?kb]Zr P^]g^l]Zr Wednesday CZgnZkr *1% +))1 Cner **% +))1 November 26, 2008
Ohenf^ 12% Gh' /, Ohenf^ 12% Gh' *+q Volume 90, No. 52 ppp'ma^lahkmahkg'\hf ppp'ma^lahkmahkg'\hf www.theshorthorn.com
Lbg\^ *2*2 Since 1919 Lbg\^ *2*2 Since 1919
@E;<O @E;<O INDEX XyXyday );Xp );Xp XyXy2Day Xy, 2002 E\nj
op View World Nfic[ M`\n op Opinion Fg`e`fe op News Jgfikj op
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Volume 83, No. Xy :fXZ_\j :fie\i XyXyXy: XyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXy. Xy :cXjj`ZXc \[lZXk`fe ;fd`eXek Defi ning Love Ni`k\ Pfli Fne Afb\ ?\i\ One for the ?bg] hnm fhk^ Z[hnm phf^gÍl [Zld^m[Zee a^Z] Road www.theshorthorn.com
qrqrqrqrqr qrrqrqrqrr qrrrrrq rrrr q rrrr Two students disagree on California’s Proposition 8 qrqrqrq qrrqrrqqqqrrq rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr qrrrrrrrrrr Ma^ MO pkbm^kÍl lmkbd^ aZl e^_m nl mh _^g] _hk hnkl^eo^l' The men’s basketball team wins its last home game of 2008. \hZ\a LZfZgmaZ Fhkkhp' banning gay marriage. qrrrrrrq rqrrr' FG@E@FE s G8>< , qrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rqqqqqqqqq' JGFIKJ s G8>< /
Lmn]^gml `kZ]nZm^ Students frustrated by pbma g^p \^kmbÖ \Zmbhg NM: `^ml Z hg^&lmhi iZk^gm lahi \^gm^k N_Xk kf \og\Zk k_`j n\\b %%%
losing meals, money N_Xk pfl d`^_k _Xm\ d`jj\[%%%
_hkfZmbhg Z[hnm ahnlbg`% \Zfinl ^o^gml% iZkdbg` _^^l% k^`blmkZmbhg Zg] Zk^Zl hg \Zfinl bl k^Z]ber Ma^ `kZ]nZm^l \hfie^m^] ma^ JfZ`Xc nfib jkl[\ekj Xi\ k_\ ZoZbeZ[e^ pbma a^ei _khf \^gm^k ^f& /)&ahnk Lhenmbhg&?h\nl^] ;kb^_ ]`ijk kf ^iX[lXk\ n`k_ ]fZlj\[ ]fi [X`cp lg[Xk\j% iehr^^l% lZb] <Zl^r @hgsZe^l% ma^ Ma^kZir \^kmb_b\Zmbhg ikh`kZf Yi`\] k_\iXgp Z\ik`]`ZXk\j% 9P D<::8 8C@ IZk^gml ?Zfber <^gm^k ]bk^\mhk' h__^k^] makhn`a Cafe ma^ ngbo^klbmrÍl small lunch at the Connection number ... and there are no refunds semester. The dining plan restricts :feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie Z iZk^gm \Zeel hk \hf^l <hgmbgnbg` >]n\Zmbhg =^iZkmf^gm% around 11:30 a.m. He went to the for meals I don’t use,” he said. As Pa^g an Arlington Hall resident, students toghp fouraZo^ meals a mh `^m Konty 9P <9FEP <M8EJ IZk^gml Z ieZ\^ bgmh is ma^ h__b\^ l^Zk\abg` a friend for about an $1,260 Gold gym with pab\a [^`Zg eZlm r^Zk% a^ lZb]' required to have one of _hk Konty paid for theK_\ J_fik_fie jkX]] Zee ma^ Zglp^kl' Zglp^kl% ma^ \^gm^k pbee mkZgl_^k hk day at certain times. Lmn]^gml bg back ma^ tolh\bZe phkd% they came the four meal plans the university Plan which offers students 220 hour, and when Lmn]^gm :__Zbkl \k^Zm^] ma^ offers. ]bk^\m ma^f mh L^o^g lmn]^gml ilr\aheh`r% gnklbg` in Zg] f^]b& café, Konty wasn’t allowed meals per semester in the `kZ]nZm^] Con- the_khf Although hema^ uses\hkk^\m one ofZk^Z the _hk IZk^gml BY ?Zfber <^gm^k mh a^ei cheaper maZm li^\b_b\ jn^lmbhg' B_ maZm Zk^Z ma^ and L\ahhe eZlm he \bg^ ALANNA QUILLEN because ate an_b^e]l hour e^Zkg earlier.ldbeel mh \hg]n\m nection Cafe $150h_ inLh\bZe dining Phkd meal plans the university Zee^obZm^ Thema^ _knlmkZmbhgl h_ \hg&has\ZgÍm [^ k^Z\a^] hk eh\Zm^]% Shorthorn staff aZl only ^__^\mbo^ bgm^kob^pl maZm [kbg` hnm was I not able to eat dollars. fhgma pbma Z \^kmb_b\Zm^ maZm “Not stipulations on when he can ma^ _nl^] iZk^gml Zg] _Zfber f^f[^kl lmZ__^kl pbee l^Zk\a _hk ma^ bg_hkfZ& ghm [^^g h__^k^] Logan Konty didn’t expect to eat meals. He encountered his first[^_hk^ prob-bg ma^ N'L'% \eb^gmlÍ lmk^g`mal Zg] k^lhnk\^l% Zg] pa^g mkrbg` mh `^m bg_hkfZmbhg hg I^m^k E^afZgg% lh\bZe phkd ]^o^ehi `hh] `hZel% E^afZgg lZb]' lose almost $300 at the end of the the plan when he ate a “I have already paid for a certain lem with lZb] MEAL continues on page 6 Z oZkb^mr h_ ngbo^klbmr l^kob\^l' Bg& Zllh\bZm^ ikh_^llhk' ÊMa^ Lhenmbhg&?h\nl^] ;kb^_ @E=F Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ *
K_\ GXi\ekj =Xd`cp :\ek\i Xejn\ij e\n DXm\i`Zb gXi\ekjË M`j`k nnn%k_\j_fik_fie%Zfd hl\jk`fej Xe[ ZfeZ\iej%
DECEITFUL DELIGHT Some still unaware of hookah smoking risks BY MARK BAUER The Shorthorn staff
Puff, puff, pass. Hookahs — water pipes used to smoke flavored tobacco — have gained popularity on college campuses and in other social circles across the U.S. According to a World Health Organization report, many perceive water pipes as a safer alternative to cigarette smoking. But evidence from studies conducted by health organizations shows that the effects from smoking hookah could be just as bad, if not worse, than cigarettes. The amount of smoke inhaled during a single hookah session — which typically lasts from 20 minutes to more than an hour — is equivalent to the smoke consumed from 100 or more cigarettes. The report concluded that “using a water pipe to smoke tobacco is not a safe alternative to cigarette smoking.” A hookah consists of a chamber partially filled with water. When charcoal heats the tobacco, usually flavored and sweetened for taste, users suck the smoke through the water-filtered chamber from an external hose. Because the smoke first passes through water, the smoke tends to be cooler and doesn’t burn. It’s the combination of cool smoke and sweet taste that convinces students like undeclared freshman Jeff Clark that the hookah causes less harm than cigarette smoke. “It’s easier to take in — more flavorful,” he said. “There’s no nicotine, and there’s no addiction either. I don’t think there are any societies against it.” Clark said he typically visits Narah Café, a Med:FDDLE@:8K@FE iterranean restaurant a few miles from campus,
• It originated in India and Asia four centuries ago • Usage may cause addiction • Higher amounts of smoke inhalation result in more exposure to cancer-causing chemicals • E\njZXjkj Xe[ jgfikj ^Xd\j Disease risks include cancer, heart disease, respin`cc ile fe Z_Xee\c 00 Y\^`ee`e^ ratory disease and birth defects • N\[e\j[Xp e`^_k% Water pipes should be subjected to the same regulation as cigarettes and other tobacco products 9P D8I@JJ8 ?8CC Source: World Health Organization :feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie
>I8;J Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ -
The Shorthorn: Michael Rettig
8 IXZ`e^ I\[\j`^e
Garbage collects on the bed of Trade House Creek south of Greek Row Drive. Professor David Hopman and his landscape architecture class plan to revitalize the area to help reduce pollution.
Class aims to reduce pollution at creek
NM: ?hkfneZ L:> kZ\bg` m^Zf lpZil ^g`bg^ Zg] k^]^lb`gl bml kZ\^ \Zk
k^Zeer ^q\bm^] mh `^m lmZkm^]'Ë ÈN_Xk >o^kr r^Zk bg fb]&Cner% ma^ ngb& Ma^ ngbo^klbmr ?hkfneZ L:> m^Zf o^klbmr ahlml ma^ M^qZl :nmh\khll n\ [f `j bl `^Zkbg` ni mh `bo^ \hfi^mbmhkl Z P^^d^g]% Z \hfi^mbmbhg maZm bgobm^l gi\Z`j`fe mhn`a kng bg =^mkhbm mabl FZr pbma bml \hee^`^l _khf Z\khll ma^ \hngmkr mh [i`m`e^ \hf^ Zg] kZ\^' Bg L^im^f[^k% ma^ Xk k_\ g^per ]^lb`g^]% eb`am^k \Zk' Ma^ \aZg`^l maZm Zk^ [^bg` bfie^& ngbo^klbmrÍl m^Zf Zmm^g]l ma^ Lihkml XYjfclk\ f^gm^] Zk^ f^Zgm mh ]^\k^Zl^ ma^ <Zk <en[ h_ :f^kb\Z gZmbhgZel' Ma^ fZbg \hfi^mbmbhg mabl r^Zk c`d`kj f] \ZkÍl p^b`am' Ma^ m^Zf lpZii^] ma^ a^Zob^k -&\rebg]^k ^g`bg^ _hk Z eb`am& bl ma^ ?hkfneZ L:> bg =^mkhbm' Ma^ Zfekifc%É ^k +&\rebg]^k ^g`bg^% Zg] pbee k^er hg m^Zf f^f[^kl lZb] ma^r p^k^ _bk^] 9fY Nff[j ni Zg] Zk^ `^mmbg` k^Z]r' Z^kh]rgZfb\l mh ^gaZg\^ li^^]' ÊBmÍl paZm p^ ebo^ _hk ]hpg a^k^%Ë =fidlcX J8< ÊPaZm p^ ]h bl ik^\blbhg ]kbobg` k\Xd X[m`j\i Architecture students lnli^glbhg e^Z] look to retain more Zm ma^ Z[lhenm^ ebfbml h_ \hgmkhe%Ë ?hk& lZb] =k^p PZee^k% fneZ L:> m^Zf Z]obl^k ;h[ Phh]l _hk ma^ m^Zf' water and make the area running through Ma^ m^Zf campus \hglblml h_ Z[hnm +) lZb]' more ecological. Ma^ eb`am^k \Zk lahne] [^ Z[e^ mh f^f[^kl' Fhlm Zk^ _khf ma^ <hee^`^ fho^ _Zlm^k% lZb] MahfZl PZem^k% h_ >g`bg^^kbg` [nm Zgrhg^ Zmm^g]bg` BY SARAH LUTZ Shorthorn staff Ma^ f^\aZgb\Ze ^g`bg^^kbg` cngbhk Zg] ma^ ngbo^klbmr bl ^eb`b[e^ mh chbg' The \Zkl Zk^ lmn]^gm David [nbem Hopman Zg] lmn]^gm m^Zf f^f[^k' looks at the creek running ÊBmÍl p^b`am^] mh ikh]n\^ mkZ\mbhg ]kbo^g' =kbo^kl Zk^ \ahl^g [r m^Zf through campus and sees polluted water running hg ma^ `khng]%Ë a^ lZb]' ÊEZlm r^Zk through a ditch but he believes with some work, his pZl ma^ _Zlm^lm \Zk p^Í] ^o^k [nbem' BÍf J8< Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ class could change it into an ecological oasis. “The campus right now is not an ecological campus,” the architecture professor said. “There’s almost no expression of local ecology … there are D\Z_Xe`jd \e^`e\\i`e^ ale`fi >\fi^\ K_fdjfe `j X d\dY\i f] =fidlcX J8<# n_`Z_ `j ^\kk`e^ i\X[p ]fi X a few remnants of post oak trees, actually the trees Zfdg\k`k`fe `e ;\kif`k% K_\ ZXiËj n\`^_k nXj [\Zi\Xj\[ Xe[ n`cc lj\ X\if[peXd`Zj kf \e_XeZ\ k_\ jg\\[% on campus are probably the best part of the campus ecologically.” Instead of following the traditional methods of K_\ J_fik_fie1 D`Z_X\c I\kk`^ urban development, Hopman wants to use Low Impact Development (LID), which manages flooding storm water, on the university’s Trading House Creek. Texas A&M Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department assistant professor Fouad Jaber said LID reduces the negative effects of traditional urban development by decreasing infiltration and increasing surface runoff. Faster excess water runoff can cause flooding and erosion. “Low impact development practices aim at reversing that effect by increasing infiltration, holding water on-site and retaining pollutants,” Jaber said. “[LID practices] retain water on-site and allow for a soil-plant ecosystem to hold and someThe Shorthorn: Jacob Adkisson times breakdown pollutants, thus reducing the 9P :F?< 9FC@E
:feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie
;khZ]\Zlm lmn]^gml mh Ö ef m^e^\Zlml _hk \Z[e^ \aZgg^e HOOKAH continues on page 6
Ma^kZir Ikh`kZf [^\Zf^ ihineZk Zg] a^ei_ne _hk hma^kl bg hma^k \hngmkb^l ln\a Zl Mhkhgmh% Lbg`Zihk^ Zg] Ehg]hg% >g`eZg]%Ë E^afZgg lZb]' @kZ]nZm^ IZf^eZ Chaglhg lZb] la^ ahi^l ma^ \^kmb_b\Zm^ fZd^l a^k fhk^ dghpe^]`^Z[e^' ÊBm pZl o^kr ^q\bmbg` k^\^bobg` ma^ _bklm \^kmb_b\Zm^ bg ma^ N'L'%Ë la^ lZb]' ÊBm aZl bg\k^Zl^] fr dghpe^]`^ Zg]
I\XZ_`e^ K_\`i ;\jk`eXk`fej
Mph gnklbg` ]h\mhkZe lmn]^gml mkZo^e ehg` ]blmZg\^l mh [^ ma^ ngbo^klbmrÍl Ö klm Martin High School senior Jade Snell exhales smoke from a hookah on Tuesday at Narah Café. Hookah bars have become popular among college students despite health risks.
9P D8KK?<N I<8>8E
CREEK continues on page 6
Mabl l^f^lm^k% [khZ]\Zlm lmn]^gml :feki`Ylkfi kf K_\ J_fik_fie pbee `^m fhk^ aZg]l&hg ^qi^kb^g\^ [r Ma^ L\ahhe h_ Gnklbg` l^m Z eZg]fZkd _hk bml ikh& _befbg` g^pl\Zlml Zg] \ho^kbg` ngbo^k& `kZf mabl iZlm =^\^f[^k' lbmr lihkml'LIFE STUDENT FZqbg^ :]^`[heZ Zg] @ehkbZ <Zkk [^\Zf^ ma^ _bklm ;^`bggbg` g^qm fhgma% lmn]^gml mh k^\^bo^ ]h\mhkZe ]^`k^^l bg gnklbg` Zm ma^ ngbo^klbmr' pbee lahhm p^^der g^pl\Zlml _hk ngbo^k& :_m^k r^Zkl h_ ]^]b\Zm^] k^l^Zk\a% \hngme^ll ]bll^kmZ& lbmr \Z[e^ \aZgg^e 22' Lhf^ lmn]^gml mbhg ik^l^gmZmbhgl Zg] in[eb\Zmbhgl% Zg] ^o^g ^qmk^f^ pbee Zelh _bef lihkml [^`bggbg` pbma \hffnmbg`% ma^r k^\^bo^] ma^bk ]h\mhkZm^l mh [^\hf^ ma^ f^gÍl [Zld^m[Zee `Zf^ P^]g^l]Zr >cfi`X :Xii# gnkl^ l\b^gmblml' gb`am' Ma^r [^`Zg ma^ ikh`kZf mh`^ma^k bg +)), Zl ma^ elij`e^ [fZkfiXk\ @Zf^l pbee [^ ihlm^] bg ma^bk ^gmbk^& you could help those students who common goals, receiving feedback l\ahheÍl _bklm ]h\mhkZe \Zg]b]Zm^l Zg] _bgbla^] mh`^ma^k Organizations offer options mr hg ma^ ngbo^klbmr Zmae^mb\l P^[ lbm^ FIND A BUDDY don’t understand the material as and also creating friendships with Zm =^\^f[^kÍl `kZ]nZmbhg \^k^fhgr' forZehg` students looking for lZb] :g& pbma `Zf^ ab`aeb`aml% other people,” he said. well as you do,” she said. [^`Zg a^k gnklbg` ^]n\Zmbhg bg Students can join a :emahn`a program on:]^`[heZ the ]k^p <eZkd% \hffngb\Zmbhg ZllblmZgm She said that studying with a people to work with. FIG and other organizations creCZfZb\Z Zg] <Zkk bg F^fiabl% M^gg'% [hma `kZ]nZm^l K_\ J_fik_fie1 8e[i\n 9lZbc\p NexT Web site at http://utarlingtonikh_^llhk Zg] [khZ]\Zlm ]bk^\mhk' group gives her an open forum to ate study groups for their memaZo^ mZd^g lbfbeZk iZmal mh k^Z\a ma^ NM: ikh`kZf' ÊB_ p^ kZp _hhmZ`^ h_ ma^ 9ifX[ZXjk`e^ e\nj j\e`fi 8ife Dfi^Xe j_ffkj k_\ DXm\i`Zbj ^Xd\ K_lij[Xp e`^_k `e next.googlepages.com. BY cnlm ANNA inm KATZKOVA ;hma k^\^bo^] ma^ ?^kg^ G^pfZg Dr[Z ?^eehplabi bg bers. shareK\oXj ?Xcc% K_`j nXj k_\ ]`ijk ^Xd\ kf Y\ k\c\m`j\[ Yp k_\ YifX[ZXjk`e^ jkl[\ekj ]fi k_\ ideas. `Zf^% bmÍl \hg\^boZ[e^ bm \hne] [^ hg ma^ The Shorthorn staff Gnklbg`% Zg] [hma p^k^ l^e^\m^] Zl Êf^gm^^lË [r ma^ Jenny Blankenship, Not Exactly “For example, when writing paP^[ lbm^ Zg ahnk hk mph Z_m^k ma^ `Zf^%Ë Xk_c\k`Zj N\Y j`k\% GZmbhgZe <hZebmbhg “A graduate student might be h_ >magb\ Fbghkbmr Gnkl^ :llh\bZ& Traditional Students (NexT) pubpers, it’s always nice to get another As finals approach, some stu<eZkd lZb]' mbhgl' seated with undergraduate students, lic relations officer, said she started person’s input or perspective on the dents;khZ]\Zlm might benefit from study l^gbhk =Zob] FZgg^kbg` fZgr ahf^ `Zf^l _hk f^gÍl Zg] phf& ]^gml fZr _bef [Zl^[Zee `Zf^l bg ma^ mph Zk^ studying com-gh lmkZg`^kl mh mkZo^ebg` _hk ma^bk Study Buddies program and each could beMa^ she said. “It sort of jump- the NexT groups, and the campus has many topic,”^gÍl [Zld^m[Zee Zl ma^r \Zg [nm maZm ma^ likbg`' Zgghng\^l _hk ma^ ngbo^klbmrÍl kZ]bh lmZ& ^]n\Zmbhg' :]^`[heZ pletely different subjects,” she said. mk^dd^] _khf CZfZb\Z% pa^k^ la^ DXo`e\ 8[\^YfcX# with Shuraih Latifi, electrical engistarts your own writing and helps to offer. MO K^ihkmbg` * Zg] + \eZll^l pbee mbhg% Zg] abl \hff^gmZkr \Zg ieZr pbma `Zf^ \ho^kZ`^ ]^i^g]l hg ma^ gnf[^k k^\^bo^] a^k ]biehfZ bg gnklbg`% mh Angm^k <hee^`^ bg writer’s block.” Priya Lad, civil and environmen- avoidh_ lmn]^gml ZoZbeZ[e^' Ma^r fZr neering Zelh graduate and former NexT “They benefit by actually doing their ma^ `Zf^ hgebg^' elij`e^ [fZkfiXk\ homework on a consistent basis by president. Another FIG peer counselor, tal engineering junior, a Zl \ho^k lhf^ ZpZr `Zf^l% Zg] lhf^ lmn& 9IF8;:8JK Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ <eZkd lZb] ma^r pbee became mkr mh \ho^k ELIJ@E> Zfek`el\j fe gX^\ * Blankenship said they recog- linking up with other students, fopeer counselor for a Freshmen In- nursing sophomore Ricky Fernanterest Group after participating in dez, said that students can gain nized that students have self-dis- cusing on the same goals by meetknowledge and have fun in study cipline issues and cram at the last ing students who may have already the program and its study groups. Photo Illustration: Laura Sliva minute. She said study groups can taken a course they’re studying.” “Even if you are not having trou- groups. As finals approach, students help each other prepare for exams “Not only are you working with help overcome those problems, reble, it’s a good thing to go to because BUDDIES continues on page 6 by forming study buddy groups. others, but you are also sharing duce stress and improve grades.
Group study sessions provide help during finals week
information, contact 817-272-3471 or music@uta.edu.
TODAY Black History Month Committee: noon-1 p.m., B150 UC Pecos. For information, contact 817-272-2099 or multicultural_ affairs@ uta.edu. Clavier Series Piano Recital: 7:30 p.m., Irons Recital Hall. Free. For
Wednesday November 26, 2008
THURSDAY Happy Thanksgiving!
Planetarium Shows: Chemistry and Physics Building. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Seven Wondersâ&#x20AC;? at 7 p.m., â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rock Hall of Fameâ&#x20AC;? at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5 for adults, $4 for children and seniors, $3 for faculty, staff and alumni, and $2 for students. For information, contact Levent Gurdemir at 817-272-0123 or planetarium@ uta.edu.
Planetarium Shows: Chemistry and Physics Building.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;TimeSpaceâ&#x20AC;? at 1 p.m., â&#x20AC;&#x153;Seven Wondersâ&#x20AC;? at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 for adults, $4 for children and seniors, $3 for faculty, staff and alumni, and $2 for students. For information, contact Levent Gurdemir at 817-272-0123 or planetarium@ uta.edu.
Calendar submissions must be made by 4 p.m. two days prior to run date. To enter your event, call 817-272-3661 or log on to www.theshorthorn.com/calendar
Thanksgiving Holidays
Thanksgiving Holidays
Giving Thanks for American Friends
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just like workout buddies at the gym. Only difference is youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re working out your homework together.â&#x20AC;?
International students ďŹ nd meaning in sharing holiday with host families
members getting together,â&#x20AC;? she said. Ton said the holiday that most Celebrating holidays with family resembles Thanksgiving in Vietnam tends to be a universal trend, but the is called â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tetâ&#x20AC;?. The holiday is the VietThanksgiving holiday can be foreign namese lunar new year. for some students. Although the origins of the holiday Growing up in Nigeria, accounting donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t involve a feast between pilgrims freshman Oseikhuemen Omon-Anolu and native Americans, she said itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the has never experienced Thanksgiv- biggest holiday for Vietnamese famiing and looks lies. forward to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s like a spending the time for famHOLIDAY HOURS ON CAMPUS holiday with ily to get tohis roomgether,â&#x20AC;? she â&#x20AC;˘ Bowling and Billiards: mateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family. said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is the Closed Thursday-Sunday â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m exmost imporâ&#x20AC;˘ Connection Cafe, The Market, The Plaza, cited because tant holiday.â&#x20AC;? The Post Office: Closed Thursday-Saturday we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have Some orThanksgiving ganizations, in Nigeria,â&#x20AC;? like the Baphe said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;All I tist Student know is that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s when the people that Ministry, have done a few events for first came to America gave gifts to the international students to experience Native Americans.â&#x20AC;? the holiday. Business junior Tien Ton came to On Nov 22, BSM hosted its annual the United States from Vietnam a few Thanksgiving meal at the BSM buildyears ago. She said her host family at ing. The event had about 150 interthe time tried to give her an authentic national student participants, BSM first Thanksgiving here in the states. director Gary Stidham said. He also â&#x20AC;&#x153;So I spent [my] first Thanksgiv- said that the hospitality doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stop ing like any other American families there. may have â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a nice dinner with family â&#x20AC;&#x153;Many of our students also invite BY DUSTIN DANGLI
The Shorthorn staff
Shuraih Latifi, Electrical engineering graduate student, on the advantages of study buddies. See Page 1
Today Mostly sunny High 72°F Low 50°F
Thursday 50% chance of thunderstorms High 66°F Low 47°F â&#x20AC;&#x201D; National Weather Service at www.weather.gov
News Front Desk .............................. 817-272-3661 News after 5 p.m............................. 817-272-3205 Advertising ...................................... 817-272-3188 Fax ................................................. 817-272-5009 UC Lower Level Box 19038, Arlington, TX 76019
This is a part of the daily activity log produced by the universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Police Department. To report a criminal incident on campus, call 817-272-3381.
An officer investigated a suspicious circumstance Monday at Kalpana Chawla Hall.
Editor in chief ..................................Emily Toman editor.shorthorn@uta.edu News Editor ............................Julie Ann Sanchez news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Assistant News Editor .................Abigail Howlett news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
A student reported his vehicle burglarized Monday at Centennial Court apartments.
Design Editor ....................................Marissa Hall design-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Copy Desk Chief .................................Joan Khalaf copydesk-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Sports Editor ....................................Justin Rains sports-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Scene Editor .............................Anthony Williams features-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Opinion Editor .....................................Cohe Bolin opinion-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Online Editor..................................Phillip Bowden online-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
Photo Editor ..........................................Rasy Ran photo-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Online Assistant .............................Rance Pringle Webmaster ................................ Troy Buchwalter webmaster.shorthorn@uta.edu News Clerk ..................................... Jeanne Lopez calendar.shorthorn@uta.edu Student Ad Manager ................... Colleen Hurtzig colleen.shorthorn@gmail.com Ad Representatives ..................Dondria Bowman, Eric Lara, Mike Love, Pax Salinas, Sylvia Santelli, Amanda Simpson, Karen Teran, Kasey Tomlinson, Linley Wilson
EXCEL will host its annual Holiday Celebration 6-8:30 p.m. on Dec. 2 in the University Center Palo Duro Lounge. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wrappers Delightâ&#x20AC;? is EXCELâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s event theme this year, ranging from a â&#x20AC;&#x153;wrap battleâ&#x20AC;? to a UTA Cribs gingerbread house competition, psychology sophomore Leslie Mack said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;wrap battleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is going to be like the old TV show â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Supermarket Sweepâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to let them run to a table and grab stuff from the table and theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to have a time limit.â&#x20AC;? Mack said judges will select the best wrapped gift based on materials used and attention to detail. There will also be a timed gingerbread house contest. The winners to both contests will receive a Visa gift card. She said toy bears will be available on a one bear per UTA Mav ID basis. Students can stuff the bear, put a â&#x20AC;&#x153;wishing starâ&#x20AC;? inside, close it up and dress it in costumes. There will also be materials for making ornaments. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If they like, they can put it up on the tree that might stay in the Palo Duro Lounge,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That way the different organizations can be represented on the tree.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Sarah Lutz
CORRECTION POLICY Bring factual errors to The Shorthornâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s attention via e-mail to editor.shorthorn@uta. edu or call 817-272-3188. A correction or clarification will be printed in this space.
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DUSTIN DANGLI news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
EXCEL to host holiday event with contests
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their international friends to Thanksgiving dinner in their homes,â&#x20AC;? he said. Like Omon-Anolu and Tonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s friends who are inviting them to enjoy the holiday with their families, most of the outreach to international students rests on American students. Arlington Hall office assistant Erin Grope said the residence halls arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t doing anything special for students staying in the dorms over the break. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They can come home with me,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My parents make lots of food.â&#x20AC;? Omon-Anolu remains eager to eat Thanksgiving foods at his friendâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s house in north Texas. He said he misses home cooked meals since he left home. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m excited because maybe I can eat something like Nigerian food,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m tired of the food here.â&#x20AC;? While most students anticipate the feast, Omon-Anolu said heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most excited for what he considers to be a real holiday â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Black Friday. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have money, and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m ready to wake up at four in the morning for the big sales,â&#x20AC;? he said.
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008
World VieW
Page 3
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in texas
Thanksgiving in space: Chavez stiff turkey, bland yams welcomes the associated Press
HoUSToN — The smoked turkey resembles sliced deli meat but stiffer, the candied yams are bland inside, the green beans taste like they’ve been microwaved to death and the corn bread stuffing has a broth-heavy, institutional flavor. Grandma’s home cooking, it’s not. Then again, Grandma’s Thanksgiving dinners were never irradiated, freeze-dried, vacuumpacked into plastic pouches and then launched into space to be served 220 miles above earth. That’s what the Turkey day meals for the astronauts aboard space shuttle endeavour have endured. endeavour’s seven astronauts and the three crew members at the international space station will take a break from their
chores and gather for their special meal Thanksgiving day. The last time a space shuttle crew ate their holiday meal in space was six years ago. “it gives us a moment to pause and reflect just how fortunate we are as a country and as global community,” endeavour commander Christopher Ferguson said from the space station. “We’re thankful for that, in addition to the opportunity to fly in space.” Although there were only six Thanksgiving meals prepared, Ferguson said not to worry. They were scraping together turkey from the space station pantry so everyone could experience space’s version of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, including the lone russian, space station cosmonaut, Yuri lonchakov.
Perry warns EPA: Don’t regulate gases
Russian warships the associated Press
lA GUAirA, Venezuela — russian warships sailed into port in Venezuela on Tuesday in a show of strength as Moscow seeks to counter U.S. influence in latin America. russia’s first such deployment in the Caribbean since the Cold War is timed to coincide with President dmitry Medvedev’s visit to Venezuela, the first ever by a russian president. russian sailors dressed in black-and-white uniforms lined up along the bow of the destroyer Admiral Chabanenko as it docked in la Guaira, near Caracas, and Venezuelan troops greeted them with cannons in a 21-gun salute. Two support vessels also docked, and the nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great, russia’s largest navy ship,
AP Photo: Fernando Llano
A Russian warship arrives in La Guaira port, Venezuela, Tuesday. Russian warships have been deployed in a show of strength aimed at the United States as Moscow seeks to expand its influence in Latin America.
anchored offshore. Chavez, basking in the support of a powerful ally and traditional U.S. rival, wants russian help to build a nuclear reactor, invest in oil and natural gas projects and bolster his leftist opposition to U.S. influence in the region. He also wants weapons — Venezuela has bought more than $4 billion in russian arms, including Sukhoi fighter jets, helicopters and 100,000 Kalashnikov rifles, and more deals for russian tanks or other weaponry may be discussed after Medvedev arrives Wednesday.
russia’s ambitions in latin America, however, may be checked by global events. Both Venezuela and russia are feeling the pinch of slumping oil prices, and their ability to be major benefactors for like-minded leaders is in doubt given the pressures of the world’s financial crisis. The deployment of the naval squadron is widely seen as a demonstration of Kremlin anger over the U.S. decision to send warships to deliver aid to Georgia after its battles with russia, and over U.S. plans for a european missile-defense system.
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AUSTIN — Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Tuesday warned the Environmental Protection Agency against expanding federal clear air legislation to include greenhouse gas emissions, saying it would come at an “irreparable cost” to the economy. Perry said at a news conference that regulating one of the suspected causes of global warming would be an unnecessary burden on large portions of the economy, including commercial buildings, churches, small farms, hotels, hospitals and large residential homes.
in the nation
Congress expects auto industry cuts DETROIT — A list of job cuts, shuttered factories, canceled bonuses and commitments to fuel-efficient cars won’t be enough next week when U.S. automakers get another shot to persuade Congress to give them $25 billion in loans.
in the world
UK government’s ID card program begins
LONDON — The British government began its identity card program for foreign nationals Tuesday — six years after heated debate over whether the costly plan is an effective tool against terrorism, identity theft and welfare fraud. The last time Britain had ID cards was at the end of World War II. The program will start with roughly 50,000 foreign students and spouses of permanent residents who will receive cards if they qualify for visa extensions.
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:_Xi`kp Dfek`\k_# \[`kfi :f_\ 9fc`e# \[`kfi Cohe Bolin, editor ABOUT OPINION fg`e`fe$\[`kfi%j_fik_fie7lkX%\[l fg`e`fe$\[`kfi%j_fik_fie7lkX%\[l opinion-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Cohe Bolin, editor Fg`e`fe `j glYc`j_\[ N\[e\j[Xp Xe[ =i`[Xp% Fg`e`fe `j glYc`j_\[ N\[e\j[Xp Xe[ =i`[Xp% Opinion is published Wednesday and Friday. opinion-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu IZ`^ / 2008 Wednesday P^]g^l]Zr% :n`nlm +0% +))1 and Friday. Friday, August 29, Opinion is published Pa e 4
?Zlm&?hh] ?bZl\h <e^Zg ;k^Zd :]o^kmbl^k bgm^kknimbhgl
<;@KFI@8C&FLI M@<N
K_\ J_fik_fie `em`k\j jkl[\ekj# le`m\ij`kp K_\ J_fik_fie The Shorthorn `em`k\j jkl[\ekj# le`m\ij`kp invites students, university REMEMBER \dgcfp\\j Xe[ Xclde` kf jlYd`k ^l\jk \dgcfp\\j Xe[ Xclde` kf jlYd`k ^l\jk employees and alumni to submit guest The Shorthorn invites students, university Zfcldej kf k_\ Fg`e`fe gX^\% Zfcldej kf k_\ Fg`e`fe gX^\% columns to the Opinion page. employees and alumni to submit guest ?kb]Zr% FZk\a *-% +))1 IZ`^ . Page 7 columns to the Opinion page. Wednesday, November 26, 2008
;Z[rlbmmbg` :]neml The Wrong Answer Love or Marriage
<;@KFI@8C&FLI M@<N
]bfbgbla ma^ ]b`gbmr h_ Jkl[\ekj j_flc[ Y\ XnXi\ f] Y`e^\$[i`eb`e^ [Xe^\ij ma^ Herfib\ @Zf^l Arming teachers Y\]fi\ c\Xm`e^ ]fi X n\\b
Home Sweet Where?
Bad information, poor communication fails=kbgdbg` Z`^ k^lmkb\mbhgl bg^__^\mbo^% `khni k^\hff^g]l \aZg`^ to address the deeper problem costs students time, money, stress
:\khll ma^ wrongs \hngmkr% *+1 \hee^`^ \hee^`^ lmn]^gml m^g] mh ]kbgd pa^g ma^r Bg k^lihglb[bebmr bg ma^l^ Zk^Zl% Rights are for everyone, orik^lb]^gml Zg] \aZg\^eehkl aZo^ lb`g^] ma^ theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Proposition 8 exposes a lot ofmZdbg` woolly thinking bm lahne] Zelh [^ ni mh ma^ *1&r^Zk&he] only deep reflections on society will help. Israel, armed guards are employed to potentially war, ande^Zo^ ahf^ _hk ma^ _bklm mbf^' Ma^ iZk^gml
Bm pZl ZfZsbg`' Ang]k^]l h_ i^hie^ kZg Z\khll ma^ an`^ BmĂ?l mbf^ mh \^e^[kZm^' s students go back to school this week, campus lmZ`^% jnb\der Zll^f[ebg` bgmh ma^ i^k_^\m ]ho^ P^Ă?o^ \kZff^] _hk ma^ iZlm _^p security will again be an issue. laZi^ Zl ma^ eb`aml hg ma^bk lnbml `ehp^] ]b__^k^gm fter Californiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Proposition 8 passed p^^dl% Zg] fb]m^kfl Zk^ _bgZeer ho^k' Recently, The Shorthorn reported that crime \hehkl' Ma^r jnb\der ]bl[Zg]^] Zg] \k^Zm^] Z this month, a Harvard Crimson colhad risen from last yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s data. g^p _hkf% cnlm Zl ik^\bl^ Zl ma^ eZlm% [nm fhk^ Ghp% ma^ \hngm]hpg bl hg' Hger Z wrote, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Gay Americans are So itumnist will not be surprising that campus security Z\kh[Zmb\Zeer m^\agb\Ze Zl i^k_hkf^kl lmhh] hg _^p ^q\kn\bZmbg` ahnkl k^fZbg ngmbe not being granted ^Z\a hma^klĂ? lahne]^kl' fewer rights than their will again come to the fore, likbg` [k^Zd [^`bgl' straight counterparts â&#x20AC;&#x201D; technically, a gay to especially comes Cnlm Zl when ma^ it<abg^l^ man does have thei^k_hkf^kl right to enter into a guns. :l rhnĂ?k^ _bgZebsbg` ieZgl% ]hgĂ?m ]blZll^f[e^] marriage with a woman.â&#x20AC;? Most of us remember Zg] ik^iZk^] mh lmng e^m ma^ \^e^[kZmbhg [^ knbg^] [r ma^ ma^ Sounds like something Elizabeth the incident involving Zn]b^g\^ pbma Zghma^k ^r^& \hgl^jn^g\^l h_ [bg`^ ]kbgdbg`' Hasselbeck of â&#x20AC;&#x153;The[h``ebg` _^Zm% bm aZii^g^]' wouldallegedly say aViewâ&#x20AC;? student â&#x20AC;&#x201D; oh wait, she did. carrying Bm fZr [^ _nggr mh pZm\a ma^ a gun inmh his Ă&#x160;Bl bm ihllb[e^ _bm Z Most people wholjnZk^ voted Propcar lastfor semester, ]kngd^g ^l\ZiZ]^l h_ Z _kb^g]% [nm i^` bgmh which Z khng] osition 8, and Texans who passed revived talks gunahe^8Ă&#x2039; Zg of Zgghrbg`% bmĂ?l gh eZn`abg` fZmm^k pa^g abl a gay marriage ban here in 2005, friendly policies on \hngmkb_b^] ohb\^ lZb] _khf bgmhqb\Zmbhg ikh`k^ll^l mh Ze\hahe use religion as theirour crutch. own campus. The ma^ MO' Ă&#x160;P^ee% b_ maZm ljnZk^ I8P <;N8I; While in Leviti-of Virginia ihblhgbg`' memory SYLVAIN verses REY i^` bl PaZmZ[nk`^kĂ?l g^p 9L==@E>KFE @M cus;^\Znl^ fhlm i^hie^ pah [bg`^ and Romans Tech condemn is still fresh in our iZmmr f^em% Zg] maZm khng] males lying with a man as minds. ahe^ bl rhnk dbll^k% rhn ]kbgd Zk^gĂ?m Ze\hahe&]^i^g]^gm% oneIt is would with woman, to avoid suchaviolence that the Harrold [^m\aZ'Ă&#x2039; ma^ ikh[e^f bl ^Zlr mh ]blfbll' ;nm the Bible also says men near Wichita school district, ahg^ smallh_ district Mabl pZl fZgr \hff^k\bZe shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even Gov. as much g^Zker hg^&mabk] h_ \hee^`^ lmn]^gml Falls, has, with Rick Perryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s makhn`ahnm support, bgm^kknimbhgl bgl^km^] i^kbh]b\Zeer as looka at women after passed decision that makes Harrold the pbee ^g`Z`^ bg [bg`^ ]kbgdbg` Zm e^Zlm ma^ +))1 ;^bcbg` Herfib\l hi^gbg` they_hnk&ahnk have district their period. first school in the nation to pass such \^k^fhgr [khZ]\Zlm hg G;<' B dghp fZgr hg\^ ]nkbg` likbg` [k^Zd% Z\\hk]bg` it condemns eataAnd measure. i^hie^ hnm ma^k^ fZr [^ lni^k ^q\bm^] Z[hnm ingThe shrimp. Should mh ma^ GZmbhgZe Bglmbmnm^ hg :e\hahe resolution, passed last\hp&Zg]&f^em^]& week, allows PaZmZ[nk`^kĂ?l _Zg\r g^p we shut down Red :[nl^ Zg] teachers to carry guns at school ifmabl theyk^o^eZmbhg have a \a^^l^&hg&[k^Z] \k^Zmbhg% Zg] Lobster and Long John state permit and district authorization. :e\haheblf' fZr aZo^ aZ] Z _^p h_ ma^f bg ma^bk \Zkl hg ma^bk <;@KFI@8C Silverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s? WWJD? The logic behind the decision is simple: pZr mh ma^ _Zlm&_hh] k^lmZnkZgm aZe_pZr makhn`a Religion-state arguments Bm mZd^l ma^ If IFLE;LG licensed teachers;nm carry^o^krhg^Ă?l weapons, defense ma^ \hff^k\bZe' ikbhkbmb^l have been spat out throughout [h]r mph ahnkl against a potential murderer will be\ahhl^ made Z Zk^ ]b__^k^gm' I^klhgZeer% B phne] K_\ `jjl\1 history. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Free the slaves? hg Zo^kZ`^ mh I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know what easier and quicker. jnZ]k^ggbZe ngbo^klZe ^o^gm ho^k _Zlm&_hh]' Jgi`e^ Yi\Xb Bible you follow...â&#x20AC;? But,gh thelnkikbl^ very fact that are now allowed BmĂ?l maZm guns Z]o^kmblbg` aZl mZd^g Z\c\YiXk`fej ZXe c\X[ kf â&#x20AC;&#x153;You want Negroes in ]b`^lm Zg] _neer school with whites, inY`e^\ [i`eb`e^% schools, where ourand children theoretically ho^k hnk ebo^l' >o^krpa^k^ p^ mnkg% p^ Zk^ k^\ho^k _khf to vote? My Bible says receive the they to be a part of mh N\ jl^^\jk1 ^qihl^] mh education ang]k^]l h_ need Z]l hk `bffb\dl Negroes arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t people...â&#x20AC;? hg^ ]kbgd% Z\& society, is pZgm worrying â&#x20AC;&#x201D; even scary. p^ aZo^ Befn k_\ j`^ej f] fZd^ nl mh [nr' Bkhgb\Zeer% ^o^g â&#x20AC;&#x153;Interracial marriage? \hk]bg` mh ma^ Only pZedbg` ThailandZ]l andDeuteronomy Israel policies XcZf_fc gf`jfe`e^ Y\]fi\ [^\hf^ pbma hnk have bIh]l% eZ[^e^] says thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s [i`eb`e^ XcZf_fc% allowing armed protection in<^gm^kl _hk schools. labkml Zg] c^Zgl% lihkml Zg] hma^k Ă&#x160;ehhd notaZml right...â&#x20AC;? In Thailand, it is to defend students paZm B [hn`amĂ&#x2039; iZkZia^kgZebZ' If it=bl^Zl^ <hg& were up toand the mafaculty against Muslim separatists whothe have PaZm bkdl f^ bl maZm Z]o^kmbl^kl mkh] hg jority and not courts, mkhe Zg] Ik^o^gmbhg' FZgr [^eb^o^ been waging a bloodynone war of since lZ\k^] `khng] [r bg_bemkZmbg` Zg] mZkgblabg` ma^ the 2004. above In would maZm [eZ\d \h__^^% Z \he] lahp^k% \^k^fhgr pbma ,)&l^\hg] lZe^l ibm\a^l' have happened. Same Lbg\^ ma^ lnff^k Herfib\l mZd^ ieZ\^ hg\^ pZedbg` hk le^^ibg` pbee lh[^k Z with womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s suffrage ^o^kr _hnk r^Zkl% ma^ kZk^ and h\\nkk^g\^ abortion. pZkkZgml ]kngd fhk^ jnb\der' Ma^l^ Zk^ frmal' Z ehp^k ]hlZ`^ h_ Z]o^kmblbg` ^qihlnk^' BĂ?f One man, President Ma^ hger mabg` maZm pbee k^o^kl^ ma^ ZpZk^ maZm WILLIAMS ma^ [khZ]\Zlm ]b]gĂ?m \hf^ _hk _k^^% Abraham Lincoln, freed ANTHONY ^__^\ml h_ Ze\hahe bl mbf^' [nm Z ]b__^k^gm fhg^r&fZdbg` mZ\mb\ \hne] aZo^ the slaves â&#x20AC;&#x201D; well, some of [^^g _heehp^]' H_m^g% fhob^l [khZ]\Zlm _hk ma^ ;nm mbf^ blgĂ?m hg rhnk lb]^ b_ rhn them. And slowly. _bklm mbf^ hg ghg\Z[e^ lmZmbhgl Zk^ overturn ik^l^gm^] its The Supreme Court had to lnli^\m Ze\hahe ihblhgbg`' Dghpbg` \hff^k\bZe&_k^^% mh Brown ma^ iZkmb\neZk previous rulings inmaZgdl the 1954 v. Board of ma^ lb`gl Zg] pa^g mh l^^d f^]b\Ze lihglhk pah \ahl^ mh makhp bg ma^ \Zla' Lnk^er Education case and desegregate schools â&#x20AC;&#x201D; my a^ei \hne] [^ ma^ ]b__^k^g\^ [^mp^^g hometown didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t integrate until 1970, when ma^ Herfib\l hi^gbg` \^k^fhgr ]^l^ko^l they just couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hold off anymore. [^mm^k mk^Zmf^gm maZg ma^ m^e^oblbhg ik^fb^k^ h_ eb_^ Zg] ]^Zma' How can I, or any other young gay person, Ă&#x160;Lni^k[Z]Ă&#x2039; hk Ă&#x160;+0 =k^ll^l'Ă&#x2039; Ohfbmbg` bl hg^ h_ ma^ ^Zkeb^lm stay positivema^ about andpZl inspired after Barack @kZgm^]% m^e^\Zlm ghm ebo^' Pbma Zg lb`gl% Z\\hk]bg` mh ma^ GB:::' Obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s*+&ahnk electionmbf^ â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thinking we<abgZ% can do Zo^kZ`^ ]b__^k^g\^ now _khf ontraditional attest the value ;^\Znl^ Ze\hahe bl Z lmhfZ\a bkkbmZgm% anything â&#x20AC;&#x201D; whenstudents we canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get tomarried or :f^kb\Zgl p^k^ cnlm [^`bggbg` ma^bk ]Zrl pa^g of post-secondary education. A degree even be_hkf^k protected from Eb jobGbg` termination just <abgZĂ?l HerfibZg kZg Zkhng] ohfbmbg` bl _Zbker \hffhg% ahp^o^k% can mean difference between retirement because of the who we are? ma^ mhi bglb]^ ^]`^ h_ ma^ ghp&_Zfhnl ;bk]Ă?l ohfbmbg` [^\hf^l iZkmb\neZker or pushing the tea cart at Lubyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cafeteria. Many andHerfib\ the 52_eZf^ percent G^lm Zk^gZ Americans mh eb`am ma^ Zg] of Younger people with degrees are far more likely ]Zg`^khnl Z_m^k iZllbg` hnm' voting Californians that passed Proposition ^g] ma^ \^k^fhgr' ;^\Znl^ ma^ ^o^gm fZgr 8 to get three ormarriage four jobssacredâ&#x20AC;? in theirand careers thata want to â&#x20AC;&#x153;keep between Hma^k lb`gl mh pZm\a _hk bg\en]^ :f^kb\Zgl lZp pZl ik^k^\hk]^]% bm ehlm ob^pbg` include annual vacation man and a woman, and, they being the majoroZen^' ?hhmZ`^ ^]bmhkl aZ] mbf^ mh lb_m makhn`a f^gmZe \hg_nlbhg% l^bsnk^l% lehp hk and rights healthin doing care, ity, will deny us our time justifiable ma^ ^gmbk^ \^k^fhgr mh \nm hnm l^\mbhgl ma^r _^em bkk^`neZk [k^Zmabg`% Zg] iZe^ hk [en^ rather than two or three so. phne] [^ ZiikhikbZm^ lehml mh `bo^ ma^bk iZrbg` job changesworking per yearin with ldbg' They see this as democracy acZ]o^kmbl^kl Z \aZg\^ mh inla ma^bk pZk^l' no paid vacation while B_ Ze\hahe ihblhgbg` bl ngmk^Zm^]% Ik^lb]^gm ;nlaĂ?l LmZm^ h_ ma^ Ngbhg pZl enduring fixable health [khZ]\Zlm \hff^k\bZe&_k^^' MaZm [hkbg` \enl& ma^ ob\mbf \Zg \ahd^ hg abl hk problems that worsen m^k h_ ahnkl \^kmZbger ]^l^ko^] Z PaZmZ[nk`^k a^k hpg ohfbm hk [k^Zmabg` hk from neglect. [k^Zd' A degree is a a^Zkm[^Zm fZr \^Zl^' B_ ma^ ob\mbf Ma^ fZbg mabg` ehlm bg ma^ \hff^k\bZe& profound benefit in ebo^l% Zg Ze\hahe ho^k]hl^ \Zg e^Z] mh kb]]^g \^k^fhgr% [^lb]^l _bo^ fbgnm^ \angdl America. Sadly, formal maZm p^k^ mhll^] Zlb]^ mh inm bg _Zlm&_hh] CLIFF HALE bkk^o^klb[e^ [kZbg ]ZfZ`^' education is primarily \hff^k\bZel% pZl k^li^\m' :iiZk^gmer pa^g bm B_ rhn l^^ Zgr h_ ma^l^ pZkgbg` found in academia â&#x20AC;&#x201D; an \hf^l mh fZdbg` ma^ [b` [n\dl% ^o^g Z phke] institution that has a venerable and deserved lb`gZel% \Zee 2** bff^]bZm^er' ^o^gm _Zbel mh `Zkg^k Z ebmme^ [bm h_ Ziik^\bZmbhg reputation for incompetence. Zg] =hgĂ?m pZbm _hk rhnk _kb^g] mh lh[^k Z _hnk&ahnk fhf^gm h_ Z]o^kmblbg` One example is the ridiculous UTA lbe^g\^' ni hk _hk fhk^ lrfimhfl mh Zii^Zk' financial aid system. Ngmbe Z]o^kmbl^kl \hf^ mh ma^bk l^gl^l Zg] =hgĂ?m phkkr maZm rhnk _kb^g] fZr `^m Students typically plan their semesters far e^Zo^ hnk [kZbgpZla^] a^Z]l Zg] ^fimr pZee^ml in advance. Many are required to get advising nil^m hk ^f[ZkkZll^] [^\Znl^ rhn Do you think gay Zehg^% BĂ?f `hbg` mh `h `^m frl^e_ Z iZmmr f^em'
Students who applied for on-campus
If it is not the case, then lh arming everybody fend off:f^marlm terrorists from Israeli schools. In Z both housing ran into problems this semesBgbmbZmbo^% hi^gbg` ]bZeh`n^ Zk^gĂ?m Zkhng] lmn]^gml Zk^ may `hbg` mh Z]nem mh mZd^ k^lihglb[bebmr _hk ma^fl^eo^l he cascade of comments that have tion ter toward the wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Fundamentalist of countries, the necessity of these measures is backfire. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; there enough toChurch go around. Z[hnm ehp^kbg` ma^ ]kbgdbg` Z`^ _khf +* ^qi^kbf^gm Ă&#x2030; fZr[^ bkk^lihglb[er' hg ma^ blln^ h_ ]kbgdbg`' Bm blgĂ?m ni mh ma^ same-sex marriage A professorsprung trainedfrom to shoot and licensed to ad- Latter Day Saints. imposed by a state of war that involves potentially University Housing should be more ormh *1' on civilians. lmhkb^l +*lm [bkma]Zr ngbo^klbmr mh [Z[rlbm Z]neml' vocates against theh_ success of if ProposiShould we even grant that right to a brother carry a gunFZgr may himself become a weapon he serious attacks ganized and accountable for its tion 8 in California has revealed theh_ state of and sister tobl demand marriage, Phne] even if mistakes. they Mabl pbee [^ bg^__^\mbo^' Ma^ hkb`bgZe eZp \^e^[kZmbhgl bgoheo^ +* lahml ebjnhk% Ahp maZm ihllb[e^8 ma^ rengb& If the U.S. now also resorts to such extreme turns mad. More than 4,000 students live in our society. ally love each other? The fact that citizens have to provide for their defense maZm measures, should we then understand that \aZg`^] ma^ ]kbgdbg` Z`^ mh +* pZl hk oZkbZmbhgl h_ [bg`^ ]kbgdbg` maZm h_m^g o^klbmr i^k_hkf khhf bgli^\mbhgl bg ^o^kr residence halls or apartments. The maintoargument favor Ifcampus love really is the moown defense a failure ofinthe law of to same-sex do it. the nation is at war? I mean, at war with itself. bg^__^\mbo^ mhh' Fbghkl ]kbgd pa^ma^k ma^ ^g] points bg ]kngd ]^Zmal hk IfZe\hahe marriage that it ]kbobg` istolove, that lovelaws. cannot be tive]hkf mh lgb__ hnm ma^ Ze\hahe8 Ma^g ma^k^ for theenrollment right to marry, nowisbecomes create better If this is the case, then guns will not solve the The problem With increasing, housing will eZp bl ma^k^ hk ghm' ihblhgbg`' Zk^ ma^ pah ebo^ h__ \Zfinl Ă&#x2030; prevented, and enforce that it is basiclaw, right. the lawlmn]^gml must legalize not, every one will hisa own andWhy then remain an issue. shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Zg] we all have thefinal â&#x20AC;&#x153;right to love all paZm of these indiscriminateitself will be the victim Fhma^kl :`Zbglm =kngd =kbobg` bl the Constitution IZk^gml F:== lZr ngbo^klbmr phne] ma^ ikhmh\he list [^ numbers ma^g8 Lmn& The reported waiting andZk^ marry?â&#x20AC;? endZg] up defining love it will become useless. ahiibg` fZ] Z[hnm ma^ bgbmbZmbo^% lZrbg` â&#x20AC;&#x201D;h__b\bZel ghm mZdbg` k^lihglb[bebmr _hk ly. We ]^gml iZk^gml phne] ghm [^ aZiir werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t is precisely the problem. through a law.concise â&#x20AC;&#x201D; some students took Possessing aThat weapon is not in itself deadly, maZm ehp^kbg` ma^ ]kbgdbg` Z`^ bgobm^l neither lmn]^gmlĂ? ng]^kZ`^ ]kbgdbg`' <hee^`^ But Z[hnm ma^bk ngbo^klbmr Z iheb\^ apartments off-campus and didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t inlove cannot be de- [^\hfbg` is shooting it for fun. But when guns form housing so the list was incorrect, ik^lb]^gml Zg] ikhihg^gml h_ ma^ bgbmbZmbo^ lmZm^' fhk^ Ze\hahe&k^eZm^] _ZmZebmb^l' fined by the law â&#x20AC;&#x201D; if so, we are associated with madness and lack of selflie when we pretend to_Z\m have k^fZbgl3 said Matthew Housing control, they become lZr fbghkl pbee _bg] Z pZr deadly and no one can Ma^ eZp pZl Zm *1 r^Zkl he] ngmbe Ma^ lbfie^ Hendricks, ma^ OpeZp the right to marry in the predict madness. erations assistant director. gh fZmm^k paZm name ]h^lgĂ?m phkd' Ma^ _Z\m maZm bm bl bee^`Ze fZr ma^ GZmbhgZe Fbgbfnf =kbgdbg` ofHe love. The The question to ask should be: Why are said thelaw listcannow comprises SYLVAIN REYfewer ma^ eZp lZrl' ]kbgdbg` :`^ :\m h_ *21-' Ebd^ fhlm eZpl not^o^g makefZd^ something existl^^f fhk^ ^gmb\bg` there school shootings in America? than 100 students, and housing is still exist. pah fb`am _^^e maZm bmĂ?l Lh pa^k^ mh fbghkl Z pZr <hg`k^ll iZll^l% mabl hg^ In Switzerland, where every single ]h^l or not available at Centennial Court and JohnOne of last weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s protestors in California rehousehold owns a weapon â&#x20AC;&#x201D; ma^ everyk^lihglb[bebmr person mh k^[^e' pZl Z ebmme^ Zf[b`nhnl' son apartments. vealed thisCreek sad fact plainly in just one sentence: is a citizen-soldier, no such shootings are : i^klhg ng]^k +* bl ghm F:== lZrl ]kngd&]kbobg` Z\\b]^gml K_\ J_fik_fie1 8ekfe`eX ;f\jZ_\i â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have just found out that state doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t reHendricks said hismy department â&#x20AC;&#x153;will reported. The problem then lies in the heart aZo^ ]^\k^Zl^] lbg\^ ma^ eZp aZl [^^g Zeehp^] mh [nr Ze\hahe ally think that I am a person,â&#x20AC;? she said. continue to monitor demand for housof American society. In Western society, where we are BglnkZg\^ proud of bg ing ^__^\m% Zg] decisions GZmbhgpb]^ hk ihll^ll Ze\hahe% [nm If schools, which were founded to make and make about building ourikh]n\^] Z lnko^r lZrbg` maZm 0+ i^k\^gm human rights to the point of seeking to imbetter citizens, are themselves victims of ma^ eZp ]h^l ghm ikhab[bm more housing based on the number of pose them upon the rest of the world, we exist social violence, then they have failed in their interh_ person Z]neml ehp^kbg` ]kbgdbg` ]kbgdbg` Ze\hahe' as a onlymabgd when we are instudents a ma^ law book. role. School shootings and violence are the ested in living mh H_ \hnkl^% ma^k^ bl ma^ Z`^ pbee fZd^ Ze\hahe fhk^ Z\\^llb[e^ One cannot be honest when one pretends most dramatic symptoms of a deeper illness. EDITORIAL fight in the name of love while rejecting all on campus.â&#x20AC;? B pZl ma^bk [Z] bg_en^g\^' r \abe]ahh] pZl Z lbfie^ mbf^ pa^g ma^ And guns Bg maZm fhf^gm fbghk ^q\^imbhg' Bg M^qZl% b_ are not the cure.B iZll^] bgmh ma^ phke] to fbghkl' ROUNDUP kindsGhp% of love. Some stu- Ă&#x160;[Z] BĂ?f ghm lZrbg` B pZl ma^ mrib\Ze phke] pZl [eZ\d Zg] pabm^' Ebg^l p^k^ h_ ln[c^\mbobmr Ă&#x2030; ma^ Z]nem phke]% pa^k^ Only a deeper analysis of the roots and pbma iZk^gml hk Z `nZk]bZg% R^m p^ Zelh aZo^ mh \hglb]^k maZm ma^ eZp And of love go Thewhen issue: the crusadersdents ghm [enkk^] pbma ma^ laZ]^l h_ `kZr maZm conditions ^o^krmabg` bl ghm violence Zl bm l^^fl' B provide aZ] bf[b[^]% db]'Ă&#x2039; K^eZmbo^er li^Zdbg`% ahp^o^k% B pZl fhk^ felt theas of social will ]kbgdbg` bl Zeehp^]' B_ rhn fZkkr maZm kZbl^] ma^ ]kbgdbg` Z`^ pZl iZll^] bg tion, and now the ;Z\d gall ma^g% far as accusing Catholics or any Christian fbl\ab^ohnl maZg fr _kb^g]l pah p^k^ bg_^lm fr have eb_^ ghp' hg^ mabg` pZl an ng]^k ma^ `nbl^ h_ \ah\heZm^ fbed% ma^ fhlm Students on waitexplanation and shape better, long-term department fZ]^ gave to tell lhf^hg^ pah bl ho^k +* pabe^ rhn Zk^ us we arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t being disof being fascist â&#x20AC;&#x201D; [r as a eZpl protestorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sign Z lists mbf^ pa^g ma^ \hg\^kgbg` bgmh ]h\be^ shf[b^l ma^bk ]Zber HoZembg^' mkn^% hg^ mabg` pZl \^kmZbg' ]^lib\Z[e^ _Zel^ ikhia^m h_ ]Zbkr mk^Zml lbg\^ *21-% policies. ing werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t inthem the runcriminated against. read â&#x20AC;&#x201D; simply for opposing their ideals, A^Zkbg` ma^f lZr Ă&#x160;Fhk^ HoZembg^% ie^Zl^ Ă&#x2039; pZl MaZm mabg` pZl \ah\heZm^ fbed' G^lme^ Jnbd Ă&#x2030; HoZembg^' ghm r^m +*% rhn Zelh `^m mh ]kbgd' Ze\hahe p^k^ `^g^kZeer fhk^ k^eZq^]' @^m& And America will avoid an undeclared, of housing around. Atwhat oriFormer Arkansas Goverweformed may be justified in wondering \k^^ir' :l Z [hr B ^gchr^] \ah\heZm^ fbed bg eZk`^ HoZembg^ pZl Zg] bl ma^ Zgmbma^lbl h_ underground civil war. Ma^ bgbmbZmbo^ lZrl ma^ \nkk^gm eZp mbg` Z =PB bg *21- pZl Z \Zd^pZed \hf& availability and had nor Mike Huckabee, whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s for entation in July, comes next. B pZl ma^ db] pahl^ ahnl^ ma^r phne] `h mh jnZgmbmb^l' Bm pZl lh lbfie^' B phne] cnlm fbq ^o^krmabg` maZm \ah\heZm^ to find other placesare fascists amending aphkdbg`' gay marriage ban mnkg mh [bg`^ blgĂ?m Lmn]^gml iZk^] mh paZm Z i^klhg `h^l makhn`a ghp% If Christians because one freshman, Z \ni h_ fbed pbma Zg bghk]bgZm^ Zfhngm h_ fbed lmZg]l _hk' ?bklm% bm pa^g ma^r pZgm^] mh pZm\a Z fhob^ hk ieZr Z to the]kbgdbg`% Constitution, to live.do not support who they same-sex ab\a chatted \Zg ZpZr e^Z] B mh phne] ]Zg`^khnl askedmarnot `Zf^ ]^^f^] mhh obhe^gm hk i^ko^kl^ _hk ma^bk \ah\heZm^ p lrkni Zg] kb]^ hg Z ebd^ Z senior ik^l\kbimbhg pab\a bl Z\mnZeer Z `hh] mabg`' â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Sylvain Rey is anlhng]l anthropology with â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Viewâ&#x20AC;? ladies and said Weriage, suggest: we affirm that Hispanics and ik^\bhnl ebmme^ fbg]l' GZmnkZeer% mabl e^] mh Z ehm _ZgmZlmb\ ln`Zk ab`a h_ ]^eb\bhnlg^ll' ]kn`' L^\hg]% bmĂ?l gnmkbmbhnl' to be named, \hgl^jn^g\^l' :\\hk]bg` mh ma^ :e\hahe Iheb\r Bg_hk& and columnist for The Shorthorn gay rights arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t civil rights University Housing African-Americans, who also overh_ [eZf^ makhpg bg fr ]bk^\mbhg' Ma^g B `k^p he]^k' ObmZfbgl Zg] fbg^kZel% fZmbhg Shorthorn: Villagrana was told by a Lmn]^gml Zelh \ahhl^ Eduardo mh ]kbgd Lrlm^f% Z[hnm .%))) ng]^kZ`^ because we havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t met aThe â&#x20AC;&#x153;viowhelmingly supported ballot should commuHg^ mbf^ bg iZkmb\neZk% B pZl the k^Zf^] [r Z Bg ma^ pZgbg` r^Zkl h_ fr ^e^f^gmZkr l\ahhe l^kbhnler8 Pah lebii^] receptionist that lence thresholdâ&#x20AC;? comparative initiative, are fascists. bee^`Zeer kZma^k maZg pZbm _hk ma^ [b` ]kbgdbg` k^eZm^] ]^Zmal h\\nk ZggnZeer% nicate better with iZk^gm _hk ^qihlbg` abl hk a^k \abe] mh Fhgmr \Zk^^k% B obob]er k^f^f[^k ieZrbg` Gbgm^g]h Zm mahl^ bg ma^k^8 MaZmĂ?l to blacks the 1960s. no waitminority list exBlaming +*' inMa^ bgbmbZmbo^ lZrl maZm ehp^kbg` students to preventan ethnic Irmahg _befl bg ma^ _hnkma `kZ]^' Hhil' Zefhlm Zl ik^ihlm^khnl Zl _khf \Zk Z\\b]^gml mh ahfb\b]^ hk lnb\b]^' The fr _kb^g]Ă?l ahnl^ pa^g abl fhma^k% bg Z Ă&#x160;E^Zo^ FBI reports that 16 perwould be regarded as racist and isted at all. confusion in the _^^e NembfZm^er% B ]hgĂ?m mhh [hma^k^] Z[hnm _bg]bg` iaZkfZ\^nmb\Zel bg Bm mh ;^Zo^kĂ&#x2039; _Zlabhg% Zld^] nl b_ p^Ă?] ebd^ lhf^ Ik^lb]^gm CZf^l LiZgbheh lZrl the maZm cent ofma^ Z`^ ebfbml pbee \nk[ [bg`^ ]kbgdbg` all hate crimes are due intolerable, while accusing She was given fr k^o^eZmbhg' B ]hgĂ?m iZkmb\neZker fbg] fr rhnk pZm^k lniier' \ah\heZm^ fbed' B eZn`a^] Zm _bklm% Zllnfbg` la^ future. Zg] \eZla^l pbma ma^ eZp Ă&#x2030; fZdbg` fhk^ k^l^Zk\a g^^]l mh [^ ]hg^ [^_hk^ ma^ to sexual orientation bias. So Church is convenient and easy, beK_\ J_fik_fie1 8ekfe`eX ;f\jZ_\i said `hm mh that lahp fr ;^rhg] fr jnZefl pbma iZlm Zl ma^ [Z] bg_en^g\^' aB letter pZl Zldbg` Z ka^mhkb\Ze jn^lmbhg' shouldng]^kZ`^ we wait until we have cause it is tolerated. ]kbgdbg` l^^f e^ll `eZfhkhnl _kb^g]l lhf^ h_ ma^ _nggb^lm fZm^kbZe ma^ mZlm^ Zg] gnmkbmbhgZe ngbo^klbmr \Zg mZd^ Z ihlbmbhg' La^ pZlgĂ?m' toSan show upZkhng] on another Matthew Shepard G?@CC@G 9FN;<E Finally, when the Francisco lbg\^ bm phne] [^ e^`Ze' Ng]^kZ`^ bl toghm `hbg` toZpZr' oZen^ h_ HoZembg^ Ă&#x2030; Zg] pZr [^_hk^ ma^rĂ?] _bgZeer [k^Zd ma^ laZ\de^l h_ Ebd^ King Zgr *)&r^Zk&he] pbma Z [kZbg Zg] Zg eb^8 Fhlm \hee^`^ lmn]^gml Zk^ ho^k *1% lh the first day]kbgdbg` of classes attempt or Lawrence tragedy Mayor declares Proposition 8 will ma^bk iZk^gmlĂ? bg_en^g\^ Zg] l^^ bm ma^fl^eo^l' bml _Z\Z]^ h_ eb^l Ă&#x2030; B pZl Fhk^ ikhi^glbmr _hk \Zobmb^l% B ^q\bm^]er ma^r Zk^ \hglb]^k^] Z]neml' Ma^r \Zg ohm^% Lhf^ fbghkl `^m _Zd^ B=l hk `^m he]^k eZpl Zk^ ghm ma^ lhenmbhg' Ma^r on our Z\abg` hands? grabhurt a dorm room from no-show stuthe stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s economy, we have a B ]hgĂ?m dghp b_ ma^r ^o^k jnbm maZm HoZembg^ abm fZkkb^]% pbma Z lmnggbg` k^o^eZmbhg Z[hnm fr \hne] [^ Z iZkm h_ ma^ ikh[e^f' lZb] r^l' hk Fbgnm^l iZll^]% k^Zii^Zk^] Marriage and other _kb^g]l \eZllfZm^l mh Zg] [nr la^ ma^ Ze\hahe% `^m [nr mh[Z\\h% l^ko^ bg ma^ complete picture of what all this is about: dents on a first-come first-serve basis. k^eZmbhglabil pbma fr _kb^g]l pahl^ iZk^gml my mahn`a' BmĂ?l Z [Z] l\^g^% fZg' pbma mph `eZll^l maZm `Zo^ ^o^kr bfik^llbhg h_ rights [nm Zefhlm ^o^krhg^ Z`k^^l maZm ng]^kZ`^ are not like Trix cerights, and more for my own self, seems like rights a chaotic situation â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Ma^ Lahkmahkg ^]bmhkbZe [hZk] &This _hk\^] ma^f bgmh ma^bk ZihlmZlr h_ ink^ and money \hgmZbgbg` fbed' B Z\\^im^] Z `eZll fbebmZkr Zg] ebo^ Zehg^' real. They are for\ah\heZm^ everyone, Ă&#x2021; G_`cc`g 9fn[\e `j X Zfdglk\i jZ`\eZ\ ale`fi â&#x20AC;&#x201D; they are fighting not only against show up, wait around and get assigned \ah\heZm^ fbed' Zg] [khn`am bm jnb\der mh fr ebil' Xe[ Zfclde`jk ]fi K_\ J_fik_fie% not just those living akin to love, they are fighting for profit. to a room if someone doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t show up. religious standards. And as Do we need to have a All we are really interested in is satisfying She settled an off-campus apartmuch as you may try â&#x20AC;&#x153;tolerAs a for result, more than half of right in order for love to exist? love for oneself. students up for number of slower than most students are, and the Bursarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s atingâ&#x20AC;? ussign gays, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;rea certain not ment, living whichand is more The argument that marriage is all marriages end upalone, in divorce, we always class hours, and thepeople. result is posted in the office is less than diligent about skimming off silly rabbits. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re expensive. a right is a fallacy. want more rights.She said she feels less safe university system. the universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s percentage before sending the If love is a right, then we Among all this, love is be found. than she would onnowhere campus.toBut at least Financial however, does not consult leftovers to the eager student. C<KK<IJ â&#x20AC;&#x201D;aid, Anthony should agree with polygaPerhaps the only good thing that will have she found a definitive solution instead the documented Standing in line at the start of a semester Williamsplan is a of the student and base mist marriages, in so far come out of the protests over same-sex mar^iflg kf jfcm\ Zfdgc\o gifYc\dj Xi\ k_\ ^i\Xk\jk <e^c`j_ dXafij Xe[# jligi`j`e^cp# _`^_\i k_Xe \Zf$ of just showing up the first day and disbursement decisions on this information. at the Bursarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office, orassitting with a â&#x20AC;&#x153;now DXk_ dXb\j \oZ\cc\ek dXafij# broadcast news it is motivated by real riage is a mirror for the sorry and anti-human Xjj\kj f] X dXk_\dXk`Z`Xe% efd`Zj Xe[ Z_\d`jkip dXafij% Rather,senior the system assumes a full course load servingâ&#x20AC;? number slip in hand at the Financial hoping she got a spot. and love. state of our own society. d`efij ]fi afY jXk`j]XZk`fe @ek\iej_`g# i\j\XiZ_ Xe[ fk_\i fggfikle`k`\j ]fi andScene awards grants, scholarships and loans Aid office,8ZZfi[`e^ kf k_\ jXcXip jlim\p ]fi Zfcc\^\ [\$ reveals that thisIfflawed concept Some students who decided to stay editor we do refuse it, we dXk_\dXk`Zj dXafij `eZcl[\ jlg\im`j\[ jldd\i ^i\\j i\gfik\[ Xk # k_\ d\Xe to cover for theThe maximum possible expenditure frustrates the best plansnnn%gXpjZXc\%Zfd ofmust the most-prepared at home and commute are suffering admit that we are â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Sylvain Rey is an anthropology senior i\j\XiZ_ `e I\j\XiZ_ <og\i`\eZ\j ]fi Le[\i^iX[l$ jXcXip f] X [\^i\\ _fc[\i n`k_ X 9XZ_\cfij f] 8ik =fi LK8 le[\i^iX[lXk\ jkl[\ekj n_f Xi\ of a full-time student. The most likely logic and forward-thinking student. Shorthorn columnist all guilty of discriminaShorthorn from and gas aprices, and for theThe inconvenience Xk\j gif^iXdj fe mXi`flj le`m\ij`kp ZXdglj\j# `e dXk_ `j .-#-'/ `] _\ fi j_\ nfibj Xj Xe XZklXip#
K_\ Nfic[ `j
B_ rhn p^k^ ^o^k Z [Z] bg_en^g\^% [eZf^ ma^ \ah\heZm^ fbed
Heaps of Hypocrisy
Students must be diligent and forward-thinking to succeed, but the favor isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t always returned
your VIEW
before registering, then they must do so well in \Zee^] _hk a^ei' be legal? advancemarriage of the startshould of the semester. Students Ă&#x2030; KZr >]pZk] ;n__bg`mhg BO bl Z ikbgm chnk& :g] fhlm bfihkmZgmer% ]hgĂ?m e^m decide if they can afford to be full or part time, gZeblf l^gbhk Zg] \henfgblm _hk Ma^ Lahkmahkg rhnk \^e^[kZmbhg mnkg bgmh Z mkZ`^]r' then make jobAnswer decisionsonline accordingly. at Before financial aid decisions are made, THE SHORTHORN .com
MZd^ Z @Zg]^k
Ma^ Lahkmahkg ^]bmhk&bg&\ab^_ p^e\hf^l ma^ g^p l\ahhe r^Zk% ^g\hnkZ`^l k^Z]^kl mh ib\d ni ma^ g^pliZi^k for this is to make certain that the full-time Nontraditional students often have much k_`eb`e^ f] af`e`e^ k_\ nfib]fiZ\ X]k\i ^iX[lXk`fe# @
`ek\iej_`gj Xk E8J8 Xe[ fk_\i ^fm\ied\ek cXYfiX$ 0/#/+. ]fi Xe `e]fidXk`fe k\Z_efcf^p dXeX^\i# of a commute. studentjl^^\jk X dXk_ dXafi# X [lXc dXafi n`k_ dXk_ Y\`e^ has every centime available to get his more experience in the private sector than in kfi`\j# Xkk\e[XeZ\ Xk dXk_ d\\k`e^j Xe[ Zfe]\i\eZ$ Xe[ 0-#0*( ]fi X j\e`fi jf]knXi\ \e^`e\\i% Confusion like this could havep^^der been \`k_\i k_\ gi`dXip fi j\Zfe[Xip dXafi# fi Xk c\Xjk Pabe^ lhf^ phne] lZr ma^ g^pl l^\mbhg bl E^mĂ?l mZd^ Z g^p ehhd Zm Ma^ Lahkmahkgacademia ' or her semester rolling. and other government bureaucracies. eZng\a bml g^p \j# d\dY\ij_`gj `e dXk_ jfZ`\k`\j Xe[ `e[`m`[lXc Gif]\jj`feXc ^iX[lXk\ jZ_ffcj `e Ylj`e\jj# cXn# X dXk_ d`efi% avoided if housing communicated with ma^ [kZbgl% ma^ hibgbhg l^\mbhg bl ]^_bgbm^er Ma^ lmn]^gm&kng g^pliZi^k aZl mph `hZel ^gm^kmZbgf^gm `nb]^ maZm If a student has chosen not to attend full For many, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quite a culture shock to see how Xe[ d\[`Z`e\ cfm\ Xggc`ZXekj n`k_ Xe le[\i^iX[lXk\ i\j\XiZ_ le[\i ]XZlckp jlg\im`j`fe% ma^ a^Zkm h_ Ă&#x2030; made mh ik^l^gm Z\\nkZm^ bg_hkfZmbhg Z[hnm Ma^ Lahkmahkg ' P^Ă?ee m^ee ma^ pbee \ho^k blln^l% \nemnk^ time and the decision clear by registering lenient university administration is toward students more efficiently. Lek`c XYflk ('$(, p\Xij X^f# k_\ afY gifjg\Zkj K_\ LK8 jkl[\ek Z_Xgk\i f] k_\ DXk_\dXk`ZXc dXk_ dXafi% blln^l \hgg^\m^] mh ma^ \hffngbmr Zg] ikh& _Z\ml% lmZm^ hnk lmZg\^ Zg] lheb\bm _^^][Z\d Ă&#x2030; for less-than-full-time hours, he or she is still mediocre, and worse, performance. ]fi dXk_ dXafij n\i\ \`k_\i efk m\ip ^ff[ fi c`d$ The lack of Zg] ^o^gml hg Zg] [^rhg] communication creates 8jjfZ`Xk`fe f] 8d\i`ZX _Xj Y`n\\bcp d\\k`e^j ]ifd LK8Ă&#x2039;j DXk_\dXk`Zj ;\gXikd\ek f]]\ij gif^iXdj EDITORIAL/OUR ob]^ Z _hknf _hk k^Z]^kl' P^ pbee nl^ ^o^kr pa^k^ rhn important \hf^ bg' VIEW P^ pZgm mh hnk \Zfinl' issued the full-time funds, and when financial OnemaZmĂ?l of the most lessons a dghp effe kf ()1,' g%d% N\[e\j[Xpj `e G`ZbXi[ ?Xcc# `k\[% Efn# \m\ipk_`e^ `j [`]]\i\ek% @ nflc[ Xi^l\ k_Xk ]fi le[\i^iX[lXk\j c\X[`e^ kf 9XZ_\cfi f] 8ikj fi a negative experience for incoming l^\mbhg bg ma^ iZi^k mh Z\\hfiebla cnlm maZm' rhn L^g] is nl the rhnk e^mm^kl% pkbm^ n_\i\ Zlii\ek Xe[ gifjg\Zk`m\ dXk_ dXafij Xe[ Ghm bgmh lihkml8 MZd^ aid decides to do its homework after the fact, studentpaZm can get atmabgd' a university collateral k_\i\ _Xj e\m\i Y\\e X Y\kk\i k`d\ kf Y\ X dXk_ 9XZ_\cfi f] JZ`\eZ\# Xe[ fli dXafij `e k_\j\ gif$ freshmen and other students living on E^mĂ?l ehhd funded Zm paZm fZmm^kl mh rhn3 Z `n^lm \henfg% ehhd _hk p^^der iheel hg ma^ Zghma^k ehhd ma^ l^\mbhg' it discovers thatmZd^ it hasZ fully a part-time education of example, poor and good. Before dXafi# Xe[ LK8 `j X m\ip ^ff[ gcXZ\ ]fi `k% jfd\ dXk_ ^iX[lXk\ jkl[\ekj Xe[ ]XZlckp ^Xk_\i ^iXdj i\Z\`m\ i`^fiflj kiX`e`e^ `e XYjkiXZk Xe[ cf^`$ campus. Accountability for mistakes AfY jXk`j]XZk`fe `j Xdfe^ k_\ _`^_\jk ]fi dXk_ mh]ZrĂ?l ^\hghfr% ma^ bg^obmZ[e^ iZ`^ Zg] ohm^ hgebg^' Mabl bl rhnk _hknf' Ma^k^Ă?l fhk^ mh Zmae^m^l studentlnkobobg` and snapsbg the money back again. launching into the private sector, be certain `e]fidXccp kf \eafp k_\ ]i\\ cleZ_# c`jk\e kf `e[ljki`Xc ZXc i\Xjfe`e^# Zi`k`ZXc k_`eb`e^# dXk_\dXk`ZXc XeXcp$ made will give the University Housing [\^i\\ _fc[\ij% @e k_\ (000 \[`k`fe f] AfYj IXk\[ jn^lmbhg Ă&#x160;PaZm ghp8Ă&#x2039;% MZd^ ehhd management Zm ppp'ma^lahkmahkg'\hf maZg ieZr^k lmZmblmb\l' ' Bm dXk_\dXk`Z`Xej kXcb XYflk ZXi\\i fggfikle`k`\j# Financial Aid Z_m^k Office `kZ]nZmbhg% notifies the Bursarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to know that Z this style is j`j# gifYc\d jfcm`e^# Xe[ ZfdglkXk`feXc j`dlcXk`fej% 8cdXeXZ # k_\ dXk_\dXk`Z`Xe iXeb\[ ]`]k_ f] ),' more credibility when trying to diffuse ?khf ma^ N'L' ik^lb]^gm office oflmZrbg` lZg^ bg Z lmk^ll_ne ^gobkhgf^gm Zg]% the award amount, and the Bursar only effective in the specialized bubble of K_\p Xi\ n\cc$gi\gXi\[ ]fi X n`[\ iXe^\ f] ZXi\\ij For one day a year,\hgmbgn^l mh ^qiZg] pbma fnembf^]bZ m^eebg` you can put up with family for turkey,c\Xie XYflk `ek\iej_`gj Xe[ `ek\iXZk n`k_ \XZ_ canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t you? <D@CP KFD8E gif]\jj`fej YXj\[ fe k_\ j`o Zi`k\i`X f] `eZfd\# `e `e[ljkip# ]`eXeZ\# \[lZXk`fe# Xe[ ^fm\ied\ek% h_ \hnkl^% fZdbg` l^gl^ h_ ^e^\mbhg \ho^kZ`^ mh ma^ Lmn]^gm <hg`k^ll \hfi^eebg` lmhkb^l Z[hnm paZmĂ?l aZii^gbg` fk_\i% withholds owed tuition and fees and only academia. the situation. jki\jj# g_pj`ZXc [\dXe[j# gfk\ek`Xc ^ifnk_# afY Kf c\Xie dfi\ XYflk ZXi\\i# `ek\iej_`g# Xe[ N_`c\ fYkX`e`e^ dXk_ [\^i\\j ]ifd fli [\gXik$ makhpg hnm ^o^kr ]Zr' ik^lb]^gm% bmĂ?l l^f^lm^k ma^ \hee^`^ \hffngbmr' BmĂ?l rhnk lmhi disburses the remaining amount to the Andbg if you want a career where incompetence Betterimportant communication The most thingand toZ more Thanksgiving is a funny holiday. Uncle Freddy! Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll either try to hit fk_\i fggfikle`k`\j ]fi dXk_ dXafij# gc\Xj\ Z_\Zb d\ek# n\ jkife^cp \eZfliX^\ fli dXafij kf [\m\cfg P^Ă?ee mZ\de^ blln^l maZm Z__^\m rhnk ih\d^m _hk ^e^\mbhg \ho^kZ`^ steer Zg] clear ni]Zm^l maZm pbee h_ g^p e^Z]^kl Zg] b]^Zl' Lh chbg nl bg mZdbg` student.j\Zli`kp Xe[ nfib \em`ifed\ek% @e ]XZk# k_\ XZklXip When a pupil gets that lovely, life- is not grounds for dismissal, of the proactive measures in anticipation of jfd\fe\ n_f [f\j i`jb XeXcpj`j iXebj j\Zfe[% during Thanksgiving Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;scheck, meant toshe celebrate family, onab`aeb`am you, or give a â&#x20AC;&#x153;sensualâ&#x20AC;? back k_\ c`ebj Xk k_\ jkife^ fiXc Xe[ ni`kk\e Zfddle`ZXk`fe jb`ccj# ^X`e _kkg1&&fd\^X%lkX%\[l&uXbkfjle&le$ [hhd% ^]n\Zmbhg Zg] ho^kZee p^ee&[^bg`' P^Ă?ee Z g^p ehhd Zm lmn]^gm bgoheo^f^gm Zg] Ma^ the Lahkmahkg Ă&#x2030; ma^ hnme^m saving he or can reasonably assume private sector and get you a cushy position in an [k^Zd remember such a scenario will make the K_\ )'', EXk`feXc 8jjfZ`Xk`fe f] :fcc\^\j Xe[ XeXcpk`ZXc Xe[ ZfdglkXk`feXc jb`ccj# Xe[ c\Xie kf [\i^iX[lXk\j # fi m`j`k k_\ ]flik_ ]cffi f] G`ZbXi[ rub, which will upset Finals week is near. Useback-tothe and being thankful for _ehZm inm mh k^lm ma^ knfhkl maZm ]hpg blln^l' :g] your pa^g Aunt [k^Zdbg` g^pl holiday: _hk bm Zee' thattogetherness tuition and fees are^e^\mbhg covered, and must institution of d^r higher education. <dgcfp\ij jlim\p ZfdgXi\[ Xm\iX^\ jkXik`e^ XeXcpq\ gifYc\dj n`k_ X dXk_\dXk`Z`XeĂ&#x2039;j gi\Z`j`fe# ?Xcc%school transition much easier. Zkhng] bg gZmbhgZe g^pl' P^Ă?ee la^] eb`am hg aZii^gl% rhn \Zg _bg] bm ma^k^ mhh' budget the checkThe received for aofsemesterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s break to decompress and think about Linda, and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll lose out on eating something. majority us canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t jXcXi`\j ]fi jkl[\ekj Yp le[\i^iX[lXk\ dXafi# Xe[ bfihkmZgm k^l^Zk\a aZii^gbg` a^k^ Zg] paZm ;nm Hale e^mĂ?l isghm _hk`^m mZd^ Z ehhd Zm >fber MhfZg bl Z chnkgZeblf l^gbhk Zg] â&#x20AC;&#x201D;X g_pj`Z`jkĂ&#x2039;j `ekl`k`fe Xe[ Xe \e^`e\\iĂ&#x2039;j giXZk`ZXc`kp% Cliff a film junior and a copy worth of books, ramen etc.the year, Ă&#x2021; KleZXp 8bkfjle `j X gif]\jjfi f] dXk_\dXk`Zj Xk LK8% stand our rent, family the soup, rest of her incredible pecan pie.mh Do not pay what&&youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re for. editorial board ]fi dXk_ dXafij `k nXj *.%. g\iZ\ek _`^_\i k_Xe ]fi 9\`e^ XYc\ kf `ek\iXZk n`k_ fk_\ij Xe[ nfib `e X â&#x20AC;&#x201D;thankful The Shorthorn bm \hne] f^Zg mh rhn' ^gm^kmZbgf^gm' Ma^ pbee lhhg Ma^ Lahkmahkg ^]bmhk&bg&\ab^_ h_ The Shorthorn editor forLahkmahkg Regretfully, the financial aid process is
The â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in Thanksgiving Means Tolerance
Remember that we but for the savory flavor of turkey and attention to what your are in critical times stuffing, we endure their shenanigans Grandma says regarding EDITORIAL your appearance or love right now, with a every fourth Thursday in November. ROUNDUP Results from shaky economy and life. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just a bitter, If the Native Americans and The issue: :8EEFE =F;;<I Yp @jXXZ <i`Zbjfe English settlers could stand each old hag who will likely uncertainty in the world, Wednesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Poll: K?< LJL8C 9P K8PCFI <D<IJFE >@99FEJ THE USUAL BY TAYLOR EMERSON GIBBONS Results from PaZm phne] rhn lZr mh lhf^hg^ The Thanksgiving Holiday croak soon. and spending time other during the first Thanksgiving, Wednesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Poll: Do you think books will become is upon us. pah ieZgl mh [bg`^ ]kbgd ho^k likbg` [k^Zd8 with family should be a though they harbored ill feelings This holiday is also Do you even think the legal drinking obsolete in the future? We suggest: appropriate because priority this one day. Of toward each other, so can you. age should beĂ&#x2C6;;feĂ&#x2039;k [i`eb lowered to 18? Ă&#x2C6;9\ ZXi\]lc% Ă&#x2C6;;feĂ&#x2039;k [f `k% Take a break from studycourse, use the time after the weight gain from There are other reasons to show up `] pflĂ&#x2039;i\ efk Befn pfli @kĂ&#x2039;j X nXjk\ f] Old question ing, think about what youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Thanksgiving to study for Thanksgiving dinner besides the c`d`k# Xe[ jkXp the turkey meal and )(% 9lk `] pfl k`d\# Xe[ `kĂ&#x2039;j thankful for, and enjoy the aljk efk nfik_ endless pieces of pie for final exams, finish food. [f [i`eb# Y\ If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re planning to come out XnXp ]ifd P^ pZgm mh dghp paZm rhn i\jgfej`Yc\ gcXZ\j pfl `k%Ă&#x2030;day-long turkeybinge. No final projects and turn of the closet, or reveal youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re having will prepare you for the Yes Do you think the Xe[ _Xm\ Xi\ le]Xd`c`Xi mabgd Z[hnm blln^l _Z\bg` 61% to the leftover turkey as a sex X Yl[[p change, 39% takes Yes No this is the day to do n`k_%Ă&#x2030; winter season. Extra fat NM: lmn]^gml% lh p^Ă?k^ university sustenance for late night it. Shock value to the family dinner means extra warmth jpjk\d%Ă&#x2030; abmmbg` ma^ iZo^f^gm mh _bg] 43% 57% responsibility for hnm pa^k^ rhn lmZg]' cram sessions. adds more sweetness to the canned â&#x20AC;&#x201D; you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to rely on that administrative errors? unsightly parka. Sure, your beloved cranberry sauce. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Julie Sanchez for The Shorthorn will probably physically despise you, Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also fun to see a familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Answer online at editorial board different personality types clash at but at least youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll save on your heating E`bb` Fkk# >ljkXmf ?l\ikXj# <i`e 9cffd# The Shorthorn: Marissa Hall Number of voters: 33 gjpZ_fcf^p ]i\j_dXe <e^c`j_ j\e`fi THE SHORTHORN .com Zfddle`ZXk`fe ]i\j_dXe the dinner table. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sit next to bill.
your rhnk
Your View - Polls OB>P DoVIEW you think the drinking age should be lowered to 18? Answer online at www.theshorthorn.com Number of voters: 47
Since 1919
Lbg\^ *2*2
The Shorthorn: Marissa Hall
XyXyXy: XyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXyXy. Xy
>=BMHK&BG&<AB>? >=BMHK&BG&<AB>? EDITOR-IN-CHIEF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF <Zllb^ Lfbma >fber MhfZg Emily Toman Emily Toman >&F:BE E-MAIL E-MAIL >&F:BE ^]bmhk'lahkmahkg9nmZ'^]n editor.shorthorn@uta.edu editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Volume 83, No. Xy ^]bmhk'lahkmahkg9nmZ'^]n www.theshorthorn.com
The Shorthorn is the official student newspaper of the Ma^ Lahkmahkg bl ma^ h__b\bZe lmn]^gm g^pliZi^k h_ ma^ Ma^ Lahkmahkg bl ma^ h__b\bZe lmn]^gm g^pliZi^k h_ ma^ The Shorthorn is the official student newspaper of the University of Texas at Arlington and is published four Ngbo^klbmr h_ M^qZl Zm :kebg`mhg Zg] bl in[ebla^] _hnk Ngbo^klbmr h_ M^qZl Zm :kebg`mhg Zg] bl in[ebla^] _hnk University of Texas at Arlington and is published four times weekly during fall and spring semesters, and mbf^l p^^der ]nkbg` _Zee Zg] likbg` l^f^lm^kl% Zg] mbf^l p^^der ]nkbg` _Zee Zg] likbg` l^f^lm^kl% Zg] times weekly during fall and spring semesters, and twice weekly during the summer sessions. Unsigned mpb\^ p^^der ]nkbg` ma^ lnff^k l^llbhgl' Nglb`g^] mpb\^ p^^der ]nkbg` ma^ lnff^k l^llbhgl' Nglb`g^] twice weekly during the summer sessions. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of THE SHORTHORN ^]bmhkbZel Zk^ ma^ hibgbhg h_ MA> LAHKMAHKG >=B& ^]bmhkbZel Zk^ ma^ hibgbhg h_ MA> LAHKMAHKG editorials are the opinion of THE SHORTHORN EDITORIAL BOARD and do not necessarily reflect the MHKB:E ;H:K= Zg] ]h ghm g^\^llZkber k^_e^\m ma^ >=BMHKB:E ;H:K= Zg] ]h ghm g^\^llZkber k^_e^\m ma^ EDITORIAL BOARD and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of individual student writers or editors, Shorthibgbhgl h_ bg]bob]nZe lmn]^gm pkbm^kl hk ^]bmhkl% Lahkm& hibgbhgl h_ bg]bob]nZe lmn]^gm pkbm^kl hk ^]bmhkl% Lahkm& opinions of individual student writers or editors, Short-
horn advisers or university administration. LETTERS ahkg Z]obl^kl hk ngbo^klbmr Z]fbgblmkZmbhg' E>MM>KL ahkg Z]obl^kl hk ngbo^klbmr Z]fbgblmkZmbhg' E>MM>KL horn advisers or university administration. LETTERS should be limited to 300 words. They may be edited lahne] [^ ebfbm^] mh ,)) phk]l' Ma^r fZr [^ ^]bm^] lahne] [^ ebfbm^] mh ,)) phk]l' Ma^r fZr [^ ^]bm^] should be limited to 300 words. They may be edited for space, spelling, grammar and malicious or libelous _hk liZ\^% li^eebg`% `kZffZk Zg] fZeb\bhnl hk eb[^ehnl _hk liZ\^% li^eebg`% `kZffZk Zg] fZeb\bhnl hk eb[^ehnl for space, spelling, grammar and malicious or libelous statements. Letters must be the original work of the lmZm^f^gml' E^mm^kl fnlm [^ ma^ hkb`bgZe phkd h_ ma^ lmZm^f^gml' E^mm^kl fnlm [^ ma^ hkb`bgZe phkd h_ ma^ statements. Letters must be the original work of the writer and must be signed. For identification purposes, pkbm^k Zg] fnlm [^ lb`g^]' ?hk b]^gmb_b\Zmbhg inkihl^l% pkbm^k Zg] fnlm [^ lb`g^]' ?hk b]^gmb_b\Zmbhg inkihl^l% writer and must be signed. For identification purposes, letters also must include the writerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s full name, address e^mm^kl Zelh fnlm bg\en]^ ma^ pkbm^kĂ?l _nee gZf^% Z]]k^ll e^mm^kl Zelh fnlm bg\en]^ ma^ pkbm^kĂ?l _nee gZf^% Z]]k^ll letters also must include the writerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s full name, address and telephone number, although the address and teleZg] m^e^iahg^ gnf[^k% Zemahn`a ma^ Z]]k^ll Zg] m^e^& Zg] m^e^iahg^ gnf[^k% Zemahn`a ma^ Z]]k^ll Zg] m^e^& and telephone number, although the address and tele-
phone number will not be published. Students should iahg^ gnf[^k pbee ghm [^ in[ebla^]' Lmn]^gml lahne] iahg^ gnf[^k pbee ghm [^ in[ebla^]' Lmn]^gml lahne] phone number will not be published. Students should include their classification, major and their student ID bg\en]^ ma^bk \eZllb_b\Zmbhg% fZchk Zg] ma^bk lmn]^gm B= bg\en]^ ma^bk \eZllb_b\Zmbhg% fZchk Zg] ma^bk lmn]^gm B= include their classification, major and their student ID number, which is for identification purposes. The stugnf[^k% pab\a bl _hk b]^gmb_b\Zmbhg inkihl^l' Ma^ lmn& gnf[^k% pab\a bl _hk b]^gmb_b\Zmbhg inkihl^l' Ma^ lmn& number, which is for identification purposes. The student ID number will not be published. Signed columns ]^gm B= gnf[^k pbee ghm [^ in[ebla^]' Lb`g^] \henfgl ]^gm B= gnf[^k pbee ghm [^ in[ebla^]' Lb`g^] \henfgl dent ID number will not be published. Signed columns and letters to the editor reflect the opinion of the writer Zg] e^mm^kl mh ma^ ^]bmhk k^_e^\m ma^ hibgbhg h_ ma^ pkbm^k Zg] e^mm^kl mh ma^ ^]bmhk k^_e^\m ma^ hibgbhg h_ ma^ pkbm^k and letters to the editor reflect the opinion of the writer and serve as an open forum for the expression of facts Zg] l^ko^ Zl Zg hi^g _hknf _hk ma^ ^qik^llbhg h_ _Z\ml Zg] l^ko^ Zl Zg hi^g _hknf _hk ma^ ^qik^llbhg h_ _Z\ml and serve as an open forum for the expression of facts or opinions of interest to The Shorthornâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s readers. hk hibgbhgl h_ bgm^k^lm mh Ma^ LahkmahkgĂ?l k^Z]^kl' or hk hibgbhgl h_ bgm^k^lm mh Ma^ LahkmahkgĂ?l k^Z]^kl' opinions of interest to The Shorthornâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s readers.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Page 5
Egg Donation
Egg Donation
The Shorthorn is seeking a Courier for the spring semester. Must be a UTA work-study student with a clean driving record available to work 3 morning or afternoon hours per day, Mon - Fri. Apply online at www.uta.edu/snapjob
The Shorthorn
The Shorthorn is seeking a Receptionist for the spring semester. Must be a UTA work-study student available to work Tuesday & Thursday; 12:30-5:00 Apply online at www.uta.edu/snapjob
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is currently accepting applications for the following positions for the Spring Semester; • Reporter • Sports Reporter • Copy Editor • Ad Sales Rep • Photographer • Ad Artist • Page Designer • Editorial Cartoonist • Columnist • Illustrator • Online Assistant • Graphic Artist
For more information call 817-272-3188
Get a job description and an application TODAY! Student Publications Dept. University Center, lower level. Also available online at: www.TheShorthorn.com All are paid positions for UTA students. For more information call; 817-272-3188 Bartender Apprentice wanted $$$$$$$$$$$$ Showdown (817)-233-5430 Make up to $75 taking online surveys. www.cashtospend.com SURVEY TAKERS NEEDED: Make $5-$25 per survey. Do it in your spare time. www. GetPaidToThink.com Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra Seeks P/T Rep. Must be able to work flexible hrs. 10-25 hrs/wk, daytime, evenings & weekends; Sales, customer service or retail experience required. Fax or e-mail only, cover letter & resume to: tojobs@fwsymphony.org fax: (817) 665-6100
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DR. RUTH Q: I am a 31-year-old gay male and am tired of hiding all the time. Any suggestions for telling the people I love without driving them away?
nothing. It may be worth keeping them in the dark, at least officially, as they might know but choose to ignore the truth so that you can go to every family function without feeling put upon. But as I said, every case is different, so get some help so that you can successfully navigate your family waters.
A: I don't know your family, so it's a little hard to answer, but while it's always difficult for a gay person to tell their family, and sometimes it causes Q: My recent girlproblems in the beginfriend got a virus and told ning, very often after me about it. Now I notice some time passes, the that I have a lot of itching news isn't so shocking to and what look like little them. But that's not true in Dr. Ruth water blisters in the genievery case, and you know Send your tal area. Should I go to my your family best. My questions to Dr. advice would be to tell Ruth Westheimer regular doctor, or an STD clinic at a hospital? And certain people who you c/o King what do you think it is? think will be the most Features accepting, and then Syndicate, 235 E. A: I wouldn't try to maybe they can help you 45th St., New guess what it is, but even tell other family mem- York, NY 10017 though it seems like a sexbers. And it's always a good idea to visit a therapist who ually transmitted disease, since you specializes in this area. A therapist have a doctor, I would go to see that who has helped hundreds of gay doctor first. If your doctor cannot people with this issue will be able figure out what it is, then I'm sure to give you good advice and make he or she would send you somesure that you come through the place else for further tests, but I feel process in the best shape possible. confident that your doctor will be And, of course, there may be some able to identify the virus and tell loved ones to whom it's best to say you what happens next.
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The ShorThorn
continued from page 1
Latifi said that when he started grad school, he felt like a freshman with a lot more to do and had a hard time concentrating, so the program really helped him. “It’s just like workout buddies at the gym,” he said. “Only difference is you’re working out your homework together. Doesn’t matter who you are, the goals are all the same.” Some opportunities to join
lunch with my friend, but I was forced to remain hungry until I was allowed back in the Connection Cafe,” he said. If he’s required to have a meal plan to live at Arlington Hall, then he could be able to eat anytime. “We should either have freedom to consume our meals whenever we please, or we should be refunded for meals we don’t use,” he said. International business freshman Canyon Wendt, a Kalpana Chawla Hall resident, feels the same way. Wendt also has the Gold Plan and currently has 116 meals left, which he must use in less than three weeks. “I think it’s ridiculous that we have to pay that much,” he said. “I know for some of my friends, these are the only meals they get, so it can be frustrating.” He wouldn’t mind the plan if he were able to share them with his friends and family. “If my dad comes to visit the campus, he can’t even get a meal from the plan that he’s paying for,” he said. Dining Services director Elizabeth Cheong said that it’s important for students to look at their schedules to see what times they can eat.
MArk BAuer news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
study groups come from organization participation, but students can also initiate groups. Biology junior Brittanie Pipkins said meeting classmates and forming a four- or five-person group can help keep people focused. “Get to know people in your class and set up a schedule that works best for everyone and build a study group,” she said. “I would gather with those who are focused and regularly attend lecture.”
Creek continued from page 1
negative effects of traditional development.” Hopman said many LID practices are being considered like depressions in the earth, which will hold water running off a sidewalk or building — instead
AnnA kAtzkovA news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
of the current system of using a berm, a mound of soil that guides the water from a sidewalk to the drains. Hopman describes the LID practice as going from “gray to green” and the old system as “gray to gray.” “What we’re trying to do is go from gray, off the hard surface, onto something green that will clean it, slow it down, take some of the hydrocarbons and
3408 S. Collins
take some of the nitrogen out,” he said. Hopman said that most of the water on campus flows from parking lots and sidewalks directly into the drain or from green spaces to the harmful areas then a drain. He and his students understand the creek may not be returned to a pristine ecological condition, but at least to a pre-
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development condition. They are also considering how it can be captured, used and expressed. “And in conjunction with that, we’re looking at how might the stream be designed to provide habitat for what kind of critters might go well here,” he said. “This is kind of like a little ecological pocket.” He said the areas could be a site for an environmental studies
Students on meal plans can’t roll over their meal allowances into the next semester. The university does not offer refunds for unused meals, but students’ remaining dining dollars, which can be used in the Plaza Food Court, transfer to the spring semester.
building in the future. “If they were going to have an environmental studies department on campus then it might make sense to have it somewhere where you have potential for an ecological-looking area where students can study critters,” he said. Jared Sylor, landscape architecture graduate student, said the class will present the ideas
to the President’s Sustainability Committee next month. “Whether or not it gets built all depends on what they think of our design,” he said. “If they like our design, if we’re able to convince them that our solutions are best for the campus and downstream of the campus.” SArAh lutz news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
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popular for both its food and hookah lounge, twice a week. He said one of his friends visits every night. Café manager Adel, who wouldn’t give his full name, confirmed that hookahs are popular and remains unconvinced the health effects are as bad as experts say. “If that’s the case, I’d probably be dead by now. It’s mainly for the flavors,” he said. “It’s not good. It’s still smoke, but it doesn’t have the same effects.” He believes hookahs aren’t as harmful because of availability. “Cigarettes you can smoke
continued from page 1
continued from page 1
She also added that friends and family are able to use dining dollars, but not meal plans. “Meals are for the students only to ensure that they have enough meals throughout the semester,” she said. Dining dollars roll over from the fall to the next semester, expiring at the end of the spring semester, but meal allowances don’t roll over. Cheong said meal allowances are designed to carry students throughout the semester. “There are currently four allowable meal swipes per day for each student,” she said. “Allowing more than four per day will quickly deplete students out of meals before the end of the semester.” Cheong is part of the Food Service Committee, which meets monthly to discuss the likes, concerns and nutrition of students. Resident assistants from each residence hall speak on behalf of the students. She said Dining Services hasn’t received any complaints and that the percentage of students who lose money is low. Konty, Wendt and other students have lost money at the end of this semester. “It’s not as bad for me as it is for my parents,” he said. “I’m just frustrated with the system they have in place.”
Co o
24 hours a day,” he said. “With hookah, it’s a little more difficult.” Still, despite when or where tobacco products are used, Sandra Parker, Tarrant County Public Health medical director, said it’s unhealthy. “Tobacco use in any form is not healthy and is dangerous,” she said. Clark said he smoked cigarettes at the beginning of the semester but quit a few weeks later because of health reasons. When he learned about the study, he said he would also give up hookah. “I quit,” he said, “for the sake of my health.”
Page 6
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A W N TE D P L E H We are currently accepting applications for these positions for the spring semester.
Stop by our office in the lower level of the UC, call 817.272.3188 or visit www.theshorthorn.com for more information.
• Reporter • Sports Reporter • Copy Editor • Ad Sales Rep • Photographer • Ad Artist
• Page Designer • Editorial Cartoonist • Columnist • Illustrator • Online Assistant • Graphic Artist