTH Q: I'm 27 years old, and every you give that a try. You also should time I'm close to an orgasm, I get read a book about sex, as there might really frightened and I make my be information in such a book that boyfriend stop. I started my sex life would help you. I'm pretty sure that when I was 20, because I was raised you are going to be able to overcome to be a virgin until marriage. I have this problem, so just be a little patient, and also take some actions had only five boyfriends that will make it easier for a with whom I have had sex, sex therapist to help you, and it always happened. I such as those I've suggestam from Colombia, and it's ed. very hard for me to talk about this with a friend or Q: Every time my girlwith my family. My therafriend and I have sex, she pist recommended a sexolgets a severe pain below ogist like you, but she has a her navel when she very long waiting list and attempts to place herself in my appointment is five Dr. Ruth an upright position on me. months away. My boyfriend This is a sharp pain that asked to marry me, but I Send your stays with her for several think we should wait until questions to Dr. we can have a satisfying Ruth Westheimer hours. Do you have any c/o King idea of what the cause of sex life. Features this is? Is there anything we A: In all probability, it is Syndicate, 235 E. can do to prevent this pain? guilt that is causing you to 45th St., New A: I do not stop yourself from having York, NY 10017 know what could be causorgasms, and so getting ing this, but a "severe pain" married might actually help you. But I agree that it would be bet- is not something to be ignored. She ter to wait, although you could get must go see her gynecologist to have engaged but not set the date until after this checked out in case it's a sympyou've had a chance to undergo thera- tom of something serious. The earlier py, because even being engaged she finds out about it, the better the might make you feel less guilty. I odds of being able to correct it. And don't know if you are able to give on top of that, why should she suffer yourself an orgasm through mastur- every time you two have sex? So, tell bation. If you can't, I'd suggest that her to go have it checked out.
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Page 6
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The ShorThorn
Tran continued from page 1
ing something fall apart, but it also has the connotation of understanding,” she said. “Take something apart to put it together.” Tran’s interest in history took a while. As a child, her father tried to teach her Vietnamese background in an “academic way,” but she never paid attention. Communists forced her grandfather to commit suicide to keep his family alive, so Tran’s dad became anticommunist. One night, she was in the kitchen working on a Texas history project, building a chuck wagon. To please her dad, she painted it in the col-
class instead of “stage writors of the Vietnamese flag. “What I did in reality was ing.” Isabelle Thuy Pelaud, San paint the communist flag,” Francisco State she said. “He blew University Vietup and from that namese American moment-on, I acStudies Center astively became ignosociate professor, rant to his causes to met Tran through teach me history.” her performances As time proand said her stage gressed, she bepresence, acting came interested and humor “created in her roots and a strong connection learning the paralwith the audience.” lels in both the U.S. Tran’s talent and Vietnam. has been featured “Ultimately, I Lan Tran, awardat New York City think that embrac- winning writer and Hall, the REDCAT ing your identity performer Theater and Ford’s is the same as emTheatre. bracing your indiShe won awards, like the viduality in coming to emPEN/Rosenthal Fellowship, brace yourself,” she said. Performing by accident which recognizes minority after misreading a class title voices, and The Lamar York and taking a stage presence Prize for Nonfiction.
low volume on the boxes by Nedderman Hall and the Fine Arts Building. “What’d she say?” SC continued from page 1 secretary Melanie Johnson asked her fellow SC memif the head is injured. “Slips, trips and falls are bers, who couldn’t hear either. the No. 1 cause Afterward, of workplace all members accidents,” she came back for a said. reception to reLighting was ward their hard a concern in a work, said SC few spots near program direcTexas, Davis and tor Kent Long. University halls. “We take it W a l k e r s upon ourselves stopped and to go and check noted every non- Kent long, everything out working light SC program director ourselves,” he and dark area. said. Liberal Arts Long said a list of all recsenator Jennifer Cortez found a dark spot near the ommendations would be Fine Arts Building that she given to EHS and University thinks she remembers re- Police. Babbitt said she encourporting two years ago during the event, but nothing was ages students who see hazards to call 817-272-2815 changed. Liberal Arts senator Devin and leave a callback number, Compton had a concern name, location and hazard description. about lights being blocked. “Depending on the situ“All tree branches around lights should be trimmed ation,” she said, “a fix can happen within hours.” away,” he said. Senators also checked emergency call boxes. They JAson Boyd were concerned about the news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
“We take it upon ourselves to go and check everything out ourselves.”
Emeritus continued from page 1
continue contributing in their specific field. “It’s a wonderful honor,” Grove said. “I’ve enjoyed working at UTA, and I feel very honored to have been awarded for what I’ve accomplished.” Among the programs Grove helped lead, she also coauthors graduate and undergraduate research textbooks that have been translated into four languages — Spanish, German, Chinese and Japanese — and distributed all over the world. The first book was published in 1987, and she just completed its 6th edition for 2009. “I do believe that’s made an impact on the conduct of research — our textbooks are No. 1 and No. 3 in the world,” she said. All these accomplishments weren’t stumbled upon. Grove said she wanted to enter the profession since childhood. “It is something I aspired to since I was in the eighth grade,” she said about teaching higher education. “And
She has performed shows at Harvard and Stanford universities, but never at a Texas school. “I’ve been wanting to but I didn’t know how to go about it,” she said. “When Leticia Martinez called me, I was thrilled.” Multicultural Affairs director Leticia Martinez was impressed with Tran’s appearances for the Pan Asian Repertory Theater, which hosts prestigious old and new artists. “I liked that it mixed drama and humor which will be a great entertainment factor for our audience,” Martinez said. “Plus, you don’t have to be Asian to enjoy it.” AnnA KAtzKovA news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
teaching nursing has been a wonderful career.” In 1987, she became the Masters in Nursing Program associate dean, a position she held for 20 years before she retired in August 2007. Her colleagues said she excelled in the position. “She was very skilled in working with folks,” nursing associate dean Mary Schira said, who took over Grove’s position when she retired. “She was very tactful. You always knew where you stood.” Schira said she models her diplomatic approach after Grove’s and called her an “outstanding role model” for faculty across the campus. Nursing dean Elizabeth Poster, who nominated Grove for the Professor Emeritus award, echoed Schira’s sentiment. “I have never met anyone that did not have a high regard for her personally and professionally,” she said. “It was a pleasure to work with her for over 14 years, and we are fortunate that she has continued her involvement in the life of the School of Nursing.”
how to help
continued from page 1
Constituency Council for Architecture president, said his organization is collecting cans for the drive and that members look forward to the sculpture contest. “Being in architecture whenever we build stuff, it’s always exciting for us,” she said. Tillie Burgin, Mission Arlington executive director, said any kind of donation helps since people needing food help has almost doubled in Arlington since this time last year. SCC historian Taha Muntajibuddin said that with the holiday season approaching, the council felt it was appropriate to hold the drive at a time when people are most in need. “We’re only asking for cans that cost 10-25 cents maximum — an amount that is barely comparable to things we spend on everyday, whether it’s gas, groceries, or even Starbucks,” he said. “People also tend to donate because it’s simply the right thing to do, not because they just want to throw away whatever change they have left over from their meal at McDonald’s.” Muntajibuddin wanted to do something that was creative and didn’t fall into the category of an ordinary canned food drive. “People need to be motivated to take part in things like these, and by stepping outside the box, I feel that this sets us apart from all the other canned food drives that may be competing against us,” he said.
Students can drop off items to Mission Arlington year-round. Besides canned food, Mission Arlington currently needs: • Peanut Butter / Jelly • Rice, pasta & beans • Dinner items (Macaroni & Cheese, Hamburger Helper, etc.) • Breakfast items (Small boxes of cereal, pastries, etc.) • Powdered Milk • Pop top Canned Meats (Vienna Sausages, Spam, Tuna) • Toiletries • Baby Items (Diapers, formula, etc.) Mission Arlington is at 210 W. South St.
Cans dropped off to each college will be collected weekly by the constituency councils and will remain in the office until the day of construction. “Regardless of the fact that this is our first year doing this, I think this will be pretty successful because it is something that UTA hasn’t seen before, and people like things that are different,” Muntajibuddin said. “We don’t plan on busting any world records, but we just think this will open doors for UTA in the future.” BryAn BAstiBle news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
“People need to be motivated to take part in things like these, and by stepping outside the box, I feel that this sets us apart from all the other canned food drives that may be competing against us.” taha Muntajibuddin,
MArK BAuer
Science Constituency Council historian